Reaching Out From the Dark: New Moon in Scorpio 2015

A single tree highlighted by a shaft of sunlight through the dark
forest of Coed Moel Famau; photo by John S. Turner, 2009.

New Moon @ 19 Scorpio 01'
12:47 PM Pacific
9:47 AM Eastern

As the Sun and Moon come together in the sign of Scorpio, you may find yourself needing to face the reality of situations that you don’t want to acknowledge. Scorpio is an archetype that embodies the awareness of uncomfortable truths—those things in our lives that the mind and ego would rather ignore. But our subjugation of anything, either personal or cultural, only amplifies its influence and control over our lives. The planet Mercury joins this New Moon, bringing with it an expansion of perception to include a greater awareness of what you have been ignorant of or have chosen not to deal with.

You can still choose to ignore it; nothing will stop you, but you will have to continue your life knowing that something dark and potentially troublesome will be left to fester and grow within you. In this dark of the Moon, you have the opportunity to set in motion a strategy to bring consciousness and awareness to that which is unknown to you. And what is unknown isn’t always as bad as you think it is, but the only way to find out is to be brave enough to step into the dark consciously.

The planet Mars is nearing the end of its passage through Virgo and is about to enter Libra to align with the North Node of the Moon. As Mars nears the cusp of Virgo, it correlates to this feeling of something that’s “about to explode”. Mars is activating the intersection between the personal and the collective. Put simply, it brings to the surface events that affect us all, collective events that seep into our personal lives. It symbolizes the emergence of issues that are much bigger than you alone.

And as you choose to deal with situations you’ve buried or pushed aside, you have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help. Take the initiative and admit that you’re scared or that you need support and assistance. A new cycle is emerging that invites you to stop sitting alone in that dark corner. The world is populated with a lot of other people who can help you if you know where to look or who to ask, but that will require vulnerability.

In your personal or intimate relationships, this New Moon requires opening up and getting real about what you have been ignoring. It also requires that you open your mind and perception to include input from others you trust and rely on. If you can approach this moment with honesty, realism, and humility, as well as a willingness to face some uncomfortable material, you will have succeeded in illuminating some mysteries (whether they’re what you feared or not), leading potentially to rapid healing and transmutation. Whatever the reality of the situation, try to acknowledge that help and support is available to you if you’re willing to receive it. You don’t have to face this darkness alone.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at  

Calming the Chaos: Full Moon in Taurus 2015

Coast Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), Redwoods State Park, Capitola, Ca;
photo by Allie Caulfield, 2012.

Full Moon @ 3 Taurus 45'
October 27, 2015
8:05 AM Eastern
5:05 AM Pacific

There are many situations that may be coming to a head with the Full Moon in tropical Taurus, but particularly those involving an expansion or breaking point in your closest relationships. The planet Venus rules this Full Moon, and she is just separating from her last conjunction with Jupiter in Virgo. This cycle has likely tied together events that began brewing in July and August of this year, events relating to separation or the acquisition of love in your life. Venus and Jupiter can inflate those wounds related to the heart chakra—wounds of unrequited love or heartbreak from those we most cherished in the past. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter can amplify your need for connection, bonding and negotiation.

The Taurus side of Venus highlights the need to find peace, stability and calm in a sometimes chaotic, frightening, and unpredictable environment. The Sun has recently moved into Scorpio, a sign that invokes the “dark side” of the psyche—those places we culturally subjugate due to a primal, and emotionally turbulent nature. Venus finds herself between both Jupiter and Mars. As she approaches her conjunction with Mars (on Nov. 2), you may be feeling a powerful urge and desire to improve your relationships in some way, to bring healing and integration to misunderstandings, confusion, or disagreements. This conjunction marks the beginning of a new cycle of purifying our connections with others at this time.

Equally, you may feel compelled to seek out the ideal in any relationship that begins now. But do keep in mind that perfection is always an unrealistic expectation for anyone. That doesn’t mean that you should keep your expectations low, but to simply be realistic in what you expect from someone right now. Excessive fault finding will lead to someone falling short of the unattainable, and that could lead to missing an opportunity to really connect. Remember also, that what we see in others is often a reflection of those very things within ourselves. If someone falls short of your ideal, it could be an indication about something you need to improve in yourself.

The Taurus/Scorpio polarity, highlighted by this Full Moon, points us directly to this brewing conjunction at the beginning of November. Self-improvement and performance enhancement are critical themes right now. Clearing the crap within your relationships that are in the way of real, authentic growth could be another. But the bottom line issue highlighted by this Full Moon, what may not be so apparent, involves the ability to effectively communicate with another person, on a level that reaches them and connects with who they really are. That requires compassion, but above all else a certain level of empathy. And equally, the real challenge with this Full Moon seems to be the problem of asserting independence and honoring the need for freedom while effectively reaching others where they currently stand.

Every opposition is an opportunity to reach a point of reconciliation. The need to create a compromise is arising now, but in the end, we can only do our best, and let others do what they must do, because you can’t control another’s actions, but sometimes the choices of those we love, choices that are sometimes painful, are still pieces of our own psyche, fragments of our own issues. What do we do with that? We simply acknowledge that reality and trust that things are to unfold in the best possible way, even if that’s uncomfortable or difficult to do. If you find yourself in doubt, trust the impulse arising from the Full Moon in Taurus. It invites you to find your center, grounded here and now on this beautiful planet that holds and supports you. Taurus acknowledges the chaos and drama of life, but it has the potential to not get swept up by it, to stand stall as a beacon of stability in the universe.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options and pricing. 

Beyond the Projections: Venus opposing Neptune

Venus between Mars and Neptune; by Giovanni Battista Zelotti; oil on canvas, 1555.

Over the next several days, the planet Venus (the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure) will be opposing the planet Neptune (the planet of illusion, mysticism, and cultural idealism). The exact opposition will peak on Oct. 16, just a day before Mars and Jupiter conjoin in tropical Virgo. So, over the next few days, be mindful of your projections—what you’re projecting to others and what you’re projecting onto others. That is to say, what you are presenting yourself to be and how it is you perceive another person. In modern astrology, we say that Neptune is a “higher” vibration of Venus, which means that it is an expression of Venusian beauty and idealism within a higher octave. Neptune relates to experiences of a transcendent nature, often overwhelming to the individual. Thus, Neptune seeks to dissolve our ego-based attitudes and perceptions to allow one access to the “higher self”. As the final barrier of ego, Neptune is like the cell wall separating the self from the deeper reaches of the unconscious—the realm of the soul.

This opposition may allow you to step back and observe your projections for what they are. You can easily be fooled right now if you take anything at face value. That’s not to say that beauty is ultimately deceptive, but that beauty represents an ideal of perfection which we as human beings can only strive to become—to get closer to the “divine”. Under any combination of Neptune and Venus, idealism runs rampant. Romanticism and fantasy become incredibly influential. That’s not to say that we’re all being fooled right now—that love and pleasure represents a temptation, trick, or snare. This stage of the cycle requires full consciousness and full disclosure of intentions and feelings. If you are honest and upfront about what you want, you will represent yourself more truthfully and allow those projections to dissolve to ultimately reveal the higher expression of the opposition: true soul contact.

There’s something incredibly magical about staring into another person’s eyes and seeing them as they actually are. There’s also something incredibly frightening and vulnerable about it too. And the emergence of your fears will allow you to explore just where they’re truly coming from. This is a time to open your heart to someone—not just romantically or sexually, but equally to anyone you find closest to you. Neptune seeks to dissolve those facades that are not in alignment with whom you truly are or who someone else truly is. The fear points to the root of the issue—what you don’t want to face: that true soul contact, when it’s really authentic, melts away the barriers revealing the wounds in your heart you don’t wish to acknowledge. It is through the disillusionment, when we allow it to happen, that we eventually find the clarity we’re seeking.

So what are you really projecting onto another person? Always, how we perceive another person stems from our own constructions of reality. We project something within ourselves. If we don’t like it, we often blame the other person for having so many faults or that they couldn’t live up to the ideal we created for them. Rarely, do we ever see people as they truly are. If you don’t like me, it’s your problem. It stems from your own issues. And that’s fine. We don’t need to cut through all of our crap in one day, or even in one lifetime. But simply acknowledging that, that how you perceive another person comes from a distorted perspective of yourself, you can let go of projecting blame and ultimately heal and move on. Let’s be mindful of this truth over the next several days. Mars and Jupiter will conjoin the following day (Oct. 17). In the “lower” expression, our false projections can lead to petty arguments or outbursts that may be unnecessary had we represented ourselves more authentically.

The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter represents the beginning of a cycle of conscious and courageous expansion toward self-improvement. Ultimately, we are seeking to move assertively in the direction of experiences that will take us to a better place and help us move in alignment with our evolutionary potential. Getting hung up over petty details, or spinning your wheels over the ramifications of inauthentic self-expression will likely distract you from what you need to be focusing on right now. If you ride this wave consciously and fearlessly, you will be on a direct pathway toward more wholeness and toward the attainment of your ideals. What do you need to work on now? If you continue to move past the illusions, past the projections, and beyond the blame, pain and denial, eventually, you will come to see clearly what needs to happen next and just where your energy needs to go. And it requires work and conscious effort to see reality as it truly is. While that may be a never-ending process, every step, hypothetically speaking, brings you closer to wholeness and the truth within your soul.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, visit my readings/consultations page for readings options and pricing. 

The Sweetness of Union: New Moon in Libra 2015

A Venus and Jupiter conjunction in March 2011; taken in Jíloviště, Czech Republic;
photo by PetrS, Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 19 Libra 20'
October 12, 2015
8:06 PM Eastern
5:06 PM Pacific

Mercury recently turned stationary direct (Oct. 9) after its retrograde cycle through the sign of Libra. After three weeks of reshuffling, reorienting or stepping back, you may be feeling as if things are slowly going back to normal, whatever that is for you. And as Mercury gradually builds back its direct momentum, the Sun and Moon conjoin in Libra to initiate the new lunar cycle. Libra highlights your ability to relate and find commonality with others. There is a strong social streak to Libra, and you may notice that your desire to connect to create harmony and understanding is particularly pronounced.

The challenge that accompanies this lunation lies in the New Moon’s opposition to Uranus in Aries, as well as the building conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Virgo. It may feel as if many things are hanging in the air—suspended in some sense of stasis. The polarity of Libra and Aries symbolizes that primal yin and yang, the dichotomy of chaos/initiation and order/integration. A New Moon brings in a new wave of potential, and a fresh perspective waiting to germinate within the psyche. On the one end, there is the stability of what works and what is known. On the other end is the potential for a fresh start and a new adventure.

