Confidence Tempered by Humility: New Moon in Leo 2014

One of the Louvre Museum lions from the famous glazed bricks friezes found in the apadana (Darius the Great's palace) in Susa (Shush). Pavillon Sully at the Louvre museum, Paris, France, July 2008. Photo by Patrick C., Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 3 Leo 52'
July 26, 2014
6:52 PM Eastern
3:52 PM Pacific

The Sun and Moon conjoin in Leo this month, renewing the Lunar cycle alongside the most gaseous of gas giants, Jupiter. Yes, Jupiter has moved into Leo as of July 16. Its journey through Cancer amplified a collective emphasis on healing, nourishing, nurturing and introspection—connecting to our roots and establishing ourselves somewhere.

Jupiter’s elevated expression guides us with optimism toward a higher path and pulls us out of some precarious sinkholes. Through Jupiter’s expansion we are guided to opportunities for the advancement of destiny; we see something new on the horizon, some hope for a better set of circumstances.

Now, Jupiter moves into Leo, changing things quite a bit. This New Moon is an announcement of Jupiter’s latest journey since it sits within a degree of conjunction to this lunation. Mercury’s retrograde cycle is now in the past, putting an end to the lengthy chain of inner planet retrogrades we experienced at the start of the year.

First, take a look back at the past six months to see how far you’ve come. How has your life path changed? If you have but a modicum of conscious self-awareness then you’ve probably come pretty far. Now that things are direct and “forward flowing”, this lunation provides the gusto and momentum to make a statement.

Leo is the most ostentatious sign of the zodiac. After all that inward reflection, nurturing and healing, we’re ready to take a break, let loose and play a little bit. Jupiter, associated with fire sign Sagittarius, finds ample room in Leo for showcasing the ego’s greatest talents and abilities. Jupiter’s transit through Leo can help us all acquire more confidence to tackle our destiny head on.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in fiery Leo, sink down and feel that reservoir of inner strength within you. Notice the life force that permeates all living things. The Sun, ruler of Leo, is the most primal symbol of this life force that enlivens all sentient beings. Connect to that sense of natural, inner joy that is every human’s right.

The creative impulse that animates our cells is pure joy and bliss. It is a wellspring of endless energy and enthusiasm for life. It flows through each and every one of us. Think about that. What keeps you going, exactly? What motivates you to do what you do each and every day?

When things seem bleak, difficult or challenging, just remember that the creative life force is within you and it’s always guiding you toward a higher path. Jupiter, the cosmic helping hand, coming into Leo can assist in pulling us up and out of any rut to rejuvenate our creativity and our thirst for life experience.

This New Moon can act as a powerful launching pad to put ourselves out there in some way. The seed is being planted now, kicking off Jupiter’s latest journey. It’s time to explore the inner creative realms, to grasp opportunities for self-expression and to rediscover joy in our every-day lives.

Also, sometimes a giant tub of ice cream and a funny movie can be just as healing as psychotherapy and a tissue box. Sometimes simple laughter can bring us back to a point of integration and sanity like nothing else. That’s Jupiter in Leo. If you’re feeling it, let yourself indulge in playfulness for a bit. Get in touch with your inner child in some way.

Of course, it’s not all fun and games. This Jupiter/Leo combo can also amplify the ego and its drama like no other astrological fusion. Keep that in mind. Confidence must be tempered with humility and perspective. Without that, we end up looking like fools, jumping off every precipice, throwing all caution to the wind.

Also, since Jupiter was exalted in Cancer and trine Saturn, events on the world stage have been relatively mild--politically and economically speaking. But Jupiter's movement through Leo is likely to heat things up quite a bit, quite possibly in some dramatic way. 

Mars recently moved into Scorpio July 25, the day before the New MoonMars has been in Libra since Dec. 2013 due to its most infrequent retrograde cycle. There’s been a particular emphasis on relationships with this transit—redefining ourselves within that context.

Mars’ retrograde cycle through Libra also helped us to break out of certain molds or expectations placed on us from other people. We may have experienced a process of redefining ourselves in some drastic way—breaking out of the box, so to speak.

Mars in Scorpio makes a square aspect to this New Moon, applying some tension to this otherwise joyful, expressive, and enthusiastic lunation; but I think this square is the perfect aspect to temper the fiery passion and optimism inherent to this lunation.

Scorpio brings up depth and perspective; it also reminds us of our impermanence. We’re challenged by this aspect to showcase ourselves honestly—to be true to ourselves and realistic about what we’re really capable of. If we fail to do so, we may be in for a rude reminder of our limitations.

The catch is that all this energy is urging us to take a risk of some kind; but to do so in a way that doesn’t lead to overreaching or exaggerating our capabilities. Saturn, now moving direct as of July 20, also occupies Scorpio and so emphasizes the fact that there are no shortcuts to success. All the talent in the world is useless without the proper discipline and focus.

Mars in Scorpio square this lunation gives us the focus and perspective needed to attain what we desire. Saturn’s distant influence can help mold and direct that wild, creative impetus bubbling up beneath us in some practical and realistic way. So, needless to say, this New Moon is quite conducive to taking action.

If you feel the creative impetus emerging from within you, you’re not alone. Whatever’s been holding you back for the past several months is likely losing its grip, clearing the way for a fresh, new start that’s bound for success if we really believe in ourselves and our ability to make it happen. If you’re in need of a confidence boost, look no further than this New Moon and Jupiter’s transit through Leo.

If you’ve inflated yourself beyond realistic capabilities, look to see how you can temper that over-confidence so that it fits neatly with reality the way it actually is.

SolarScopes July-August 2014

Yes, I’m trying something new this month. Maybe it’s Jupiter conjunct the New Moon in Leo. Well, truthfully, it isn’t entirely new. I’ve experimented with Sun sign horoscopes in the past, on this blog actually; but it’s always been a rather unnerving process—a love hate relationship of sorts. Anyway, the muse struck just prior to this lunation, and this is where she led me. I hope you enjoy and benefit from these oracular messages from the tropical zodiac.

This may or may not become a consistent, monthly addition to my New Moon readings, so don’t get too attached. I’m a Gemini. I’m allowed to change my mind, right? These are probably more accurate if read from the perspective of your tropical zodiac Sun sign; but further insights could be obtained from reading your Moon or even Ascendant signs. Hey, this isn’t a science; it’s astrology for God’s sake. See what resonates for you. (Btw, tropical is just your Sun sign as you likely know it; unless you’re into Jyotish or something like that; but I doubt you would be reading my blog)


The heat is off, for now, despite the fiery energy inherent to this New Moon. It may have felt like you were shoved into a pressure cooker there for a while. Take a deep breath, and embrace this period of momentary relief from tension. You’ve earned it. Look around for opportunities to use your talents in some way. Indulge your creative side, explore and experiment. Laughter will be your medicine the next year or so, but especially right now in this moment. Yes, laughter is sometimes a mask for pain, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the best way for you to relieve tension and stress right now.


Awareness is often the greatest gift. The more you know about yourself and the world around you, the better equipped you are to take on life’s challenges; and the less vulnerable you are too. The more awareness we have, the more we seem to grow and evolve through life experience. You are being blessed with the gift of awareness; embrace it and use it wisely and constructively toward creating the resolution you now seek within yourself and with your environment. Doors are now opening, allowing you to enter a more intimate as well as psychic space. Sink in, get comfortable and play with it.


The greatest ideas can’t shine unless we share them in some way. Also, sometimes, the greatest ideas aren’t as great as we thought they once were. Where are you on that spectrum? It’s time to figure it out. There’s a fine line between too much confidence and not enough. Ideally, we find the middle ground somewhere. Ideally, we step back and assess what it is realistically. But, now, you’re feeling the need to let it out and to be heard. The only way to find out how “great” those ideas really are, is to put them out there or into motion somehow. The universe will provide you with valuable feedback.


You may be feeling the urge to prove yourself in some way. But I invite you to ask yourself to whom are you proving yourself to? Often we find ourselves trying to make a statement to appease someone else’s expectation or ideal; but have you really assessed your own? What do you expect from yourself? No, really. Think about that for a moment, what do YOU expect from yourself? That might be harder to do than it sounds. When you figure it out, you might realize that the only person you have to prove your worth to is yourself. It’s that simple and it’s that complex.


If there ever was a moment to shine, this would be it! But, uh, don’t let that go to your head. I mean, really, we know how you are sometimes. Jupiter entering your sign for the next 12 months is an exciting prospect and one that you would do well to utilize consciously and responsibly. I throw those words out there because it’s the smart thing to do. But seriously, there are opportunities that beckon, in whatever shape or form. There is a wellspring of confidence emerging into the light. Do you see it? You may feel bigger and brighter than usual. It’s time to expand your personal horizon; lead with confidence but know your limitations.


The creative muse is emerging from behind the scenes, whispering inspiration when you least expect it. True creative energy is something transient—emerging from realms we neither see nor fully understand. When the muse strikes us, we know it based on a bodily sensation, an adrenalin rush of sorts. You may be gifted with unasked for inspiration. Chances are that it takes the form of something you need to communicate truthfully and honestly. Forget about offending anyone—that’s likely inevitable. Not everyone will understand your vision as you do. Let it take whatever form it desires, even if that pushes someone else’s buttons, or worse, goes against their beliefs about reality.


You may have reinvented yourself over the past several months. That’s perfect. But now you’re getting used to this new you, taking it out for a test drive to see how the world responds. What you seek now is something a little deeper than physical appearances. You may want the world to not only accept the façade, but the deeper values that lie beneath it. Sometimes, we have to take a risk to stay true to ourselves. That’s a little scary for some of us, and it may be for you now too. The only way to know what you really believe in is to see it stand up to criticism or, if necessary, scrutiny.


The heat is on and it’s burning with fiery passion! There is this energy in the air it seems, motivating you to take on your destiny in some direct and dynamic way. Perhaps it’s a small step, but they add up over time until you realize you’ve built a mountain through the sheer power of your will. Your will is strong now; it cuts deeply into reality. It may take some work to see anything tangible emerge now, but Saturn in your sign has been teaching you those hard lessons for the past two years. Like a warrior, you have the ability to take on giants. Have confidence, but be wary of overdoing it. Small steps can build mountains, but all in due time.


Our cultural conditioning has convinced us that we should have some rigid plan for our future. Those that really believe that usually end up disappointed, or soon realize that it’s not entirely how life actually works. Some of us never quite shed that belief. When I was seven I wanted to be an actor. That probably would have worked out; but life unfolded unexpectedly, and well, I couldn’t have imagined doing what I actually do now. Life, when given full expression, unfolds creatively. We start somewhere and end up some place completely unexpected. Embrace this wisdom. Trust the creative impulse urging you to break out of the template and explore something you never thought you would.


Western culture has such a perverse perspective of death—and equally, sex too. In astrology those two things are intimately related in an archetypal sense. For all of us, death is inevitable. Sex, well, optional. Neither has to be so shrouded in taboo. Both experiences bring humans together in an intimate way. In death or orgasm we glimpse beyond the veil; for a moment we sense something larger than ourselves. You’re invited now to play with other worlds beyond the palpable reality. Things that were too scary to look at now seem much friendlier than before, inviting you to touch the depths of human experience with confidence and a light-hearted attitude.


Commitment might not be too appealing right now. You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive first, would you? Don’t beat yourself up just because you aren’t more decisive. What you need now is a more playful attitude. Sample the dynamics that emerge between you and another. How does it taste? How do you feel after certain interactions? Most of all, whatever comes up, let it unfold naturally. You might be looking more for playmates as opposed to soul-mates. That’s okay, go with it. You need people around you now that feed you joy—that bring laughter into your life.


Fad diets and their marketing strategists have us all convinced that a healthy lifestyle equates to gnawing on raw vegetables and cutting our caloric intake until we’re left with saltine cracker crumbs. Sometimes, that might be helpful; but is it healthful? A healthy lifestyle requires that we nourish ourselves—body, mind and soul. Nourishment takes on many different forms. Sometimes laughter is nourishing, sometimes ice cream. What everyone tends to believe about health, usually the opposite is true. You need to find a way to bring more joy into how you choose to improve yourself. Get creative with it! Expand your definition of self-improvement; it can really be fun! 

