A single tree highlighted by a shaft of sunlight through the dark forest of Coed Moel Famau; photo by John S. Turner, 2009. |
Calming the Chaos: Full Moon in Taurus 2015
Coast Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), Redwoods State Park, Capitola, Ca; photo by Allie Caulfield, 2012. |
For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at kosmicmind@gmail.com. Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options and pricing.
Beyond the Projections: Venus opposing Neptune
Venus between Mars and Neptune; by Giovanni Battista Zelotti; oil on canvas, 1555. |
Over the next several days, the planet Venus (the goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure) will be opposing the planet Neptune (the planet of illusion, mysticism, and cultural idealism). The exact opposition will peak on Oct. 16, just a day before Mars and Jupiter conjoin in tropical Virgo. So, over the next few days, be mindful of your projections—what you’re projecting to others and what you’re projecting onto others. That is to say, what you are presenting yourself to be and how it is you perceive another person. In modern astrology, we say that Neptune is a “higher” vibration of Venus, which means that it is an expression of Venusian beauty and idealism within a higher octave. Neptune relates to experiences of a transcendent nature, often overwhelming to the individual. Thus, Neptune seeks to dissolve our ego-based attitudes and perceptions to allow one access to the “higher self”. As the final barrier of ego, Neptune is like the cell wall separating the self from the deeper reaches of the unconscious—the realm of the soul.
This opposition may allow you to step back and observe your projections for what they are. You can easily be fooled right now if you take anything at face value. That’s not to say that beauty is ultimately deceptive, but that beauty represents an ideal of perfection which we as human beings can only strive to become—to get closer to the “divine”. Under any combination of Neptune and Venus, idealism runs rampant. Romanticism and fantasy become incredibly influential. That’s not to say that we’re all being fooled right now—that love and pleasure represents a temptation, trick, or snare. This stage of the cycle requires full consciousness and full disclosure of intentions and feelings. If you are honest and upfront about what you want, you will represent yourself more truthfully and allow those projections to dissolve to ultimately reveal the higher expression of the opposition: true soul contact.
There’s something incredibly magical about staring into another person’s eyes and seeing them as they actually are. There’s also something incredibly frightening and vulnerable about it too. And the emergence of your fears will allow you to explore just where they’re truly coming from. This is a time to open your heart to someone—not just romantically or sexually, but equally to anyone you find closest to you. Neptune seeks to dissolve those facades that are not in alignment with whom you truly are or who someone else truly is. The fear points to the root of the issue—what you don’t want to face: that true soul contact, when it’s really authentic, melts away the barriers revealing the wounds in your heart you don’t wish to acknowledge. It is through the disillusionment, when we allow it to happen, that we eventually find the clarity we’re seeking.
So what are you really projecting onto another person? Always, how we perceive another person stems from our own constructions of reality. We project something within ourselves. If we don’t like it, we often blame the other person for having so many faults or that they couldn’t live up to the ideal we created for them. Rarely, do we ever see people as they truly are. If you don’t like me, it’s your problem. It stems from your own issues. And that’s fine. We don’t need to cut through all of our crap in one day, or even in one lifetime. But simply acknowledging that, that how you perceive another person comes from a distorted perspective of yourself, you can let go of projecting blame and ultimately heal and move on. Let’s be mindful of this truth over the next several days. Mars and Jupiter will conjoin the following day (Oct. 17). In the “lower” expression, our false projections can lead to petty arguments or outbursts that may be unnecessary had we represented ourselves more authentically.
The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter represents the beginning of a cycle of conscious and courageous expansion toward self-improvement. Ultimately, we are seeking to move assertively in the direction of experiences that will take us to a better place and help us move in alignment with our evolutionary potential. Getting hung up over petty details, or spinning your wheels over the ramifications of inauthentic self-expression will likely distract you from what you need to be focusing on right now. If you ride this wave consciously and fearlessly, you will be on a direct pathway toward more wholeness and toward the attainment of your ideals. What do you need to work on now? If you continue to move past the illusions, past the projections, and beyond the blame, pain and denial, eventually, you will come to see clearly what needs to happen next and just where your energy needs to go. And it requires work and conscious effort to see reality as it truly is. While that may be a never-ending process, every step, hypothetically speaking, brings you closer to wholeness and the truth within your soul.
For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at kosmicmind@gmail.com. Also, visit my readings/consultations page for readings options and pricing.
