New Moon In Pisces 2012

New Moon @ 02 degrees Pisces
Feb 21, 2012
5:34 PM Eastern
2:34 PM Pacific

This new moon stands as a symbolic gateway--the configurations beckon for our awareness, luring us deeper into the numinous and unseen. What truly lies behind the veil, beneath the illusion we call "reality"? What's really going on? What's really happening--is anyone in control? When faced with the seemingly insurmountable climb toward higher perception, truth, or "enlightenment"--we realize in our struggle that no one is in control--control is an illusion--that everything is mostly "beingness" in motion, and that life is a spiral, a pathway of evolution through which we may never truly grasp the end of the line--for it spins, it churns, infinitely, for all eternity. Such is our role--to dance beside the universe, to flow, to spiral both downward and upward in conscious surrender. This New Moon invites us to look deeply at our delusions. Where have we lost sight of our dance partner, the universe, and gone off creating our own steps--which, in our ingrained sense of superiority--are perceived more advanced than the original choreography.

Neptune joins the New Moon is Pisces--further exacerbating this intangible influx--everything seems to slip right though our hands. What can we hold on to now? What can we look to for solace, comfort, or support? When the floor beneath your feet melts into oblivion, where do you stand? This sense of "fogginess" or uncertainty prescribed to the Piscean archetype is a force we must all face at some point in our lives--we must confront the truth. What is the truth? With so many who claim to have different versions, it can be challenging to get clear--but that's what we need right now, absolute clarity. The pursuit of truth, is the path of healing. Both the quest for health and the pursuit of truth are inevitably intwined within the same internal process, each challenges the other. Astrologically, the quest for truth and understanding represented by the polarity of Gemini/Sagittarius is in tension (90 degrees) to the quest for healing/integration and transcendence inherent to the polarity of Pisces/Virgo. Both polarities ignite evolution through their interaction. In order to heal, we must first let go. Let go of what? Let go of what isn't real.

What's real, what's true, is beautiful. Truth leads us to beauty--but--beauty is deceptive, because many believe there are different versions, just as with truth. In my knowing, there is only one truth, one absolute indescribable truth. Everything else is delusion, a trap, seeking to pull us outward and away from what's always honest, real, and authentic. That truth lies within us, deep within us. It's not our thoughts, our ideas, or even our perceptions or experiences--because those are fluid and mutable. The truth is inside us, it is permanent--deep inside each of us, and we know it. We know the truth when we choose to stare it straight in the eye--we know the truth because every fiber of our being resonates to its frequency. As above so below--the ancient hermetic axiom--the eternal truth. That's it. As above so below. We are all connected, everything and everyone. Nothing is disparate, all separation an illusion. All isolation, fear, loneliness, despair, worry, stress, anger, sadness, hunger--illusions--because we are always whole, perfect, and complete. Always.

How can we ever be alone, when we are always connected? With that said, the experience of pain or despair are our teachers, and they offer clues to what needs to be released, what needs to go. If we surrender to these feelings as opposed to judging them, we can follow their lead toward the wounds within us, to the empty spaces that need to be filled with awareness and compassion. Pain brings awareness, and awareness leads to knowledge, which leads us to evolution--and thus we move deeper along the spiral.

There is a powerful force inside each of us, and it's calling for us everyday. Trust it. Let it guide you. The truth knows the way. Pain and despair result from our resistance to truth--ignited by contraction, withdrawl--and psychologically, our inability to let go. Why are we afraid to let go? Because of our illusion of control, our sense of rightness about what we think is the truth--because we are afraid to surrender our illusions--to let go of what isn't real. And that's it. We have a choice. To surrender to our pain, or to numb it out and go back to the illusion. There is no right or wrong answer, because each offers lessons. Both surrender and the illusion of control are pathways toward evolution. Both allow us to fall or ascend the spiral, the great dance of life--and on it goes. Who's to say any one direction is either "good" or "bad", all is relative.

This new moon is very striking, seeing as it conjoins Neptune, after having recently ingressed into Pisces--forming a stellium along with Pallas (Athena) and Chiron. Hmm.....this has the sense of digging out deep wounds, ingrained delusions, and the ultimate truth from the depths of the unconscious--or perhaps, dredging up the haunting images and memories of the past. Needless to say, there could be a lot of residual wounds opening up now, allowing us to peer into them, to integrate them, and to ultimately find resolution and healing. We are also given an opportunity for beginning a process of understanding the root or genesis of our pain, wounds, and inflictions. This New Moon is the seed, meaning it is igniting a process which will unfold over time. Conversely we are equally offered the experience of transcedence, if we can allow ourselves to surrender our control, and simply be guided by our inner truth--our inner bliss.

Mercury and Mars retrograde are in opposition--which will peak Febuary 23. Look out for others who may be argumentative, combative, or angry--or impulsing one to debate with them--perhaps over their version of the truth. Be mindful of this tendency within yourself. In communicating with others try not to get swamped by a stampeade of petty details--because none of that is going to solve anything, it'll just make things more confusing. Instead, take a deep breath, center yourself, and really connect with the inner truth--trust that it is there, and that it will guide you. Speaking from the truth, allows us to simplfy all the non-essentials that create too much noise and distortion. This New Moon can be an opportunity to create more clarity and to shed more light on certain issues in our lives--creating a new cycle which puts us in synch with the higher truth.

Saturn retrograde in Libra trines the New Moon stellium--showing that powerful teachings can be revealed by seeing these past wounds, delusions, and truths reflected in those we relate to--and those around us. Often when presented with this material we're triggered, a part of us seeks to flee away or become angry at the person because they're exposing something deep within ourselves, something we need to let go of. Take a deep look at all that is being shown to you in your immediate environment now--these are the revelations and insights that will help catalyze deep healing. Don't judge it, condemn it, or run-away from what shows up--embrace it , respect it,  have tolerance, and compassion for it--because it's apart of you. Nothing is disparate. But also, this could be an opportunity to set boundaries with these forces, through these people, by not allowing ourselves to succumb to their influence once more. Sometimes, looking back at yourself, where you were, can be painful because in hindsight we are able to see our delusions and how we were once lost within them. Accept that there are no mistakes, there are only lessons along the spiral, the great dance of life. And see it all as beautiful--because it's the truth.

Psychic receptivity and intuition are also enhanced now, and this is an excellent time to really go within--tune into yourself and all the subtle impulses within your body and mind. I feel this configuration is somewhat of a map to the transit of Neptune through Pisces (2012-2026). I wrote briefly about this in my last post Full Moon in Leo 2012. Combining this influence with the upcoming square off between Uranus and Pluto (2012-2015), a very interesting showdown is likely to emerge--a countercultural "revolution" fermented with a sense of spiritual reverance and undertone. Wow, what will that look like? Well it's obvious we are all collectively being impulsed back to the womb, back to the mother--there is this insatiable urge deep within us all that is calling us home, so to speak. It feels that as a society we've come to a point of maximum seperation from source--which doesn't mean we won't seperate further, but that many are needing to wake up to this reality for balance to occur. This is likely to manifest as a return to the earth mother, to natural ways, and to seeking out more conscious lifestyles--which is already happening.

It can also mean that our culture has become spiritually dead, devoid of any deeper meaning for the soul (you don't need me to tell you that one.) As a result of this, we are collectively starving for transcendence--apparently starkbucks, facebook, 9-5 jobs, and sub-literate films every weekend don't exactly feed your soul. The frightening ploy is that this sense of emptiness can be easily, and artificially, fulfilled by social movements which work to sweep up those most desperate for change. So my conclusion is to be weary--take a higher path of the Piscean influx, which is to go within--to plunge off the precipice to find the truth within, not without. But like I said, both paths offer lessons.

Take some time to yourself this new moon, get centered and focused, and integrate. Surrender to this powerful force. However, let us be mindful of confusing conscious surrender with unconscious submission. We must take action in life in order for change to happen, and we must do something with insights or revelations received. It's not enough to simply ponder them, eventually we must put them into action in some way, implement them into our own lives. With that said however, this New Moon is about receiving, and being more receptive to the incoming input of the universe. It is likely very challenging to take much action now, because things are so unclear--but the potential is to work through the haze. With Mars retrograde we are still very much in this process of reinforcing and strengthening various aspects of our lives, making sure our position is stronger with something we've already been working on.

Allow yourself to receive, be open, keep your eyes and ears peeled--the universe has much to teach us now if we can quiet our minds and just listen. Most importantly of all, be humble, and realize that not everything is available to make sense of it all at the moment, surrender to the process. The great unfolding of life, the journey along the spiral, has an intention and knows what it's doing. Trust it. There so much more to add to your life, so much more richness and above all, beauty to be had all around. But in order for one to embrace the new, to take in the truth--you first have to let go of what's in your hand.

Full Moon in Leo 2012

Full Moon @ 18 degrees Leo
Feb 07, 2012
4:53 PM Eastern
1:53 PM Pacific

The Full Moon in Leo is a fiery force--expanding deep passions, opening the heart, and releasing waves of creative joy into the collective psyche. We can feel this burst of passion explode within us, this ecstatic child-like vibration. The inner child is strong now, urging us to come out and play--consciously of course. With the Sun, naturally, in Aquarius, conjunct Mercury--we are able to fuse mental objectivity with the spontaneity of the heart center--basically to bridge the heart and mind as one. This is a beautiful synergy in which we are able to play, to unfold organically while not getting lost in irrationality or impracticalities, we can objectively create our desires--but ideally, we are experimenting and trying things out, no need to attach yourself to any one particular path. With Saturn (co-ruler of Aquarius) turning retrograde just before this Full Moon, we can anticipate a lot of restructuring, already fueled by Mars retrograde in Virgo, to amplify.

While Saturn is retrograde from Feb 7-June 25th, we are urged to really reinforce our boundaries--to lay down the law so to speak. Now is the time to reinforce the whole structure, and to better solidify the support systems we have put into place. That means new projects and creations aren't necessarily favored now, especially if we plan on launching them. That doesn't mean that what we're wanting to push forward won't ever work out, but that simply there will be much more work to attend to if we do decide to put things into action now--but ideally, this is a time to further support and enhance what's already been put into motion through our intentions, actions, efforts, etc. (In other words, this is an excellent time to add on to, adjust, or make more efficient those processes we've already started but that need to change). Saturn turning retrograde on the anaretic degree of Libra, inconjunct Venus (conjunct Uranus) at the anaretic degree of Pisces--shows something is about to explode--a powerful liberating, ecstatic, and revolutionary transformation of a relationship, or the way we relate to others on a personal or business level, or even with our resources or values (what we identify with)--we can almost taste it. Saturn going backwards shows that this is an ideal time to, again, reinforce boundaries, to clear the decks, and to make sure we are truly ready for deep and powerful change. How committed are you? Do you really want it?

There are likely many things that need to be reconsidered, practiced, revised, trained, and re-established--and if we can be highly conscious at this time about everything that comes to our attention, we can find amazing transformations awaiting later this summer! What kinds of commitments have you made, to others or to yourself? Now is a time to rework them,  look them over deeply to see if you can truly follow through now. Making change means really pushing through that threshold of comfort and familiarity--not falling back on old habits, beliefs, patterns, or what have you. Saturn really wants to go deep in Scorpio, to really tear down and get to work releasing and dumping all that modly crap we're holding on to--but we must be ready for it, as individuals and as a collective. Trust the universe, trust the process--don't give in to mindless self-assertion or impulsive action--fuse your heart and your mind, both can work together quite beautifully now, and this new moon is illuminating that reality for us.

The sabian symbol for this Full Moon reads:

A houseboat party

This image reveals a social gathering, a party, upon a houseboat. Hm....simple enough. Let's see, a houseboat. Well that means this is a dwelling for someone to live on, which means that it is likely, for the most part, stationary--houseboats aren't going to fare well sailing the seven seas or choppy waters. Such a vessel requires calm, peaceful, and stable waters to function optimally. Perhaps this image suggests the ability to mingle with others while centered in our safety and stability--socializing or "having some fun" while also being practical about it--maintaining control and being conscious to not get carried away by impulses. This is interesting considering the duality of Leo and Aquarius, with the Sun conjunct Mercury. Allowing our passion and excitement for something to emerge, while also keeping our cool and remaining objective through the process. When we imagine a party, we often think of some wild crazy drunken all nighter--although this image presents something quite different. Can we be passionate about something, can we fill ourselves with energetic excitement without allowing such emotions to take us over? Can we feel emotions without allowing them to carry us away? Conversely, can we be amongst other "party-goers" while not particularly engaging in the activities around us, staying in our calm centered space?

Neptune In Pisces

Neptune has recently moved into Pisces, as of February 3rd. This is a pretty big cultural shift, and it is interesting that Neptune has essentially "come home" to its own sign in the year of 2012, which has been anticipated as this "transition" of consciousness--whatever that means exactly. There are many who claim to know--I'm not particularly one of them, although I have my own ideas and hunches about it. Neptune is often touted by astrologers as this "elusive", ambigious, and mysterious force--well I suppose that's true, but so are all the planets in my opinion--so is the whole world we're surrounded by. I feel Neptune is simply the realization of the inherent limitations of our perception, that we will never truly, nor fully "get it", because there's always this force which will essentially dissipate our illusions/delusions to reveal more complexity within the system as we evolve--Neptune basically smacks the hubris right out of us. That's interesting, because it seems that while Neptune was transiting Aquarius, while also in a mutual reception with Uranus in Pisces, our collective hubris seeminlgy increased--along with our technology and control of the reality around us.

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems the collective psyche, the consensus thought patterns of most individuals during this transit were imbued with this sense of certainty about our "knowledge" of the world, mostly fueled, in my opinion, by the internet. We also had this naivete about knowledge, this sense that just because "all knowledge" is at our fingertips somehow makes it all accurate. So we saw this whole collective fashion of being in the know, and everyone (myself included) spouting various factoids about this or that. What I've realized is that knowledge is more than just reading an article or a website and then thinking we have the answers, knowledge is experiential--and we must cross reference it as well as get our hands dirty with the information. In my opinion, Neptune in Pisces will assist in shattering this hubris, this certainty of knowing what's really going on--this is an opportunity to take a good hard look at our collective delusions. Science, technology, and the scientific method itself (whatever that means these days), are ruled and governed by the sign Aquarius and its planetary ruler Uranus--but eventually that evolves into Pisces and Neptune--which is this "ambiguous" and "elusive" force. Hmm.....well it's the realization that we'll never, again, totally get what's going on, and inevitably, the more our technology and methods evolve, the more they lead us into this unfathomable abyss of mystery which is the great ethereal sea of Pisces.