Uranus seeks independence and always brings about that insatiable desire to stay true to yourself no matter what. At what point does “keeping the peace” suffocate individual self-expression and the freedom to be yourself? And conversely, when does too much focus on your own needs and direction eliminate any possibility of equanimity and understanding in your relationships? Balancing the two is never easy, and sometimes you need to swing more in one direction to balance out the other. This lunation won’t give you a clear answer. You will only know by turning inward and reflecting on what needs to happen.

But one thing is clear. At this point, your perspective has changed. You’ve had some time to sleep on some things (about three weeks to be exact). If it’s ever going to be clear, it’s going to be now. Use this lunar cycle to gather the courage and strength to begin stepping consciously toward the direction that will bring about more balance in your life as well the opportunity for further growth and change. Both ends of this New Moon must be heard and integrated; freedom and compromise must find their place. But ultimately, I believe, we are here to grow always toward new experience. What has outlived its purpose in your life may need to stay in the past. And the future, well, that’s up to you to create.

Mars is approaching a conjunction to Jupiter in Virgo and will be exact on Oct. 17. This conjunction appears to be one piece of a building archetypal drama currently unfolding in the sky. Venus will conjoin Jupiter on Oct. 25 and then Mars and Venus will conjoin on Nov. 2. Again, we can’t help but notice the correlation between these conjunctions and the current emphasis in Libra. Relationships are seemingly the main focus here. And relationships take on many shapes and forms, from intimate to platonic or professional. Mars and Jupiter in Virgo can highlight certain flaws in people you are closest to, flaws that may seem petty yet they have enough power to ignite a conversation about it.

In its lower expression, Mars and Jupiter can correlate to the ignition of petty arguments over laundry, dirty dishes, or a messy bed. In its higher expression, the ability to assert yourself and your observations in a clear, direct, and calm manner. Remember, that while Virgo always looks for room for improvement, absolute perfection is ultimately an unrealistic goal or expectation. From another perspective, Mars and Jupiter can stimulate the impetus to attain something you desperately desire. In Virgo, you are likely to feel compelled to enhance your competence or performance, or to reach for an experience that will benefit further evolutionary growth. This fleeting conjunction opens a window of opportunity, one that will need to be acted upon before you miss out. But remember that Mars and Jupiter may equally tempt you to take on too much, creating the potential of overwhelming or injuring yourself in the process. Be mindful of what you’re capable of and your limitations.

Venus will conjoin Jupiter following Mars (Oct. 25). This is the third conjunction of Venus and Jupiter this year. If you reflect back on the previous two conjunctions, but particularly the first (Jul. 1), you may notice that events occurring at that time are coming back into focus in some way, or that you are coming to a different place in your relationship to what had transpired. The first conjunction could have related to separation, moving away from something you wanted to gain clarity and a renewed perspective. To quote one of my favorite writers (Jason Horsley), “the sweetness of union can only draw flavor from the pain of separation.” This month’s final conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may relate to a final conclusion about a particular “object of desire”. Is the separation ultimately a good thing, or can you simply not live without it? You will likely to come to a sound conclusion, but framed within the context of improving your life and furthering personal growth (Virgo).

Venus and Jupiter will conjoin within orb of contact with Mars and will receive an opposition from Chiron in Pisces. This final conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may open up an opportunity to bring wholeness and healing to particular relationships. That may require taking direct action and assessing your attitude toward some people in your life. With their placement in Virgo, you are given a chance to heal any wounds or toxic emotional baggage that may have been accumulated. Jupiter and Venus coming into contact with Chiron can open up heart wounds that have been buried or forgotten. These wounds may reemerge to find integration within consciousness. And ultimately, this conjunction symbolizes that the time has come to face your feelings head on and to trust what the moment brings to your attention. If you can balance between taking the initiative and surrendering to the process at hand, you have the potential to come to a more balanced and conscious place in your relationships.

Finally, at the beginning of November, Mars and Venus will conjoin one last time until Oct. 2017 (after two previous conjunctions, Feb. 21 and Aug. 31 of this year). This rather “sexy” conjunction finds itself in the sign of the Virgin. Rather ironic? Because of that association, Virgo is often perceived to be overtly conservative, but that doesn’t mean that Virgo can’t be sexy or enjoy great sex. I mean, take a look at the late 1960’s and its association with the Uranus and Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Free love was everywhere. Of course, Pluto and Uranus were simply breaking the collective free of its prudish shackles, introducing an “earthy” and natural sense of sexuality that had been lost from modern, western consciousness. Venus and Mars conjoining in Virgo represent the ignition of the sexual instinct guided consciously, and toward the betterment of each person involved.

This final conjunction of Mars and Venus may be rather symbolic for you, tying together the events occurring during the last two, earlier this year and at the end of August. These two planets won’t conjoin at all in 2016, so it’s time we choose to integrate them. On a psychological level, these conjunctions in Virgo urge us, in some way, to improve ourselves and our relationships with those closest to us. The rest of this month may have you placing your attention on the need for independence and freedom as well as your need to maintain the relationships in your life that truly matter. This is a time to rise above petty issues and to take accountability to communicate yourself clearly and honestly. And the highest understanding of Libra is that our relationships are a direct reflection of fragments within our own psyches. Look carefully and soberly at your interactions over the coming weeks. You may notice that many issues may not only lie within that person, but may be projections of your own mind and your own issues. When you accept that, that only you are ultimately responsible for those projections, you can stop blaming and take back your power to truly live your life and follow your own path. It might take some work and conscious effort, but the results will certainly be worth it. 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please send me an e-mail directly at Also, visit my readings/consultations page on my blog for reading options and pricing. 

The Risk of Existence: Total Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon in Aries 2015

Total Lunar Eclipse August 2007; photo by Steve Ryan.

Total Lunar Eclipse @ 04 Aries 40'
September 27, 2015
10:50 PM Eastern
7:50 PM Pacific

This month’s Full Moon closes the final eclipse portal for 2015. While also a total lunar eclipse, this lunation also happens to be a Supermoon. That sounds pretty intense, doesn’t it? Well, don’t panic but you may want to be extra mindful of other people as well as your own unconscious impulses or reactions. The term Supermoon was coined by an astrologer and surprisingly it’s caught on, even in the astronomical community (believe it or not). A Supermoon occurs when the Moon is at its perigee (closest approach to the Earth) while also in an opposition to the Sun (from our geocentric perspective).

In other words, a Supermoon actually appears slightly larger in the sky and is closer to the Earth than other Full Moons. What’s the significance? Well, according to some, a Supermoon can correlate (or actually cause) an increase in things like earthquakes or anomalous weather. And being closer to the earth, it tends to amplify the psychic impact of the Full Moon. I haven’t personally paid much attention to this so I can’t say whether that’s true or not, but I won’t leave it out of the realm of possibility (I practice astrology; I have an incredibly open mind). But, to top things off, this Supermoon is also a total lunar eclipse, and for those of us here in the northern hemisphere, it will be visible and quite active in the collective psyche.

We can anticipate some interesting events to hit the news. That’s always a certainty with eclipses when they’re visible over a certain region. Will this eclipse also bring about some pronounced natural phenomena? It’s possible, but I wouldn’t go worrying about it or expecting some disaster that will make your life more interesting, or worse, distract you from dealing with the reality that lies before you. In fact, a lunar eclipse is an opportune time to focus more inwardly and internally, as well as to be aware of your conscious perception more than usual. If you can step back and observe yourself and others with perceptiveness and focus, you’ll be less likely to get swept up in any kind of “lunacy” that may be surrounding this event.

Full Moons always bring about a culmination of a particular process. With that comes an increase in energy, motivation, and activity. But a lunar eclipse brings in a darker element. Eclipses open up portals within the conscious life narrative; they reveal windows into the dimensions of the psyche we tend to not want to acknowledge in our everyday lives. So, often, the eclipse energy is accompanied by a subtle yet noticeable ambiance of mystery, uncertainty, and sometimes an amplification of certain fears. This can correlate with the dredging up of feelings and emotions that have been stored away in the deeper recesses of our minds. 

The best way to deal with this is to simply go through whatever comes up for you but to do your best to remain calm and not allow the feelings to overwhelm you. If you can do that, just hold space for the experience and allow it to pass through you, you’ll find that these events are not really so terrible. But then again, we can’t control how other people choose to respond their own psychic processes. So, just be mindful and conscious on the day of and during the days surrounding this event of how other people may be reacting. This lunation occurs in the tropical zodiac sign of Aries. Those of us with an emphasis in Aries or cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) may find this particular lunation more impactful or significant, though don’t expect it to change your life.

The Arian archetype can be explosive, impulsive, assertive and restless. Combined with the Supermoon and lunar eclipse, there is a lot of energy and momentum packed into this lunation. That’s great if you can channel this into something healthy and meaningful for you. Not so great if you find yourself trying to force something to happen when the timing just isn’t right (because Mercury is still retrograde). Allow this lunation to motivate you in some way and use that motivation to rework whatever you’re focusing on. While the energy may be available, don’t go charging into battle just yet (don’t take on too much or hurt yourself). But you can use this heightened and catalytic fuel to make some positive changes, both within yourself, your life, or with something you’ve been working on.

On the other end of the polarity, the Sun, Mercury, North Node, and Juno are all clustered in the sign of Libra. This brings in an obvious “social” element. With Mercury retrograde, we are likely finding that we’re focused on mending, rebuilding or releasing our connection to certain “bridges” with others (intimate or professional relationships or friendships). While this is a South Node lunar eclipse, there is a need to let go and release certain fears or anxieties and step into a healthier relationship with those you truly love and care for. Sometimes, you need to step back to get clear about those in your life. This may symbolize a time when you are able to break through certain barriers because you have earned enough strength and confidence to deal with them more soberly and appropriately.

As I said, Full Moons are a time of culmination, a time of blossoming. Whether super or eclipsed, Full Moons bring about awareness and bring things to a head or boiling point. The sign of Aries symbolizes the life force energy in its most pure, raw and primal state. As the Earth’s shadow slowly dims the light of the Full Moon, it symbolizes the dawning of realizations and a threshold crossed within the psyche that reveals what was previously concealed. Aries seeks adventure, challenge, and risk. It reminds us what it means to be alive, to truly be awake and aware of our existence. Feel that sense of aliveness within yourself during this eclipse. It has the power to push you toward something, something that feeds you and that fills you with life and vitality. In case you forgot, you’re still living. Something within you wants to live. And to live requires a risk because life itself never guarantees survival. We have to fight for our right to live, our right to be alive. Are you ready and willing to live, to live vibrantly and courageously? The choice is yours.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options, pricing, and more information. 

Gifts from the Great Mystery: Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo 2015

Partial solar eclipse of the midnight Sun in Tromso, Norway; photo
by Rhys Jones, June 2011.

