Cancer Rising Forecast July 23, 2017- August 7, 2017

Cancer Rising

Survival might be a critical theme that’s on the table right now. Is there enough food on that table? How’s your safety net? This lunation generates some energy, might I say warrior-like energy toward the acquisition of resources, both externally and inwardly. This is a moment to check-in with your current state of confidence and security and which tactics and plans of action you need to implement to make improvements in these areas. You may be feeling a surge of enthusiasm to use a different career or public strategy to create more income flow. Be mindful of the fact that you need space to be yourself. It’s not just about money (though society and reality suggests otherwise). It’s also about how well you can prove yourself at the moment. Consider that it’s possible that you can create a little more freedom for yourself within your current career goals and still manage to survive. Figuring that out is going to require original thought and creative thinking, but a expect a breakthrough by Aug 21 if you begin taking those steps now.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings. 

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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. You’ll have extra energy to acquire just what you need, whether that’s money, resources, or an improved sense of confidence. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak energy that could either result in scarcity fears or a sense of self-assurance that you can handle anything. I’d encourage you toward the latter no matter what the situation is like; you’ll be in a better situation to receive later down the road.

On July 25 Mercury begins a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This highlights a period that can awaken you to a new way of thinking as well as a discovery of new information. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which may have you revising facts and data, encouraging you to go back over critical pieces of information.

Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on financial matters and the acquisition of confidence. Sept 3 through 5 will relate to some critical changes with your resources and finances.

Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point you should have the appropriate information and facts pieced together.

From July 31 until Aug 27 Venus will help you enhance your appearance. You may find yourself feeling a little more attractive than usual which gives you definite social and networking advantage. If you need to impress anyone, this cycle will likely give you increased charm and personal flare.

The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with unexpected changes in your professional life or current goals and strategies. You may also find yourself restless with your current public image and a strong desire to assert your individuality, changing up your reputation. A desire to rebel against authority is strong, so keep your impulses in check.

A deepening awareness of yourself has been emerging for a while, and around Aug 4 you may find that it conflicts with those you presently interact with--creating some tension in a relationship. Hold back from forcing yourself too strongly and you’ll experience less resistance or conflict.

Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius

The lunar eclipse has a certain edge about it for you. It’s possible it might be emotionally stormy or even psychologically perplexing, as it brings to the surface both psychic and mundane issues. There’s no need to fear. You’ve been dealing with these issues for some time, and it’s the ideal time to finally deal with and release them.