I'd like to share a brief transmission on the nature of this transit which will last from 2012 through 2026:

Cultural fashions fermented with the idealization of knowledge, technology, and networking under a sense of common unity will be replaced by a strong and alluring desire for transcendence, the uncovering of secrets=conspiracy, spiritual revival, and the need to connect more deeply with the mysteries which underlie the natural world--and our place within it. Neptune is at home in its own sign--and thus this desire to return to the womb of innocence will underlie our collective psychology. Let us not confuse this need for ultimate surrender, for safety in the womb of a higher cosmic force, with an unconscious dissolving of our boundaries to governments and false gods whom merely wear the mask of omnipotence. The political/spiritual vision of Marx was birthed under the last transit of Neptune in Pisces (1847- 1862), and thus we are likely to see its inevitable solidity as it possesses our world leaders. To quote evolutionary astrologer Maurice Fernandez regarding the synthesis of the Neptune and Pisces archetypes:

"There is a need to realize that one does not surrender to something that promises safety and perfection. Instead, one surrenders as an act of service to the challenging global endeavor to promote the cause of life. Therefore, there is a requirement to be engaged and take responsibility in the process, instead of seeking ease or simplicity in that surrendering." - Neptune, The Twelfth House, and Pisces: The End of Hope, Beginning of Truth
Let us now look deeply at the truth behind the veil of the natural world, to find our notion of God within all the fragments of the hologram we are but embedded--for that is where we will find the solutions to our current crisis. Beware of political/scientific ideologies which are merely religions in disguise--ideas which claim to be the ultimate truth. Surrender to Earth, to life, to truth, and ultimately--to the ever expanding and evolving state of the universe in constant change and motion. No one will ever have the ultimate answer or salvation, for each step is merely one part of the process. In our "surrender" let us not fall victim to a passive acceptance of the world the way that it is, or a delusion that we are the savior of earth or of others. Each of us is a metaphor of Earth, of Gaia, and as we nurture, nourish, and heal ourselves through an active process of growth and learning, so does the world change around us--and true evolution occurs.

conscious bliss in the great unfolding.

New Moon In Aquarius 2012

 New Moon in Aquarius
Jan 22, 2012 @ 11:39 PM Pacific
Jan 23, 2012 @ 2:39 AM Eastern
2 degrees Aquarius 42'

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Aquarius, we feel a rapid mutation within our bodies and minds--a quickening of consciousness emerges from the primordial darkness. Faster and more efficiently, we look for ways of improving--not exactly making "better", but rather, evolving further beyond what we know as familiar, comfortable, and routine. The New Moon makes a sextile to Uranus and Ceres around the Aries point, further amplifying this new perception of reality that sits before us. We feel the fusion of advanced knowing and of technology, fused elegantly with the nurturing support of earthy Ceres. We are not improving nature, but rather, finding the genius inherent within it--and extracting that essence into manifesting creations which are but a commemoration of divine design. The new moon itself is involved in a strikingly clear T-square configuration involving Jupiter in Taurus in opposition Saturn at the 29th (Anaretic degree) of Libra. We feel this tension in our bodies and minds--this desire for change, for progress, for movement--and of pushing ourselves beyond the past.

This is a new cycle, the past two weeks has had us releasing, letting go, tossing out, and decluttering our lives, bodies, and minds of all that stagnation which would strangle us if held onto. Now the new process emerges, and in Aquarius, we can be assured that something new is on the horizon--but we are challenged to make progress ourselves, it wont emerge out of thin air--we must make the effort to make the changes we want to see show up in our lives now. Mars is turning retrograde the day of the New Moon--so aggressive forward action and movement will be hindered if we are not concious of the inevitable revision which much take place now. What has become weak? What have we allowed to fall into unconciousness, and allowed the passion, drive, love, joy, and energy to slip away into some hidden and secret black hole? Over the next three months we are being gifted the opportunity to infuse life back into the systems and structures of our lives--to build up, support, sustain, and make stronger all those pieces which have been neglected, forgotton, or buried away.

We may find ourselves at a sort of cross currents (Aquarian double current)--wanting urgently to move forward, to blast off into hyperdrive and embrace the stars--and yet, feel a pull toward the past, to unresolved and unfinished business and details we must attend to. This new Moon could be seen as an opportunity to breathe fresh air into the things we are currently, or have been dealing with, and of situations or relationships dealing with the past. Check in with your actions, impulses, and desires. Do these really serve you? Are you conscious, are you in control of these subtle yet powerful motivations--where do they stem from? Are they some left over trigger from childhood, or do they relate to some unresolved event in your life in which you have yet to release and deal with? This is the time to get clear, to get objective, and to look at things with a more critical and sharper lens to gain a greater and more expansive perception of your life, and of the lives around you. (For more on Mars retrograde, check out my article, Mars Retrograde in Virgo 2012).  Ideally, at this juncture, we are but preparing for the future, and the more time we dedicate to each piece and fragment, the more successful our objectives, goals, dreams, and plans will be.

As we set our intentions this new moon, dream big, look to the stars for inspiration. Know, don't believe, but truly know, deep inside, that anything is possible with the right kind of commitment and dedication. What do you want to change in your life, or even, in the world? The more clear you are about the things inside yourself that are holding you back, the more these forces will support and sustain you. It may take much time and effort to create what you want, but don't fall into the trap of believing is has to necessarily be "hard", or difficult--see it as a challenge, a challenge to evolve beyond the known, and beyond the familiar. Perhaps what you are doing now is entirely unique, perhaps you are walking that proverbial road less traveled, and as a result, feel you have little support from those around you--you may even find yourself quite challenged by external forces. Don't fret, see this challenge as the momentum to make your position stronger, and ultimately more functional and efficient. There are a lot of ideas floating around the ethers now, lots of little light bulbs with butterfly wings--so keep your eyes open, your mind receptive, trust your intuitive hunches, and allow the thoughts and impulses to flutter about. Keep in mind, however, that there is also a lot of idealism, and so it would be wise to stick also to things you know you are able to truly solidify.

We're in a sort of retrograde season, which will carry us through the summer--we have Mars turning retrograde in synch with this lunation, and Venus retrograde in mid May, along with the much anticipated and historical Transit of Venus--the closing of the cycle which opened in 2004. Be open, be humble, be receptive--the first half of this year is all about changing our perceptions, seeing and reconsidering things from an entirely different viewpoint. The retrograde archetype is essentially all about revision and doing things differently--if we can be humble enough to accept that we never truly have all the answers, the universe will be more than happy to show us why. It is times like these that great mysteries are unveiled, new horizons emerge from the depths of the unconscious psyche of humanity. Put your ideas aside, and be ready for the experience, to be shown just how vast and infinite our world truly is.

 The sabian symbol for the new moon reads:

"A deserter from the Navy."

This image presents us with the notion of leaving something behind, deserting some situation and moving on--moving forward into fresh, new territory. The word desert implies a barren wasteland, no longer sustainable or appropriate for much life to flourish. When we desert something, it is because there is no more potential with what is--and thus we must leave and search for a more hospitable place. There is no shame is leaving something behind, especially if holding on to it would hinder our growth, nourishment, and happiness. Sometimes, when things deteriorate to a point where we can no longer scavenge the remains, the best thing we can do is move on to greener pastures.

This ties in perfectly with the theme of Mars retrograde--because quite often some temporary situation burns out, we loose the passion and desire to sustain it. Ideally, for the most part, we are encouraged to look for ways to strengthen and support something that has fallen into dissaray--but sometimes, that isn't an option. In a relationship, for example, it takes two individuals who are committed to making things work, and if one refuses to make changes, then there is no possibility for forward movement to occur. Look to your life and see what needs to go to make room for the new, to allow for more expansion to enter, and more doors to open. Clear out all the clutter that's preventing further growth and evolution to occur now. Before we can blast off into the infinite potential of what could be, we need to get real with the moment.

This new moon has the feeling of letting go of the past, of things no longer useful or sustaining--and looking ahead at the potential of what lies just beyond the horizon. Take a good look at what is, and whether it is worth carrying on with it. As we meditate on this symbol, let us be conscious of our true impulses and motivations. Do we have to abandon the whole thing, or can we simply let go of certain pieces and aspects? Does deserting mean running away, are we avoiding anything? This doesn't have to apply to a specific situation--it could be the deserting of an idea, a way of thinking or perceiving your life, and embracing an entirely new or different viewpoint. Whatever it is that needs to go now, trust that it will be replaced in due time with something much more functional and rewarding. Dane Rudhyar, in An Astrological Mandala, has this to say of the symbol:

"Man refuses to accept the type of cultural patterns derived from his society's specific approach to local circumstances and to the universe as a whole, and in another sense, from its particular relationship to the all-human collective unconscious. (The Navy refers to the ocean, symbol of primordial and unconscious evolutionary forces.) He not only refuses to obey orders, he deliberately turns his back on his collective social status; he becomes an outcast, and through this decision may definitely individualize his consciousness."
 Antithetical to this degree is the symbol for 3 degrees of Leo:

"A woman having her hair bobbed"

Obviously this symbol deals with cutting back and trimming away the excess. Put together, we have both options to adhere move on and walk away, or to simply revise, rework, trim or cut away the fragments which are no longer working. I feel this lunation is very much a guide to working with the upcoming three month Mars retrograde cycle--so be mindful of these themes, they are likely to become much more meaningful in due time, peaking along with the Full Moon on March 8th, 2012. In other words, whatever you find yourself working on now will very much solidify and come to a head in about two months time, just before the spring equinox--a time for resetting our solar cycle intentions. Things to ponder.

SolarScopes via Tropical Zodiac
Sun sign horoscopes are generalized readings which interpret collective energies as they are perceived through the multivalent lens of the zodiac. Imagine light permeating a prism as it is refracted into a multiplicity of colors. Each frequency perceives the inherent nature of a particular lunation differently. These are written for specific archetypes within the tropical zodiac, but are not limited to simply "Sun signs", and can also be accurate in describing individuals with a particular archetypal dominance in their personality, as revealed through the natal horoscope itself. If you know which house of your horoscope Mars will retrograde through, you can use these as a general guide to its influence as well, check the house number in parenthesis.

ARIES (6th)
New connections could suddenly pop up--or perhaps you'll find yourself sorting through your network to find those that are truly worth keeping around. It may be a challenge to really get going with something--maybe you're feeling less motivated than usual, or find yourself less energetic. If you can stop yourself in the moment, and take it all in, each piece and each fragment, you'll eventually see how it all fits there's no rush. This could be an excellent time to strengthen your health and wellness, to find way to better nourish your body, mind, and soul. You may also find yourself organizing more, and compartmentalizing so that things are more efficient in the future. Just take it all in the moment. You are looking for ways to better serve yourself as well as others--strengthening your "working" skills so you can be more efficient.

TAURUS (5th)
Career shifts, a change in direction--however subtle, is in the works. Your likely entering a period of creative re-evaluation. Moving on head strong now may leave you feeling as if you're neglecting yourself. Where is the joy? Fun? Vitality? Laughter? If such things have been a bit sparse, it's time to loosen up a little--let yourself play. You don't need to be so serious now, think of it all as a big game. The less attached you are to the outcome, to winning or loosing, the more fun it'll be. If anything, just let your hair down, and go with with the flow--ride that creative wave. Trust your inner child now as it leads you into this fun and spontaneous world. Just be mindful of any impulses urging you to take drastic actions--you don't need to quit your job and escape to the Bahamas, but simply look for ways to make your everyday reality a little more fun and interesting.

GEMINI (4th)
A new perspective is in the works--and along with it, old ways of perceiving things are dissipating, allowing for the whole picture to come into focus. Your entering a period in which the very foundation is in need of support--your home life, family, basically that place you feel more comfortable and most like yourself. Now is the time to look for ways of building a stronger and more supportive foundation--which could involve some much needed interpersonal time and self reflection.  Nothing drastic is needed now, just stick with simple and minor improvements, and you'll come up against less resistance. This could be an excellent time for improving boundaries with those you live with it--or even with yourself--whatever that means.

CANCER (3rd)
You may be feeling like letting go of shared ideas, resources, and attachments--emptying out an accumulation of unneeded things. If you want to go deeper, you'll have to move through all the clutter that's preventing you from going further. Your entering a period of mental reshuffling, finding ways of supporting and strengthening how you communicate to others and get your message across. Keep your mind open, be humble to the messages coming at you. If you come up against obstacles, ask  yourself, do I need more information before moving forward? There are little tid-bits flying all around, and the more receptive you are, the better your chances of catching them all--or at least some of them. Your mind needs a bit of sharpening, and you'll likely discover some long lost data stored in those memory banks you never thought existed or was lost.

LEO (2nd)
Both old and new ways of relating to others are prominent now--so look to how you can better cooperate with those you form relationships to. You are entering a period which will allow you to strengthen and support your income flow, as well as the things you place personal value to, and what motivates your spending habits. If money seems a bit dry, it's likely that there's some pieces missing in the equation. This is good time to check in with your spending impulses, and to get clear about what you actually need versus what you think you want. The universe is filled with infinite possibilities, so don't limit yourself to purely one source--perhaps you may find yourself going back to something you forgot all about, which could be quite lucrative later down the road.

VIRGO (1st)
There's a lot of changes going for you Virgo, especially in regards to your well being, health, and vitality--and this is also tied into your personal appearance and presentation style. You're letting go of various pieces and fragments which are taking up too much space, so that you can get more clear about where you're going--you may also find yourself checking in more with how you project yourself, and how you initiate action. This is a good time to test out various ways of self projection, and to take in feedback from others--this will allow you a process of trial and error, to see what works and what doesn't. Just who are you, and what do you identify with? This is a time be less impulsive, and more conscious of your deeper desires and motivations, a lot can be learned here.

LIBRA (12th)
You could be experiencing changes in the way you enjoy yourself--maybe you've been indulging too much and it's time to get your act together--or conversely, maybe things have been a bit dull, and you need a little time for yourself and some fun.The next few months may feel a bit, confusing--and moving forward may be a bit more challenging than usual. The best option is probably to refrain from making any drastic decisions, because the road ahead of you looks too foggy right now. This time favors more introversion, and deep self reflection--whatever has been buried away is likely to resurface now, and it would greatly benefit you to take a look at it, no matter how you initially feel about it. It could be a challenge directing the course of things, so the best advice is to simply surrender and let the universe guide you now. Trust the process, you are learning there are greater forces guiding you than you are presently aware of.

SCORPIO (11th)
You may find yourself letting go of things from the past, or cleaning up your living space so that there's more room to stretch out. You are entering a period where you'll be reinforcing the contacts in your network--friendships, organizations, and communities all fall under this theme. You may feel too involved with others, and may find yourself needing to have less people around, or alternately, you may feel the need to link up more because you've been a bit anti-social. You could find yourself strengthening a community you belong to, and your role within it. If you don't feel you've been getting your fair share, perhaps its time to look at how you're giving back, and what you can do to better solidify your role as part of a larger group.

New ideas and information will come the more you let go of old concepts and outworn theories and speculations. The next few months are likely to bring about a process of further supporting your career direction, your life purpose, and or a leadership role. How do you want the public to see you? Is the image you're presenting genuine, what motivates you to project it? Don't make any rash decisions just yet, trust the process as it guides you toward making the whole structure stronger and more functional--you're preparing for the future now, and every step you take is important. Now is the time to regain control of things, and to make your position stronger.

You might find yourself letting go of stuff you no longer identify with, because a new cycle is emerging regarding your finances and the things you accumulate as a result. You are entering a period which will allow you to strengthen the bigger picture, how you see the world, and your perception of things around you. Keep your mind wide open now, as many foreign and possibly exotic experiences will present themselves. You may find yourself turning more inward, trusting your intuition--and doing so will likely take you on a much needed adventure of sorts. Trust that there is far more than you ever imagined on the horizon--don't rush things, go with the flow, and follow the universe as it leads you out of the more ordinary zones of experience.

A new cycle is emerging, one in which you are likely letting go of an old way of perceiving yourself and how you come across to others. The next few months are likely to bring up some deep issues--and if you trust the process, you will be able to really get to the heart of things, perceiving a reality you never thought existed. This is a good time to check your boundaries, take a good look at your fences and see if there are any noticeable gaps that need repair. You are embarking on a process that will really allow to connect beyond casual and superficial conversation--and you are likely to be unsatisfied more than usual when things become too shallow or on the surface level. Keep your mind open to the feedback and perceptions of others, as these will likely play a critical role in the process that is underway. Transformation takes time, so don't rush it.

