The Dark Moon & Mercury in Scorpio
We are in the darkness of the Libra New Moon. Yes, this is a natural rest and reset moment which can relate to a ubiquitous zap of energy (that some people feel more strongly). But the New Moon is also a fresh beginning point. The next two weeks of the upward turning lunar cycle are conducive to the initiation of new paths.
This New Moon is particularly dark with the New Moon ruler, Venus, retrograde in Scorpio. There is more going on right now than you can presently see, especially in the context of relationships. Scorpio works on subterranean levels as does its modern ruler Pluto. The next few days are pivotal starting points for several Venus retrograde themes.
One side effect of this New Moon could be a gradual unveiling of concealed desires or hidden aspects of another. The Scorpio realms add more dimension and insight to what we consciously know about our reality. Mercury enters Scorpio Oct. 9 which gives the mind investigative prowess evident until the end of the month.
For mentally and perceptually dissecting just about anything, Mercury in Scorpio is optimal energy. Authenticity wins out over all things superficial. The subtext is more clearly discernable and false fronts rapidly dissolve, revealing the underlying vulnerability. Do what you will with such insight, but in this karmically charged landscape, you might do best to stick to what eases your conscience.