Here We Go Again: New Moon In Virgo

New Moon @ 5 degrees Virgo
August 28, 2011
8:04 PM Pacific
11:04 PM Eastern

The flow of life seemingly contradicts our linear perception of time--sometimes we find ourselves back to a place we thought we had left behind, long ago. When the past re-emerges we can sometimes feel frustrated, because we "expected" something else entirely, and yet, sometimes our objectives must surrender to the fact that life is not linear as our minds are--it is cyclic, and it turns with the great wheel of creation and destruction which underlies the very fabric of our visible world.

The last lunation (New Moon) cycle reveled the theme of 'emerging from chaos', largely influenced by Mercury's retrograde cycle in Virgo/Leo conjoining Transpluto in opposition Neptune. This energy is not solely confined to that lunar cycle, because Mercury is carrying it further and to completion as it transits direct, and back through its shadow. When Mercury goes retrograde, there is actually a definitive three step process that is taking place, beyond the actual retrograde period itself.

When a planet goes retrograde is appears to be moving backwards, which is an optical illusion, but a rather convincing one. Before "going backwards", the planet passes through an area of the zodiac called the shadow, which is the location from which the planet will retrograde through. There are two shadow periods, and both are roughly two weeks in duration--the first introduces us to the themes and issues we will likely resolve during the retrograde itself, and the final shadow allows us a process of finishing up and resolving whatever was brought to our attention.

This lunation begins right at the tail-end of Mercury's retrograde cycle, just as it enters into the final shadow period, and so there is a pronounced blending and carry over of the process that began at the last lunar cycle. The final shadow ends on September 9th. Take a moment to review what has come up for you over the past few weeks. Who or what has re-emerged from the past? Do you see a deeper meaning behind it, what insight or perspective has it brought you? What have you needed to reconsider, have you been open to new perspectives, allowing yourself to see things differently? These are not random and meaningless events, they are deeply purposeful and have much to show us about ourselves. How are we consciously emerging from chaos and disorder, both as individuals and as a collective?

This New Moon takes place in the tropical sign of Virgo, within three degrees of conjunction with Venus. Virgo is the archetype of assimilation, which manifests as the impulse to create order out of chaos--organizing, cleaning, cleansing, purging, purifying,--and so often, compartmentalizing. Virgo likes to have everything in its proper place, not necessarily as a desire for perfection, but more as a need for functionality. Of course, on the darker end of Virgo we find all sorts of obsessive compulsive tendencies, but this is only when the energy is misdirected or blocked in some way.

This lunation presents us with some interesting aspect configurations and symbols, and all of them blend and corroborate with each other quite nicely. The New Moon itself is conjunct Venus, and forms a dynamic Grand Trine with Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Grand Trine configurations can be highly creative and inspirational, if we don't get caught up in an obsessive loop--the energies must be integrated and applied in some way, or they shut an individual off into their own world. This is a powerful earth grand trine, in fact, this new moon is quite earthy in nature--so we find ourselves focusing more on practical and down to earth concerns. This provides us the opportunity to gain more autonomy and self-sufficiency, and we may be presented with remnants of the past which can act as a catalysts for our growth.

We must be conscious, however, of an impulse to shut out others entirely, and focus only on our own self interests--believing that only we can do it, or that we don't need the help of others. The New Moon conjunct Venus is in an opposition to Chiron conjunct Neptune, so we are invited to reach out to a greater whole, perhaps even to larger spiritual forces for assistance. Combined with the New Moon's placement in Virgo, we see the perfect opportunity for re-organizing some things in our lives, more so relating to physical structures. This is an excellent opportunity for creative brainstorming. As Mercury slowly picks up speed, we can now begin moving forward, but again, not too fast.

There aren't a lot challenging aspects within the horoscope, we find only two prominent squares and one wide opposition. Mars in Cancer is square Saturn in Libra, and this can often have a rather irritating energy that comes with it. We are invited to move forward with caution and to do things slowly--be mindful and conscious with each step that you take, consider all the possibilities that surround you. Some unfinished business or projects from the past may emerge now, or possibly something that may not have much to do with you at all--you may find yourself doing things for other people or assisting in completing something you didn't start in the first place. This could feel like a distraction from your present course, but perhaps the purpose is to keep us from chasing our own tails and getting caught in a loop. This soon shall pass. When working on some project or important task, be mindful of resistances or others who may trigger you in some way--do what you can, but don't drain yourself either; if too much seems to be in the way, its probably best to back off and try another time.

So much of of this lunation echoes a process of building things back up, steadily and consciously, piece by piece. The previous lunar cycles may have also presented a financial dry spell, and it seems that this energy will begin to shift with this New Moon. Obviously, the nation is currently in the midst of many financial challenges, primarily because our current economic system is dysfunctional and is in process of transmutation--the reality is that many things are currently hanging on by a thread. I don't say this to be pessimistic, but merely practical--judging by the upcoming astrological configurations, there is much shifting that is about to take place, and we all have to take responsibility for ourselves and our place within this. Finding ways of becoming more self-sufficient is a good place to start, and just beginning with one step at a time toward more autonomy is the best that we can do right now.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon reads:

06 degrees Virgo: A Merry-Go-Round

This symbol is quite interesting, because it appears to compliment the cyclic/repetitious energy of the Grand Earth Trine, and the Mars/Saturn Square. We can interpret this symbol in two ways--we can look at it quite literally for what it is, as an image of repeating cycles and repetition, and also we can penetrate to the origins of the Merry-Go-Round as an historical symbol. The latter reveals that the Merry-Go-Round as the playground version of the classical Carousel amusement ride, which was originally a device that was once used as a training mechanism, to prepare for combat and battle. According to Wikipedia:

"The earliest known depiction of a carousel is in Byzantine bas-relief dating to around 500 A.D., which depicts riders in baskets suspended from a central pole. The word carousel originates from the Italian garosello and Spanish carosella ("little battle"), used by crusaders to describe a combat preparation exercise and game played by Turkish and Arabian horsemen in the 12th century. In a sense this early device could be considered a cavalry training mechanism; it prepared and strengthened the riders for actual combat as they wielded their swords at the mock enemies. European Crusaders discovered this device and brought the idea back to their own lands. A carousel was also a training device for the ring-tilt, consisting of wooden horses suspended from arms branching from a central pole. Riders aimed to spear rings situated around the circumference as the carousel was moved by a man, horse, or mule."[1]

Looked at this way, we can interpret this cycle as a preparation for a proceeding lunation which will involve much more activity and movement, and in looking at the following energies, this appears to be so. The metaphor of repetition reveals the inevitable process of training in order to master a specific skill or ability. In another sense, the symbol of the playground, with its equipment, also represents a "training ground" for young children, where they learn to interact and communicate as a preparation for modern life. Looked at another way, we see the image suggesting that we may be going in circles, and possibly chasing our tails. Each time we confront the situation, it may be the same, but we see it differently with each turn around the wheel. Perhaps the image presents us with a question: Do we keep going in circles, or do we get off and do something else? If things aren't changing outside or within us, with each visit to the same thing, we must make a decision and take appropriate action, because the wheel keeps spinning, and we only choose to hold on.

Notes & References

Image 1: The Wheel of Fortune by Norbert Losche (as featured in the Cosmic Tarot card deck)


Full Moon In Aquarius

Full Moon (Sturgeon Moon) @ 20 degrees Aquarius
August 13, 2011
11:57 AM Pacific
2:57 PM Eastern

As the Full Moon culminates the energies present at the preceding New Moon, we are given the opportunity to gain clarity, functionality, and objectivity. Due to Mercury's retrograde motion in Leo, opposite the Full Moon, there is a prominent energy inclining us towards the past and reflecting on where we've been in order to gain a broader perspective. The Sun conjoins Venus in Leo, and along with the symbolism of Aquarius, there is a strong 'social' flare to this full moon. This could provide us the opportunity to reflect on our friendships and relationships, and our connection to a group or community of like-minded individuals. We also get a sense of looking back at what we've created in our lives, and whether we have been effective in manifesting our desires and creative ideals. Are we fully participating in our own lives? Or do we find ourselves simply observing life, watching it pass by? What could we do to become more involved in co-creating our present and our future? Don't worry about acting on any insights or solutions you receive now, take about two weeks to play with it all--leave it suspended in the realm of potential.

Find a comfortable place, envelope yourself with beauty and enjoy the surroundings and company of those you truly care for--find solace in the fact that the universe supports us in recharging ourselves, and letting go of urgency or immediate action at times. With Mercury retrograde in full swing, this is the perfect opportunity to look at what needs to be adjusted or revised in your life. What has come up for you so far? How can you look at things differently, from another perspective? What has emerged from the past, and how has it effected you mentally or emotionally? Take a deep look at where you could make things more functional so that they operate more smoothly. Whatever challenges or obstacles we encounter at this time are there to get our attention so that we can make the appropriate changes. What have you overlooked, what really needs your attention right now? Let go of what no longer serves you, or is no longer relevant, and embrace what feeds your soul.

The most dynamic aspects in the Full Moon horoscope are Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries conjunct Ceres in Pisces opposite Juno in Libra--forming a strikingly apparent grand cross configuration. This is likely to ignite much of the "Grand/Cardinal Cross" energy within the collective field, and current events are likely to represent the energies of 'revolution' and the manifesting, or the attempt at creating, drastic social change. However, with Mercury retrograde, it wont likely be as effective as intended or as it was planned to be. In fact whatever has been brought up right now, whatever political decisions that have been made will not be permanent or have a long standing influence, for they will eventually be revised and reconsidered later on. With Mars opposite Pluto we may feel a bit paralyzed, unsure of where we should take our next few steps--and this is perfectly alright, because we don't really need to do it right now, but simply reflect on the possibilities. Don't give in to any heavy burden you feel, just go within and reflect on what changes you could make, but don't let fear overwhelm you--let it pass through and teach you.

It would be wise, however, to do something with all this energy, but to allow it to express itself organically as opposed to having a definite objective. If you feel any pressure building up inside yourself, let it out! Maybe you need to run out into a field and just scream and yell, go for a hike, or maybe go dancing and just let yourself get lost in the moment. Whatever it is, some kind of physical activity may be just the thing to ease any pressure just lying under the surface. What goes on out there is only a reflection of what's going within each of us, deep inside. Be conscious of the fact that many may be impulsed by this energy, and that could result in sudden outbreaks of anger or violence if not channeled correctly. If you feel yourself succumbing to this impulse, stay conscious, and breathe instead of acting on it, let your breath move your inner chi, get some circulation going--breathe out the stagnation or irritation. Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, or any kind of conscious movement would be an excellent way of moving through this energy right now.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon reads:

Aquarius 21: "A disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces a seemingly empty life."

This seems like a rather dark symbol, but it invites us to look at disappointment and disillusionment as teachers as opposed to tormentors, and it ties in perfectly with the theme of reflecting on the past. Although slightly hindered by events we know nothing about, the woman is willing to face her pain and possible sadness with courage and integrity, she does not allow it to consume her--she's willing to keep moving forward despite any setbacks she's experienced. Anytime we are disappointed by anything, and especially disillusioned, it's because we made an assumption and had a specific expectation. We are invited, however, to see things differently, just as the woman in the image is willing to do. Letting go of our beliefs about life, releasing what we expect life should be, will assist us in unfolding and becoming what we are meant to be aside from our ideas about it. We can avoid a lot of pain and suffering if we are willing to surrender our attachment to outcomes, and just let the universe show us what we're capable of without any kind of intellectual understanding. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't make plans or have objectives, but that we are willing to accept that our projections may change or become something else entirely--and as long as we're not cemented to our visions, we can change along with them as opposed to holding on to what we expected the future to be. Allow disappointment and failure to be a teacher and guide, for we always emerge with more wisdom and strength from such experiences. Whatever comes up for you individually now, learn from it and let it go, because there is no need to dwell on what can no longer be changed.

Image Credits:

Image 1: Aquarius by Johfra Bosschart

Emerging From Chaos: New Moon in Leo & Mercury Retrograde

New Moon @ 07 degrees Leo
Saturday July 30, 2011
11:40 AM Pacific
2:40 am Eastern

This is the second New Moon to occur within the month of July, and will take place in the tropical sign of Leo. In general, the New Moon in Leo invites us to fully embrace and express ourselves, to connect deeply to our inner child, and to play and be spontaneous. In Leo we are impulsed to move through life more subjectively-to really immerse ourselves in the moment and to allow things to just unfold around us. As we set our intentions for this new lunar cycle, see what areas of your life could use some creativity, as greater solutions to problems can be found when we're less mental and more expressive and spontaneous, when we allow the unconscious to pour out organically- in those moments when we surprise ourselves with what we're capable of.

There are, however, several aspects within the New Moon horoscope which invite us to be exceptionally conscious of our ideas and idealizations; on the one hand to loosen up and be expressive, and on the other to be fully aware of how useful and practical such ideas are in the real world. Are we more caught up in conceptualizing things in our minds then we are of actually getting down and experiencing things first hand? Many ideas and ideologies sound great when read on paper, but how functional are they for the real world; do they really work the way we "thought" they would when actually applied to life?

This particular New Moon is highlighted by a Mercury Retrograde cycle in Leo, and because of this, there will be much revision, reconsidering, and restructuring going on in many facets of our lives, but particularly relating to areas of creative development and creative self-expression/actualization. Within the New Moon horoscope there are several intriguing aspects to consider, and some may be challenging to fully integrate- there is a lot of energy that is seemingly at odds. For one, the New Moon itself is in a rather wide conjunction with Venus in Leo, and all three planets are in a square aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. Here we may feel an impulsion to activate, or make manifest, some expansive creative ideal or solution, and yet, with Mercury retrograde during most of this lunation, it would not be wise to implement anything until Mercury has gone direct on August 26th.

This energy is then amplified by all three planets in a Trine aspect to Uranus in Aries, and here we feel a sudden and spontaneous burst of inspiration, which seems to come out of nowhere, and its intentions are highly unpredictable. The best advice for handling all this powerful energy is to simply allow it to flow through you, play with it and experiment. So much of the energy during this lunation invites us to not attach ourselves to any particular outcome, but to remain open and receptive, and simply allow these energies to take us where they want us to go. We don't always need to have a definite plan of action or even any idea of what we're doing at times, sometimes it's through the creative process that our destination will unfold and emerge heuristically.

Much of the energies this New Moon are allowing us to let go of our need for immediate action and assertion, because we've been feeling a sense of urgency over the past several weeks. Now is the time to relax a little bit, try not to be so hard on yourself, and refocus into other directions. The most interesting aspect of all within the New Moon horoscope is Mercury in Virgo, slowing down as it begins to move stationary retrograde, conjunct Transpluto on the 29th degree of Leo, and in opposition to Neptune conjunct Chiron in Pisces. This particular aspect has been quite challenging for me to penetrate, but after I stopped working so hard, suddenly it became much more clearer for me--and I feel that process has a lot do with its intention. The juxtaposition and duality of chaos and perfection emerged from these energies as an overall theme, and this is likely to be extremely prominent over the next several weeks. The universe itself is inherently chaotic, chaos is a natural part of life, and it is necessary for evolution- it keeps life fresh and open to diversity. In the words of astrologer Noel Tyl, we find this gem of wisdom:

"All of life began and begins with this chaos. It swirls through time in purposeful randomness and comes together as uncertain potential. Chaos drives science to explain all this profusion of activity, and then it continues on like a phantom force past where science stops. Yet, chaos is real, and if what is real is what is perfect in the sense that reality is meant to be-then chaos in no less perfect.[1]

Here in the third dimension there is no such thing as absolute perfection, for it will always loom before us as a potential for which we strive for, but never truly within our grasp. This does not mean that chaos overcomes perfection, for the two principles are cooperative, and like light and dark, cannot exist without the other. Perfection in an ordering principal, it is a desire which lies deep in our DNA. Idealism is the 'carrot on a stick' that fuels our desire for perfection, because it is a potential that exists higher dimensionally, and it informs us from within, to reach toward that higher state of being. This all brings to mind the concept of Morphogenesis, the theory which ponders the source from which emerges all material forms into our reality. In a higher dimension--hypothetically the sixth--there exists the code, or the root geometry of all biological life forms that exist on earth. How conscious we are determines how much in alignment we are with this 'ideal' form. "Reaching our potential" is actually a matter of aligning ourselves with this higher vibrational code, and our seeking of perfection stems from this natural process. So, in theory, all of us has an ideal form, or body: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Evolution urges us to align ourselves with this form as much as possible, but we must also understand that this is a world of both perfection and chaos. The underlying message of this new moon, and the Mercury retrograde cycle, seems to be that we do not have to be "perfect", we are invited to be conscious of our potential and take steps toward aligning ourselves with it, but to be humble enough to admit that we will never fully be the perfect image of that potential in this life. Absolute perfection, cleanliness, and orderliness are illusions in our world. It's OK to make mistakes, that's how we learn and ultimately how we grow.