PISCES (7th)
You may find yourself leaving the past behind now, or pondering some things that have seemingly emerged out of thin air, things you thought were long buried and stored away. The next few months are likely to bring up issues in regards to your relationships, as you are strengthening and supporting the way you interact with others. It's all about give and take, so it's a time to be conscious of how much you're giving as well as receiving from partners and associates of all kinds. Keep a look out for new connections as well, people from the past--from this life or another. Needless to say, your associations with others now will have a large impact on your life--more so than you currently realize. This is also a good time to become more conscious of your boundaries and preexisting agreements. Don't feel pressured to come to any agreements or take much drastic action just yet, think the contract over, and see what needs to be adjusted.

Full Moon In Cancer January 8th, 2012

Full Moon @ 18 degrees Tropical Cancer
January 08, 2012
11:30 PM Pacific
January 09, 2012
2:30 AM Eastern

This is the culminating point of the lunar cycle--ideally we have been accumulating, ingesting, and embracing new constructs which can blossom fourth now, we can really feel tangibly what we are creating. In Cancer we feel the strong nurturing support of the earth mother, Gaia, as she cradles our potential deep in her womb--and whatever it is, she reminds us we can do it, with the right kind of commitment. Emotions run high this Full Moon, and with a sextile from Mars in Virgo, we can articulate our desires and ambitions in great detail now, as we will be readily supported by others. The Sun makes a strong trine to Mars as well--so there's a lot of action flying around, and like the waves of the ocean, jump on this exciting and energizing flux--don't worry about where it's going, just trust the collective vibes as they sweep you off your feet. Keep in mind, however, that ideally, with Mars in its retrograde shadow, we are taking our time--piece by piece, as things can build and strengthen over the next few months with what we choose to do with this energy. Going more inward now, assessing your deeper motivations and impulses would be wise--no rush to get out there and make it all happen, just do what you can with the resources available to you, and worry about the intricacies and such later.

Mercury in Capricorn (approaching conjunction with Pluto) makes a strong square to Uranus in Aries--we can make practical use of radical ideas, visions, and perceptions now--but most likely, such perceptions are flooding into our minds now, radically altering the very structure of our individual ideologies. As the Moon begins waning back to New Moon, we can surrender many old and moldy ways of thinking and living our lives, allowing the deeper and trans-formative power of Pluto to make more room for what will better serve our evolutionary growth. So feel free--clear out those cobwebs, straighten up a bit--toss some crap away, it's a good time to really check in and see what kind of baggage you've been carrying around. Mercury, Jupiter, and Transpluto/Persephone form a spectacular Earth grand trine, so there is much productive and practical synergy mixed with an eclectic and eccentric buzz in the air. Jupiter is in opposition to Saturn in Libra--if we feel lost in this maze of re-organization, we can look for support from others--just be mindful that they may challenge your efforts, which can be a positive force if such criticism is used constructively as opposed to taking it personally. Out with the old, in the with the new!

Don't get caught up in the potentially annihilating self-sufficient vortex of "I don't need your support"--as we can easily push others away now--most likely because we unconsciously fear some form of judgement. The truth is, we judge ourselves most harshly, so in reality, how bad could someone eles's opinion possibly be? With that aside, it would be best to go within, trust what you feel you need to do now, and just keep an ear open for bits of advice here and there and all should flow more smoothly. Check out that stellium between Venus, Pallas, Neptune, Chiron.....and.....Vesta. On the Venus and Neptune end, we feel the Aquarian vibration here--so there is strong collective taste for the uniquely mysterious, we may feel more attracted to those alluring and hard to figure out aspects of reality. The more unique and the more eccentric you present yourself, the more you'll attract attention and turn some heads--so keep it in mind. We also have the potential to gain some clear objectivity within our relationships--especially to get a good look at potential wounds and pitfalls that are usually way off the telepathic radar screen. So look deeply, the truth is there, allowing for some much needed ah ha! moments and bursts of psychic awakening.

Above all else, there is a massive acceleration happening, and this energy is powerfully mutating our minds, our personal values, resources, and the way we relate to others--if you work with this by displaying the least amount of resistance to change--this will be a positive and rewarding transformation. The primary theme of last month's New Moon, for me, was a collective influx allowing us to get conscious of our needs, the needs of the planet's systems, and ways that we can functionally nourish and support those needs. Please read my article, Christmas Eve New Moon in Capricorn for more clarity on that. The sabian symbol for the Full Moon reads:

"A priest performing a marriage ceremony"

The tradition of marriage is the carrying on of an ancient and sacred act--which, like all sacred ceremonies, should never be blindly followed. In other words, one should be highly conscious of their intentions--beyond just "following the tradition". Such a commitment is a huge responsibility--and it begs for some form of mental and spiritual preparation. The symbol implies the forming of a specialized commitment, consecrated by a third party. So what have you committed to now? Can you really handle it? Are you mature enough to carry such a responsibility? If I were to tie this symbol with last month's new moon symbolism--we could make the creative connection that by having a deeper awareness of the needs of our bodies and of the planet--comes the realization of our role as caretakers of those systems. As caretaker, we are the ultimate responsible party, and with the vibration of Cancer, we feel this deep desire to truly nourish and support ourselves as well as the systems we form relationships to (our bodies, our minds, the planet).

In order for any relationship to be successful it must be nourished, consistently and consciously--all parties must be in conscious communication in order for things to run smoothly. If we fall totally unconscious, we become unaware, and things begin to settle into that dull and prosaic surface interaction until things inevitably deteriorate and fall apart. Allow this Full Moon to open your eyes, and allow yourself to really perceive--see others--see the world through a sort of compassionate razor like gaze. Allow whatever is old and outworn to fall away--and embrace this influx of new potential as it pierces our minds. Breath in the fresh air, and let the crap go ;-)

Full Moon Effect: With the Full Moon in crabby old Cancer, people may feel more moody, emotional, sensitive, possessive, jealous, or anti-social. Alternately, we may feel more sensitive toward others, compassionate, caring, nurturing, and supportive. Cancer is nostalgic--we may find ourselves reminiscing on the past, or more attached to familiar places, people, or routines. Like the tides of the ocean, which Cancer rules, a Full Moon in Cancer can bring about fleeting thoughts, feelings, emotions, and moods--making it a challenge to be entirely consistent. However, the Moon is most at home, most comfortable in her own sign, and that sense of coziness is likely to seep into our own lives, and she is likely to favor our activities more than usual. Cancer is a sponge, it soaks up everything around it, and this Full Moon we may feel just like that--soaking up the energy all around. Be mindful of your boundaries, otherwise ride the wave.

Christmas Eve New Moon In Capricorn

Symbiosis by Ciaran Shaman

 When the serpent awakens, there's no going back...

It's quite interesting really, the fact that so many lunations have occurred around a major holiday or seasonal transition--particularly this year. We had a solar eclipse on Thanksgiving, and now a New Moon on Christmas eve. Just last year, a Lunar eclipse occurred the day before winter solstice--featuring a truly spectacular formation of planets, igniting the "cardinal climax". A part of me feels this is an important symbolism--indicating a shift occurring that is fermented by the archetype of these holidays. Christmas is the most profitable of western celebrations--raking in the cash like nobody's business. On a mundane level, could this indicate that the way we "celebrate" these traditions is about to change? Could it foreshadow another economic shift coming soon? I suppose we'll have to wait and see. On the more energetic plane, it's obvious these lunations are somehow "reconfiguring" consciousness on a much deeper level than we are presently aware of. Some say this is a reprogramming of human DNA--and certainly if you believe much of the "channeled" material from the Pleadians and the like, then this seems a perfectly valid reality--but I can't say that I really know for sure.

It is perfectly plausible that we are mutating as a species--perhaps our dimension, as an isolated entity, is changing form. Due to the holographic nature of the universe, each part reflects the whole--we are but the cells of the earth, and thus, as she changes, so do we. Prior to the lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010--another eclipse occurred just days after the summer solstice on June 26, 2010--containing once again, an incredibly dynamic configuration, with the lunar eclipse conjoined Pluto at the head of the cardinal climax alignment. I wrote about these synchronicities, however optimistically, last year in Cracking The Cosmic Egg. For me, this was what seemingly fueled my experimentation as an astrology blogger--something I am just now really connecting with, while simultaneously struggling to find my "authentic" writing style, moving past various blockages--and learning to bridge hemispheres within my mind. It this this bridging of hemispheres, I find so fascinating.

If you divide the zodiac into two segments, using the summer and winter solstice points, tropical Cancer and Capricorn respectively[1]--we have this symbol of eastern and western--literally the self and the "other". I feel my own process is mirroring the very shift we are experiencing on a global level. I've been involved in a relatively powerful "healing crisis" for many years, peaking this past year, and everything has involved this experience of complete surrender combined with my own research and study in an attempt to "figure out" what's "wrong" with me. I've come to realize that nothing is wrong, I'm perfect, I'm whole, and complete--but why am I in pain, why do I often suffer?

Through this experience, I've found immense empowerment from walking that thin line between the rational and the irrational--the intuitive and the logical aspects of my mind, and each has served me in the process of healing and "figuring it out". I''ve come to realize that pain and suffering are not bad, it is only our judgements of the experience which make it so. Contrary to what many choose to believe, pain can be a healing reaction--it means that the body is attempting to heal from some imbalance.Our suffering is our attachment and judgement of pain--when we become victims of pain as opposed to allies, instead of seeing it as a teacher and guide.

When we are sick, we feel "bad" because our body is communicating to us that it needs to correct something, it needs to reach homeostasis. Perhaps we could modify our language a bit. Instead of simplistic value judgements such as "good" or "bad", we simply say functional or dysfunctional. What does this mean? Functional means that something is operating according to its design and intention. Dysfunctional means that a particular system is being used against this original programming--and thus, imbalance occurs.

This imbalance is an indication that we are not conscious of the needs of that system--that we are, however unintentionally--working against the very life of that entity; but, is this necessarily bad or negative? I suppose such a statement is completely relative to one's perception, and each experience--whether functional or dysfunctional, is valuable and provides growth and evolution for a much deeper part of the psyche....the soul.
The experience of pain holds the potential to bring to light, the true nature of ourselves--it can redirect the ego to an awareness of the needs of the body. While we are in pain, we actually have an opportunity to see clearly--lucidly really, the power of dysfunction and ultimately, the beauty of functionality. As we deviate from the plan, the original intention, we become aware of its genius--its true nature and purpose--and as a result, we come to find reverence and appreciation for the system the way that it is.

Despair by Alex Grey
You see, we suffer because of our ideas about what we think is right or wrong. We are conditioned to be victims of life--not responsible co-creators. Many give their minds freely to the consensus--to mold, to shape, and to dictate their reality for them. We are told that when we get sick, that we are a victim, that something is trying to get at us--usually this perception lends the blame toward some pernicious natural organism, such as when we "catch a cold".

The western world wholeheartedly accepted germ theory[2] without question--how logical it is, that there are organisms, parasites, predators--just like "out there" in the real world, which seek our destruction--which seek to annihilate us. But, what if that predator was not "out there" as we are led to believe--what if it lied within each of us, within our very minds and cells, as potential? When I say the world is perfect, i mean it--it is, it's beautiful and it functions.A counter argument to that statement might go something like, "What? Don't you see the chaos of the world? Don't you see all the problems we're faced with, socially, economically, politically? Don't you see how fucked up everything is? Yes, I see it, although--recently, I don't look for it unless it's put into my face. Those problems "out there" in our supposedly "civilized" world are not the by products of natural intention--they are the result of a collective ideal, fueled by the mind and ultimately by the ego. They are the result of an ideology about how things should be, based on assumptions and mental speculation.

Gaia by Thompson Carey
It is ideas which move the world, they provide the spark, the fuel for social change. Individuals who partake in such collective rituals are acting upon an impulse, an emotional stimulus ignited by ideology--they are moved by an idea, an archetype, which resonates with some aspect of their identity. It is ideas and archetypes, which provide the motivation for change which results into action. Of course this could all be boiled down to the conundrum of the chicken and the egg. My answer is neither, because for me, the idea had to exist first--the template, the system, the design had to be put into place before it could be constructed. Such ideas bring to mind the theory of Morphogenesis, but whatever we choose to label it--it is the very foundation of something which is required prior to the completion of the entire structure. The structure has a design, it has an intention--and there is a natural plan embedded within that being which informs us of its functional use.

So, for me, I am in pain, I am experiencing this healing crisis, because I was unconscious of the needs of my body--and then I embraced an idea, a theory, about how to "fix" my pain and suffering--which led me to....of course, more suffering.  Never did I consider to ask, "What does my body actually need?", "How was it designed to operate in the first place?" "Can it correct this imbalance on its own, with the right tools?". Put simply, If I fill my car up with, say, mud, how far would I get? What if I used olive oil instead of car oil? What would happen? Probably dysfunction. I was conditioned by a culture which concerns itself more with what people are putting into their cars, then their own bodies. If we are that unconscious about what we're putting in our bodies, what about what we allow into our minds? Wow, that explains a lot--but is there something wrong with being unconscious? Only if we judge it--both consciousness and unconsciousness are relevant, each provide the chiaroscuro of life--the depth provided by the interrelationship of light and dark.

"Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light, but making the darkness conscious"
-Carl Gustav Jung

People suffer from disease because their bodies have begun a mutation, because it is not properly nourished according to its original design and intention. That's right, nature is so intelligent that it can readily adapt to any situation--it can completely transform itself from one thing to another as a means of adaptation. Our minds can change, our bodies, our personality, our very cells--change and mutate based on the environment in which it is enmeshed. Everything is in constant change, endless mutation. Yet, amongst this mutation and adaptation--there appears, from our perspective, to be a solid template--a system put into place which provides the foundation, the root of all forms. If you eat synthetic foods and drugs on a constant and repetitive basis--it's likely to result in a  dysfunctional reaction within a perfectly functional and natural organism. I'm not saying that drugs, fast-food, and microwave ovens are "bad"--but based on the result--they're dysfunctional forms of nourishment.

"Well, what do I eat then?". Well, the real question should be, "How can I functionally nourish my body?". Do we ever consider the notion of nourishment and what it means? When we eat food, what is our intention? "I'm hungry". Well that's perfectly reasonable....but why are you hungry? We're "hungry" because our body is sending us a message, it needs nourishment! We mistake such feelings as something which has to do with "us", our egos, and our minds. We are satisfying our minds, we are fulfilling a desire--an urge, and an idea based on our conditioning. Many of us are conditioned to believe that nourishment comes from a happy meal, or that "reward" comes from ice cream and cookies. We never stop and consider the reward of a fully functional, and fully nourished body and mind. Again, I'm not saying that Ice cream and cookies are "bad"--if we are fully nourished, then occasional splurges are likely to have little to no harm on the body--because it can adequately adapt.

"That is why, on all accounts, we have so little time for philosophy. Worst of all, if we do obtain any leisure from the body's claims and turn to some line of inquiry, the body intrudes once more into our investigations, interrupting, disturbing, distracting, and preventing us from getting a glimpse of the truth. We are in fact convinced that if we are ever to have pure knowledge of anything, we must get rid of the body and contemplate things by themselves with the soul by itself."
-Plato, The Last Days of Socrates.

Now, you might be thinking, "What does this have to do with astrology?". Well it seems that this is the very foundation of the theme we are dealing with on a global level, it is the nature of the beast which confronts humanity. When you look out at our apparently dysfunctional civilization, consider that we are simply unconscious of our needs, and the needs of the planet herself. With all the "choas" and problems we experience, consider them signals, a form of communication from nature to us. When humanity experiences pain, much like an individual, it is because something is trying to reach homeostasis--it's trying to heal from imbalance. We can learn a lot through this experience--through our collective pain, if we are open to it. Systems evolve through time--which is governed by the planet Saturn--who is Kronos= time. Time sets up the structure, the template, through repetition and consistency. How did humans evolve into being? What have we done, consistiently, through time, to our bodies so that it functions properly?

