Meaningful Change: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019

Milan Bališin [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

Milan Bališin [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse @ 4 degrees Capricorn

December 25, 2019

9:13 PM Los Angeles

December 26, 2019

12:13 AM New York

5:13 AM London

1:13 PM Beijing

4:13 PM Sydney

This month's New Moon is also an annular solar eclipse in tropical Capricorn. It will be visible from the Middle East, East Africa, southern portions of Asia, Micronesia, and northern Australia. Solar eclipses represent a melding of dissipation and dynamic new beginnings. It's helpful to view solar eclipses as an extra powerful New Moon that amplifies intentions. However, the two weeks proceeding a solar eclipse can symbolically relate to a potent dissolution of the past.

Eclipse season (the period between and surrounding both solar and lunar eclipses), can correlate with accelerated changes both inwardly and outwardly as release makes space for new growth. These are fertile moments for making changes that can have lasting results and ramifications, though not everyone will experience eclipses profoundly. How the eclipse interacts with the birth chart will determine its significance.

In considering the sign of Capricorn, and the recent solstice transition, there is an inward and reflective quality to this New Moon/eclipse that can conflict with the busyness of the holiday season. Capricorn emphasizes the investment of time, energy, and ambition toward sustainable and durable endeavors. The need for sacrifice and solitude often contributes to the execution of successful Capricorn strategies.

Jupiter has recently moved into Capricorn and conjoins this New Moon/eclipse. Jupiter's simultaneous trine to Uranus can correlate with the sudden emergence of opportunities that lead to big structural changes and the accomplishment of major goals. There is some good luck, optimism, and unforeseen big breaks with this New Moon, but pragmatism and self-discipline will feature just as strongly. Look deeper than fleeting luck to what has longstanding potential. Reinvest rewards for more significant future benefits.

Happy Holidays!