Awareness of the fact that we made a mistake is truly more rewarding than attempting to avoid pitfalls or trying to be "perfect", for it allows us to adjust ourselves and strengthen our ability to navigate life in the future. Any creative process inevitably asks that we make mistakes, because it is a process, which is a state of unfolding and of becoming. The irony is that when we fully surrender to our potential, when we immerse ourselves in humility, we actually find it much easier to align ourselves with this higher ideal or image of perfection. We need not struggle or "work hard" to attain it, we simply need to let go of our fear that we won't be good enough, or that we don't deserve it. To reach our potential, all that needs to happen is for us to just be who we are, and let go of we 'think' we are, or who someone else told us we were. This lunation asks us to just be, to just flow, and just create without fear that we're going to do the wrong thing, because it's not about the end result, it's about the process.

So, even within chaos, there is an ordered logic, a method to the madness within. Seeing that there is an intelligence within both order and chaos gives a deeper meaning to life and to our existence. Chaos is not random, nor is it truly accidental, it is deeply purposeful and truly meaningful. As we stand at the precipice of this new moon, let us look at the chaos we have experienced throughout life, and reflect on its inherent meaning. How does or did chaos propel us to become the person we are now, in this moment? How can we emerge from chaos, and begin to order things, without focusing solely on attaining perfection? The ideal of perfection we must align with is not the same as our own mental ideology, it is a surrender to a higher idea beyond our own control. It is our ability to assimilate cosmic idealism.

Let's take a look at the Sabian symbol[2] for the New Moon position, and see how it ties in, and weaves itself, with the surrounding themes we've extracted so far.......

08 degrees Leo: A Communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals.

This image contains much information, beyond its literal meaning. It brings us the visual of someone spreading an ideology, who is an activist, someone who may be passionate or perhaps, even militant in conveying his or her message of personal truth. Dane Rudhyar, in An Astrological Mandala[3], interprets the the symbol as follows:

KEYNOTE: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order.

This symbol, beyond all present-day socio-political controversy represents the activity of destructive or catabolic forces (one aspect of the Indian god Shiva) in answer to the type of confrontation suggested by the symbol for Leo 6. The old order is confronted by the youthful drive for a new way of life and new sense of values. As the old order refuses to yield its prerogatives, this refusal polarizes violent revolutionary action. The revolutionary may have beautiful dreams of a "classless" society free from greed and harsh struggles for survival, but the first practical result of his activity almost inevitably appears as "chaos". Yet to reorganize and differentiate. Alas, such a descent most often is still based on old concepts, and one witnesses a struggle for personal and dictatorial power.

Communism is a political ideology which seeks to break down social and economical barriers to create the vision, or ideal, of a unified and classless society. Its application throughout the twenty first century has taken on some unusual and rather odious manifestations. I am not denouncing communism here, but like all political ideas, its progenitor is the same, as say, capitalism and socialism, the primary political systems spreading throughout the world. These are all mental constructs which originate from the human mind, which is limited and can become highly delusional when solely developed against other faculties. The vision of a unified society is not something new, nor was it solely born from the vision of Marx.

All these political ideas stem from a basic desire which arises within each of us, they are reflections of higher ideals that exist higher dimensionally, they are born out of our desire to emerge from chaos and find salvation within perfection and order, which is a state beyond our temporary and physical vibration here on earth. The polarized ideologies we limit ourselves with today, as the only options for 'saving' humanity from darkness, are fragments of a more holistic picture of how humanity was designed to operate, before we became enslaved by the delusion of separateness. I feel that each of them has many threads of truth, but are incomplete when they stand-alone, and especially when forced onto a unconscious populace of peoples. We experiment with such ideas because it is our attempt to return to that state of unified order and wholeness which exists eternally as our highest potential. This brings me to an illuminating quote from Psychological Astrologer Liz Greene:

"Most Marxists that I have met are very annoyed if I suggest that their political system is really a religious vision, because the Marxist is supposed to be militantly atheistic. But militant atheism is, in American jargon, a dead giveaway, because if a person is really an atheist he simply doesn't care. If he's militant, he's trying to stamp out something in himself"[4].

Marx was born under the cyclical conjunction of Neptune and Uranus, which is historically associated with the emergence of political ideologies fermented with a religious or even utopian vision and undertone[5]. This "vision" did not emerge solely from his mind alone, it was an impulsion which was being shared collectively, and it was seeded by archetypal forces which exist, again, higher dimensionally. What Marx glimpsed was only a fragment of a higher potential that is slowly reemerging since the discovery of these outer planets beginning in the 1700's, they are slowly seeping into the collective consciousness and changing the systems and structures of our world. With that aside, however, what Liz is saying, and much like the symbol we are presented with, is that by aggressively pushing an ideology onto the masses, with any kind of strict militant fervor, we are likely "stamping out" the oppression within ourselves, by projecting it onto the outer world.

When a zealous or dogmatic individual, or even society or government, takes it upon themselves to establish a crusade against "evil" in the world, what is really happening, is a form of projecting the evil within, onto others through judgement, it allows the individual to detach, and in a way, deny that evil within themselves by exploiting it externally. If someone were atheist or nihilist, like Liz is saying here, it is someone who just "doesn't care", there's a releasing of responsibility and attachment through an acceptance that chaos prevails and that ultimately there is no order, whether they truly feel this way or not, we cannot know. If that person were to grab a megaphone to preach that ideology, then they are actually, in a way, denying law and order within themselves, they are trying to stamp out their own divinity, the god within, and their own inner oppression, through trying to 'convert' others to their belief. When we rage a war on something, we end up becoming that which we are fighting, we are secretly consumed by it, because we have polarized ourselves against it, and so it grows and festers within the unconscious.

If you think the world is scary, take a look within, because the unconscious is the puppet master which directs and impulses us toward action in the outer world. We cannot FORCE peace, utopia, unity, and equality onto anyone or any collective body, we can only find it within ourselves. Until the mass majority of humanity realizes this, the application of these ideologies will forever contort, distort, and fail to actualize their full and true potential. Now, the symbol we are presented with is relatively unbiased, it is simply an image, which was seen through the eyes of a detached clairvoyant. These conclusions, are of course, my own, and so the energies we are feeling this new moon present us with the picture of an individual spreading an ideal, one that contains hope and a vision of unity beyond class and segregation. Whether communism is the solution that will provide this in the world or not is really not important here, it is the underlying theme of a revolution, a prelude to chaos and catabolism to create and establish a new type of order.

How does this apply to our own lives and to the collective at this current juncture? This particular New Moon falls less then 1 degree from the true North Node within the United States horoscope, and we can anticipate that the energies and themes emerging from it will be highly significant for the American people. Also of interest, is Mercury's retrograde passage and conjunction with Transpluto at the 29th degree of Leo, opposite the Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Pisces. The 29th degree of Leo was also the location of a rather powerful Super Full Moon which occurred on February 18, 2011, in direct opposition to the asteroid Pallas Athena in the US horoscope.

Of further interest, is the current New Moon in Opposition to Pallas Athena which currently sits on the South Node position within the US chart as well. The transiting South Node is currently approaching the US Mars in Gemini, and so we have many of the same combinations of planets connecting through synthesis. It would appear we are encountering a phase in which aggressive force and action, if applied, will exploit its darker and destructive side, it will not lead to any kind of functional result. If we follow the North Node, we are lead, through rulership, to Jupiter in Taurus, which urges us to get grounded, to slow down, to take small steps, and to be patient and consistent with our actions--this is the complete antithesis to these south nodal energies.

A new cycle is emerging, and with it, we are given the opportunity to create alongside it, with the power of our intentions. Let's be highly conscious of what we are thinking about, or what we truly want to create in our lives and in the world at this time. Whatever chaos we experience is only a reflection of the chaos within ourselves, and the more conscious we are of it, the better the opportunity we have of healing it.

Are we emerging from chaos or are we descending deeper into it? I suppose that's all a matter of perception.....

Mercury Retrograde In Virgo/Leo
August 02, 2011- August 26, 2011

Mercury retrograde can often accompany a three week period of sporadic annoyances and agitations, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. The Mercury retrograde cycle impulses us to go back to something, to reconsider things, and to revise our perception of how things work. When we resist this current by attempting to either hold on to our previous beliefs and perceptions, or by trying to push forward with something that likely isn't ready, we will experience set backs, delays, and frustrations. Working with this cycle can actually be a highly constructive and useful process. This is the opportunity to make sure things are in place, and to be certain that they will be functional in the future. If we are aware and conscious at this time, Mercury retrograde will bring to our attention, things that need to be addressed and looked at, so that we can adjust them. This can often manifest in the "break down" of various systems and structures, because there is something missing or something faulty that we need to look at.

In Leo, we are reconsidering several things, primarily creative self-actualization and the utilization of our will. We may also reconsider or revise a leadership status or role, attachment or over-concern with pleasure and solipsistic tendencies, or possibly even matters concerning children, or our own inner child. Because of Mercury's retrograde cycle coming into contact with several outer planets, as well as an opposition to the Moon in the US horoscope, we can anticipate these themes to leak into the collective attention as well as in our own personal lives. This Mercury retrograde invites us to let go of our attachment to our expectations of how life should unfold, and surrender to a greater holistic picture as it emerges from the chaos of the collective unconscious.

Mercury in opposition to Neptune indicates that we must be very cautious about what we choose to believe at this time, we should be highly aware and conscious about what we get caught up in--there is much potential for deception and self-delusion. Before you jump on board with something, go deep within yourself, trust your instincts about what feels right or what feels wrong. Try your best to separate yourself from your ideas or judgements about the situation, and just go with your gut feeling. Avoid making big commitments or plans at this time, they will likely be faulty or unclear. Be very clear in your communications with others, as there is a high possibility of misunderstandings or miscommunication. On the other hand, this can be a excellent cycle for speculating, dreaming, and envisioning what may or may not be possible. We are given the chance to test things out, and judge for ourselves whether they work for us or not. This can also be a time when our perceptions are more heightened then usual, we may notice things we have possibly overlooked.

This cycle may also provide us an opportunity to really gain awareness of our wounds, and fully resolve or heal something within ourselves. Trust what comes to you at this time, let go of control or any sense of urgency, and just surrender to the numinous and divine flow of energy that is coming toward us from the universe. Whatever set back or irritation you encounter now has a purpose, it is not just random chaos, even though it may appear to be so. Look at whatever is brought forth to your attention, and look to how you can improve it or make it more functional. You'll be glad you did.

Notes & References

[1] Tyl, Noel, Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology: The Professional Manual, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2004.


[3] Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases, Vintage Books, 1974.

[4] Greene, Liz, The Outer Planets & Their Cycles (The Astrology of the Collective), CRCS Publications, Sebastopol, CA: 1996

[5] Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 at 2:00 AM in Treves, Prussia. The Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius, the sign notorious for religious fervor and dogmatism, sits in a wide conjunction to his Midheaven, square to Pluto in Pisces in his first house.


Image 1: Alex Grey, Journey of the Wounded Healer, third panel of triptych.

Pluto's New Moon

Astronomer's have recently discovered a fourth moon orbiting Pluto, and have temporarily named it S/2011, or P4 for short. This fourth addition joins the recently discovered, as of 2005, Nix and Hydra, and Pluto's well known companion Charon, which is the largest of the bunch. P4 is estimated to be about 8 to 21 miles long, which makes it the smallest of Pluto's moons. For more on all the technical jargon, check out these articles here.

From the astrological viewpoint, which is my main concern, this is quite fascinating and brings up some rather interesting questions, none of which I have the answers to-so let's ponder them! Pluto is the first planetary symbol to embody the process of evolution, but it is not the principal of evolution in its entirety, it is the gateway to the "underworld" symbolizing the inherited and surreptitious mechanization of biological evolution, churning deep beneath conscious awareness. Pluto is our initiation into the abyss within each of us we just wish would go away, all those deep and embedded patterns and complexes which run amok in our unconscious--which imprinted themselves upon us against our own conscious will. Pluto represents the principal of creation and destruction-the latter being its favorite means of expression. As a "physical" manifestation, Pluto is very much symbolic of the outer edges of our collective shadow, which we know is much larger since the discovery of the Trans-Plutonian planets-those just beyond Pluto in the deeper and colder reaches of the solar system. Pluto, currently transiting the sign of Capricorn until 2024, is currently at work dredging up the shadow side of our collective systems and structures-our ambition to reach the top and control it all, which we express through the creation of corporations and governments. Pluto's power has just expanded, and with it, our collective shadow, and our ability to process and transmute its contents. Moons serve as processing agents, meaning they absorb and transmute energies generated by the planet they orbit-so the more moons, the more capacity they have to process energy (information).

This news reaches us just months after another Plutonian discovery here. Apparently scientists are baffled by the fact that Pluto's atmosphere is growing in size. Now mind you, scientists have only been observing Pluto for a fairly short period of time, and have not been able to actually see its atmosphere at different stages throughout its entire 250 year orbit--it's distance from the Sun may have an effect in causing fluctuation of Pluto's atmosphere, but this is significant for the unconscious either way. The atmosphere of a planet is symbolic of its fourth dimension, which is where energies reside until they are processed by the Moon(s) of that planetary body. Pluto, symbolizing death, which is complete annihilation of ego and identity, seems to be preparing for some massive influx of energies- Pluto is expanding its capacity to process. What all this means, I have no definite conclusions, but we can anticipate that on a deeper spiritual level, there is some "migration" that is about to take place within the unconscious. Pluto's most well known Moon, Charon, is the ferryman who transported the souls of the dead to the underworld itself. Perhaps more people of the earth are ready to confront this shadow, an omen of an advancement in the evolution of the species. We do know one thing about all this. Collectively, we are ready to go much deeper than ever before, we are all, unconsciously, being prepared to make that journey into the underworld to face our fears like never before. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Only time will tell.

**Transit Jupiter (expansion) in Taurus is currently Trine (120 degrees) Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus (Scientific ideology) in Aries is also Square (90 degrees) Pluto. All expanding our knowledge and understanding of the mysterious archetype of the psyche we call Pluto.



New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Beyond The Womb

New Moon/Solar Eclipse
July 1, 2011 @ 09 degrees Cancer
4:54 AM Eastern
1:54 AM Pacific

This is the first New Moon of the Summer Season, which also happens to be a rather potent Solar Eclipse. This is the final eclipse of three, the closing of a cycle which began with the New Moon on June 1st. The theme of this particular lunation cycle has been the clearing out and releasing of the past, which will continue throughout the Summer season, given the prominent symbolism in the solstice horoscope. This Eclipse, like the eclipse which occurred in early June, is a south nodal eclipse (occuring near the south node of the moon), and again, relates to a process of letting go, releasing, and moving forward from stagnation. The predominant aspects within the New Moon/Solar Eclipse horoscope are seemingly challenging, and with this in mind we can anticipate much pressure to be imposed upon the collective and the individual, because there is much potential for growth to occur within the ensuing months, and this Eclipse is very much the catalyst for this. As we set our intentions this New Moon, there is much to be conscious of, and much to look forward to, if we can collectively let go of, what no longer serves us. What are you holding on to at this juncture? Is it a lifestyle, a belief, an ideology, an expectation, or an assumption? How can we expand our perception of what's possible so that we can allow ourselves to become more in line with the true intention for our lives? Is it a childish pattern of behavior that needs to be addressed and released? Is it a limiting and restricting perception of reality? Is it a job, a living situation, or a relationship that needs to change?

Humans are indeed creatures of comfort, and we all certainly like to have a sense of security based on routines and activities that bring us a sense of stable predictability. We must balance, however, our desire for security and comfort with that equally powerful desire for change, growth, and evolution. When we stay stuck doing the same thing, when we refuse to let go of the familiar because we fear the unknown, we stagnate evolution and we stop growing and maturing. Individually, and collectively, we are indeed experiencing the pressure to move on, to really reach out of our "comfort zones" to experience and awaken a dormant aspect of ourselves, a piece of us which lies just below the surface of our awareness. This piece is our true potential, that part we all, consciously or not, strive to become when we attempt to "better ourselves". The reality is that it's not about becoming "better", but actually, a process of simply letting go of what we are not, and conversely, embracing who we truly are. Each of us enters this world exactly as we were meant to be, and somehow, along the the way, we lost sight of that inner spark, and we stopped listening to that voice which radiates from the depths of our being. Most of the time we were pressured to stop listening because everyone else did too, or someone told us that who we are was inappropriate or inadequate. If we continue to turn our backs on this divine light within, we will only sink deeper into the darkness of collective delusion which currently beleaguers us from all sides. When doors close in front of us, when things "fall apart", it is often a sign that we are not in synch with divine timing, which means that we are trying to go where we don't belong. The truth is that there are many more doors for us to open, but we just don't see them because we are attached to a certain direction or path we "think" is the right one.