Trees Got Soul by Chris Dyer

For physical nourishment, we ate food--real organic whole food, we got real sunlight, we breathed air, and drank fresh, clean water. Think about how simple that is--if it was invented in the past 200 years or so--invented by an idea, then it likely didn't evolve through time, with us, our bodies--there was no consistency with that substance throughout our evolutionary process. When we introduce such a substance--like putting mud in the gas tank--there's likely to be some malfunction, something dysfunctional eventually results. I doubt the car feels any pain, but it experiences something similar, albeit a bit more primitive.Our creations and our technology have consumed us--we have allowed ourselves, as a collective, to forget the original intention. Our creations are not "bad" or "evil" in themselves--but it is prudent that we learn to balance the creations of the mind, with the creations of the natural world-- the synthetic and the organic.

Yet, for whatever reason, humanity needed to awaken this "new" aspect of the mind, it needed to stimulate its potential into being. This "higher mind" is represented by Uranus, who is Prometheus--the great awakener, and.....trickster. This archetype is embodied in the serpent, the kundalini, the electrical energy which fully stimulates human potential and awakening. Consumed by the magnificence and power that this potential ignited within us, enveloped by hubris--we embraced it without question, we allowed the archetype to take over, and we slipped into unconscious passivity to the god of intellect and technology--we embraced the idea that our power to co-create, to alter nature, meant that we had dominion, that we had power over it.

This pattern of unconsciousness continues, with each new archetype that emerges--we are swept away and captivated, we loose all sense of boundaries. The question is this, how long can we go on as an unconscious species? How long can we last holding complete disregard for the needs of our bodies, minds, the planet, and all her share her domain? My guess, not too long. It seems, fortunately however, that  nature is far ahead of us--and astrology is map to this divine plan and great unfolding. It seems we have a choice now, we are at the cusp of a major shift in our perception--we can choose the path of life or the path of destruction. To live consciously, or to slip further into unconscious passivity to collective hubris.

This month's new moon falls within the sign of Capricorn, in the wake and shadow of Pluto--God of the underworld. It occurs less than 2 degrees of conjunction with the Lunar Eclipse of June 26, 2010--which contained a new template, a new design, for consciousness. This template has received several activations over the past year or so, and it appears this new moon symbolizes the awakening of this potential within us....our entry into the year 2012--which looms as this inescapable beacon of change. Is this the anticipated "enlightenment" and "liberation" of mankind? I don't know, but I do feel that it is indeed the point in which our world will begin its climb toward global homeostasis--the collective consciousness must balance out and equalize. This process can be appear "painful" for some, and can lead to suffering, because pain is a message, it brings awareness--it is a healing reaction. I invite us to not fear this notion--I invite us to instead embrace our inner genius and potential, to get conscious of our needs and the needs of nature, and to begin to nourish as opposed to destroy the systems we have chosen to evolve within.

Disease does not destroy the body, it is lack of proper nourishment which mutates the body--transforms it from this world into another, the inorganic realms. Only the mind and the ego choose the path of destruction--nature chooses assimilation. However, we have a choice, and we can--not of our own volition--but of our conscious surrender--embrace a different ideology, the ideology of nature. It starts by waking up to our needs, and taking steps toward the support, nourishment, and sustainment of those needs. We can choose to support the needs of the earth mother, Gaia, and the needs of other sentient beings. But, how can we nourish others without nourishing ourselves? How can see clearly through eyes which are disillusioned, distorted, and mutated? The universe is offering us a new perception, it is assisting us in opening our true eyes, our true vision--and embracing our role as the responsible caretakers of planet earth.

The sabian symbol for the new moon reads: The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.

Here we stand, at this gateway on Christmas Eve, the collective soul of humanity, the authentic over-soul, awaiting its true incarnation--to jump in and to grow and understand. Growth occurs through tension, through challenge--which allows evolution to progress from one state to the next. According to Blain Bovee[3]:

"Receptivity is deeper than mere inquisitiveness; it addresses something primal in human beings, touching what it means to be human: openness
--Receptivity, however, is not passive. It is the openess of human exploration, like that of an arctic explorer transversing a vast, open landscape".

The challenges of the world do not demand that we fight "what's wrong" or that we aggressively stamp out disease and dysfunction--they invite us to step up with openness and receptivity to await the experience and message encapsulated within the divine unfolding of time. If we experience pain, it is our bodies way of telling us something--it is attempting to reach homeostasis. How can we hear the pain and message of the earth, of humanity, if we are blinded by our own ideas--if we are consumed by a fabricated and synthetic ideology?

The western Christmas celebration began as an extended ritual ignited by the Winter Solstice. Our "holiday" traditions and customs originate from the northern latitudes, specifically the region of Siberia. In these extreme northern regions, the Sun literally disappears for three days. To these ancient peoples, this was quite a statement, as living without electricity, the Sun was the primary source of light, heat, growth, and nourishment. On Christmas morning, the Sun would remerge, and the promise of Spring, of new life, was made. From that point onward, the Sun would no longer descend, but would continue to rise forth, and the days would get longer. There's a whole shamanic custom and celebration which evolved from this phenomena--it is the root of all Judeo-Christian interpretations of Christmas[4]. Many of these customs involved the sacred consumption of the Psychedellic mushroom known as Amanita Muscaria,  the "red and white" spotted shroom.

I can't speak from experience (with this particular entheogen), but from my own studies it is apparent that the experience, when properly prepared for, provided a complete "death" and assimilation of the mind, the ego--and a rebirth of self.  The sacraments were collected on winter solstice, hung to dry--often upon the pine trees they symbiotically grew beneath. On Christmas eve they were distributed by the shaman, accompanied by reindeer and a sleigh. The shaman would descend, like the sun, down the chimney of a yurt--a small house or hut, as the door would be blocked in by the snow. The shaman would guide individuals through this experience, and upon waking, or perhaps, coming to normal consciousness on Christmas morning--the Sun would return, and the light would emerge once more.

The Resurrection of Santa Claus by Jimmy B
The winter solstice is the gateway to death and the potential of new life, to Time, to Saturn and Kronos. Our creations, our intentions set at the Spring Equinox, have manifest fully into time, into form--they have crystallized. It is here that we can see clearly, we have the claryvoiance to percieve the bigger picture and our place within it--and we go within, we reach ourselves--we seek the light within. Just like the ego, the soul is bound in time and in form--it is, in a way, encapsulated by Saturn to carry out its intention.

To quote Bovee once more: "The sense of one's identity, the ego structure, is described in Buddhist psychology as being made up of heaps or bundles from the Sanskrit skandha, bound together, forming a containment vessel through which the sense of existence is created. In other words, the soul can grow and understand only through the bundled vessel of the self.".

This brings to mind the succession of planets, each a gateway----an organ of consciousness and of perception through which the soul is bound while in incarnation upon the earth plane. Indeed, the earth itself is bound in time to the solar system. We expand into the full experience of life, within the proper boundaries of the vessel, the vehicle of the soul. No component is more relevant than the other, and nothing is truly seperate from the whole--even though each fragment appears to be isolate, each piece works together, and each needs nourishment just the same. The root archetype of the holiday tradition is the resetting of form, of structure, of the system, of the body, and of the vessel which carries us through the illusion of time. Our bodies are vessels, and so is the earth--all are systems we must nourish, support, and sustain as each is connected holographically, each a piece of the whole.

Peeling Bodies by Chris Dyer

The new moon squares Uranus, now recently direct in motion sitting on the Aries point--we can see more clearly how we can break out the dysfunctional pattern and follow the original intention--set at the big bang, the first degree of Aries, the spring equinox point. The new moon trines Jupiter in Taurus, expanding our connection to the natural world--in wide opposition to Saturn, who sextiles the new moon--asking us to commit to our relationship to the other, to solidify that connection deeply within ourselves. Mercury conjoins the North Node in Sagittarius, square Mars in Virgo--we are invited to embrace the vision, to follow our authentic voice within, and to put it in motion in order to assimilate all the fragments into the whole. This new moon and winter season is about changing form, it's about conscious mutation--which we can do if we trust the tickster, Uranus, as he guides us toward the activation of human potential--but we must follow with consciousness and unconditional love--not judgement.

This is a time in which we must embrace fully the experience, we must consciously surrender through complete receptivity to the great unfolding of time. On Christmas morning, the Sun rises from darkness--the light returns to permeate the world with the promise of new life. Synchronistically, Jupiter turns direct this Christmas--just after the new Moon--at zero degrees of Taurus. Jupiter invites us, toward forward benevolence and expansion--to embrace with open arms, the process which awaits us. There is no rush, no urgency, no fear--there is only the moment, there is only the great unfolding . There is a much greater system than the ones we play with in our civilized world--there is the earth matrix. This system works, it's been tried and tested for billions of years, and we can trust it. Every system, simply reflects, the greater the system of the earth--and the universe just the same.

The more we heal, nourish, support, and sustain these organic systems--the more balance, equilibrium, and integration will come to our man-made systems rooted in ideology. But, can we surrender our hubris, can we let go of our minds, so that we hear the message--to allow the light to pour in and permeate our very cells? This is up to our own freewill. The system works, it's ready--all we need to do is show up and be receptive. As the sun returns, and Jupiter fully expands into the moment--we simultaneously open up, we let in the light--we embrace the conscious mutation of planet earth. Look around at the beauty and magic of the world, allow your inner child to awaken, that part of you which always saw the world with wonder. It is through these eyes, these eyes of receptive curiosity, through which we can see clearly, how to truly change.

Happy Holidays.

Notes & References

[1] In my article, Cracking The Cosmic Egg, I noted how the winter/summer solstice axis was symbolic of the spinal column within the human body--and compared this symbolism to the the backbone of the DNA double helix structure. The eclipses, lunations, and planetary alignments have directly pointed to this structure as the being significant--placing immense emhpasis upon the cardinal degrees of the zodiac. Regardless of our speculations--these alignments most definitely foretell of a major shift occuring on a global scale, effecting everything within our matrix.

[2] It might be a shock, or perhaps a slight trigger, for some to hear the notion that Germ theory is a theory, not a proven fact. It is a most logical and rational explanation for why we get sick, however, deeper study into this matter reveals many flaws within the theory itself, as well as an alternative perception, more logical in my opinion, which emerged from the work of notable, yet undervalued scientists Antoine Bechamp, a professor of physics, chemistry, medical chemistry, biochemistry, and toxicology-- and Gaston Naessens, a French-Canadian biologist. Louis Pastuer, who is credited with the "discovery" of germ theory, has been revealed to be a fraud in many ways, and is documented having denounced the entire theory upon his own death bed. The truth behind sickness, disease, viral, and bacterial infections lies within the concept of Pleomorphism--which is an organisms ability to change and mutate based on the external environment it is enmeshed with. From an occult or astrological perspective, this is precisely the nature of archetypes themselves--each is inherently multivalent, holding the ability to change and transform, and containing a multitude of symbolic meanings. Needless to say, Germ theory is rather profitable for the modern allopathic healthcare paradigm--as the fear of "catching disease" keeps the populace returning to consume the latest drugs and weapons which will protect them from illness. For more information see the following links for further references:
Video of Somatids:

[3] The Sabian Symbols  & Astrological Analysis: The Original Symbols Fully Revealed, Blain Bovee, 2004.

[4] See, The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross by John Allegro and Astrotheology and Shamanism: Unveiling The Law of Duality in Christianity and Other Religions by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit.

Mars Retrograde in Virgo 2012

Mars Disarmed by Venus and Three Graces by Jacques Louis David, 1824.

Mars Retrograde in Virgo
January 23, 2011-April 14, 2012

Unlike Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde is more subtle in its collective influence, correlating with a longer range process--impacting us on a physical and emotional, rather than mental and cerebral level. With that said, however, Mars retrograde is an important cycle to acknowledge, especially if you are considering the launch of a major project, business, or enterprise. Where Mercury deals with the mind and communication, Mars governs the initiation of physical action (Aries), catalyzed by deep emotional desire and impulses (Scorpio). Retrogrades often bring us "back" to things from the past--back to certain people, places, and situations. Perhaps this "going back" allows us to complete some karmic loop--tying up loose ends, completing unfinished business. More often, however, these retrograde cycles (especially among the inner or "personal" planets) redirect our attention to a specific area of our lives, so that we can make some adjustments and improvements--which, once the planet goes direct, we are able to implement and make use of.

It is often said that when Mercury is retrograde, that we should hold off from "moving forward" with important projects, plans, or business. In my experience, this has held true, because whatever you are moving forward with is inherently incomplete--it is a natural cycle in which the universe supports revision on all levels. Does this same principle apply to Mars retrograde as well? Somewhat, but not entirely. Whatever is initiated during Mars retrograde will likely dissipate energetically at some point in the future, after the retrograde is complete--it may not completely fail, but it is likely that things will not turn out as you expected, or initially intended--and this can sometimes lead to the explosion of repressed and unresolved anger due to attachment to a specific outcome. New ventures are often plagued with irritating setbacks and annoyances--it is generally advised to wait until Mars is strong and direct before implementing something entirely new. Used constructively, Mars retrograde allows us a process to strengthen or reinforce a preexisting structure we have already set into motion--whatever begins under this cycle will likely not be long lasting, but that doesn't mean it wont be rewarding. We may feel more compulsive/impulsive under this influence--but it is a conscious and objective analysis of these feelings that will provide the edifice for healing and integration at this time.

The inversion of the outward and penetrating influence of Mars provides us an opportunity to understand more deeply, what's really at the root or heart of our desires and impulses. We are all evolving and growing throughout the life experience, and as we go throughout our day, we are acting upon desires which emanate deeply from within the psyche. Normally, we are not conscious of why we feel compelled to do this or that--but while Mars is retrograde, we are provided an opportunity to go more inward and to allow ourselves time to stop and access the deeper motivations for why we do what we do. A specific understanding of what is being reinforced will come through an analysis of the house position(s) that Mars will retrograde through in the natal horoscope, or birth chart.

Be mindful of eruptions of anger due to frustration--it is very common that people find themselves pushing forward completely with something, doing everything they can, until they somewhat implode. This can be an excellent time to consciously express anger, to deal with it, and find therapeutic outlets for it. Anger is an extreme manifestation of self-assertion--which is a mechanism 
within the psyche that allows one to establish boundaries. Anger often results because we are not actively asserting our territory and boundaries directly, letting things slide until the frustration builds to a boiling point, and we lash out. Mars retrograde is a cycle which equally allows us to reinforce boundaries, particularly involving the themes inherent to the house it is currently transiting in the horoscope.

It's important to understand that Mars retrograde is not an omen urging us to completely hold off from moving forward, or that we should avoid taking action--it simply means that whatever you begin, especially an entirely new venture, will not last as long as you think or believe it will--so simply take that into consideration, however it applies to your situation. For example, I once started a massage school while Mars was retrograde, and I had signed up for a full 1000 hour program. I never finished the entire program, because the school ended up going out of business that same year--I received a little less than half the training I anticipated--but, do I regret going, or "moving forward" with it? No way, this particular school was far more than massage training, it was a healing experience which completely changed my life (Mars was retrograde in my 6th house).