Partial Solar Eclipse @ 20 Virgo 10'
September 12, 2015
11:41 PM Pacific
September 13, 2015
2:41 AM Eastern

This month’s New Moon initiates the final eclipse season of 2015, which means that this New Moon is also a solar eclipse. To many ancient cultures, eclipses were ominous astronomical events perceived as omens of death, disease, and potential destruction. They were so important to ancient astrologers/astronomers that they painstakingly worked to predict their occurrences. It’s true that in modern, mundane astrology, eclipses are often seen to correlate with political changes and significant collective events, especially if they’re visible over a specific region. On a personal level, eclipses have a definite effect, though their influence in our personal horoscopes is often hard to see if there’s any at all.

This month’s New Moon is a partial solar eclipse in the tropical sign of Virgo, and will only be visible to a few regions below the equator. So, it won’t have much of a correlation to anything major here in the northern hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean it won’t permeate throughout the collective psyche. According to our theories the more total the eclipse the more influential it is. So, this isn’t an exceptionally potent eclipse. A solar eclipse happens when the declination of the Sun and Moon during their monthly conjunction is aligned in such a way that the Moon literally passes over the Sun. During a partial eclipse, both objects are only slightly aligned, resulting in a partial blotting out of the Sun’s light as the Moon passes by.

Symbolically speaking, the unconscious momentarily trumps the conscious mind. What a wonderful opportunity. During a partial eclipse, it’s like letting the lid off just a little bit, to allow some otherwise hidden insights to become revealed. Eclipses are moments of reflection and a time to step back and observe yourself more deeply. They can be opportunities to view your reality from a different vantage point, and to allow a minor reconfiguration of your psyche to take place. In other words, if you are conscious of this process, you come out of the eclipse portal renewed and your ego slightly altered. That’s because the eclipse has the power to make the ego a little more transparent. 
Your facades become obviously superficial and from there you can make some minor adjustments.

This partial solar eclipse also occurs in direct opposition to the centaur object Chiron in the tropical sign of Pisces. Chiron is said to have an affinity with the sign of Virgo. That doesn’t mean that it “rules” Virgo, but that it has a resonance with the archetype. Why is that? According to the myth, Chiron was shot by a poison arrow, and being immortal, he faced an eternity of pain and suffering (don’t worry he was eventually liberated from such a fate in the end). Chiron was a master of the healing arts (including astrology), and so Chiron has this affinity with the archetype of the Wounded Healer. It symbolizes overcoming pain and suffering to give something back to others—to share some healing gift or magical power. The sign of Virgo is associated with service, competence, skillfulness, and being of use.

The sign of Virgo is an impulse within the psyche to strive for some ideal of perfection—to improve and better oneself and one’s life circumstances. Thus, these themes are likely to be floating around with this eclipse. You may have subtle insights about how you can shift a wound through a shift of your perception about it. It’s amazing how powerful the mind truly is, how you can focus so much on something that hurts you that you can actually make it louder, make it stronger. And sometimes, all you need to do is shift your attention to someone else, or some other task that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning, and suddenly what hurt doesn’t hurt so much.

Chiron in Pisces is a “mystical” force. It brings you the message that healing can sometimes be miraculous. How does that happen? It’s often a mystery to the mind, and especially to the doctors who diagnosed you with a terminal illness. The power of a belief can be so influential that it may have the power to kill you or completely reverse your condition. This solar eclipse may serve to remind you that you are not a diagnosis; you don’t fit into a neat and perfect little box. You are a complex, spiritual being with a unique path and destiny. And your experiences, whether positive and negative, are uniquely your own. Your healing path is uniquely your own. And guess what. The body wants to heal as much as the mind does.

Sometimes, your body manifests things to get your attention about something you’re not doing, or something you’re not seeing or wanting to acknowledge. Illness is always an opportunity to acquire wisdom. Chiron requires that we bring forth a special gift, but that requires conscious effort to hone the appropriate skills. And because the gift lies in the wound, we don’t want to go there. We’d rather distract ourselves then make the effort to bring it forth and into the world. But that is usually not the wisest strategy. When Virgo is highlighted, we need to get to work, and we need to focus on obtaining competence, which comes from practice and application of our skills.

Consider that this eclipse moment merely points the way; it brings about the insight and realization. The path will unfold throughout this current lunar cycle, reaching a breakthrough point at the total lunar eclipse in Aries two weeks from now. When we stop focusing on “getting it right” or “making it perfect”, and we just take the steps to get there, things often have a way of miraculously coming together, and what we create, what we give to the world, is truly beyond what we even imagined it could be. That’s because what’s inside of us comes from some other place. And we are only the conduit for the gifts given by the great mystery. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Also, visit my readings and consultations page for reading options and pricing. 

Rebuilding Bridges: Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2015

The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California;
photo by Chad Woodward, 2012.

September 17- October 09, 2015

Aug. 28    00 Libra 54’   Enter Shadow
Sept. 17    15 Libra 55’   Stationary Retrograde
Oct. 09     00 Libra 55’   Stationary Direct
Oct. 24     15 Libra 55’   Leave Shadow

You may be feeling something quite contradictory right now, and this may depend on who you are, but the collective psyche is presently flooded with the desire to retreat as well as connect socially. Venus is just finishing her retrograde in the sign of Leo and will turn direct on Sept. 6. If this cycle touched you personally, you may be going in a very different direction than you were before, and there may have been some big changes happening within you. That might be hard to put into words, other than to say that you feel different, you see things differently, and what you value may have drastically changed on some level along with an attitudinal shift in your relationships.

If you’ve been trying to resist these inner changes, by attempting to distract yourself or avoid uncomfortable feelings, then this process may not be so pronounced for you , or it may not have been so easy to deal with and process. You may feel like you can’t wait until it’s over. In that case, rest assured that Venus will be moving on. But Mercury, the planet of communication is going to turn retrograde in tropical Libra a little over a week after Venus stations direct. We entered the shadow period on Aug. 28, and Mercury is heading toward a square aspect to Pluto (one of three this year) that will be exact on Sept. 9.

First off, don’t panic. While Mercury retrograde is notorious for its unpredictable behavior which can be rather annoying, worrying doesn’t help anyone. Mercury can be quite the trickster, but it has an intention behind its madness. When Mercury turns retrograde, it opens up new realities to us—realities we have been too distracted or ignorant to see. And that should be an exciting thing. The mind doesn’t like to admit what it doesn’t know. Yet, one's sense of absolute certainty can weaken and annihilate the greatest of warriors. Occasionally we need to have some holes poked in our worldview and perception, to keep things fresh, to keep our mind loose and open. So, this is a time to admit what you don’t know. Admit what you have refused or have been incapable of seeing.

The sign of Libra is a “social” sign. All the air signs have this quality, but Libra, in particular, relates to the instinct within the psyche that seeks to build “bridges of rapport”, as astrologer Steven Forrest likes to say. Libra connects disparate things and attempts to build something coherent out of them. If successful, Libra’s creations are beautiful, even mesmerizing. We’re left impressed, in awe, and we feel a sense that things are going to be okay, if only for a moment. The sign of balance, harmony, and equilibrium, Libra seeks to keep the chaos at bay. We know this isn’t indefinitely sustainable. Chaos is always ready to rear its ugly head just when we think everything is running smoothly, but Libra keeps on going, keeps on attempting to maintain homeostasis.

You have to appreciate that—that the universe is in this beautiful dance between chaos and balance, yin and yang. That balance is what our very existence hinges on. Mercury turns stationary retrograde on Sept. 17 and will be retrograde (appearing to move backward) until Oct. 9. Those two dates (Sept. 17 and Oct. 9) and the days surrounding them will be the most hectic and chaotic for people, yet it’s hard to predict if or when Mercury will strike. Each retrograde is different, and we all respond in our own unique way. I have to say, that Mercury retrograde is the most unpredictable of cycles we have in our astrological toolbox. All we can say is that it’s better to be prepared and forewarned than to be taken completely off guard.

What does Mercury retrograde tend to go after? Mercury governs anything involving communication. In our fast paced, high-tech world, we are completely immersed in technological environments and so Mercury has even more at its disposal—more things to play with. Just be mindful of potential disruptions and breakdowns with any kind of technological device or equipment, and be on the lookout for misunderstandings in your social interactions. Mercury retrograde is a time to review everything that you’re doing. Before hastily pushing forward with anything always double check your work and all the variables involved. This is particularly important when it comes to signing any kind of contract. Read the fine print carefully.

And if you’re in doubt, back off, and wait it out. Mercury retrograde setbacks can sometimes be costly, sometimes painful. If you work with this cycle, you will find that you have extra time, and that whatever you thought needed to be urgently initiated could actually wait a few weeks. In fact, you’ll find that things will work out far more successfully if you do. The sign of Libra, as I stated, relates to this instinct to build bridges, and every retrograde connects us to the past. This is a time to potentially rebuild some bridges you may have thought you needed to burn. Sometimes, burnt bridges can be reestablished. We can mend past conflicts and misunderstandings, just to keep things peaceful and to clear ourselves of the karma.

What bridges do you need to rebuild now? How can you reestablish harmony with certain people and situations in your life right now? While some bridges need to be left in the past, others may truly benefit you in the future. Trust your instincts, and trust the moment as it presents itself to you. This cycle may have us needing to reach out a little just to clarify ourselves and where we stand, even though we may feel more introspective and less inclined to do so. So, try to find that beautiful balance, that yin and yang between reaching out and reaching in with this cycle. It’s always a good exercise to connect both the internal and external worlds. Look to the house in your natal horoscope that Mercury will retrograde through. This will give you more information about where in your life these bridges are being rebuilt, as well as where you need to reestablish peace, harmony and equilibrium. Mercury will move from 15 to 00 degrees of tropical Libra. It will station direct right on the point of the autumnal equinox. This is a profound statement that further amplifies the need to recreate harmony and balance in our lives with this cycle.

And as I stated before, Mercury is an archetype that seeks to expand our perception of reality. During this cycle, humble yourself enough to see things from both perspectives, even that of someone else. This is a time to open your mind and consider the input from others so that you have a more well -rounded perspective. When Mercury stations direct in October, you’ll have a better understanding so that you can move forward with something or with particular relationships. Mercury will make three squares to the planet Pluto in Capricorn during this cycle. The first square, as I mentioned, occurs on Sept. 9; the second will occur on Sept. 24 while Mercury is retrograde and a day before Pluto itself turns stationary direct. The final square (once Mercury is moving direct) occurs on Oct. 22.

Pluto is putting some pressure on Mercury to face some uncomfortable truths. As Mercury and Pluto come into contact, you may encounter people or situations that require you to speak honestly and directly about where you stand. This is a time to work things out and lay some things out on the table, but it will require taking the initiative and maintaining your integrity. If you succeed, you may make a breakthrough in the way you relate and communicate to others. Pluto in Capricorn will require complete authentic, clear, and honest communication, and that will be difficult to achieve. If you can avoid blame and projection, by maintaining accountability and taking responsibility, you will be able to clear the air of some heavy karma and potentially toxic emotional baggage.