Introspection and Honesty: Full Moon in Capricorn 2014

A full moon is visible in this view above Earth’s horizon and airglow, Photographed by Expedition 10 Commander Leroy Chiao on the International Space Station on (24 February 2005). 
Full Moon @ 20 degrees Capricorn 03'
July 12, 2014
4:23 AM Pacific
7:23 AM Eastern

While those of us in the northern hemisphere are likely feeling a little warmer with the onset of the Summer season, this Capricorn Full Moon brings in a different archetypal influx, a cold and serious tone. Accompanied by Pluto in Capricorn, the Full Moon takes on a tint of Pluto’s icy, distant aura.

There may be a desire for deep and introspective solitude alongside this Full Moon. There are shadows to face, demons to acknowledge, addictions to fess up to. What are those things covering up? They’re concealing pain, lots of collective and personal pain. It seems that suffering is a natural part of the human experience. Few of us ever get off the wheel.

Don’t get me wrong here; I seem to be painting a rather negative picture, generating dread for this Full Moon. That’s not the whole story, but I put it out there because it seems a prominent theme—fessing up to addictive tendencies to cover up something painful, possibly traumatic.

At the root of it, this Full Moon brings to culmination and brings to light, aspects of our reality we don’t want to acknowledge. There’s a need for raw, uncensored honesty here, whatever that looks like for you. It may be some small thing, but whatever it is it should be dealt with truthfully by seeing it the way it actually is.

The Full Moon squares Mars, Ceres, Vesta and the North Node in Libra. This prominent conjunction points to relationships and the compromise needed to sustain them. Too often, we get into relationships because we feel that they’ll somehow fulfill something missing within us and we commit to others without understanding ourselves.

Eventually, the hormonal spell wears off and we’re left to deal with that void, usually projected onto the other person. Ceres and Vesta speak about nourishment and passion. Mars points toward directed and willful action.

How can we nourish others without first nourishing ourselves? How can we find passion in a relationship without first connecting with our own inner passion? When we place too many expectations on a relationship to fulfill our inner needs, we end up disappointed and sometimes angry that it isn't working out the way we desire.

The New Moon seed that was planted two weeks ago brought our attention to the need to recharge and connect with the soul energy. Now, that seed is culminating, bringing to light those desires and fears that block us from successfully integrating with the world.

Check in with your compulsions, what’s motivating them exactly? Instead of acting on the compulsion, sit with the thing you don’t want to feel. Go into it, acknowledge and nurture the void.  When other people aren’t cooperating or falling into alignment with your expectations, ask yourself whether there’s something you need to look at within yourself first.

The people in our lives are powerful mirrors of our internalized stuff. Look around at those you associate with daily, and see what they’re showing you. Sometimes a little solitude and self-reflection is all we need to get a clearer perspective. Capricorn’s highest expression is the mastery of desires, taming the beast within us and directing its energy toward some higher calling.

That’s certainly no small task, but we may get a taste of that process with this lunation in some way. When feeling angry or frustrated, it’s probably best to take a time out and check in with yourself first. That could save everyone from a lot of grief later on. 

Recharging The Soul: New Moon in Cancer 2014

Me (Chad) enjoying the sunset behind the distant mountains.
I wasn't really meditating, but it made for a good picture.
Mt. San Jacinto, Ca, 2010. Photo by Ashly Smith. 

New Moon @ 05 Cancer 37'
June 27, 2014
1:08 AM Pacific
4:08 AM Eastern

This month’s New Moon occurs in the tropical sign of Cancer, just proceeding the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. Thus, this lunation ushers in a new chapter, a marking point in the Sun’s annual cycle through the zodiac. Everything sentient takes notice of this change; we feel it mentally, emotionally and biologically.

Our cells know that something has shifted. If we listen carefully we might just  hear what they have to say about it. That might take some practice, but I think it’s possible. Here in the northern latitudes, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year; the Sun is at its highest ascent in the sky; it will never be as exalted in the heavens as it is on the day of this transition. It begins its descent at the Fall Equinox.

There is a climactic quality inherent to the Summer Solstice, a sprouting forth of energy and potential. With each solar cycle we are creating something, whether we’re conscious of it or not. When the Sun enters Cancer we’ll have some sense of foundation—of being rooted and grounded, ready to move forward with the full manifestation of that creation.

When the Sun and Moon conjoin in Cancer we may feel the urge to “withdraw” into the more intimate chasms of our personal life. That may manifest as a desire for more alone time—to reflect and connect with some deeply internalized process; or that may show up as a need to stay within a more close knit group of souls—tribe, kin or family.

The dark of the Moon in Cancer is intimate, but gentle. Cancer is a “sensitive” sign; it emphasizes feelings and transient moods. Like the perceptibly slow undulation of the ocean’s tides, Cancer is sign that amplifies the constant fluctuation of emotion.

Needless to say, our feelings and gut responses need much more attention at this time because we’re checking in with ourselves, fine tuning intuition and recharging our souls. Let that sink in a bit—the notion of feeding and nourishing the soul’s energy.

With Mercury retrograde in Gemini, the need for some time out, to step back and take in all the pieces, is greatly emphasized. While Gemini is all about the mind, disparate facts and logical conclusions, the power of this New Moon in Cancer draws us deeper into more sensitive and vulnerable territory.

Give the mind a break, and most of all, give yourself and your soul, some time out. Cancer, and by extension, the Moon, governs the enteric nervous system—which controls our digestive processes. Think of this New Moon as an opportunity to properly digest your life in some way.

Let all the elements sink in; absorb the complexities via osmosis as opposed to trying to sort them all out manually. If we get caught up in the extraneous stuff, we’re likely to experience the more negative side of Cancer—exaggerated emotionality or emotional isolation, feeling disconnected from the world and as a result, disconnected from our true nature, the soul’s energy.

In order for proper digestion to take place, we need to be in a more parasympathetic state—that is, we need to feel safe. Environmental stressors can wreak havoc on digestion, drastically slowing the process. Mercury retrograde reminds us that there’s no need to rush—that would be quite detrimental to the process.

Mercury turns direct on July 1, just three days after the New Moon. This opens up space for healing and integration. Within a few weeks we’ll be ready to take on the world. But for now, tune in and listen to your soul. A trine to the New Moon from Neptune in Pisces opens up channels to “higher” perceptions—ecstatic visions, spiritual insights and something transpersonal.

That transpersonal component may invite us to see beyond our own personal cocoon—to consider some larger sense of purpose. Whatever it is it will come to you with this lunation; there’s no need to go looking for it. The answers we seek now are to be found within us—in our bodies, in our souls. Sink in and find a comfortable, safe place you know well, if that’s possible.

If not, find that safe place within yourself—that well of abundant nourishment and joy. Remember what that feels like, what it does to your nervous system; and as the Moon continues in its waxing phase, try to hold on to that space and carry it forward as best as you can throughout the rest of the solar journey. 

Mars Direct in Libra: Taking the Reins

An original card from the tarot deck of
Jean Dodal of Lyon, a classic "Tarot of Marseilles" deck.
The deck dates from 1701-1715.

I'm excited to introduce Kosmic Mind's new guest writer, Elizabeth Michaud! Elizabeth will be writing in-between my lunation articles, whenever she feels compelled. I hope you enjoy the additional updates; I know I will.

For the rest of the month of June the astrological energy is offering up the chance to tap into our strength and direct our course with dynamic purpose. Mars, the planet of driving force, is moving forward through Libra, and getting our personal motors running as it makes its last contact with the Uranus/Pluto square.

Mars entered Libra last December, turned retrograde from March 1 through May 20, and is now building momentum as it chugs along in the cardinal air sign. Libra seeks harmony in relationships, but not codependency. It is the sign of balance-- meaning equal expression of personal desires while still meeting the needs of others. With Mars the Warrior transiting partnership-oriented Libra, this time period may have disrupted or reoriented the way we feel about the relationships we are in.

Perhaps we've wanted to protect or maintain something in our lives, but realize we can no longer play that role. Or maybe we've finally become aware of some part of ourselves that has been stifled or ignored-- and we see that it just isn't fair to hold back anymore. The idea that "that's just the way it is/I am" is no longer valid.  Whether in personal friendships, intimate bonds, or professional teams, there can be some tension as the planet that fights for "I" and "me" churns up the sign of "us."

Mars formed an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn this past Saturday, June 14, and will oppose Uranus in Aries on June 25. This potent T-square symbolizes a powerful opportunity to break away from old forms that no longer serve us, old skins that need to be shed in order for us to align with our inner truth. We are in a phase of transformative healing-- but Mars demands that we make the move.

It's important to be aware of this energy. It can feel like a pressure cooker as the planet of action ignites the revolutionary and destabilizing influences of Uranus and Pluto. If we can direct the passion to create what we want, rather than destroying what we fear, or lashing out in chaos and confusion, we will be harnessing the power of these transformative times. So steer wisely, be mindful of your vision, and aim high.

Elizabeth Michaud is a writer and astrologer based on the New England coast. She is a contributing writer and editor at Planet, and has been studying astrological cycles for 15 years.

A Wider Perception and What Really Matters: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2014

Yodo-gawa from Setsugekka, Snow, Moon and Flowers. A traditional concept that provided the subject for sets of paintings and prints by Ukiyo-e artists. Shows boats being hauled up the river, which flowed passed Osaka, under a full moon. Hokusai, circa 1833, via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 22 Sagittarius 06'
June 12, 2014 
9:11 PM Pacific
June 13, 2014
12:11 AM Eastern 

The current lunar cycle culminates on June 12/13 with a Full Moon in the tropical sign of Sagittarius. What is blossoming for you now? What great, gestating truth emerges into the light for you to embrace? It may be some small thing, but that does not negate its relevance by any means. 

With the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius, we come to a point of integration, a confrontation of the mind with the truths of a higher awareness.With a Full Moon in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis a truly profound, unfathomable awareness can now be mentally processed and integrated into a logical construct and form.

With Mercury retrograde in Cancer those intellectual filters are momentarily cast aside, widening intuition and empowering our gut responses. We are feeling and thinking in some new and different ways—opening doors and widening perception.

A square to the Full Moon axis from Chiron in Pisces opens up channels to numinous dimensions; but the “spiritual insights” it offers must be intentionally sought through the active pursuit of truth. Chiron’s awareness brings healing and integration to the mind, which may extenuate certain wounds or blocks that have stymied the flow of higher consciousness.

But the most poignant aspect present with this lunation is an exact opposition between Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Scorpio. As the Full Moon seeks to widen our field of perception, Venus and Saturn create yet another confrontation which may play itself out quite dynamically in certain relationships.

Venus and Saturn shed light on what really matters between those we are relating to. Once you cut away all the clutter and all the facades you wear for social appeasement, you’re left with the bare essentials: what keeps you connected and engaged with another soul.

It may be something “karmic”—that is, something unresolved or seemingly incomplete. Whatever we choose to call it, there’s “glue”, a gravitational force that attracts us toward others that is truly beyond conscious awareness.

Venus and Saturn ask us to get real about that cohesive bond, to look beyond intellectual rationalizations to see to the heart of the matter. That realization is something we simply feel, somatically. It’s simple and primal. It doesn’t need to be analyzed to death.

While the Gemini influx is strong now, the Full Moon’s power momentarily supersedes the mind’s grip on awareness--broadening its reach in ways that doesn’t overpower it. Sagittarius seeks to break free of limiting routines and beliefs that keep us stuck in a rut.

Perhaps that urge for freedom manifests in our relationships. Perhaps it manifests as a desire to expand our personal worldview, or modify some theoretical framework. Maybe we see something from a broader vantage point, opening up space for acceptance of what is and an anticipation of what could be.

As this Full Moon culminates remember that what you know is limited. What you see is always filtered, but we’re always given what we can handle. We see only what we can deal with. There is a need to jump off a precipice and take a leap of faith on some level, but don’t take that literally.

There is a need to exercise caution with this lunation, because Sagittarius’ fiery passion can sometimes go to extremes. It can break off more than it can chew. Too much awareness can be overwhelming, sometimes perilous.

