Illuminating The Underworld: Full Moon In Aquarius 2013

Hermes reunites Persephone and Demeter.
Detail from The Return of Persephone,
circa 1891, by Frederic Leighton. 

Full Moon @ 28 degrees Aquarius 11’
August 20, 2013
6:45 PM Pacific
3:45 PM Eastern

Aquarius tends to amp things up—it kicks it up a notch. That’s pretty much the deal with this lunation, since this is the second of two Full Moons to occur in this sign in 2013. It’s quite a big deal because in addition to two Full Moons in that Aquarian double current, August’s Full Moon is anaretic. That’s an astro-geeky reference for a significant placement at the very end of a zodiac sign, generally 28-29 degrees.

So what’s the big deal with that? The anarectic degrees of the zodiac are pressurized; anything placed there gets condensed, and the result is often explosive, literally or symbolically. I often say that “something is about to explode” whenever an anaretic degree is prominent. Many significant events throughout history were unleashed preceding a planet or significant placement occurring at an anaretic degree. I’m not predicting anything here. I am only pointing out the inherent nature of this zodiac hot spot.

On an individual level, we’re all likely to feel this in one way or another--this “building up” of energy, the sense of something giving way. The floodgates are bursting open alongside a critical culmination of energy which is inherent for any Full Moon. With Aquarius, and with the 28th degree, this process becomes more exponential. The Uranian side of Aquarius is radical, revolutionary, and rather unpredictable.

Combined with the simultaneous Pluto/Uranus square and Jupiter Square Uranus and Opposition Pluto—we’re all feeling the overwhelming growing pains that are symptomatic of a restless revolutionary undercurrent welling up from the collective psyche. Aquarius is fast paced and it likes to assimilate swiftly. We get the sense of a quickening evolutionary process, which means that new innovations are emerging within bright and receptive minds, alongside the illusory experience of time acceleration.

Whether these innovations are used for the improvement of society or for darker self-serving interests is entirely up to the free will of the recipient. Any events, intentions, or situations you find coming to a critical flowering or breaking point are likely tied to seeds planted back at the New Moon in early February of this year. The Full Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces and sits in opposition, naturally, to the Sun and a rather interesting group of astrological entities: Ceres and Transpluto (aka Persephone) along with Mercury (Hermes).

Now since this is a radical, eccentric, and pretty much off the wall lunation, I’m going to take a moment to discuss Transpluto and its significance, since it’s only 2 degrees from a conjunction with the Sun, and since the Sun sits on the Ceres/Transpluto midpoint. Transpluto is considered a “hypothetical” planet. That means that as a physical planetary body, it can’t be tested since it has yet to be physically sited. I would argue that for astrologers, it’s definitely more theoretical, because they can test it, and they do. Needless to say, the use of Transpluto in astrology is rather controversial ground, especially from the perspective of traditional astrologers. 

There are several books about Transpluto and a large body of research conducted on this hypothetical object to convince me of not only its significance, but also its likely existence as a real tangible entity within our solar system. Transpluto appears to be a dynamic and impactful archetypal force within the ranks of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. My sense of Transpluto is that, because it is still unconscious and very much dormant within the collective psyche (like a lot of other stuff), we do not have the tools to deal with it on an individual level.

I find that it often overwhelms us completely, and as a result we end up short circuiting the energy and misinterpreting its underlying intentions (which is common with all Trans-Saturnian planets, since they deal with energies beyond our physical/tangible perception). But that doesn't mean we can’t use it constructively (there are many who do), but that most of us cannot fully grasp the complexity of the process it deals with, since it’s a part of an emerging paradigm we, as a society, are not yet (obviously) ready for.

Transpluto is the result of mathematical reasoning and speculation. After the discoveries of Uranus and Neptune, astronomers noticed that there were anomalies, or perturbations, in the two planets predicted paths—meaning they weren't behaving like they should, which could only result from the gravitational tug from another nearby object. In fact, Neptune’s discovery was catalyzed by these same observations in Uranus’ unusual orbit. Pluto’s discovery proved anticlimactic because initially it was believed to be the reason for the anomalies; shortly after however it was realized that Pluto failed to account for the perturbations.

And so, even with the discovery of a slew of other objects beyond Neptune, the mysterious Transpluto has yet to be seen, and must theoretically exist since nothing has as of yet explained away the anomalies. The first ephemeris (based on its mathematically predicted position) was published in 1972 by Theodor Landscheidt and Reinhold Ebertain (yes, collaboration between an astronomer and astrologer). Other ephemerides with differing calculations have emerged, but their variations are all but slight. Therefore, Transpluto has been studied by modern astrologers ever since, and has proved itself a reliable and testable object.

The name Persephone was initially proposed by astronomer H.H Kritzinger; he reasoned that because the object was just beyond Pluto (god of the underworld) that Transpluto must be its consort (Persephone as Queen of the Underworld). There is an asteroid by the (official) name of Persephone, and many argue that Transpluto cannot be named Persephone as well.  With official naming aside, I will say that from my experience Transpluto carries with it many elements pertinent to the Persephone mythos. A very convincing and extremely well researched book on this subject is Persephone Is Transpluto: The Scientific, Mythological & Astrological Discovery of the Planet Beyond Pluto by astrologer and astronomer Valerie Vaughn. I highly recommend it for astrologers, astronomers, or those just interested in the subject. 

Since both Transpluto (Persephone) and Ceres sit in opposition to this pressurized Aquarian lunation, I will suggest that the myth of Ceres and Persephone is playing a prominent role at this time, and will likely have an association with whatever emerges from it. Ceres (or Demeter) is Persephone’s mother. Depending on which version of the narrative you read, Persephone is either abducted against her will, or she willingly chooses to go to the underworld. In the much later patriarchal version (which I feel is more relevant to our current collective awareness), Pluto, god of the underworld, abducts Persephone and takes her away from Ceres and Mt. Olympus after tempting her with a narcissus flower.

Persephone becomes Pluto’s wife; accruing the title of Queen of the underworld, and together they rule and govern the dead. Neither Ceres nor Persephone is happy about the situation. Ceres searches everywhere for her beloved daughter, for nine days, but obviously fails to find her. She ends up conversing with the Sun who tells her the whole story. Ceres, as the goddess of fertility and harvest, causes the earth to dry up; it becomes lifeless as a result of her grief, creating an environmental crisis of sorts.

Ceres leaves Olympus and goes to live (and wander) the barren and ice covered earth, disguising herself as an old (mortal) woman. Ending up in Eleusis (in some versions) Ceres sits by a well and meets four young sisters who ask what she’s doing there. She makes up a story (obviously, because she couldn't possibly tell the truth, revealing her divinity). The girls invite Ceres to come stay with them and their family.

Ceres agrees, and ends up becoming a sort of midwife, nursing their mother’s newborn son (perhaps an attempt to compensate for her personal loss). Eventually, Ceres reveals her true identity, and demands that they build her a temple. There Ceres sits, still heartbroken and sorrowful due to the loss of her daughter. The world becomes ever more barren, lifeless, and cold, an epidemic of famine takes hold of the immortal earthlings.

Zeus decides that something must be done, and so he sends Hermes (being a sly and silver tongued trickster) to the underworld to retrieve Persephone. Pluto realizes he cannot refuse the order of Zeus, and so agrees to let her go. Before leaving however, Pluto convinces Persephone to eat a pomegranate seed (or seeds, depending on which version; sometimes she eats three). As a result of this, Persephone must return to the Underworld during one third of the year (three months of winter). And so, the story correlates to the origin of the seasons.

When Persephone must return, Ceres grieves and the earth becomes barren and cold creating the winter season. When Persephone returns, life once again emerges and spring is born. The story is very much about the process of death and rebirth, the impermanence of beauty, life, and innocence. It describes a process of initiation, which changes Persephone forever; she’s never quite the same again. Persephone is taken (abducted) from an idyllic field of flowers on the ascended Mt. Olympus. She’s dragged against her will, kicking and screaming into the underworld.

Upon her return, she is permanently stained by her experience. She brings the underworld back with her. Such is the experience of Transpluto; it permanently alters our reality and leaves an everlasting imprint upon the individual. It offers us a powerful initiatory process in which we must cross an evolutionary threshold, leaving old ways behind us. Often that takes us into an alternate dimension, or we become a part of two separate and seemingly conflicting realms. It is a planet of paradox, but ultimately, it is a construct of reconciliation.

Certainly not a reality we humans have yet to fully experience or comprehend—but, once or if it is discovered, we are likely to get catapulted into an entirely foreign and unimaginable paradigm. I have found Persephone/Transpluto to have an antithetical resonance to that of Pluto. While Pluto deals with death, decay, and entropy--Persephone embodies growth, empowerment, and ectropy; she seeks to pull us up and out of the mud, so to speak. Although, that process involves extremely harsh demands placed upon an individual, in which they must learn to rely entirely on themselves.

Another researcher who has done a lot of work on Transpluto is astrologer Lynn Koiner[1]. In her article, Transpluto Is Real! she reveals the results of her research and its effects within the individual natal horoscope. Lynn found a distinct personality type that emerged when Transpluto was conjunct significant natal placements, such as the Sun, Moon, and the angles of the chart. She found very strong perfectionist qualities associated with Transpluto, much like the zodiac sign of Virgo.

In many of the situations, the individual with strong configurations often had a highly demanding and critical parent. Lynn provides keywords associated with the Transpluto personality type: The Perfectionsit/Perfectionism, Self-Sufficiency, The Reformer Complex, and Alienation. One key element of Transpluto was that it was associated with extreme self-sufficiency, which was a psychological backlash to protect one from criticism and fault finding.  

From my own observations over the years I've found Lynn’s discoveries to be incredibly accurate and consistent whenever Transpluto is poignantly placed in the chart. It’s significant in the charts of highly “successful” (by the standards of our society) and infamous individuals who seem to “go their own way” and really push the limits of their talents and abilities, and as a result become extremely self-sufficient in the process. It also carries the theme of apotheosis, giving an individual a certain, "god like status". However, that’s not always the case.

It’s also prominent in the horoscopes of lottery winners. Lynn mentions that in all the cases she studied, Transpluto was making a conjunction or square to the ruler of the second house cusp, a planet in the second house, or Venus. In Astrology’s Special Measurements, in which Lynn’s article was originally published, Noel Tyl mentions a case in his article titled The Measure of the Astrologer, where a client of his “received a great deal of money unexpectedly”[2], while transiting Transpluto was opposing his client’s natal Venus.

Of further interest is the work of Astrologer Joyce Wehrman[3]. Joyce spent a great deal of her life studying the astrology of luck and gambling. She came up with a system she claimed could determine, at any specific moment, when an individual was either “on the wheel”, as she called it, or “off the wheel”. In other words, through her method you can determine when someone is either lucky or unlucky at any given time or place.

Joyce’s system is highly specific and incredibly complex. It requires a great deal of work because the horoscope needs to be extremely exact, down to the second. That means that you must test the chart over and over, to not only rectify the horoscope to its accurate time, but to also determine which specific planets or transiting house cusps trigger, for the individual, the most fortunate times. Joyce suggested starting out with penny blackjack, otherwise, that could be an expensive process.

Anyway, my point is that Joyce equally found that Transpluto was involved in the process of determining lucky wins or losses. So much so that she included it in her system, which as I stated, only works if the chart is incredibly precise. This eventually became a computer program developed by Matrix Software, which definitely makes it much easier to utilize. In my opinion, Transpluto is real! There’s something there, and that something is a force to be reckoned with. Because of its influence on these latter cases I've just described, I was led to discover that Transpluto has a distinct influence on money and economics.

The word economics is Greek for the management of the home, ecos (home) and nomia (management). In the myth of Ceres and Persephone, the earth (our home), becomes barren, cold, and desolate--leading to a global environmental and economic crisis for all (us) mortals. Economics isn't just about money, it’s about natural resources which we exchange with symbolic currency; it’s about how we sustain ourselves, and that often involves food and nourishment (themes related specifically to Ceres).

Again, this Full Moon sits in direct opposition to both Ceres and Transpluto (Persephone). It also happens to conjoin the natal (or radix) Moon in the U.S. Sibly horoscope--a highly sensitive point which was activated by none other than Transpluto itself (along with other transits and secondary progressions) during key events which lead to the Great Depression and the recent Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2012, which I would say is definitely not over, unfortunately.

This Full Moon isn't an eclipse, but it is, in my opinion, a very significant lunation that could carry a symbolic impact. It sheds a bright light on our national (and global) food supply, new and emerging technological advancements, economic issues, and the general well-being of planet earth. I believe that currently, Persephone is trapped in the underworld and that Ceres mourns the loss of her beloved daughter. Our world has become neglected and is dying. This compelling astrological object is slowly but surely becoming conscious within each of us, it is vying for our attention.

Persephone will one day return to the earth and spring will once again flourish and embrace the earth with new life. Its probable discovery will not signal a “solution” or “cure” to our global (economic, financial, or environmental) crisis, but rather the opening of new realms and realities which completely alter the perspective and understanding of the very root of such problems. With this lunation we have the opportunity to embrace the contradictions we’re currently dealing with, and to accept them for what they are. 

What that means is that the world is changing. There’s no going back to the way it was. The good old days will never return, even the perfect agrarian ideal of endless green pastures and bright sunny days. No, we have crossed a significant threshold; we aren't in Kansas anymore. So what do we do? Well we can’t hang on to the past (Norman Rockwell and Apple Pie Americana), and we can’t just give up and let the world become a barren and lifeless landscape (adopting a sort of hopeless or nihilistic attitude).

The myth of Ceres and Persephone points us dynamically to the concept of compromise, of both/and, not either/or. We must embrace the inherent polarities and contradictions, surrender to the chaos, and love it for what it is. Everything dies, all will come to an end. But the end is just another step within the process. Finality is merely our perception and assumption. So where is it all going? I can’t claim that I know, but we’re all going with it. You can either go willingly or….kicking and screaming, take your pick.

Transpluto/Persephone is slowly moving into the sign of Virgo, and will officially leave Leo in July of 2014. Persephone has been transiting Leo since 1938. I believe this transit correlates our current economic, industrial, and cultural emphasis on all Leonian themes: amusement/entertainment, ego glorification, self-indulgence, pleasure orientation, glamour, celebrity idols, etc., etc. It's transit through Virgo is likely to pop our collective ego bubble, and quite literally rain on the parade. Leo is all about the power of personality and the individual. Virgo is about how the individual fits into the larger scheme of society, and how it can serve the greater good.

That's quite an inversion, and a definite cultural shift. Virgo's emphasis is on improving health, the environment, and serving a larger collective purpose. What the economic ramifications will be--let your imagination run wild. Persephone, again, correlates to the theme of apotheosis, and creates a collective worship of the symbols inherent to the sign it is in. Ego/Self worship is meeting its end, the party is over. Economic structures related to the qualities of Virgo will gradually build and replace those outmoded Leonian industries as the curtain comes down.

Now, from that digression, let us look at other aspects of the Full Moon. As I stated at the beginning of this article, it correlates to a powerful flowering, culmination, and an explosive archetypal influx. Anaretic degrees signify a critical shifting of energy, a build-up, and can equally correlate to instability within a structure. In the Full Moon horoscope Jupiter is within minutes of an exact Square with Uranus, and just leaving its first Opposition to Pluto. The Jupiter and Uranus square is exact about 5 and ½ hours after the Full Moon.

This is some intense and critical energy, which has been active ever since Jupiter entered Cancer at the end of June. Jupiter expands and amplifies this highly individualistic, rebellious, and cutting edge Uranus in Aries—and both Squares (Jupiter Square Uranus and Uranus Square Pluto) are waxing squares. That means there’s a lot of cutting away and consolidating that needs to be done. Jupiter in Cancer relates to our home, our sense of security, nourishment, and foundation. Uranus in Aries relates to our need to be free to express ourselves authentically and to forge new frontiers.

This Full Moon, again, brings up the issue of reconciliation and compromise. How can we allow change to progress and take shape without losing our place in the world completely, without uprooting everything? How do we integrate these two needs so that they both have free expression? How do we acknowledge the need for those things that provide safety and comfort without clinging to the past and stifling forward progress? The only way is through trying it out, working out the kinks, and by allowing ourselves to make mistakes.