The midpoint of Mercury’s retrograde cycle through Libra occurs on Sept. 30. This is the rebuilding phase of the retrograde cycle. Often (though not always), Mercury tends to deconstruct things in the week and a half leading up to the conjunction of Sun and Mercury. During the rebuilding phase, we are slowly integrating and putting the pieces back together again; though as I said, Mercury retrograde can be quite unpredictable, so don’t expect all the annoying setbacks to completely cease. Use this time wisely to step back, reflect, and look for missing pieces or details in whatever you’ve been working on. If you can do that, you’re less likely to be attached to any of the potential setbacks or delays that you may encounter. With this cycle, we are coming to a particular bridge. It’s time to decide whether or not you wish to cross it. If you do, you may enter an entirely new terrain. If you don’t, that’s okay too. Like I said, some bridges need mending and others may need to be left alone. And that choice is always yours to make.

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at Visit my readings and consultations page for information on reading options and pricing. 

Surrendering to the Cosmic Intention: Full Moon in Pisces 2015

A pair of overlapping Spiral Galaxies in the vicinity of NGC 253;
photo by Hubble Space Telescope, 2006.

Full Moon @ 06 Pisces 06'
August 29, 2015
11:35 AM Pacific
2:35 PM Eastern

We are still within the bounds of the magical moment of Venus retrograde, a time where many of us may be experiencing a restructuring of our inherent values and relationships (as well as potential serendipitous meetings with “familiar” individuals). The deeply inward process of inner reorientation is likely to begin shifting outward, as Venus has emerged from the heart of the Sun. Venus now rises each morning, announcing the ascension of the Sun and return of the light from the underworld. What was entirely unconscious, the internal shifting within ourselves is now becoming conscious and manifesting itself within our lives and in the external world. What do you value now? It is likely quite different than it was before. How has your attitude toward your relationships shifted? With this newfound sense of self and a new set of values, you can create something beautiful.

Venus turns stationary direct on Sept. 6 just several days after she conjoins Mars in Leo—a rather “sexy” conjunction, facilitating the return and assimilation of a past desire or creative impulse that was left unfulfilled. Venus and Mars conjoin on Aug. 31. A longing to merge with a past craving may manifest for you. As we are in the outward, directed phase of the Venus retrograde cycle, we are bringing the internal longing outward into the world in some way, experiencing it directly within the conscious life narrative. This month’s Full Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, and it lies in the crosshairs of the rather mystical, creative, and visionary opposition of Jupiter and Neptune.

The Full Moon itself conjoins Neptune, ruler of Pisces. In this amorphous and formless sign, the Full Moon illuminates and brings to light and culmination an intangible dream or vision. You may find yourself surrendering your will to some higher cosmic intention alongside this Full Moon. Neptune humbles us. It reminds us that our vision is not entirely our own and that we are simply the conduit for that which is completely beyond our comprehension in human form. Ultimately, we are a tool through which the universe expresses itself into the greater collective.  Honor your desire to reflect and seek communion with the divine during this Full Moon. This is a time to allow yourself to merge with a higher purpose and sense of connectivity with the larger human community. Meditation or any spiritual practice will be welcome at this time, or any experience that facilitates the sense of being and observing consciousness itself.

Jupiter, on the other end of the conjunction, conjoins the Sun in Virgo. Jupiter opens opportunities for the practical application of these amorphous and visionary impulses—to make them useful to others in some way and to help sharpen or hone your skills to be of service to the community. What do you need to chisel away and refine now? What abstract and intangible thing can you distil to make more communicable to the conscious world? This Full Moon is a cleansing and integrating influence, and if you can harness this energy positively, you can bridge two worlds that never quite seem to understand each other. If we respond differently, we may find that we are overextending ourselves or jumping off a precipice without really thinking it through. Engage with your life consciously now—really get in there and attempt to make some connections. Sometimes we need a moment to retreat and check out, but escapism and avoidance of reality may not be the best route. 

For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at 

Into the Heart of the Sun: New Moon in Leo 2015

A view from Bryce Amphitheater Traverse at Bryce Canyon
National Park, Utah; photo by Chad Woodward, July 2015. 
New Moon @ 21 Leo 31'
August 14, 2015
10:53 AM Eastern
7:53 AM Pacific

So often, we look to astrology to predict external changes, concrete events that will restructure the exterior dimensions of our life experience. Sometimes, astrology can do this although we can never be certain how those events will manifest exactly—what form they will ultimately take. But the most profound changes that astrology predicts, especially through the lens of transits and secondary progressions, are those internal events that restructure our psyche from within, and as we shift and change internally; magically, the external always seems to follow suit.

This month’s lunar cycle begins anew in the sign of Leo conjunct Venus retrograde—just a day before the midpoint of the Venus retrograde cycle, the “inferior” conjunction of Sun and Venus (Exact on Aug. 15). This is the moment when Venus descends into the heart of the Sun; her illustrious brilliance engulfed by the Sun’s overpowering presence. As she conjoins the Sun, she is transformed into a morning star- Lucifer, the light bearer. From here on out, until the next cycle, Venus will announce the rising of the Sun each morning.

This New Moon heralds the dawn of a new day. Something within each of us has been undergoing a transformation that may be difficult to pin down exactly, but we feel it deeply and intensely, especially if this particular Venus retrograde cycle touches your horoscope directly. You may find yourself changing your core values as well as rediscovering things that reconnect you with beauty. You may equally find many of your relationships (friendships, romantic, professional) undergoing a transformation. Perhaps you find yourself going deeper with connections that you’ve recently made, letting go of others and the karma attached to them, seeing certain relationships in a different light, or choosing to make different choices within the context of your relationships.

Whatever you’re experiencing right now, it’s something quite beyond your conscious control. And while the Sun is the most “conscious” of archetypes, as it symbolizes the conscious life narrative, this New Moon correlates to a profound inner shift within each of us, and an inner shift that will likely lead to external changes over the next several weeks. In Leo, the Sun’s energy dominates the landscape. You may be craving conscious awareness of those undercurrents that constantly trip you up in life. I would encourage you to allow these insights to arise spontaneously and organically and trust that the unconscious part of you may actually know what it’s doing.

As Venus descends into the Sun, she is born again and renewed. Your personal values, sense of self-worth, and your perception of certain relationships will be transformed by fire. From the ashes, a new sense of self will emerge into the light of day. Allow this New Moon to burn away any old “karma” that you’ve been clinging to. Allow this lunation to bring to light a new understanding of life and your place within it. From this understanding, will come the confidence to shine your light into the world—to be what you inherently are and are destined to be. Over the next few weeks, this understanding will solidify, and ideally, you will feel different, more connected to your authentic self.

There is also a powerful creative potential packed into this New Moon, as well as an overwhelming reflective impulse—directing consciousness toward past experiences that have been left unresolved. Take a risk with this New Moon; take the risk of loving and accepting yourself for the way that you are. Remember, that your relationships always reflect your level of self-love. How can anyone else love and value you if you don’t love and value yourself? How can you expect the world to give you a standing ovation if you never clap for yourself? To receive love from the universe, you have to equally put love into it, and that starts with you, as a fragment of the whole. 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my Readings/Consultations page for reading options and pricing.

An Alternate Route: Full Moon in Aquarius 2015

A view north along North Fork-Charleston Road in Charleston,
Nevada; Photo by Farmartin, 2014, via Wikimedia Commons. 
Full Moon @ 7 Aquarius 56' 
July 31, 2015
6:43 AM Eastern
3:43 AM Pacific

Tension is inherent within any Full Moon. The opposition of Sol and Luna always breeds perspective as well as culmination. But some Full Moons are more rife with tension than others. Not this one. Yes, we can feel that internal opposition within ourselves, that sense of something coming to a head, to a climax. The crescendo of the lunar cycle always feels that way somehow. A process is indeed coming to its peak experience, but the Moon isn’t challenged by much else here, and for Aquarius, that’s certainly a liberating feeling.

This Full Moon coincides with a sense of stillness and reflection. It’s a moment to take a breath, to take in the moment and prepare yourself for what’s about to unfold. In tropical Aquarius, you need a breath of fresh air. However you can obtain that, I suggest that you do so. Try something different. Take a path you have yet to tread. Look inside yourself and make a connection to your uniqueness.

Aquarius, via its modern association with Uranus, imbues the collective with a desire for independence, freedom, and authentic self-expression. Choose to liberate yourself somehow. Choose to be who you inherently are. The gods and goddesses of Aquarius will smile upon you and nudge you forward. But then again, moving forward feels a bit counterintuitive at the moment.

Venus is slowly turning retrograde, backwards in the sky as she gradually approaches another conjunction with Jupiter. You’re coming back to something now, something perhaps from the recent past, such as earlier in the month or something from the distant past (like eight years ago), or a past you do not consciously remember. You are within the embrace of those magical forty days and forty nights that Venus is retrograde--a time to reconsider your relationships, resources, and a time to reassess your choices.

You’ve been to this place before. Perhaps you remember it, perhaps you do not. Keep in mind that you are weaving your fate, perhaps not consciously, but at least supra-consciously. And that supra-conscious self is what we mistake as fate. The gods, goddesses, and angels are ultimately us. We are creating our destiny, but not simply from the mind alone, but from a “higher” mind that we cannot consciously conceive.

Venus and Jupiter expand your capacity for love—love for yourself and for others. And yet there is restlessness. Jupiter wants to expand, and Leo wants to play. Venus seeks to build bridges and form deeper connections. Our karma lies primarily in our desires. Sure, there are ramifications for what we put out into the world and the actions that we take, but the most powerful karma of all lies at the heart of our longing and regrets, our “unfinished business”.

With Venus retrograde, consider your unfinished business with others now. Consider how you might go about finishing it. Aquarius urges you to do something different—to choose an alternative route this time. Throw away all your education regarding how relationships should be. Set aside all those limiting parameters society dictates for you. Listen to your heart right now. What is it saying to you? To finish and clear this karma may require a new and different approach. You might as well try it. It’s possible that you only have several hundred more lifetimes to do it.

For more on the current Venus retrograde cycle, see my article here (video included at the bottom).

If you're interested in a personal reading, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my Readings/Consultations page for reading options and pricing.

Let Your Heart Be Heard: New Moon in Cancer 2015

NASA's New Horizons mission revealed that Pluto has a heart.
Acrylic painting by Jeremy Britz of Saskatoon, Canada, 2015.
Visit Jeremy's Etsy shop here.
New Moon @ 23 Cancer 14'
July 15, 2015
9:24 PM Eastern
6:24 PM Pacific

I often attempt to validate and encourage those with big hearts and heightened sensitivity to honor that part of themselves—to find some sense of pride for the way they are. To move through life and maintain an open heart and empathy for a world that can be so cruel and unyielding is a great accomplishment. For most human beings, empathy is a gift, but a gift that comes with a price. The price of empathy is the inevitability of encountering overwhelming emotional pain and heartache. People will disappoint other people. People will betray those they love. This is human nature. And when we’re sensitive—when we’re open and receptive to the feelings of others and our environment, we’re more vulnerable to the pain that comes from social rejection.