Too much enthusiasm can lead to regrettable mistakes. Mercury’s retrograde cycle reminds us to take our time to process and integrate whatever we’re working on. Remember that as you navigate this terrain

Open Hearts, Open Minds: Mercury Retrograde In Cancer/Gemini 2014

Guido Bonatti, De Astronomia Libri X
(Basel, Nicolaus Pruknerus, 1550)
Stationary Retrograde: June 7 @ 3 Cancer 10'

Stationary Direct: July 1 @ 24 Gemini 23' 

Mercury is about to turn retrograde on June 7. That flighty, witty and lightning fast archetype is coming to a standstill and changing directions. While we’re likely still recovering from Mars’ retrograde through Libra and its dynamic interaction with the Uranus/Pluto square, Mercury gives us a chance to reflect and reexamine.

All this retrograde activity often results in a profound shift of energy in our personal lives. The most reliable attribute of any retrograde (from an inner or outer planet) is this “shifting of the tides”. That usually manifests as a rerouting of our focus and attention—sometimes altering our life path in quite significant ways.

We may feel more reflective during a retrograde; we may also find ourselves forming a connection to the past, to something unresolved or incomplete. This is why many astrologers advise us to refrain from embarking on new territory at these times; there may be some loose ends that need to be tidied up first; though this is not to be treated as dogma.

When we’re dealing with Mercury, we’re playing with a highly mutable energy. Things are never so black and white in Mercury’s realm; the world is an ever changing reality. Congruent with this mutable nature, Mercury will retrograde through two signs this cycle: Cancer and Gemini.

Mercury will spend about 19 days retrograde in Cancer as it gradually shifts gears. Cancer, a sign we associate with the Moon, adds more emphasis to the tidal influence of this process, this shifting of the tides. Cancer is a realm of feelings while Gemini a realm of thoughts.

This switch from emotion to mind lends itself to a reexamination of our feelings, and then a focus on what we think about it. Obviously, astrology is more multidimensional than that, but that simple phrase sums things up quite well.

While Mercury is in Cancer, thoughts take on a fluid-like quality, feelings and subjective impressions override logical and analytical processes. Mercury retrograde through Cancer can feel rather nostalgic, as well as allowing for a reconnection to our basic feelings and inclinations.

Ask yourself how you really feel about anything that comes up. Really explore that feeling or reaction more than you usually would. Reconsider your basic needs and ask yourself whether they’re being met effectively. Mercury retrograde in Cancer can open us up to feelings we may have held back, allowing us to process and integrate deeply embedded emotional material.

Mercury retrogrades into Gemini on June 18—shifting from the heart and back to the mind. It’s a rather curious thing that Mercury retrogrades often correlate with a process of retracing our steps. Keep that in mind as Mercury moves back into Gemini. Keep your mind open to missing bits of information you may have left behind, or unresolved communications reemerging to be clarified.

And consider that Gemini, the purest zodiacal representation of duality, tends to consider multiple perspectives. As I stated above, things are never so black and white in Mercury’s realm (and by extension, Gemini’s too).  

Intuitive and emotional insights can be properly analyzed when Mercury dips back into Gemini. We are being gifted an opportunity to see things from a renewed perspective, to learn something we didn’t know before. This requires an open heart and an open mind.

Of course, we can’t forget the other aspect of Mercury retrograde. Yes, shit happens. It’s hard to explain sometimes. Though I believe everything in life is symbolic of some “higher” process, sometimes Mercruy, the trickster, likes to keep us baffled. So as usual, Mercury retrograde is going to keep us on our toes.

Technical or mechanical breakdowns, changes in plans, delays or cancellations can be expected. This is just a common side effect of Mercury retrograde. But the breakdown is a part of the process.  Perhaps that problem with your car is simply a reflection of what’s going on deep within you.

But Mercury doesn't just leave us hanging. If we’re persistent and open to new ways of doing things, a solution is likely to be found—but perhaps in the most unexpected of places. Also, be cautious of signing important contracts, making big business decisions and purchasing electronic devices or appliances—especially anything costly.

Take your time over the next three weeks. This is a time for processing and integration. The tides are changing, and they bring new realities to our shores. What we’re usually blind to suddenly takes on a dynamic presence in our field of vision.

What wasn’t apparent may suddenly become blindingly obvious. Sink deep, reflect and reexamine your mind and emotions this retrograde cycle. Embrace any and all inclinations toward introspection and self-analysis. This is a natural time to tune in and check in. Like the tides, we are changing, fluctuating, growing and expanding. 

Transcend the Prison of Perception: New Moon in Gemini 2014

Gemini by Johfra Bosschart

New Moon @ 7 Gemini 21'
May 28, 2014
2:40 PM Pacific
11:40 AM Eastern

Perception is a tricky thing. Our eyes can be rather convincing; yet, we know (from science and mysticism alike) that the world of our senses isn’t quite what it appears to be. Gemini symbolizes the root and foundation of our mundane, human perception. Mercury, a planet we associate with this sign, symbolizes the mind in its pure archetypal form.

For the most part, Gemini revels in this illusion that encapsulates consciousness. That doesn’t mean it is incapable of seeing beyond it, but that it can work with the illusion and master all the dynamics within it. The mind, while limiting our awareness to some extent, allows us to filter out the noise and focus on a very specific wavelength.

For us, the denizens of third density, that is an essential thing. Who could function in the world otherwise? An unfiltered perception would be like an endless psychedelic trip. I don’t think we could survive for very long in such a state.

While we know that we perceive only a small fraction of reality, we have the ability to become specialists of this fragment before us. In a way, as humans, that gives us some advantage over beings with more limited awareness than ourselves.

But those “lesser evolved” species have equally mastered their own niches in quite extraordinary ways. A dog’s sense of smell, for example, is truly beyond our comprehension.  There are many examples of this throughout nature. So sometimes, a limitation can be turned to an advantage.

Gemini is a mutable sign. That means that our perception can change. As our knowledge of reality increases so too does our awareness. We suddenly see things so clearly that once evaded us entirely. As scientific discoveries unveil ever wider perceptions of the world, our daily lives begin to change, the mundane becomes permanently altered.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Gemini, it sheds light on our awareness. It plants the seeds of an evolving and ever changing perception of the world. That requires the use of the mind, to compare and contrast old and new paradigms of perception.

Gemini’s ephemeral nature allows for the expeditious processing of information. When Gemini is active in the collective psyche, information is the most coveted of all things--for Gemini seeks knowledge, and knowledge gives a sense of dominion over the chaotic world around us.

That flighty, ever curious quality inherent to Gemini will be ubiquitous as this lunation develops. That means, perhaps, an increase of distractions. As we focus the mind on one thing, something else, more interesting, pops up, inviting us to investigate. So, in usual Gemini fashion, this lunation is likely to lend itself to a sense of restless curiosity and fascination with the world (the illusion).

And if there was ever a time to realize the ever changing nature of perception, this would be it. An exceptionally close square from Neptune in Pisces to this lunation greatly challenges our collective and individual perceptions.

While Gemini and Mercury seek facts and knowledge to create a seamless and stable perception of reality, Neptune and Pisces seek quite the opposite: a perception that transcends and dissolves the world of our senses. So there is a quality of intense uncertainty surrounding this New Moon.

It invites us to utilize caution as we acquire more knowledge and awareness, because Neptune in Pisces indicates that there is far more to our reality than we may realize. There is the risk of complete deception. Fact checking is in order here. The mind, eager to make rational sense of things, can often miss critical elements, much to its detriment.

Because, for the most part, we only see what we want to see; we see only what we know. But what we know is always limited, and so Neptune invites us to perceive a much vaster field of awareness. So don’t hastily come to any conclusions with this New Moon.

When confronted with new information, make the effort to go deeper and see beyond the superficial. Mercury’s encroaching retrograde is also a reminder to refrain from “jumping the gun”, so to speak. It’s back track through Cancer/Gemini (beginning June 7) will allow for a reorientation of our awareness and a tightening up of loose ends.

So take your time to stop, pause and consider what’s presented before you. Don’t just settle for the most logical and rational explanation. Neptune urges us to realize that there’s something more to the picture, something we may not fully comprehend, but something from which we can at least gain a modicum of understanding from.

Mercury, the “ruler” of Gemini, is out of bounds alongside this lunation--which relates to something called declination, or a planet’s apparent altitude compared to other planets when viewed in the sky. It’s a more third dimensional view of astrology, which takes it beyond the two dimensional perception of the horoscope on paper.

Quite simply put, when a planet is “out of bounds”; it is beyond the Sun’s highest ascent in the sky. It is beyond the reign and grasp of the “king” (the Sun), the gravitas of the solar system. It is free to express itself in ways it wouldn’t dare to otherwise.

Often the expression of an out of bounds planet is quite Uranian in nature, in that it tends to defy the accepted ways of doing things. Because Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, is out of bounds, we are invited, more than ever, to truly think outside the box. In fact, we’re invited to utterly transcend it, if not completely dissolve it.

There may be a feeling that our limited awareness is more akin to a prison--that the mundane perception is somehow overwhelmingly stifling. Trust that feeling, because this lunation is creating the opportunity for a mental prison break. 

That process is just beginning, as I said, and the seeds are being planted with this New Moon. Lastly, this New Moon makes a trine to Mars, now slowly and surely moving direct. That provides a jolt of mental momentum, and the confidence to ponder things outside the accepted paradigm.

Muster up some courage and challenge your own perception—truly look beyond what you see before you. The energy is readily available, and the tides are truly shifting now. Mercury’s retrograde will help us to rework our newfound awareness so that it fits perfectly into our ever evolving perception. 

The Poison is the Medicine: Full Moon in Scorpio 2014

King Scorpion, detail from his mace head. Oxford Asmolean Museum.
Photo by Udimu, Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 23 Scorpio 55'
May 14, 2014
3:16 PM Eastern
12:16 PM Pacific

The much anticipated cardinal grand cross has come and gone, though we are likely to feel its effects well into the month of May. The world didn’t end, the economy didn’t collapse, and aliens didn’t return to proclaim the truth of human origins. Well, at least we didn’t hear about it. 

But, this was by no means a non-event. April brought a high precedence of earth changes like we’ve never seen before. In fact, believe it or not, April was the most seismically active month in recorded history, with 13 major earthquakes shaking several regions across the globe.

Five of the 13 quakes were a 7.8 magnitude and higher—including an 8.2 that rocked Chile on April 1. This is really quite remarkable given the fact that such severe quakes generally occur once or twice a month.The cardinal energy seems to radiate throughout the world, expressing itself in some profound and dynamic ways. 

If you have planets situated in the direct line of fire (about 12-16 degrees of all cardinal signs, i.e. Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) you may have felt the full force of the event in your personal life. The cardinal energy is all about action and initiation—exemplifying the power of the will.

But with Mars retrograde, the floodgates were likely held back a bit; though that doesn’t mean that some big changes didn’t actually take place. Earth changes are a reflection of shifts in higher (and lower) densities or realities. Earthquakes are symbolic of changing, shifting foundations and infrastructures.

Economically speaking, the vast majority of the population isn’t privy to what’s really going on or about to happen. We’re usually the last to know, when it’s far too late to do anything to stop it.

So, let’s not write this event off and subjugate it to the realm of failed astrological predictions. In fact, the biggest, most significant changes happen within each of us. They’re incredibly personal. Since all separation is an illusion, personal change is just as significant (if not more so) than collective change.

Anyway, if you’re reading this, you’ve survived the main event of 2014, fully intact (or so I hope). Perhaps you lost a limb or two, but at least you can still read and operate a computer (It’s the 21st century, those are pertinent skills).

We’ve also safely passed the eclipse passageway. That portal to accelerated change and transformation has closed. This month’s Full Moon slams it shut, until next time. How has the past month affected you?

How have you changed? How has your life changed? Are you stronger, wiser? If the answer is yes, then you’ve successfully harnessed this energy into your personal life. If the answer is no, you may be clinging to something well outworn.

Most of the time change is voluntary. Astrology doesn’t really guarantee anything. We have free will and astrology is simply a guide to its ideal usage. What it does guarantee is the appearance of circumstances, desires or opportunities that invite us to do something with the energy provided. But ultimately, the choice is ours in the end.

This month’s Full Moon takes place in the sign of Scorpio, and yes, conjoins that frightening corner of the zodiac occupied by Saturn. In other words, this Full Moon sits next to the planet Saturn in the tropical sign of Scorpio. Cue the ominous music.