The tension suggested by these aspects requires that we tough it out. Through the friction and tension a new form emerges. Jupiter makes a Trine to the North Node in Scorpio, and a Trine to Chiron in Pisces. Jupiter Trine the North Node is an incredibly supportive influence, it reveals that as long we are real, open, and vulnerable--we are likely to find plenty of help and support as we face very deep, dark, and rough terrain. It also allows us to free ourselves of stagnation, pushing us through the clutter and obstacles to get to the bottom line essentials. Perhaps this Full Moon sheds light on paths that lead us effortlessly toward an essential cleansing and decluttering process, and allows us to merge easily with others going in the same direction.

On a personal and collective level, we must be open to support and feedback, especially when it’s literally being handed to us on a shiny silver platter. Jupiter’s first Trine to Chiron ignites a powerful healing opportunity that will last until next summer. It allows us to heal and integrate the root of certain wounds, and to guide us toward higher perceptions which reveal the truth of those wounds. This is a time of incredible insight that opens up a clear and numinous perception.

From now until next May, Jupiter Trine Chiron can assist in deep emotional processing, physical healing, integration, and the gifting of powerful intuitive insights and understanding gleamed from higher densities. Amidst the conflict and potential instability of the T-square with Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter—the Chiron/Jupiter Trine asks that we remain open and vulnerable, and that we surrender to our own healing process. This is tricky because many other elements are encouraging us to fight and attack things head on (Mars conjunct Lilith and Jupiter square Uranus).

Perhaps, along with this lunation, comes a moment of acceptance, trust, and surrender, since the Full Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces, creating an awareness of higher omnipotent forces. Aquarius is a powerful conduit of objectivity. Perhaps we get a glimpse, if only momentarily, of why things are the way they are, or why it all unfolds the way it does. If we surrender our judgments and preconceived notions; if we let go of all fear, paranoia, worry, and anxiety, for just a moment, we may just see that at the root of everything there is a divine and benevolent force guiding us toward a truly higher purpose.

Sometimes, that higher purpose takes us into lurid and disturbing landscapes, such as deep into the underworld. But at the root of it, we’re all going the same direction, despite the perceived detours. While it may not seem apparent from our limited third density perception, we are oneness striving to know and love itself. Remember that, and see that truth reflected in all eyes your gaze encounters. 


[1] Lynn Koiner's full article on Transpluto is posted on her website:

[2] Astrology's Special Measurements, Llewellyn Publications (1994), p. 4. 

[3] Joyce Wehrman, What Are Winning Transits. Astro Computing Services. 

New Moon In Leo 2013

New Moon @ 14 degrees Leo 35'
August 6, 2013
2:51 PM Pacific
11:51 AM Eastern

This New Moon is seething with intensity, heat, and creative passion. It effectively breaks up some of the watery influence we've been so immersed in for the past month. The sign of Leo is dramatic and ostentatious; it doesn't hold much back. This New Moon brings us (perhaps momentarily) back to the moment, to what's right in front of us as opposed to what's behind. The astrology from last month was imbued with nostalgia and deep reflection. Leo isn't too concerned with such things, and although there's still a heavy planetary presence in Cancer, this lunation carries enough power and punch to point us toward any or all tasks currently at hand. The New Moon conjoins the asteroid Vesta, the goddess of the hearth and the sacred fire. Combined with the energizing enthusiasm of Leo, we get a powerful surge of fiery energy that's dynamic, willful, and strong.

Contact with Vesta is said to generate an intense focus and commitment. Interestingly, the goddess Vesta was said to rule over the hearth; the word focus, from latin, actually means hearth. Another quality of Vesta is that it provides a sense of renewal and an ability to recharge, regroup, and refresh. This lunation provides an opportunity to perhaps renew creative juices, adding a dose of humor, play, and spontaneity into the collective psyche. A Trine to Uranus in Aries creates the potential for flashes of insight and revelations that incite creative action. If you can allow yourself to really feel these energies and tap into this powerful moment, the universe will gift you with a brief glimpse into entirely new vistas and landscapes you never thought possible.

This New Moon also helps to lighten up the heaviness and conflict generated by Jupiter, Lilith, and Pallas in Opposition to Pluto--bringing a powerful and challenging T-Square involving Uranus into sharp focus. This configuration urges us to break free from past restrictions and limitations that stifle our independence. But, it can be a rather frustrating process, because we can't just throw off all of the shackles that bind us, because in a way, we depend on some of them for our security and survival. That means we have to make some compromises and work within the limits of the structure that we've chosen to be a part of--and yet, this brief Trine to Uranus gives us a little more room to maneuver and to take charge; just don't take it too far.

The dark side of this lunation (it is the dark of the Moon) is that it drives us into such single pointed subjectivity that we exclude everything else outside of us, which could generate some conflict from those who end up feeling deprived of our attention. Leo can be a very self-centered sign, but must tap into the awareness and reality that it's a part of a larger community it depends on for its sustenance and survival. That means we could end up really losing perspicacity because we're so focused on our own needs and concerns. With that said, however, if we can consider the bigger picture as well as the needs of others, we should feel free to develop and focus on our own creative development.

On the collective level, this lunation appears significant as a portal for innovative solutions. It helps to bring fresh air which supports ingenuity. In combination with the Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto T-Square, we're at a significant turning point which requires fresh ideas and solutions to bring new life into the world. However, it won't come easily. It comes through a lot of hard work and constant debugging to get it right. We're also in the midst of a very volatile and unstable period of time politically. Be wary of this and remain highly conscious and grounded so as not to get mindlessly swept up in some collective drama that seeks to siphon your personal energy. Leo can really exaggerate things way beyond what's necessary. The world is a stage, so just play your role, but don't forget, it's all just a show.

Conscious travels.

Kosmic Horizon: August 2013

The astrological landscape of August changes quite significantly compared to last month. July was an acutely reflective and possibly emotional month--our attention was likely pulled deeper into ourselves, toward our essential needs as well as vulnerabilities. Mercury retrograde, as always, brought us to a place from which we had to reconsider our current path and question deeply ingrained assumptions. Specific emotions may have been brought up to the surface, inviting us to deal with and process anything that we've suppressed or have been holding in. We were likely brought back to things that were essential for our security and survival. The water Grand Trine formations which highlighted July mutate into T-squares this month creating quite a bit of friction as both Venus and Jupiter join in on the Pluto/Uranus square.

This is the kind of energy that really motivates us to get down and dirty. Without considerable tension, nothing would be challenged to grow. While the aspects this month appear rather intense, they provide the impetus needed to make tremendous progress. Time itself will appear as if it's speeding up, and events will likely unfold quite rapidly. There's going to be a lot to process and take in, so it's best to be prepared and ready to assimilate a lot of material. If we flow with it we can cover a lot of ground. The need for freedom, the need to break away from repression, stagnation, or boredom is extremely powerful right now and most of us will respond to this in our own unique way. If utilized creatively we'll have the opportunity to break out of restrictive molds and templates.

The Grand Trine energy last month was much more about conceptualizing, observing, and feeling. August takes this process to the next level and invites us to step up and make use of our potential. In other words, if you've been testing the water for a period of time, it's now time to decide whether we take the plunge. On both the collective and personal level, this will be a highly eventful period of time. The events that are beginning to transpire will likely carry on and reverberate clear through to next Summer. This energy influx is also very creative and innovative. It invites to move beyond rigid barriers, stale routines, and patterns of behavior that have outlived their usefulness. We're all feeling it and there's no going back to the way things were. Resistance is futile. Your best bet is to make the changes that are necessary now and move with it. The pace is quick and the beat is strong; do your best to keep up.

This month brings with it a rapid acceleration of growth and progress. Obviously, these are collective energies, but each of us is responding to them in our own lives because in reality there's truly no separation. How much actually changes is completely up to us. Real change hits the very root or core. Don't be fooled by artificial change, which is only a superficial renovation so that things merely appear to be different. Authentic change comes from within, it adjusts and uproots the foundation; it's uncomfortable and usually frightening, but once we've crossed the threshold, we're grateful we made the transition.

August 6th The New Moon occurs @ 14 degrees of Leo--The fire element begins to gain prominence with this lunation and a surge of passion and a single pointed focus infuses the collective psyche. This New Moon is creative and provides a burning intensity and drive that offers plenty of fuel for the long haul. The New Moon conjoins Vesta, giving a sense of powerful focus and stamina, and a Trine to Uranus amplifies willpower to break through creative barriers. Anticipate sparks or lightening bolts of inspiration that motivate action. August 7th Jupiter (along with Pallas and Lilith) makes an exact opposition to Pluto, joining in on the Uranus/Pluto square. This is intense, it amplifies power plays, it expands all the tension that's been slowly bubbling up to the surface. These energies seek complete freedom and especially the bottom line. That means no more beating around the bush, it isn't going to cut it; these energies demand that you get right to the point and cut all the bull. Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto creates an overwhelming desire to break free of past constraints.

August 8th Mercury enters Leo which helps to lighten up the intensity that's currently brewing. Mercury in Leo likes to play with ideas and try out different modes of self-expression. While we may feel challenged this month, the Leonian energy reminds us that life is really just a stage, and we're all just playing our role. As serious as it can appear to be at times, we shouldn't forget to just enjoy the show and go along for the ride. Mercury in Leo infuses the collective with a playful quality that lends well to social gatherings and the development or fine tuning of personal style.

August 16th Venus enters her home sign of Libra. Venus in Libra has impeccable taste and combined with the Leo energies creates the desire for the enjoyment of beauty. This also creates a strong allure that can be bit deceptive, so be discriminating. We're likely to fall for the facade more than we usually would. So before you commit to something, check to make sure there's enough substance beyond appearances. Venus in Libra helps to shape and mold creative projects toward their highest visual expression.

August 20 We encounter the second Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius of the year 2013. Occurring at the 28th degree of Aquarius, this is an "anarectic" Full Moon. A planet or placement is considered anaretic when it occurs at the end of a sign (about 28-29 degrees). It's considered a point of crisis, because the energies are building up to a boiling point and are more than ready to push through to the next layer. An anaretic Full Moon brings events to a critical point of culmination, and it can feel as if things are really blowing up. There can be a strong feeling of anticipation with this lunation. In the sign of Aquarius, we receive the opportunity to gain an objective awareness about something--like suddenly it all makes sense and we can see all the connections that were previously obscured. With the Sun in conjunction with Ceres and Persephone (the hypothetical Transpluto), there's likely going to be some significant connection with this lunation and our food supply. With Aquarius, I'm thinking something involving GMO's and the current battle and debate that's been waging. This should signify an interesting turning point with these matters, and a rapid acceleration of development for either end of the spectrum.

Aquarius rules technological progress as well as scientific methodology. Historically, major breakthroughs within scientific fields emerge whenever Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto form hard aspects with one another. I'm not sure what that means for the current conflict over genetically modified food exactly. Current technological advances aren't showing any signs of slowing down, despite the massive surge in health related issues. The events that transpire this month will likely involve the emergence of new scientific discoveries, advancements, or paradigms.

August 21st Jupiter makes its first of three squares with Uranus while also in orb of an Opposition with Pluto. Jupiter also forms the first of three Trines with Chiron. With Jupiter and Uranus, any progress made from this developmental process comes only with hard work and patience. There's a strong desire to break loose, cut all ties, and make a run for some uncharted horizon--to "stick it to the man" and just sail away toward whatever symbol of freedom we can conjure. Jupiter in Cancer opens up such sensitive and vulnerable terrain, it can feel like a violating invasion and there's no safe place to go. Any sense of freedom to be derived from this can only come if we're willing to work with what's right in front of us. Through trial and error, we must slowly work out the kinks until we get it right.

These energies produce considerable social unrest, rebelliousness, and revolutionary impulses--but all of this must be tempered with the knowing that any innovation created right now comes from building upon past foundations that, at the root of it, have withstood the test of time. This same principle applies to our own personal loves. Unlike the 1960's, when Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction, we aren't exactly forging an entirely new frontier and completely altering the structure of society. We have to work within the limits of what's already been established, and that pretty much involves many of the elements that were considered "radical" back at that time.

Jupiter Trine Chiron occurring alongside this aspect accelerates healing on a collective scale. It also opens the way for psychic, intuitive, and mystical insights. We must look at everything through a more holistic perspective, and not just focus solely on the signs and symptoms. Fortunately, this rather positive aspect helps to facilitate integration on many different levels of reality. It opens the doorway to a multidimensional awareness, and helps to guide and temper the frustration and potential turmoil inherent to Jupiter square Uranus. We can also come to a place of understanding and awareness of pain and suffering we may have endured, and see it's purpose in helping us to achieve growth. This aspect helps to heal and process trauma and come to terms with painful material in an open and gentle manner. We may also discover new keys and insights which can help facilitate healing for ourselves and for others.

August 22nd The Sun enters Virgo shifting the energy from spontaneous creative play to a more refined and ethical mode of operation. The Sun in Virgo is the final passage for the Summer Sun as we slowly make our way toward the Autumnal Equinox. On August 23rd Mercury follows right behind; as the collective energy begins to shift into Virgo we get to pay more attention to all the intricacies. It's the season for fine details, so get intimate with all the elements you might have overlooked.

August 24th Venus squares Pluto, on Augsut 26th Venus makes an opposition to Uranus, and on August 27th Venus makes a square with Jupiter--creating a Grand Cross configuration that's sure to stir up collective as well as personal tension. Compromises are extremely hard to come by because all planets want to go their own way and direction. The only way to reconcile these energies is to consciously and patiently work through it by integrating and considering many different perspectives and positions. Sacrifices and adjustments are inevitable, but common ground is possible, it just won't come easy. Venus is the strongest placement within the configuration, seeking diplomacy and equanimity. Venus in Libra helps to balance arising tension and ensures that conflict and chaos is well contained; we shouldn't fear things getting too out of control here.

Additionally, on August 27th, Mars enters the sign of Leo blowing all hesitation and uncertainty out of the way. While Mars is in Leo there's a collective surge toward overcoming fear, exerting the power of the will, and asserting ourselves in dynamic and creative ways. Mars in Leo knows what it wants, and it usually goes about getting it through dramatic or boastful tactics.

In conclusion, August appears to jump start things into action producing considerable momentum. We need to already be blazing toward something if we wish to harness this energy fully. The Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto T-Square configuration begins and will carry over until the Summer of 2014. On the collective and social level we can anticipate events to really start heating up during this month, and it will be interesting to see what transpires. This month produces many challenges and potential conflicts, but it also assists in creating much progress, building strength, and the healing of things we never thought were possible. That means if we're willing and ready, this month helps to produce major breakthroughs, especially if you have significant planets or placements occupying the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Aquarian Influx

Image of the black monolith from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey 

This Summer features two Full Moons in the tropical sign of Aquarius. This creates an influx of that Aquarian double current into the collective psyche. Aquarius is known to correlate with that micro leap in evolution--accelerating and quickening a process of development. Combined with the overpowering presence of the water element, we get the sense of new doorways and dimensions opening up before us, allowing us to glimpse into unimagined territory. This has the effect of creating quantum leaps on the current pathway, or the realization of entirely new and uncharted directions. Feel the clear crispness of these vibrations as the first of these Full Moons peaks today, just as the Sun enters the creative and willful sign of Leo. Through the power of the will, the universe is supportive of bringing it all together: mind, heart, and soul. Ride the wave, and stay focused, because you just might find things really speeding up. Push through the threshold. 

Aquarius is also a very humanitarian and utopian sign. It upholds massive ideals, many of which are usually far ahead of their time. Equality and social justice are important elements of Aquarian idealism. With Jupiter joining in on a Uranus/Pluto T-square in August, we're entering into a period of social and political tension spawned by collective restlessness and revolutionary impulses. With Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, we're cautioned to connect deeply with the root of what impulses us into action--in other words, reflect before jumping on any bandwagon. These energies can stir up collective movements comprised of individuals displacing their own unresolved unconscious contents onto some external symbol. There's also the potential to feel the need to rescue or "save" those less unfortunate, which is certainly a noble desire. In moderation, helping others makes the world go round. Just don't lose all sense of your own boundaries and limitations. You can't save all the stray cats in the world. 