I can't imagine where I'd be if I hadn't gone, but it did dissipate energetically, and it did not turn out as I had originally anticipated. However, it did help to reinforce my own healing abilities--I learned entirely new modalities, methods, and philosophies which completely altered my outlook. Through the experience, I also learned ways of strengthening my boundaries--incidentally, I acquired a strong foundation for Tai Chi as well as having the experience of deep emotional release through holistic counseling. Just to note, Mars went retrograde right on my 6th house Transpluto, and in opposition to my natal Jupiter, ruler of my Midheaven--and transiting Jupiter was crossing my Ascendent. The primary motivation was the completion of the entire program, but the outcome was the brief accumulation of entirely new tools, training, experience, and perspectives.

Similar to Mercury retrograde, we may also experience technical or mechanical failures at this time; however, this is usually only when Mars is activating a personal planet, point, or major angle in the birth chart. If that same placement were active by other transits, then Mars retrograde will be much more eventful--otherwise it indicates a time of minor reassessment and strengthening--Mars retrograde is certainly nothing to dread or fear in and of itself! According to astrologer Lynn Koiner:
"During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down. A friend who owned a word processing service found this period to always be a disaster. During one retrograde cycle, the printer, the back-up printer and the rented printer all failed to work. When they finally got one that worked, the mailing labels printed but there was no ink! I often notice that the world needs a brake job when Mars in retrograde."
Mars will be retrograde in the tropical zodiac sign of Virgo, between 23 and 03 degrees.  On a surface level, this relates to an impulse to strengthen and reinforce overall health and well-being, and also one's "work"--how we are of service to the greater community. Here we can make many adjustments to various bits and details--and we can really gain an understanding of all the intricacies of a particular situation. It is likely that aggressive forward motion at this time may be hindered or bogged down by various details and fragments. In Virgo, Mars retrograde gives us the motivation to put things in order, and to compartmentalize various pieces so that their is greater unity and sense of wholeness.Take this time to find ways to fully assimilate and strengthen each fragment. Just because Mars is retrograde we shouldn't feel frozen by inaction, but rather, inspired to practice and repetitiously train ourselves so that we are more connected and ready for what we desire to put into motion. Once Mars goes direct, we will have more experience and confidence which will better support our future success.

If we move forward with less serious or major projects at this time, Mars retrograde will provide us a process of trial and error. If you are not attached to a particularly "successful" outcome, you can use this energy to strengthen certain abilities through consistent and dedicated effort. As they say, "If at first you don't succeed, try try again"--this is a major theme of Mars retrograde. We mustn't take it too hard if something does fail or even fizzles out at this time--take the opportunity look deeper at the reasons behind it all, and how the unfolding is actually supporting your overall growth and development. Under the influence of Virgo we may find ourselves, or others, rather critical--or making perfectionist demands. Be mindful of this, as you can constructively use this criticism to chisel and shape something to more closely resemble your ideals before taking drastic action--just remember that absolute perfection is an illusion. This particular cycle of Mars retrograde in Virgo could be an excellent opportunity to really connect with something, to get more in the moment so that we can focus on things we would normally overlook in a zealous attempt to move forward.

The constructive use of this energy is to reinforce what is already there and to make it stronger--and to also reinforce or reconsider the boundaries we have set up within a certain aspect of our lives. We may feel impulsed to go after some new opportunity leaving something else behind; however, instead of dropping the whole thing, one should be encouraged to understand why they feel compelled to do so--to look at what isn't working, and how one can go about changing it. This is the time go back and look at the deeper motivations behind our actions, and then to make the appropriate adjustments based on those realizations when Mars turns direct in motion. This "going deeper" while Mars is retrograde, exemplifies its co-rulership of Scorpio, the sign governing self reflection catalyzed by external circumstances. While Mars is direct, our focus is more on the vibration of Aries--but, while Mars is retrograde, it opens the door to a much deeper dimension.

Whatever begins now, whether it's a new experience, relationship, or opportunity--is likely a stepping stone of some kind--it is possible that it will not last as long as we envision it--but if we can accept that, we will have less attachment, and thus less frustration, when it dissipates into the background. This does not mean that the experience is meaningless, it is simply a fleeting opportunity which allows us to reinforce a specific aspect of our lives and to secure our personal boundaries. We may meet entirely new people at this time, and these relationships often feel "fated", as though we have known them before this life. It is possible that, much like Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde is some kind of karmic gateway, in which people from "past lives" reemerge. We may actually even rekindle past relationships with people from this life. Most often, these meetings are relatively brief--but sometimes they can last quite a while--but regardless of where on the timeline such individuals come from, they will assist in redirecting us in a different direction that will have a large impact on our life.

In conclusion, the effects of Mars retrograde are generally more subtle and carried out over a period of roughly three months. Hold back on launching new ventures--this is a time to store up your energy and to redirect it on things that need reinforcement. Sometimes this cycle correlates to sluggish movement in projects or plans that have already been put into action--but if you look closely, you will find that there are things that need further support and strengthening. Its effects will be most influential if it is transiting a specific planet, point, or major angle in the horoscope, and especially if that same placement is being activated by a transit or other indicator. Overall, keep an open mind, be open to revision--and watch out for people and experiences which could very much, however briefly, redirect and alter your life.

Mars Retrograde Cycle 2012
11-18-2011  03 Virgo 41'    Enter Rx Zone (Shadow)
01-23-2012  23 Virgo 06'   Stationary Retrograde
04-13-2012  03 Virgo 41'   Stationary Direct
06-19-2012  23 Virgo 06'   Leave Rx Zone (Shadow)

SolarScopes December 10th-16th 2011

 Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse
December 10, 2011
6:36 AM Pacific
10:36 AM Eastern

This month's Full Moon is a total Lunar Eclipse, occurring Saturday December 10th--it will be visible on the western portion of North America, northern Mexico, Hawaii, Micronesia, Malanesia, Polynesia, Australasia, Asia, eastern Africa, Iceland, and the majority of Europe. This Eclipse takes place within the tropical sign of Gemini at 18 degrees and 11 minutes, closely conjoined the south node of the moon's nodal axis. Over the past few weeks the collective energy has had us adjusting our own unique individual lens, resulting in a broader, more expansive, and all-encompassing perspective. Look deeply at where you're gaining more awareness, where something has become more apparent, and how you can see more clearly where to make the next few steps.

Perhaps you've received a vision for the future, or something you would like to set out to achieve or manifest within your life. Mercury will be retrograde until roughly Dec 14th--but keep in mind that it takes another week or so for Mercury to pick up speed, and leave its shadow. This last phase of the cycle has us finishing and tying up loose ends--various obstacles inhibiting forward motion are likely to move out of our way after this...well, some of them at least (Mars is about to go retrograde soon). Mercury retrograde often presents us with a new way of looking at things. How have you altered your outlook, and what new perspective have you attained? Be open and humble to a different way of looking at reality this next week--Mercury's energy is still going strong.

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is ruled by Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius--we are now letting go of old ideas and outworn beliefs to make room for the new awareness and insights we are receiving from the universe. Here we find ourselves walking that delicate balance between the the factual, logical, and rational end of Gemini--versus the intuitive, empathic, and holistic end of Sagittarius. Ultimately we are to "trust our vibes", but not to the extent of discounting the apparent laws and workings which construct our dimensional matrix--follow intuitive clues to come to rational conclusions that make sense, but that also help create the larger picture of the whole. See how you can practically implement your recurring visions or ideas, to integrate them into a productive work outlet, or perhaps to better enhance overall health and well-being.

The lunar eclipse invites us to look at ways to enhance our ability to digest information and experience--release and surrender whatever is taking up unneeded space, or assimilate it so that it fits with the current system and structure. Look for how you can create more ease and comfort within an existing system--how things can become more automated so that everything runs more efficiently--more smoothly.

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse conjunct the nodal axis, creates a T-Square with Mars in Virgo--we are being pulled into the vibration of the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle (Jan 23-April 13, 2012). As this frequency gets stronger, we are encouraged to become more mindful of our impulses and desires--to stop and check in with what we are feeling and why, as opposed to simply jumping into action. This inversion of the outward and directive influence of Mars, allows us a process to understand what truly motivates us beyond the superficial and apparent perception of our impulses. Needless to say, it would be wise to take your time with things, take it all step by step--check in with yourself, and what you're desiring to create now--what's the real agenda?

If you feel rushed to complete something or "make something happen", go deeper with it and see what's truly the source of urgency, and whether or not taking impulsive action would be self-serving. We are being gifted the opportunity to create and bring something into manifestation over the next few months--but we don't need to make it all happen in one swoop--careful, conscious, and controlled construction will truly benefit us now.

Technical notes:
The total lunar eclipse occurs at 18 degrees of tropical Gemini and 11 minutes, conjoined the south node of the Moon's nodal axis by an orb of 03 degrees and 47 minutes--putting the Sun in direct opposition conjunct the north node in Sagittarius. This configuration activates Mars in the United States horoscope (Sibly), ruler of the 4th and 5th houses. Transiting Mars makes a square to the eclipse position on Christmas Eve December 24th--and again around June 8, 2012 after going direct from retrograde motion. There is also a New Moon on Christmas Eve at 02 degrees Capricorn and 34 minutes, forming a Grand earth trine configuration with Jupiter in Taurus and Transpluto in Virgo. In March of 2012, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto form an earth grand trine at roughly 9 degrees of their respective signs--having met in wide orb in November of this year. Transiting Jupiter will conjoin the degree of the eclipse in early May 2013--activating its inherent potential.

Many of the themes and issues surrounding this eclipse are part of a much longer dynamic process which will unfold over the next year or so. This will be more influential, of course, if the eclipse touches a specific planet, point, or angle in the personal horoscope--and will correlate to shifts and changes regarding the themes inherent to its house position.

Dec 10th through Dec 16th 2011
We will be feeling the full peak effects of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Friday and Saturday nights (Dec 9th-10th)--but mostly Friday.Watch out for "new connections", fated encounters, or simply pertinent information you likely need to receive. Over the weekend there may be a lot of "impulsive" energy flying around--be mindful of this, especially in regards to the uprising of anger stirred up by ideological debates. If you can't simply agree to disagree, it might be best to just walk away, or not become engaged; however, it may be tempting and difficult to resist. The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs at 6:36 AM Pacific/9:36 am Eastern--the energies are ripe for methodical and mental projects.

The Moon goes void early Sunday (Dec 11) morning from 2:25 am to 5:26 am Pacific and  5:25 am to 8:26 am Eastern. The Moon will be in Cancer all day Sunday--the collective energy is likely to be more sensitive, emotional, and focused on maintaining security. Sunday may feel very impulsive, with lots of energy coming from differing directions--it's a good day to get stuff done as long as you can remain focused and not allow yourself to get distracted. Later Sunday night favors intensity and looking beyond surface appearances.

The Moon is in Cancer all day Monday (Dec 12). Be mindful of moodiness and irritability--people may feel very impulsive, at the expense of the needs and concerns of others. Don't assume, ask and connect so that you can be more clear. It may be challenging to pin down just what you want and need today, but don't panic, just feel your way through it.

The Moon goes void Tuesday (Dec 13)  morning around 8:05 am Pacific/11:05 am Eastern and enters Leo around 1:48 pm Pacific/4:48 pm Eastern. While the Moon is void it is best to lay low, avoid making important decisions--go deeply within and connect to yourself and your needs. Today is a good day for creativity and receiving sudden or spontaneous information. This energy will likely carry over to Wednesday (Dec 14), which should feel relatively light, playful, and perhaps more care-free than usual.

Thursday (Dec 15) should feel productively harmonious--and we may be able to make realistic use of our creativity today as long as we're mindful of excessive idealism. The Moon goes void around 5:20 pm Pacific/8:20 pm Eastern, and enters Virgo around 7:58 pm Pacific/10:58 pm Eastern. Toward the latter part of the day the collective energy may feel spacey or unclear. The evening favors taking it a bit easier, staying close to stable patterns or routines--if you are unsure of something today, don't press the situation further.....sleep on it.

The Moon is in Virgo all day Friday (Dec 16) closing in on a conjunction with Mars. Friday is an excellent day to organize, clean, or compartmentalize things--you may feel an ability to go much deeper with it than usual. The intensity of Mars in Virgo is likely to increase throughout the day, peaking late Friday night, and so...there will likely be a lot of heightened mental energy. This is an excellent night to work on something that requires focus and sustained energy, as you will be able to direct your attention on all the little pieces and details.

Stay tuned for my next article for the last quarter Moon, Saturday December 17th.

SolarScopes via tropical zodiac
The Lunar Eclipse opens a portal to the past--to some far off distant memory--to memories of long ago--things historical and ancestral. This portal opens deep in our minds, and with it--a simultaneous impulse into the future--a tunnel to the stars expands before us. We are beckoned to the past, something "retro" to extract its essence and to creatively enhance its potential to benefit our future state. The aftershock of some distant event is culminating in the now. Making creative change to enhance the future. Consciously and methodically actualizing our desires--fueled by the vision of tomorrow.  Consolidating ideas, information, theories, and all hypotheses'---slowly putting them into action to further serve ourselves and others.

Sun sign horoscopes are generalized readings which interpret collective energies as they are perceived through the multivalent lens of the zodiac. Imagine light permeating a prism as it is refracted into a multiplicity of colors. Each frequency perceives the inherent nature of a particular lunation differently. These are written for specific archetypes within the tropical zodiac, but are not limited to simply "Sun signs", and can also be accurate in describing individuals with a particular archetypal dominance in their personality, as revealed through the natal horoscope itself.

There's probably a lot information overload going on--so many different perspectives to ponder. Your outlook has, or is about to change quite considerably, and your going to embark on an adventure to make some use of it. Sometimes our ideas about the world around us need to be adjusted, or just cleaned out entirely. If you're stirring up anger or defensiveness in others while trying to communicate old ideas--it might be time to consider how you can possibly adjust them, or make them sound more appealing. Sometimes, however, you're just ahead of the times, and so if you mindfully share your thoughts and discover the reasons for truly doing so, you'll have a better perception of what catalyzes it all to begin with.

Take a deep breath--breathe in slowly--take it all in. Absorb whatever is coming at you through that tunnel. You may feel that you finally have a better idea of what you need--most, if not all the pieces are in your hands--now it all comes down to how to make use of them, how they all fit in...and where. Take a moment, relax, and take it all in--there's no need to build the whole castle in one day--there's plenty of time. Besides--you arn't really sure how to go about it all anyway--so allow yourself to go deep, and ponder those feelings and urgencies--something new is brewing and you can make it all happen--just trust your creativity and let it all unfold. It'll feel like you didn't do a thing in the end.

Your changing the way you perceive yourself and the way you interact with others. It's time to make your connections work for you to better support and sustain you somehow--to build a strong foundation for the future. It's natural for it to feel this way--there's always tension between your needs and those of others; however when we all work together, harmoniously--it's amazing how powerful and strong a structure we can create--it's all just a matter of humbled egos mingling in mutual cooperation. It takes two, so you know, don't give too much unless the other end is just as passionate as you are. Let go of that complex idea you have of yourself, open your mind, and let others mirror to you just how simple it really is--each part reflects the whole....nothing exists in isolation.

A chaotic past descends into the memory vaults, and simultaneously, a future emerges--more sharper and available to your perception. What was once a mystery, is becoming more easier to grasp--all is becoming more tangible and less abstract or confusing--so trust that you aren't "going crazy" after all. You can direct all of this into integrating and healing yourself; there still might be a lot of work to do, but at least you have a better understanding of where to begin. The gears are probably moving about now, and it seems you have a few ideas in the works, so trust you're being gifted with the specific guidelines--all you have to do is follow their lead.