Well, it does look ominous. I mean, Saturn (the greater malefic) conjunct the mysterious Moon in the sign represented by a stinging arachnid. You can’t help but conjure up disturbing, uncomfortable images from that one. But fear not, as we will see, all things can be harnessed toward a much higher road.

Scorpio literally means to pierce, to unveil. A scorpion is a rather fitting symbol to represent that process; although the more archaic representation of Scorpio was actually a serpent. Archetypically speaking, venomous creatures (arachnids, reptiles, insects, etc.) often symbolize the emergence of a remedy, a medicinal substance that will lead us toward transformation.

The venom, the sting, is the medicine. It symbolizes what we need to move past failing circumstances. While the bite or sting may be unpleasant initially, if we survive, we’ve crossed a significant threshold; we’ve entered into a new realm.

In a way, Scorpio symbolizes a deeply spiritual and alchemical process. It symbolizes the desire to merge with something larger than our own personal power. The infusion is often overwhelming, and sometimes devastating or deadly. But with Scorpio, there’s always a risk involved.

That’s the nature of the beast. To become something more than we are, we have to take a leap. We have to defy our fears and face the unknown in some formidable way. The Full Moon culminating here symbolizes the blossoming of a leap we’ve already made or have been intending.

Saturn and the Moon aren’t terribly compatible planets. In fact, they symbolize two highly antithetical yet complimentary archetypes. But with the conjunction, we have a fusion of two elements—two ends of a spectrum: nurturance and tough love.  

That fusion is likely to feel a bit uncomfortable. If we take it too seriously, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by a sense of depression, even despair. That’s the disclaimer on this one. But, a water grand trine formed by the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron creates a wellspring of (potential) deep emotional healing.
Feel your way through this one; connect deeply with your inner guide and intuition. All that cardinal energy, all that moving and shaking, takes a bit of a break with the fluid, psychic and intuitive energy that permeates the collective with this Scorpio Full Moon.

Be mindful of getting swept away by emotions, overtaken by real or imagined fears. This Full Moon may have the advantage of illuminating the darker corners of the psyche, allowing us to glimpse into places we are usually reluctant to gaze—to ultimately find a place of healing, to discover the remedy that can lead us further along the path of evolution.

Venus is approaching a conjunction with Uranus alongside this Full Moon and will be exactly square Pluto. This could represent some intense friction and tension within relationships. Venus in Aries conjunct Uranus seeks freedom, personal space and adventure.

Pluto’s square from Capricorn can incite power struggles from those threatened by another’s need for more room and independence; but again, there may be a need to take a risk, a need to go deeper and explore some dynamics within a relationship that are stifling personal growth.

But if such power struggles turn physical, it may be wise to step aside and let things cool down and unwind as the Moon gradually wanes over the next two weeks.

With Mars’ retrograde cycle winding down, that catalytic cardinal energy isn’t as intense as it normally would be. We are likely tying up loose ends with the processes we began less than three months ago (possibly in relation to relationships we’ve revived or are currently involved with).

But this Full Moon doesn’t bring things to a standstill by any means. It invites us to do some deep and possibly intense inner, emotional work. Allow this Full Moon to illuminate what’s real and help you see what you need to heal. While sometimes uncomfortable, these energies allow us to clear away what no longer works, to embrace something fresh, new and exciting.

Things may still be pending which is perfectly natural with Mars’ stationing direct; but we can really get clear here about some very important and critical elements within our lives, if we’re open and receptive to the process. Don’t fear the dark; you are the light that will illuminate the unknown and the forgotten.  All things can be transmuted; all darkness can be used for healing and transformation. 

Beyond Stasis: Annular Solar Eclipse In Taurus 2014

The Sun beaming through a canopy of Oak
Trees. Photo by Chad Woodward, Murrieta,
Ca, 2010.

Annular Solar Eclipse @ 08 Taurus 52’
April 28, 2014
11:14 PM Pacific
April 29, 2014
2:14 AM Eastern

Life is a little different during eclipse season. Things have an unusual hue; something mysterious seems to lurk behind appearances. We may find ourselves traveling some new terrain at these times, and quickly moving past obstacles that once hindered us on our path.

That’s all good news, right? As long as we consciously work with these passages and make the appropriate changes necessary we will find them much less frightening to deal with. When we resist the flow of change that the eclipse tends to bring about, we feel the weight of these events much more profoundly and often something from the external forces us to change in quite uncomfortable ways.

With the cardinal grand cross heating up this month, which peaked mid-month just after the previous Lunar Eclipse, we are unlikely to stay stuck here. The cardinal energy is hard to resist, it urges us to get up and move toward our desires, goals and objectives.

But, Taurus is a fixed sign. That means that it’s more set in its ways. Taurus likes consistency, security and predictability. So what happens when an eclipse (a symbol of change) occurs in this solid and dependable zodiac sign? Well, fixed patterns need to be adjusted.

Since this is a south nodal eclipse, there is more focus on letting go of the past and shedding things we have outgrown. Taurus deals with physical security, so think of this as a good time for a garage sale after you've cleaned out the closet. This may also be symbolic of a deep emotional and physical cleansing.

So, with Taurus, we are likely to feel the urge to break free of safety nets that are holding us back from further growth. There is the sense that things cannot continue in their safe, predictable ways. That doesn't mean that everything has to go, but merely those elements that have outlived their usefulness and are no longer working as they once did.

Taurus is also an earth sign; it has grounding, condensing and solidifying qualities. A powerful eclipse in this earthy sign can bring our attention and focus toward the earth, to practical affairs that support our self-worth. This is a time to connect with what matters the most to you and to look within for clues. Reflect deeply on what you really want, not what everyone else wants for you.

A Solar Eclipse is an amplified New Moon, the start of a new lunar cycle. While the eclipse energy can be intense, bringing about a rapid series of developments, Taurus likes to take its time. That’s a bit contradictory, but imagine these changes evolving and developing over an extended period of time.

Mercury conjoins this Eclipse. That’s not particularly unusual since Hermes likes to travel close to its solar companion. But whenever Mercury is prominent, there’s new information coming in, sometimes a new perspective that may be rather jostling but potentially awakening us to something we were blind to before.

In Taurus, think simple. Mercury in Taurus favors the simplicity of the Tao, ancient wisdom that says a lot without saying very much. Keep your mind tuned to subtle advice from the most unexpected sources. It’s like humbling yourself to learn profound things from a child, or someone perhaps not so intellectually savvy.

So a key to navigating this Taurean Solar Eclipse is to embrace a sense of mindfulness, to take a moment to ground and center yourself and approach the world consciously, conscious of every action and spoken word. If there ever was a time to think before you speak, this would be it. Let go of your preconceived notions about what is or isn't possible.

Open your mind to the possibility that there may be more to the picture than you currently see. It may actually be a lot more simplistic than you have allowed yourself to imagine. Over-thinking things will likely lead to a dead end; embrace the simplistic solution that lies just beneath the surface layer of conscious awareness.

The eclipse also makes a quincunx to Mars retrograde in Libra, which means that when we’re faced with the challenge of having to integrate our own values with those of others, take the higher road. That is, make love not war. The quincunx is not easily resolved, but consciously making adjustments where needed can help negate the irritating quality inherent to this aspect.

Neptune makes a sextile to the Eclipse, bringing in the numinous, imaginative, spiritual and ideal. This could be a potentially creative and artistic Eclipse, where inspiration appears to be available without much effort on our part. Take this opportunity to tune in and connect on a much deeper level—first to yourself and then to those around you. 

A sextile from Jupiter allows us to change while maintaining a connection to our roots, to retain our center of comfort and stability. These sextiles also lend a helping hand, providing spiritual and emotional support if needed.

Allow this eclipse to be a point of integration. April was a pretty intense month astrologically speaking, and while every eclipse demands some kind of shift of focus, direction and priority, Taurus can help to bring it all together into a more unified and solid whole.

One other side note. With Mars retrograde the collective energy is slowly moving beyond stasis. That doesn't mean we're not compelled to move forward, but rather we're more likely retracing our steps--strengthening and solidifying paths we previously laid for ourselves and contemplating the results.

You’re probably not the same person you were when the month began. Of course we change, subtly, each and every day, but moments like these are truly rare in their manifestation, and the rapid changes they tend to bring about within us are truly profound. When in doubt, find your center. Locate the still-point within; once you have that, you’ll be unstoppable.

Nourishing Self, Nourishing Others: Total Lunar Eclipse In Libra 2014

In Roman Mythology, Ceres was the
goddess of grain, fertility, agriculture,
and motherly relationships. Statue of
Ceres, Rome, Italy. Photo by
Yellowcat, via Wikimedia Commons.

Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon @ 25 Libra 16’
April 15, 2014
12:42 AM Pacific
3:43 AM Eastern

This month’s Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra. That means that we are entering eclipse season this month; and that’s yet another reason April is such a significant month, as it correlates with the peak of the cardinal grand cross involving Mars retrograde, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter.

Those are some pretty heavy omens compressed into a very short period of time. So what does it all mean? Should we hide under our beds until this whole thing passes over? You could do that, but you’d probably miss out on some truly transformative and creative energy.

It is times like these that we’re called into action (literally, due to the cardinal energy) to make some changes in our lives. Yet, that word, change, gets thrown around quite a bit these days. What does it actually mean? Is the world really changing? Isn’t it always?

Yes, it’s true; each and every day is different than the day before. So what makes this period of time more unique than any other, since change is a ubiquitous presence lest we all die from the stranglehold of stagnation? I suppose the answer is that we’re in the middle of very rapid and intense changes, where things begin moving much more quickly and at an accelerated rate.

At least that’s what this month is likely to feel like, or has felt like already. In fact, this cardinal energy has been active ever since 2010 and really started heating up in 2012. One “side effect” of the Uranus and Pluto square is a sense of time acceleration—that is, the perception that time is speeding up and that events are unfolding faster than we can keep up with.

We may equally feel like we’re being pulled in many directions, since literally each planet occupies four different and conflicting signs. We may find ourselves expending energy in a multitude of life arenas, which can be a healthy expression of this energy unless we find that we are somehow overextending ourselves.

So, taking action is all well and good, and truly supported by this cardinal energy. In fact, this month’s catalytic modus operandi is likely to drown out the more subtle and inwardly oriented nature of the eclipses, which makes them a bit more challenging to interpret.

But, another aspect of eclipses is….yes, you guessed it, change! Eclipses signify brief yet impactful moments in time where personal growth is accelerated; inviting us to push through barriers that once intimidated us. These are moments that offer us the opportunity to move on into new realms.

With Mars retrograde, we are in the process of reinventing ourselves, as well as strengthening and supporting many facets of our lives. We’re also in the process of reorienting ourselves on the current timeline we travel. All this energy comes to a peak mid-month, just as eclipse season begins with this truly interesting and powerful Lunar Eclipse.

So with that all said and clarified, let’s take a look at this eclipse. As I said before, the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) occurs in the sign of Libra, where apparently a lot is going down. Yes, that’s the same sign as Mars’ current retrograde cycle. While the Eclipse doesn’t exactly make contact with Mars (unless you stretch the orb quite a bit, which is technically appropriate for the Sun or Moon), it is still highlighting this sign and thus drawing attention to this dynamic cycle.

In fact, we could say that this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Libra is in many ways a culmination point of the current Mars retrograde cycle (though technically, the peak of Mars retrograde occurred on April 8, with the opposition of Mars and Sun). That means that whatever you’ve been focused on (reinventing yourself, strengthening some component of your life) is likely to reach some kind of climax alongside this lunation. Because it is an Eclipse, this culmination is greatly amplified more so than usual.

This eclipse also conjoins the North Node (currently ingressed into Libra) as well as two asteroid goddesses, Ceres and Vesta, with an opposition to the asteroid/goddess Juno. First, let’s deal with Libra. We all know that Libra is the relationship archetype of the zodiac. So, quite simply, Libra deals with issues of interrelating, connection, negotiating and reflecting (that is, seeing your inner content reflected in another).

When Libra is highlighted, we’re invited to see things through the eyes of another—to walk in their shoes, so to speak. We’re making concessions, compromises and adjustments to accommodate the viewpoints of those we are relating to. Libra is also a sign that seeks to “beautify”; to makes things more harmonious, balanced and stable and is thus associated with homeostasis.