"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate."
-C.G. Jung

Full Moon In Aquarius July 2013

Full Moon @ 00 degrees Aquarius 06'
July 22, 2013
11:15 AM Pacific
2:15 PM Eastern

This first Aquarian Full Moon (there's another in August) provides a dynamic vantage point from which to observe a subjective inner world. The collective is currently submerged in an abysmal sea--floating, feeling, and reflecting. While in the midst of a powerful experiential process the Full Moon opens the way for an objective awareness which allows for a deeper understanding and processing to take hold. Mercury's retrograde backtrack provided the opportunity to reflect, absorb, take in, and possibly reroute our present course, or at least change the way we feel about it. The big theme right now is security and that opens up questions surrounding trust: Do you trust yourself? Do you trust those closest to you? Are you being too trusting, leaving you open and vulnerable? Where can you strike a balance? How can you remain receptive while maintaining clear and definite boundaries for your protection?

These may be some key questions floating around right now and this Full Moon creates a momentary window of immense emotional clarity where we can feel and understand simultaneously. These clear and crisp Aquarian vibrations remove some of that third eye window smudge, allowing for more vision and extrasensory awareness. In fact, with Mercury now direct and leaving a square with Uranus, this lunation permeates the collective with potential breakthroughs and deep insights. Some of us may feel more intuitive and psychic than usual, while others may feel more emotional, sensitive, and empathetic. This energy could incite some defensiveness as well, especially if you’re hiding anything that you would rather keep private. It can also drive others into escapism or patterns of avoidance to divert uncomfortable material that's now seemingly out in the open.

This Full Moon doesn't seem to leave much out and there's a lot that could get potentially exposed with this, especially for those taking advantage of the "extrasensory" potential that's currently activated. With so many planets in water signs, our attention is drawn toward subtle dimensions of reality; there may be more curiosity about what lies beyond the veil of third density. Take advantage of this because we're in the midst of a rare moment of collective lucidity. That means deliberately looking beyond the obvious facades we encounter in our everyday lives as well as the events in the media. If we look closely we're likely to see intelligence behind the patterns of events surrounding us. Such awareness may lead some to feel divinely guided by an omnipotent benevolent force or helplessly beleaguered by pernicious conspirators. I feel our reality is underwritten by both, and it serves us to be conscious of these two ends of the archetypal spectrum.

That means we can't just "pull the plug" on what we don't like by surrounding ourselves in a bubble of love and light optimism--that will only imprison us more. We also shouldn't allow our minds to get flooded and overloaded by paralyzing paranoia where nothing can be trusted and no hope lies before us. Ideally, we trust in life enough to let it guide us, but remain skeptical always of what we're guided to and the reasons or agenda behind it. I think that it's really critical to understand these days, because it's as if the rules of the game keep changing and morphing right in front of us and while it's happening we're left dumbfounded and confused about what's really going on because we weren't expecting it. The Grand Trine energy culminating at the end of July is pulling us deeper, much deeper into some very vulnerable territory. For some this is very healing and integrating, while for others it's potentially frightening because of just how deep that rabbit hole really is. I guess you could say we're being led to expand our expectations which ultimately change our assumptions. Reality is only what we all collectively agree upon anyway. Let's see how we can change it, but let's also reflect on what we're being led to change and whether that's really in our best interest or not.

Additionally, we’re in a very fertile time for creativity where we can bridge the dream world with the real world via the Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter/Mars Grand Trine. This will be a consistent theme throughout the Summer, so if you’re feeling it, go for it. If you read a lot of astrology blogs or articles, you’re likely aware of the “making your dreams come true” energy surrounding all this. While this is certainly an inherent possibility let’s also be conscious of just how subtle it really is and also be aware of the fact that this is a very internalized process impacting us on a more subjective level. That means we can more closely align with who we really want to be, that is, our higher potential. This is a time where we can create a bridge between the ideal and the actual in many different ways, not just in a material sense. An opposition to Neptune from Venus in Virgo is a focal point that drives us toward that lofty peak of higher expectations. Also be wary of extreme criticism, fault finding, and perfectionist tendencies. 

The Chariot Tarot card from 
Aliester Crowley's Thoth Tarot Deck
The opposition of Sun and Moon forms a T-square with Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn turned Stationary Direct on July 7th and in some ways we're back on track and ready for new lessons. How fun is that? Saturn's lessons are pretty tough, let's be honest, especially while transgressing the sometimes lurid depths of Scorpio and the "burning way". While Saturn was retrograde we had a chance to process a lot of deep and likely uncomfortable material. This Full Moon sheds light on new challenges and opportunities for lasting transformation. During this transit we're finding ourselves having to accept death as an inherent aspect of reality, and to embrace and even engage ourselves in the process of allowing things to die when they need to. Saturn's Scorpionic lessons can be painful but the growth it promotes in the long run are what make for strong and wise souls.

The heaviness of this Square gets tempered by the Grand Trine with Saturn, Jupiter/Mars, and Neptune, which can be positive or negative depending on your response. Positive in the sense that this Full Moon isn't going to bring a huge weight of enormous responsibility, but negative in the sense that we may be tempted to numb out rather than deal with what's real, or as I stated above, to avoid things you don't want to accept or have to admit to. Grand trines don't ignite much motivation in general, but this lunation seems to promote an even balance of ease and friction which can be harnessed and directed creatively. Again, we're dealing with material that's usually beyond our conscious perception, stuff that lurks in the shadows. As long as we actively engage with this and choose to take ownership or responsibility for it, we can really make some progress. 

As the month draws to a close we’re going to find ourselves in the midst of a powerful harmonic
energy field which will peak on July 29th. Again, this is a moment that’s imbued with powerful creative momentum, which invites us to really challenge ourselves to work outside the mold we've been dealing with. A new template awaits, and if we’re conscious of this moment we can use it to create an entirely new design, something really unique and original, but also, possibly, a radical alternation of things we've already established. So, in a way, we’re not really reinventing the wheel here, but it just might feel that way while we’re riding this wave. So keep that in mind, and don’t get too carried away or let it go to your head. In fact, while we’re experiencing this watery tidal wave we can really tune out from the mental process for a while and just feel our way through it. This is really far more kinesthetic than it is intellectual. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up, go there, and see how you can transmute those feelings into something extraordinary. 

Sabian Symbol: An old adobe mission

*Note: This is the first of two Full Moons in the sign of Aquarius this year; this places the spotlight on humanitarian ideals, collective objectivity, and an accelerated process of growth, development, and culmination. This also further ignites the "revolutionary" impulse within the collective psyche to an extreme degree. As August approaches this will become exceedingly more apparent. 

New Moon in Cancer 2013

A depiction of the constellation "Cancer" as painted
on the ceiling of Grand Central Station. Not the same
as tropical Cancer, of course, but a crab nonetheless.
New Moon @ 16 degrees Cancer
July 8, 2013
12:14 AM Pacific
3:14 AM Eastern

In Cancer, we sink into our most intimate and vulnerable epicenter. Conjunct Mercury Retrograde, we glimpse into the past to resurrect pieces we've left behind. Introspective and reflective, we find ourselves peering deeper into our inner most nature and sense of self. The New Moon stands in the midst of a rough T-square with Uranus and Pluto--we look deep into ourselves for the source of transformation. With this lunation we must realize that change begins with us; what's happening out there is happening within. When we change, the world changes too. Take this opportunity to stop for a moment; step aside from the stress and heightened activity. Take off the blinders, and get real with what's within you.
New Moon @ 16 degrees Cancer--July 8, 2013

Don't think about it, just feel what's really there. This New Moon asks us to recharge our batteries so that we're ready for what lies ahead. As the month comes to an end there's going to be plenty of time for action. For now, allow yourself to open up and embrace these yin receptive vibrations. Pushing too much, or trying to force an issue will likely make this a rather difficult and needlessly stressful time. The reality is that many of us are not too clear about where we stand, or what we really need. To demand too much right now without certainty will only make things more complicated. This New Moon opens a portal for observation and deep reflection. If we flow with it we'll be gifted all the awareness we desire. Pablo Picasso's famous adage: "I do not seek, I find", is the guiding statement. Allow yourself to wander freely with your heart and mind wide open. If it's out there, and it's meant to be, you'll simply stumble upon it.

The New Moon trines Chiron in Pisces, opening up visionary, psychic, and intuitive channels. While there may be a lot of tension and inner turmoil stirring up a sense of restlessness, trust that a higher force is guiding you toward wholeness--all in the right time. This trine is very supportive, nurturing, and integrating. It allows us to look at or deal with intense or painful material from an expanded perception, and potentially gifts us with effective pathways of healing and integration. Venus in Leo trines Uranus in Aries, igniting passion and creativity. The more we closely align ourselves with our inner and higher selves, the more we'll be gifted with creative solutions from transcendent levels of reality. This New Moon reminds us that we're never alone; there's always help and support whenever we need it. Trust that you'll find it--put it out there and see what shows up.

Sabian Symbol: The germ grows into knowledge and life.

This symbol points to an unfolding process of development. Moving from potential to actualization; from something seemingly inert, to a thriving living organism.

Additional Articles:
Kosmic Horizon: July 2013 (Forecast for July)
Mercury Retrograde In Cancer 2013

Kosmic Horizon: July 2013

July is rather stimulating and exciting for several reasons. The astrology this month is truly supportive of an increase in activity, creativity, and motivation. The month begins in the midst of Mercury's retrograde back track through the sign of Cancer. We're deeper in our emotions and a little less in our heads now--feeling our way through and guided by intuition. Unless Mercury touches a sensitive placement in your chart, this retrograde shouldn't be as aggravating or confusing as some other cycles since Mercury isn't passing any significant planets, so this is a more mellow time to tune in to get comfortable and intimate with ourselves.  Some of us may feel the need for more "down time" which is really appropriate at this time--we may also feel compelled to make changes around our home or living space. As long as you avoid purchasing really expensive equipment or making drastic renovations, you shouldn't encounter any serious issues.

Mercury Retrograde invites us to test things out, make revisions, and adjustments--but this should flow more smoothly and feel more like we're dealing with elements a little closer to home. Don't be afraid of taking action or allowing yourself to do what you need to do now--just be cautious and remain flexible because Mercury Retrograde allows us to find a different strategy; our old ways of approaching things may need to be changed or adjusted. Also be mindful that whatever you desire to push forward with may need to be corrected or may have some critical elements missing. A lot of energy has been building lately and we're reaching a crescendo as the month progresses. In fact some really significant and amazing planetary contacts are taking place this month, all of which will leave a lasting imprint and can be successfully utilized if handled properly.

The majority of the energy this month is creative and emotional. Because the water element is so prominent we're drifting through subtle realms just beneath or beyond our conscious perception. We have more access to emotional depth and feelings that otherwise allude us. We can peer more deeply into realities that underpin and construct the illusory world we interact with. These realities may incite revelations and excitement, or may overwhelm us with frightening prospects. Escapism can also be a prominent theme this month, compelling us into alternate or more appealing realities. In moderation this shouldn't cause any problems, and could actually help excite our imagination. If you find yourself numbing out more than usual you may need to get clear about what you're wanting to avoid.

July 1st The Sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn and then Squares Uranus in Aries on July 4th. The month kicks off with a jump start; immediately we're confronting and energizing the need for a profound metamorphosis. We begin the month on a powerful note accelerating us toward new vistas and building some muscle and strength by challenging ourselves to move past stagnation. The first few days there's a bit of intensity and if we push too hard we may come up against some resistance or opposition. Look deeper within yourself before projecting blame on outer circumstances; this will help clarify what isn't working or happening for you and why.

July 6th The Moon gets sandwiched between Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Cancer which could generate enthusiasm and motivation--or anger, frustration, and anxiety. This is best channeled inwardly and intimately. Funnel this energy around the house--look for projects that you've already started or put into motion and have at it, things could go in unexpected directions. The collective vibe could stir up hostility with certain people, so be on the look out and try your best to avoid sensitive material so as to not push any particular buttons.

July 7th Venus trines Uranus and Saturn goes stationary direct--creativity and unique self expression gets energized; forge new frontiers fueled by the passion of the heart. Saturn turning direct means that we have more structural support and backing in our endeavors. Since Saturn turned retrograde on February 18th we've had a chance to process and digest a lot of deep and uncomfortable material--like that stuff we usually don't enjoy looking at or experiencing. We also got a chance to catch up and put ourselves back in alignment with personal responsibilities. We can start to get a little more serious now because with Saturn direct we're not just practicing anymore, we're doing the real thing. Conquering the depths certainly isn't easy, but if we're focused and determined and ready to put in the hard work, valuable rewards await.

July 8th The New Moon occurs at 16 degrees of Cancer--Nostalgia, daydreaming, and self reflection are key elements of the new lunation cycle. Creative brainstorming gets a boost as well as the opportunity to rework visions that we've put aside or thought were long gone and impossible to solidify. Stretch the limits of your perception and go within to find what really matters to you the most. Idealism is strong and there's nothing wrong with it as long as we realize that the ideal is only a rough template we use to make our own design.

July 9th The Sun conjoins Mercury Retrograde igniting an entirely new process that will develop over the next three months until the next Mercury Retrograde cycle. What begins now is likely a rehash of past unresolved material and we get to see through to tying up all the loose ends. This could deal with past projects or specific relationships. This cycle allows us to cross into familiar territory with a renewed vision and perception. This also brings us into the more "constructive" phase of the Mercury retrograde cycle where we can begin putting things back together since we've pin pointed all the weak spots.

July 13th Mars enters Cancer--Now that Mars is in Cancer the emotional and imaginal realms are more empowered. We may feel a tidal wave of emotions encircling us allowing for the expression of deeper material we've been holding back or that we've been avoiding. As Mars approaches Jupiter there's a rising impetus to take action or to resolve situations from the past--to change the way we handle certain experiences.  Leading up to the Full Moon on July 22nd we begin a process that can assist in rewiring our brains by imprinting or recording new approaches to experiences we've previously encountered. There could be a lot of confusion with these energies because a part of us may feel the need to take action "out there", but in reality this is all pointing us internally, to how outer experiences imprint themselves upon our subjective inner world. Look for experiences that are comprised of a rehash of familiar material and how you can adjust your attitude towards it.

July 17th
This is a rather significant day correlating to an interesting configuration. We've been feeling a lot of energy building, which will continue to do so, but this day marks a significant crescendo as Jupiter brings a water grand trine into sharper focus. The emotional and intuitive realms take center stage infusing the collective with an emphasis on subtle dimensions. Psychic channels amplify leading to an increase in insight, imagination, or an exaggerated idealism. Go with the flow but maintain conscious control so that you don't get swept up and lose all sense of direction. Also be weary of falling into stagnation because grand trines tend to entice us to settle with what is and then nothing gets done; make use of your insights and perceptions. Discern from what's authentic and what's just overstated sensationalism.

Dream activity has likely increased for many of us and the days surrounding this date will correlate to some significant insights and shifts from the unconscious. With Mercury Retrograde in opposition to Pluto and forming a grand trine with Chiron and the North Node in Scorpio, we may also find ourselves amidst some deep karmic experiences and situations. We're dealing with a lot of unresolved material that could have prominence in the form of dynamic dream symbolism and outer events involving specific people.

In addition Uranus turns stationary retrograde--Collectively we've been radically defining ourselves in entirely new ways, forging into places we normally fear to tread. Naturally, we've encountered some resistance along the way, especially with authority figures that would rather maintain the status quo--our actions may be threatening to their overall security. As Uranus turns retrograde we get a chance to process and digest all the head-way we've made so far. That means settling in and adjusting to the new landscape we fell into as we danced off that precipice. Uranus Retrograde helps to strengthen our new image by adding some more unique twists and alternations. We'll find ourselves feeling less pioneering and more focused on the trail we previously blazed until December when Uranus turns direct.

