New Moon @ 9 degrees Pisces 41'
February 27, 2025
4:45 PM EST
7:45 PM PST
This month's New Moon in tropical Pisces occurs at a unique transition between interplanetary retrograde cycles. Both Mars and Venus are stationing (appearing to stop in their usual west-to-east motion), with Mars' retrograde cycle ending and Venus' beginning (shortly after the New Moon on March 1st). Mars passes the retrograde baton to Venus (and Mercury in just two weeks).
Yet, with both planets stationing alongside a watery Pisces New Moon, we are likely to feel the emotional and feeling dimension of life becoming amplified, as well as some interesting "turning points" and transitions in our personal life histories. We can anticipate some serendipity to play a role here, such as meeting with "soul mates" or reuniting/rekindling powerful karmic bonds.
There is also the dramatic feeling-based nature of the Mars and Venus archetypes and their connection to feelings of deep love, passion, sexual/romantic desire. But also jealousy, hatred, or aggression. Falling in or out of love (literally and symbolically) is a theme to pay attention to, which can relate to human relationships and creative and spiritual experiences.
In its most ideal expression, Pisces is an archetype of transcendent ideals and lofty human and cosmic unity desires. It can be a very glamorous and numinous archetype, especially with this New Moon dynamic squaring its ruler Jupiter (and the Mars-Venus station situation). So, we should be extra conscious of our ideals and how well they match (or don't match) with reality and an accurate assessment of matters.
Yet, with that said, Mars' direct station and trine to this New Moon is like a green light for a whole lot of things to begin to shift and change, even if that might feel like we're having to slog ahead or tread lightly rather than sprint. However, remember that we still have a Mercury retrograde cycle and eclipse season beginning in just two weeks. So, rushing ahead with specific plans and ambitions won't be without some delays.
However, suppose we use this New Moon as a starting point or launching pad to work out an ideal or vision more carefully. In that case, there is plenty of support. Venus retrograde can deepen our heart connection and help us attune with the layers beneath the actualization of our dreams and spiritual aspirations. Much of what is shifting may be more internal or less visible. Still, trust that and keep working out the details and intricacies; more clarity and solidly supported momentum will arrive in the latter part of April.