The North Node points to a suggestion for growth and change. It may feel like our “destiny”, or some demanding desire we must fulfill. Collectively, the North Node in Libra is urging us to grow most significantly through new forms of interrelating. This requires constant and conscious communication, as well as the need to ask for feedback and insight.

The presence of Ceres and Vesta brings to us a critical question: Are we being properly nourished in our relationships? Vesta can also bring in the theme of sexual nourishment—since Vesta deals with sex as a sacred act of service to another, beyond self-fulfilling pleasure.

Sexual nourishment is different than merely “getting off”. It’s the conscious exchange of energy between two people that leaves both deeply satisfied as well as energized. Ceres, known as Demeter in Greek mythology, is an Earth goddess, and deals with themes surrounding the food supply as well as painful and difficult emotions  surrounding loss (from her association to the underworld and the kidnapping of her daughter, Persephone).

So this is a rather powerful eclipse which pulls in many heavy themes. Food and sex may be of significance here, inviting us to assess our relationship to how we nourish ourselves and how we nourish others. This may be a time to reflect upon these issues and see what insights emerge.

Juno’s opposition to the Eclipse again pulls in the theme of partnership—since Juno often points to the joys and challenges inherent within relationships. Juno places emphasis on what we need in a partnership as opposed to what we idealize. Thus, we have another powerful theme coming to light and into awareness through this climactic Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse.

What must you unveil and uncover related to your relationships with this eclipse? What do you need to do to maintain balance in your partnerships, so that both sides are deeply nourished and nurtured? How can you express your sexuality in a healthy way, so that neither person is drained or taken advantage of?

The eclipse energy tends to draw our attention much deeper than usual, to look beyond the façade of reality into what really matters. Juno invites us to reflect on what is essential for a partnership. Are we lacking close connections in our life? Is there a desire for deeper connections? Alternatively, do we have too many superficial connections, do we need to cut back and focus on those relationships that mean the most to us?

Venus conjunct Neptune puts the focus on our idealized relationships versus what is closer to reality. Be careful and discerning with this energy as we may find ourselves seeing only what we want to see in another. As the eclipse heats up, we may find our bubble has burst, leaving us disenchanted or confused.

Uranus conjunct Mercury seeks to shock us into a new awareness and perception of the world. We may find this energy channeled through conversations that serve to break up stagnation and to get things moving. Sudden, shocking or revelatory insights and ideas may also coincide with this eclipse.

Pluto turns stationary retrograde the day before the eclipse, drawing us again much deeper than usual, into the underworld to uncover what has been subjugated or disregarded. This is an interesting side note, since Ceres is conjunct the Moon at the time of the eclipse. This may be a time of deep healing and acceptance of something we have lost or something we were forced to let go of in the past.

Come through this eclipse passageway consciously and carefully. While the cardinal energy urges us to take action, which we must do in some way, use the peak of the eclipse as a more reflective moment to consider what you need to do exactly. Also be mindful of amplified emotional responses, so common during a Lunar Eclipse. What you don’t deal with consciously may erupt in more unfavorable ways.

All of this energy (the cardinal grand cross and two eclipses this month) can feel a little intense and overwhelming. On a purely mundane level, these events can foreshadow many catalytic changes in the political arena, as well as many earth changes (earthquakes and anomalous weather). While all this is a possibility, it’s no reason to go into hiding or to avoid the world; just be prepared for the unexpected should it arrive.

Remember that the outer world is simply a mirror of our own inner process. This may sound a little egocentric, as if the whole world is purely reflecting you, which is true, but not entirely true. The whole world is reflecting itself, mirroring the face of god/goddess. It’s true that all desires separate us from oneness, but accept where you are and work to consciously exhaust them.

The Cardinal On-ramp: New Moon In Aries 2014

Photo by Chad Woodward,
Temecula, Ca 2012
New Moon @ 9 Aries 59
March 30, 2014
11:45 AM Pacific
2:45 PM Eastern

The astrological New Year has arrived and the New Moon in Aries helps to further solidify the new solar cycle. Aries is a sign of action and forward momentum. As a cardinal sign, Aries seeks to conquer new, uncharted frontiers.

 A New Moon brings a fresh new process into focus, and occurring in this catalytic zodiac sign, we are each presented with a clean slate, a blank canvas from which we can choose to create something fresh and original.

The desire for something new and unique finds further reinforcement from Uranus, conjunct the New Moon. As a planet that thrives on breaking routines and firmly entrenched conditioning, Uranus invites us to break free of anything holding us back from further evolutionary growth.

Whatever that means for you, however drastic or subtle, this New Moon urges us to step out into the unknown and to pave the way for some new direction. This lunation serves as a powerful launching pad that will carry us steadily toward any desired destination. But the path toward that end will be anything but a cakewalk.

The conjunction of Sun and Moon finds itself in the midst of the precarious cardinal axis--precarious because a conjunction with Uranus means a square to Pluto and Jupiter. That’s a lot of tension; we can view this New Moon as an onramp, preparing us for the dramatic and climactic grand cross to occur mid-April.

This astrologically historical alignment is anything but subtle. It demands our attention and participation. It urges us to consciously take part in the collective processing of a grand scale reformation. On a personal level, we must channel this desire for epic change into our lives in some way. Otherwise, we may experience the more “negative” projections emanating from the external environment, forcing change upon us.

If you’ve already taken the steps necessary to induce this change in some way, then consider this New Moon a reinforcing influence that will help further your objectives. While squares symbolize incredible friction, especially when involved in a t-square formation (as we see with this lunation), they equally symbolize the impetus to take action so that life can move on in new directions.

The combination of cardinal energy, the pioneering nature of Aries and the catalytic power of these square aspects, produces a lunation that’s certainly hard to ignore or overlook. But with this energy slowly building, we have already heard the call to action, especially those of us with significant planets or placements within the cardinal axis (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn).

Mars, the ruler of Aries, retrograde in Libra adds more significance to this rare and unique moment in time. Mars’ two year retrograde cycles often coincide with specific developments that grow and unfold with each retrograde cycle. Look around at the events unfolding in your life as well as the people you’re involved with.

There may be a sense of familiarity or continuity of events that have unfolded over the past few years and as much as there is a strong sense of newness accompanying this New Moon, there is more of a rejuvenation of things that we have already put into motion. With Mars retrograde, we’re also invited to more consciously assess our choices, actions and decisions more carefully—particularly encompassing the views and perspectives of others.

With that said, consciously take a ride on this onramp upward toward your higher goals and objectives. Shake something up, break out of the mold in some way. Uranus and Aries urge us to fearlessly face the unknown and to make a dynamic impact. Follow this energy wherever it leads you, because new life is on its way. 

The Virgo Full Moon and the Astrological New Year

Corn Poppy in a field of wheat. Photo by 3268zauber.
Full Moon @ 26 Virgo 02'
March 16, 2014
10:08 AM Pacific
1:08 PM Eastern

The Full Moon in Virgo occurs just days before the Sun enters Aries, initiating the astrological New Year. Each lunar cycle comes to culmination when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other. This climactic lunar event arrives once a month (usually), and something in our life is quite often brought to a head in synch with this cycle.

The buildup of energy fills the air and alongside the Equinox there’s a powerful sense of new life erupting into consciousness, but with Mars retrograde in Libra new life is brought to the past.  We may find ourselves redefining and rejuvenating old relationships and commitments previously established. Mars retrograde in Libra allows us to strengthen and support those connections we thought were outworn or beyond repair.

Changes of direction and focus are also common during this time. Anticipate a change in plans or an alteration of specific goals. Virgo, a mutable earth sign, is practically focused but flexible. While concerned with the details of any game plan, Virgo isn’t a sign that stubbornly clings to outmoded strategies. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is one of Virgo’s strong points.

Thus, this Full Moon is quite conducive to peering effortlessly into any flaws in your current strategy and making modifications where appropriate. A supportive sextile from Saturn to the Full Moon and a trine to the Sun, provides a tone of seriousness and discipline to this lunation, one that assists in cutting away the clutter and getting to the heart of what’s essential for the successful execution of your goals, plans and objectives.

With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo, there’s also a strong sense of idealism—a desire to match our visions with reality. With Saturn’s help, we may find the assistance needed to more closely align ourselves with those lofty objectives. With the momentum provided by the Sun’s zodiacal renewal, a strong sense of determination may just carry us through.

A Full Moon in Virgo can bring to culmination health, healing and work related processes. Virgo is a sign that is deeply concerned with continual improvement--perfecting, cleansing and organizing. Take advantage of this potent Virgoan energy which can assist in creating more order in our lives and in our environment, but also be mindful of getting too carried away; Virgo’s ideals can sometimes overwhelm, leading to an obsession with perfection.  

The Aries Point: The Astrological New Year

Horoscope for the Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2014
@ 12:57 PM Pacific, 9:57 AM Eastern.

In the northern hemisphere, the Sun’s ingress into Aries (March 20) coincides with the Spring Equinox. In the southern hemisphere, the Fall Equinox signals the Sun’s gradual, annual demise. But either way, from the astrological perspective, the Sun’s movement into Aries initiates the start of a new solar cycle; it renews its sojourn around the zodiac from our geocentric perspective.

This, the astrological New Year, is a prime time for setting intentions or “resolutions” for the cycle ahead. It is a powerful moment that gives greater weight and legitimacy to our ability to change and direct our lives alongside the universe. Use this opportunity to get clear about what you want to accomplish over the next 12 months; you may choose to write out statements of intention or to get creative through visual illustrations.

The horoscope for the Equinox features a striking t-square configuration involving Uranus conjunct the asteroid Juno square Pluto and Jupiter. The chart erected for any seasonal transition forecasts subtle archetypal themes that may have prominence over the coming cycle. Juno’s involvement indicates the prominence of relationships—a theme given further credence through Mars’ retrograde cycle through Libra and conjunction to the North Node at this time.

Astrologers associate Juno with the concept of marriage and tend to use it as a descriptor of the partner one actually needs as opposed to what one idealizes. Put simply, Juno is a symbol of marriage and relationship and all the joys and challenges that they embody.

In the midst of significant tension from the t-square, Juno conjunct Uranus in the freedom seeking sign of Aries, indicates that this solar cycle may ignite significant pressure to break free of limiting bonds or to take the steps necessary to induce change within our relationships.

But relationships are not simply limited to the bonds we share with other people. In fact, our external relationships are merely reflections of the relationship we have with ourselves. Thus, the next 12 months may prove to be a catalytic period of time that may greatly alter our most intimate connection within that will have a residual effect on our external connections.

If there were any intention that we should really embrace this astrological New Year, it would be the conscious improvement of our relationships, to ourselves and to others. Anticipate sudden and unexpected events to shake things up in our current relations, or a spark that ignites a deeper commitment and connection with those relationships that have been sitting on the back burner. 

Kosmic Horizon: March 2014

Photo by Neil Herbert.
The month begins with Mars turning retrograde in the topical sign of Libra. All this retrograde activity at the start of the year serves to move us into new realms of activity as many things have probably shifted quite dramatically over the past three months. Mars turning retrograde signifies the beginning of yet another shift of reality and perception. Only this time we’re dealing with issues of willpower and the initiation of desires.

Similar to Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde can have a significant “karmic” aspect to its nature. Events seem more “fated” and synchronistic than usual during these cycles. We sometimes meet fairly significant people who seem somewhat familiar, or who end up having some kind of impact on our lives. These relationships grow, develop or come to an end in synch with future cycles.

We may feel like things are going backwards, yet we also find ourselves moving forward in new directions, rerouted from our preconceived course of action. Because of this, we’re taken into new realms of life experience and many things begin to change.

Mars retrograde permeates the atmosphere this month but will continue on until May. We will sense new beginnings this month, but this will likely be the opening of a new chapter within situations that have already solidified. In other words, we’re likely to experience the beginning of a new phase of development in relation to past situations.

The Spring Equinox occurs this month as the Sun moves into the tropical sign of Aries. This, the astrological New Year, brings about a sense of renewal—a time for setting intentions or resolutions for the new solar cycle.

As stated, March 1 begins at the onset of Mars’ retrograde cycle in Libra. This is a time to strengthen and reinforce some things in our life. Look to the house(s) that Mars will occupy during its backward transit; it will unveil key insights into the themes and issues covered this cycle. While Libra highlights relationship issues and the maintenance of balance and homeostasis, the house symbolism will specifically show the arena this will all play out in.