July 20th Mercury turns stationary direct and Mars forms a grand trine with Neptune and Saturn--With Mercury stationary direct we're slowly reverting the energy into forward motion after having been more internally focused and directed. We slowly transition from extreme subjectivity to a more confident forward flow. Mars, Neptune, and Saturn form an exact water grand trine giving us confidence and impetus to implement all that stuff we've been formulating and constructing in the ethers. What may have seemed impossible, abstract, or less accessible now has the potential for more concreteness and solidification. We may additionally find ourselves feeling more certain and clear about what exactly we desire to put into motion--and at this point, if it feels right, do it!

July 22nd The Full Moon occurs in the tropical sign of Aquarius, Mars conjoins Jupiter, Venus enters Virgo, and the Sun enters Leo--This Full Moon generates a lot of momentum, passion, and enthusiasm since Mercury turned direct two days ago and Mars and Jupiter team up in Cancer. We've had the chance to explore our emotions quite a bit and to straighten out some rough edges in our psyche. Forward motion and direct action is favored since now we find ourselves back in the driver's seat along with a surge of confidence. Hopefully, if we've done the work, then we're ready to let everything fall into place but we have to take the reins ourselves. That means we need to put forth effort to make anything happen. Trust what unfolds, push yourself, but don't push too hard. Know your limits and boundaries.

July 26th Venus opposes Neptune--They say that both God and the Devil are in the details--so if you're going to do it, do it well. Don't get caught up chasing illusions, try your best to discern what's really valuable and what's just a mirage. Just when you think you've got it all pinned down and everything is accounted for, things start drifting into some alternate dimension. Enhanced receptivity opens the potential for truly "higher" insight and awareness; if you can't figure out what to do with it, just consider it and take in the experience.

July 27th Mars opposes Pluto-- If something isn't moving in the direction you're wanting or if there's some external resistance to your efforts see where you can compromise and lay off a bit. Pushing too aggressively might not work out too well, but then again, doing nothing may generate a bit of frustration. We might find ourselves feeling a lot more aggressive in pursuit of a desire to establish or protect our security. Do what you feel is absolutely necessary and simply let things fall into place in their own timing.

July 29th Grand Sextile (Star of David)--The month ends with a strikingly powerful configuration of planets. The abundance of sextiles and trines incite an influx of highly creative and visionary energy. A powerful conduit is created that infuses the collective mind with a catalytic force that excites water and earth signs primarily (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces--as well as Aries). This has a crystallizing effect, in that it allows a lot of disparate elements to come together in harmonic accord and integrate into some kind of physical formation. This massive closed circuit of energy gets channeled directly into Uranus in Aries forming a T-square with Jupiter and Pluto. This incites the power of the individual to be a creative conduit of transformation. This is an incredibly harmonizing and balancing energy field--and the preponderance of feminine/yin signs means that we must remain mostly receptive in order for this energy to permeate us individually. This has the potential to bring a lot of differing elements together. Towards the end of the month see how you can harness this energy to become a creative catalyst of change. Many themes and issues presented at this time will develop and carry through to next Spring when Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto meet up again.

In conclusion, the month of July is truly extraordinary and has the potential to set a lot into motion. The end of the month is far more conducive for more aggressive forward action, since Mercury Retrograde has us in a state of reflection and reassessment. The configurations this month invite us inwardly to understand that there really is very little difference between our inner and outer landscapes. That means we're likely to see a lot of connections and synchronicity. We have the opportunity to notice that transcendent realities can be experienced in our common day-to-day routines--that life as we experience it is truly symbolic of something far more complex. What is your reality saying to you? Pay attention, there will be signs and signals all around you. Have fun with this; flow with it and allow yourself to be guided by your feelings, hunches, and intuitive insights. It's truly rare that the universe opens itself up like this, allowing us a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the cosmos. Realities are merging, fusing, and coalescing--and while the veils are thin get a glimpse of all you can.

Conscious travels.

Additional Articles:
Mercury Retrograde In Cancer 2013
Friction and Flow: Jupiter Through Cancer
Summer Solstice 2013

Friction and Flow: Jupiter In Cancer

Jupiter enters the tropical sign of Cancer on June 25th, where it will stay until July 16, 2014. Jupiter has been in Gemini since last summer--the sign of its detriment. Jupiter doesn't mesh too well in Gemini; it's a strange and confining world to Jupiter who seeks to expand into outstretched extrinsic horizons. Jupiter seeks meaning, truth, and the bigger picture. Gemini, and its ruler Mercury, seek quite the opposite: a distillation of raw undigested hard data. The result is often a frustrating complacency with a mediocre awareness of what lies ahead. This has been a period of time that presented us with a lot of information, ideas, and facts that appeared quite disparate. It's like putting together a giant puzzle without the picture of the end result from which to guide you.

Intuition and a sense of higher purpose can become blocked because the mind gets too much in the way with its own agenda of "figuring it out" instead of allowing a more inductive process to unfold. However, in looking at the brighter side of this transit (of which Jupiter is so good at doing), we've had an opportunity to collect and dissect a copious amount of information, and by now we're likely to have a lot of material in which to draw from and make sense of. Jupiter in Gemini can assist in simply enlarging our information base, as well as helping to improve all forms of communication. And yet, that bottom line, that deeper meaning and understanding is just so hard to come by; we just can't see the forest for the trees.

Towards the end of June Jupiter makes its way into Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, which means that it's more comfortable and supported to express its inherent nature. Whereas Gemini deals with the mind and intellectual faculties; Cancer is a realm of feelings, sensations, and deeply seated emotions. Fortunately, Jupiter is quite comfortable here, which means that it can assist each of us in getting more in touch with our sensitive nature and to deepen our trust and love for those around us. From the end of June until July of next year, Jupiter in Cancer is providing opportunities to connect more deeply with our roots: close friends, family, and loved ones. Here we are provided doorways into dimensions that are supportive, nurturing, and healing. Jupiter in Cancer is a positive ray of light amidst the turmoil and instability we find ourselves in as a society. At a time when things are so uncertain and unpredictable, this transit offers a sense of hope and greater connectivity.

Collectively, there will be a strong pull toward experiences that provide a sense of comfort, warmth, and nostalgia. There will also be a greater sense of patriotism and pride for our home land or place of origin. On a subtle psychological level this transit is rather pleasant, light, and acclamatory. It generates a powerful collective bond urging us to cohere and deepen a connection with our tribe, kin, or family. It also supports us in understanding ourselves from a deeper and more profound level. Jupiter, as the planet of perspective, revels in a sort of self-psychological analysis, igniting the potential for a greater digestion of the abysmal workings of our own psyche. We can encounter or confront deep material in an open and gentle manner. We can also access feelings and emotions that are otherwise less accessible. Jupiter in Cancer is an excellent time to explore our sensitive inner world, and to trust that the universe will provide the right connections and experiences conducive to this process.

While this is a rather favorable place for Jupiter to be, it's transit through this sign won't exactly be a cakewalk. While traveling through Cancer, Jupiter will involve itself with some rather intense and extraordinary aspect configurations; and upon entering this sign we're in for some very big changes. On the political level we're already noticing this develop and build, but we really haven't seen anything yet. Once Jupiter enters the picture we'll receive a massive amplification of these energies adding further fuel to the fire that's already blazing. Jupiter's primary objective is inflation, by taking in more experience and awareness into reality. As long as we're open to this we'll be a lot more in synch with these energies. If we're receptive to stretching ourselves beyond the familiar and comfortable elements of our lives, we can ride this coming wave with more ease and joy.

For those of us who find ourselves awake and aware of the world around us, it's likely apparent that many elements of our culture have deteriorated into a mechanized assembly line dishing out the same old crap. It's as if all originality and creativity has been sucked dry leaving us with this sense of searching and longing for deeper meaning and purpose. Just when all seems bleak, lost, and hopeless; the universe comes in to help fertilize our creativity, activating new potential and alerting us to uncharted horizons. Whatever has outlived its usefulness needs to pass on; we need to just let it go. It isn't going to get any better. The world hasn't run out of creative solutions, it's just that we've become attached to "what works" and what's predictable. If anything is certain these days it's the fact that the unpredictable has the upper hand. For some that's an unsettling prospect, while for others, a call to adventure.

Let's just keep that in mind while Jupiter travels through Cancer. We're experiencing a bit of friction and flow, and such a fusion generates a powerful creative influx. If you've felt stuck, stagnant, lost, confused, or just plain bored; you can jump on the coming wave and go for the ride. Move with your hunches, instincts, and feelings--trust your inner intuitive awareness to guide you through this passage. The more open and receptive we are now, the more successful we'll be in channeling all of this into positive and constructive efforts. Jupiter's transit through this sign is an incredibly significant marking point and one that's bound to be historically as well as personally memorable.

Jupiter's Path Ahead

As Jupiter moves into Cancer it will progressively form a water grand trine with Neptune and Saturn. These grand trines have been forming throughout the month of June, so we're all quite familiar with this energy. When Jupiter enters the picture it magnifies and anchors this process, allowing us to further solidify the intangible by creating a more secure and rooted foundation. Many of us may be experiencing vivid, powerful, and profound dreams--as well as clear and dynamic creative visions. We're also itching for some kind of change or breakthrough in our lives, no matter how large or small; we all need something to shift. This grand trine isn't going to push us, but will inspire us in many ways, so stay receptive to what emerges from the depths. Look for insights coming from within yourself, and trust your instincts and hunches. This is a time when our inner voice is just a little bit louder than usual.
July 29, 2013

At the end of July Jupiter joins in on an extraordinary configuration of planets. This is an incredibly harmonizing and energizing force field. Water and Earth signs will be the most effected by this structure. This provides an optimal balance between hard and soft aspects--a blending of friction and flow. I'm calling this structure the Creative Catalyst of Change, because it provides a plentitude of exciting creative energy and the momentum to make use of it. It'll be very interesting to see what emerges from this on the collective level. With a T-square between Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter as the centerpiece of this configuration, we're bound to see a lot heating up. It seems the best advice in handling all of this energy is to consciously flow with it. That means that we need to be grounded and strong in our own personal center. If we're firmly rooted and directed toward something, we can allow this creative influx to permeate and flow through us without carrying us away.

Jupiter will be within orb of a T-square with Uranus and Pluto throughout the Summer of 2013, and so there's likely to be a lot of action leading to big changes and breakthroughs. As far as all the current political tension goes, it's only going to amplify, so be on the alert for that. We're entering a very fertile time of innovation and creativity within varied creative and scientific fields. This Summer will set off a process that will gradually unfold and develop through to Spring of next year. Again, that means that we're all going to feel an increasing sense of pressure to bring fresh air into our lives. Jupiter turns retrograde in November of 2013, and enters back into this T-square again in January/February of 2014. It will turn direct in March of 2014, and form a more precise T-square in late April of 2014. See this summer as a critical starting point, and get ready for a powerful clearing of the house!

Jupiter will begin a series of trines to Chiron in Pisces beginning in late August. Jupiter and Chiron will be slowly forming a water grand trine with Saturn in Scorpio through to next spring, coming into sharper focus in May of 2014. Jupiter trine Chiron opens us to resplendent healing opportunities. New dimensions and doorways will be emerging, allowing us to find the support needed to effectively heal several aspects of our lives. This is also an incredibly powerful aspect opening up psychic and intuitive channels, creating a collective surge of increased awareness and numinous perception. Beginning with the water grand trines in the Summer of 2013, we're in a rather lengthy process that's incredibly conducive for the development of our higher faculties. In May of 2014 the Jupiter, Chiron, and Saturn grand trine allows us to mend our relationship with authority, structure, and discipline. This also symbolizes a collective process of healing and integrating "the father " or "divine masculine" archetypes within each of us.

This is an an exceptionally relevant theme in our current era, because we're living in a time of increased paranoia and distrust of authority. This is all perfectly warranted given the actions of governments, political leaders, and the big businesses and corporations--surreptitiously shifting the edifice of our society from behind the scenes. Pluto in Capricorn draws our attention to the corrupt and corrosive elements of our power structures and systems, and it's just a natural time for renovation and revolution. With that said, however, I'd invite each of us to look deeper at the root of these issues, because in reality the external elements of our society only reflect our internal state. In other words, we're not really victims of greed and the corruption of power; that's an illusion and a convenient scape-goat that allows us to abdicate our own responsibility.

This grand trine invites us to look at our wounded relationship to the divine father, which goes back far into our collective memory to the advent of our current patriarchal society. We're emerging upon a critical threshold that's really a balancing of masculine and feminine archetypes within the collective psyche. Before we can effectively bring balance we must heal our relationship with the divine father, and realize that true authoritative love exists deep within each of us. Authoritative love is the enforcing of rules, boundaries, and restrictions that comes from a place of true love and an authentic desire to protect others from the dangers inherent to our world. In our current western culture there are very few effective models for this which is why this is such a challenging process for many us. The Jupiter, Chiron, and Saturn grand trine gives us the collective opportunity to find ways of healing our relationship to the divine father by seeing our current situation as merely a reflection of our relationship to our own inner authority.

Significant Events: 

June 25, 2013: Jupiter enters Cancer
July 17, 2013: Jupter forms grand trine with Saturn and Neptune
August 07, 2013: Jupiter opposition Pluto
August 21, 2013: Jupiter Square Uranus/Trine Chiron
November 06, 2013: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde
December 12, 2013: Jupiter trine Saturn
January 31, 2014: Jupiter opposition Pluto
February, 05, 2014: Jupiter trine Chiron
February 25, 2014: Jupiter square Uranus
March 06, 2014: Jupiter Stationary Direct
April 20, 2014: Jupiter forms exact T-square with Pluto/Uranus
May 14, 2014: Jupiter trine Chiron
May 24, 2014: Jupiter trine Saturn
July 16, 2014: Jupiter enters Leo

Summer Solstice 2013

This summer presents some of the most extraordinary astrology. There's a powerful harmonic resonance surrounding this solstice, leading us toward the potential for greater shifts and changes. Of course, as powerful and impressive as it all is--nothing will come of its own accord. We must navigate this passage consciously, and remain open and receptive to the coming influx to ultimately allow for change to take place. In the northern latitudes, the Summer solstice is the longest day of the year; the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. This high point is symbolic of a fulcrum of energy potential and a sprouting of intentions planted at the Spring equinox. The Sun beams from this sky-born pedestal--pouring light, heat, and energy upon us--and because the Sun is symbolic of consciousness, the full expression of ego (the self, as in the I am), there is a blossoming of personality, individuality, and often a high point for the mind.

As the Sun enters Cancer there is a greater fascination with the deeper realms of the mind--the subtle diaphanous images and visions that float like wisps of smoke upon the inner eye, the realm of imagination. We all daydream from time to time, often wishing for some alternative scenario for our current lives or future. As we project these dreamlike visions from the deepest reaches of the mind, we are putting out an energy into the cosmos, and subsequently the universe arranges itself to match the frequency that we project. That doesn't suddenly teleport one to the French Riviera while sitting in a cubicle, but it often brings about synchronicities in various arrangements, or opportunities that seemingly match the feeling or resonance of our imaginal wanderings. This Summer presents us with bountiful opportunities to bridge our visions with reality. As the Sun enters Cancer on Summer solstice, it is slowly entering into a water grand trine with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Scorpio, as intense and penetrating as it's been, is also about solidifying our desires in practical and pragmatic ways. When combined in harmonic accord with Neptune, we have the chance to bring those truly transcendent, abstract, and numinous visions into tangible constructs.

That means different things for different people--but whatever it means for you, look for ways to make something happen, something you really wanted but never believed was possible for you. Hold that vision this solstice, make it as clear and visible as possible; really believe in your ability to bring it about. While we do this, we must also be conscious that we're dealing with Saturn, and that means that we can't exactly take any shortcuts; but if we're willing to put in the hard work and effort, and are equally willing to trust in the power of the universe to assist us, we have an amazing opportunity to go really far. You may even find yourself feeling a little invincible, or just more capable and confident to carry something out that you may only have dreamed about before. Trust in yourself and consciously work to support your desires to make truly lasting changes for your future. This is a delicate balancing act that requires allowing ourselves to dream, but to equally condense and distill our visions into practical and applicable forms.