Evolution designed us as social creatures. We crave acceptance and social approval. Without it, we don’t have the confidence or trust in life to move forward. When we’re abandoned or ignored by others, our bodies (via the limbic system) create a sensation equal to physical pain. It’s designed to compel us to do everything we can to gain the approval of the clan or those we love. Cancer symbolizes that part of the psyche that seeks to form deeply committed bonds of a tribal nature. That certainly fits the archetype of family, but Cancerian bonds are more than blood related. Friends can certainly take on the role of family for many. The Cancerian instinct is to protect, nurture, nourish. and heal. And Cancer feels deeply—sometimes too deeply for those it loves and cares for.

Anyone with a strong Cancerian, Lunar, or fourth house nature will understand this. They are sensitive creatures, more than other people. Of course, we all have Cancer in our horoscopes, but those particularly wired for it come into this life with the intention of cultivating and employing their sensitivity as a gift to the world and to those they find themselves closest to. While social approval is hardwired into us from birth, and deeply embedded in our DNA, it can also work to our detriment. In our complex, modern society, where individuation is honored above all else, we often find ourselves pitted against the contradictory desires of social approval and honoring our own individuality.

Also—there are those human beings that are actually devoid of empathy. Believe it or not, they exist. While a minority, they have the capacity to use our empathy against us. I often say that nobody can actually hurt you emotionally unless they consciously (or unconsciously) intend to. Most of the time, we are hurt because our projections and ideals are shattered by the reality of a situation. We finally see someone for who they really are. The pain we experience is the grieving and loss of the expectation that we projected onto that person. But we also can’t control our feelings. We can’t stop ourselves from loving someone when it happens. We’re human and we’re vulnerable to human emotions.

With Uranus square this Cancerian New Moon, you may sense the tension that exists between the desire to fit in and gain acceptance and the equally powerful desire to follow your own path and be true to yourself. Consider this a beginning point, as opposed to the culmination of a process you must master. In love type relationships, this is the hardest, especially in the beginning stages. We want so badly to be loved by the one we have fallen for—and we fall into the trap of projecting an image that isn’t who we really are. Eventually, we must face the reality that we are projecting a lie.

And yet, we’re back to the essential truth that we are social creatures. To become a part of a community requires some compromise. The tension embedded into this New Moon affords you the opportunity to find a way to fit in without losing yourself, too. That might take some trial and error, but the effort will be worth it. The problem with many revolutionary movements is that they seem to miss this essential point: that we must integrate change into the community in a gradual way if we wish to see things shift on a societal level. If we use too much force, we risk creating irreparable damage and pain. Uranian energy, especially in Aries, is forceful and dynamic—like a seething volcano. Be mindful of this potential and be gentle.

Mercury and Mars in Cancer form an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn alongside this New Moon. You may want to consider the power of authentic emotional communication—consider how that power can clarify as well as deeply hurt someone in its impact. You must be cautious here. If you use too much force you risk creating some damage, and with not enough force, and you risk leaving yourself fully unheard. When in doubt, speak from your heart. In fact, consider that this New Moon allows your heart to be heard and hopefully acknowledged. Say what you need to say, but be mindful of those denser, primal energies that may come pouring through as well. The emotional realms of Cancer, a water sign, are often choppy waters.

Find your center of balance and find the hearth within. When you find that place, and you feel safe there, you can speak from a place of authenticity and confidence. Facing the truth of ourselves and those we love can be one of the hardest things we do, but living a life of delusion can be just as painful too, especially when the walls of our imaginary world eventually come crashing down. It’s often said that to incarnate on Earth in a human body, with human feelings, is one of the most difficult tasks to undertake for any being traveling through the universe. The spectrum of human emotion is so diverse and intense, that apparently, not many choose to experience it. I don’t know if this is true, but it often feels that to simply get through life, with your heart open, is one of the greatest accomplishments in the cosmos.

Stay strong and keep on loving. 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my Readings/Consultations page for reading options and pricing.

Create Something Beautiful: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015

Beauty by Kathy Crabbe, 2015. 
Venus Retrograde in Virgo/Leo
July 25, 2015- Sept. 6, 2015

Retrograde cycles of Venus and Mars are the rarest of planetary backtracks. Venus turns retrograde every year and a half. Mars turns retrograde every two years. Mercury, of course, we know turns retrograde every three months, three times a year. Many outer planets are retrograde for lengthy amounts of time, long enough to not really notice them (with maybe the exception of Jupiter and Saturn). Retrogrades, by their archetypal nature, have an inward and introverted quality.

The reason for this, symbolically speaking, is obvious. Astrological symbolism is quite literal. When a planet appears to be moving backwards, its usual function is inverted. A retrograde urges us to reflect and look into the past. And retrogrades bring us some interesting insights about the nature of time. Modern physics suggests that time is ultimately an illusion and that it’s malleable, although it doesn’t allow us to actually change the past, not in a literal, concrete sense. But retrograde cycles seem to open a kind of portal within the conscious life narrative that allows one to “go back” (metaphorically speaking) to tie up loose ends and learn from past decisions.

Venus retrograde, in particular, has an uncanny connection with dredging up issues from the past in relation to current relationships and commitments. As you may know, I’m an evolutionary astrologer. That means that I entertain the hypothesis (or theory, depending on what you consider testable) of reincarnation. I think that something animates the body and that it continues to exist when we die. I believe that some part of me, maybe not my ego, but some part of my psyche has always existed and will continue to exist long after I do in my current form.

In my experience of Venus retrograde, I can say that there has been an unusual pattern of meeting “new” people who seemed terribly familiar. This doesn’t always happen with each retrograde, but it has happened enough times to get my attention. There is also a pattern of reconnecting with past relationships from this life, as well as a period of sorting through some heavy “karma” in your current relationships. Venus is the most potent symbol for love and relationships we have in our astrological pantheon, as Venus correlates with our instinct to relate and bond with other sentient beings.

This is the Libra side of Venus. But Venus has another side which correlates with its planetary rulership of Taurus and its natural association with the second house. The Taurus side of Libra deals with issues of money, possessions, personal values, and the pleasures of the body—the inner animal. When Venus turns retrograde, you will have a chance to reevaluate your relationships, commitments, personal values, desires, and the resources that help you to survive in the world.

Each time a planet goes retrograde, especially an inner planet, it brings about a change in the flow of things that relate to that archetype. In other words, there is often a reversal of direction, priorities, values, and goals during these times. With Venus, these changes relate outwardly to your personal as well as professional relationships and inwardly to your self-worth and personal values. Retrogrades are a time to reassess and reflect on these things more deeply than you would otherwise.

Venus retrograde is a time to gain perspective on your current commitments and relationships as well as how well you are handling yourself practically in the world. Current relationships may go through a process of reevaluation. You may begin to see certain flaws that you were oblivious to before. This is not a time of action regarding your relationships. Meaning, it’s a time to absorb and reflect on what you see in others and decide what to do about them when Venus turns direct (you may want to hold off on filing those divorce papers just yet, or running off to Vegas to get hitched in a drive thru). Be wary of Venus’ darker side during this time. You may have difficulty looking past glamorous façades and may be easily seduced by appearances.

This usually pertains to new relationships that begin during the retrograde, as well as things you decide to invest in or purchase. Your judgment is not likely to be as sound and discerning as usual. But don’t take this to mean that a new relationship or investment that begins under the retrograde is doomed to fail. It means that you need to look at things more realistically and to be cautious of anything that seems too good to be true. Venus retrograde is a natural cycle that reveals that time is ultimately non-linear. Venus shows us that our relationships are multi-dimensional and when she turns retrograde she lures us into the underworld to glimpse the deeper workings of karma that are beyond our limited perception.

Venus retrograde seems to be more pronounced if it stations retrograde or direct on a trigger point in your chart, i.e. a dynamic planetary placement or angle of the chart (first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house cusps). If this happens, you can likely expect to endure a significant and life altering event in relation to the nature of the placement that is activated. Venus stations are powerful predictive tools, and when used consciously with intention, you can use them as opportunities to change your life for the better. If you are personally impacted by a Venus station, look back eight years prior. You will find a similarity to what happened to you then.

This is because Venus stations in the same vicinity of the zodiac every eight years. Her retrograde cycles form an almost perfect pentagram or rose-shaped pattern in the sky. It’s no wonder we associate beauty and symmetry with Venus. As she moves back and forth through the zodiac, she weaves a pattern that is emblematic of the ideal of perfection. She weaves our fate and connects us to seemingly disparate moments along the timeline our souls are currently traveling. Her eight-year cycle sets us on a new course and path that will unfold and develop over time.

The crescendo of any Venus retrograde comes with the “inferior” conjunction of the Sun and Venus, which will occur onAugust 15. The word inferior sounds like a “bad” conjunction, but don’t let those old astrologers and their jargons scare you. We call it inferior because when Venus is retrograde, she is directly between the Sun and Earth—like the pickle in the middle. There’s no shame in that. It might be a little cramped, but it sets up a space of deeper intimacy and connection. That sounds good, right? The converse conjunction is called a “superior” conjunction. While it’s certainly different (because Venus isn’t retrograde) it’s not any better than an inferior conjunction.

Eric Francis, over at Planet Waves, likes to call them interior conjunctions, and I like that term a lot better too. It is these interior conjunctions that actually create the pentagram in the sky (as perceived from our geocentric perception). And it is the interior conjunction that holds the real power and magic of Venus retrograde. You may also check to see whether you have any significant planets or angles at 22 degrees of Leo where this interior conjunction occurs and equally reflect on the past eight years and what has unfolded for you since the last conjunction (August 18, 2007).

Venus retrograde lasts for approximately 40 days and 40 nights. That’s interesting, isn’t it? If you’re privy to biblical lore you will notice the connection to the biblical story of the exodus (it also shows up in other archaic mythologies). I’m not going to get into that, but I will say that it likely originates from this very cycle of Venus. Venus retrograde is a time when Venus literally switches from either rising or setting with the Sun. After this particular interior conjunction, Venus will transform from an evening to a morning star.

We know that Venus retrograde will lure us deeper into ourselves and into our relationships. A lot of scary stuff can happen here. That’s perfectly natural. We may see things we don’t want to see. We may experience things we thought we wanted to experience, but then realize it may not have been for the best or what we really desired. But then, that’s how we learn. And here is the heart of Venus retrograde. Have you learned from your mistakes? Have you acquired the wisdom and consciousness needed to move past making decisions that take you to the same dark, soul deadening places? Only you can really know this.