Saturn turns stationary retrograde on March 2, along with Venus striking a square aspect to Mars retrograde. Saturn will be retrograde in Scorpio until July 20. Saturn retrograde can help us digest and assimilate the hard work and progress made during its direct transit through a specific house (or houses) of our natal horoscope.

Saturn retrograde can also help us with further mastery as well as the reinforcement of the structures we’ve been building in our lives. Venus in Capricorn square Mars retrograde in Libra can create a conflict of desires or a confusion of passions. Pursuing the unattainable can be a pointless exercise at times, and we may find ourselves expending energy needlessly.

There may be a conflict with past relationships or associations asking us to take the higher ground—if all else fails it may be best to simply walk away. But squares also push us past resistances. Knowing when to push forward or when to back off takes considerable awareness.

Venus enters Aquarius on March 5, amplifying the desire for eccentricity or unusual forms of experimentation. Venus in Aquarius invites us to open our minds, and to associate with others in more logical and objective ways. We may feel the need to branch off and meet others outside our usual box of associations.

Jupiter turns stationary direct in Cancer on March 6, initiating a new process of expansion, growth and the seeking of opportunities. Growth and expansion doesn’t stop while Jupiter is retrograde, but we find ourselves going back to opportunities or expansive experiences we may have left behind.

On March 11 Mercury in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio. An acute mental focus and a penetrating, discriminating gaze will be the reward from for sustained effort. Communication conflicts find their root in faulty, ambiguous information. Stick to the tried and true today, no matter how enticing the information.

Mercury makes a trine to Mars on March 14, giving the green light for open communication and the sharing of unusual ideals or solutions. Mercury trine Mars gives added strength to ideas—giving them traction in the real world. If you don’t find yourself implementing something you’ve been conceptualizing, you’ll likely find yourself talking a lot about it.

The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on March 16. A sextile from the Moon to Saturn allows us to get ahead in some way, bringing about a culmination of sustained effort and hard work. Step up and take opportunities as they reveal themselves to you; if you’re ready for more work, real growth opportunities await.

Mercury moves back into Pisces on March 17 after its retrograde passage through Pisces/Aquarius. A moment to gain more clarity and objectivity gives way to increased intuition and a desire to pursue mystical and creative pursuits. As Mercury moves through Pisces, approaching Neptune, daydreaming may be more pronounced than usual. Attending to more practical affairs may be more difficult, but spontaneous creative and spiritual insight seeps into the mind with very little effort.

Venus sextiles Uranus on March 18, stimulating relationships. An initiatory spark serves to catalyze new connections or sudden realizations about interpersonal dynamics. The sextile relationship between Venus and Uranus urges us to try something new and is quite conducive for spontaneous activities, possibly with others.

The Spring Equinox (or Fall Equinox for our friends in the southern hemisphere) occurs on March 20 as the Sun reaches Aries and the vernal point. The equinox brings about several days of solar equilibrium; day and night are equal length. As the Sun progresses through the zodiac daylight gradually increases or decreases (depending on which half of the globe you’re living).

This is the astrological New Year, a time to set intentions, goals or resolutions for the new solar cycle. This potent event magnifies the power of intention—a time to focus on what you really want to accomplish and make happen over the next 12 months.

Mercury conjoins Neptune on March 22—opening the doors to the numinous. The mind prefers more abstract or spiritual concepts or ideas. There may be a strong urge to escape through daydreaming, conceptualizing or through the use of mind altering substances. Flashes of intuitive insight help us connect more deeply to something larger, deeper and more meaningful.

This is a time to entertain or to dream up ideas or concepts, but remain skeptical of anything that sounds too good to be true as our judgment may be a bit faulty. Mercury becomes more idealistic when conjunct Neptune, period. Looks can be deceiving; proceed with caution.

On March 26 Mercury makes a trine to Jupiter. More idealism fills the air with a bit of intense optimism. Communication may flow more easily and effortlessly today, but a tendency to blow things out of proportion is equally strong. Expand your mind today but be wary of your mental and cerebral limitations.

Mercury makes a sextile to Pluto on March 28, inviting us to probe deeper into dark or normally uncomfortable territory. A strong sense of self-assurance and confidence allows us to mentally sort through realms we normally fear to tread. Complex psychological material may unravel quite effortlessly today.

On March 29 Venus makes a trine to Mars and a square to Saturn. There may a strong sense of passion today, allowing us to openly express certain desires. But Saturn’s square to Venus can create a sense of pressure within relationships. Today is a day to get straight to the point and to be conscious of potentially volatile emotions.

If your find yourself obsessing over certain issues or pushing a point too far you may need to back off a bit and let things straighten out in their own time. If you can’t come to a resolution in the moment, have patience and wait it out.

The New Moon in Aries occurs just as the month comes to a close on March 30. Conjunct Uranus and Juno and forming a t-square with Jupiter and Pluto, this New Moon has a highly charged and catalytic energy. Mars retrograde brings our focus backwards—allowing us to gear up and to initiate the big changes we’ve been pushing aside.

Utilize the tremendous power of this New Moon to move past the resistance and stagnation that’s been holding you back. Look toward the situations you’ve been mired in for some time, because there you will find the keys to lasting change and transformation during this lunar cycle.

March 1- Mars stationary retrograde
Mar 2- Saturn stationary retrograde; Venus square Mars
Mar 5- Venus enters Aquarius
Mar 6- Jupiter stationary direct
Mar 11- Mercury square Saturn
Mar 14- Mercury trine Mars
Mar 16- Full Moon @ 26 Virgo
Mar 17- Mercury enters Pisces
Mar 18- Venus sextile Uranus
Mar 20- Sun enters Aries—Spring Equinox
Mar 22- Mercury conjunct Neptune
Mar 26- Mercury trine Jupiter
Mar 28- Mercury sextile Pluto
Mar 29- Venus trine Mars; Venus square Saturn
Mar 30- New Moon @ 9 Aries

Between A Rock and A Soft Place: New Moon In Pisces 2014

Presence I by Kathy Crabbe. Website

The New Moon in Pisces gets sandwiched between two very different planets: Neptune and Chiron. While Chiron certainly has a spiritual and even “transdimensional” quality, it’s more concerned with the physical body and the concrete actualization of one’s spiritual mission. Neptune, a truly ethereal and “mystical” archetype, deals purely with intangible planes of existence.

In Pisces, the end of the tropical zodiac cycle, we get the sense of something ending, yet something new just beginning on the horizon. Two supportive aspects, a trine from Jupiter and a sextile from Pluto, give the impression that something seemingly impossible is indeed within our ability to manifest.

Strong idealism and optimism finds a palpable sense of traction in the world, asking us to dream big or go home. If we’re realistic and rational, this New Moon and lunar cycle can really help us take some big steps toward the actualization of a specific vision or dream--to match ideals with reality in a truly unique way.

However, the watery depths of Pisces and Neptune and the harsh lessons of Chiron can equally bring us down to a place of depression or feelings of futility. But Jupiter and Pluto’s supportive aspects lend a helping hand, perhaps shining a light where only darkness has pervaded. 

The energy of this New Moon serves to give us a sense of hope, to pull us out of a seemingly bottomless pit, or to accentuate our confidence and optimism around current positive developments. Wherever you find yourself, embrace the help that’s being offered now. Look beyond appearances to see the deeper meaning behind the events that surround you.

Pisces invites us to see life through a unifying and holistic lens. At the end of the zodiac cycle, all has come to culmination. With the wisdom gained throughout the journey, we now see things more clearly and symbolically.

Chiron points us to what’s imperative for our survival; often that involves seeing the truth for what it is. Neptune, on the other hand, tends to gloss things over, making things appear more conducive to our ideals. With this New Moon we may also find ourselves between a rock and a soft place, literally a rogue minor planet and a gaseous giant—the truth and the fuzzy, glossy truth.

While the Sun and Moon meet in the far-out reaches of Pisces, contemplate the possibility of finding a balance between what’s real and what could be. Look for a way to create a bridge between what’s actually happening and what’s actually possible.

Everything we humans have created began as a dream. Our world could indeed be nothing but a shared, collective vision. With this New Moon, the lines separating fact from fiction and dream from reality are definitely blurred. Take advantage of this lucid perception—embrace a vision and give it a concrete formation, in whatever way you can manage.

In synch with the beginning of the new lunar cycle, both Mercury and Mars shift gears, stopping in their tracks. Mercury turns direct on the day of the New Moon while Mars turns retrograde the following day. Additionally, Saturn turns retrograde on March 2 while Jupiter turns stationary direct on March 6.

These four planets coming to a standstill can create the illusion of time slowing, generating an extended moment where pause, assessment and reflection become the focal point. Thus, this Piscean New Moon stands as a symbolic threshold, where we collectively enter into a new reality. Use this time wisely to simply enjoy and take in the moment; look back on the past few months and see just how far you’ve actually come.

But don’t feel pressured or rushed to get it all done. In fact, take this opportunity to simply observe your reality, seeing it for what it is, and then what you can do to change it. In other words, relax and let it all unfold in a timely manner. Pisces invites us to go with the flow of cosmic and universal energies—to gracefully drift likes leaves on a gentle stream.  Flow with it and you’ll find yourself beautifully in synch.

Saturn and the Apotheosis of Ego

False color image of Saturn taken from Voyager I. Photo by NASA, Wikimedia Commons.

The planet Saturn takes approximately 29 years to orbit the Sun. As it moves through the houses of the natal horoscope, it crystallizes and compresses those life arenas – solidifying their awareness into consciousness. Because Saturn deals with limitation and the restrictive barriers of reality, it symbolizes the boundary of ego; the temporary identity the soul cloaks itself with each incarnation.

With every passage or significant transit of Saturn, something solidifies within the individual. At the ages of 28, 29 or 30, the planet Saturn completes its cycle around the Sun, returning to the precise position it was at one’s birth. This significant event is known as the Saturn return, a critical stage of growth and development each of us experiences as either a crisis or a blossoming of ego potential.

At the Saturn return a piece of us dies and a new identity is born. How we each choose to handle this momentous period of time will very much determine the rest of our lives. Saturn urges us to let go of our adolescent identity and to step into a more mature and fully developed self. It can be a period wrought with tension and an impetus to “grow up”.

Successfully navigating the Saturn return is crucial in taking advantage of this powerful launching pad which catapults the individual into an entirely new reality—one that was totally incomprehensible beforehand. Astrologer Steven Forrest, in speaking about the Saturn return, likens the experience to a second puberty. It is indeed the Saturn opposition, which occurs at ages 14-15 that completely segregates the individual from childhood.

With each of these periods, the opposition and the conjunction (return), there is the emergence of a new world—new desires, feelings and urges. Our priorities drastically change at these times, in ways that we couldn't possibly comprehend prior to. We encounter entirely new responsibilities and limitations that greatly challenge us beyond anything we've encountered before.

Saturn is a force of considerable pressure; the friction it often ignites forces us to change our act, to “get with the program”. As we mature, we soon realize that we have to conform to certain rules and codes of conduct if we wish to successfully participate in the world. Human society, as well as the natural world, has strictures put in place which everyone must eventually learn to follow if they wish to survive.

Saturn teaches us how to play the game. Those that fail to conform, to some extent at least, often spend their lives fighting a battle with the world around them—like constantly pushing upstream, against the current. Too much conformity can of course stifle true individuality and change, but there must be a balance between playing the game and breaking the rules.

Uranus, the planet just beyond Saturn, allows us to find the loopholes. But Uranus’ secrets are unveiled only to those who master the Saturn passageway. So in reality, it isn’t until one has completed the Saturn return that Uranus fully emerges into consciousness, inviting us to transcend the limitations of the physical world.

Once we pass Saturn’s test, we gain access to the Uranian/Promethean landscape; we now have the opportunity to create our own rules, to step up and govern our own reality—to do as we please. The Saturn return is really the introduction to Uranus which culminates at the Uranus opposition at around age 42. To responsibly utilize Uranus, we must master Saturn.

True Uranian consciousness requires maturity and integrity. In astrology, we associate Uranus with creative genius, sudden revelations and technological breakthroughs. Uranus allows for the manipulation and control of earthly matter; but without maturity and integrity, this can turn ugly.