Just before the Summer Solstice, on June 19th, the Sun and Jupiter conjoin at the 28th degree of Gemini. The Sun conjoins Jupiter every year, but this particular conjunction is really quite unique because it occurs at this highly significant degree of Gemini. In addition, it is also an occultation of Jupiter, which means that Jupiter will actually pass behind the Sun. We could say that Jupiter gets literally swallowed by the Sun, and these two fiery wanderers fuse and melt together, momentarily merging their identities. As two of the largest bodies of our Solar system are coming together, we can anticipate this feeling of immense grandiosity occurring within us and especially within the mind-field. Occurring at the anaretic degree of Gemini, we must be conscious that we don't mentally burn ourselves out in the process. What is occurring here is a powerful merging of possibilities--a sort of multidimensional crossroads. It feels as if quite a bit is coming to a boil, things that have been brewing and stewing for quite some time. This is a critical turning point, pushing us to condense a lot of material into something more manageable and simplified.

The word solstice literally means sun stand still. This is because as the Sun reaches the Summer solstice it's literally moving higher and higher from the horizon; as the Sun reaches this climax mid June it stops ascending and begins descending toward the Autumnal equinox. The opposite occurs during the Winter solstice. With Jupiter and the Sun melding together, and the Sun slowly reaching its high point of the year, we will also experience this peak effect in our own lives. What is peaking for you now? What high point have you come to? We are expanding and blossoming into some potential within us. That means that this energy is about to explode like a miniature big bang, and all the scattered bits and pieces will eventually organize and coalesce into some truly extraordinary formations as the Summer progresses. So what are you wanting to expand yourself into? Let yourself dream, but also be practical so that you don't go out too far, fragmenting yourself, unable to bring it all back in.
Summer Solstice
June 20, 2013
10:04 PM Pacific
7:04 PM Eastern

In the solstice chart there are five main points of interest. These will be subtle themes that will get carried out throughout the next three months. The first is the Jupiter/Sun conjunction I described above--adding expansiveness, optimism, and a culmination of ideas into our own individual process. The Moon in Scorpio inconjuncts this conjunction--which means that while there's this big thing going down on the surface attracting most of our attention, we mustn't lose sight of what's going on behind the scenes, in the shadows. Personally that means having to make compromises between inner and outer needs, visible and invisible realms. Mercury, Venus, and Vesta are conjoined in Cancer adding an intense focus upon something that we're really passionate about, something that supports, sustains, and nurtures our soul. The Sun/Jupiter conjunction forms a water grand trine with Neptune and Saturn--urging us to allow the creative force of the universe to work directly through our minds to bring about tangible creations through discipline, surrender, and an intuitive awareness.

Lastly, Mars and Athena in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces. This provides a tremendous drive and passion to uncover the truth behind the wound, whatever that is for you. Through research, logic, and a dissemination of information, we have the potential to discern the reality of some area of pain for us--by using the power of the intellect to uncover the truth of its origins to ultimately create a strategy for a healing process. In addition it pushes us into a sort of multidimensional awareness of reality; there is tremendous impetus and desire to unlock a perspective of our surroundings that we don't perceive with our usual senses. On the collective level, this challenges us to look at events from a perspective that transcends the limitations of pure logical analysis and to see our world through a more complete holistic picture. If we really go with this, we will strengthen the connection between the mind and higher faculties.

In addition to the personal changes we're all experiencing, we are going to witness some truly remarkable historical and political events on the world stage this Summer, many of which are already in the works. This is because the configurations occurring right now have been shown to correlate throughout history with truly significant cultural shifts and turning points. Without pointing to anything specific, I will just say that what we've witnessed so far in the media is really only just the beginning of something that is building up. This Summer is really a kick off of events that will unfold over the next few years. This is all being led and directed by the Uranus/Pluto square, pointing us all, ideally, toward social change and cultural reformation. As we navigate this Summer just keep in mind that you have more power than you think; trust in yourself and in your ability to step up and take charge of your life. There will be a lot of strong emotional and sensational currents surrounding us; but we must be conscious enough to resist the temptation of getting swept up and losing our sense of individuality and identity.

The biggest challenge this Summer is to allow yourself to expand into several directions to ultimately obtain a more comprehensive experience and awareness; but again, to remain aware of the tendency of going too far out and getting lost and fragmented. Uranus in Aries is a powerful focal point urging us to have a clear and direct intention so that we can properly distill our energies and channel ourselves into very specific aims. Our most powerful ally will be our inner voice and intuitive awareness. The water element is really speaking loudly, drawing our attention toward the more subtle and impressionable aspects of consciousness. Trust in your power to lead and have faith in the innate intelligence of your inner voice and gut instincts. The astrology this Summer is truly supportive of bringing some incredible shifts into our personal lives, and with the right determination, intention, and focus truly great things will be within our reach that are otherwise less available.

Conscious travels.

Supermoon In Capricorn 2013

Wolf Moon and The Pantheon 
copyright Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Full Moon @ 2 degrees Capricorn 10'
June 23, 2013
4:32 AM Pacific
1:32 AM Eastern

This is the largest Full Moon of the year. Now popularly referred to as a Supermoon, June's full Moon coincides precisely with the Moon's perigee--its closest approach to the Earth. That means the Moon will appear slightly larger, and will have a much more powerful influence and effect upon the planet. And just to make it all the more expansive and grandiose, Jupiter sits in direct opposition and conjunct the Sun. We may experience a highly powerful and critical culmination of energy with this lunation as it correlates to a significant shift and blossoming forth. Jupiter at the 29th, or anaretic degree of Gemini, gives us a sense of immense anticipation, excitement, and expectancy. Looming behind the Moon and blinded by the intensity of its light, we find Pluto in Capricorn. Perhaps a great structure, strategy, or ambition takes hold and solidifies as a concrete possibility as opposed to a fanciful speculation. A bout of intense indecision begins to wane, and suddenly, new paths emerge with more clarity.

This feels powerful, exuberant, and optimistic. There is momentum and a strong sense of purpose emanating from these vibrations. What do we do with this all of this? Where do we go? Open your mind to the possibilities and then allow them to funnel and organize into a single point of clarity that supports the bottom line. What's the point? What are you ultimately wanting to accomplish? That needs to be clear because Jupiter, while expansive, doesn't always have a practical strategy. Allow this Supermoon to fully illuminate a path that can be developed and worked upon. That means no attachments to the ideal and an openness to alterations as you feel your way through. While there's excitement, there needs to be caution, practicality, and restraint. Dig deep and find what feels authentic to you--what's real and truly supportive.

Study and analyze the precipice before you: take measurements and notes; double check your work. This isn't the time to be a fool, just diving in without consideration. As we approach Mercury retrograde in Cancer, we'll have plenty of time to settle in to see how it all makes us feel. If we've been open to change and transformation this full moon is really supportive and offers a helping hand. If we've been resistant we may feel an increasing sense of pressure or suffocation. Either way something is going to give and its going to open up more space for healing, love, and trust--if we allow it. Let the light shine in; don't be afraid. Whatever you've been hiding needs to be revealed and it wants to be noticed so that it can be accepted and integrated. Look around you, open your eyes, and have the awareness to see what's normally hidden away. Our shadows are being revealed along with all those blind spots and vulnerabilities. Let it all into your consciousness and just let it be.

Mercury, Venus, and Vesta conjoin in Cancer, generating a burning intensity and passion fueled by the hearts authentic desires. Go there, to that fountain of endless joy, bliss, and creativity. When in doubt, use this center as an effective barometer of what's in alignment for you. When activated, it feels like a flutter of ecstasy, just bubbling beneath your heart chakra. Trust that feeling, and do what you can to keep it flowing and going, leading you to bliss. Mars and Athena in Gemini square Chiron in Pisces. While all the facts and information are important, we mustn't be blinded by zeal in a quest to figure it all out as if that's all that matters. Chiron in Pisces urges us to see the larger and cohesive holistic picture, and if we ignore this reality we'll only end up hurting ourselves. So keep on searching, questing, and finding, but also remember that we're all connected; we're all a part of it, and each of us is responsible for the role we play.

Full Moon Sabian Symbol:
The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.

Mercury Retrograde In Cancer 2013

Begins: June 26, 2013 @ 23 Cancer
Ends: July 20, 2013 @ 13 Cancer
Enters shadow: June 9, 2013
Leaves shadow: August 3, 2013

Yes, it's really true. Mercury is about to go retrograde for another three weeks. Just when you thought it was safe, and just as you got everything straightened out from the last one, here it is again. Luckily you're reading this, and are likely well aware of Mercury retrograde and all that it entails. And just in case you forgot something, I'm here to remind you. Mercury retrograde tends to toss a cosmic wrench in our plans, expectations, and assumptions. Sometimes, well, most of the time--for reasons we can't quite understand or explain. Hermes is a trickster; that's sort of its job. So, while all this is going on, we need to be exceptionally cautious, conscious, and aware. We also need a good sense of humor. So first off, take a deep breathe, and let yourself relax. That's important. There's going to be some kinks in the flow of things; it's just the way it is. Whatever usually works out without a hitch, is going to find itself a little unglued and slightly out of sorts.

Why? Well, we could say that Mercury retrograde is a time where we're guided to all those loose ends and weak spots that got seemingly overlooked. And while that's all well and good, shit just happens. It's Mercury retrograde. So what's usually most targeted here? All things Mercurial, which involve all forms of communication and travel. In this high tech saturated culture of ours, Mercury has just so many more options at its disposal. This is when your smart phone drops in its IQ score and your laptop decides to blow up.Your appointments get switched around or forgotten about entirely. All your light bulbs suddenly need changing and little stray bullets in the form of rocks start flying off the freeway to help beautify your windshield. Ah yes, Mercury retrograde is a load of fun. So, when all else fails, just laugh along and go for the ride; it's usually funny--unless it ends up costing a lot of money, but then again, a few years from now, you'll find it amusing. Or maybe not.

So what can you do? You can pay way more attention than you usually do and try to remain flexible with your plans. That means that Mercury retrograde is usually not ideal for going forward with really important matters because, most often, something is missing. This whole process brings our attention dynamically to those blind spots that just now start popping up all over the place. It's time to be exceptionally meticulous with the details and to make sure all your communications are clear and well presented. Misunderstandings are notorious, so be straightforward and ask lots of questions to make sure there is common ground and understanding.

As for all that mundane business stuff--it's pretty common advice that one should refrain from making serious commitments or signing pertinent contracts. When Mercury is retrograde we're in a process of revision. That means it's ideal for back-tracking and double checking all that you've been working on up until this point, but not so ideal for making that final deal or decision. Work out the kinks and be experimental. The less attachment you have right now the better it'll work out in your favor. In the weeks leading up to Mercury retrograde we can sometimes get ahead of the game if we know what needs to be fixed or adjusted. Taking care of it before hand can often save us from more complications once the retrograde process actually begins.

The last two obvious components of Mercury retrograde deal with a revision of our knowledge base and a redirection of our focus and attention. Have an open mind; this is really important. It's very common that we'll uncover information, ideas, opinions, or perceptions that we would normally ignore or disregard because it doesn't mesh with our current perspective. While Mercury is retrograde, the mind is in a more receptive state than usual, and it would be wise to explore alternate perceptions, because you never know what kind of impact it could have. Mercury retrograde can also redirect our focus towards a specific area of life, bringing us back to something that we've left behind; we now find ourselves resurrecting and redeveloping it in a new a different light. The specific house(s) in our natal horoscope containing Mercury retrograde will uncannily describe this exact area of attention and focus.

Mercury retrograde can really serve as an astonishingly useful cycle if we can just work around all the ubiquitous irritations. The mind is so linearly focused most of the time, and yet, nature has a built in process which redirects and resets this narrow and limited perception. In reality, our activities are guided and immersed within cycles and what goes around comes around. Use this as a time out, to back track and look over the path you've been following--retrace the breadcrumbs. Past and unresolved material may resurface at these times, involving specific people, ideas, situations, or experiences. The more receptive you are to resolving or adjusting whatever shows up for you, the more productive and potentially rewarding your Mercury retrograde experience will be.

In step with the Trickster archetype, Mercury retrograde acts as catalyst helping us to cross or dissolve boundaries. It is during these cycles that the normal rules of the game get changed around right in front of our noses, yet outside of our normal awareness. What is required is a different lens from which to view the flow of events in our lives; we need a sort of trickster gaze and strategy. That means deliberately moving beyond our customary ways of interacting with life, and opening up, humbly, to an alternate dimension. It is when we surrender to the lessons provided by this new reality that we really grow and evolve beyond the known and familiar perceptions. When we continue pushing forward with what we think is the "right" way of doing it, we often come out rather frustrated and feeling like a fool.

Mercury Retrograde In Cancer

Mercury will retrograde through the tropical sign of Cancer. Mercury's retrograde cycle this round coincides with the ingress of Jupiter into Cancer and ends with a Mars/Jupiter conjunction in July. As Jupiter enters Cancer, on June 26th, there's likely to be a sense of reprieve, of being able to settle down and catch your bearings. Exalted in Cancer, Jupiter can finally catch its breath from all that Geminian mental madness. Settle down, get comfortable, and set some strong roots. Mercury's retrograde through Cancer allows us to look over our foundation and to make sure we're rooted somewhere and that we have some sense of establishment. This is important, because in the month ahead things are going to be seriously tested; we want to make sure that we have a firm position placed so that we don't catch ourselves without a leg to stand on.

While Jupiter moved through Gemini (from Summer 2012 until the end of June) we had to grapple with a hailstorm of dichotomy; a tidal wave of choices, options, and contemplation. If handled well, we were able to sample a lot of information and experiment with different methods. However, trying to make sense of the bigger picture may have been the most challenging, if not flat out impossible. Now it's time to check in with our more subtle sense impressions, to adjust our reactions, and to get clear about how we're feeling. Trust yourself, and trust what you sense is going on. Relying more on intuition will be a lot more productive than getting stuck in your head. This is a time to make sure you're comfortable with where you are, that everything feels right, and that you have room to maneuver about without restriction.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer can bring about a powerful wave of nostalgia; we may feel suddenly drawn toward the past or a longing to return to some past experience or situation that provided a feeling of safety or comfort. Past relationships may play a prominent role and we can expect the reemergence of old friends, connections, or family members to be a key element of this particular cycle. Whatever shows up for you, do your best remain receptive to adjustments that need to be made, or loose ends that require tying up. We may also get redirected toward feelings, impressions, or emotions that we haven't properly processed or expressed--allowing for a gentle release and expression to take place.

This is also a time where we can receive insight into the deeper nature of our reactions, and to work out any flaws we notice within this internal space. Take time out to nurture yourself, take it easy, and be gentle. There's been so much to process lately, especially in this post eclipse phase. Use this retrograde cycle to to feel your way through whatever you're working with, and take your time with it. The past two months brought about a lot of changes, internally and externally. Mercury's retrograde cycle is going to provide the chance to get comfortable with all of this, and to familiarize ourselves with this new undigested material. The best way to do that is to relax, slow down, and trust the process.

As Mercury enters the shadow period (June 9th), it will be coming out of a T-square configuration with both Uranus and Pluto. This is rather significant because toward the end of the retrograde cycle (July 20th), Mercury will have entered back into this T-square once more, just before turning stationary direct. This reveals that the energies behind the Uranus/Pluto square will be a major theme to this retrograde cycle, urging us all to connect with a powerful impetus to change the foundation of our personal lives. At the initial stages of the retrograde shadow we begin thinking about what we want to transmute--during the retrograde we get a chance to actually rework our strategy based on our intuitive feelings and hunches. Once Mercury goes direct we'll be in a much more stable and clear position to actually begin to implement and move forward.

