Your very foundation is being impacted by this lunar eclipse; it touches your most intimate and personal reality. There’s likely to be some significant changes happening not only in your domestic life, but also deep within you. You may want to consider how connected you are to your “inner” self--that aspect of your psyche not visible to the public sphere. There is a person within you that most people rarely (if ever) see. You’ve been putting a lot of energy on your outward mask, tending to your status and reputation, but at this time you’re experiencing a brief interruption which may pull you away from career or public matters to tend to previously submerged issues rising to the surface. Those issues may just involve family, but likely there’s a powerful calling to turn inward, to check in with who you really are and what matters most in your life. This eclipse may gift you the awareness of something more you could strive for. Perhaps a larger mission or career direction that you have neglected. Whatever arises has been gestating for some time. If the situation looks challenging, realize that there are positive developments happening behind the scenes which may not be discernible yet, as well as assistance from unseen guides who may just make their presence felt.
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The Sun and Mars have been moving through Leo, revving up your ambition and giving you extra energy for self-promotion and tending to your public/professional/community role. This is an energetic high point for you in many ways, a time in which you can begin new directions, especially since the Sun/Mars conjunction that occurred July 26. You may have not have felt this much motivation for a while, and the confidence, stamina, and determination you have now is a unique situation. But do be mindful of pushing too hard, or succumbing to ego inflation. Your aggressiveness is likely to be at an all-time high, which could stir up conflict if you overstep some boundaries. While this lunar eclipse in Aquarius draws your energy inward, you’re still going strong. Keep up your present efforts, climbing to the top, and asserting your willpower toward furthering your personal mission or calling. Expect another breakthrough to begin manifesting around the solar eclipse on Aug 21, followed by further developments in early September. Consider the eclipse as a significant turning point and transition in this current process, a time when you can further your goals and objectives with courage. Since your ruler Mars is at the peak of your chart, this represents the beginning of a two year cycle, pursuing your desire for achievement and success.
Mercury turns retrograde on Aug 12 in Virgo, signifying a moment where you will need to step back and reassess your current dreams, strategies, and important connections you need to successfully attain them. Keep your eyes and ears tuned into to the possibility of receiving important lessons, information, or advice from strangers or brief social interactions. For three weeks (from Aug 12 til Sept 5) you’re in a process of reworking your networking skills. That might require testing out some new “schmoozing” techniques, or looking for groups or communities with a vision you can vibe with. Don’t feel pressured to make any long-lasting commitments during this time. Think of this as a moment to test the waters and feel it all out. Expect the usual techno/mechanical hiccups, delays, and communicative obstacles to show up for a while, but as usual, these will pass, leaving you more aware of what needs further reinforcement. Don’t expect anything, just live your life, and allow yourself to be surprised about what, or who, you run into.
On Aug 15 Venus makes an opposition to your ruler Pluto, forming a t-square with Jupiter. While Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, it’s been slowly and surreptitiously breaking down your perceptual barriers, confronting you with a deeper awareness and understanding of the world. Look to some key relationships for some substantial insights that can help you put things into a larger perspective. What you see might not be comfortable to digest, but this is a good time to bring it out into the open. Try to remain receptive about what you’re being shown. This is also a significant period for venting frustrations and communicating any ideological divides you have between someone. The challenge is finding a mutual space to agree, or to simply agree to disagree and move on. Jupiter in Libra could heighten inflated or exaggerated responses, so do your best to keep this in check. Mars sextile Jupiter on Aug 20, just before the eclipse, incites some movement of things that have been building up behind the scenes.
Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help. Click here for personal readings.
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