Solar Eclipses are extremely powerful New Moons, and their effects can last for several months. This means that intention is magnified more so than with other New Moons, and they are excellent times for projecting longer range goals. Eclipses in general symbolize the clearing out of energies within multiple dimensions simultaneously. We often experience this as a chronic agitation, or an inner restlessness, because unconsciously there is much that is about to shift and change. This psychic clearing is a natural and cyclic process which happens all the time, but some eclipses are more prominent and noticeable for certain people and groups then others. As a general rule, Solar eclipses tend to relate more to physical changes, and the bringing up of material from the unconscious into the conscious awareness of the individual. This shifting of energies within all dimensions often manifests within earth changes such as thunderstorms, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc, but not always. It is important to be mindful of this so that we can understand that such events are nature's way of clearing things out and releasing built up tension. Lets take a look at some of the aspects within the horoscope of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse. This Solar Eclipse is in opposition with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, and Pluto is Trine Jupiter in Taurus. If we do not choose to reach beyond our shells of comfort, then we may be "forced" to by external events which work to pressure us out of stagnation. In reality, outer events only reflect an unconscious process within ourselves that we manifested within the outer world. The New Moon/Eclipse sextiles Jupiter, and Trines Pluto, showing us that we can create change and growth by taking things step by step, we do not have to change all at once. However, if we refuse to take these first formative steps, it may appear to us that some external force is pressuring us to do it all now. Jupiter in Taurus is giving us the opportunity to really ground and connect deeply to ourselves, and this is a time when carefully plotted action and strategic planning is highly favored. The South Node in Gemini is conjunct Venus, and the ruler, Mercury, sits at the 28th (anaretic) degree of Cancer. This indicates that there has been a rather long and possibly arduous process of considering options or alternative directions, and now comes a moment of decision, where further indecisiveness will only hinder our need for growth. The potential, the gift, which is Venus, is ready for us to bring forward into the world, we must simply let go of our fear that we'll make the "wrong" decision. When we hesitate we are not trusting our heart, and we are not listening to our inner voice which knows exactly what to do.

Follow your instincts and not your mind, the mind will only bring more confusion at this time. This does not mean that one should jump into action with each impulse, but to very consciously tune into an inner feeling of what feels right or what feels wrong. Saturn also makes a square to the New Moon/Eclipse and Pluto, indicating pressure coming from our relationships, personal or otherwise. Here we feel the need to consider some blind spots, the areas of our lives and personality that we are not consciously aware of. Are we stepping on someone's boundaries without consideration? Equally, are our boundaries being intruded upon by another from their inconsideration, demands, or agenda? How can we become more aware of our relations with others so that we don't step on someone's toes? How can we open ourselves up, come out of our limited and narrow perspective and consider that of another? If we are open to it, relationships provide the greatest lessons and reflections of ourselves, and what bothers or triggers us the most is usually something within us that we refuse to see as a fragment of ourselves. This eclipse is also providing an opportunity to create more harmony and balance within our relationships so that there is more equality and consciousness of give and take. Mars in Gemini is sextile Uranus in Aries and Trine Saturn in Libra. There is much energy for self awareness, as well as the ability to take constructive action through the activation of will, but we must act on this ourselves, because soft aspects do not force us to. We also see an opportunity for the assertion of self interest, to communicate who we are and what we need to others, and this could open some illuminating dialogue with those in our personal lives.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon reads:

"A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process."

This symbol compliments so perfectly the configurations we see within the rest of the horoscope. A diamond is a natural "stone", which when found in the earth is in a raw and untamed formation. The cutting of the diamond symbolizes the harnessing and shaping power of the mind, to improve upon, and make more intelligible, pure and raw potential. Here we see quite vividly a process in which we begin, collectively, and individually, of taking that first step towards "perfection", which is to say, to reach the highest potential of what's possible for ourselves and others. Dane Rudhyar, in an Astrological Mandala, has this to say of the symbol:

"The Arduous training for perfection in order to manifest an ideal."

"We are still dealing with the evolution of consciousness and of personality at a preliminary stage. The potentiality of a completely formed mind through which the light of understanding will shine brightly is already in evidence, but much work is still to be done. We may meditate upon the transformation of the "pond of water" (in the preceedng symbol) into a diamond not yet completely cut. The conscious mind must acquire solidity so it can be worked upon by higher agencies-ideally by the teachers of the community. It no doubt must be a painful operation for the rough stone, but the goal is worth the suffering, the heat, the grinding noise...provided of course the diamond cutter is an expert craftsman-a rare case amoung teachers!

As keyword we suggest CRAFTSMANSHIP, here meaning especially the training for perfection."

A lot can be gleamed upon mediation of this symbol and well as Rudhyar's interpretation. What are you striving to create in your life and in the world? How can you shape your ideal, and make it tangible, make it real in the world of everyday life? What can you do to enhance your abilities, your craft, so that you can have the best tools at your disposal to make your dreams a reality? What steps must you take now to perfect this raw and untouched potential within yourself? This may not be the moment when it all happens and comes to life, but the first stage, the first step of anything, is the most crucial to how the rest will unfold. If, as individuals, and as a collective society, we can be conscious during these first steps then we will have a much better chance for success later down the road. How we begin something is as much, if not more important then how it ends up. Like the old saying goes, "It's not about the destination, but how you get there that truly matters".

Image Credits

Image 1: Born From The Sea by Vladimir Kush


This particular eclipse isn't particularly strong by itself, however, it occured within roughly 3 degrees from the Sun and roughly 4 degrees from Jupiter in the USA horoscope, at precisely the Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Due to this, its influence is particularly stronger for the collective psyche of the United States, and will have a tremendous impact during its activations from other planets. The symbolism fermented in this article will become more clear and prominent, I feel, as Pluto transits in opposition to the Eclipse position from March of 2012 through October of 2013. Special attention should also be noted for August of 2013, as Jupiter will simultaneously conjunct this Eclipse along with the asteroid Pallas Athena, the goddess of war, intellect, and problem solving. Additionally, Uranus will be in a wide square to the Eclipse, activating it with a first pass in April of 2013. There will also be a grand trine formed between Jupiter conjunct Pallas Athena in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. I believe this period will mark a very critical and important time for the United States, a time for manifesting and implementing a new vision for the future, one that completely separates us from the ideals of the past. This is likely to manifest as some form of event which will build progressively, whatever that may be, and will cement this realization quite strongly among the American peoples. The exact timing of this culmination is unclear, but will likely occur generally around late August of 2013. We cannot, obviously, control the outcome of these energies or its intention, but we can focus inwardly on ourselves and the processes that arose at the time of this New Moon/Eclipse, and consciously work toward their resolution in our personal lives. The more we heal ourselves, the more we heal the collective, and the more "positive" and constructive outer events in the world will become.

Love & Light

Summer Solstice 2011

Summer Solstice
June 21, 2011
10:17 Am Pacific
1:17 Pm Eastern

"A human being is part of the whole called by us, the universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."
-Albert Einstein

The Summer Solstice is a culminating force, bringing to manifestation intentions set at the Spring Equinox. It is here that we begin to see the seeds we've planted coming to form and growing some legs, our ideas gaining autonomy and movement. Look around you, closely, and see just what has emerged from the world of potential and into the actual, nurture and protect it, for it is apart of you, it is your creation. Embrace and love what you don't particularly like, for it is also your creation, regardless of whether it was your intention. This is a good time to gauge just how conscious you are, because what emerges will reflect what your unconscious mind is actually creating! Whether we realize it or not, all of us set intentions at the Spring Equinox, conscious and unconscious intentions, and reflecting on all the things that have sprouted now can be quite an illuminating exercise. As the Sun reaches Solar Maximum, all the life force energy of the earth is at a maximum force, all the organisms of the planet reach a culmination of growth, reaching upwards from Gaia's womb to herald the great ascension of our father Sun, the giver of light and of breath. It is indeed on Summer Solstice that we, here in the northern latitudes, experience the longest day of the year, of maximum light and illumination, and thus it is the ideal time for reflecting on all that it unveils to our naked eye. This Summer energy also ignites the telluric and elemental dimensions, creating a massive influx of fairy, gnome, and elf archetypes which seek to humble us, through the creation of events which often feel like Mercury has gone retrograde. In other words, often things break down, or go missing, or we have some minor irritation or setback, yet to these trickster entities, it's all in good fun, so just have a laugh and try to not take things too seriously. In reality, they just want us to acknowledge them, and so it is often a way of getting our attention, telling us to lighten up and play some more.

This year, once again, the Sun joins the building Cardinal Grand Cross aspect structure, grounding its energies in Cancer within a rather wide orb. Mercury in Cancer also joins this structure, and appears to be a major facilitator of the energies this Summer season, as it exactly squares Saturn in Libra, Trines the Moon in Pisces, is the ruler of the south node in Gemini, and just happens to be within one degree of conjunction with the Solar Eclipse/New Moon that will occur on July 1st. The New Moon on June 1st, which was also one of three Eclipses, ignited a process, collectively as well as individually, of "releasing the ghosts of the past", as the sabian symbol as interpreted by Dane Rudyhar so clearly and beautifully illustrated. This energy will continue this entire summer, as we collectively let go of all that no longer serves us as a species, primarily our judgements of the future, our attachment to logic and rationality, urging us to trust in the divine unfolding instead of trying to control and predict the outcome. With that said, we are likely to see many prophecies and predictions fail to materialize, especially those that are extremely concrete such as "the end of the world", the "ascension of a chosen few", "global holocaust and genocide" and even, "mass landings of UFO's". This Summer solstice is all about humbling the mind, allowing us to slowly realize that our minds are NOT in control, but rather a greater cosmic force indefinitely runs the show. This could manifest as several ideologies and systems stemming from those ideas failing and collapsing, leaving us no choice but to move in a different direction. As I have touched on in previous posts, the collective psyche projects these scenarios because there is an unconscious death wish, which means that there is much pain and trauma to process and release within the collective, and the mind would much rather "die" then have to face it. As we step boldly into the future, we must not give into this annihilating force, for it will only destroy us as a species in the end. We must step up as individuals and face our own pain and fear instead of giving up because "it's all just going to shit anyway". Such a self defeating attitude strips us of our personal power and responsibility, and when the world doesn't end the way we "thought" it would, we're left with nothing but disappointment. When things fall apart it's because something new is trying to emerge, before there is birth there must be death.

This Summer presents us with an intriguing crescendo, it reveals that on a collective level, we are finally ready to accept that the past is behind us, and realize that there is no going back to it. The future looms, currently, as this dark and apocalyptic beacon, but that is only because we are conditioned to fear death and the unconscious. Ironically, the western world is the most consumed by the very thing it fears, and if we are to survive, we must wake up from our slumber and start creating our own lives! The Moon in Pisces conjuncts Chiron and Neptune, and Trines, quite precicely, Mercury in Cancer. Jupiter in Taurus, ruler of the North Node, Sextiles the Sun, and the Sun trines Neptune conjunct Chiron in Pisces. These are such beautiful configurations, indicating that this has the potential to be a deeply inspirational and spiritually enlightening Summer for all of us. There is much potential for gaining a much greater awareness and perspective, of receiving new visions and discovering a new horizon--so get inspired, immerse yourself with the unseen forces that permeate this world, and just surrender to this profound and magnificent energy! It is clear that our world needs to embrace, once again, the spiritual, and such forces are clearly knocking at the mind's door, yet we must open it ourselves and let it in. This is also urging us, as a society, to embrace compassion and love for others, to reach out of our little bubbles and embrace the needs of other sentient beings. It would seem that with all this Neptune and Jupiter energy that there would be a risk of overt idealism, yet, Jupiter is in Taurus, and Saturn, also another major facilitator of the horoscope, squares Mercury, and so we actually have the potential of bringing the numinous into the physical world. Saturn just recently went direct on June 13th (my birthday ;), and many have felt this shift quite profoundly, as a surge of productiveness, of things finally getting off the ground and gaining some momentum. Use this energy to actualize and refine something you've been working on and bring what's been on the back burner into more focus.

Jupiter has also recently moved into Taurus, and has disseminated an energy which is slowing things down, impulsing us to take a moment and smell the roses and the sage. This particular transit is very positive for building and working on some project which requires much attention to detail and nurturing, which will likely get a much needed burst of momentum and inspiration when Jupiter Trines Pluto exactly on July 7th. This aspect between Jupiter and Pluto is apart of a process, and they will meet up again this Fall as Jupiter goes retrograde, and then they Trine again in Spring of 2012, so take your time with whatever you are working on, as it has much potential for success if you can take things step by step, and not rush it to completion. As ruler of the North Node, Jupiter is collectively impulsing us to connect more deeply with the now, and with the natural world. This force is urging us to trust deeply in ourselves, in our own intuition and impressions, and to embrace what we want and what we value. This is not the time for second guessing yourself, and comparing your impressions with everyone else, just trust what you feel is right and you can't go wrong! So, instead of being consumed by mindless gossip in the media or wherever, take some time to yourself, or with a close partner, and connect deeply to the rhythm of nature and of the cosmos, sit by a stream or river, and listen closely to the messages it gives you. As a species, and as a culture, this Summer is all about expanding our perception of what's real, and letting go of what is imagined. What is real is all around us in the natural world, it's been here all along, and it knows what it's doing because it's been doing it far longer than we have. Discover an entirely new dimension of reality for yourself, gain a greater awareness of nature and of reality. Alternately, there is much indicating the need to gather with like minds, to reach beyond our personal barriers and expand our network with those that support us as individuals and for who we are. If we are to create a new world, we certainly can't do it all alone either.

I don't pay much attention to the media, as an astrologer, it helps me to remain more objective by distancing myself from the constant influx of current events. However, I don't avoid it if the universe decides to inform me of something, either through ambiance in the background, or through someone telling me about some event directly. In other words, I pay attention and am receptive to what comes into my reality, but I don't go looking for it. I'm well aware of all "that's going on" lately, such as wars, nuclear crisis, natural disasters, and the threat of economic collapse, but to be honest, none of it surprises me. In the U.S., at least, to me, it's just business as usual. Wars are profitable for big government, any crisis really, and surprisingly, so are "disasters", whether wholly natural or man-made. The recent string of events we are witnessing is simply the result of an unconscious world, it is the crux of a collective psyche which has no intention other than to control and dominate the forces of nature. In our ignorance we have no one to blame but ourselves, and all the events currently going on will further bring this to our awareness. The current transits are bringing to our attention the atrocities done to nature, and the consequences of the abuse of Uranian technology, such as grotesque weaponry used by elitists and governments, and nuclear weapons and reactors. There is an unfolding, however, that is occurring, to slowly condition us to wake up to these realities, and we must trust that the universe knows whats it's doing, even if the powers that be clearly have no clue.

In the horoscope for the Summer Solstice, Uranus and Pluto are in a very close square, within roughly two degrees. Uranus will go retrograde, however, on July 9th, but the influence of this square will ferment the summer season. We will be getting another taste of these "revolutionary" and rebellious archetypes that will come into full swing from 2012 through 2015. This is symbolic of the prep stage for when the two outer planets will get serious and down to business, next year, really tearing down the structures, systems, and ideologies that no longer serve us from an evolutionary standpoint, and replacing them with more functional versions. If we thought that these past few years have been interesting, we haven't seen anything yet. Each of us are being called to cultivate our inner genius and visionary, as this cycle historically correlates with many astoundingly creative innovations and solutions. What was seeded at the conjunction, in the late 1960's, is now ready to reach maturity, and all of us should participate in this co-creation, otherwise someone else will, and we may not like what results. It is important to be conscious when such archetypes are active, and not get swept up unconsciously by some movement or revolution that pumps us up with psychic frenzy.

The western world is still wholly unconscious of these forces, and because of that, we still witness dysfunctional surges of mass hysteria when these unconscious and suppressed forces rise to the surface of our awareness. Many may disagree with me on this, but I feel that revolutions are not functional forms of creating social change, and the only reason we have them is because we are not participating and co-creating with these archetypes ourselves, and instead they posses us, shocking the collective, and creating radical shifts which can cause a lot of damage that must be healed later on. Due to the level of unconsciousness, we simply act these archetypes out, through a momentary catharsis which works to only temporarily relieve these forces, this inner conflict, for a passing time. Our cultural obsession with the film industry is a shining example of how we escape through a drama that is played out, and we can view it objectively, and yet be apart of it at the same time. Every movie consists of a narrative, which revolves around some form of "crisis", which reaches a climax of tension, and then reaches resolution. As the observer, we can project, unconsciously, onto the film, our own inner crisis and dichotomy, and by viewing it, we can compensate artificially, we can live vicariously, through the drama of others, instead of actually dealing with our own shadows. What we experience is a synthetic feeling of relief from tension, a tension which was never actually our own, but projected onto us from some imposing external force. I feel that the same concept can be applied to the influence of planetary cycles upon the collective, because planets in tension, symbolize, a collective psychology that is in tension as well. If we have no true awareness as to why we have such tension in the first place, how are we to resolve it?

The Uranus and Pluto cycle is apart of an unfolding, an evolutionary process that will take place over a period of time, and we must trust that it will fully implement itself when the time is right. Until then, we have brief periods of radical catharsis, which works to shake up the sleeping populace from its prosaic daydream. Evolution will always supersede revolution in the long run, whether we like it or not, and thus a revolution will always recede into the background of the psyche when the cycle is complete. This isn't to say that revolutions don't create change, it is widely apparent that the 60's changed the world forever, its effects were truly irreversible, but eventually, it was overshadowed once again by the Saturnian forces of the psyche, to become but a seed of potential to blossom forth again in the distant future.

