There has been a developing shift in your reputation for quite some time. This may affect your personal mission and purpose in the external world thereby generating changes in your professional or community role. Opportunities to improve the rhythm of your daily life will greatly assist you in dealing with these changes which implies new prospects in enhancing your job, health, or mundane daily tasks. Look to the improvements you’ve been making in these above mentioned areas to help you manage these outward changes should they arise. With the lunar eclipse in Aquarius, you’re experiencing a need to find compromise between your public role and your inward or intimate life. The need to assert your individuality in the public sphere is strong, but fully consider the consequences of doing so. Remain conscious that what you’re putting out there is truly connected to who you really are on the deepest of levels. You’re being called to represent yourself more authentically as opposed to holding on to that image that’s been projected onto you by others. Your newly acquired skills, techniques, and habits will assist you making the most authentic and effective statement at this time.
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The Sun and Mars have been traveling in close proximity in Leo, which may correlate with some instability in your personal, domestic, and inward life. You may have found the need to set some boundaries with family or close intimate friends/partners. There could have been some confrontational, edgy, or even combative energy in your “safe spaces." And looking deeper, there’s likely to be some pent up energy existing in your own psyche, whether the result of anger, frustration, anxiety, or fear. We could assume that what you’re experiencing externally has its roots in your own unconscious mind. You’ve begun a new cycle of working through these energies, which may last a couple of years. Consider what’s been building up, and how you can healthfully release, resolve, and give voice to your feelings. But the tensions you’re presently experiencing in your actual reality will begin to ease up soon, once past the solar eclipse on Aug 21 and into the beginning of Sept. You’re being given an opportunity to make some dramatic changes in your intimate life, perhaps some breakthroughs. For the time being, this lunar eclipse will pull your attention to how these changes have affected your personal mission in the world. While it might feel uncomfortable dealing with these changes, know that you’re presently in the thick of it, but that this too shall pass.
Mercury turns retrograde from Aug 12 through Sept 4, designating a three week cycle that could turn the tables on a creative process, a romantic/sexual relationship, or even a strategy of dealing with children in your life. If you’ve been so focused on everything else except your need to have some fun and cultivate joy, this retrograde cycle will help you change that, reminding you that it’s possible to allow yourself some much needed pleasure. If the opposite is true, that recreation has been more center stage, or a relationship has taken up too much of your focus, you’ll be redirected. This will help you rework your life to make space for other things. If a current romantic partnership becomes idle or stagnant, try to see that you need to put it into a larger perspective and open yourself to new information or ideas to help it along. Mercury will dip back into Leo toward the end of Aug, which will place the focus again on your living situation and deep, personal issues. Early Sept will heat things up for you again creatively, sexually, or will help you to assert some boundaries in a parenting situation. Any setbacks, delays, frustrations, or breakdowns you experience now are helping to reveal blind spots and areas that need to be reinforced. Expect the possibility of the usual techno/mechanical breakdowns and hiccups. Take your time during these three weeks to step back and adjust your strategies. The energy will return soon enough.
Your ruling planet, Venus, makes an opposition to Pluto on Aug 15, creating a t-square with Jupiter in Libra. This could relate to a moment that can greatly catalyze a perceptual shift and conversation about further ways to perceive your reality thereby altering your service, work ethic, or health. Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, breaking down ideological structures, revealing the shadow and pitfalls in your beliefs. This has been a powerful and transformative epic in becoming more conscious of the dark side of a personal ideology, philosophy, or theoretical system. Venus opposite Pluto could potentially be confrontational, in that someone may challenge your beliefs, or even help you see more of the picture. Be mindful of inflated, exaggerated, or radical reactions or responses from either end. Do your best to stare deeper into the truth, no matter how difficult it could be. When Venus squares Jupiter on Aug 16, your work, health routine, or service will greatly benefit from information you gather from other sources. What you learn now has the potential to make you more effective, competent, and skillful.
Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path. Evolutionary Astrology can help.
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