During this potentially magical time, you may meet some “new” people you may have met before. Reincarnation would be a good way to explain these connections. You may go through something in a current relationship that, again, seems oddly familiar. Have you been to this junction before? You just might have, in this life or perhaps another. The power of this cycle lies in understanding your power—the power of free will. You can make choices. And guess what? You can make choices that aren’t the same ones you’ve made before. Imagine that. And so, as you embark on this rare astrological event, choose to make a different choice and transmute this karma for good (but be kind to yourself, admit your humanity and imperfections).

Venus tells us symbolically through her stations and “inferior” conjunctions that we will meet in this place again. Around and around we go, until we wise up and move on. This is a fertile time for not only love and relationships, but for creativity. And that’s what we’re doing here, right? We’re creating something. You may have forgotten that, but it’s true. You’re creating your life story. And every decision you make reflects how conscious and aware you are that you even have one--a destiny, a purpose, a mission in life. So, choose to create something beautiful. That’s all that Venus wants, isn’t it? She wants to make the world a beautiful and more harmonious place. 

Venus Retrograde Logistics

Venus turns stationary retrograde (will begin to move backwards) on July 25, 2015 @ 0 Virgo 46.

Venus will conjoin the Sun and form an “inferior” conjunction on August 15, 2015 @ 22 Leo 39’.

Venus will turn stationary direct (move forward again) on September 6, 2015 @ 14 Leo 23’.

The Brightest “Stars” in the Sky

If you pay attention to the sky, you may have noticed two bright objects together just past sunset. Those aren’t stars, but planets. Venus and Jupiter conjoined in tropical Leo on June 30/July 1 (depending on your time zone). I point you to the sky because it’s the best way to see the direct correlation of astronomical and life events so clearly in real time. In Leo, these two “lucky” planets sent a wave of creative energy into the collective psyche. You may have felt that. Jupiter and Venus have also been expanding and inflaming your connections and relationships. Take a look at the house that Venus and Jupiter conjoined (21 Leo), and you will notice relationships expanding in that department somehow. Its effect will be quite uncanny. 

Venus and Jupiter will conjoin three times this year. The first conjunction, as I said, occurred on June 30/July 1. The second conjunction will occur on August 4 (with Venus retrograde), and the third conjunction will occur on Oct. 25 (in Virgo). That’s a lot of expansive, heart opening, creative mojo to deal with this year. First off, let’s talk about the heart. We know that in order to genuinely love others, we have to be open to giving and receiving love….and ultimately, we have to love ourselves. When you open your heart, you make yourself vulnerable. Loving someone, whether romantically or platonically, involves a risk—the risk of getting hurt.

That’s always a scary thing to consider when we first embark upon a commitment with someone. Love can heal us but it can also hurt us—sometimes leading us to destruction and suffering.That is because love is pure creative energy and ultimately it is power. Creative energy can create and it can destroy. So, we must be cautious, mindful and compassionate here. We must admit that to love we must risk getting hurt. When we open our hearts to others, we are opening ourselves up for both joy and pain. There’s no getting around that. Expanding your heart will allow for love to enter, but it also exposes the wounds that may reside there: the old pain and heartbreak you put aside to get on with your life.

These three conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter will likely correlate with the need to expand your capacity to love in some way, but it will equally expand those places within your heart that experienced the dark side of love as well—the heartbreak and rejection. There’s a saying that states that when you love and get hurt, to keep on loving. And when you get hurt again, love more. Continue loving until the love in your life overpowers the pain. This is a metaphor for what you may encounter, depending on how personal these three conjunctions are for you (relative to their contact with specific points in your chart). Collectively speaking, 

Venus and Jupiter are offering us an opportunity to include more love and creative joy in our lives and to open that vulnerable place within to heal our wounds too.
And when these two planets come together, they invite us to take some risks. We should be mindful of the tendency to overdo things, to give and love too much so that we lose ourselves in the process. If you’re prone to going overboard in that department, be mindful of what you are getting yourself into. We are in a cycle that invites us to try something new, to put ourselves out there in regards to giving and receiving love. It’s time to be clear and ask for what you want. Take some bold steps but also be mindful of vanity traps and facades concealing empty promises.

The other side of Venus (as I discussed above), correlates with talents that become valuable resources that help us survive in the world. Consider that potentially some resource may be growing alongside your relationships too. So, take a look at what is unfolding in your life right now. This is what you have chosen to work through. Know that whatever is transpiring in this moment, you will come back to. We will come to this place again. Take your time with this process. And when in doubt, just keep on allowing love to enter your life, in whatever shape or form it manifests. Love is truly a transpersonal force, a force that we can only glimpse in this density/reality. I feel that it is a force that binds the universe, and it will guide us, ultimately, to wholeness. Do you trust the flow of love in your life? Reflect on that. It will reveal much to you.

Check out my very first video! I intend to begin posting supplemental videos with certain blog posts. So stay tuned for more! 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my Readings/Consultations page for reading options and pricing.

Fear and Love: Full Moon in Capricorn 2015

An artist's impression of Pluto and its moon Charon; Pat Rawlings/NASA.

Full Moon @ 9 Capricorn 55'
July 1, 2015
10:20 PM Eastern
7:20 PM Pacific

The current lunar cycle culminates in the tropical sign of Capricorn. As the Moon waxes to its opposition to the Sun, it will be applying to a conjunction with Pluto and will have just passed an opposition to Mars. Here the Moon illuminates the heart of darkness, as Pluto symbolizes the gateway to the ego-dystonic realm—the threshold beyond ego and self-identification. As this Full Moon culminates, you’re invited to get a little bit serious about something in your life. Perhaps, you will find yourself focused on a specific task or mission—one that requires that you transcend your own ego based needs to consider your influence upon others or the collective.

We each come into this life with a purpose. For some of us, that purpose is beyond simply making our way in the world. For some of us, our purpose is to contribute something to the larger community in a way that will impact the whole of humanity, not just our individual lives. Pluto reminds us of this. We are not only here to work out our karma, but we are here to serve the greater human tribe. Capricorn teaches us about the necessity of solitude and focused concentration to achieve any great work. The Full Moon in Capricorn brings to culmination a dynamic endpoint or goal that we may feel compelled to accomplish.

Capricorn doesn’t take shortcuts or the easy path. To master a Capricorn mission, you must apply yourself, and that may be difficult and challenging. Pluto connects us to a place within the psyche that holds deeply embedded karmic memories—the experiences we have brought with us throughout our many lifetimes. As the Full Moon illuminates this terrain, it equally illuminates the dynamics within our lives that we may not fully understand from this lifetime alone. Sometimes the choices we make, and the people involved, stem from something our soul had decided to do a long time ago. This Full Moon not only brings about a deep awareness of our responsibility to the community, but it also brings about an impetus to do something about it. This Full Moon is as much about action as it is about awareness. And that action is likely to involve some hard work, commitment, and dedication. 

However, with Saturn retrograde ruling this Full Moon, we are likely to take action in ways that restructure an existing plan or system. Are you ready for it? Can you handle the path that lies ahead of you? You must go within and truly connect authentically so that you can realistically assess your capabilities. The separating conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Leo adds a bit of enthusiasm and lightness to this otherwise heavy Full Moon. These two planets in Leo remind us that hard work must be equally accompanied by a healthy balance of focused commitment and play. While you face whatever mission you have chosen to endure, don’t lose sight of your basic human nature. Pleasure, joy, and laughter still have a place in all this serious business. Our great work may require some sacrifice, but our true purpose should feed our soul and fill our lives with bliss. If you’re not experiencing that, then you may need to reconsider what you’re really here to do and why.

Any depression, emptiness, or fear that accompanies this Full Moon is the existential biofeedback emanating from your soul. Your soul is calling you now. It is calling you to take a moment and look within yourself and realistically assess the path you're embarking on. That may require a difficult, hard look at reality, but remember that you are always being guided by the natural processes of the body and the world around you. Some part of the universe wants you to succeed, and some part of the universe equally wants you to fail. Which one will be your guide? Sometimes it’s as simple (and difficult) as a choice between fear and love. A wise person once told me, when given a choice between comfort and passion, choose passion. And that has served me well. Choose the passion that compels you to live your life to its highest potential. While life is anything but easy, it’s in the tension and struggle that we truly know we are alive. 

If you're interested in a personal reading, please e-mail me directly at Also, head over to my Readings/Consultations page for reading options and pricing. 

Engage Your Life: New Moon in Gemini 2015

False color image of Mercury; image
by NASA/JPL/Northwestern University.

New Moon @ 25 Gemini 07
June 16, 2015
10:05 AM
7:05 AM

This month’s New Moon plants its seeds in the tropical sign of Gemini just after Mercury turns stationary direct. Mercury’s retrograde cycle in Gemini was quite influential for many people. It seemed to be one of the most pronounced cycles I’ve experienced.  While it’s difficult to predict exactly how any Mercury retrograde will influence us on an individual level, we can theoretically assume that Mercury turning retrograde in its own sign is particularly powerful and dynamic in its expression.

That certainly played out for a lot of people I’ve spoken with. Luckily I made it out alive and I assume that you did too. You can rest assured that things are on the mend and that Mercury is moving forward now. Reality is slowly but surely going back to normal—whatever that means. The world that we perceive exists only in the mind. That means that we don’t see things as they actually are. We see only what we need to survive in physical form.

When Mercury turns retrograde, it seems to poke little holes in the façade that the mind creates. It allows us to glimpse more deeply into things, which will ultimately expand our perception and our awareness of our environment. We can choose to integrate these new perceptions into our personal life if we wish, or we can simply brush off all setbacks and accidents as evidence that sometimes shit just happens for seemingly no reason at all.

I typically choose the latter, though I don’t always find it easy to discover the meaning behind every “happy” accident that occurs in my life. But wisdom has taught me that there’s logic to the flow of events in my life, that there’s a reason for everything even if it’s not readily apparent. As I mentioned in the previous Full Moon reading, the mundane can be magical if we look deep enough. Every moment is a spiritual experience.

If the physical reality is an illusion conjured by the mind, then the mundane is just as valuable for spiritual evolution as a meditation retreat or an ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazon. From the evolutionary astrological perception, all experiences are catalysts for growth and change. Every choice we make furthers the evolution of the soul.

Gemini is a sign we associate with the mind and the reality that we experience in our everyday lives and routines. You don’t get any more mundane than Gemini. But Gemini, by nature, isn’t a boring, prosaic sign. Gemini dominant individuals are usually quite stimulating and often loquacious. Gemini seeks awareness, information, and constant stimulation. When reality becomes dull, boring and routine, it’s a sign that you’re not properly nourishing your mind with new information.