Another interesting aspect for the Summer Solstice is Mars at 0 degrees of Gemini square Neptune retrograde at 0 degrees of Pisces conjunct Chiron. The opening degrees of any sign, and primarily 0 degrees, are infantile degrees, which means that the energies placed there are just beginning a new process of unfolding, and often there can be much naivete and uncertainty. Mars is entirely antithetical to Neptune, it seeks to dominate, initiate, take charge, and action, where as Neptune is elusive, mysterious, numinous, and receptive. When the two combine, Neptune has the upper hand in that it is a higher dimensional construct, and thus it serves to humble Mars and teach him that aggression without conscious intention, without some higher form of motivation, is useless and destructive. It is my prediction, that we will be witnessing the beginning stages of mindless war, primarily based on greed and abuse of power, beginning to fail and wane from its position of prominence within US politics. A Neptunian fog will roll in, beleaguering Mars within a sea of ambiguity. How this will come about, I have no idea, but the statement is utterly profound in the exactness of the aspect. Of further interest, Mars is disposited, or ruled by Mercury, which will be "activated" by the powerful Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Cancer. Mercury, ruler of the south node, is indicating that something from the past must be resolved and processed now, and collective events will all involve the breaking down of overt rationalization in favor of a much greater holistic perspective. Mercury in Cancer very literally symbolizes collective ideals based on a false sense of security, and the south nodal eclipse will assist us to release them. The same will apply to our individual lives. Are we holding on to something simply because in the past, it made us comfortable? How can we embrace the truth of the situation, and see that by holding on we are actually limiting our own growth and evolution? With the Mars and Neptune square, we have reached a point where we're not quite sure what next step to take, we may feel paralyzed due to fear and uncertainty. How can we align ourselves with a higher purpose, a higher energy, so that we can take action that is based on truth and is motivated by a desire to transcend personal interests and concerns?

Now, to wrap things up, let's take a look at the Sabian symbol for the midpoint of the Sun and Moon in the Summer Solstice horoscope, which is incidentally, closely conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. The symbol reads:

Cantilever bridge across a deep gorge

Dane Rudyhar, in An Astrological Mandala, interprets the symbol as follows:

The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation

The person who has suffered deprivation and loneliness can give new substance to his or her emotional life by participating in a collective project. All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties. A step ahead must be taken, yet an abyss confronts evolving man. It is no longer a personal void-an "open grave"-but a chasm that is an integral part of the "land" upon which man's evolution must proceed. A link must be built through the power of the collective mind of the group or of the community at large, on the basis of the legacy of the past, to make a bridge over the canyon. This is the first stage of the eight five-fold process of "Substantiation." The man-made bridge with collective skill gives substance to and demonstrates man's capacity to CONQUER OBSTACLES and to achieve evolutionary continuity as well as expansion in space.

Happy Summer Solstice!

Summer Highlights
(dates listed for Pacific Time Zone)
July 1- New Moon/Solar Eclipse @ 9 degrees Cancer; Mercury enters Leo
July 3- Venus enters Cancer
July 7- Jupiter Trine Pluto (Venus opposite Pluto and Sextile Jupiter July 8th)
July 9- Uranus Stationary Retrograde
July 14- Full Moon @ 22 degrees Capricorn
July 28- Venus enters Leo; Mercury enters Virgo (Mercury opposes Neptune)
July 30- New Moon @ 7 degrees Leo
August 2- Mercury Stationary Retrograde
August 3- Mars enters Cancer
August 4- Neptune Retrograde enters Aquarius
August 8- Mercury enters Leo
August 10- Mars Opposition Pluto
August 13- Full Moon @ 20 degrees Aquarius
August 21- Venus enters Virgo
August 26- Mercury Stationary Direct
August 28- New Moon @ 5 degrees Virgo
August 30- Jupiter Stationary Retrograde
September 8- Mercury enters Virgo
September 12- Full Moon (Harvest Moon) @ 19 degrees Pisces
September 14- Venus enters Libra
September 16- Pluto Stationary Direct
September 18- Mars enters Leo

Notes and References

[2] Rudhyar, Dane, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases, Vintage Books, 1974.

Image Credits

Image 1: The Last Supper by Vladamir Kush


Mental Liquidation: Lunar Eclipse/New Moon in Gemini

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse In Gemini
June 1, 2011
02:03:24 Pacific

This month's new moon falls in the sign of of duality, Gemini, which embodies the initial archetype of diversity and the dispersal of information in its many manifestations. It also happens to be a partial Solar Eclipse, taking place in the south nodal direction, and thus relates to a process of letting go, releasing, and transmuting past and outgrown energies. In Gemini, we are releasing past prejudices, judgements, petty details, and overt reliance on facts and numbers in favor of a much bigger and greater holistic picture which transcends all mental constructs, indicated by the North Node in Sagittarius. Jupiter, the dispositer of the North Node, sits at the anaretic degree of Aries, thus indicating a critical karmic shift taking place within the collective psyche, suggesting the need to expand into new directions and new frontiers entirely, literally taking the road less or never traveled. The Eclipse itself isn't particularly significant in its strength, considering its wide distance from the South Node of the Moon, however, it is involved in a strikingly dynamic grand trine with Saturn in Libra and Pallas in Aquarius, as well as a rather wide, and poignant T-Square with the Neptune/Transpluto Opposition. This is a strikingly clear Air grand trine, and thus relates to the mind, creating a closed circuit construct within the collective, indicating that many may be impulsed to dwell on and even get stuck thinking about some cause or event in which they have no control, and possible obsession with problem solving and attachment to one's own ideas, especially if such ideas are rejected by others who don't see eye to eye. This can generate the archetype of intellectual snobbery, fueled by a delusional sense of superiority. Alternately, if used correctly, this can generate some great new and innovative solutions, while also being conscious others. Our way out of the structure is through the Solar Eclipse/New Moon itself, which squares the Neptune and Transpluto conjunction, and this is urging us to see deeply past our delusions, and also, to not get too caught up in overtly rational solutions or explanations for problems- seeing that reality is not static as the ego/mind complex would have us believe, but rather, reality is constantly changing based upon our collective agreement of it. The Neptune/Chiron conjunction in opposition to Transpluto, is stirring up a very deeply ingrained mythos contained in our collective memory, the myth of Christ, yet it is working to reveal the true Cosmic Christ as a spiritual and archetypal entity as opposed to a physical person who will one day return to Earth generated by the past two thousand years of a messianic/savior delusion. This all brings me to an interesting collective event which has recently transpired which got a lot of collective attention. As we know, if you're familiar with my blog and or with a Jungian perceptual lens, collective events reflect a society's collective psychology, they are tangible symbols informing us of our intangible unconscious state.

Recently a man named Harold Camping has been the object of much focus and attention, stirring many to prepare for the apocalypse in myriad ways, or alternately, to gather with others to poke fun at and ridicule what to the current "educated" worldview seems a superstitious and primitive way of thinking. Both reactions to the event, one in naive subservience, and the other in the state of patronizing mockery are unconscious responses to an archetypal current within the collective psyche seeking resolution. In other words, both positions take on the role of an authority who believes themselves superior enough to pass Judgement on others. For the believers of Harold, an unconscious Judgement process takes place in which only the "followers of Christ" are permitted access to the rapture, to ascend into heaven before the earth is annihilated completely by God. The majority of mainstream Christians appear to perceive Harold and his followers as a fringe and radical group, but Harold is only reflecting, albeit unconsciously, the very beliefs through which the followers of modern Christianity feed into and inherently give collective power to. It is only the end result of a collective psychosis seeking healing and, again, resolution. If we are to grow together as a collective organism, we must see such events as opportunities for healing, and thus projecting our own unresolved anger of being judged by someone onto Harold is really satisfying only the ego by 'numbing the wound'. Harold has come to our attention, because he serves to assist us to collectively resolve, and thus gain freedom and autonomy from the messianic/savior complex that has plagued our mass psychology throughout the duration of the "Age of Pisces". This is illustrated quite clearly in the Neptune/Chiron conjunction currently in opposition to Transpluto. He may be judged as a "false prophet", but he is simply playing a role, one that in my opinion is a highly crucial one, he is allowing us to finally LET GO of our desire for saviors, and allow us to ACCEPT our role as co-creators who are responsible for their OWN salvation. The messiah delusion is not limited to only Christians and the followers of religion, because it is an unconscious collective mythos, it permeates every facet of western society, infecting every branch of politics, science, religion, and even the new age paradigm itself. Harold is a step towards the final death of this collective psychosis, because if we are to shift into a new awareness of reality, into an entirely new worldview, all previous complexes cannot be allowed the infect the new.......

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse reads:

A Negro girl fights for her independence in the city.

In an Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar interprets the symbol as follows:

Keynote: Liberation from the ghosts of the past

While "newly opened lands" theoretically offer virgin fields for experience, in fact those men and women who reach them find themselves conditioned by their own past. They carry the ghosts of their former lives and the memories of collective social patterns with which they had identified their egos. Every new beginning is surrounded with ghosts (or personal and social karma). The racial struggle for equality of opportunity must go on, even if this equality is officially guaranteed by the Law. The struggle is within and takes many forms. The Puritans brought to the theoretically "New World" the fears, the fanaticism and the aggressiveness of their European existence, and these often grew more virulent under the conditions found in the New World. But no field of activity is ever totally "virgin". It has its inhabitants, and they cling to their possessions or privileges. Whoever seeks to be truly an individual must be liberated from the past.

Rudhyar really hits it home with this interpretation, and I don't think I could have analyzed it any better myself. This brings us the answer to a very important question, especially while being conscious of the current energies we are dealing with, such as the Uranus/Pluto square which is furthering the growth of the seeds planted in the mid 1960's, and that question is: Why do so many revolutions fail to bring true authentic change? Because they are inherently infected by the ghosts of the past, because the new form attempts to conform to the old, and thus has no opportunity for a radical break from the past. Many of the radical and revolutionary insights and visions brought on by the 1960's were eventually contaminated by the very systems it sought to break down. Yet, from a more Lucid astrological perspective, it is clear that what happened at that time was not meant to fully solidify but rather germinate until the time is ripe for flowering and culmination (theoretically in 2024). The symbolic meaning of Harold's prediction about the end of the world allows us to look at our collective fear of death, which unconsciously projects into the future the remnants or shadow of an unresolved collective trauma into the mythos of the apocalypse[1]

A more in depth look at this subject is a bit beyond the scope of this article, and will have to be covered at a later time. For our purposes here, it is important to be conscious of these energies and how they are playing out in our collective drama, as well as the drama of our own personal lives. In looking at our own lives, and as we set our intentions which are greatly amplified by the Lunar eclipse, let us look at how we can completely break from the past, how we can heal the ghosts, the past and unresolved wounds, and create something entirely new without much hindrance from these shadows. This doesn't mean that we annihilate the past, for it offers us much lessons and gifts, but we mustn't allow the past to completely condition our future, we must have the ability to let go of what is no longer functional for our lives. Looking to your own life, how do these archetypes have relevance? Are we sitting around waiting for someone or something to save us from our predicament? What is keeping us from making change ourselves? Are our wounds so painful that we wish, unconsciously, we could simply be delivered from our suffering without having to face it? It's much easier to project all our hopes for salvation onto some figure who represents the change we refuse to create ourselves. Until we as a species realize our own power we will forever be disappointed with our saviors, and our prophets. In the end, such prophecies of doom stem from an unconscious fear of annihilation, which is a fear that belongs to the mind, and to the ego, which are temporary constructs the soul chooses to use throughout its incarnation. All fear is illusion, it serves us no useful function other than to shut us down, and incapacitate our senses, leaving little energy toward the more useful fight or flight mechanism. From the occult perspective the apocalypse is the unveiling, it lifts the veil of fear to the truth of infinite bliss. Hardly the end of the world.

Harold's prediction didn't unfold, and everyone had a good laugh, or possibly a good cry, and went back to business as usual. A day later, Harold emerged from his home in California to announce he had, once again, miscalculated the date of the rapture, and that the new date would be October 21, 2011. This date is strikingly close to the proposed actual end date of the mayan calendar on October 28, 2011[2]. No, I am not proposing that Harold is right and that the world will end, but I am saying that Harold is acting as a channel, because he is highly unconscious of the archetypes which impulse him, which is informing us, through symbolism of the Judeo-Christian mythos, that something is in fact happening to us, a powerful yet subtle shift in consciousness, just as the mayan calendar indicates. The Mayan calendar does NOT predict the end of world, but rather records and predicts evolutionary leaps within human consciousness in synch with the entire cosmos. The "end of the world" scenario is projected by the mainstream media because it is an unresolved collective fear and trauma stemming from a catastrophe our species experienced long ago. What we need here is a LIQUIDATION from the past, to clear our cluttered minds and make way for new visions for the world. This clean slate allows us to step up and strive for our actual and currently hidden human potential, which is veiled by a cloak of fear. We need to let go of our dependence on prophets and saviors who take away our power, our free will, in favor of a delusional scenario in which all our problems suddenly vanish without the need for processing and resolution. Revolutions are not the objective, they serve no functional role than to shock the psyche into a new evolutionary pattern; the true objective is Evolution, which is a conscious unfolding with divine intention. This unfolding is governed by time which is mirrored in the cycles of the planets, and if we can be conscious of these cycles they will no longer possess us collectively.

As we set our intentions this Lunar Eclipse/New Moon keep in mind that your intentions are being greatly magnified, positively or negatively. The results of what we intend this New Moon will have much farther reaching consequences than with other New Moons. How can you completely break with the past to create an entirely new frontier? How can we free ourselves and find liberation from the ghosts that hold us back? What's keeping us from being who we were truly meant to be? How can we let go of our ideas of the future, our judgements and assumptions of the unfolding so that we allow ourselves to just unfold and trust in divine intention? Take some time this New Moon to simply clear your mind, get more grounded and connected to what's real, whats tangible in the now, so that we can get clear about what we want to create in this magnificent world.

"No one is so godlike that he alone knows the true word. All of us gaze into that 'dark glass' in which the dark myth takes shape, adumbrating the invisible truth. In this glass the eyes of the spirit glimpse an image which we call the self, fully conscious of the fact that it is an anthropomorphic image which we have merely named but not explained." -C.G. Jung, Flying Saucers

Notes and References

[1] For further reading on this subject and thesis I highly suggest Catastrophobia by Barbara Hand Clow

[2] See the work of Carl Calleman,

Image Credits

Image 1: Gemini by Branka Brmbota
Image 2:
Image 3: Unknown source

New Moon In Taurus: The Beat Goes On

New Moon @ 12 degrees Taurus 31'
May 2, 2011- 11:51 PM PDT
May 3, 2011- 6:51 AM GMT

This new moon takes place in the sturdy, dependable, and deliberate sign of Taurus, grounding much of the energy we've been experiencing these past few weeks and bringing things a bit more 'down to earth'. As we set our intentions for the next lunar cycle, our attention is drawn into the essence of Taurus, as well as the Sabian symbol from which the new moon will fall. The Sabian symbol reads:

A porter carrying heavy baggage

The symbol embodies the notion, and indeed the inevitability, of carrying responsibilities in order to participate within an "organized society". The man in this modern image is a porter, one who is employed to carry luggage and such, usually at some form of transit station such as a railroad, airport, or even hotel. I feel the symbol of the porter, in reading into the nature of his occupation, gives us much more detail than interpreting the symbol solely on his actions alone. We get a sense, an image, of transport, movement, and the potential for travel whether literally or metaphorically. We see the image not of the journey or even the means of travel itself, but rather the preparation for travel, or perhaps, the arrival from a trip, and the loading or unloading of belongings and essentials. In fact, the porter is also, and sometimes entirely, a gatekeeper, or doorman, the one who shows the way in or out, and deals with the daily fluff as it passes by. Aside from the usual disparaging role such a figure plays, he embodies a deeply crucial archetype through which filters our means of interchange and communication. In a sense, he is essentially indifferent to any particular 'charge', in that his role is fluid and changing, neither up nor down, left or right, but pointed, always, in various directions at any given time. Interestingly the symbol uncannily reflects the sign of Taurus in the porter's actions, carrying belongings, stuff, material goods, possibly slowly, due to the heaviness of the luggage. We get the sense of social burden also from the heaviness of the baggage, and a sense of sacrifice on behalf of others regardless of whether he is 'paid' for his services or not. Perhaps this symbol suggests to us the intention of gaining clarity as to who we are burdening or who is burdening us? Are we carrying too much, are we sacrificing our own needs to take care of someone else's wants or demands? Are we depending too much on others to take care of our own needs or responsibilities? How can we lighten the load a bit, make the baggage less heavy for the porter?

The new moon in Taurus quincunxes Saturn in Libra, shedding light on how our needs or even belongings and resources conflict with those of others, how they function within a relationship or partnership. The cluster of planets currently residing in Aries: Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, draws much energy into self projection and self interest. Venus and Mercury are closely conjunct and in opposition to Saturn, again, reiterating the awareness of self and others, the need to love oneself, and whether such need is being allowed expression by others, or vice versa. The north node currently sits at 24 degrees Sagittarius, urging us to embrace our inner truth and expand our perception of the world and life's manifold possibilities. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, sits in Aries, conjunct Mars, and thus the nodal energy is working at maximum potential and momentum, generating a collective and individual yearning to conquer new frontiers of the outer world and inner psyche, to see beyond imposed limitations, and embrace what’s foreign. This symbolism fits quite nicely with the symbolism of the porter, assisting us in preparation for some form of journey or trip whether in the physical outer reality or the inner realm of our own unconscious. Blending the nature of this Taurean Moon, with the powerful and fiery conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, we feel a powerful draw to our own physical bodies, and getting more in touch with our own sensual and primal archetypes, creating a deeper awareness and attunement to the subtleties of our own organism.