We have to wonder whether the technological advancements of our modern era were created by those who had truly mastered Saturn. In looking at the polluting effects of fossil fuel consumption and nuclear energy, we eventually come to the conclusion that without Saturn, Uranus can bring havoc and destruction to the world. 

This is a critical insight in understanding the Saturn return, or any significant transit of Saturn in the natal horoscope. If we don’t master the rules, if we don’t learn to respect and honor the limitations of the natural world, we succumb to destructive tendencies and are overwhelmed by the chaos that is ubiquitous to the universe.

Saturn with a scythe, sitting on a stone
and clipping the wings of cupid. By Ivan Akimov,
Like a child that is raised without boundaries, free to do as he or she pleases, they eventually find themselves untamed, out of control and lost in the world. Saturn’s structure is a vessel we must construct to make our way in the world. In order to properly build this vehicle, we need to follow directions and paths previously laid.

Embracing Saturn means having respect for the wisdom of our elders, ancient knowledge and the traditions of the society we’re a part of. To successfully break free of tradition, we must have fully acquainted ourselves with it and assimilated its essence. All great artists mastered the techniques created by previous masters. Uranus cannot successfully blossom without the foundation of the past, without the wisdom of its forebears. 

In many spiritual traditions the ego is an obstacle to be overcome, mastered and transcended. In western society, the ego is a primary focal point. Modern day popular culture glorifies the ego to the extent that we idolize individuals who have exemplified the height of egoic development. In a world of Facebook and American Idols, the “false” self truly has a powerful grasp of our collective psyche.

So, in reality, in the western world at least, a strong, developed ego or sense of self is paramount to functioning in the world. The ego can be defined as the “I” or “Me” within an individual. It is a conglomeration of likes or dislikes, preferences, and external inputs that make up “who we are”.

From a more spiritual perspective, the true self is beyond this ego mask. Behind the façade of ego, lies the true soul essence, which is free of attachments or concrete forms of identification. This more authentic self rarely finds expression in modern western society. We cling to ego in order to survive and interact with others.

So, depending on your perception, ego isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing, and there are periods in our life when we should actually be more focused on its development. That initial period of life is the time prior to our Saturn return. While Saturn makes its way around our natal chart for the first time, back toward its natal position, we are in a process of ego development; that is to say we’re in a process of defining ourselves as separate from the external world.

The first hard Saturn aspect to its natal position occurs at approximately the age of seven, when transiting Saturn squares its birth position. This is a time when a child first develops its own individuality as separate from its mother. Logic and rational thought processes emerge within the psyche, so that a child is able to comprehend the rules, boundaries and limitations presented by the external world and society at large.

It is evident that fairly young children who have yet to experience their first Saturn square exist in a world that is more unified and cohesive than more fully developed adults. Trying to teach a very young child “do’s” and “don’ts” or complex rules or codes of social conduct can be very confusing for a child because they have yet to develop the capacity to comprehend it.

[To discuss this issue at length is beyond the scope of this article, but an excellent take on the subject is presented in Magical Child by Joseph Chilton Pearce.]

Saturn’s transits prior to the first Saturn return work to segregate the individual from the external environment, to create a separate sense of self that is unique and distinct. After birth, Saturn slowly creates barriers and separations between the internal and external world.

After all, Saturn is the last of the planets visible to the naked eye. It is quite literally the boundary of the visually perceptible outer reality. The period leading up to the Saturn return is a period of preparation and quite appropriate for ego development. 

We could say that Saturn contains the contents of the natal horoscope within a clearly defined structure we call the ego. The “unseen” or recently discovered planets thus symbolize the aspects of the psyche imperceptible upon first glance. They are the concealed forces within the psyche churning in the background of consciousness.

Thus, Uranus, the first planet beyond Saturn, symbolizes the confrontation between the ego (the self) and the hidden persona that lies just beyond the threshold of conscious awareness. At Saturn return, we each experience what we could call an apotheosis of ego—the process of the past 30 years culminates and takes concrete form.

Promethus by Stephan Kovarik, 1969.
This is crucial to understand, because without allowing for the healthy development of individuality prior to this state, we can end up stunting our own growth, we can end up feeling lost and unable to express ourselves to the fullest. This can lead to feelings of anger, frustration and resentment later in life. The Saturn return is a time to step up and into this fully developed sense of self—a time to announce who we truly are, what we stand for and to make our own way in the world.

These are all obvious Uranian issues. After successfully crossing the Saturn return threshold, we now have access to these “higher” planetary vibrations. We are no longer confined to the limitations of Saturn and the ego template. But with every process of blossoming and culmination, comes the subsequent breakdown and decay.

Just as a new self emerges, the ego begins a process of deterioration. The period of life proceeding the Saturn return becomes far more conducive to the pursuit of spiritual interests and inclinations. This instinctive desire for spiritual attainment is a response to the unconscious realization that there is something more to us than the false and fleeting ego identity. There are higher laws and codes of conduct than those presented by society and the natural world.

Thus, as we move beyond the Saturn return, we learn to live by our own more spiritual laws. Having learned, mastered and conformed to the limitations of the social complex we live within, we now have the opportunity to transcend, challenge and even overwrite the strictures that once bound us.

When the Saturn return presents us with a crisis, we have to ask ourselves some serious questions. Am I actually pursuing the dreams and goals conducive to personal ego fulfillment? Am I dreaming too much and not taking the practical steps and actions toward the fulfillment of those dreams? More than at any other time in life, the Saturn return can truly make it or break it for many people.

What you have conceived of doing as you mature needs to concretely take shape and form at this time. Ego fulfillment is at its peak and there’s a definite sense that it’s now or never. When we fail to take the leap during a significant Saturn transit, we often feel stuck in situations that are no longer suited to our growth and development; we feel stagnant and bored with life.

When Saturn passes with little effort on our part we find ourselves trapped in a life devoid of passion--mundane and unfulfilling. The Saturn cycle helps us to define ourselves in our own way. When we consciously work with Saturn we are able to not only create the life experience we always dreamed of, but we’re able to do as we please, free from the demands or expectations of others.

A clearly defined sense of self allows us to be who we are, say, do or think in our own way, but in order to do that we have to step up and take responsibility for our own lives. To accomplish our dreams, we also have to do the work necessary for mastering techniques and acquiring the appropriate skills. That means no shortcuts—just pure hard work and effort.

But the rewards are long lasting. While Saturn may feel difficult, cold and sometimes overbearing—the greatest joy and sense of fulfillment accompanies a successfully navigated Saturn passage. When Saturn arrives at your doorstep, either through transit or the return—it’s a time to push yourself beyond the threshold toward growth and maturity.

When you feel the urge to move on, to step up and evolve past stagnating and worn out structures, it's time to follow your inner guidance. The soul seeks only to evolve. When we get in our own way through resistance and fears, external circumstances force us to grow up and the experience is generally rather unpleasant to endure.

During any Saturn cycle, just remind yourself to keep moving, to keep pushing beyond the threshold. Know that if you’re responsible and accountable for your actions and that you’re doing the best you can do, Saturn will assist you in the manifestation of your dreams. After all, no one else is going to create them for you; you have only yourself and Saturn to help you out. 

Eco-Ego by Laís F. Camargo via Wikimedia Commons.

Open the Door to the Numinous

Combined color and near-infrared image of Neptune by the Hubble Space Telescope. 

As the Sun approaches Neptune proceeding its ingress into Pisces, we may be feeling a strong urge to drift in more ethereal realms. Artistic and creative inspiration is highlighted alongside a pronounced psychic and intuitive sensitivity. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, to feel the urge to withdraw into your own intimate chasm. Neptune is a beacon of inspiration but can equally tempt us to "check out" through drug or alcohol consumption. As always, moderation is the key.

Drift into this Solar/Neptunian conjunction with a certain level of consciousness. Exact on Sunday, February 23, the Sun and Neptune conjunction will be felt in the days before and after their precise rendezvous. Gather from these freely flowing wells of imagination and creative vision, quench your spiritual and visionary thirst. Neptune is a transcendental force that takes us beyond the mundane, crystallizing ideals into concrete and palpable constructs.

When Neptune touches us, we can become a vessel of higher energies--a mediator of physical and spiritual realities. But its presence is often confusing, mysterious and difficult to fully grasp consciously. When working with Neptune, it’s important to have a firm handle of reality, to stay grounded and centered within yourself. The next several days are far more conducive for abstract and subjective pursuits. Trying to pin down facts or attempting to deal with purely mundane material will prove difficult.

Our mind is elsewhere, floating in ethereal space. With Neptune so active in the collective psyche, we’re looking for larger and all-encompassing experiences or universal truths. Pisces, the end of the tropical zodiac cycle, symbolizes the apotheosis of conscious experience. At the end of the journey through the 12 signs we've reached a reflective state and a sense of having seen it all. In Pisces, we’re looking for something more, something often undefinable.

Mercury’s retrograde cycle, still going strong yet winding down, pulls us backward in time. Creative projects we may have put aside may suddenly reemerge, inviting us to bring them to completion or a more perceptible state. Familiar spiritual encounters with the unknown may break through the cracks of the veil separating dimensions. This is a moment calling for more awareness and sensitivity to the external and internal environment.

Use this time to connect with something just beyond your reach. It’s not every day that we experience such openness and fluidity with the world around us. As the Sun and Neptune meet, we’re encouraged to drift softly and freely through each passing moment. Subtle sense impressions are stronger and more ubiquitous than usual. As the barriers between each of us momentarily melt into a Piscean/Neptunian glaze, see reality with a renewed sense of vision; but keep at least one foot on the group, lest you float away, carried by the ethereal stream. 

Closing Chapters, Letting Go: Solar Pisces, Mercury Direct and the New Moon

As the Sun enters Pisces on February 18, the season begins its gradual transition, in the northern hemisphere, from the bleak winter months into the rebirth that takes place at the Spring Equinox, the astrological New Year. In the southern hemisphere, the transition from summer to fall initiates this new beginning.

While many of us celebrate the New Year just after Christmas, on Jan 1, those more attuned to the natural rhythms of the cosmos will find new found motivation for setting intentions/resolutions in March when the Sun enters Aries.

Pisces is a rather mysterious sign, symbolizing the end of the tropical zodiac cycle. There's inevitably a sense of completion inherent to Pisces, a sense of having seen it all. It would be quite a stretch to say that anyone with a Piscean emphasis will innately feel like an old soul, but there's definitely an aura of timelessness etched into their being. Pisces imbues all things with an ethereal quality, a softness and mystique either haunting or glamorous. 

While the Sun burns its way through this watery, final gateway, our collective focus is geared more toward the numinous, the "hard to pin down" elements of reality. In this fluid and often spacey water sign, meditation and deep reflection on the mysteries of the universe take precedence. Pisces directs our gaze away from the petty details of mundane reality into a larger, unifying perspective, toward the nature of consciousness itself. 

So while we journey alongside our solar companion, we may find ourselves more reflective and more interested in observing reality, seeing it for what it is or what it could be. More than any time of year, solar Pisces invites us to flow more smoothly through the experiences unfolding around us--no attachments or judgments--just pure unbiased observation, experience and contemplation.


Tough Love: Full Moon In Leo 2014

A woman holding a heart shaped
decoration and flowers from an early
20th century Valentine's card, circa
1910. Via Wikimedia Commons.
Full Moon @ 26 degrees Leo 13'
February 14, 2014
3:53 PM Pacific
6:53 PM Eastern

This month’s lunar cycle culminates in the tropical sign of Leo on St. Valentine’s Day. This presents a rather uncanny synchronicity, since Leo is a sign associated with romantic love, affairs and playful, sexual escapades. As a sign that correlates strongly with creative self-expression and pleasure seeking activities, Leo perfectly complements this internationally celebrated holiday.

A Full Moon in Leo brings to culmination a creative process that’s been gestating—providing an atmosphere of playfulness and child-like curiosity conducive to the spontaneous eruption of creative talents or sexual desires.

While Leo reminds us of the importance of taking time out for ourselves; to have fun and to enjoy the pleasures of life, a square from Saturn brings a potentially challenging element into the picture. Saturn throws in the cold hard truth and an awareness of the boundaries inherent to reality—the way things really are.