The Sweetness of Union: New Moon in Libra 2015
A Venus and Jupiter conjunction in March 2011; taken in Jíloviště, Czech Republic; photo by PetrS, Wikimedia Commons. |
If you're interested in a personal reading, please send me an e-mail directly at kosmicmind@gmail.com. Also, visit my readings/consultations page on my blog for reading options and pricing.
The Risk of Existence: Total Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon in Aries 2015
For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at kosmicmind@gmail.com. Also, head over to my readings/consultations page for reading options, pricing, and more information.
Gifts from the Great Mystery: Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo 2015
Partial solar eclipse of the midnight Sun in Tromso, Norway; photo by Rhys Jones, June 2011. |
For personal readings and consultations, please e-mail me directly at kosmicmind@gmail.com. Also, visit my readings and consultations page for reading options and pricing.
Rebuilding Bridges: Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2015
The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California; photo by Chad Woodward, 2012. |
Surrendering to the Cosmic Intention: Full Moon in Pisces 2015
A pair of overlapping Spiral Galaxies in the vicinity of NGC 253; photo by Hubble Space Telescope, 2006. |
Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune
Into the Heart of the Sun: New Moon in Leo 2015
A view from Bryce Amphitheater Traverse at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah; photo by Chad Woodward, July 2015. |
An Alternate Route: Full Moon in Aquarius 2015
A view north along North Fork-Charleston Road in Charleston, Nevada; Photo by Farmartin, 2014, via Wikimedia Commons. |
Let Your Heart Be Heard: New Moon in Cancer 2015
NASA's New Horizons mission revealed that Pluto has a heart. Acrylic painting by Jeremy Britz of Saskatoon, Canada, 2015. Visit Jeremy's Etsy shop here. |
Create Something Beautiful: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2015
Beauty by Kathy Crabbe, 2015. |
Fear and Love: Full Moon in Capricorn 2015
An artist's impression of Pluto and its moon Charon; Pat Rawlings/NASA. |
Engage Your Life: New Moon in Gemini 2015
False color image of Mercury; image by NASA/JPL/Northwestern University. |
The Magical Mundane: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2015
Neptune and Triton three days after Voyager's flyby; photo by NASA/JPL. |
The Faces of the Universe
The Astral Sleep; by Jeroeon van
Valkenburg, 1998; Wikimedia
I really believe (and I don’t believe in very much) that there is a benevolent force within the universe that genuinely wants us to live happy and meaningful lives. This force beckons us daily. Even when we aren’t living a happy and meaningful life, this benevolent force of the universe is always throwing us a sort of cosmic life raft if only we are mindful enough to notice it. Often, this life raft comes to us through other people, or sudden and unforeseen changes of circumstance that can sometimes be painful, even challenging to endure, but that ultimately seeks to break us free of our attachment to suffering.
I equally believe that there is an opposing, entropic force within the universe, one that seeks to further a state of unconsciousness and existential passivity. Paralyzed by fear, we slip deeper into unknowing and forgetfulness, forgetting our true purpose and the power of free will. But I think that ultimately, both forces (and the gradients in between) are bound or cradled by a completely neutral and indifferent force—the true face of God(dess) who’s only intention is to maintain homeostasis within the universe.
Remember that whichever path you choose in life, whatever experience you unconsciously generate, you are perhaps helping the universe to maintain its existence. Every choice you make is a confirmation of conscious experience. And every conscious experience an illusion manifested by the universe to come to know itself, but to ultimately gain consciousness. Carl G. Jung believed that the desire to achieve consciousness of oneself, to illuminate the vast and abysmal psyche, was more powerful than the desire for sex.
And then like sex, life is a ruse for the acquisition of consciousness. Perhaps every experience, choice, and decision that we make is a trick to get us to wake up. And then sometimes we have to fall asleep, slip into unconscious passivity to realize what we really truly exist for. We exist to confirm our existence and ultimately the existence of the universe. Does the universe really exist? Perhaps it exists only because we choose it to be so. And then perhaps the universe is really a trickster, and the faces of God(dess), merely its pawns in a game that has no purpose but to exist for the sake of existence.
The Flow of Love: New Moon in Taurus 2015
Venus, sitting on a rainbow, with her devotees who offer their hearts to her; artist anonymous, 15th Century. |
For personal readings and consultations, please contact me directly by e-mail at kosmicmind@gmail.com
An Ongoing Process of Discovery: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini 2015
A road cutting a wilderness landscape in Pernambuco, Brazil; photo by Leo Benini, August 2014. |
May 18- June 11, 2015
Trusting Desire: Full Moon in Scorpio 2015
Juno and Jupiter by Gavin Hamilton; unknown date. |