Mars Disarmed by Venus and Three Graces by Jacques Louis David, 1824. |
Stationary retrograde: March 1, 2014- May 19, 2014
Stationary direct: May 19, 2014
Enter shadow: October 31, 2013
Leave shadow: July 22, 2014
Sun/Mars opposition: April 8, 2014
The planet Mars is in Libra for roughly eight months this
cycle, due to his most infrequent retrograde cycle. Libra and Mars are two very antithetical
archetypes, logically because Mars rules Aries, Libra’s opposite sign. But,
antithetical isn’t necessarily a “bad” thing. It simply means that two elements
are coming from two distinctly separate points of view.
The collision can be messy, wrought with hostility and
resistance; or a meeting of two complementary pieces that create such sharp
contrast that both ends of the spectrum are more dignified and interesting in
the presence of one another.
Traditional astrology has a rather grim take on planets in
the signs opposite their rulership. Those old crotchety astrologers see nothing
but doom and gloom for Mars as he travels this most foreign and offbeat of
territories. But, there’s a definite logic that supports that perspective. Put
simply, Libra and Mars aren’t cut from the same cloth.
That mixture of two distinctly different textures presents
us with a certain kind of challenge, one that urges us to become more aware and
conscious than usual. It takes a little hard work and extra effort to make
something beautiful or worthy of visual digestion—Libra’s modus operandi.
Whatever Libra comes into contact with, there’s a certain aesthetic
response from that element. Libra seeks to make things more pleasant for the
world—tasteful, elegant, harmonious and dignified. In order to achieve that
visionary perfection, lots of different options are weighed and contrasted.
Trial and error and prolonged gazes, scrutinizing from extended distances are
all a part of that process.
Libra thrives on a multiplicity of perspectives, options and
opinions. Finding common ground and reconciliation can be a time consuming
process. Libra equally wants everyone, in some way, to have their cake and eat
it too. That’s not always possible, but if any sign can get close enough to
meeting the needs of all involved, it’s Libra.
Mars is a planet that’s all about action, assertion,
willpower and facing fears—boldly stepping up to any challenge and meeting it
head on. Mars thrives on the power of initiation, and the prospect of the new,
uncharted frontier. Mars prefers more simplistic decisions.
While walking through the woods and coming face to face with
a bear, there should be very few options in that moment. To make things easier,
Mars distills it down to two choices: fight or flight. Okay, maybe that or with
a little knowledge we may choose to duck and cover or play dead. Anyway, the
point is, in that moment Mars serves us best.
Primal involuntary instincts come under the Martian terrain.
When we need them, they serve us well. We don’t have to think about it. We
just, somehow, know exactly what to do. With the help of a little adrenaline,
we’re one step (or leap) from solving the problem.
Libra is an air sign. That means we’re dealing with a
more mental and cerebral landscape. And that’s what really underlines Libra’s
problem solving and diplomatic talents. While Mars is in Libra, his catalytic initiatory
powers get rather muddled—filtered through this more unified and holistic Librian
Needless to say, that process can be a little frustrating
for Mars. His actions are conceded. His instincts warped and contorted.
Spending eight months in this state of pause and reflection can certainly
ignite some irritation. Those of us more Martian prone—with a strong planetary
presence in Aries or Scorpio, are more likely to feel this particular response.
Now let’s throw the retrograde into the mix. It seems a
hopeless situation for Mars indeed. The planet of initiation, action and
forward momentum going backwards in this antithetical element doesn’t look
good for poor Mars.
But, fear not. If anyone can handle it it’s certainly the Martian
warrior. I’m sure he’s gone through worse. I mean, the planet has probably seen
some pretty intense cataclysms and climate reversals-- enough to make Al Gore
shudder in horror. Yes, Mars is a tough guy. Don’t let the perceived direness
of the situation fool you.
NASA image of Mars taken June 26, 2001 by the Hubble Space Telescope. NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) |
We either resist these perspectives, resulting in a messy
battle of egos and willpower, or we choose to make some concessions; to broaden
our perspective with the inclusion of these antipodal worldviews. It’s
certainly not an easy task, but if successfully accomplished we have a more
comprehensive awareness of the world around us.