Knowledge and awareness expands your understanding of the world. The more you know the more interesting life becomes. You begin to see things that you didn’t see before. You become aware of possibilities that you never imagined. With Mars conjunct this New Moon, you are invited to conjure up the courage to expand your reality by trying something new and by actively engaging in the process of discovery.

You might expand your perception intellectually, or you may choose to do it physically. Gemini, in its highest expression, is open-minded and willing to try or entertain any possibility. Give yourself permission to experiment; play, loosen up, and maybe have a little bit of fun with this lunation. While a New Moon is typically a time of lower energy, a time to recharge, Mars’ presence gives this New Moon an added jolt of energy, enthusiasm, and momentum. However, every New Moon favors more personal and intimate activities. So while you may feel quite restless and less willing to stick to your usual tasks and routines, you’re not likely to go overboard. And that’s a good thing, because the dark side of Mars can cause a lot of pain.

And speaking of pain, Chiron makes a square to this New Moon. Chiron invites you to transmute your pain and wounds into gifts and empathy. While you can’t ignore your pain with this lunation, you can at least drown it out and learn to transcend your suffering. Sometimes all you need is a good laugh, great sex, or a stimulating conversation and suddenly you don’t hurt so much, suddenly you’re not so obsessed with it. This is different than trying to numb or avoid your pain. It’s a way of consciously engaging with life to shift your attention away from what hurts you to raise your vibration so that you can truly heal.

Ultimately, pain exists in our minds. We don’t always have to engage it. And we certainly don’t have to identify with it. What hurts us is often something that simply points us to that which we are unconscious of. Pain is a kind of existential biofeedback. It’s how the body communicates to us how far off our spiritual path we truly are. When you consciously engage your mind, you may realize that you have more control of your experiences than you have led yourself to believe. And to engage your mind requires that you engage with your life. So, stop suffering and start living. 

The Magical Mundane: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2015

Neptune and Triton three days after Voyager's flyby; photo
Full Moon @ 11 Sagittarius 49'
June 2, 2015
12:19 PM Eastern
9:19 PM Pacific

I was never taught that the world was a magical place. That sounds like some sappy new age rhetoric, but I think that it’s fundamentally true. Life can be magical. I was never told that synchronicity underpinned reality or that it happened every day. I wasn’t aware that some completely unconscious aspect of me, my psyche, was actually making all of my decisions. I learned to objectify nature, myself, and my body—to perceive the natural world as a product to be exploited for financial gain. I was molded by a mundane shell, a perceptual prison constructed out of banality.

But I didn’t always see things that way. There was a time, pre-social conditioning, when I saw the world as magical and the future filled with endless possibilities. But somehow I forgot. That promising vista of magical wonder faded like a naive childhood dream, recollected only as some vague and distant memory. Our cultural worldview is tainted by what astrologer and historian Richard Tarnas calls cosmological disenchantment. It’s quite a pandemic, and something most of us raised in a western industrialized nation have been conditioned by.

We have to make the effort to regain that magical wonder of the world around us. Most of the time it takes “divine” intervention or a hefty psychedelic trip to restore the original vision that is every human’s birthright. If it doesn’t happen before or at our Saturn return, we may never recapture it. Reality beats us down. As we grow older, we realize that life, while inherently magical and serendipitous, has its limitations.

Sometimes those limitations suffocate us until we give in to the mundane and become slaves to the illusion of time. This month’s Full Moon culminates in the tropical sign of Sagittarius just after the midpoint of Mercury’s current retrograde cycle in Gemini. If you’ve made it this far, you’re in a period of restoration, recovery and perhaps regaining trust that while bad things sometimes happen, there’s often a reason for it.

Sagittarius is a sign we associate with widening perception, seeking a larger, encompassing cosmology or ideological perception that gives us the ability to see the deeper meaning behind the mundane reality before us. As our cosmology changes, so does the everyday world around us. This is the interplay of Sagittarius and Gemini. Our wider cosmological perceptions affect the world of everyday objects. As our understanding expands, so does our prosaic experience. 

I used to think that telling people bad things happen for a reason was like dishing out some kind of empty, meaningless platitude to keep people from feeling empathy. Sometimes that’s probebly true. But my experience of Mercury retrograde cycles, and life itself has shown me that there’s some truth to it. Sometimes negative experiences or accidents offer us an opportunity to glimpse another reality if only for a moment. Bad things happen for a reason because, perhaps, the whole point of our existence is to gain consciousness and awareness.

Sometimes the universe needs to slap us upside the head, as if to say, “Hey, idiot! Wake up!” If you read my blog consistently, chances are that you’re one of those souls that intend to acquire more awareness this lifetime compared to other people. That doesn’t make you better or special, but maybe wiser; maybe you’ve been around the block a few more times. And then again, maybe not, who really knows.

Neptune makes a square to this Full Moon axis while the Sun finds itself pitted between Mercury retrograde and Mars in Gemini. This Full Moon challenges you to wake up to the magic of your everyday experience, not through delusion, denial, drugs or escapism, but through a conscious collaboration with reality the way that it actually is. What you may have forgotten, is that life is magical. Reality is governed by the laws of synchronicity. What your teachers and those pundits of scientism never told you about is abundantly clear if you’re receptive enough to notice it.

And conversely, reality has its limitations. There are rules that we must follow. Too much immersion in a magical world can render us the peur or puella aeternus—the eternal boy or girl who never grows up. If that’s where you stand, this Full Moon may shed light on the fact that you need to come back to the world and become a part of all that is visually apparent and obvious. You may need to realize that magic can be found in the mundane because even the mundane can be magical.

And so what’s happening right in front you, your life, whether you like it or not, it’s what you need right now. Perhaps, it’s what you’ve chosen to experience, and there’s a pretty good reason for it. Don’t try to avoid it, even if it’s painful, even if it’s a little unsavory. And if it’s great, there’s no sense in idealizing that it will last forever. Life is always a beautiful balance of pain and ecstasy. We can’t always avoid the pain, but we can consciously choose more ecstasy if we’re willing to let go of our attachment to suffering.

And both experiences, the good and the bad, break us open. They serve to tear little holes in the mundane shell that was ambitiously constructed around us. Allow this Full Moon to chisel away some of that shell. Can you trust that some part of you that you are not consciously aware of is guiding you toward wholeness? Can you take the risk of trusting that pain has a purpose? Only you can decide. And that is your ultimate existential plight. Choose expansion with this lunation, but choose wisely and soberly. Where there is risk there is both opportunity and tragedy. 

For personal readings and consultation, please e-mail me directly at

The Faces of the Universe

The Astral Sleep; by Jeroeon van

Valkenburg, 1998; Wikimedia


I really believe (and I don’t believe in very much) that there is a benevolent force within the universe that genuinely wants us to live happy and meaningful lives. This force beckons us daily. Even when we aren’t living a happy and meaningful life, this benevolent force of the universe is always throwing us a sort of cosmic life raft if only we are mindful enough to notice it. Often, this life raft comes to us through other people, or sudden and unforeseen changes of circumstance that can sometimes be painful, even challenging to endure, but that ultimately seeks to break us free of our attachment to suffering.

I equally believe that there is an opposing, entropic force within the universe, one that seeks to further a state of unconsciousness and existential passivity. Paralyzed by fear, we slip deeper into unknowing and forgetfulness, forgetting our true purpose and the power of free will. But I think that ultimately, both forces (and the gradients in between) are bound or cradled by a completely neutral and indifferent force—the true face of God(dess) who’s only intention is to maintain homeostasis within the universe.

Remember that whichever path you choose in life, whatever experience you unconsciously generate, you are perhaps helping the universe to maintain its existence. Every choice you make is a confirmation of conscious experience. And every conscious experience an illusion manifested by the universe to come to know itself, but to ultimately gain consciousness. Carl G. Jung believed that the desire to achieve consciousness of oneself, to illuminate the vast and abysmal psyche, was more powerful than the desire for sex.

And then like sex, life is a ruse for the acquisition of consciousness. Perhaps every experience, choice, and decision that we make is a trick to get us to wake up. And then sometimes we have to fall asleep, slip into unconscious passivity to realize what we really truly exist for. We exist to confirm our existence and ultimately the existence of the universe. Does the universe really exist? Perhaps it exists only because we choose it to be so. And then perhaps the universe is really a trickster, and the faces of God(dess), merely its pawns in a game that has no purpose but to exist for the sake of existence.

The Flow of Love: New Moon in Taurus 2015

Venus, sitting on a rainbow, with her devotees who offer
their hearts to her; artist anonymous, 15th Century. 
New Moon @ 26 Taurus 55'
May 17, 2015
9:13 PM Pacific
May 18, 2015
12:13 AM Eastern

Just before Mercury turns stationary retrograde, the Sun and Moon conjoin in the tropical sign of Taurus. Taurus invites you to get into your body and feel your way through all of this. Most of the time, our decisions are based on some complex mental process influenced by conditioning, early imprinting, belief systems and ideas, but with Mercury’s retrograde cycle and the highly palpable nature of Taurus, you are encouraged to listen to what your body is saying and what it actually needs with this New Moon.

Venus in Cancer, the ruler of Taurus, is applying to an opposition to Pluto. This brings up some deep issues around intimacy and trust. Over the next few days, Venus and Pluto will highlight the need for emotional honesty and vulnerability in your relations with others. Direct eye contact and intimate confrontation may be a part of that.

The body and the mind are ultimately inseparable; they are but perceived fragments of the psyche and self. Venus in Cancer is ultimately seeking love, a kind of unconditional love that transcends the biological simulacrum fueled by oxytocin, vasopressin and endogenous opiate receptors. The biological experience of love may ultimately be but a filtered down expression of a vaster, universal force that possibly binds the universe, a force that flows into your life freely and spontaneously.

Pluto may prompt you to explore how you are allowing the flow of love to enter your life. An assessment of boundaries may be necessary. Too many walls constructed by rigid thoughts, beliefs, and theoretical ideas can often block the vastness of love that seeks to fill your body and ultimately your life. Conversely, too much openness and compassion can leave you vulnerable to predators that can feed on the love emanating from the body and soul.

How do we find the balance? This is the ultimate evolutionary struggle. Often, love can deceive us. Sometimes our compassion and empathy can lead us into dangerous territory. But, for most of us, it is these very qualities that make us unique as human beings. We have the ability to move beyond our primal instincts and into a higher vibration of consciousness that ultimately transcends the body.

And thus, love may be a residuum of a higher density, a density we may only experience as a glimpse predicated on the body’s interpretation. We can imagine that life is an expression of love—a creative impulse that is the ultimate architect of existence. So, love is powerful force. And like anything powerful, it can create and it can destroy. Consider that over the next few days. It implicates immense responsibility. And with Mercury retrograde you have time to think and feel it through.