In order to take advantage of the fun and playful creative energies brewing with this lunation, we must also consider responsibilities and commitments previously made. This isn't a time to throw important matters aside or to evade responsibilities in favor of play. We may be confronted with uncomfortable repercussions that demand us to take account of our actions.

So, while Leo invites us to let loose and play a little, Saturn demands that we find a balance between hard work and recreation. If you want to play, you need to play by the rules, basically. So there’s inherently a serious tone to this lunation, a bit of rain on our Valentine’s parade.

But the good news is that Saturn favors those who put in the hard work and those that embrace integrity. If you've been putting in the extra hours and presenting yourself authentically, expect Saturn to give you the night off to enjoy yourself a bit.

An extra bit of excitement to spice up your love life (or inner creative life) is provided by a sextile from the Full Moon to Mars in Libra. An urge to mingle and meet new faces, or to express openly your heart’s desires to the one (or others) you’re already committed to takes hold.

Mars in Libra, beginning its retrograde on March 1st, draws our attention to important relationship matters and considerations. There may be an opportunity to willfully balance things out between you and another.

Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun in Aquarius and opposing this lunation provides perspective on the past that helps us see things in a new and more objective light. Perhaps a past lover pops in, or memories of love or “good times” long gone emerge from the shadows.

Mercury retrograde reminds us that we need to revise and reconsider or to see things from a totally different perspective. Open your mind to alternative or even radical points of view, they might just provide a shift of awareness you weren't quite expecting.

However you choose to celebrate this St. Valentine’s Day, whether with the one you love or by connecting more deeply to the love you have for yourself, or by cultivating creativity and your inner child, remember the love that’s all around you, every day. See it not just in the eyes of a lover but rather as a ubiquitous force comparable to gravity. Love is what binds us all together, it’s what makes us human; when you realize that, all the love in the universe flows your way, in abundance.

Kosmic Horizon: February 2014

The eroded terrain of Pinnacles National Park is silhouetted against the night sky, as the lights of King City, California glow in the distance. Photo by Joe Parks, via Wikimedia Commons.

The month begins just as Venus goes direct (Jan 30) after her retrograde cycle in Capricorn. Venus hands the baton to Mercury who begins its retrograde on February 6. We are currently deep in an incessant retrograde process involving the three inner planets:  Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Mercury retrograde occurs every three months, for three weeks. But Venus and Mars go retrograde the least of any planet, and thus correlate to more poignant and significant transitions. This month encapsulates the entirety of Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Pisces/Aquarius which I wrote about here.

All the usual advice applies when dealing with Mercury retrograde. This month will be a time to double check and reexamine a lot of things we’ve been dealing with up until this point. It’s best to rework those things that have already been established and launched previously, and to hold off on implementing entirely new endeavors.

That doesn’t mean that anything started now won’t work out, but that we need to pay extra attention to details and keep an eye out for loose ends that could potentially show up. Whatever we are involved with this month will certainly challenge our perception of reality, in many different ways. Mercury retrograde is a time to willingly look for weak spots in your world view, to see what new information you can uncover.

The retrograde archetype invites us to back up and take a good look at the progress we’ve made. There may be some changes that need to take place, or something we left out needs to be reconsidered. Then, we can’t forget the fact the Mercury retrograde is notorious for throwing a cosmic wrench in the gears, leading to all sorts of technical/mechanical hiccups. The best advice: be prepared for the unexpected and leave some room for possible schedule changes.

Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune before going retrograde symbolizes the realization or awareness of a vision or ideal. It’s backtrack through Aquarius is a chance to gain more objectivity and logical understanding—to see it from a different, altered or more sober vantage point.
Mercury turns stationary retrograde on Feb 6; this is the first significant event to occur this month. It’s best to pay more attention during the retrograde stations, as these are the most sensitive moments of the retrograde. Be extra clear in all your communications and double check to make sure that everything you have intended to convey is fully understood.

The Sun in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio on Feb 11. Ideals may conflict uncomfortably with the reality of a situation. A positive sense of hope and newfound freedom may be greatly challenged by certain criticisms and high expectations. If you find yourself feeling discouraged; don’t give up that easily. Do what you can to make things right or to correct imperfections, then go about your business as usual. A lot can be learned from certain inadequacies that are revealed, but too much focus on imperfections can stunt growth and development.  

Mercury retrograde dips back into Aquarius on Feb 12 to cover some territory previously overlooked. From a higher perch, things are a bit clearer. With an open mind, new insights can be gleaned and properly integrated for everyone’s benefit.

The Sun makes a trine to Mars and the Full Moon in Leo occurs on Feb 14. The Sun trine Mars creates a sense of mental fluidity and mutual cooperation between people we are involved with today. High energy and an enthusiasm to communicate truths and ideals with others are strongly pronounced. The Full Moon in Leo adds more fuel to the passion and excitement that may be lingering around. But with Saturn squaring the Full Moon axis, we must err on the side of caution.

Practical strategies and a sober mindset are required so that things don’t get too out of hand. With the proper work ethic, there may be a lot that can be accomplished. But we’ll all be feeling the heat and pressure to give the best performance possible. Mercury retrograde conjoining the Sun reminds us that practice and repetition are needed to meet high demands. Don’t feel too pressured to get it all right straight out the gate. It’s okay to make mistakes; think of it as a practice run and you’ll feel less stress.

Mercury retrograde conjoins the Sun on Feb 15, symbolizing the peak or midpoint of the retrograde cycle. Now that we’re knee deep in the retrograde process, we should be clear on what needs to be reworked. After a week or so of subtle deconstruction, we can now work toward building things back up, putting on the finishing touches.

Mercury retrograde trines Mars on Feb 16. Helpful insights or information may come to us through those we come into contact with today. While these insights may not mesh with our current perceptions or assumptions, they have the potential to greatly alter our knowledge base, adding a fresh and wider perspective. With the right attitude and cooperation, there could be a lot that can be successfully reworked and adjusted. Don’t try to go it alone. Integration will be the key.

The Sun enters Pisces on Feb 18, adding a numinous, mystical and spacey tone to the collective vibe. The Sun in Pisces is a time to connect more fully with a sense of connectivity and oneness with the world around us. Mercury retrograde squares Saturn in Scorpio on Feb 19 which could bring up some serious challenges that could trip us up if we’re not careful.

While an open mind is useful in dealing with Mercury retrograde, too much receptivity to others criticisms can leave us feeling depressed, useless or unworthy. Do your best to fix what’s wrong with the game plan, but don’t beat yourself up just because it’s not perfect. But it’s important to maintain a strong sense of integrity today, and to take responsibility for you’re the part you currently play. Playing the victim or the fool won’t work out too successfully, so stay sober and be prepared for critical evaluations.

The Sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune on Feb 23. Look out for the potential to overtly idealize a situation today, but don’t close yourself off from insight that comes from unexpected or unseen sources either. While it’s important to remain skeptical of everything coming at you, there’s the potential to tap into something beyond the mundane channels. It may be a good time to dream, visualize or meditate. But if it sounds too good to be true; it might be time for some careful fact checking.

Venus sextiles Saturn on Feb 24, creating an opportunity to aesthetically enhance your surroundings or to bring something previously concealed into a more concrete formation. Whatever it is, there is a desire to keep things simple and to savor every bit, seeing it for what it is.

On Feb 25, Jupiter squares Uranus, setting off a t-square between Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. There may be a lot of collective tension brewing in the atmosphere in addition to catalytic creative or scientific developments. The past, the future and the uncharted frontier must all find common ground here, and reconciling all directions will be the challenge of the day.

Mercury turns stationary direct on Feb 28 in synch with the New Moon in Pisces and the Sun trine Jupiter. After three weeks of backtracking, back stepping and readjustment, we may feel more empowered and confident to move forward in the right direction. We’re likely to have a more solid footing now at the end of the cycle, and the watery influence from this New Moon helps us to gain more emotional clarity. The Sun/Moon conjunction with Chiron creates a sense of destiny and an intense focus to actualize dreams, while the trine from Jupiter creates a sense of warmth and confident determination to go for the vision.   

Feb 6- Mercury stationary retrograde
Feb 11- Sun square Saturn
Feb 12- Mercury retrograde back to Aquarius
Feb 14- Sun trine Mars; Full Moon @ 26 Leo
Feb 15- Sun conjunct Mercury
Feb 16- Mercury trine Mars
Feb 18- Sun enters Pisces
Feb 19- Mercury square Saturn
Feb 23- Sun conjunct Neptune
Feb 24- Venus sextile Saturn
Feb 25- Jupiter square Uranus

Feb 28- Mercury stationary direct; New Moon @ 10 Pisces; Sun trine Jupiter

Turning Over A New Leaf: New Moon In Aquarius 2014

Taro leaf underside backlit by Sun. Wikimedia Commons.
New Moon @ 10 Aquarius 55'
January 30, 2014
1:38 PM Pacific
4:38 PM Eastern

As usual, the conjunction of the Sun and Moon coincides with a new beginning. Deep inside, whether we notice it or not, a new start begins to gestate. It may be a subtle hunch that urges us to pursue some fresh new pathway. No matter how drastic or minute this new beginning manifests, and no matter how conscious we are of this process, new developments unfold in synch with the cycle of Sun and Moon.

This month’s Aquarius New Moon is the second to occur in the month of January. That might be significant depending on how much credence you give to the Gregorian calendar. In a way, it’s like a Blue Moon, only invisible to the naked eye. It’s a rather black Moon, actually, devoid of any noticeable hue. In addition to this oddity, the Moon is especially close to the Earth, at its perigee. 

Always, this amplifies the Moon’s lunar archetype. Emotions are little heavier than usual. Dramatic reactions to trivial situations have more prominence. We may feel more sensitive when the Moon is closer. There may be greater fluctuations and expression of either joy or sorrow.

With the Moon in Aquarius, this further amplifies the unusual dimensions of this New Moon. Due to Aquarius’ higher planetary expression via Uranus, there’s a flare of eccentricity that always ferments anything placed in this sign. Aquarius and Uranus forge their own path; they dance to the beat of a different drummer. 

Such is the nature of this particular lunation. Aquarius is a breath of fresh air—crisp, clean and rejuvenating. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, also makes a sextile to the Solar/Lunar duo. In addition to the dramatic t-square involving Jupiter, Uranus, Venus and Pluto—there may be some sudden changes taking place this lunar cycle. There may equally be a sense of heavy tension and impetus to move on.

Whether these changes are subtle or pronounced, they signal that the time has come to turn over a new leaf. Aquarius and Uranus urge us to break free of those stagnating circumstances that hold back the evolutionary current. But nothing is forcing us to. These changes are entirely voluntary. Such is the nature of the sextile; it stands as a suggestion, a helping hand. 

Uranus in Aries invites us to trail-blaze and to forge a new frontier. Whether we take up the offer or not boils down to a decision. If you do nothing else this lunation, take some time to breathe new life into something. Change something up. Look for ways to innovate anything around you. 

Horoscope of New Moon Jan 30, 2014. 

This lunation provides a powerful jump-start that will segway us into Mercury’s retrograde cycle, beginning February 6. That may sound a little discouraging for any new beginning, but fear not. While delays, frustrations and communicative obstacles are common, Mercury retrograde invites us to reexamine the world around us, to see things from a new perspective.

This is completely conducive to the Aquarian and Uranian objective. As we move into new territory this lunar cycle, expect the unexpected. The events unfolding may be hard to predict or pin down, but that’s okay. Open your mind and humbly accept your limited vision. In the dark of the Moon, it may be hard to see the path before you; but trust the inner light, it will guide the way. 

The next few weeks, as the Moon waxes toward its culmination and then begins to wane, we are invited to reexamine our dreams, visions and ideals. Whatever “new beginning” you encounter, keep in mind that it is an opportunity to see your future path in an entirely new and different light. 

Uranus and Aquarius create a quickening or acceleration of energy. That means that things around you may appear to move at a much faster pace. But Mercury retrograde asks us to pause, reflect and reconsider. So, while things may be moving faster than usual, there’s no rush to make something happen. All will unfold in due time. 

Break out of the box this lunar cycle in whatever way you can manage. Step up to challenges and work through, carefully, to solving any problems. Ingenious solutions are likely floating around, creating a sense that anything is possible with the right amount of visualization and willpower. Welcome this fresh new start with open arms and an open mind. Changes are on the way.