The sign of Taurus embodies the cultivation of beauty, harmony, and consistent productivity. How can we bring more beauty into our lives, into our environment, and into the world we all share? How can we make things more enjoyable, harmonious, and efficient? What do you want right now? What do YOU value, what brings you inner joy and peace? These are all crucial questions we should each be asking ourselves, so that we can get clear about what we want to create in our own lives. Ceres in Pisces and Juno in Virgo are in a very tight opposition to one another, another configuration affecting our relationships, urging us to see deeply into the core truth of the matter and beyond delusions. Are our needs being sufficiently nurtured in our relationships? Are we nurturing the needs of others? Are we nurturing ourselves, our own needs? This may have the effect of having one deeply reflect on the core dynamics of a relationship, whether it is truly real and authentic, or whether things are being kept in the dark, stifling the truth. How can we nurture the situation with compassion so that we can get clear and create balance, and ideally, a win-win situation for all involved?

Take some time this new moon to enjoy simple pleasures, stop and smell the roses, and just experiment with BEING as opposed to doing. Sometimes when the answers you're looking for aren’t to be found by actively looking, the most profound solutions often arrive when we simply allow them to come to us on their own accord, when we're patient and receptive. Get in touch with your own inner beauty, and the beauty of the world, of your own body, and of nature. Explore the endless bounty the world has to offer. Currently, in our day and age, the media and consensus culture bombards us with all the atrocities and horrors of the world, all the "what's wrong", and we forget to notice all the truly beautiful and stunning creations that surround us. We forget to just stop and look at this magnificent creation, the truly remarkable beauty and intelligence that has evolved on this planet for millions and billions of years......and when we look at it from this perspective, we realize that "what's wrong" is a recent and fleeting arrival on this great and remarkable planet we call home. As we gain clarity into the deeper facets of our lives, try not to judge what comes up as "good" or "bad", but rather look at everything as a necessary component, assisting us in reaching our highest potential. Beauty, bliss, peace, joy, and functionality all around us, you just have to open your eyes, nature has been doing it all along, will continue to do so whether we're conscious of it or not.

Again, much of the energy of this new moon appears to be focused on the preparation for some kind of movement, some symbolic exodus. Look to your own life and see where such symbolism is relevant. What could you possibly prepare yourself for? What necessities would you need to take along? At the time of the Full Moon on May 17, much of this energy will fully culminate in the sign of Scorpio at the 26th degree. The sabian symbol reads:

A military band marches noisily on through the city streets.

Here we get an almost garish image of pomp and show, a loud and noisy display of “cultural values”, as Rudhyar interprets. On an individual level perhaps this suggests a process of fully integrating and then displaying or broadcasting ones own personal values, the potential of fully accepting and thus actively sharing one’s deepest passions with the outer world. On a collective level, perhaps this suggests some collective initiation of an event or process, and this new moon symbolizes its crystallization and eventual execution at the full moon. With this in mind, I feel it necessary to urge us all to focus more on our own values as opposed to getting swept away by collective fanfare, or the values and ideals of others. Stay true to yourself and to your own path, and sometimes, when you find little or no support, its best to just march onward to the beat of your own drum....

Interview With Kathy Crabbe's Creative Soul Circle

Hey there, I thought I would share a recent interview I did with Kathy Crabbe on her Creative Soul Circle, the original post can be found here on her website.

How did you originally become interested in astrology?

I got caught up in the whole thing when I was about nineteen, mainly with just 'popular' sun sign astrology. It was around me for a while, leading up to my actual discovery of natal or horoscopic astrology. I had a friend who was vaguely interested in the subject, more so with Sun sign compatibility, she talked about it daily; she had "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk, and I remember being extremely drawn to it, but didn't know why, since I was actually rather skeptical of astrology. About a year later, I met someone who basically acted as a catalyst for my 'awakening', and he was the primary motivation that sent me on the path to studying astrology and the occult. I fell in love with him actually, or perhaps, so I thought, he was the first person I felt that way about, and it was through the pain of unrequited love that sent me into a sort of obsession of "figuring" out why, and then all that pain and obsession eventually led me to myself....and astrology was, and is, so crucial to that self discovery for me, and I am ever so grateful for it. I would say that my discovery of astrology was during one of the most difficult and unbalanced times of my life thus far, and it was literally the light that guided me from so much darkness and confusion. I was heavily indoctrinated into a nihilistic almost quasi-existential way of thinking, and I was dabbling a bit with conceptual physics like quantum mechanics and string theory.....and then all of the sudden, I met astrology, and it all just came together so nicely, all of my interests in science and philosophy suddenly came together. It all reminds me of something Carl Jung once said....."Pain and light and enlightenment come all at once", or something to that nature.

How can astrology help people?

Well, there is certainly no easy way to answer that, and I suppose it really depends on the person and how receptive they are to what astrology can reveal. Astrology can just about illuminate anything within the psyche, and by that I mean it can reveal, completely, an individual's life process, potential, and struggle. In its highest application, astrology can help bring awareness, and when it comes to a healing process, awareness is so absolutely crucial, and it makes things a lot easier to work with.....but then again that all depends on how open an individual is to having awareness of themselves. Unfortunately, in our culture, astrology is perceived as mere entertainment and is so far removed from healing, and because of that status so many are closed off to the 'idea' that astrology is a powerful healing tool, more so than any form of psychotherapy or mainstream counseling I've tried, and the awareness it provides is so beyond even other holistic modalities I've experimented with, it's really a complete system for providing awareness of one's self. With that said, however, I believe astrology is best used as a starting point or foundation for healing, because awareness in itself isn't enough, you have to do something about it. I went a long time having awareness of myself but that didn't particularly change anything, I had to get proactive with other modalities to work on those things astrology had shown me....but that's where the real power lies, because it can totally accelerate the healing process, it can get right to the point, to the bottom line and really save a lot of time. In another light, astrology can really alleviate stress and confusion, it can provide a perspective that reveals an intelligence to life and to nature itself, and that each of us is apart of that intelligence. Through the use of predictive techniques, such as transits, an awareness emerges where one can see that there's a time for certain things, that a difficult period in one's life has a beginning an an end, that it wont last forever, and that it doesn't necessarily need be difficult at all. From this expanded perspective we see an inevitable unfolding within the entire universe, and astrology can help us align with that unfolding, that cosmic intention, so that our ego isn't in the way of it. I don't believe that we solely live for ourselves, and by that I don't mean that our lives aren't significant, because from our perspective it's obvious that's all there is, but our life is really apart of a much larger evolutionary agenda, and like the cells of a larger organism, our destiny serves the fulfillment of a greater cosmic, and even universal destiny. Above all else, astrology is helpful because it shows us that there's a division between who we think we are, and who we are really meant to reveals all that imprinting and conditioning that's been thrown on us from our parents, religion, culture, society etc, and how we can actually transmute that conditioning into something that's truly powerful and functional for our lives and for others. I see each of us as a puzzle piece really, and we all fit in perfectly somewhere, it's just that we're all looking in the wrong spot, or we believe we're a different piece all together and so we go around trying to fit in where we, by nature, actually don't belong. If we can really understand our own piece of the puzzle, and become really aware of our special place, we can fit in and stop getting in the way, and hopefully if more people understand this- all of us will be able to see the picture on the puzzle much more clearly, and astrology is definitely a tool that can light the way.

If you could be any combination of sun/moon/ascendant - what would it be?

Honestly I've never been into idealizing I was something else astrologically, I'm perfectly happy with my current combination.....Aqurius rising, Aries Moon, and Gemini Sun. It's a lot of hot air....but I think I make good use of it ;-) But I suppose, if I were to pick, I'd maybe have at least some more earth, like a Taurus moon, just to ground things out a bit.....but then again, I wouldn't be who I am now.

How do you see astrology benefiting society?

I see astrology as one of the most crucial tools for human survival, and ironically, it's the most suppressed and attacked of subjects around, by every school of thought imaginable. Religion hates it, science mocks it, philosophy can't figure it out, and others, even many "new agers" feel it's overtly mental/intellectual and takes us out of the moment. There was a time, in antiquity, where astrology was one of the highest regarded of sciences on the planet, every physician was essentially as astrologer-there was no division between metaphysics and "science". No decisions were made without first consulting the heavens, but often when I say that, people think it was a time where people didn't utilize free will, that they were these superstitious primitives who believed in silly things like the planets were literal"Gods" who cursed or blessed them according to their actions, but that's a complete misunderstanding spawned by our cultural and collective delusion and ignorance. Astrology reveals archetypal dynamics that exist higher dimensionally, and these dynamics are the very seeds for our collective belief systems, structures, institutions, and the entire reality before us....they shape, mold, and herd society in ways we could never imagine. Ironically our world is completely unconscious of this reality, that their thoughts and feelings do not always, if ever, originate within themselves, but are rather the by product, the wake, of a larger external force impulsing them from outside. If we as a society once again had that understanding, we wouldn't be so manipulated by our thoughts and feelings, we would be able to direct them and use them toward our own benefit. That's free will, complete consciousness in the moment of what's happening, and what's impulsing you. Free will begins with having awareness, because if your unconscious of something, it has power over you, and then you're really tantamount to a puppet on strings.....and sadly, that's our whole world currently, little puppets on strings being led along by larger puppets who, in their own delusion, believe their running the show.

What is the best way to begin the study of astrology?

I'll be perfectly honest, real authentic natal astrology is extremely inaccessible-but that shouldn't discourage anyone from studying it, but I say that because many don't know the difference between esoteric and exoteric astrology. Exoteric astrology is what you'll find at Barns n Noble, not to say there aren't some possible gems here and there in mainstream bookstores, but they are extremely hard to find. Your best bet is to go to new age bookstores, or to used book stores in large cities, you'll likely find lots of unique and possibly out of print books. The problem with astrology is that, besides from its apparent 'popularity', which is supposedly increasing, the real meat of the subject people aren't interested in-or they truly would have no idea of its value or even its existence. Because of this a lot of the really good stuff doesn't circulate for very long, because there isn't a big enough market for it, so they go out of print and we're left with a lot of cookbook astrology that might be somewhat illuminating, but is mostly just entertainment and useless in terms of practical application. With that said, I would suggest just starting with the basics, learn the alphabet, the symbols, and how they all interconnect through ruler-ship. Once you have a firm grasp of the basics, you can begin to expand that into deeper realms, but it's definitely an art and a science, and something you need to truly love and stick anything it takes practice and discipline, and most of the time people give up out of discouragement. I can't tell you how I learned astrology, I've never been formally taught, and all the resources just sort of fell into my lap, it all just came together so perfectly for me. When people ask me how I learned I tell them I just remembered it, because it came so fast and so easy for me, and I'm convinced I have utilized it extensively in lives previous to this one. That doesn't mean that you need to have been a court astrologer or a priest at Dendera in a past life to "get it", but out of complete honesty, it isn't something that a lot of people will "get" right away, because it's an entirely different way of thinking. It really helps to actually delve into stuff like mythology, and the study of symbolism, because that's really how you approach astrology, from a creative and 'mythical' state of mind. It's actually not about studying the symbols and learning what they mean in an academic way, but rather, what they embody, how they feel within the body, what their essence is in a multivalent sense. You can't approach astrology from a left brained approach, which we are all, in this culture, conditioned to be dominated by. You can learn it this way, and that's actually how I started, but you will not be able to successfully apply it to real life or to a real human being unless you have the other perspective. It is true, however, that the study of astrology can actually assist in bridging both hemispheres. In terms of resources I always recommend a beginner's book, such as Steven Forrest's The Inner Sky, which is very well written and approachable, or even something as basic as "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need", by Joanna Martine Woolfolk, which the title may be a bit incorrect in its claim, but it really is a good start. Also there's tons of resources on the internet that a simple google search could easily unveil.

Are there any downsides to astrology?

Absolutely! There's a dark side to everything, and astrology is certainly no exception to that rule. I feel that in my study, I've definitely fallen prey to the darker realms of astrological application, in that it was an obsession for me in my early stages of learning. In it's lower vibration, astrology presents a lot of temptations, enticing the ego to control reality and, to a darker aspect, to the control of other people. One can easily get lost in trying to "figure it all out", in order to have control of their lives, and that's really a dysfunctional way of approaching astrology. It can become a highly intellectual and mental discipline, and when taken too far, has one worrying and dreading what a particular element in their horoscope might create for them. It can really take one "out of the moment", into a very mental plane where they are constantly looking to the future, to whats going to happen, instead of just using it in the moment to work to become synergistic with the energies as they currently are. It can also feed into a lot egocentric delusion, where one is so focused or convinced in a sense of high destiny, which may or may not be true for them. The biggest downside to astrology actually comes from its practitioners, because it's kept so secret and inaccessible, there isn't a lot of proper training out there, there's a lot of practitioners who give very damaging information to their clients. I'll admit that I've done it myself, and I've never actually been formally trained. I would recommend avoiding any 'astrologer' that gives immanent predictions, or absolutes, such as "You'll never have children", or "You're going to get a divorce this year", such things, in my opinion, have no use and are in no way healing or of therapeutic value. I don't make concrete predictions using astrology, I have of course in the past, but it doesn't work for me, and I feel that it's very limiting. Any time someone makes a concrete prediction, they create a limitation for that person, and that idea or that belief is very powerful, and who is to say that the client doesn't go on to manifest that based on what they were told, into a sort of self fulfilled prophecy. Astrology is not about predicting the future, it's about perceiving an unfolding and aligning oneself with that unfolding to manifest the most positive and functional outcome. I also believe that astrology is definitely used for a darker agenda by many religious, political, and entertainment institutions for the use of social manipulation; it is very clear that many wars and so called 'natural' or man-made disasters occur very precisely timed astrologically toward the benefit of governments and elitists. You could say, of course, that perhaps it simply proves the validity of astrology, and that those events actually occurred in synchronization with the astrological event, which is true to an extent, but in looking at the evidence, certain events are just so beyond that, it is very clear that foreknowledge was used. There are many secret societies and similar groups that use it to herd the masses into particular directions and cultural shifts, and today that is a very real and powerful reality we are faced with, and sadly it is, I believe, the most common negative application of it. The details of this, and the evidence of it, is really not something I care to go into here, but I do talk openly about it, even if for some it sounds completely far fetched. Perhaps in the future, after I secure more solid research, I'll be able to write about it in more depth.

Which astrologer or astrologers have had the greatest influence upon you and why?

Well I've dabbled with just about every astrologer's work I could get my hands on, from Ptolemy to Rudhyar, but I would have to say that I'm very heavily influenced by the work of Barbara Hand Clow, Noel Tyl, Steven Forrest, and Jeffery Wolf Green and his school of Evolutionary Astrology. Quite a varied bunch, I'll admit, but they have actually been the most influential on my work thus far. Noel Tyl, though not a favorite to many I've come to find out, has created a very highly functional system of horoscope analysis, synthesis, and interpretation that can be readily applied to reality, and so much of his work is a foundation for how I approach a horoscope. Barbara Hand Clow is just amazing, I don't think there's anyone that can deny the value what she's done, whether she did it all herself or not, I do not know, but it's highly insightful and useful in terms of acknowledging the deeper spiritual dimensions of astrology. Of course, her brother, Robert Hand, is just as influential, albeit perhaps, a bit more practical; his masterpiece, Planets In Transit, is like my bible. Barbara's work is so tantamount to gaining a broader perspective of how and why it all works the way it does, and even though it can be pretty far out, it actually makes astrology a lot more relatable in terms of giving it more meaning and tangibility through mythology. Jefferey Wolf Green's work is truly remarkable, and has deeply therapeutic implications. In fact, the mention of his name invokes a sense of depth for me, his work really woke me up to just how deep astrology can go within the psyche, and provides a look at the more karmic dimensions of personality, and how reincarnation plays such a crucial role in what we are currently experiencing in our lives. Most of all, I have to give a lot of credit to the unseen masters I've worked with, though I don't know their identity, or whether it's all the byproduct of claircognizance, much of the insight I've gained comes through spontaneous channeling and the amateur shamanism.

What astrological projects are you working on right now that you're particularly excited about?

At the moment I'm working on an article disseminating the deeper archetypal implications of Uranus, and it's connection to the current awakening and transition we are experiencing, linked deeply to an occult or esoteric agenda that's been going on for quite a while....if that makes any sense. Without giving too much away, I've been following a synchronistic chain of events that have been influencing me for a few years. In magikal circles, it would appear to be a sort of 'working' that I've been involved with, and much of it has been rather aggressive to get my attention. The article is pretty far out, but I'm hoping to put some more pieces together soon, because its implications, I feel, are highly significant for us to understand and acknowledge. I'm pretty excited about it, but it hasn't been an easy thing to channel, it's actually been quite a challenge for me, mentally as well as emotionally.

Which astrology books are your favorites and why?

