Taurus Rising
There could be some rising tension on the domestic front, but also opportunities to set some much needed boundaries with intimate partners, family, or tribal bonds. Consider what, if any, tensions have been bubbling for a while and how delicate you should presently treat the matter. You needn’t let it all explode, but perhaps letting some air out might make things a little lighter for the time being. Think of this as an opportunity to breathe new life into your living situation by relieving some pressure, which may require that you think differently as well as creatively. Also consider what emotions you’ve been keeping tucked inside. You might discover anger and volatile aggression you didn’t know was there. Giving acknowledgement, expression, and consciousness to these feelings (healthfully) will make space for the more productive vitality and life force you could direct toward a higher purpose. Expect a dramatic shift in this process by the solar eclipse on Aug 21, so take the initiative now.
Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings.
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Mars will be in Leo from July 21 through Sept 6. This gives you plenty of energy to resolve issues on the domestic front either through cleaning/organizing/gardening/cooking or working through conflicts with those you live with. You’ll also find that you increased focus for tackling the inner dimensions of your psyche leading to greater self-awareness. Expect to lay low for a while, tending to your personal and shared, intimate space. The Sun conjoins Mars on July 26 creating a peak buildup of energy with these themes and issues.
On July 25 Mercury will begin a lengthy stay in Virgo this year due its retrograde cycle. This correlates with a turning point in a creative process, a romantic relationship, or a change in how you enjoy yourself. Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 13 which correlates with a critical revising and change of energy flow in these areas.
Mercury will move back into Leo Sept 1, placing the spotlight back on domestic and inner life issues. Sept 3 through 5 will activate those changes that began around the solar eclipse on Aug 21, creating some big shifts with your home life and greater self assurance after a period of inner work.
Mercury re-enters Virgo Sept 11 through Oct 1, at which point you can give yourself a break, loosen up, and allow yourself some much needed playtime.
From Jul 21 until Aug 27 Venus will enhance your communicative style which can help strengthen a writing project or teaching style. Consider some good books you’ve been wanting to read, or emails you’ve been intending to send out. This is also a peak period for social interaction on various levels, so expect to be busier than usual.
The days surrounding Aug 2 could correlate with an eruption of spiritual insight that seems to arrive out of thin air. Secrets and hidden matters could suddenly make their presence known. Hold off on jumping into opportunities that emerge at this time; give yourself time to think and reflect on matters before committing.
Aug 7 Lunar Eclipse @ 15 Aquarius
This upcoming lunar eclipse could correlate with significant changes in your career or professional life. A new direction or altered course could throw you for loop. The truth is that many of these changes have been brewing for a while, so you’re likely more prepared than you think you are.