Alternate Paths: New Moon in Aquarius 2021
New Moon @ 23 degrees Aquarius 13'
February 11, 2021
11:07 AM Pacific Standard Time
2:07 PM Eastern Standard Time
As this month's New Moon arrives, we are given greater space to move more freely. With Venus, the last inner planet to clear the Saturn/Pluto conjunction zone, a significant layer of personal and collective weight has been lifted. Symbolically, this New Moon brings with it fresh currents to filter and clear any stagnant air in the form of new ideas, conversations, and perspectives.
Occurring in tropical air sign Aquarius, there is an emphasis with this New Moon on distinct Aquarian themes: individuation, collaboration, alienation, and innovative maneuvers. And with six objects currently occupying this sign, the Aquarian archetype dominates the moment.
One critical piece of this lies in Uranus and Mars' square to the Aquarian cluster zone. The inherent Aquarian polarity of individuation/alienation becomes significantly louder here, adding friction necessary to draw new distinctions between oneself and the tribe.
Yet, also at this moment, the individual and its agency, subjective experiences, and unique points of view can easily get drowned out and lost. Thinking for ourselves can be challenging when inundated with endless objective data points to reflect on. Groupthink or a herd mentality are pitfalls of Aquarius, in addition to apathy or antisocial tendencies.
As with every New Moon, there is something beginning to take hold, tangibly as much as psychically. Perhaps that represents a step forward in the direction of greater individuation, embracing new ways to think and act in accordance with authenticity. Mars' square compels action and initiation through the prodding of personal and collective agency.
Facing fears related to embodying individuality, such as the fear of rejection or cultural/social exclusion, can also emerge with this New Moon. Taking a unique path connected to that, perhaps stepping forward in a more confident way, or maybe backing and limiting some interaction altogether.
Mercury's retrograde cycle here in Aquarius urges a rethinking and retooling of how we are to represent ourselves and our collective endeavors, as well as our thoughts, perceptions, or opinions related to anything outside the bounds of normalcy. The modern Aquarian carries an edge, one that challenges the consensus as much as it seeks to distinctly define itself admist the herd.
And while there is some conflict contained in this fresh, new emergence (via a square to Mars), there is also a greater sense of expansion and a willingness to embrace alternative ideas, tactics and approaches. It's usually a good idea to trust the more unusual path when it comes to anything Aquarian, despite the inevitable detours and unforeseen end results.