Whatever failed, broke down, or slipped away likely wasn't what you needed after all--at least it wasn't functional they way that it was, and now that you know what's not working, you can apply yourself to areas that will be much more fruitful. Use this time constructively to finish sorting out all the ties you keep carrying around with you--you can see much more clearly now who or what is taking up all the space. This is a time to strengthen and consolidate your strongest talents and abilities, and channel them into something that will allow you to prosper in the future. Don't rush now, while things may appear rather accelerated, you have plenty of time. Within this whirlwind of possibilities grab only what's essential and let the rest move on with the wind.

It may be a challenge in getting clear on where you're going exactly--it hasn't felt like you've really been in control of things. You have plenty of time to revise your public image, it's all a matter of sifting through various ideas, options, and possibilities--especially now that you can actually see them. Embrace this more panoramic perception, look at where everything fits in. You can use this time to really enhance yourself and your potential--and to work out all the kinks in your presentation style. You don't need to throw away the whole thing, especially if you feel impulsed to do so--look deeply at where you can consolidate all the pieces and make something else entirely. Your life direction is going to change--move with it, and you'll find it all less difficult to manage.

Gaining a new vision may come about with the sacrifice of another, more outworn, perspective. The less attached you are to this process, the easier it will all flow along with ease. It's likely you've realized that there are many things you've yet to discover, to experience, and to pull into your conscious awareness--remain open and humble to all transmissions as they head your way. Over the next few months you will be guided deeper into yourself and your shadows like never before--here you stand upon the precipice, awaiting some form of assimilation. Trust, have faith--surrender, you're not exactly in control now, but that doesn't mean succumbing to can choose to step deeper into the dark, and like a warrior, go where you've never been before.

It's time you let go of that old mental programming--especially the bits and pieces that you allowed others to throw upon you at some point. It's likely you can see it all--as if you have some form of x-ray vision, able to pierce deeper to detect all surface motivations and agendas. It's time to allow yourself to link up with a powerful force, network, or structure much larger than yourself--through mutual cooperation. You can find a very creative way to better support yourself through the influence and power of something co-created. You're walking a fine line now, so be mindful of how much you give, and how much is taken--allow yourself, through a sort of osmosis, to move in and out of the eternal connectedness of the universe.

Now that you're more aware of where other people are coming from, you can make more sense of yourself and where you currently stand. There's always a clash between interests when we involve ourselves with others on some intimate level--relax, it's all apart of the game. You may feel compelled to link up with like minds and forge your way ahead now--but take it slow--no need to rush it all. A strong and supportive structure requires careful and conscious construction, so start with each piece and soon enough you'll be halfway done. You need to get clear on some information first, especially coming from sources whom you consult--it's a bit scattered now so take this time to make sense of it all--trust your judgement and intuition, you're quite talented there.

The past few weeks have likely had you focusing on ways to make yourself more useful--maybe at work, or maybe around your living space. Now that you have more perspective, it's probably more clear that you need to expand beyond the "known" and familiar and make your way into entirely new territory. What you learn along the way may even have the impact of enhancing your skills and over-all knowledge--allowing you to become much more effective at what you do. A powerful healing or integrating of what was once a scattered array of fragments is possible, but you'll have to rely less on the practical limitations of the world you see before you, by trusting your inner guide. Easier said than done for you Capricorn ;-)

It's possible that you've been experimenting with an entirely new way of creating your reality and actualizing your desires. Now is the time to really trust your inner child, think of it all as a big game--don't take it too seriously. There's a lot of pieces that still need to be put together, but it's likely you've received a much clearer creative vision of where you need to go next. You're playing with the delicate process of mindful co-creation, so don't think you have to do it all alone--and that may involve a process of possible ego-deflation. The vision is yours, this is true, but it may not all fall into your lap, leaving you to make it all happen alone. Look for ways that you can implement your creation through the support, feedback, and assistance of those who you truly mesh with, and can deeply trust.

The floor beneath your feet may have been a bit unstable these past few weeks, and your perception has likely changed in the way you perceive the whole foundation--and your place in it all. You're living situation, or place you find most comfortable, is in the process of deep transformation, so have trust--sort through all the stagnant bits and pieces and maintain what's truly essential. You're likely to make some new connections soon which will help things further, or perhaps a certain relationship will provide some much needed awareness about your motivations and desires. You may feel compelled to really start moving forward with others in some direction--but be mindful that there's still some work that may need to be done. Don't feel rushed or pressured just yet, and if you can be mindful of your real agenda, and be receptive to needs of others--you'll avoid a lot of conflict and confrontation.

SolarScopes December 2nd-9th 2011

With Mercury retrograde, I am experimenting with this SolarScope concept, and so you will notice it changing quite a bit until it feels right to me. I don't usually like Sun Sign horoscopes--well, I've never been comfortable with the image of astrology they create. Astrology is profound, incredibly deep, and wonderfully insightful. Sun Sign horoscopes, are--well....vague. Perhaps I am to accept that, on some occasions, depth and profundity aren't always warranted or even desired. I will also admit that I've found them, occasionally, to be surprisingly accurate--perhaps not life changing, but there is a modicum of solace they've provided for me. Without further ado--here is my latest attempt at Sun sign astrology--let's see how this unfolds.This latest incarnation of "SolarScopes" will be presented once a week, at the New, First Quarter, Full, and Last Quarter Moons.

First Quarter Moon @ 9 degrees Pisces 52 minutes

We are in the upward swing of the New lunar cycle--we are accumulating a new process now--there is hope, there is a shining ray of opportunity which beckons each of us. The First Quarter Moon meets us with a slight boost of momentum on December 2nd, as the Moon opposes, and the Sun Squares, Mars in the early morning hours--however, the Moon goes void at 10:06 am Pacific, and will stay there until Saturday Dec 3 at 5:51 PM Pacific. This is a long one folks--in Pisces, let's not fall to pieces over it. Over these two days be mindful of a sense of--well, possible hopelessness about something that is likely beyond your control. Whatever plans you've made are likely to change, especially now that Mercury is retrograde--be extremely flexible and open to revision. If used wisely, we can connect more with ourselves, or our spiritual center at this time--an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the moment.

It will be best to surrender to this energy--embrace the idea that there's absolutely no rush now, take it easy and go with the flow. If you find yourself feeling more inner directed, follow that cue--it will lead you to a much safer space, where you can ride out the storm. Be mindful of making commitments, signing contracts, setting big plans, or making large purchases--things just aren't clear yet, so don't push it. We are in eclipse season, there are a lot of changes and transformations brewing just beneath the surface--trust your suspicion that something is about to shift, bringing some much needed fresh air.

The Moon enters Aries Saturday evening, and meets up with Uranus around 7:01 PM Pacific--this is a definite shift and acceleration of energy--follow your bliss, desires, and creativity--as long as they don't get you into too much trouble, Saturday night is set up for the unexpected.

Sunday the Sun meets up with...uh--Mercury retrograde. Don't panic! It'll be ok--well I don't know that, but I'm sure things will work out just fine. Something, or someone from the past may emerge--allow yourself to be receptive to receive whatever message or teaching is offered. If you can be humble enough to accept the notion that you don't know everything yet--you'll likely find something truly rewarding, if not educational.Watch out for minor irritations or disruptions, don't let them stir up too much anger--and if so, be mindful of where you channel or direct it.

Monday should feel a bit smoother, more aligned, and more balanced. It's a good day to get back in the routine--well maybe not entirely, but you'll be feeling less scattered and confused. Late Monday night is excellent if you need to focus and make progress with a project--with Mercury retrograde, keep in mind that you probably won't complete it just yet, but you can at least go over the details and see what needs to be adjusted. The Moon enters Taurus on Tuesday around 6:34 am Pacific. We may feel more connected to each step today, methodical, but also expansive--spending some time outdoors or within nature will likely be rewarding--there's a strong appreciation and adventurous thirst for the subtle, simple, and naturally beautiful.

The energies of Tuesday are likely to carry on over to Wednesday--overall this is an excellent time to take things step by step, perhaps making some progress with something you've been working on. Thursday the Moon goes void around 3:40 pm Pacific, and enters Gemini around 6:52 pm Pacific. Towards the latter part of the day be mindful of mixed, foggy, or unclear communication. If you need to convey something important, make sure you state things as clear as possible--and again if necessary. Thursday favors mental pursuits, but more dealing with flexible and imaginative brain-storming--it'll be best if you're less attached to what you receive.

Mercury retrograde is quite influential Friday, so again, be open to all the possible faults and short-circuits the universe reveals to you. If you can open your mind to new solutions you'll experience much less pain or frustration. Stay tuned for my reading on the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse which occurs Saturday December 10th!

It can be irritating not knowing where you're going, especially when you're usually so sure about what you're after--going deeper within will probably be more useful now than ever. Keep your focus on the vision, the plan, and that ray of light pouring through those clouds with that beautiful, yet elusive, silver lining. Keep playing with that idea, vision, or perception--a few more adjustments and you'll likely get it just right. Your whole outlook is changing, so keep those mental flood gates wide open--an influx awaits.

 You're normally so good at keeping a slower pace, but you may be feeling a bit more--accelerated than usual, as well as more enmeshed with others than you'd like to be. Sometimes we need to see where others stand--what they think, feel, or embrace in their own little bubbles, and through comparison, we can make more sense of our own position. It might not make sense yet, as if everyone is just a carefully placed distraction to keep you from what you want--but just allow yourself to be open to the notion that there's far more than you've thought of on your own.

Oh Gemini, just where are you going? You probably thought I'd be able to tell you. Your life direction just seems a bit fuzzy, and you're not sure which hat to wear--you might not have even tried any on yet. Don't feel pressured to "figure it out", even though you're usually so good at it. Feel your way through this, trust, have patience. There's also more than meets the eye in your personal and professional relations--be open to the assistance and possible feedback of others, as well as a renewed outlook, or even rekindling of a certain relationship.

Luckily for you, you're an emotional creature, more comfortable with subtle impulses and intuitions. Let that tiny little voice guide you now, allow it to show you a new horizon, even if it isn't entirely clear or even in focus just yet. There's a lot of pieces that still need to be put together to make the whole picture complete--and if you can embrace each fragment, one by one, it'll surely come out a masterpiece. Take your time. There's a lot of adjustments to be made to your usual routine, whether that be at work or with a daily regimen--keep playing with it.

Feeling your way through the crowd might be a little overwhelming, but trust that you're being guided toward the proper assistance--as they say, two heads are better than one. You may be finding yourself more connected to revising the way you express and actualize yourself--getting more in the process--allowing it to take over. Don't feel rushed to complete anything just yet, your just experimenting, you shouldn't feel the need to fully commit or even pin it all down--don't take things too seriously now, just play the game, you're so good at it!

When it's difficult to pin down the intentions of others, it's likely the universe is simply reflecting back, the truth that you're not quite clear with your own. There's a lot shifting and shuffling beneath your feet, but trust that impulse and desire which will guide you to modifying the whole foundation. Something from the past emerges now, and with it a renewed perspective on where you really fit in--where you feel really connected and rooted in the ground. Oh Virgo, a little dust never bothered you, and once it's all settled, things will be back to feeling more safe and secure.

You might not know what to think, decide, or commit to--perhaps an endless array of thoughts are seemingly flying around in mid-air. What a perfect opportunity for bringing in some balance--and there's plenty of options now to throw up on those scales. Don't fret over making the final decision just yet, your flirting with your mind--and once you get clear about the pro's and con's you'll be able to get things going and back in order....just as you like it.

So much is changing in what you identify with--especially regarding the ways in which you support yourself. Keep an eye out for new creative ways to fuel the pump of adundance, and a different perception of how you can make things happen. When you aren't clear with what you want, it's best to just try some things out. Go inside yourself now, really get into the process--let it guide you to a new horizon within. You're being given an opportunity to find out just what makes you tick--take it one step at a time.

You are who you are, but right now it feels as if you can be whoever you want to be. Something is changing in the way you put that first foot forward--but don't feel pressured to commit to any particular image. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't, so trust that you can play and experiment with the whole look. Something new is on the horizon, and you may be feeling more adventurous and expansive--more connected to your basic nature than usual. Trust your impulses now, something is about to emerge. Don't limit yourself, just have patience and watch it all come together just as you imagined.

You're more comfortable with the tangible, and right now it feels as if you can't hold on to much. Something hidden has perhaps, or is likely, to reveal itself--maybe from the past, or maybe from those deeper recesses of your psyche. It's ok, trust the process, and can't exactly control this one--so why beat yourself up over it? Keep an eye out, even though you might not see it just yet--there is a force so much greater than what you see before you, and it beckons. Follow your hunches, not your mind.

Things are speeding up, but maybe not moving forward--wow, what a contradiction. It's ok, you probably need this time of cross currents, use it creatively. You're likely desiring some companionship, or perhaps just some adulation of some kind. This is the perfect opportunity to expand or refine your network, find out who or what really matters most. You're usually not used to doing things the "normal" way, so enjoy this process--experiment, try something different. Follow the road to ingenuity, it might even be lucrative.

A new direction is revealing itself--but at the same time, you're not feeling too sure about who you are, or which hat to wear. Keep an open mind--luckily for you, you have more faith than most. Use this time constructively to get more clear about where that horizon truly leads. Don't feel pressured to know exactly just yet, it's a process--you're experimenting with the whole structure, and whatever fails now wasn't on very solid ground to begin with--so make the appropriate adjustments and move on.

SolarScope November 26, 2011

 The Moon is in Sagittarius until 4:06 PM Pacific/7:06 PM Eastern. There is much activity today, and so the energies are highly supportive of a busy day--you may find yourself involved with much whether you intended to or not. With all this energy flying around it would be a shame to not take advantage of it--if you have things you've been putting aside, today is an excellent day to address them. Venus moves into Capricorn this morning around 4:36 AM Pacific/7:36 AM Eastern--the next several weeks favors a taste for the formal, conservative, and bottom-line basics. With Venus in Capricorn there will be no need to go over top--consider what's really important and what you need most--practical, simple, and streamline will be the fashion flavor.

There is quite a mix of energies today, the universe is apparently catering to everyone's taste and preference. If you plan on having any kind of social gathering or event it should turn out quite successful--and you will likely find yourself feeling more like mingling today than usual. The Moon sextiles Saturn around 11:12 AM Pacific/2:12 PM Eastern--if you need to stay focused and determined this morning you will be greatly supported. The Moon sextiles Neptune around 4:06 PM Pacific/7:06 PM Eastern--and goes void until 7:04 PM Pacific/10:04 PM Eastern--while the Moon is void we may feel like withdrawing a bit, going more inwardly, and sticking to more routine tasks or activities. Venus squares Uranus at 6:28 PM Pacific/9:28 Eastern--be mindful of your desires and impulses, especially while the Moon is void--pinning down just what you want will be the challenge--stop yourself at the right moment and you'll avoid any complications that may arise.

The Moon conjoins Venus in Capricorn around 8:27 PM Pacific/11:27 PM Eastern--tonight is an especially social night, and will definitely favor more formal, simple, or basic appearances. This is a good night to socialize for business related matters as well--as people will be more focused on the bottom line than usual. The Moon makes a trine to Jupiter around 10:01 PM Pacific--this adds a dimension of expansion, exuberance, and flamboyance. Overall there is much activity today and throughout the night--it would be wise to make some use of it.

SolarScope November 24, 2011

 Today is Thanksgiving day--so eh--time to give thanks. The vibration of Sagittarius ferments this holiday with the spirit of adventure, of abundance, and of reaching beyond the known and familiar and into the foreign. There is also a Solar Eclipse/New Moon tonight, and so it is a time to be mindful of what you're creating--give thanks for what you have, and intend on attracting what you need right now.