So as you feel this need to really break free from something--stop, pause, and reflect on what's motivating these feelings on a deeper level. There's a lot more to explore here than what we see on the surface and we need to get clear about our true motivations and agenda. The only way to do that is to really check in with yourself and get in tune with your emotions. This Mercury retrograde cycle is a preparation phase for when Jupiter enters this alignment mid July and additionally forms some miraculous configurations opening up fresh, expansive, and creative opportunities. Lead with your heart and not with your head--or rather, let your heart guide your mind to what is truly aligned with the highest purpose. That's always easier said than done, but Cancer's ultimate strategy is most definitely heart-centered.

Significant Retrograde Activity

June 9th- Mercury enters initial shadow period: This is the segway process into the actual retrograde itself, certain themes and issues that we'll be working on will start popping up now. So pay attention. 
June 26th- Mercury goes stationary retrograde
June 30th--Moon square Mercury
July 8th--Moon conjunct Mercury
July 9th--Mercury conjoins the Sun: A symbolic midpoint of the retrograde, and a powerful "new beginning" in regards to Mercury's cycle around the Sun. Pay close attention to what gets activated at this point, a process of development will unfold for the next three months, until the next retrograde cycle. 
July 15th--Moon square Mercury
July 20th--Mercury goes stationary direct: This is the segway process that will take us out of the retrograde, this is the time to tie up loose ends and put on finishing touches. 
August 3rd--Mercury leaves shadow

Conscious travels.

Easy Does It: New Moon In Gemini (June 8, 2013)

"How long can the average mind think about one thing--one thing only, without slipping first into thinking about thinking about that thing and taking off from there on a senseless chain of irrelevancies? About three and a half seconds, psychologists tell us. Like a ping-pong ball, the mind will alight where its owner directs it, but only to take off immediately on a jittery flight of staccato bounces that are completely out of hand".
--Huston Smith (The Worlds Religions, pg. 48)

New Moon @ 18 degrees Gemini
June 8, 2013
8:58 AM Pacific
5:58 AM Eastern

The New Moon in Gemini brings it all "back on track", that is, we find ourselves on a more stable and steady course.  This is the first "normal" lunation beyond the eclipse passageway--whatever changes we've made, or allowed to happen within us, are solidifying and becoming a part of our daily reality. There's a strong division of planets with this lunation, creating a slight dichotomy between mind and emotions, thoughts and feelings, intuition and logic. The mind is extremely powerful, and yet the unconscious is growing stronger. So there's a bit of a conflict, and an array of inner voices all vying for our attention. The challenge is in deciding which one to listen to. This is no easy task because Gemini doesn't settle well with the ultimate truth; it wants it's cake and it's going to eat it too.

Mars in Gemini conjunct Pallas Athena squares Neptune in Pisces, creating a bit of friction between personal and divine will. There's the idea of what we're after, what we desire, and then there's this higher sense of purpose which we must acknowledge. What we think we want versus what we're "destined" to do. With the planets now migrating into Cancer, with the exception of Mars, the mind is going to be vacated soon--and so the message seems to be that we should go with our gut, which again, is no easy task. Why? Well, because we often confuse the gut for something else. The mind is rather sneaky, and pretty damn smart--it can, and often does, get in the way, posing as intuition and making a mess of things.

This lunation doesn't help much, since it pretty much amplifies all that mental chatter--but, one by one, several planets are creating a powerful and dynamic water grand trine with Neptune and Saturn. This creates a free flowing closed circuit of energy, equally amplifying our emotional and intuitive center. It requires that we tune out and check in, and it's going to take a little bit of effort to do this. That means intentionally shifting our attention from the incessant mental buzz towards the silence and clarity of the inner voice. Waiting patiently, this center of deep knowing will inform us through our feelings and impressions rather than judgment and logical analysis. Trust the process, because over the next several weeks it will be become much easier to turn inward and get clear. Mercury's retrograde through Cancer at the end of the month will actually help mitigate any confusion if we're completely receptive, so stay tuned.

For the time being, just flow with it. Maybe we don't need to have it all figured out, and that's okay. Impatience and frustration are usually signs that the ego is just trying to control it all. As always, it's attempts are futile. See that there is really no difference between your will and divine will, they are one and the same. Become a vessel for a higher omnipotent force--it is within you and it is speaking quite loudly. Practice mindfulness; make every moment a meditation. Are you breathing? Are you focused? When the mind is quiet and obedient to the higher will, it is really quite an astonishing and functional machine. Beautiful things can happen. Everyone can really get along after all--no crisis at all. So allow yourself to sample some things, try it all out, because the energy is really supportive of this. With each option you explore listen to your gut feeling about it and whether it resonates or not. Once you've established that, let the mind have at it.

Sabian symbol: A large archaic volume

Conscious travels; much love.

Kosmic Horizon: June 2013

June is a highly transitional month, featuring several significant events that will carry us into new realms of activity. Now that we're clear of the intense eclipse passageway (late April to the end of May), we come smack back to reality. The ego, is once again back in full force. You may not have realized that it went anywhere, or that it was somewhat demoted for a while--but it was, however briefly. Everything seems to shift and morph during eclipse season, as if we can't quite grasp what's going on, or even who we are. There's this complete reworking of the personal self/identity at these times, and it can often feel like we're really losing touch with whatever that is. With most of the inner planets in Gemini now, the mind has kicked back into gear, and in many ways we go back to our old selves--slightly changed and somewhat altered, stained by the experiences we've just left behind. We now have a chance to settle in and try it all out in the real world. We emerge back into the external to implement this new self in a way that feels more under our control and intention.

At the end of May alongside the mutable Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, there was a powerful breaking up of the heavily fixed energy pattern brought on by the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on May 9th. In the two weeks leading up to this last eclipse, a mutable energy permeated the collective psyche via the archetype of Gemini. We're a little more in our heads now and the mind is extremely active. We may also feel a lot more sociable and inquisitive, looking outward for interaction. There's so much that Gemini wants to do, to know, and to experience. Mars enters Gemini, and Mercury enters Cancer on May 31st, and with Mercury out of the mix, some of the intense nervous system activation will begin to settle down.

June 2nd, Venus enters Cancer, further amplifying the Canerian influx, and that draws our attention, a little more internally here--more toward feelings and reactions. With Mars in Gemini there's a strong motivation to experience a variety of things, and to actively seek out new learning experiences. Utilize Mars to gain some useful experience in whatever you're working with.

June 3rd Mercury forms a grand trine with Neptune and Saturn, which will be the first of three grand trine formations triggering off this aspect pattern--with the big one occurring mid July with Jupiter. This will be a day in which we can intuitively gather information that would normally seem extremely abstract and difficult to grasp; and yet, if we allow ourselves to go really deep we can actually extract some rather useful stuff that can be readily applied to our lives. Also, it's important to pay attention to your dreams around this time, because there could potentially be a lot of significant insight that isn't normally apparent.

June 7th Neptune goes stationary retrograde, Mars and Pallas Athena conjoin in Gemini, and Venus joins in on the grand trine formation. Here we get a flood of insight, perhaps even psychic impressions that just spontaneously arise within consciousness--dreams will be significant, as well as insights pertaining to certain relationships. In fact, this is an opportunity to allow yourself to really open up in a relationship--either personal, professional, or otherwise. Whomever you're relating too, there could be this sense of feeling a little more comfortable, and here we have a chance to discuss or share material that we would normally keep private. The days surrounding this configuration offers us the chance to be vulnerable which will not only deepen our relationships, but will equally push things to the next level--and this will be a powerful theme that gets encapsulated in the New Moon that occurs the following day, on June 8th. 

New Moon @ 18 degrees of Gemini
June 8, 2013
8:56 AM Pacific
5:56 AM Eastern
The New Moon in Gemini resets the lunar cycle; we're officially back to earth and in the swing of things. While this is indefinitely a Gemini new Moon, accompanied by a strong mental influx, the mind finds itself somewhat overpowered by the all encompassing presence of the water element. Mercury, the ruler of the New Moon, forms a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune. We can more readily articulate emotions with this, and allow ourselves to feel our way towards an understanding of things. Not much will make sense if we just stick to analyzing it to death; we need the experiential awareness for progress to take place. This lunation invites us to find balance between mental acuity and emotional awareness--to feel and then to understand. While not making any significant aspects itself, the New Moon occurs along side the Venus, Neptune, Saturn grand trine--and a T-square with Mercury opposite Pluto, square Uranus. The Mars/Pallas conjunction in Gemini squares Neptune. Trusting our feelings is important here, and paying attention to powerful emotional reactions will bring a lot of insight.

June 9th Mercury enters the initial shadow period of its upcoming retrograde process. Pay attention to what you're focusing on at this time, because over the next several weeks there's going to be some revision going on. Begin embracing flexibility, because the world just isn't going to be moving in the direction it normally does, and changes in certain plans are imminent.

June 10th-12th Venus forms a T-square with the Uranus/Pluto square. Collectively, this could heat up some political conflicts, especially dealing with security matters. On the personal level, we get the opportunity to further break out of restrictive patterns and situations, however, we're also aware of our need for stability, so whatever we do now must be done consciously and with the consideration of others. This also invites us to transmute certain relationships by defining our own needs, and to establish a deeper foundation.

June 19th The Sun swallows Jupiter in Gemini, which means that Jupiter will pass behind the Sun. This is known as an occultation of Jupiter, and will be a highly pivotal day because it precedes the transition of Jupiter from Gemini to Cancer. Occurring at the 28th degree of Gemini, this conjunction sets off powerful reverberations throughout the collective psyche. This is the critical boiling point creating the potential to expand outwardly into entirely new horizons of experience--renewed optimism and a trust of life awaits on the other side. Soon we'll be able to feel more deeply, and to set down roots. This conjunction of Sun and Jupiter beautifully preludes the Summer Solstice which occurs on the night of June 20th, coinciding with the conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Cancer.
Summer Solstice 2013
June 20, 2013
10:04 PM Pacific
7:04 PM Eastern

The Moon squares Mercury retrograde on June 20th, which is likely to create a lot of Mercury retrograde action, so be prepared for the unexpected. Be mindful of your communications today, especially if attempting to articulate certain feelings--there could be some misunderstandings that could lead to someone getting a little irritated or angry. Emotional outbursts are also likely, as well as a lot of reactive behavior. Alternately, this is a day to pay close attention to your mind and your emotions; there's a lot of potential learning to be done. Think before you speak.

Then on June 21st Jupiter hits the 29th degree of Gemini for several days as it slowly makes its way into Cancer. It's like the last day of school before Summer begins. The energy here can feel intense, like something is about to give way. Jupiter has spent the past year in Gemini, and is eager to take a much needed mental break. The next few days will have this sense of anticipation, as if we just can't wait for whatever it is to break loose. The Full Moon occurs on June 23rd in Capricorn. The Full Moon brings a powerful climax to the energies that have been building since the occultation of Jupiter on the 19th.

Full Moon @ 2 degrees of Capricorn
June 23, 2013
4:32 AM Pacific
1:32 AM Eastern

Jupiter enters Cancer  on June 25th, where it will stay until it reaches Leo in July of 2014. More substance, depth, and insight becomes available. Exalted in Cancer, Jupiter can more freely find the meaning it seeks, and so can each of us. Now we have a chance to set the stage and create a foundation--and Mercury retrograde, which begins the next day on June 26th (through July 21st), will assist us in this. This the optimal time to start putting things into place, and to have yourself rooted into something, because the potential to radically alter its inherent structure exists once Jupiter joins in on the Uranus/Pluto square come July.

In conclusion, June is quite an active month. With Mercury retrograde permeating most of this time, we have an opportunity to reflect deeply on all that inner personal stuff we've been working through the past month and a half. This also provides the opportunity to make a lot of adjustments and revisions. Since we've just emerged from the cocoon, so to speak, in the wake of the triple eclipse passageway--many of us may feel urged to really break free and begin charging forward with some idea or intention. However, it would be wise to be a little more patient, and to deeply reflect on yourself and your true intentions before pushing too aggressively. This month gives us a chance to secure ourselves, so that we're more firmly established. Once we're secure and confident about our position, late July will provide the adequate launching pad from which to take off. This month opens a bridge that allows us to connect with our feelings and subtle sense impressions. Be cautious of excessive idealism, and yet allow yourself to envision and clarify what it is that you really want, beyond the realm of ideas, opinions, or beliefs (from the gut).

Conscious travels. Much love.

You Are What You Are

"In this universe, there is no such thing as a mistake. There is also no such thing as punishment. What this means, is that everything that happens to you is not an accident and everything that happens to you has come to benefit you in some way. The key is to deliberately look through ego’s illusion for that “benefit”. "
-Teal Scott

I sometimes wonder whether astrology really helps me, or just adds more stress to my life. You all know the saying, ignorance is bliss; well, to some extent, it really is. The true reality may not be so blissful from an objective point of view, but for the individual, from their perspective, it seems to work out just fine. I feel like this incarnation, for me, is really about learning the power of free will. Like how to actually use it, consciously. It's scary as hell. I don't know why, but it just is. Maybe it's my exact Mars/Neptune opposition, but making decisions--knowing that this specific choice is going to reverberate throughout my entire life, that it will have lasting effects and consequences--that's a lot of pressure. It's really intense. I think I originally learned astrology because I wanted to have something to make decisions for me. On this unconscious level, I think that's really what I was looking for, some system that could "predict" my future, and thus allow me to see ahead of time what would happen.

Thinking your life is predetermined sort of makes all this decision making business less of a hassle to deal with. Throughout my years of astrological studies, it's become quite apparent that this isn't at all how it works. Astrology doesn't really predict anything, ever. Just because such and such is transiting your 6th house Sun isn't going to guarantee a new job, or a healing breakthrough. No, there's this thing called free will, dammit, and it's sort of the edifice of change in anyone's life. Now, of course, there are those events we call the byproducts of "fate"--the unforeseen unfolding circumstances that hit us over the head like a phantom brick. Yet, whether such events are "good" or "bad", from a larger evolutionary point of view, they are still, in some sense, the very result of free will, of the choices we've made in life which then reverberate and find their way back to us.

What goes around comes around. Everything outside of us, is really, at the end of the day, merely a manifestation of our own mind, our own consciousness. Nothing is separate  Everything is interconnected. It's just one of those innate truths, and none of us escapes it. That's the scary part. That's the reality that, lately, has placed this unbearable weight of pressure on my consciousness. This heavyweight of responsibility, this sense of urgency in moments of decision; to make the "right" choice, to pick the higher path. I don't believe that anyone is truly a victim. That might be difficult to understand for some us, especially when looking at situations that seem so beyond an individuals control. Yet, life has demonstrated to me that there are no victims, that we are all, on some level, responsible for our fate.

It's our responsibility to do what thy will. I personally know that human souls reincarnate. I don't believe in reincarnation, just as I don't believe in astrology. Both realities have proven themselves to me, on more than one occasion. I know them to be true as far as they are valid perspectives on the nature of reality. I've been gifted with direct past life visions, while dreaming, where it was utterly undeniable what I was witnessing  I just knew it, that's it. The imprints from those experiences have left a permanent mark within my memory, and I'm scarred for life. Looking at the horoscope through the lens of reincarnation allows for this deeper understanding to occur. It allows us to see all those decisions we keep coming up against, over and over.

Those moments of intense stress and crisis, perhaps over something seemingly petty or insignificant; they run deep, they go back farther than we can possibly imagine. It's interesting how the ego convinces us of its importance. How significant we believe this single life to be. Yet, in the larger scheme of things, everything is much closer than we think; more compressed than we imagine. Anyway, my point is that even knowing this information, doesn't really change the process. We all have our own process, and it's unique and it's perfect the way that it is. I catch myself, often, beating myself up because I "did it again", I made the "wrong" choice or decision. I gave into fear, hesitancy, uncertainty. I fell back on the old patterns--those behaviors I've been playing out for so damn long. With astrology, I should know better right? I mean, here's this map, right in front of me, basically spelling it all out.

Like, here's your fate, here's your life's struggle on a piece of paper. And yet, in the moment, when the shit hits the fan, or the cards are on the table--intellect goes out the window. When that phantom brick comes out of of dodge, that's when the real test emerges, that's when we see just how far we've actually come. And whatever happens, whatever we choose to do with that moment, it is what it is. Because, at the end of the day, we are what we are. We're learning; we're in a process. We're imperfect beings in an imperfect world, and that's how it will always be. If it wasn't we wouldn't be here to begin with. We're not here to get it all right. We're here to grow, to learn, and to evolve. No one escapes that, and nobody truly outsmarts it. They just think they do, because, you know, ignorance is bliss.