For personal readings and consultations, please contact me directly by e-mail at

An Ongoing Process of Discovery: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini 2015

A road cutting a wilderness landscape in Pernambuco, Brazil; photo by
Leo Benini, August 2014. 

May 18- June 11, 2015

This month the planet Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Gemini—its home sign, a place where it’s rather quite comfortable. In traditional astrology, planets in their own signs (the signs they rule) are seen as positive omens that give the planet a certain power and upper hand. A planet in its own sign is at ease and is free to express itself without inhibition.

From an evolutionary perspective, that can also be a bad thing. Too much freedom of expression without the proper objectivity can be disastrous, especially for those in contact with people exhibiting these qualities. So, while Mercury in Gemini is certainly a favorable placement for a lot of things, we need to be wary of becoming too subjective and mentally focused which can keep us from seeing the bigger picture.

 On the other hand, the fact that this cycle is occurring now, indicates that, perhaps, an intense focus and subjective viewpoint is needed for you. Perhaps you’ve been too distracted or are spreading yourself too thin. But then again, Gemini is the flightiest and most distractible of signs.

 At the heart of Gemini, and at its highest vibration, is a restless curiosity and an openness to alternate viewpoints. Gemini needs to ponder and it needs to consider things from various angles. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, moving backward in its own sign, is a perfect opportunity to see things differently and to absorb as much alternative information as you can. This is an opportunity for extra fact checking and for making sure that you have all the information you need.

You may change your mind this retrograde—in fact, that might happen a few times. There may be several revisions. Most importantly, keep your mind loose, open and flexible this cycle. If there is a retrograde that calls for an open mind and a bit of humility it will be this one. Admit to yourself that you don’t know everything there is to know. Admit to yourself that life is an ongoing process of discovery.

If you go in with that attitude, you'll be on the right track. Gemini, the sign of communication and information gathering, will likely dredge up old, unresolved communication threads as well as bits of information that you somehow lost track of. Along with that, and during every Mercury retrograde cycle, you need to be mindful of what you say and what you commit to. Reiterate directions, plans, and intentions thoroughly to make sure that the message is clear and fully considered.

So, what about contracts and starting new things? Typically, Mercury retrograde is a time to go over things and to exercise caution when it comes to making hasty decisions or pushing forward with something big (things that could be costly if they fail), but this is certainly not a rigid rule. Whatever you’ve been working on needs to be revised, and it’s best to hold off on implementing some things, especially when you feel that certain pieces may be missing.

However, Mercury retrograde cycles can often open up new doors and possibilities which can lead us into new environments or experiences that we were not expecting, thus changing our course or direction. Most of all, go with the flow. If things aren’t moving forward or as fast as you would like, take it as a sign that you need to step back and go over some things and then try again when the cycle is complete.

With Mercury moving through its home sign, we can anticipate all that the usual communicative foibles will be particularly pronounced. We know that Mercury retrograde is notorious for throwing certain setbacks, challenges and technical frustrations onto our path. Sometimes, however, with the proper perspective, we can see these “setbacks” as happy accidents that can allow us to see the holes in our current strategies which will ultimately help us find ways to improve them. Again, go with the flow and take your time. You'll be grateful that you did.

Mercury Retrograde Logistics

Mercury entered the first shadow phase of its retrograde cycle on May 4. This is the beginning of the retrograde and it often foreshadows certain issues that we may be dealing with during the retrograde process itself. We may also begin to notice the “effects” of Mercury retrograde at this time as well.

Mercury turns stationary retrograde on May 18. It will turn stationary direct on June 11. Technical, mechanical, and communicative issues are typically more pronounced around these dates, so be prepared for potential delays, setbacks, and complications on the days of and surrounding these days more so than usual.

Mercury will enter the final shadow phase on June 11 and will leave the shadow on June 26. This is the finalizing stage of the retrograde cycle where we may find ourselves tying up loose ends, putting on finishing touches, and rebuilding whatever may have been dismantled during the retrograde process itself.

During the retrograde process (when Mercury appears to be moving backward), it will make contact with several planets. On May 27, Mercury will conjoin Mars in Gemini. Be wary of combativeness in your communications as it may stir up arguments and misunderstandings. Thinking before you speak will be especially important as you may regret what was said later on.

This is an excellent time to focus on some mental task that requires intense concentration and channel it towards revising things or acquiring more information. This may also be a good time to make adjustments to a fitness routine, although be very cautious about pushing yourself too far or past your current physical level.

Mercury will square Neptune on May 29. Again, be cautious of misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions around this time. You may not have all the information that you need, or you may not be seeing things as clearly as you otherwise would. This is a time to step back and retreat, perhaps take some time to self-reflect to gain insight intuitively. Creative work or meditation will be especially favorable under this aspect.

Mercury will conjoin the Sun on May 30. This is the midpoint of the retrograde cycle, where you may find yourself beginning to wrap up a revision process and slowly recover from any setbacks or delays you may have encountered. It is also a good day to keep a look out for important information that may be coming your way.

Mercury will make a sextile to Venus on June 10, just before turning stationary direct. This soft aspect may help to mend any misunderstandings that may have occurred during the retrograde cycle, as well as rekindle a connection or two from the past. Keep in mind, however, that as Mercury begins to station direct, there may be more technical issues than usual, although Mercury’s soft aspect to Venus may help to soften the blow. This is a time to take it easy and process things. Plan on spending some time with someone you really trust and feel comfortable with.

For personal readings and consultations, please contact me directly by e-mail at

Trusting Desire: Full Moon in Scorpio 2015

Juno and Jupiter by Gavin Hamilton;
unknown date.
Full Moon @ 13 Scorpio 23'
May 3, 2015
11:42 PM Eastern
8:42 PM Pacific

The current lunar cycle culminates in the tropical sign of Scorpio. As always, the seeds that were planted at the New Moon two weeks ago come to fruition in some obvious or subtle way.  In Scorpio, the Full Moon brings to your awareness the need for honesty and realism, as well as certain fears and vulnerabilities you may be concealing.

Scorpio is a sign that deals with issues surrounding trust—though that may not be so obvious. We associate Scorpio with uncomfortable truths, death, transformation, intimacy and often sex. Those are touchy subjects in and of themselves (culturally speaking), but at the heart of Scorpio is the ability to trust that nature, the engine of our natural, primal urges, knows what it’s doing. We can’t successfully experience such things unless we have cultivated enough trust to let down our guard and surrender to them.

The traditional ruler of Scorpio is Mars, a planet that in evolutionary astrology we associate with the drive to fulfill desire, desires which fundamentally and hypothetically belong to some “higher” aspect of the self we call the soul. According to Buddhist and even Hindu philosophies, we are souls bound by desire and attachment; life is essentially a process through which the soul attempts to exhaust its desires to ultimately be freed of attachment and thus suffering.

I have a mantra that seems to work for me, but it is certainly not devoid of controversy. It goes something like this: “Follow every desire, even if it tries to kill you.” Now, in my reality, I feel that one should do as they will as long as it doesn’t interfere with the free will of another person. In other words, if your desire is to control, manipulate, dominate or coerce another person, then you are playing a very different game, and one in which your desire can lead to disaster (but then again, who am I to judge?) You may also be a sociopath, but that’s a whole other topic, and I doubt you would be reading my blog.

Our desires may involve other people, but the process through which we fulfill them should include a conscious collaboration as well as full disclosure of intentions and consent from all those involved. That usually refers to sexual desires, but can be applied to many different things. The key to living a successful, vibrant and fulfilling life seems to lie in the skill of mastering one's will (amongst a lot of other things. I don’t have all the answers).

This is different from trying to control or dominate the will, or worse, trying to deny or suppress desire. Mastery of one’s will is the skill of being able to openly acknowledge and compromise between what you desire and the ability to direct it consciously toward right action—that is to say, action that is right for you and your unique spiritual path.  Sometimes my desires have gotten me into trouble; sometimes they have seemingly led me astray, to the edge of a precipice where I glimpsed my inevitable death.

Those were eye-opening experiences, to say the least. Those moments, while terrifying and uncomfortable, seem to be the very experiences that had the most impact on me as a person. They cut to the bone, to the soul level. They showed me who I really was and what I was made of. In those moments, I somehow survived. I didn’t die, but death is always there, stalking us, waiting for us. 

When you actually face death, when you look it in the eye, you can’t help but be transformed by such an experience. It is a frightening and yet beautiful experience. So, to master one’s will successfully, one must learn to trust one's desires which may lead us to some uncomfortable places, but ultimately, it's for our own good.

This is certainly not a perfect mantra exempt from debate regarding its actual efficaciousness, but for me, it speaks of an uncomfortable truth: life isn’t about avoiding pain; it’s about surrendering to the inevitable hurt that we will encounter on our journey through life, and to ultimately allow our pain to transform us. In our openness to embrace the love of the universe, we must be open and trusting that every moment has a potential meaning, and within each moment there is an essential purpose and intention that is guiding us toward a greater purpose than our own individual life.

The ancients understood this well. As depicted in the myths of the sacrificed savior/god/deity such as Jesus, Prometheus, Osiris, Mithra, Dionysus, etc., we essentially come to Earth to ultimately get torn apart. That’s a rather raw and graphic way of describing the root of our existential human condition, which is rather Scorpionic, is it not? As I’ve shared before, sometimes the poison is the medicine.

This was a brilliant insight my most cherished therapist once told me when analyzing my dream involving a venomous spider. The poison is sometimes the medicine. What might be “bad” for us, what might seem negative based on certain preconditioned moralistic principles, may actually turn out to be our savior and thus our saving grace. It is also the root idea underlining allopathic medicine.

Jupiter conjunct Juno in Leo squares the Full Moon axis. Here we have a profound statement about the need to trust desire and take a risk, a leap of faith. Perhaps this involves a relationship with someone else (Juno). Perhaps it involves some other kind of relationship or commitment you are currently considering. The Full Moon illuminating Scorpio, filling the void of the unconscious with light and awareness, points to the necessity of seeing things honestly and realistically without losing sight of the need to play and be spontaneous.

It requires a kind of openness and an ability to accept vulnerability. It may require direct, eye contact. It may require an open discussion about what you really want or desire. It may be a prelude to a conflict if you’re not careful, but when we come from a place of love, love rooted in openness and a trusting nature; we can look into that void knowing that life appears to know what it’s doing. And while sometimes serious, life is also a game, and it can be fun; our desires will show us the way.

P.S. Mercury turns retrograde this month! Don't panic though. Mercury retrograde is a great time to take it easy and to take more time to do things. The universe will support you in that. Stay tuned for my next article on this month's Mercury retrograde cycle. 

Mercury enters shadow May 4, 2015
Mercury turns stationary retrograde May 18, 2015
Mercury turns stationary direct June 11, 2015
Mercury leaves shadow June 26, 2015

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