Oh wow, that's a long list, but let's see......definitely Jeff Green's Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of The Soul, part one and two....absolutely astounding masterpieces, and so essential to transmuting deep emotional pain or blockages found in the horoscope. His books have served such a purpose in getting really to the bottom line of the horoscope using Pluto in synthesis with the Moon's nodal axis. Dane Rudhyar's, An Astrological Mandala, which is a deeply rich and remarkable take on Sabian symbols, which are so eerily accurate when used, they are pretty much an entire divination system in of themselves. Barbara Hand Clow's Chiron: Rainbow Bridge to the Inner and Outer Planets, and The Liquid Light of Sex, are such useful and insightful works, such a blend of spiritual philosophy with very practical and down to earth implications. Noel Tyl's Synthesis and Counseling In Astrology, is such a masterpiece, I don't think there is anything that can compare in it's breadth and complexity, if anyone is considering serious and practical astrological counseling, that is definitely a must have. Then there's Jan Spiller's Astrology For The Soul, which is such a useful and valuable book for healing.....and when mixed with the insight of Jeff Green, it's just amazing what can be revealed in terms of blockages and opportunities for evolution; it brings the concept of reincarnation into a whole new light. Id also like to mention Richard Tarnas' Cosmos and Psyche, which has been hugely influential in motivating me more towards mundane astrology, the astrology of collective or political events. His work is truly amazing, and I actually recommend it to more intellectual types who are skeptical of astrology, because it's an excellent bridge to the more right brained or creative way of thinking and perceiving the world. His book is rather exhausting to go through, but it's extremely well researched and appeals to the more academic minded, who need lengthy bibliographies and footnotes before they would even consider reading something.

How would you like to see humanity utilizing astrology in the future?

Ideally, I'd like to see it used as a form of conscious stewardship, used with the utmost compassion and unconditional love to lead the masses toward higher evolution, and perhaps that's a bit far fetched of a reality for humanity at this time, but it's really, I feel, what astrology is meant to become. It reveals a map of unfolding, and if we could, collectively, use that map together to see where we are going, to see how we can best support that unfolding together, I believe we would literally create heaven on earth- a potential that truly exists deep in our DNA. Currently we live in a culture, in a society, that is so separated from nature and the natural rhythm of the cosmos, and the consequences of that we are now witnessing every day in the dysfunctions that plague our bodies, minds, and hearts. We are indeed a sick populace, but it doesn't have to be that way, and astrology is actually a huge step to taking us back to the garden, back to mother earth, to find solace and awe in her beauty and intelligence. Astrology is a giant step towards bridging us back to our potential, back to what we were designed to become, and it will truly save us from the materialistic and lifeless world that many find themselves enmeshed. When you utilize astrology, it reawakens that magic you knew as a child, that feeling of special destiny and purpose, and it's truly that magic our world needs now, to be like a child again, to play and be spontaneous, and to gaze with wonder at the magnificence of that great mystery that envelops us all.

What astrological gem of wisdom do you feel is most essential for us to know about right now?

Everything going on right now is urging us to let go, to break out of our shells, our mundane shells, and embrace life, embrace joy and bliss, and vigor. I know that to many, the world looks rather grim, and as if things are getting much 'worse' than ever before, but I see it as a sort of juxtaposition for the light that's waiting to burst within each of us. All the alignments that are happening right now are truly remarkable, I couldn't begin to describe their significance, but I urge everyone to get intimate with themselves, with their shadows, and with their potential....and really clear out what's holding you back. We are entering into a very different world, and the key to survival is high awareness, you need to be smart and you need to think for yourself to avoid being taken advantage of. I don't say that to scare people, but because we need to get conscious, or were going to drown in unconscious passivity. This is the divine moment that we've been waiting for, it's the most exciting time to be alive, and I really feel it's a blessing I've chosen to be here, no matter how difficult and challenging it is. I don't know if that answers the question, but that's what came up for me, haha.

A Serpent In The Garden

New Moon @ 13 degrees Aries 30'
April 03, 2011- 7:32 AM PDT

New Moon's Agenda: To gain an expanded awareness of one's self interests, and how one harmonizes or conflicts within relationship. To bring balance and harmony within the psyche through the equilibrium of one's inner male and female archetypes. To seek cooperation, compassion, and to resolve conflicts in a way that benefits both sides of the equation.
The ritualistic dance of light and of dark. Win-Win. Functional Individuality within Relationship.

Beyond one's physical sex, each of us is a balance of both masculine and feminine qualities, the psyche contains the imprints of both. The most primal and mythological metaphor for the creation of this duality, in western culture, is the story of Adam and Eve, or Ish and Isha (as in the
more original Hebrew version). On the surface, the story tells us that 'God' or Yahweh/Jehovah, first created man (Adam/Ish) from the dust of the earth, and then constructed his counterpart, woman (Eve/Isha), from Adam's dislocated rib. 'God'/Yahweh/Jehovah placed them into 'the garden', to tend to the land, and all was theirs to enjoy, we all know....the 'Tree of Knowing'. The fruit of this tree was strictly forbidden by this 'God', as its consumption would result in the 'knowledge' of good and evil. Of course Adam and Eve are never really told this outright, but rather that the consumption of the fruit would surely lead to their death....

"Of every tree of the orchard you shall;
but of the Tree of Knowing Good and Evil
thou shalt not eat of it;
for on the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die."

Shortly after having been given this commandment, Eve/Isha encounters a mysterious serpent, who convinces her that the eating of the fruit will actually
not lead to her demise....

And the Serpent....said unto the woman:
"Hath the Deity indeed said
'Ye shall not eat of the any tree of the orchard"?"
And the woman said unto the Serpent:
"Of the fruits of the trees of the orchard
eat we may;
it is of the fruit of the tree in the
midst of the orchard that the Deity hath said:
'Ye shall not eat of it, neither touch it,
lest ye die.' "
And the Serpent said unto the woman:
"Nay, ye will surely not die;
It is that the Deity doth know
that on the day ye eat thereof
your eyes will be opened
and ye will be as the Deity-
knowing good and evil."
And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat
And that it was lustful to behold;
And the tree was desirable to make one wise;
And she took of its fruit and did eat,
And gave also to her mate with her, and he ate.
and the eyes of both of them were opened,
And they knew that they were naked,
And made themselves loincloths.

We are told that from this knowledge, Adam/Ish and Eve/Isha were wrought by the revelation of their 'nakedness', and enveloped by shame, they quickly found clothing to conceal their genitals. The consensus interpretation of this myth is that it tells of the origin of man and woman, the origination of sin, and of man's 'shame' of being naked. Taking the myth literally, however, will certainly
not lead to any deeper understanding, and the predominant Judeo-Christian interpretation was created to serve the agenda of the establishment, the priestly elite, and as a result, it mostly places an unconscious blame on woman for 'disobeying' the patriarchal deity's orders. From an occult or esoteric perspective, we see a much different story, a more profound statement about humanities' spiritual evolution. In the beginning we see Adam 'naming' all the animals and plants, and it is through this act, through the power of word, that he brings them into form. For we know that in the beginning, was the word, the logos, the cosmic OM. This reveals man's inherent ability to channel form into existence using the power of consciousness, and yet, man is in a state of pure receptivity to divine will. This means that, literally, man/Adam had no free will of his own, he is given the world to create and bring into form, divine intention, but he has no intention of his own. The duality of Adam and Eve, is equal to the duality of the mind itself, in its right (creative, receptive, intuitive, feminine) and left (logical, active, rational, masculine) hemispheres. Adam represents the masculine, the active principle of bringing the divine beings into formation and crystallization. It is interesting that Eve is the one who converses with the Serpent, for she is only able to 'see' him because of her intuitive nature, the feminine ability to see the "unseen" forms. The serpent is Lucifer/Prometheus, the cosmic trickster, who 'tempts' Eve/Isha to eat of the tree of knowing by explaining that her eyes will thus be opened, and she will be like the deity, knowing good and evil. There are actually two predominant trees in the Garden, 'The Tree of Knowing' and 'The Tree of Life', and we are also told that by eating of the 'Tree of Knowing', man will then eat of the "Tree of Life", and then be as the Gods. It is clear, also, that there are the presence of multiple Gods, as the deity often refers to 'others'....

Then did the Deity Yahweh say:
"Behold, the Adam has become as one of
to know good and evil.
And now might he not put forth his hand
And partake also of the Tree of Life,
and eat, and live forever?"
And the Deity Yahweh expelled the Adam
from the orchard of Eden.

This reveals that by partaking of the Tree of Knowing, Adam and Eve would be like the Gods, knowing good and evil, and now run the risk of having
also the power of eternal life, and thus were banished from the Garden. This left humanity in a state of shame, and as an incomplete semi-divine being, man is now only 'like' the gods, but not yet one of them- he is destined to forever reach toward his divine and god-like potential.
By the eating of the apple, the partaking of the external forms, man fell into the illusion of duality, and thus realized not his "nakedness", but rather, his
separateness from the divine. Prior to the "fall" man was one with the external forms, there was no separation, much like an infant child, all is enmeshed into oneness. The knowledge of good and evil, led to the realization of the illusion of their isolation within the body, the physical vessel, which separates and confines spirit into matter. This is symbolized as the 'shame' of their sexual organs, and the covering of their bodies. It is also evident that the word knowing, often referred to the act of sexual procreation, to 'know' was to have to sex.

"Throughout the Old Testament, the term "to know" is used to denote sexual intercourse, mostly between a man and his spouse for the purpose of having children. The tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is the story of a crucial step in Man's development:
the acquisition of the ability to procreate. "
-Zecharia Sitchin,
The Twelfth Planet, pg. 368

Consuming of the 'flesh' of matter, whether through the ingestion of food, or through the act of sexual penetration, appears to be the root of the tale. There truly is no single blanket interpretation to apply to the myth, however, or with any myth for that matter, and its meaning is inherently multivalent. The serpent, Lucifer/Prometheus, is an unconscious symbol awaiting activation deep within the human psyche. The serpent climbing a rod, or in this case, a tree, is an ancient esoteric symbol known as the caduceus, symbolic of the sexual kundalini energy that lies dormant in man's root chakra.

The serpent, also a symbol of spirit penetrating into matter, simply awakened Adam and Eve out of
passive oneness and into active individuation, which results in the perception of separation. The sexual act itself, is thus a metaphor for man's desire to reunite with the divine, a sort of compensation, for our separation from 'God'.

The myth set in motion, the desire for sexual intercourse in humanity, forever seeking to reunite with the state as passive co-creator with the divine, within the confines and safety of the cosmic womb (The Garden). The intertwining serpent symbolism is also uncannily similar to the double helix of DNA, and one could also say that, perhaps, Lucifer/Prometheus was essentially Eve's own DNA communicating with her, revealing her 'hidden' abilities the deity Yahweh clearly did not wish her to 'know'.

From that point onward, humanity has set in motion, the pattern to 'know' the external forms, as well as the internal forms: the totality of the self, the endless penetration of form and void. It explains the origination of individuality, separate from the divine, not the root of all 'evil' and 'sin'. It describes the beginning of a crucial evolutionary step, one that we are now, as a collective, reaching the crux of: the apex of individuality.....

"Adam and Eve accepted the Presence, not of the Tempter, but of the individualizer, who sought to have them both out of the womb of unconscious passivity to Nature's God. But the result of the experience frightened them. They "hid"; they failed in the great test of individualization, and in this sense the archetype of that failure is deeply embedded in man's generic unconscious. It is repeated time after time."
-Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala, pg. 60

As we set our intentions for this new moon, our attention is drawn to this ancient and mythic story; a transition is occurring collectively where dichotomy must be bridged and reconciled. As a direct result of this need for resolution, comes the amplification of polarity, which results in the illusion of war, of light versus dark, of good versus evil. The emptiness the world feels deep inside, is becoming much greater than ever before, and this is increasing our collective tension, as well as our own individual dichotomy. The path to reconciliation is not through resistance, but rather, through the acceptance of relationship, which inherently threatens the ego with complete annihilation of self importance. In the myth, it is clear that Adam was indeed the progenitor of Eve, as she was constructed from his rib. It is through such symbolism that we discover that Eve is really a piece of Adam, that relationship is a reflection of oneself. Adam was the reflection of the divine beings who created him, and Eve, the reflection of the creation. The conscious acceptance of relationship implies that one take full responsibility for what is directly reflected back, full acceptance that the image is only what one has essentially created themselves. When we perceive our problems, personally or collectively, as some external force from which we are a victim, we only amplify its potential to destroy us.

The energy that is now being cultivated provides us the opportunity to bring full balance, full equilibrium, within the psyche by the balance of our inner Adam and Eve. These two seemingly opposite archetypes, are nonetheless, the reflection of each other, and the mind is incomplete without them in union. This requires the recognition that one is not solely male or female, but rather, a balance of both. Humanity has spent the past few thousand years reaching only for the potential of individuality, yet its foundation was unstable, and thus the result, incomplete. The serpent has returned, but not to separate humanity once more, but rather, to complete the process, to complete the journey to full individualization, and thus afford the opportunity for mankind to return to the garden in the end. This requires that one dissolve the false individuality from which our dysfunctional society imposes upon us (our unconscious passivity to society and government), and to search within to find the authentic individual sent from the divine. The Tree of Knowing must be balanced with the fruit of The Tree of Life. Knowledge must be tempered by direct experience of the divine, which lies within each of us.

On a more personal level, this energy could manifest in tension in our relationships, to ourselves and to others. Are your self interests imposing on the self interests of others, or do you allow others to impose their interests upon you? The dilemma that is presented to us, is how do we implement our vision, our self interest or agenda for creation, with the agenda of others, how do we fully participate in conscious relationship with others while maintaining individuality? It is clear that, from an evolutionary perspective, humanity is not yet ready for complete annihilation of self, but rather the full maturation of self, and of self potential. This New Moon ignites a frightening and yet simultaneously exciting prospect: the search for true authentic and functional individuality, while having the awareness of relationship to others. It seems the world is now reaching a point where it must merge with its opposite, or else it will perish in the wake of its own resistance. As Rudyhar states in the above quotation:
"They "hid"; they failed in the great test of individualization, and in this sense the archetype of that failure is deeply embedded in man's generic unconscious. It is repeated time after time."
This means that we are destined to re-experience this myth, over and over again, until its potential is complete. In looking at the state of the world, humanity has once more slipped into a state of passive unconsciousness to a "greater" will, and now we must be reawakened back into active participation and individuation. We must not, however, flee from the scene, hide in fear of punishment, but rather, take full responsibility for our decision, essentially, full awareness and ownership of our power. This New Moon is urging each of us to wake up, wake up to the world, and to where we are unconscious in our own lives. This critical turning point allows us to fully embrace our potential, to step back into the garden and claim what's rightfully ours.

Mercury Retrograde In Aries
March 30-April 23, 2011

This New Moon occurs at the onset of a fiery Mercury retrograde cycle, beginning on March 30th and ending on April 23, 2011. Interestingly, it seems its effects have actually set in much earlier than usual, coinciding with Mercury's conjunction with Jupiter on March 13th. This energy is further magnified by the presence of Jupiter in close conjunction with the New Moon in Aries, bringing with it an expansive burst of assertiveness, aggression, action, and initiation within the collective field. We can thus expect this highly energetic surge of power to set in again when mercury passes by Jupiter twice more during the retrograde cycle: around the dates of April 11 and May 11, 2011. Whatever material was presented to you around March 13th, is likely to reach some kind of culmination or conclusion around these times, as well as during the entire retrograde process. Mercury Retrograde can often be annoying for some, and it is common to experience this, but do not lose sight of its deeper meaning.

Mercury retrograde is a natural revision time, a time where we look back and reconsider things from a different perspective. With the symbolism of Aries, and Jupiter, it seems this is providing us an expanded perception of ourselves, our self interests, and our true agendas, collectively and personally. This is a time to have your mind wide open to incoming feedback and messages, as they will have a profound effect on your consciousness. Now is not the time for defensiveness and resistance, but rather, to utilize a receptive and open demeanor, willing to listen and absorb. This is the perfect time to reconsider your current direction, where you are headed, and what possible stumbling blocks you may encounter. Hold back from making immediate or impulsive decisions, now is the time to consider various options, but not so much for initiating action. New beginnings are indeed on the horizon, and in the air, and Mercury's retrograde is providing us the opportunity to consider which paths to take. Reconsider how you take action, how you present yourself, and whether you are balancing between shared and personal interests. This is a huge wake-up call to the entire world, and we are each going to have the opportunity to fully revise our perception of what's real and what's not. If we are to begin new projects or agendas collectively, are they truly our own, and do they support the interests of everyone involved? Take a few steps back during this cycle, and get clear about yourself and your personal agenda. You'll be glad you did. Who's agenda are we creating in the world? How do we temper it with our own vision? These questions are truly not so simple to answer, but I feel it is highly relevant that we ask them, and see what comes up. If we don't like the agenda that is being created, we must first take responsibility for it, as it is a reflection of our unconscious passivity, our lack of creating a conscious agenda. Then we must find ways to implement our own vision, not by the rejection of the current agenda, but of our acceptance of our relationship and responsibility towards it, and then find ways to compromise. Our goal is to seek conscious evolution, not unconscious revolution, which often leaves only blood in the streets, and an entertaining chapter in HIStory books.

Love & Light to all on their personal journey.....

*Join the Creative Soul Circle for the month of April and chat with Chad personally in my Special Guest Q & A Group (for full & crone moon members only).