Breaking It Up: Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius

Lunar Eclipse @ 04 degrees Sagittarius 08'
May 24, 2013
9:24 PM Pacific
May 25, 2013
12:24 AM Eastern

This is the final eclipse within the triple eclipse passageway. In Sagittarius, we look back in an attempt to gain some perspective and clarity on what happened over the past several weeks. The sabian symbol for the eclipse reads: "An old owl perched high up in a tree". Owls are symbols of deep wisdom; and wisdom is the ability to learn from one's experiences. What have we learned these past several weeks? How can we use this information to change our lives, and alter the course ahead? Eclipses are times of deep inner personal change and transformation. Allow this last eclipse to touch you deeply, perhaps even to touch your soul. There's been a lot of reshuffling going on within and without. The inner and outer realms merge and melt in ways that can be quite mysterious and challenging to grasp.

Eclipses draw our attention dynamically to ourselves, to the very constructs within us that are then projected in the outer world. These are opportunities to make critical adjustments to our interior landscape, which in turn, effect the external reality around us. Due to the highly mutable nature of this eclipse, we may feel suddenly pulled out of this more internalized process--having to contend with much more activity. Do keep in mind that the primary intention of this energy is to direct us inwardly--to what it is within us that needs adjustment and reconfiguration. This is the last eclipse "portal" to be opened here for another six months, so really seize this opportunity to consciously shift your attitudes and perceptions.

This is a highly dynamic eclipse, offering two intense aspect configurations. Because it is a lunar eclipse, and the last of this recent eclipse process, we may feel like things are coming to a head here. The opposition of Sun and Moon receive a square from Neptune in Pisces. Sagittarius can express itself in unbounded optimistic ways, but we should take heed of this challenging aspect from Neptune, and try to remain as practical and grounded as possible. Yet, with that said, we should not limit our creative self-expression at this time, because the energy here can be very inspirational and potentially enlightening. This is a time to wise up, and to use common sense and past knowledge to discern what is really authentic and what just appears to be on the surface.

Let's not be fooled by the glamorous facade, though enticing; you know what's really behind it all. Do your best to stick to the higher truth, even though that may be a little tricky to pin down exactly. Saturn trine Neptune, however, supports us in our ability to bring visions and inspirations into concrete form, and especially with the square from the eclipse axis, we can make a lot happen here, if we fully intend to. Saturn, however, demands that we stick to integrity and a methodical follow-through so that we can practically approach Neptune's more numinous realm. If this eclipse is somehow prominent in your horoscope, this is a time to allow yourself to dream a bit bigger, but not to get too carried away with impractical ideals. There is a tricky balancing act that must take place to navigate this passage consciously.

Jupiter, the ruler of the Eclipse, is in Gemini, conjunct Mercury and Venus. This allows us to sort through the data we've been presented with over the past few weeks, to make sense of it, and find suitable applications.  This Eclipse really breaks up the energy pattern from the previous Solar eclipse in Taurus (May 9th), where we may have felt much more focused and determined regarding a specific point of interest. With this lunation, we are flooded with a lot of mutable energy, and we may suddenly feel pulled in multiple directions. With this comes the need to remain flexible and open to new possibilities and potentials that may be popping up now.

The second powerhouse configuration involves the well known Pluto/Uranus square, creating a T-square with the asteroid Vesta in Cancer. This creates an intense focus, maybe even an obsession, with breaking down structures and stale routines. Vesta throws a lighted match into the Pluto/Uranus struggle we've been dealing with, on both a personal and collective level. This really amps up all the rebellious and revolutionary friction floating around--it's almost like a fight to the death. To avoid the more morbid of outcomes, there needs to be a conscious development from all sides of the equation. Uranus seeks to really break free, and to radically define itself--Pluto is tearing down all those outworn structures, looking for any grain of integrity within it all--and Vesta comes in seeking a sense of security. Each of these processes needs to be balanced within each of us, and the challenge is to not allow either one to take charge or center stage.

There is this strong desire to gain perspective with this eclipse, to have it all "figured out" a certain way--and yet, that may be a challenge, because there's just so much to sort through--so many perspectives, opinions, ideas, and bits of information. Jupiter in Gemini finds itself confined and restricted to Gemini's more logical mode of analysis; all we want is the truth, and yet the truth apparently has many sides, shapes, forms, and flavors. It's sort of like a smogasbord of truth--and our task, our challenge, is to consciously sample our way to what is truly authentic and best for all concerned. That's going to take some patience. Keep your mind open, yet practice healthy skepticism.
Lunar Eclipse, May 24, 2013

Beyond the rather intense aspect configurations, this is not a particularly significant eclipse by itself. This will be a Penumbral Eclipse of the Moon, with the earth's shadow covering only 4 percent of the Moon's surface. Area's of visibility include southwestern Europe, western Africa, and the Americas. 

The Path Ahead

In the next two weeks following this eclipse, the interior remodeling will begin to wane; slowly but surely we'll find ourselves back to that old groove again. That might be good news for some us, but maybe a little depressing for others who revel in all this deep inner reworking.

May 26th the Sun in Gemini exactly squares Neptune in Pisces: It may be a bit challenging to grasp the right information, as if there's this blind spot just waiting to trip us up. Just stick to the facts and you'll be ok with all those real world dealings. Keep your mind open, however, to the nebulous influx, which has much to contribute as long as we don't let it consume us.

May 28th Venus conjoins Jupiter in Gemini: With Mercury thrown in here as well, this will be a very mentally stimulating day for most of us. For those more socially inclined, expect a lot of conversing and fact sharing.

June 7th presents a very a significant astrological configuration; the day before the New Moon: Venus, Neptune, and Saturn form a water grand trine--while the Moon, Mars, and Pallas Athena all square Neptune, and inconjunct Saturn. Mercury exactly opposes Pluto, forming a T-Square with Uranus.This is very much a prelude to the configuration that occurs in July, when Jupiter takes the place of Venus, and begins setting off the Pluto/Uranus square. Some of the more challenging aspects indicate that some compromises and readjustments are needed for the grand trine flow to manifest itself. This configuration brings two critical aspects into tight focus: the Pluto/Uranus square, and the Neptune/Saturn trine.

The Saturn/Neptune trine allows us to make a bridge between "reality" and the dreamworld. Saturn in Scorpio demands that we face our shadows, to dig really deep and wake up to what's going on beneath us, at our core. The trine to Neptune in Pisces allows us to make use of this, and channel it creatively into something that allows for a transcendence of our inner pain, or to see the higher meaning and purpose for it. For instance, this is likely a time where we have a sort of "karmic vision", where we can really see and understand what brought us here and why. This aspect either drives us deeper into escapism to avoid what we don't want to see or feel, or further and beyond ourselves to fuse with a sense of universal purpose and higher sense of order. 

Venus in Cancer allows us to find acceptance and to let go and trust the process of deep change and transformation that is taking place via the Pluto/Uranus square. The point here, or the bottom line is this: The system needs to change, it needs to be radically altered, adjusted, and transformed--however, that process must not interfere or entirely uproot us so that the floor beneath our feet crumbles with it. How can we truly change, how can we really transform the edifice of our lives and of society, without threatening our own safety net, and without compromising our individual freedom in the process? 

The New Moon occurs on June 8th, at 18 degrees of Gemini.

June 9th we enter the first shadow period for Mercury retrograde, which officially begins June 26th!

Conscious travels. Much love to all.

Light Speed: Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini today (May 15), serving to further break up the Taurean energy pattern we've been experiencing. Most likely we go from being rather single pointed to a multitude of perspectives. The mind is heating up, the juices are flowing, and the nervous system is cranking into gear--it's important to breathe here. The Moon sextiles Mercury as it enters Leo late in the afternoon, gently opening the mind to a creative bout of brainstorming. In addition, Mercury also emerges from behind the Sun, entering back into the world. Perhaps we each emerge ourselves, with a little more insight and awareness.

Mercury is at home in Gemini, the sign of its rulership, and where it is most comfortable to do what it does best: to revel in light speed mental hyperdrive! This is is a good challenge for any meditation practice; so all you zen Buddhists out there, get ready, it's time to cash in those hours of mindfulness training, you're going need them. If you're more interested in drowning yourself in coffee and intellectual discourse, then this is your season. Whichever end of the spectrum you find yourself, we could all benefit in some way from a sharpened mind, a keener sense of awareness, and a little more wit. God speed.

Mercury will be in Gemini until May 31st, when it enters Cancer for an extended stay, as Mercury goes retrograde mid June.

Crisis/Resolution & Sitting With Your Pain

The title of this entry probably sounds a little intense. It's kind of where I'm at these days. Nearing my Saturn return in Scorpio, and Saturn currently in my eighth house, things have been rather interesting for me internally. Today (May 9th) is the much anticipated Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus. I noticed this sinking sort of emptiness emerge in my solar plexus, this sense of something missing, something profoundly significant. At the root of it is an internal dichotomy, or, well maybe eternal dichotomy may be more appropriate. It's a crisis that I come up against quite often, and it feels like it transcends this life.

I recently made a rather big decision. It involved putting aside one path (astrology) and pursuing another (bodywork). I sacrificed an opportunity that was a really big deal for me, because on this more psychic/intuitive level, I realized it wasn't the direction I needed to be going in the moment. It seems that whenever I decide I'm ready to begin practicing astrology professionally, I come up against this blockade. I don't know what it is exactly, but there's something always pushing me in other directions. Years ago I had given up another career path to pursue my study of astrology, thinking it was my "mission" or "destiny" in life, and that everything else was just getting in the way. Maybe I'm not ready, maybe Saturn just needs to solidify some things first within me. I don't know.

I had come across an opportunity to do an apprenticeship, with a very well known master of the astrological arts. It was all set up, the transits looked good, perfect even. Yup, everything was aligned, this was it, it was "destiny". Then, another opportunity popped up to train with another master of massage and bodywork; the other path I had recently set the intention to pursue. I could do both, but then one or the other would get less attention. To top it off, both events conflicted with each other on a specific day, I had to pick one. After a rather lengthy contemplation, and in perfect synchronicity with the superior conjunction of Mars and the Sun a few weeks ago, I made my decision. I chose to pursue bodywork. I decided that, perhaps, I would return to the other option at a later time. If fate allows. Today, right in sync with the eclipse, the reality of my decision hit me like a tsunami. What if I made the wrong choice? What if I've made a mistake? What if my "psychic/intuitive" insight was mere delusion? Was my life path was now permanently altered?

It was too late, the opportunity had passed. There was nothing I could do to change it. Among the backdrop of some pretty intense and heavy transits, I'm currently undergoing a cycle of expansion and opportunity heralded by that jovial and adventure seeking ball of gas we like to call Jupiter. Fat and jolly Jupiter isn't going to make anything happen for me, he simply sparks the momentum within myself, and magically arranges the external scenery to coincide with my need to expand outwardly and bring more experience into my reality. What I do with that energy is up to me; I could go in several directions. I could choose one path or another--or I could do them all, and likely overreach and "fail" in the wake of the classic Jovian pratfall. I chose the former.

I chose the more "practical" path, the one that, on the surface, seems like the more "secure" route. A rather Saturnine thing to do I suppose. It involves something I enjoy and really love doing--but, it's not exactly my bliss. You know what I mean? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Joseph Campbell coined the phrase, "Follow your Bliss", to describe that thing in life that provides one with  an insatiable all encompassing  joy. Not everyone finds that in life; or even bothers to go looking for it. I think that, actually, unfortunately, many have no idea such a thing exists. For me, my bliss is that thing that sends a rush of ecstasy from my solar plexus straight into my heart chakra whenever I think about it. It's a burning and melting sense of joy. When you feel that, you just know, there's no second guessing it. Your bliss is that thing you do because you have to. Not out of a sense of obligation, but out of pure love and an endless curiosity to explore and expand upon it. You just do it, that's it.

Choosing something over my bliss generated a bit of a mental tantrum; or what we call a "crisis" or "internal dichotomy". It's this intense confrontation of two seemingly irreconcilable constructs, which the mind is pressured to somehow integrate. This other path I chose isn't exactly anti-bliss, like I said, I love and really enjoy doing it, but it just isn't going to make my chi flutter and ooze. Well, maybe a little. I've recently emerged from an intense healing crisis, and it was in the midst of this crisis that I realized that the root of it all, or part of it, was the fact that I had lost touch with my joy in life. I had allowed myself to get distracted and had run off course. Since then, I made the vow that I would never do it again; that I would never let myself forget.

As the Moon approached the Sun today, preparing for the eclipse, this deep sadness and sense of powerlessness came over me. It was like an empty void, a black hole, had formed in my solar plexus. This feeling went far back into time, beyond this life, beyond this moment. I was permeated with regret, with guilt, with remorse. All those dreadful feelings that would make any Buddhist cringe. I was in pain. In the midst of it, I had generated a crisis. A reality had sunken in, it had become real and palpable; and seeking integration, it was solidifying into my awareness and there was no going back. It's interesting what the human creature will do when it experiences any kind of pain, be it physical, mental, or emotional. We generally seek some kind of immediate sense of resolution. We're urged to reach out, to something, to someone, to anything that can ease our momentary suffering. We're conditioned to "fix" it, to make it "better", so that we don't hurt anymore.

It was the death of an ideal, that's it. It was something my mind had become attached to, and now, I had to let it go. Letting go is a process that often involves a sort of mourning. Jupiter comes and he goes. It doesn't care how I expand, all that matters is that I do. All that matters is that I do it consciously. In the past I would usually seek some kind of numbing device. That's not an option anymore. I sat with my pain. The human entity and it's mental, emotional, and physical bodies are miraculous creations. What goes on within us is much more intelligent than we can imagine. There's nothing wrong with the pain. There's nothing wrong with the crisis. It's just a perfectly natural process. I realized that what was going on within me today  was mirrored in the sky, in the eclipse. As the two luminaries began their conjunction, as these two irreconcilable constructs, Sun and Moon, began to merge, a similar process was happening inside me.

What I was experiencing wasn't my problem, in fact, it wasn't even my pain. It was a collective dichotomy. I'm not separate from the cosmos. What's happening within me, is happening everywhere. In the end, everyone's story is really the same. It's the eternal and universal mythos. By the late afternoon, when the eclipse was officially over, I had come to place of acceptance and resolution. A deeper understanding of the situation had emerged all on its own. Earlier, like an animal trapped in a cage, I was frantically looking for an exit. Eventually, it worked itself out--and I didn't really need to analyze it to death. All the mental chatter, stress, and confusion was incessant and entirely unnecessary  It was merely a mental, emotional, and psychic process at work. Most of the time, the mind over-complicates things. Our need to understand something, to "make sense" and rationalize is merely our mind's inability to accept it as it is, and to integrate the unknown.

When we simply trust the process, when we just let it happen, things often resolve on their own. Pain is a healing reaction. In the body, this is the byproduct of an inflammatory response. In our modern western paradigm, we're conditioned to suppress this response by any means possible--in the most outlandish ways, usually quite counterproductive to functional healing. So, trust the pain, and trust the process. Let it happen. Sit with it, let yourself feel it. When in the midst of a crisis, don't panic, don't look for the exit. We don't need to do anything, we don't need to fix it because nothing is wrong. We are the unfolding drama, we are the ecstasy and the agony. Just because we "fail" to attain an ideal, doesn't make us failures. It simply makes us human. All that matters is the experience.

Be Directed

LIFE magazine Archives, June 1942.
May 7, 2013

Veils are parting, dimensions are shifting. The Moon is void in Aries today, while Mercury and Mars join forces in Taurus. There's this impetus, motivation, and determined focus. Something is boiling, and beneath it all, there's a knowing that it's all going to give way soon. But when? Be mindful of frustration or impatience. All in due time. Step by step.