Read my article on the New Moon here for more insight. Mercury is also retrograde for the next three weeks--this is the time when the universe reveals to us just how little we really know. Mercury retrograde is a time to be humble and open to new ideas and perceptions of how things operate. In Sagittarius we may feel as if we have a firm grasp of reality, but we never truly will, because we're always learning and growing--be open to revision of all kinds. If you feel impulsed to go back to something, or to reconsider things from another perception, go for it--you'll be glad you did.

The Moon will be in Scorpio today until she goes void around 3:05 PM Pacific/6:05 PM Eastern. Her last aspect will be a square to Neptune--ouch. Let's not intend this to put a damper on your dinner plans, but it'll probably be wise to choose to get more clear on your emotions later today instead of reaching for the booze--that might not end things too well with the family. Luckily Venus makes a sextile to Neptune around 5:53 PM Pacific/8:53 PM Eastern--smoothing things out a bit, adding a streak of romanticism into the mix.

The Moon enters Sagittarius, leaving the void, around 5:57 PM Pacific/8:57 PM Eastern. During the void make an attempt to treat things lightly, don't take yourself or anything which manifests too seriously--you won't be too clear on it either way. The Moon makes a trine to Uranus around 7:09 PM Pacific/10:09 PM Eastern, adding an electrical burst of spontaneity. The New Moon occurs around 10:10 PM Pacific, intention setting will be ripe around the end of night and all day tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

SolarScope November 23, 2011

 The Moon is in Scorpio all day today--we feel this deeply since the Sun has recently left this brooding sign of secrets. While the Moon is in Scorpio the background energy becomes more intense, more connecting--we are more intriqued by what lies behind the curtain, behind that veil we know is but illusion. This is interesting, given that the Sabian symbol for the day is:

"The ocean covered with whitecaps"

This is an image of water foaming and frothing as a result of turbulence. This seemingly chaotic display conceals a world beneath that is, for the most part, unaffected by the forces above it. Perhaps we should question what is truly behind certain appearances today, as there is far more than meets the eye. The Moon makes several aspects in the early morning hours. The Sun trines Uranus at 2:15 AM Pacific/5:15 AM Eastern, and will separating from this aspect throughout the day--be mindful of sudden innovations or creative spontaneity.

The Moon sextiles Mars at 3:30 AM Pacific/6:30 AM Eastern, and then sextiles Pluto at 3:35 AM Pacific/6:35 AM Eastern. At 6:02 AM Pacific/9:02 AM Eastern Mars makes a trine to Pluto--needless to say the day starts off quite intense, we may feel this as a desire to really connect with something today, or with other people. Perhaps we feel a sense of mission this morning, and this would be an excellent time for deep concentration and focus.

Today we may feel a powerful sense of self assurance, and we can act with confidence without second guessing ourselves. Keep in mind however, that Mercury will be turning retrograde, officially, late tonight at 11:21 PM Pacific/2:21 AM Eastern (the next day). We should go with our instincts and go after what we desire, but we may change our minds over the next week or so, especially if we make some form of agreement or commitment. My advice...just go with it today, throw yourself into the process and see how it unfolds--if anything you'll at least enjoy yourself.

Embracing The Vision: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius & Mercury Retrograde

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
November 24, 2011
10:10 PM Pacific
November 25, 2011
1:10 AM Eastern
@02 degrees Sagittarius

This month's New Moon is also a partial Solar Eclipse, further amplifying its usual power and influence. Regions of visibility include the extreme southern tip of South Africa, Antarctica, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Solar Eclipses are extremely powerful New Moons, and because of this, the power of intention is greatly magnified. Now that the Sun has entered Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the collective energy becomes more expansive, optimistic, generous, and more focused on the larger holistic picture. The background energy seeks the grandiose--impulsed to make things more larger than life. We may desire expansion, to take on new forms of experience--to go beyond our known limitations. There is a very interesting synchronicity surrounding this New Moon--it occurs on Thanksgiving day, roughly the same day which initiates Mercury's retrograde cycle, and appears to be a gateway towards the cyclic formation of an earth Grand Trine involving the planets Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto.

The grand trine configuration has already been forming roughly over the past week, and given its earthy nature--and the planets involved--has a feel of abundance, productivity, and internalized self-sufficiency. This is also been labeled by several astrologers as an "abundance cycle", which will actually peak around March 13, 2012 when all three planets form the grand trine completely--once Jupiter has moved direct and Mars goes retrograde. Interestingly, on March 13th, as all three bodies are at 9 degrees of their respective signs--Jupiter and Venus will conjoin in Taurus--how's that for a sign of abundance! We may feel a sense to break free of something to become more self-sufficient and autonomous. The past week has been a preview, so to speak, of these coming energies and their intention. Personally, for me this energy has really been quite productive, as I have been more connected to astrology and writing more than ever before. We may feel frustration now if we are not connected to some kind of work which provides us a feeling of gratification and accomplishment--or if a passion we once embraced has begun to fizzle out--but fortunately this is a ripe opportunity for discovering an entirely new path or direction.

I feel we can use the power of this New Moon to set our intentions around manifesting more productivity and abundance in our lives--expanding our material resources and transforming our physical bodies. We can use this as a portal to expand into the realm of potential to manifest our dreams. It can also assist us in uncovering a passion or meaningful work that fulfill us. What would you like to attract into your life now, what do you need to better support and sustain yourself? Conversely, this configuration is likely to impulse us deeper into something, to see past distractions or disillusions into the heart and truth of what's really going on--we may feel less tolerant with superficiality. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse is the "gateway to abundance", but also a path to the truth--and the more conscious we are of intending this in our lives, the more likely we are to see it show up.
New Moon Horoscope- November 25, 2011 (eastern)
This is a north nodal solar eclipse--we are acquiring, manifesting, taking on, and accumulating something new. Have you been gifted with a vision for the future? Perhaps an entirely new direction which will enhance your resources and skills, or perhaps enhance the fruits of your talents? Embrace this vision, set your intention towards its manifestation and utilization. A new horizon has emerged, and with it, manifold possibilities are now visible and available to us. On another note, many astrologers are predicting much more economic instability beginning next year, most likely from Summer onward--and will result in further social instability and political unrest. How can we manifest abundance in an economy which is seemingly corroding, isn't this just overtly idealistic? I feel the Sabian symbol for the position of the New Moon holds some clues for us.....

03 degrees Sagittarius: Two men playing chess

This symbol reveals the image of two men playing a game of chess, which takes place upon a tiled or checkered board. Like all games, Chess is a competitive match between two players. Chess is considered by many to be a sporting type event, which is essentially a means through which aggressive energies can be channeled and transmuted. Astrologically, this aggressive and assertive forward drive originates from the unconscious archetype of Mars, which is the planetary crystallization of the yang principle within the psyche. Chess digresses from the traditional "physical" sporting event in that it requires well-thought out plans of action, urging the players to be more objective within the process, and to consider various perspectives-- all while adhering to a strict set of rules.

At the root of it, the game actually slowly dissolves dichotomy, because in order to win one must be extremely conscious of the opponents intention--it is a game which actually urges the players to be less impulsive or aggressive and more mindful and empathic. The game usually ends with the King checkmated--this being the archetype of the leader, the ruler--or in another sense, the conscious ego who rules over waking perception. Chess actually promotes creativity and ingenuity, while following certain rules and boundaries. This is an interesting blending of two seemingly antithetical constructs, but it works. The archetypal chess board is composed of black and white tiles. The word tile is actually slang for a hat--a creative comparison of tiles on a roof--and a hat upon one's head. If you are familiar with the "secret" society of Freemasonry, you will find an interesting parallel between the checkered floors of their lodges, and the reference of "tiles" to the occupation of a mason or tradesmen--who were the founders of the organization.

The agenda of Freemasonry is really no secret, it's been written about quite openly for anyone to read, mostly from its own members. This has led to many conspiracy theories about the organization, mostly regarding their secret role in  manipulating various political events in the attempts of creating the mythic "New World Order"[1]. In reality, if you study their influence upon certain events and key people throughout history, it is plainly clear that somewhere in the higher eschalons of the organization lies a powerful hand which shapes and directs HIStory. Regardless of this, the root archetype of the Freemasons appears to be the ability to work within certain laws and boundaries while slowly shaping and directing the system--in other words, conforming to the system to eventually change or transform it through a creative process.This is a similar principle which assists one in successfully winning a game of chess, in which the objective is to emphatically attune to the opponent to eventual checkmate his ego--or to take over control of the conscious perception of the King.

So how can we utilize what we are given, economic instability or not, to enhance our success and to manifest abundance for ourselves and/or for others? How do we create change and transformation within the current rules of the game? If we perceive our "opponent" as the system itself, or perhaps, those which are currently winning the game--does it serve us to aggressively fight against them? Most likely not, but if we consider the game of chess, we are urged to become more empathic--to connect with the system and to assimilate it into an entirely new form, all while mindfully plotting our next moves carefully, clearly, and cleverly. I feel this is a deeply profound message for the collective at this juncture, especially given the revolutionary impulses currently flooding earth. This brings to mind the cliche saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade".

The power of this grand trine can be utilized by us to manifest something truly amazing with the resources we currently have, but to do that we are encouraged to get creative and to utilize a well thought out plan of action. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Mercury is about to go retrograde, roughly the day of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Mercury retrograde is often anticipated with minor dread by many privy to its effects--however, if we use this time consciously--it can be incredibly useful. Mercury retrograde occurs every three months, for three weeks, and designates a short period where the normal flow of our daily life and communication appears to be going backward--or "working against us". This can manifest in various mechanical breakdowns or failures, lost or confused bits of information, unclear communication--and or several minor irritations or "setbacks". The truth of the matter is that Mercury retrograde is a time for us to actually take steps back, to go over things more thoroughly, and to be sure that all the pieces are in their proper place.

If something breaks down, or if something appears to be delayed or not moving forward, it's because there are components missing that we've overlooked--and this is the perfect time to go back and see what we can adjust so that it's more functional in the future. The more we push forward, the more of the seemingly "negative" side effects we experience, but sometimes we do either way--you know because it's Mercury retrograde. Mercury goes retrograde from November 24 through December 14. This is not a time for launching new projects or making important commitments or agreements--moving forward will be favored once Mercury turns direct. Mercury will be in Sagittarius during its retrograde cycle--this provides an opportunity for reconsidering the bigger picture and for gaining a broader perception of where we're going. If you've acquired a new vision or idea over the past few weeks of Mercury's shadow, this is the perfect time to revise it, adjust it, and go deeper with it to see how you can make it work.

Both the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and Mercury retrograde cycle feel very creative and inspirational, but not to the extent of being overtly idealistic--there are plenty of energies available for us to make practical use of what we receive this lunation cycle. The New Moon forms a T-Square alignment with the Chiron/Neptune conjunction in opposition to Transpluto in wide conjunction with Mars. This hints at a massive influx of trans-dimensional energies flooding the earth plane, as well as an opportunity for deep healing and integration. We may feel rushed or impulsed to heal something at this time, but we must remember that healing is a process--and most effective when we surrender, and connect to it as opposed to fighting or attacking what we perceive to be an imbalance. Perhaps this New Moon/Solar Eclipse will allow us to gain a new perspective on our own personal healing process, and allow us to see it from a different light?

Venus, at the anaretic degrees of Sagittarius, in wide conjunction with Pluto, squares Uranus at the Aries point. We are urged to creatively break out the box now, to experiment with new avenues through which we can creatively express ourselves--embrace an entirely different approach and path now. This new path may feel awkward, different, and uncertain--but continue on and trust completely your inner guide. Listen to the voices inside you, which urge you to take a creative risk--you'll be amazed where it will lead you now.

The suggestion would be to reach for the light, reach for the the horizon--out for more experience. Now is a time to expand--but to also be mindful of each step. Optimism and enthusiasm can inflate us beyond our capacity to handle sometimes--you don't want to pop the whole balloon now.  This is a time to inflate consciously, and if we can approach our problems with compassion, empathy, and most importantly--mindful objectivity--we will indefinitely enhance our success. Solar Eclipses are truly powerful forces, there is a deep biochemical alteration which occurs within us--it is subtle, but real. We can alter this transmission with the power of our intention, and we can mold and shape these forces into very real and tangible realities. Choose to dance now with the great potential of the universe, let it lift you up--as you reach higher for those transcendent engimas we've dreamed in the sky. But with that I say--be mindful of who's vision you reach for, and when in doubt--make your own. 

Stay in the light.

Notes & Referneces
[1] By referring to The New World Order as a myth, I am not denouncing its crediblity, but simply implying that the real truth behind the theory I do not truly know--but I find it a fascinating archetype, of which could very well exist, as well as being convincing in terms of evidence. However, I feel the vastness of the situation is far beyond our current perception--as it deals with something of which we currently have little understanding as a collective--dealing more with (para)psychology than with politics.

[2] Image by Vladamir Kush

SolarScope November 22, 2011

 The Sun enters Sagittarius around 8:08 AM Pacific/11:08 AM Eastern. While the Sun is in Sagittarius the collective energy turns to more broader based perceptions and concerns--we are more focused on the bigger picture, the larger process, and the principle of expansion--ruled by the planet Jupiter. Currently Jupiter and Venus are in a mutual reception, working together to harmonize and beautify. The Moon conjoins Saturn this morning around 9:43 AM Pacific/12:43 PM Eastern--marking the morning with a more serious and focused tone. This energy can often feel heavy, dense and restricting, or it can be quite productive and precise. Since the Sun has now moved into Sagittarius, and the Moon will be in Libra, this should work to lighten things up this morning--allowing for productive expansion.

The Moon sextiles Venus around 10:30 AM Pacific/1:30 PM Eastern, creating an impulse which seeks harmony, beauty, and a feeling of pleasantness. The first half of the day should be filled with quite a pleasant sociability, we may feel more enthusiastic and adventurous today--but should also have enough focus and concentration to get things done. Be mindful of impulsive spending, desiring things you'd like to have--but yet if you can really afford it, its a great day to treat yourself to something special. The Moon makes its final aspect to Neptune around 3:04 PM Pacific/6:04 PM Eastern before going void. The Moon is void until 5:58 PM Pacific/8:58 PM Eastern. While the Moon is void we may suddenly feel the urge to withdraw more, and we are encouraged to stay centered and close to familiar routines--making big decisions during this brief time may not be the best idea. The latter part of the evening should be met with a slight break in the energy, but with the last aspect to Neptune, this is a good time for meditation, yoga, or just some casual daydreaming.

The Moon opposes Jupiter around 9:25 PM Pacific/01:25 AM Eastern, fermenting the night with an exuberant energetic influx. We may feel a bit like indulging ourselves this evening, which should be quite enjoyable, just remember that excessive expansion can lead to a painful contraction at times. Overall the signatures today should feel relatively light, pleasant, sociable, and we may feel called to expand beyond the normal hum drum of daily living. People may be more friendly and generous, which is good if you have a need for ease of social interaction. It's an excellent day to enjoy the inherent beauty of something, or to get creative and create it yourself. There is much motivation available to get important work done, and it should feel less of a chore and more enjoyable than usual. Today is an excellent day to enjoy yourself, and if you don't have much important work to do it would be a perfect day to get outside and connect with the world around.

