I'm Chad. I’ve been passionate about astrology for nearly twenty years and have been counseling clients professionally since 2009. I discovered astrology in my early twenties alongside an array of other mind-expanding tools and experiences like tarot cards, psychedelics, and alternative spirituality. I began my studies primarily self-taught and used astrology for self-discovery until I began studying in workshops and with other professional astrologers, such as completing astrologer Steven Forrest's apprenticeship program in 2016. The foundation of my work is a blend of psychological and evolutionary astrology. However, I’m fascinated with the complex history of astrology and well versed in many ancient approaches and techniques and include a variety of perspectives in my work. I believe that a confluence of choice, creativity, karma, and destiny plays out in our lives, and astrology provides an alternative lens and script for a better understanding of and engagement with it. While the dominant materialist worldviews today limit reality to the surface, astrology takes us much deeper into the archetypal currents beneath our lives, allowing us to bring forth a richer, more nuanced, and meaningful story about who we are and what we're here to experience and fulfill. I also have a cultural anthropology background and extensive studies in psychology, herbalism, holistic health and wellness, and writing. I’m currently working on an MA in cultural astronomy and astrology through the University of Wales Trinity Saint David's Sophia Centre, which has significantly deepened my love of astrology and its history, as well as my understanding of its cultural context in the past and today.