Allow yourself to be directed. The mind can really zero in on things it would normally miss, like subtle nuances that pass with the wind. Get solid, let go, and don't forget to breathe. If you put the mind on a sort of conscious autopilot (if that makes sense) you'll be surprised with what it comes up with, like suddenly that coffee table jig saw just put itself together.

When the Moon is void, things tend to go in unexpected directions, which can be great for any creative process. There's lots of support here, in places we might not have expected. Something really beautiful is in the works, and we can make it happen if we so desire. You don't have to be stuck any longer, things are coming together; it's just going to take some time to see it all through.

"In every outthurst headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is a story of the earth."
-Rachel Carson

Surrendering The Past

Why is that when reflecting upon the past, we sometimes find it painful? Maybe there's some memory attached conjuring a sense of loss, of failure, or something which has died and is now deeply missed. As we get older, this becomes more prominent in consciousness; it's the crystallizing awareness of Saturn. Regrets, disappointments, shortcomings--they all seem to slowly have more relevance than they did before. As we age, time becomes more real, more solid, more ephemeral. I noticed recently that this process has been gradually increasing in my own awareness. Perhaps it's just the natural side effect of my encroaching Saturn return; this event which has loomed before me for quite some time--and now, it's getting a lot more real. I'm starting to really understand why this is such a big step in one's growth and awareness. Astrologer Steven Forrest, in speaking on the Saturn return process, compares it to puberty, which once severed us from adolescence. I think this is a rather apt description [1].

How do you describe puberty to a seven year old child? The feelings, emotions, desires--how could one possibly understand this transformation before hand? The truth is, they can't. According to Steven, this is the same with the Saturn return. It's like a second puberty. There's no way you can comprehend these changes until you reach them. Saturn returns to its natal placement around the age of 29 and 30, or in some cases, such as mine, 28--how lucky am I? I've noticed this increasing sense of urgency--to do something, anything, to grow up quick, before it's too late. I've felt this uprising fear that there isn't enough time; that life is slipping away. The clock is ticking faster, the hours are passing more quickly. I need to act, I need to step up. There's this overwhelming pressure placed upon consciousness, it's a reality which I was always aware of, but until recently, never truly quite understood or comprehended--and I suppose, I still won't completely grasp until it's official. Anyway....

Recently, within the past few days, I've noticed this "portal to the past" opening, as I like to call it. It's these periods of time where we are suddenly drawn toward reflecting on the past, and in some ways, urged to re-create or re-experience it, as if we could once again capture its essence--and in many ways, we do, it's sort of an energy field that surrounds us, triggering memories like a familiar smell. I feel like this is a prominent feature of astrological anomalies like certain retrograde cycles (obviously), and eclipses, which we are currently at the epicenter of. Eclipses are quite unusual experiences, and it's interesting how quickly we forget just how prominent they are and their impact on our lives. Why is this? I suppose it's because they symbolize change. They quicken the process of inner and outer transformation. Sometimes change in and of itself is frightening, and sometimes traumatic.

The Sun is the "now", it's the pure light of conscious awareness, self-expression, and the primary fuel source of the ego, the I am. The moon can be likened to our more "hidden", personal, and intimate nature, and thus also, to the "past"--it is our conditioning, our formative foundation, our securities, instincts, and inner motivations. With a solar eclipse, in particular, like the one occurring on May 9th, these two constructs of psyche merge and mingle in a very unique way. Unlike other new moons, the eclipse is an actual direct alignment of earth, sun, and moon. In astrology, we call this an occultation; a very potent and powerful conjunction of planets. We could say that, in a way, the past and present melt and fuse together. Veils which once obscured and blinded us from certain truths are suddenly lifted to reveal a hidden, and sometimes, disconcerting reality. We find ourselves at the edge of a precipice--and as with any astrological event, we're urged to make certain choices about how we wish to proceed.

Do we jump? Take the leap of faith? Or do we back away, overwhelmed by vertigo, clinging to the past and the familiar womb of safety, certainty, and the "known". These two constructs, of past and present, come together to form some third thing which to our present awareness presents itself as this unknown and unfamiliar formation. What do we do with it? Where do we fit it into our present awareness? I think that most of the time, overwhelmed by the experience, we choose to cling or to go back to what we know. We can't quite fit this new and unusual experience into our reality, and so we sometimes choose to ignore it. The reality is that it doesn't just go away. We can't really shove it under the rug; and so it manifests itself outside of us, forcing some kind of change to take place. The reason the past comes up at these times, is because it is a necessary processing that takes place within the psyche, to essentially make way for this new emerging awareness and experience.

It's like a psychic clearing of the house. We're shuffling through the clutter, going through the boxes, brushing off the dust and cobwebs. Suddenly we find an old photo, a familar object from our childhood, and we stop and reminisce--we get somehow lost in the process, forgetting our original intention which was to make more room or reorganize the space around us. Eclipses invite us to process the past, and surrender to the emerging reality before and within us. We can't stop the changes that must take place now, on both a personal and collective/societal level. If we choose to ignore what's happening within us, if we choose to run back to what we know, what we've already experienced--then it is very likely these changes will come from without, from some external force. Either way, something shifts within us. That's the whole point.

How far can you go with this? How deeply can you really go? Ask yourself these questions, they're important. Can you let go? Can you surrender the past, and make way for the new? This process comes and goes. Just as the Sun will rise tomorrow, another eclipse will return. We'll find ourselves back here, back at this precipice once more. Unlike other eclipse cycles, however, we are in the midst of a unique eclipse Trifecta. This creates an extended process of inner and outer transformation to take hold of us. It might be scary, and a little uncomfortable, but it's best if you choose to face this whole thing head on, and really make the leap. We are opening up to more space, more awareness, and ultimately, more consciousness. We can't change the past. It's over, but we can shape the future. What we choose now will very much alter the course that lies before us. So when in doubt take the plunge. Jump. Trust and have faith in yourself; but don't be hasty, there's no rush. Saturnian time is ultimately an illusion. Go with it. Flow with it. It's a process.

When we stop and realize that we're merely a part of a great unfolding, that all that we need to do is step aside and let it happen; it becomes a whole lot easier to manage. Keep this in mind. I think that ultimately, my own sense of urgency in regards to my Saturn return is entirely reactionary. No one can force puberty, and you don't just wake up one morning with pimples and strange urges toward to the opposite, or the same sex. It's a process. What's happening to me--these new feelings, experiences, and sensations, they'll become commonplace one day, just like all that hair under my armpits. So keep that in mind as well. What might be uncomfortable in the moment will be fully assimilated all in due time.

Anyone feeling this?

For those astrologically privy, look to the house in your horoscope where this eclipse falls, at 19 degrees of Taurus. This will clearly describe the area of life where this leap can take place for you. As I described in my previous article, this particular eclipse is about clearing out stagnation and moving beyond patterns of stubbornness. Meditate on these symbols, but ultimately, just do what comes naturally to you now, while being mindful of the tendency to cling or stay stuck in familiar old patterns.If the eclipse touches on specific "tigger points", ie. planets or certain placements in the chart, then this process will be exceptionally pronounced. 

Notes & Comments

[1] Puberty arises about around the time of the Saturn opposition; that is, Saturn opposite natal Saturn, around age 14--the halfway point of the 30 year Saturn cycle. 

A Progressive Unfolding

Annular Solar Eclipse
May 9, 2013
19 degrees Taurus 31'
5:28 PM Pacific
8:28 PM Eastern

Get out of that funk, step into the flow

Trust the process. Relax, really let that sink in. It's a process. You can feel it; it's formative, palpable, and within your grasp--and yet, it has no name, no label, no separative form of identification. It just is--a solid and indefinitely real form, and yet there's no restriction placed, no analysis or judgement. Hold it tightly, what does it feel like? Notice the texture, the temperature, the shape. How does it make you feel, how does it shift your vibration? Get into the resonance. If you listen carefully, there's a beat, there's a rhythm, and there's a pulse. It's beyond words, beyond concepts, and beyond time. You're tuning in now, you're allowing yourself to just have the experience. Just a true and authentic experience of being.

Grounding, centering, and integrating--we enter a powerful force field with the approaching Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus. The intensity of the previous Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio settles into a more stable and solid energetic configuration. There is a strong sense of arriving, of coming "back to earth". This Eclipse speaks to us deeply, it reaches into our very core and asks us to get real with what we truly want to bring forward, and to get active in the process of moving past immobility, stubbornness, and stagnation. But first, get solid in your foundation. That's really important.

This is the second of three eclipses. This triple eclipse energy is a rare phenomena, since usually, eclipses occur in pairs. This is a rich and fertile time for creativity, and for opening up to new realms. Be mindful of new dimensions, hidden aspects of your reality and within your mind.  Taurus is all about stability; it's about rooting ourselves and plugging into the progressive beat of the earth. Feel that connection, sink your roots deep down in. With this stellium of planets in Taurus (Mars, Mercury, Sun/Moon, and Pallas Athena), this generates a powerful determination, focus, and patience to carry things out--urging us to progressively and methodically participate in the process of deep and lasting change.

Because this is a south nodal eclipse, wherever it lands in our horoscope, is an area of life in which we must consciously shift and transform the energy, because there is a massive build up of stagnation, and something has got to give. If this eclipse touches specific planets or points, ideally by conjunction, then this process will be exceptionally pronounced. It creates the feeling that whatever it is, can no longer wait, something has to change, it has to get moving. This can be a challenge to navigate because Taurus must do things slowly, progressively, and over time--and yet, there is an unconscious impatience due to the prolonged period of inaction or immobility. Patience and persistence must be balanced with a strong sense of motivation.

Eclipse without, Eclipse within

The Moon passes over the Sun, momentarily shrouding its light in darkness. It's a sacred moment, beautiful and haunting. Whether one is able to physically witness this event or not, it occurs within us all, in our minds and within our very soul. It permeates all dimensions. What we see is only the shadow, the very tip of a process our limited awareness can but partially grasp. Understand that this is a collective process of unfolding, we're all apart of it. This is a critical time of deep growth and transmutation, on both a collective and personal level. It is through these transmutations that, at the other end, we find ourselves on a very different path than we originally had planned.

 In Taurus, we're dealing with issues of self-worth, personal and collective values, and resources. Obviously, core values will be challenged willingly or unwillingly. Going within and assessing these matters is rather crucial right now, and will have lasting benefits later down the road. Everything outside us, every unfolding event or circumstance is but a projection of an inner process. When eclipses occur, this reality becomes increasingly clear. The division between inner and outer becomes momentarily blurred, and we can but glimpse, briefly, the deeper mechanization of consciousness. There is innately a strong desire to change and transmute certain aspects of our lives. It is a powerful "fork in the road", which we can consciously navigate if we so choose.

Taurus is a fixed sign, so there is an equally strong desire to maintain things, and this presents some conflict between the desire for personal change and an equally powerful inclination to just "keep the peace", or to keep things as they are because they feel stable and secure. However, with Mars at the south node, there is much less complacency and much more impetus, which can result in action or possible frustration. Again, it's important to trust the process that's occurring right now, even if you're unsure of where exactly it's all going. We're invited to deeply look into what it is we really want, value, and identify with--and sometimes that's a rather painful process.

Letting go of attachments is never easy, but whenever we really just throw ourselves into this, we are often surprised by what gets put back in its place. Whatever changes made within you now will be the foundation for future stability, which ensures success in weathering storms ahead. Everything changes; it happens whether we participate or not. It happens within, and it happens without. We can choose to hold on and get carried away by the storm, or we can let go, and let the tidal wave of transformation sweep us up on a wave of creativity. Either way, we change. Either way, we move on.

We're dealing with a lot of energy here, since there is a rather large cluster of planets surrounding this eclipse. What are you identifying yourself with? Are you using it to hide something about yourself? Does it truly represent you on an authentic soul level? Dig deeper to the core, there you will find valuable gems. At the root of it, the Taurus archetype operates most functionally when the aim is self-sufficiency and internal validation. Be diligent; when coming up against a roadblock, keep going. Slowly and methodically go deeper, really deep, and see where it all goes. It might take some time, a little hard work, but the process is what it's really all about. Oh, and be gentle with yourself.

Key Aspects

Pallas Athena conjunct Eclipse
Athena, warrior goddess of wisdom. This opens the potential for devising creative strategies in regards to resources. New ideas may simply plop into awareness, and suddenly the path before you makes a little more sense than it did before, albeit slightly re-routed. Equally, this allows for a critical scrutiny of what's going on beneath the facade of our attachments.

Mars conjunct the South Node/Eclipse
In Taurus, Mars gets a little frustrated, but that's ok. Mars coming in here allows us to get active in the process of transmuting past patterns of stubbornness and stagnation. "Keep calm and carry on" just isn't going to do it anymore. This is a powerful impetus for change. While having to contend with much slower pace, Mars still provides a valuable fuel for deep and lasting transformation. 

Ceres/Pluto/Uranus T-Square
The Pluto/Uranus Square is the background scenery of social unrest, scientific breakthroughs, and a practical integration of radical concepts, theories, and methodologies developed around the Pluto/Uranus conjunction in the late 1960's. Ceres, the earth mother, faces Pluto (god of the underworld) head on. With the Taurus archetype deeply fermented by this eclipse, we are dealing with powerful themes surrounding the health and well-being of our bodies, which are extensions of the greater body, the planet Earth. This is a powerful collective shift toward the awareness that we must make some critical choices in how we relate to the planet, and how we relate to our own bodies. We live in a very strange and alien world currently, one that is strikingly much different than it was even forty some years ago.

We are completely saturated with toxins and synthetic pollutants. We're exposed to a daily bombardment of stress inducing frequencies and vibrations. We truly have no idea the long term consequences that all of this will have upon our very genetics. We are already witnessing a pandemic of disease, mutation, and mental/emotional dysfunction on a scale unheard of in human history. This isn't a negative take here, it's just a cold hard look at reality; and that's what this configuration asks us to do. Take a cold hard look at how our desire to control and manipulate natural forces has led to this ever increasing state of collective and global entropy.

Ceres, quite simply, deals with food and nutrition. It's the ultimate bottom line. Really, it is. We all have to eat; without food not much would happen. With Uranus in the mix, obviously we get themes of genetically modified and chemically altered foods. Something is shifting here with all of this; this is a critical collective and personal turning point in relation to what we choose to put into our bodies. It's not as simple as just going back to the way things used to be, things are much more complicated. With Uranus, we are challenged to find innovative ways of merging past wisdom with current technological advances.

Jupiter semi-sextile Eclipse
What would otherwise be a mostly meditative and peaceful "in the moment" type of eclipse, gets a slight jolt of a cerebral and mental interlude (along with Venus in Gemini). This can create a bit of a conflict between a more internalized process and one motivated by an insatiable curiosity in regards to external affairs. Used constructively, we can integrate all this mental chatter by getting really grounded first, and making sure we have a solid base before expanding outwardly.

Venus conjunct Alcyone
Venus, ruler of the eclipse, shifts into Gemini, conjoining the fixed star Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades. We experienced an Annular Solar Eclipse at this position last May, and that portal is quite active here. Look around for connections. It feels as if some bridge is forming between last years Transit of Venus/Eclipse energy (May-early June 2012) and the process we're experiencing now. Alcyone represents a cathartic release of deep emotions, and sometimes deals with themes of great suffering.

Chrion sextile Mars/South Node
This energizes a healing process that's been in the works, creating more motivation and excitation toward becoming more whole and complete within oneself. Pluto's sextile to Chiron further deepens this process, allowing for a gentle, and yet penetrating transmutation to take place. Opportunities to integrate and heal are at hand.

Eclipse Activations
Eclipses open up active portals within the zodiac, which get triggered or "activated" when others planets make direct contact to the degree in which it occurred. The following dates signify such times:

April 30, 2013- Prior to the event, Venus conjoins eclipse portal.
May 16, 2013- Mars conjoins Eclipse
Dec 22, 2013- Saturn Opposes Eclipse (Direct)
May 17, 2014- Saturn Opposes Eclipse (Retrograde)
August 28, 2014- Mars Opposes Eclipse
Sept 20, 2014 Saturn Opposes Eclipse (Direct)