Because Libra is also a sign that rules relationships, Mars
in Libra is a time when our energy is more successfully channeled into this
direction. Wherever Mars goes, that’s where we are expending the most energy at
any given time, and also where we’re confronting fears and meeting challenges.
On a collective level, Mars in Libra is about funneling
energy toward more diplomatic efforts--learning to acquire agility and
compromise within complex social situations and putting intense effort toward
creating harmony in the world around us. Before we go rushing into something,
before we instinctively react to any given challenge or situation, we’re
required to really pause and consider what is arising from deep within us.
This process will become even more ubiquitous once Mars
actually turns retrograde on March 1, 2014. While Mars is retrograde, we’re
dealing more profoundly with the pause and assessment of our actions. Of any
retrograde cycle, the Mars retrograde cycle is the least conducive for
initiation and confrontation.
That doesn't mean to go into hiding or to avoid implementing
anything of value or importance. But it does mean that whatever you do decide
to initiate should be very carefully assessed and reflected upon—particularly
giving time to carefully implement all the factors and all the other people's involvement.
When Mars is retrograde, desperate acts of impulsivity
rarely turn out favorably. The launch of some important matter often ends up
losing steam and dwindling in momentum once the planet turns direct. But just
because this is a likely manifestation, doesn’t mean to avoid action. It simply
means that this is a time to be more conscious of your actions, and to
anticipate a change of course or direction later down the road.
As with any retrograde, we are in a process that requires us
to reassess and reflect. It is a very introverted type of cycle. But with Mars
in Libra (a more extroverted sign), we’re reflecting and strengthening our capacity
to deal with multiple perspectives within relationships and more complicated
social dynamics.
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Hans Sebald Beham,Mars, from The Seven Planets with the Signs of the Zodiac, 1539 (Bartsch 116; Pauli, Holl. 118) , via Wikimedia Commons |
Some other factors to consider: Anger is a common
manifestation when the Martian energy is somehow blocked or stagnated. Finding
a healthy outlet for the expression of anger is highly recommended. Because
Mars is in Libra, and retrograde, this cycle is likely to bring up territorial
issues or deeply embedded fears or unresolved anger within relationships.
Remain conscious of this reality. Do your best to deal with
these issues openly and as civilly as possible. But do not suppress or attempt
to hide what needs to be communicated or expressed cathartically. There is a fine
line between consciously expressing frustration and allowing it to take over,
resulting in violence or rage.
Because Mars is retrograde, it is actually much closer to
the Earth than usual. This invariably amplifies this archetypal power within
each of us. Be mindful that things may not go as you expect or anticipate.
Projects launched are likely to encounter setbacks, delays or frustrations. Be
wary of the fact that many people may choose to express the more unsavory
aspects of the Martian energy; don’t be the one to set them off!
Mars retrograde is a time to strengthen and reinforce
situations that have already been put into motion. Big initiations are best
implemented once the planet has gone direct. With that said, don’t over think
it. Go with the flow. Mars and Venus retrograde cycles are unique in that they
often correlate with significant turning points and mile-stone transitions.
We sometimes meet new people, or come into contact with
familiar folks who we have seemingly met in some prior lifetime. These karmic
connections are often important, and will unfold and develop in synch with future
retrograde cycles.
Follow the Libran North Node
Just prior to Mars turning retrograde, the North Node
transitions (backwards) from Scorpio into Libra. This is an equally significant
transit, since the North Node indicates our collective destiny and objective at
any given time.
On Feb 19, 2014, a rather poignant conjunction of planets
occurs here. The North Node conjoins Mars and Vesta in Libra and Ceres in
Scorpio. This is a very interesting conjunction, foreshadowing the coming onset
of Mars’ backward motion.
Mars is slowing down to stationary motion. That warrior-like
initiatory drive is coming to a standstill. Our defenses are down. This is a
point of tremendous vulnerability, but a moment that also provides us with a glimpse
into relationship dynamics to point us toward things that likely need to be
worked on and reinforced over the next few months.
Vesta’s conjunction with the North Node at the anaretic
degree of Libra points to a critical turning point and transition, one that
gives us a razor sharp look into how others think, to become more
compassionately aware of where they’re coming from.