SolarScope November 21, 2011

 The Moon is in Libra today, having left Virgo while entering her void yesterday afternoon. The Moon is direct and strong today, and the day is relatively free of major aspects--with the exception of a square to Pluto in the early morning hours, around 3:04 AM Pacific/6:04 AM Eastern. This of course brings in the "Cardinal Climax" energies, since the Moon opposed Uranus last night around 6:35 PM Pacific/9:35 PM Eastern. On one end, the day could unveil some deeply embedded emotions, especially if things have been kept under the surface for a while--but with the influence of Libra, and Venus and Jupiter in mutual reception, there is a high possibility of suppressing this intensity for the sake of keeping peace and harmony within our relations--or it could likely get filtered out.

While the Moon is in Libra, the collective energy becomes more concerned with socializing, relating, and maintaining balance and harmony. People may seem more receptive, empathic, and resonant with each other--this is because Libra impulses us to see through the eyes of another, and beyond our own self-interests. Today is a good day for coming to an agreement or finding middle ground with someone or a particular situation--however keep in mind that any critical contracts, negotiations, or big decisions made right now are likely to be revised as we near the threshold of the Mercury retrograde cycle. There may be a deep feeling of creating change, and this may manifest in harmonizing the environment.

The Sun is Void, and teetering on the edge of Scorpio all day today--entering Sagittarius tomorrow morning. We may feel a bit lost and directionless if we strive too hard to make something happen, and so you'll likely find more harmony if you surrender to the process as opposed to being too "forward directed". We may feel a bit drained today, especially as the Moon is easing into her New Moon phase, and we may lack much motivation or vitality than usual. Needless to say, it would probably be wisest to stick to more familiar routines, as anything new or risky is likely to go in unpredictable directions--unless that's your intention. Experimentation and spontaneity are indeed favored, just be less attached to the outcome. We may feel that something is about to shift now, and that some things need to be let go of--perhaps the urge to surrender to transformation.

Daily Sabian symbol: "A Halloween Jester"

This symbol evokes a sense of "making fun" of something in order lighten things up. Halloween is a tradition which is based upon "becoming someone else" for a night and taking on the accompanying persona. A Jester is the court comedian whose job is to lighten and loosen the King or Queen from their otherwise serious preoccupations. Perhaps today is a day in which we look to where we can have more fun, or find joy and creativity in otherwise heavy or serious circumstances. Look to where you can soften the edges a bit--add some more glitter, and allow yourself to just be--see where it takes you.

SolarScope November 18, 2011

The Moon enters her last quarter phase this morning at 7:09 AM Pacific/10:09 AM Eastern. At this phase of the lunar cycle, we come to releasing and letting go the previous cycle as the Moon wanes into the next New Moon. The sabian symbol for the last quarter moon reads: "A rainbow"

A rainbow carries with it the symbolism of the illusion inherent to perception--the ideal of gold waiting at the end, and its inherent nature as an "optical illusion". Alternately, the rainbow symbolizes hope, and the promise of new beginnings--the calm after the storm, when a new potential emerges from some preceding chaos. Perhaps this symbolizes the letting go of an old way of perceiving something, and embracing an entirely new perception or vision--or embracing a variety of possibilities or viewpoints.

The Moon sextiles Saturn at 4:28 AM Pacific/7:28 AM Eastern, and squares the Sun at 7:09 AM Pacific/10:09 AM Eastern. The early part of the morning may start off with a more serious and focused tone, we may feel very determined to do something and yet, may encounter resistance from our emotions or intuition. The Moon opposes Neptune and goes void at 11:06 AM Pacific/2:06 AM Eastern. While the Moon is void, the collective energy becomes more withdrawn and inwardly directed. Plans made may change, or not turn out as you expected--be open to revision and alterations in the anticipated unfolding. It seems as if things may get a bit foggy or unclear for the early part of the day, so have an open mind, and trust your hunches if you feel you should take it a bit easier.  The Moon leaves her void around 2:19 PM Pacific/5:10 PM and enter Virgo. The afternoon energy is likely to shift considerably, so it might be best to hold off on certain commitments, or making heavy decisions until then.

While the Moon is in Virgo, we may be feeling more connected to getting things done, perhaps organizing and creating harmony out of chaos or confusion. The collective energy may become more concerned with details, and more focused on the process as opposed to the end result. This is an excellent energy if you need to be exact and specific--but keep in mind that this energy will be more available as the day progresses. We may feel more critical of ourselves or others. The Moon opposes Chiron around 3:30 PM Pacific/6:30 PM Eastern. The Moon trines Jupiter around 6:50 PM Pacific/9:50 PM Eastern. The collective energy may become more expansive, optimistic, and much lighter and smoother as the evening winds down--feeling a desire to find wholeness. However, the Moon is entering into a conjunction with Mars conjunct Transpluto in the early degrees of Virgo--be mindful of anger which may arise, and expand, at this time as well. The Moon conjoins Mars at 9:12 PM Pacific/1:12 AM Eastern, which could ignite the collective energy with a burst of assertiveness and a take charge energy. With all this activity in the late night, it may be a bit challenging getting to bed on time--but if you need to stay up and complete some task, tonight would certainly be productive as the energy will be ripe for focus, motivation, and precision.

SolarScope November 17, 2011

1491 Woodcut of Leo, by Guido Bonatti
 The Moon continues on into Leo today, the fiery sign of creative self-expression and actualization. While the Moon is in Leo, the collective vibration is more playful, creative, child-like, self-indulgent, and likely a bit more self-centered than usual. The Sun, ruler of Leo, in Scorpio, adds a dimension of depth, intensity, and the desire for creative "penetration". Will power and individuation are amplified under these influences, we may feel more comfortable with expressing our true inner self or inner child. We are not as satisfied with superficiality at this time, and we may feel the urge to go deeper with ourselves and others--to really see the reality of things beyond appearances. The first half of the day is relatively light and free of dominant aspects. The Moon makes a trine to Mercury at 4:08 PM Pacific/7:08 PM Eastern adding ease of communication, and especially the ability to convey what we're feeling. The Moon opposes Vesta at 4:53 PM Pacific/7:53 PM Eastern, and trines Venus at 7:59 PM Pacific/10:59 Eastern--toward the late afternoon the collective energy is likely to become more focused on creating peace and serenity, with an underlying desire for beauty.

The energies today are relatively light and playful, we may feel more drawn to "take it easy" today, which could be a conflict if you have much work to do--but on the other hand it could make something that is usually mundane and prosaic more fun and interesting. Be mindful of overtly indulgent tendencies, relating to food, sex, drugs, or alcohol--if you do choose to indulge yourself, just be mindful of your limits and whether you are truly conscious of your actions and desires. These signatures are likely to impulse us towards more self-gratifying endeavors, but if we choose to, we can use this energy for its highly creative potential as well.  

Daily Sabian Symbol: "Indians making camp"
This symbol presents the image of what are likely, native "Indians" setting up camp for the night, to find solace and shelter from the harshness of the environment. Perhaps they have traveled all day, and now tired and worn from the journey, begin setting up shelter to protect them while they sleep. Perhaps this symbol suggests to us the notion of finding a special place, where we can recharge and reset for the next stage of our journey.

SolarScope November 16, 2011

 The Moon leaves her void and enters Leo around 8:17 AM Pacific/11:17 AM Eastern this morning, and will remain in Leo until early Friday. While the Moon is in Leo the collective energy can become more playful, creatively self-expressive, and subjectively aware. Leo has a flair for the dramatic, and while the Moon is in Leo we may project things beyond their true proportions--be mindful of this tendency in yourself and others. People may be more generous than usual, but also more self-centered--while the Moon in in Leo we are impulsed to find enjoyment and amusement within the many facets of daily life--we have a greater capacity to connect deeply with the inner child. The Sun rules Leo, and thus the Sun's influence in Scorpio is likely to twist this energy into a desire for "penetration", depth, and intensity. This could create the potential for intense sexual desires, and well as an equally powerful impulse to get creative and "tear into" a creative project or task.

The Moon trines Uranus around 9:54 AM Pacific/12:54 PM Eastern, starting the day off with a surge of innovative creative spontaneity. With the combination of Leo, this is likely to create a powerful wellspring of individual self-expression--we may be feeling much more connected and able to express ourselves uniquely today than usual. The Moon makes a Square to Jupiter around 1:33 PM Pacific/4:33 PM Eastern, and Mars makes a Trine to Jupiter around 2:08 PM Pacific/5:08 PM Eastern. The afternoon is likely to receive an extended burst of energy and a desire for expansiveness. Needless to say, today appears to be an excellent day to get things done, especially finishing a project or task you have already set into motion--as much of the energies will allow much motivation. Equally, there is much potential for excessive idealism and a fanatical belief in one's abilities--be mindful of what you take on, and realistic about how much you can handle today.

Today has a flair for the unique, the unexpected, and the expansive....just be mindful that many of these are energies are for the most part, short-lived. Whatever you begin today is sure to be enjoyable, whether you are able to complete it in the future or not, you are likely to have a good time doing it either way. If you're not feeling very productive, today in an excellent day to do something for the fun of it, and to just be in the moment. There is much lightness and generosity inherent to these signatures, and this is likely to be expressed through other people you encounter throughout the day.

Daily Sabian Symbol: "An X-Ray"

An X-Ray is the byproduct of modern technology (Uranus), and allows us to see beyond the physical persona or barrier we see before us (Scorpio/Pluto). An X-ray can provide us with an expanded perception of what we are normally unable to perceive, and thus can have the ability of speeding the process of diagnosis without the need for physical penetration. At the same time, an X-ray operates through the use of "unseen" radiation, which can be highly dangerous and even deadly with long term exposure. Is what we see really what we get? What is the cost and benefit of cutting corners?

SolarScope November 14, 2011

The Moon drifts through Cancer all day today, flooding the collective with an energy which seeks nurturing, protection, security, and safety. While the Moon is in Cancer, emotions and sensitivities are much more heightened--be mindful of vulnerabilities in yourself and others. As the Moon moves through the Cardinal sign of Cancer, it will interact with the powerful Pluto/Uranus Square. The majority of major aspects occur in the early part of the day--The Moon squares Uranus at 1:06 AM Pacific/4:06 AM Eastern, sextiles Mars at 2:28 AM Pacific/5:28 AM Eastern, sextiles Jupiter at 5:22 AM Pacific/8:22 AM Eastern, and opposes Pluto at 10:26 AM Pacific/1:26 PM Eastern.

The day begins with a highly powerful and intense energetic influx, and much of these combinations may feel a bit contradictory at first. There is confusion and chaos seeking harmonious union and integration. Today is an excellent day to look at how you can restructure some things in your life to create more harmony--perhaps a home, living situation--basically anything that you consider to be apart of your foundation and sense of security. Go with your "gut feelings", however, be mindful of sudden and aggressive impulses. Assert yourself uniquely, perhaps not harshly.

There may be an urgency to really shift things around and make lasting changes--just be aware that you probably don't have to do it all in one day. Mercury and Venus are making their way past the North Node in Sagittarius, we may feel more adventurous now, coupled with a desire to expand beyond the known horizon and envision what's truly possible. Today favors making new connections, especially if they relate to people and places between long distances from where you live. Above all else, go with your instincts, feelings, and intuitions. If you can dream it, you can do it--all in good time, of course.

 Planting day: Today is an excellent day for planting below ground root crops.

Sabian Symbol: 23 degrees Taurus-- "A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy."
This symbol invokes a sense of high awareness and transformation--bridging the mundane and the imaginal.

SolarScope November 5, 2011

 The Moon is Void of Course in Pisces all day today, until 1:05 AM November 6th. The collective energy is likely to become more passive, introspective, introverted, and reflective. Today is a good day to practice patience, surrender, and trust in the process. It might be wise to have less attachment to what goes on today, as plans may have a tendency to change when you least expect it--it can be one of those days when things seem increasingly less clear than usual. Consider having less concern, attachment, and focus on outer external events and more concentration on inner personal matters and concerns--perhaps playing it safe today would be the best option. If you can stick with the usual routines you should be very successful, the challenge will likely be encountered when attempting to make drastic changes or getting involved in some entirely new experience.

Today favors any kind of activity which nurtures, supports, and sustains your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. Staying centered and grounded in your own sacred space would be tremendously  rewarding. If you feel impulsed to do something entirely new, check and see if you're really clear that it is something truly worth your while--there is a strong tendency to idealize something just to simply fulfill exaggerated desires. We often go though life looking for ways to enjoy, accomplish, or fulfill an idea or need which will increase our productivity and or success. Today, consider another dimension, in which the focus is more on nourishing and supporting your entire being, whatever that means for you. Because the Moon is void of course, she will not be making any major aspects to the primary planetary bodies. However, the Moon will make subtle contact with the asteroid Ceres, by means of a conjunction around 8:44 AM Pacific, beginning the day off with a nurturing tone.

If you feel scattered, unclear, foggy, spacey, or unfocused today--look within and see whether you are truly supporting yourself by pushing forward. You may be amazed that the universe fully supports you taking it a bit easier than usual, allowing yourself to be more in the moment and apart of the process. Sometimes, when we really allow ourselves to slow down the pace, we make discoveries which can completely alter our perception of the world around us. Look and see what discoveries or secrets are waiting for you to tap into. Surrender whatever dilemma emerges and trust that it's likely not something you can do much about in the moment. If we can disconnect from what is draining us, and make connections to something much more sustaining, we will be a lot more functional in the future. There is so much beauty in the divine unfolding. Follow the road to awe....

Disconnect to Reconnect.

SolarScope November 4, 2011

The Moon drifts through Pisces today, having returned from her void, her sacred alone time, around 1:18 am Pacific last night. While the Moon is in Pisces the collective background energy is more in tune to a sense of timelessness--we have more of an opportunity to be in the now, to capture and enjoy each moment--to see the beauty and wisdom of each fragment. The Moon makes a square to Mercury around 5:02 AM, and then to conjoining Venus around 5:33 AM Pacific. This morning could start off with energy that seems at cross purposes, as our mind/desires/ideas may seem compelled to ignore our bodily signals. Luckily the Moon is applying to a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, exact around 8:56 AM Pacific, and this should give the morning a much needed boost, infiltrating the collective with expansive enthusiasm.

With the combination of aspects today, there is a high chance of getting lost in daydreaming and or idealizing--which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just be conscious of how much this serves you. If you find yourself focusing too much on the past or the future--what was, or what could be--then you're likely missing the moment, which is equally, if not more significant, than what's no longer in existence--or what has yet to become. The Moon forms a sextile to Pluto around 11:05 AM Pacific, giving the enthusiastic vibe a boost of powerful confidence, conviction, and an ability to follow through to the very end. Today is a wonderful day to just be, but if you have important work to attend to, you can also be very productive as well--just be mindful that things may not be as exact or percisce as you may want it--it's more about the perspective. Allow yourself to fantasize, enjoy the sights and smells around you--but don't get too carried away by the stream.

Today is excellent for gardening, especially for planting above ground winter crops (unless it rains, which is expected here on the west coast of Cali). The Sun will be at 12 degrees of Scorpio for most of the day, the Sabian symbol reads:

An inventor performs a laboratory experiment. 

Perhaps today is a good day to experiment, which was similar to the theme yesterday, yet with less impulse and electricity from Uranus. Creative solutions may abound, maybe insight on a new way to play with and modify something. A true "inventor" has a passion for creation--he or she creates because of an innate sense of curiosity and wonder about the possibilities that exist. With the Solar energy fermented by Scorpio, we may find ourselves altering something already in existence, adding some touches to make something more functional or interesting, or perhaps tinkering with other people's stuff. Today is an excellent day to enjoy the process, really get into it, by maybe without as much attachment to the end result.