The Diamond Path

New Moon In Pisces
March 04, 2011 @ 12:47:02 PM PST
13 degrees Pisces 56'

"The path to clarity is through the assimilation of complexity."

New Moon's Agenda: To strengthen one's immunity and to shield oneself, physically, emotionally, psychically, or spiritually. To gain deeper clarity within the psyche, removing any distortions inhibiting clear and direct intentions. To surrender attachment to our shadow, or our blockages, and to gain more awareness of our stumbling blocks so that we can embrace, love, and transmute them into powerful gifts for the world. To dig past superficiality to the real and authentic truth within.

As we set our intentions this new moon, CLARITY and AWARENESS, are of utmost importance. What do YOU want to create in your life? What kind of world do YOU want to see surrounding you? Setting intentions can be a powerful experience, especially when you're in synch with the cosmos. This new moon, if you don't already, try sitting down with yourself in a calm and relaxing space, free of distractions, and experiment writing out your intentions in a very clear and concise way. As you write them, visualize each intention and feel it in your heart center, feel the joy and bliss of manifesting your intention as if it is happening at that moment, right before your eyes. Get creative with it, use colored pens or pencils, or even draw pictures or make a collage, allow the experience to be fun- but remain conscious and focused-maintain a state of balance between ecstatic enthusiasm and pensiveness. When you're finished go over the list once more, visualize all the things you wrote down, feel them in your heart center, and as you read them, imagine them being sent directly to the moon, allow her to receive them and then thank her. Give thanks for all the blessings in your life, and take some time to imagine all that you're truly grateful for. Then put it away! You could fold it up and place it on an alter, you could burn it in your own ceremony, or you could put it under your pillow and forget all about it. Within two weeks, at the proceeding full moon, take a look at what has manifested, or not. Some intentions take several lunar cycles to manifest, some don't-it all comes down to what you THINK is possible. The more you practice at each new moon, the easier and the more powerful it will be. And just remember, how can the universe give you what you want if you don't ask for it? How can we create a new life, or even a new world, if we aren't clear about what we want it to look like?

It's very easy to find what's wrong with the world, and to realize what we don't want-the media bombards us with THAT every day. At this point, in the western world a least, we are all well aware of all the problems and dysfunctions that plague our reality- but the challenge comes in what to do about it, how to turn awareness into applicable solutions. We hear a lot about the current 'shift' in consciousness amplifying co-creation; the ability to gather with like minds and manifest together. One has to wonder however, is this 'co-creation' really something new? Haven't we been co-creating all along? The truth is that we have, but unfortunately, we've been creating a reality that's pre-made, handed to us by someone else, neatly packaged and soled to all who are convinced it's the cream of the crop. The 'awakening' the world is now experiencing is simply the awareness of this reality, the acceptance and realization that we've been duped. By who you may wonder? Well, that's a rather long story, one long and esoteric story which is well beyond the scope of this article- but the truth is, in the end, we've only fooled ourselves, and if we really want to point the blame we have to only look in the mirror. The 'powers that be', if you want to get Jungian about it, are simply projections of our own unconscious wounds, that part of ourselves we refuse to accept as us. All the demons that fill our dreamscape, all the terrorists, bankers, globalists, or bloodthirsty inter-dimensional reptilian extraterrestrials[1], we've created, collectively, because we've chosen fear over love. Humanity is at a threshold, we are now ready to fully understand love, and not just in the highly limited way we experience it in this dimension, but in the sense of Agape, which is cosmic love, the love pouring down through the higher dimensional spheres espoused by the more evolved echelons of consciousness. The love we experience, it is said, is merely the tail end of an experience so profound and so immense, no words could possibly describe it. How good does that sound? Sounds good to me, and I don't know about you, but I'm tired of creating the same thing-I'm ready to do something else, and I have a feeling you probably are to. The great news is that we aren't alone in this, the universe is on OUR side, we just have to make the choice, and it starts with YOU! It starts with getting clear, getting clear about yourself and your intentions. Who are you? What do YOU want? It's not about what everyone else wants, you know all about that, it's about what you want, what you REALLY want! Have I made my point yet? This new moon has the potential to be very revealing, possibly showing us what we don't want to see, but I suggest you look at it no matter what. Don't judge it, and don't run from it, just allow it to be, allow yourself to accept it, and then let it go! Whatever comes up for you at this time needs to be cleared, it needs you to let it go so it can be free and continue its OWN journey as well.

At the time of the new moon there will be a powerful cluster, or stellium, of planets in Pisces, and some teetering on the edge. This 'teetering' occurs when a planet is coming to the end of a sign, to the last degrees which are also called anaretic degrees. Neptune will be at 28 degrees of Aquarius, just at the cusp of Pisces, and Uranus will be at the 29th degree of Pisces just at the cusp of Aries. The anaretic degrees have a powerful effect, especially when outer planets converge there by transit. This indicates that powerful breakthroughs in consciousness are about to take place, something is about to explode! On March 11 Uranus will enter Aries, where it will stay until 2019! This event in itself is very significant, as it signals the beginning of an entirely new cycle of Uranus through the zodiac, it signals the rebirth of the Promethean principle within consciousness-and a powerful renaissance is possible! This will be proceeded by a complete revolution technologically as well as socially, our world is bound to change very quickly! Aries symbolizes the power of the individual, and so the 'technology' and secrets of the gods, the powers of the higher beings, are to be handed down to the common man for all to share. This threshold symbolizes that no longer will such power be hidden (in Pisces) but will be revealed to all who are ready to receive it. Further amplifying this omen is Uranus' seven squares to Pluto in Capricorn which will take place from 2012 to 2015, which will once again flood the collective psyche with the archetypes created during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction of the late 1960's.

Neptune, the ruler of this new moon, sits in conjunction to Chiron, forming the 'rainbow bridge'[2], which is an active portal that has been cracked open by the Super Full Moon in Leo that occurred on February 18th. This conjunction sits in direct opposition to the mysterious, allusive, and 'hypothetical' planet Transpluto [3] which currently sits at the 29th degree of Leo. This powerful, and yet, ambiguous energy, with the influence of Neptune, and the nature of a hypothetical planetary body, shows us that unseen forces are currently flooding our reality. The lines between what's "real" and what's not are beginning to blur, the world is going to become a very strange but interesting place to be. The opposition itself is urging each of us to see past illusions, deceptions, and distortions that have hindered our free will, severely limiting our range of awareness and thus our range of action. It is now time for all of us to get clear about what we've been 'programmed' to create, and to replace it with creating what comes directly from our heart centers as opposed to our minds. This is not a matter of sitting down and thinking about what you want, but rather FEELING it, reaching down deep and finding that volcano of joy, bliss, and curiosity many have only known as children. We are each being given the opportunity for more self-sufficiency, we are being freed from our shackles-so lets embrace the opportunity and step into our power together.

Jupiter and Pluto are currently squaring off in the heavens as well, amplifying expansion, enthusiasm, and deep philosophical or metaphysical thought-and on the flip side, expanding the darker dimensions of our psyches, our shadows, our wounds, and our unloved aspects, all reaching out for our acknowledgment and love. This energy is something to be conscious of, because if not you could get carried away with it. On one end you may find yourself filled with much excitement and enthusiasm over a new idea, or a new opportunity, something that seems almost too good to be true. The reality of the situation will vary for each of us, but the point here is to remain calm and just allow yourself to enjoy all the ideas and speculation, but it would be wise to consider it carefully before jumping on board right away. This is definitely a time for awareness and for creating visions, but immediate action is a different story. If you feel pressured to do something, don't give in right away, just let it be-odds are it will unfold without much need for immediate effort on your part either way. On the other side, this powerful energy has the potential to really let us dig deep, to get right to the bottom line, so follow the white rabbit wherever he may lead you now.

On March 3, the day before the new Moon, the Lunar Nodes switch from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius until August of 2012. This creates a subtle, yet powerful shift in our collective direction, urging us to let go of overt rationalization, to stop dwelling on complexities and petty facts, and get straight to the point. This powerful shift will impulse each of us to go deeper within ourselves, to listen to our inner guidance, and to rely less on detailed information given to us from external sources. This is a time to gain a greater perspective of what's going on, to see the bigger picture, and to reach out towards foreign avenues of life experience. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, ties in the square to Pluto in Capricorn with the nodal symbolism, directing our attention to this powerful aspect. In synthesis, these connections indicate that if we feel pressured in a certain direction by some external force (Pluto in Capricorn), we are merely being impelled so that we try an entirely new and different, or innovative, direction-to take our own path by following inner guidance and vision. This is what it is all about! Instead of sitting in front of the television, numbing out from the limiting repetition of refurbished OLD ideas and visions-get your OWN vision! The world is NOT running out of 'good' ideas, we've just been looking in the completely wrong places for FAR too long. If it isn't apparent to you yet, the system isn't going to give us anything new, it's simply going to superficially enhance stale and prosaic templates. And so, the best choice is to simply laugh at it all, and then look into another direction, there are infinite paths for us to choose from! We just haven't been 'told' about them by our TELL-A-VISION. Allow something fresh and new to enter your reality at this time, be open to change, and above all else, don't resist the flow.

Confronting The Shadow

Our lives are filled with shifts and transitions, in fact, every moment is a shift from the proceeding one. Nature provides us with the experience of a seamless flow from one experience to the next, but in reality, we are constantly being prepared in the moment for what's to come. We experience this often as intuition, or psychic vision, but we're really just picking up nature's next intention-the next shift is preparing us in the moment. If only we could listen carefully to the subtleties of our own bodies and minds, and just go with the flow, as opposed to resisting these transitions with our own ideas of how things should turn out, or what the next step will look like. Every new experience necessitates that we have fully integrated and processed the previous one, so that stagnate energies can be transmuted into functional and applicable constructs. These 'stagnate' energies, or unused, or 'unloved' constructs bide for our attention, and we perceive them as our shadow-our blind spots-which are quite simply programs within the psyche we have yet to shed the light of consciousness upon, and so they run unconsciously outside of normal awareness. These unconscious programs constantly seek our acknowledgment of them-and so they do whatever is possible to get our attention.

From the perspective of our collective mythic narrative we call 'the ascension', humanity is at the brink of a dimensional shift. This is a shift out of density, out of a lower vibrational dimension and into a higher and more finely tuned dimension. Our world is being flooded with higher dimensional light, and this light is exposing the darker elements, the shadow material that has been left over from our previous state. This shadow material must be integrated until we can fully step into the next experience, and so as more and more light penetrates the darkness and density, the more seemingly 'negative' or 'darker' elements we are bound to confront. Each of us individually must process our own shadow material, and humanity as a whole must process its collective shadow which each of us creates together. From the astrological perspective, we are in the midst of this clearing-the amplification of our shadow-which appears to be a completely autonomous entity separate from us, but only because we have refused to love it and accept it. To gain more clarity, we must first address that which we are unconscious of-otherwise these blind spots will seek to trip us up whenever there is a chance. In truth, the more unconscious we are, the less free will we have. It is said, rather esoterically, that free will only exists through the use of 'magic' and 'divination'. Magic is simply the art of directed and focused intention, and you don't need the help of Mr. Crowley for that one. Divination literally means "to be inspired by god", and inspire is simply to "bring breath in", or to bring the breath or light of god within oneself. I would personally translate that as simply to shed light on something that was previously hidden, our shadow! So divination need not be an elaborate system such as astrology or even tarot, it is simply the ability to shed light on what is hidden, to bring consciousness to something that is unconscious. Of course we have tools such as astrology to expedite this process, but there are many paths to divination-years of study and practice are not required.

If humanity is to have true free will it must first acknowledge its shadow, it must first shed light on all the darkness, all the programs that seemingly control us. It must then direct its own intentions, focus on its own visions and then create them! The universe is now assisting us in gaining clarity, seeing through the darkness with razor sharp vision so that we can shed light on all that was previously hidden. We must not judge the darkness, and we must not deny that darkness as us, for we must learn to love and embrace it, in all its truth and authenticity. It can often be difficult to see our shadow, since it's always behind us, and our best mirrors are often our relationships. The people in our lives reflect our shadow quite often, and so at this time keep your awareness keen, and be open and receptive to the signals coming from others-they are your greatest teachers.

Full Moon In Virgo

This new moon will culminate in the last of six anaretic full moons on March 19, the closing of one cycle I previously outlined in my article Cracking The Cosmic Egg: Lunar Eclipse Synchronicity and the Crisis In Consciousness. When one cycle closes, however, another one is just beginning. This full moon will be the second of 6 super full moons, when the moon is closest to earth, amplifying it's influence exponentially-heightening our subtle perceptions and magnifying the earth's energetic influence. Interestingly, on March 8, the 'Universal Underworld' begins, the final stage of the mayan calendar before its end date in either the fall of this year or winter solstice of 2012 [4]. These are intriguing synchroncities indeed-alerting us to a powerful shift occurring within the collective experience. Of further interest is the Full Moon's occurrence on the day before Spring Equinox, with the Sun conjunct Uranus sitting directly on the Aries Point! The Aries Point is one of the most powerful and significant placements in astrology, as it is the very beginning of the zodiac, the divine spark of consciousness, the flame driving the psyche to deeper and more expanded awareness and evolution. This is quite a revolutionary energy, bringing with the omen of a new dawn, a new horizon from which a grand new vision for the world can be created. The most revealing and intriguing aspect of all, are the sabian symbols for the positions of the sun and moon.

For the Sun at 29 degrees of Pisces:

Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.

For the Moon at 29 degrees of Virgo:

A seeker after occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind.

The symbols are extremely revealing, and seemingly work together through polarity. The Sun, at the Aries point, conjunct Uranus, is receiving the 'fire' from Prometheus (Uranus), the flame, as symbolized as light, which is disseminating into its many and multivalent manifestations. This light is then literally reflected off the Moon, and illuminating the minds of all who seek the 'occult' or hidden knowledge within. These beautiful symbols further confirm that light is penetrating our dimension, and it is exposing all the shadows and unconscious constructs lying just beneath the surface. To quote once more, as I did in a previous article, Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this full moon's symbol, excerpted from his infamous book, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases.

KEYNOTE: After a crisis one should seek to realign the renewed consciousness with the primordial Revelations of the Truth of Man.

Any revolutionary movement, once it has succeeded in overcoming the inertia of the past and in toppling obsolete structures, needs to tap the most essential realities of what Man represents and signifies in the universal Order; or else it merely reembodies in a superficially altered manner the very things it has destroyed. This is the crucial moment. In occultism the "Pattern of Man" is an archetypal Power that may be contacted. It must be sought with undeviating determination. After each revolutionary crisis this Pattern and this Power can be contacted-always the same, yet at each new cycle perceivable in a different light.

This fourth stage symbol presents us with the technique required to "reach the other shore". But each individual, and each group or racial unit, must come in its own way to the ROOT KNOWLEDGE which provides the only safe foundation for a rebirth.

Stay tuned for my next article which will disseminate the energies of the Spring Equinox shortly. I end with a clip from 2010: The Year We Make Contact, the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is a pertinent modern mythos for us at this time, as well as the years chosen for the titles being prophetic and uncannily significant for U.S. history. Movies are our collective dreams, and our modern mythologies, and they deeply reflect the under currents of our collective psyche.

Notes & References

[1] See, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth And Everything Else Is Illusion by David Icke.
[2] The Rainbow Bridge is an esoteric symbol dealing with the bridging of the physical body with the higher dimensional bodies, or the full activation of one's spiritual potential. In a more literal way, according to our current mythic narrative, the rainbow bridge mythos tells of a bridge linking the astral dimension through the Sun which is a portal to the Sirius star system. It is said that the astral dimension, which is created by the orbit of the Moon, holds discarnate souls on earth who have yet to "cross over". Currently there are many souls who are stuck or trapped due their attachment to density. As the earth matrix begins vibrating at a higher frequency, due to the ascension process, these souls who hold too much density cannot stay in the earth's collective field during the next several thousand years. It is believed that this bridge, the rainbow bridge, will assist these souls in relocating to another star system, possibly the 'binary' (possibly trinary) star system of Sirius.
[3] For further reading on Transpluto I highly suggest the article by astrologer Lynn Koiner titled, Transpluto Is Real! which can be found here:[4] For further study on the Mayan calendar I highly suggest Carl Johan Calleman's website,


Image 1: The Diamond Path by Rob Shouten
Image 2: Despair by Alex Grey

The Road To Awe

New Moon
February 02, 2011 @ 6:30:52 PM PST
@ 13 degrees of Aquarius

New Moon's Agenda: To manifest the power of the will consciously through co-creation to make dramatic and creative new forms in the world. To take ownership and responsibility of our role as co-creators of our world, and to take steps toward standing our ground and facing up to our fears. The energy of rapid acceleration is present, indicating the potential for breakthroughs and great leaps in evolution. Keyword: PENETRATION

New Moon's offer us the opportunity to become powerful co-creators, as each month when the Sun and Moon conjoin a portal opens, a portal through which intention is magnified exponentially. In other words, the few days surrounding the new moon, as well as the day itself, are highly charged with an energy that amplifies human thought and thus intention. This new moon is rather special, as it will culminate within a Full Moon (also the first of 6 Super Moons!) in Leo at the anaretic degree, the 29th degree, which makes it the last of 5 full Moons to occur at the 29th degree of the lower signs of the zodiac. In my previous article I outlined a process that was occurring within the collective psyche involving these Full Moons in synthesis with an intriguing Lunar Eclipse synchronicity. I have been heavily intuiting a definite shift in the collective field, as it seems the human species is now being activated by a powerful new template for consciousness itself. For me this was very exciting, but unfortunately for some, this activation has been rather difficult and arduous to endure. The symbolism of the lower signs can be compared to the symbolism of the "lower" and "physical" aspects of conscious perception, and thus would correlate directly to the biological human organism as well as the machines and tools we create which mimic natural organisms. When I first noticed the anaretic full moons I immediately had a vision of powerful energy streams penetrating the biosphere of the earth and the human body. I saw these streams entering through the crown chakra and down through each chakra of the body, forcing energetic blockages to be released or manifested to be dealt with. In that moment I intuited that this was a time to heal, to ground, and to get totally in our bodies, and I felt that this would be a preparation for other processes in the future that would be extremely ungrounding for many.