Ceres brings up issues of nurturing, compassion and
nourishment. We are invited to make contact with others who may be of
assistance to us in these areas, or who may provide important information that
can help us to see ourselves or a specific situation more objectively.
The North Node will transit Libra until November 2015. While
the North Node was in Scorpio, and Saturn in Scorpio, we have all been forced,
in varying degrees of intensity, to face deeply embedded material that lay dormant in the unconscious. Fears, vulnerabilities, deeply buried emotions and
issues surrounding death and joint finances were all prevalent themes that
needed to be constructively integrated.
We are shifting our attention away from these deeply
intimate and secret chasms, to redirect attention from seriously intense
subject matter towards some semblance of calm and homeostasis. While the North
Node travels through Libra, there is a collective need and desire to open
ourselves to the perceptions and perspectives of other people.
There is a drive to seek out experiences and connections
that can assist in creating cohesion, equanimity and balance. The North Node in
Libra can help with integration and digestion of everything that has come up on
a personal and collective level.
So, this is a cycle that allows us to transcend the
limitations of personal and biased viewpoints, to gain more awareness of our
place in the larger scheme of things. This North Node transit also helps us to
realize that there is greater power in numbers and that by embracing
cooperation and mutual understanding, a lot more can be accomplished with
greater ease and efficiency.
Mars in the Cardinal Hot Zone
Because Mars is going retrograde in Libra, it is activating
the Uranus and Pluto square, the sign of the times. On April 22-23 Mars will
form an exact grand cross configuration involving Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter.
This is known as a cardinal cross, involving the cardinal zodiac signs, which
have been a rather powerful symbol of the current changes taking place
With Mars retrograde, this will likely correlate with the
rise of collective events that bring to our attention to the need to strengthen
and reinforce our personal and collective willpower. It is a powerful
opportunity that generates an impetus to make dramatic changes and
transformations through the awareness of new perspectives or worldviews.
Due to the intense nature of this configuration, there is
likely to be a lot of conflict and tension. It is through this overwhelming friction
that the world can wake up to new realities and alternative points of view it
was previously closed off from.
Whether this particular grand cross will correlate with a
specific event or not remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: it
symbolizes a significant milestone in the collective psyche, one that will
likely put into motion massive cultural, political and economic changes.
Of particular significance is the fact that this grand cross
will be in aspect to the radix Sun in the mundane horoscope of the United
States. Obviously we can draw from this the fact that the U.S. will be the most
significantly impacted country by this event. This symbolizes the first exact contact
that the U.S. will have with the Uranus/Pluto square—so it’s a little unsettling
given the current circumstances.
Horoscope of the United States (Sibly) with transits on April 22, 2014. Note the grand cross hitting the radix Sun and Saturn. |
Many astrologers are concerned that this may have a significant
impact on the economy, since we’re already in the midst of much economic
instability and uncertainty. I personally can’t say for sure whether it will or
not. Astrology cannot predict the exact turn of events. But given the nature of
the cardinal axis, this energy will not just affect the U.S.--it will have a broad
and far reaching global impact.
Such is the reality of the situation. What happens in the
U.S. doesn’t just stay here; it has many implications for the economies of other
nations. Regardless of what happens collectively, of which we as individuals
have little control of at this point, each of us will inevitably feel the need
to look beyond our personal limitations and rediscover the power that is
available when we integrate with like minds and souls.
Again, be on the lookout for rising frustration and anger
that may manifest. Mars retrograde indicates that the collective willpower is
somehow stuck and stagnant. This is not a time to incite a war of any kind; the
momentum just isn’t there. This cardinal grand cross is more symbolic of an
awakening, one that reminds us of the power we truly have and that has been
there all along.
There is tremendous creative potential here, and regardless
of the turmoil that may manifest collectively, we can each use this energy
constructively and consciously toward more productive outlets. The Uranus and
Pluto square is about dramatic, sweeping global changes—conflicts between an
emerging new horizon and the powerful established order.
Jupiter in Cancer points to the past and to the collective
desire to hold on to those nostalgic elements that support the foundation.
Jupiter also expands whatever it comes into contact with.
