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Full Moon @ 11 degrees Aquarius 49’
August 3, 2020
8:59 AM PDT
11:59 AM EDT
August's Full Moon occurs in tropical Aquarius, bringing about a rapid flood of breakthroughs and culminations. The Full Moon phase of the lunar cycle can correlate with a greater sense of completion or closure, or with a climax of a developing situation or issue. In contrast to the difficult astrology of 2020, this Full Moon gives us a slight break from the oppressive and restrictive energies of the last several weeks and months.
While a square from Uranus is still a challenging dynamic to this Full Moon, the Sun's placement in Leo provides an additional boost of confidence, wilfulness, and playfulness. And while Saturn, the Full Moon ruler, is a key player in the most challenging aspect of the year, its placement in Capricorn gives this Full Moon a constructive thrust that is far more manageable.
The Aquarian archetype highlights the process of individuation--breaking out and away from formative structures to forge a unique identity and life. With Uranus in square aspect to this Full Moon, the empowerment of independence, and the desire for freedom dominate the moment. Additionally, Aquarius equally highlights collaborative and communal activities--the merging and blending of various individuated perspectives.
Thus, this Full Moon may strongly correlate with a climax or resolution surrounding a process of acquiring greater independence and freedom. Or it might correlate with a sudden breakthrough or change in a communal or collaborative endeavor. In whatever way this Full Moon shows up, we can increase our agency through willingly embracing change or even initiating it ourselves. Stagnant situations or negotiations are likely to rapidly move forward alongside this lunation, whether we want them to (or not).
Uranus' square to this Full Moon can emerge as a wildcard element--the sudden emergence of unexpected change or upheaval. The Leo/Aquarius axis highlights the struggle between personal versus collective needs or desires. Uranus' square can break into ongoing processes or developments to catalyze agreement, compromise, or severing from the past.
And while it will not be possible for absolute freedom or complete compliance with this lunation, there is a chance to find potentially a middle ground, one that's arrived at through an unexpected change of circumstances or in embracing a radical approach or perspective. Venus' applying conjunction to the lunar North Node also echos a positive sign for reaching an agreement, rapport, or compromise. And when you feel stuck or limited, it may be a stubbornness to consider a broader perspective, so step up and reach out for advice.
Check out my video summary of the Full Moon in Aquarius