Since the beginning of these Full Moons my life has experienced many shifts, as certain people, places, and things around me have begun to die. I have witnessed the death of my Grandfather, who had battled an auto-immune disease for several years, and his condition accelerated for the worst just one day after the Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice, and he died about two weeks later. Prior to this, on Thanksgiving day, I got into a pretty bad accident that totaled my car, just days after the Full Moon at the 29th degree of Taurus in my third house(house of communication and transportation)! Shortly after this, and in complete synchronicity with the same Lunar Eclipse that had correlated with my grandfather dying, the school I was attending had to close its doors due to financial troubles that had been accumulating for several years.

At this moment as I write this, my Aunt is currently dying of a very bad case of Influenza-A or "Swine Flu" as it is called. Of course, I did have the Lunar Eclipse on December 21st exactly conjoined with Mercury in my horoscope at the 29th degree of Gemini. Mercury is the archetype of communication and travel (my car), and in addition Mercury rules my fourth house (death in the family), the house which governs home and family. I was very personally effected by this process, which is also clearly illustrated by my inspiration to write about all this (mercury, third house). Now you might think that this seems like a pretty bad string of "unfortunate" events, but I certainly don't see it that way.

In our dimension death "appears" to be the end, but this is certainly not true. All death is simply a transition to another state of being, as energy (which we are) can neither be created nor destroyed....everything is and always will be. For me, death is a road to another experience, another chapter of the soul's journey through the matrix of the divine mind. I had felt my grandfather would soon die, because even though allopathic medicine had tried its best to keep him out of pain, he had died a long time ago, and the drugs simply kept his soul from leaving. It was as if he wasn't quite in his body, and a piece of him was elsewhere. I experienced this phenomena a few years ago when another Aunt died of cancer, she had been battling the disease for several years....but within a year after an experimental surgery, she passed away. Immediately after the surgery I noticed a strange shift in her, something that others had noticed as well. Even though she was quite clearly alive, she wasn't completely in her body, as she appeared spacey and "angelic".

At the time, I was offering astrology readings (rather prematurely and naively I'll admit) at a local new age store, and one day as I was sitting in the store, a psychic who worked there, asked me an interesting question. She said, "Do you know someone named Mary Anne?" I replied, "Why yes, she's my Aunt". She asked me if she was sick, and I told her that she had cancer. She proceeded to tell me that she was about to cross over, and that apart of her was already in the astral dimension. This meant that her higher self, or higher dimensional aspect of being, was ready to depart from this life and the process had begun. Aside from my reservations against unasked for psychic advice, she helped to confirm my intuitions about what I was seeing, that even though modern medical science can keep us "alive" and subdue the pain of disease, it can't stop the inevitable which we all must face in the end, and it can't stop the natural (or supernatural) processes which permeate our reality. She died less than a year later. The reason I bring all this up, is to shed light on what disease is, and why we as humans manifest it.

From the modern medical view, disease is an enemy with which humanity must fight against with its tools and technology. When we get sick, our first response is to fight get rid of it....and to perceive it as an invasion. From the holistic perspective, which has predominated the earth for THOUSANDS of years before modern allopathic medicine; disease is the manifestation of trauma which resides in the body and mind. Trauma is the result of stress on the organism, stress that can't be coped with or processed in the moment, and thus damages or imprints itself within the psyche. We have many bodies aside from the physical and perceivable one we know well, and trauma first resides in our higher dimensional bodies BEFORE it "manifests" or becomes a disease or an imbalance within the third dimension, or the physical body. This means that we have an opportunity to clear trauma or blockages before they become disease, and there are many gifted psychics and intuitives who can actually see disease in the aura. This subject is rather vast and is really beyond the scope of this article, but my point here is to address this because I believe we are at a transition stage where humans cannot go on as a deeply traumatized species. Our dysfunctions, which we have been conditioned to believe are normal, are now effecting the earth herself and her other inhabitants, as we are in the midst of a massive ecological as well as social genocide. This penetrating energy that has arrived within the biosphere of the earth is not ill intended as it might appear to be on the outside, it is simply assisting us in clearing what doesn't really belong to us in the first place. Our trauma was inflicted upon us, often by very well meaning parents or other authorities during our early development. Other trauma may have been inflicted by less than well meaning individuals, or even from an accident of some kind. The point is that, aside from whether it is our "karma" to receive such trauma in the first place, in the moment....our pain and our suffering is not ours, it was given to us. You may now ask the question, "Who would want to hold on to such pain and suffering then?". The answer is quite simple, because it's all we know and it's actually comfortable. Aside from the progressively popular "holistic" movement we are seeing develop, most people don't actually want to heal, and even though they would rather not suffer, they don't want to take the time or do the work to heal themselves. In our modern era, when we get sick, we go to a doctor so that they can "fix" us. In our culture we are conditioned to not take responsibility for our own bodies, minds, and sadly...even our souls. This mentality is still prevalent and is often applied when approaching many holistic treatments, and they will always fail when approached this way.

Humanity has been living in a seemingly dark age, an age of complete and utter unconsciousness and codependency. We give our bodies and minds freely, and into the hands of "experts", "priests", and yes, even "scientists" who claim to be able to cure our ills and woes. Sadly, the cure usually fails, and along with emptying our bank accounts and poisoning our livers, these doctors or experts merely "relieve" or delay death and suffering....but we are not cured, saved, nor even usually better off. This same pattern occurs in holistic and homeopathic treatments quite often when they are applied improperly, and most likely from the predominately left brain perception of an inept practitioner. This presents us with the paradox of the frog in the well, who believes there can be nothing more beyond it, or the penguins on the ice berg in delusion of their omnipotence. Individuals conditioned within a predominately left brained society would find it difficult to perceive from the right, and thus not truly understanding how right brained modalities are properly applied, which should be from a grounded and somatic vibration as opposed to a mental and intellectual approach.

I'm not against modern medicine or its technology, I believe its extremely beneficial and RELIEVES a lot of suffering, it definitely has its time and place, and I personally use it when I need to- but the reality is that our world is not one sided, it is a dichotomy. When we approach something entirely from one side of the spectrum we create imbalance, and we are not experiencing consciousness to its full potential. Science has now confirmed that the human brain is made up of primarily two hemispheres, left and right. The left side is our masculine, logical, and linear aspect, and the right our feminine, intuitive, and cyclical aspect. Modern science is an invention of the left side of the brain, and thus it is incomplete as an entirely universal mode of healing for the human species. It presents us with the paradox of the mind perceiving itself, from within the distorted perception of its self aggrandized delusion. As I attempted to address in my previous article, we are in the midst of a bridging back to the other side of the brain- back to our feminine, receptive, creative, psychic, and numinous being. I believe, at this moment, we are at the threshold of this shift....and at this point there will be no going back. It has been suggested that the discovery of the planetoid Chiron, unveiled the program for the integration of holistic/homeopathic (feminine/passive/yin) and modern/allopathic (masculine/active/yang) medicine. This program is revealed in Chiron's transit cycle around the Sun, and ever since its discovery (in 1975), it heralds the progressive assimilation of the coined "new age" modalities and ideology, and integration of holistic and modern medicine into the western psyche, which will theoretically culminate (flower) in the year 2024 during its first opposition.

This new archetype was birthed in the shadow, the wake, of the massive social conditioning program known as the "60's" or the "hippie era" which coincided with the first conjunction of the planets Uranus and Pluto since their "discovery" by astronomers. The social renaissance of the 60's, which I briefly outlined in my previous post, was the seeding phase of a roughly 80 year cycle we are currently in the midst of. The goal of the program was to shatter the western psyche, and to reawaken the Promethean and Dionysian archetypes which have been greatly lost since ancient times. This era has worked to shake up the sleeping populace, and to create an irreversible imprint upon society that would have the effect of slowly changing the entire infrastructure of our culture[1]. The next phase of this cycle is building up, and will reach several peaks from 2012 to 2015, which will also greatly amplify the Chirotic[2] process we are currently enduring. So, really, the human species is not truly awakening to something entirely new, it is really just remembering what it is like to be a functional human being, unearthing its deeply innate potential that was always there to begin with before it was conditioned out of us by ruling powers and elitists. Humanity is at a point of needing to heal, or needing to transmute the trauma that has been afflicted upon it. This energy is really about a very basic choice we must each make in this new era, do we choose death or do we choose life? Do we choose fear or do we choose bliss? Do we take responsiblity for our own minds, bodies, and souls....or do we stay in a state of unconscious indifference?

Fear is simply a veil to the truth of infinite bliss....

Conversely, I have noticed another aspect of this energetic process, one that is extremely exciting. I have felt an activation or awakening of potential within myself, and I have noticed it in others as well. It is as if we currently find ourselves at an intriguing crossroads, where particular blockages we once found difficult to move through, have suddenly vanished or have become much easier to handle. It seems many are being given the opportunity to fully step into their power, to their talents and abilities, and face their fears head on. Look to your life, and see where this may be true, you'll probably be quite surprised. This I feel is really the true intention of this activation, to push the human race to its limits and fully take on who they truly are. If disease manifests, or if a certain blockage arises within your consciousness, I would invite you to not judge it or label it an enemy, but rather see this trauma as a teacher who brings you a very special and personalized lesson.

Healing our trauma is really a matter of activating the positive polarity of the archetype of Mars. Over the past several thousand years, humanity has lived primarily within bounds of an imbalanced patriarchy. In astrology, the order of the planets from the Sun (from a geocentric perspective, which means Earth Centered), displays an archetypal process of evolution for the human psyche, and as a whole, represents the individualized consciousness of perception. In other words, it's a map of the psyche, and this map is ever changing and evolving through time. The Sun is the center, it is the spark of consciousness, and it governs the visual spectrum of the visible world around us. The Moon is the counterpart, the hidden and receptive realm of the unconscious, and governs the relatively unseen and yet emotionally tangible realm of the human psyche. Mercury is the synthesis of the first two and primordial archetypes of male and female, yin and yang, as it relates to the formation of the mind and the central nervous system within the body, as a direct manifestation of two diametrically opposed and yet cooperating principles. Here we see where the first principle of duality manifests within the psyche, as Mercury is the ruler of Gemini- the archetype of the twins which stems from the Greek myth of Castor and Pollux, which is likely a later patronized interpretation of a pair of male and female twins that represented the mind itself and its two distinctly individualized hemispheres (the word Hermaphrodite etymologically stems from the clever synthesis of Hermes and Aphrodite). Venus becomes the first encounter of the subjective self with a process of immediate socialization, as a direct result of the mind and its configuration of the world into duality, of light and dark. Venus rules the formation of identity, and its attachment to the objects, people, and ideas from which the mind creates via thought. This identity must then be projected, and presented through action and implementation, and this is the role of Mars. The archetypes of Venus and Mars represents the physical manifestation of the psychic and transdimensional principles of Sun and Moon into the perceivable matrix of the third dimension, as constructed through the Mind (mercury). Mars has the role of defending the psyche from the forces of the greater society, which is represented by the planets Jupiter and beyond. Mars is essentially our defense against trauma, and could be related to our physical/emotional/mental/as well as psychic immunity. Mars protects the female principle, Venus, which is our identity, from outside influences but also filters them based on evolutionary necessity.

Mars penetrates Venus, and seeds the psyche with the knowledge of the higher dimensional spheres, the planets beyond the individualized consciousness. Conversely, Mars penetrates the outer world with the seed of the individual as to take part in the grand co-creative act of the universe. An imbalanced Mars will defend until the death, and will fight all invaders from entry as it perceives them as the enemy which must be destroyed. In balance, Mars is simply the principle of standing one's own ground, of OWNING and taking charge of one's OWN psyche. Nature respects authoritative love, but not mindless aggression. When encountered with a threat, Mars will stand up to it because it has claimed ownership of its self. In imbalance, when something has been taken away, such as the true essence of the masculine, it fights as a means of psychological compensation because of fear, it is defending its opposed to truly standing up to it. Nothing can control us if we allow it to, only if we give up ownership of ourselves and our society does it become invaded by external forces. The higher aspect of Mars is complete consciousness in the moment, complete readiness and preparation. When Mars is unconscious, he has let his guard down, and intruders will eventually get through.

This new Moon conjoins Mars in Aquarius, the sign of the collective will, the future, and community. Mars, as an active principle, represents the fully CONSCIOUS will, the ability to take charge of one's destiny to make things happen. This process is effective only with the highest awareness, for true free will only exists when one is conscious in the moment....otherwise we're being dragged along by unconscious programs completely beyond our awareness, and we only THINK we have free will. On the other side of this new Moon lies Ceres, the goddess of nurtrance and mothering. Here we see a process that is seemingly tempering Mars, fusing it with compassion and feminine awareness. As we set our intentions for this new Moon, it would seem the energy is very ripe for powerful co-creation with a group or with a community, and activating the power of the collective will. Now is the time to set intentions based on truly stepping into one's power to effect the greater society. It seems that the portal of this New Moon is inviting us to accelerate our evolution in various ways, to speed up the process through the conscious application of will. The new moon also makes a trine to Saturn in Libra, indicating that whatever we decide to manifest will have the potential to truly crystallize and become real and tangible in our world. The Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, both sit on either side of the powerful vernal point, or spring equinox point, the flame which drives consciousness toward higher evolution and awareness. This is indeed an exciting time to be alive! Setting powerful and far reaching intentions on this new moon is highly important, and it will culminate during the final full moon to occur at the 29th degree of a sign, and also the first of 6 Super Moons, which greatly magnify its influence.

At the time of the Super Full Moon on February 18, the Sun will be at the exact midpoint of Chiron and Neptune, the current portal to the numinous and multidimensional, and the full Moon will be opposing it. Again, Mars will join the conjunction, emphasizing once more the importance of fully integrating the healthy and balanced male archetype into our psyche. This has the potential to be a highly spiritual and mysterious time for the planet, as many interesting energies seem to be penetrating into our world through active portals. Embrace your potential and innate humanity, and let go of what no longer serves you at this juncture. Whatever dies, or whatever malfunctions, is in dire need of transmutation, and all stagnation needs to be progressively eliminated for evolution to continue on its current path. There is such beauty beyond the veil of fear and death. Do not fear death, and do not fear transformation, for each is the road to greater awareness, the road to awe....

Notes and References:

[1] So effective were the movements of the 1960's, that the US government even commissioned a study titled Changing Images of Man, in which it concluded that: "There are increasingly evident signs of the imminent emergence of new "image of man." It is a new image in the sense of being very much a
challenge to the dominant scientific world view as that has evolved
over the past few centuries, and also to the image of materialistic
"economic man" that become enshrined in the institutions and
economic theories of the industrial era. Yet it is not new, since traces of
it can be found, going back for thousands of years, in the core
experiences underlying the world's many religious doctrines, as reported
through myths and symbols, holy writings, and esoteric teachings.
The staying power of the new image is suggested by the facts that it
reactivates the cultural myths whose meaning had become forgotten,
and it seems to be substantiated by the further advances of the science
which earlier played a role in seemingly discrediting it". -Markley and Harman pg. 200

This "new man" was a direct threat to the prevalent materialistic worldview that had, and still is, keeping the American populace under social and economic control. The government was deeply concerned about the far reaching consequences of this movement that they commissioned such a study as far back as 1968. A copy of the report can be found here: For furthering reading on the subject I highly recommend The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. According to Prince and Picknett: "In 1973 the United States government commissioned a report from SRI International entitled Changing Images of Man, edited by Willis W. Harman and O.W. Markley, which concluded that the spread of what it termed 'the new values'- spiritual and ecological awareness and self-realisation movements- is becoming virtually unstoppable. This would bring about a transformation of society (particularly in the United States) that would radically undermine 'modern industrial-state culture and institutions' and result in 'serious social disruptions, economic decline, runaway inflation, and even institutional collapse'. This report anticipates a lessening of trust in authority and a reaction against a regimented, tightly controlled society. It also suggested ways of preventing this worst-case scenario by identifying existing institutions or traditions that could be used to control and contain the impetus of the new movement."- Picknett & Prince pg. 318

[2] Chirotic is a term coined by astrologer and researcher Barbara Hand Clow to describe the archetypal process and effect of chiron in astrology, see Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between The Inner & Outer Planets.