With Mars retrograde, we can anticipate an explosive energy,
one that creates many contradicting desires. There is the desire to break free
and forge new frontiers, the desire to maintain the past and hold on to what
has been proven to work (security), and then the desire to integrate foreign
perspectives which can reinforce our current position.
If you feel yourself pulled into these multiple directions,
you aren’t alone. A grand cross isn’t easy to integrate because it challenges
the psyche to implement all ends of the square in such a way that neither one
overpowers the other. I think that is really the whole point of this
configuration, it urges us to implement massive checks and balances so that
neither of these facets has more power over the situation.
Looking at all the planets involved, it’s easy to point out
all the facets currently involved here. Pluto in Capricorn definitely represents the
overarching government's invasion of our privacy, and amping up as a police state. It is
symbolic of the all-seeing eye of the oligarchy and plutocracy that currently
holds the reigns of the economy.
But Pluto in Capricorn is also a symbol of the emerging
wisdom of the ancient past; the unearthing of powerful secrets long concealed or forgotten by the world. As much as it symbolizes a clash
with authority, it equally awakens the power of the people to govern
themselves, equipped with this newfound secret knowledge.
Uranus in Aries is the nascent frontier; the spring Sun
rising on the horizon, offering the hope and prospect of something entirely new.
Technologically (of which Uranus aptly correlates), we are seeing the emergence
of an entirely new paradigm of global communication which is greatly impacting
the power of self-expression (Aries).
Uranus in Aries is entirely experimental; it also inspires
us to forge new pathways in many unique and radical ways. It offers us the
promise that there is always another way, a direction we’ve had yet to dream of
or imagine. Jupiter in Cancer is the power pulling us toward the familiar
elements of society that have withstood the test of time. It draws the
collective into an introspective gaze, dreaming of the good old days.
Jupiter in Cancer is placing emphasis on the desire for
security and economic stability. In many ways, it is resistant to the progressive
changes symbolized by Uranus, and suspicious of the powers exhibited by Pluto
in Capricorn. So as much as we want “change”, as promised by many politicians
these days, we equally don’t want to rock the boat too much that it threatens
the security of the floor beneath our feet.
Finally, Mars retrograde in Libra is the awakening
realization of our collective power. It is the emerging awareness that we need
help; we can’t solve all these problems by ourselves. As much as our collective
ego has convinced us of our absolute independence, we must admit that input
from foreign sectors is much needed now, and that with greater objectivity each of us will find that we have the strength and capacity
to endure the hardships to come.
Onward Into The Great Unfolding….
In conclusion, there is a lot we need to consider over the
next few months. Mars retrograde and the North Node in Libra urge us to
consciously weigh the pros and cons. But don’t feel rushed to do so. Work with
these cycles and allow the process to unfold in its own timing. Remember that
Libra needs to take its time to consider all the perspectives it seeks to
When in doubt, stop, pause and reconsider. Taking more time
now to deeply reflect, and ask for the opinions and perspectives of those around
you, will save you much time and pain in the future. If things aren’t moving in
a timely manner, look to see what’s missing, or reach out for
help when necessary. We don’t have to do this all alone. In fact,
that would be completely counterproductive to the whole process at hand.
We are entering a very uncertain time politically and
economically. Decisions and choices we have all made in the past, or that we
have allowed others to make for us, are now revealing their consequences. The
complexity of the grand cross reveals that the solutions to our current
problems are not simple. They are incredibly complex and involve the
participation of everyone on the planet, in some shape or form.
If you feel the call to break free of oppressive and
stagnating circumstances, you are simply responding to the current energies
flooding the collective psyche. How successful we are hangs on our ability
to consciously and patiently work through these complexities and integrate all
the conflicting desires arising from deep within us. But whatever we choose to
experience, remember that it's all a part of the great unfolding. When in doubt, trust the process at hand, no matter how dire it seems.
Mars reminds us that we are far more powerful than we know. Awaken the power
within you to shape your life and the world into something more aligned with
your ideals and dreams. This isn’t an end, but rather the birth of a new
beginning. Don’t fight the current, flow with it; you never know how things
will eventually unfold.
Conscious travels.