Mercury Retrograde 2020

Stepping into Power: Full Moon in Aries 2020

Photo by Flicka / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons.

Photo by Flicka / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 9 degrees Aries 8’

October 1, 2020

2:06 PM PDT

5:06 PM EDT

This month's Full Moon occurs at the start of October in the tropical sign of Aries. It is the first of three lunations within October's challenging astrological landscape. The Sun's ingress into Libra will gradually create a t-square dynamic between Mars retrograde, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. This is a critical month where tension is building to channel into dynamic shifts and changes. And Libra's emphasis requires some degree of compromise, receptiveness, and diplomacy.

As with any Full Moon, culminations, breakthroughs, resolutions, or crises are erupting, however significant or subtle. The sign of Aries is under immense developmental tension the latter half of this year due to Mars' retrograde cycle. This area of our chart will light up with this Full Moon, highlighting themes of self-assertion, risk-taking, and trailblazing in some specific arena. And as this Moon culminates, there is a collective surge of boldness, audacity, and potential conflict.

Chiron's conjunction with this Full Moon also highlights areas of woundedness, vulnerability, or blockages that seemingly prevent a healthy balance between self-interest and relational demands. However, where Chiron presents us with defects and pain, it also reveals how those places can be sources of power. While sensitive areas can become inflamed alongside this Full Moon, there is also the potential to resolve and heal on several levels through a powerful shift in perspective.

The Full Moon ruler, Mars, is currently retrograde and squaring a recently directed Saturn. While the thrust of Aries seeks proactive mobilization, there can be a feeling of just slogging along or feeling restrained by too many responsibilities or limitations. Action and progress may appear to be slow going not only in the moment but also likely over the remainder of October. Mercury's retrograde cycle also enters a square with Saturn (Oct. 13-Nov. 03), giving us time to step back and refocus.

Consider this month a time to build strength, momentum, and consider new tactics and approaches. Reframe delays, setbacks, and obstacles as potential opportunities to sharpen your focus and clarify your position. While you may feel rushed, there may be more time than you think to make revisions and consider second opinions over the next few weeks.

While Chiron's conjunction to this Full Moon may not feel comfortable, it can help clarify what stands in the way of greater freedom, directness, courage, and personal power. Sometimes, it is a fear of that power or a fear of the vulnerability that comes with claiming our space and taking a stand that keeps us hiding or in submission. And on the flip side, unchecked confidence and boldness might require active listening and adjusting from feedback—check-in with where you stand on that spectrum.

Trust the Flow: New Moon in Pisces 2020

Photo by Chad Woodward, May 2019.

Photo by Chad Woodward, May 2019.

New Moon @ 04 degrees Pisces 29’

February 23, 2020

7:32 AM Pacific Standard Time

This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Pisces in close conjunction with Mercury retrograde. You might notice a magnification of Mercury's retrograde side effects over the next several days--techno/mechanical glitches, profound rediscoveries, or seemingly random inconveniences that lead to new perspectives.

The sign of Pisces symbolizes the end of the zodiacal cycle and correlates with transcendence, mystery, and numinosity. A retrograde infused Piscean New Moon can be a powerful opening into the esoteric dimensions of reality. Carefully look around for reminders that you're a part of something incredible and not wholly fathomable.

Mercury retrograde's positive manifestations consist of the awareness that we don't have all the answers, and in that humble acceptance, we gain excitement over the prospect of discovery. Consider this New Moon a potent field that opens the way to new possibilities, fresh hope, faith, or insatiable curiosity.

However, one point of tension lies in Mars' south node conjunction and t-square with Chiron. Anger, hostility, viciousness, and rage can add some volatility to the current collective field. Move like water over the next several days; flow into this field gently as opposed to charging ahead with full force. Chiron's square to Mars offers an opportunity to transmute volatile or harmful emotions proactively.

Mars on the South Node reminds us that while it's important to tend to our responsibilities and work commitments, self-care and self-love are essential to be effective in the world. Avoid burn out or exhaustion by taking some time check-in with yourself, step back, and, most of all, trust the flow.

While it might be tempting to think you need to take control, this New Moon suggests taking your time and allowing things to reveal themselves. This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Pisces in close conjunction with Mercury retrograde. You might notice a magnification of Mercury's retrograde side effects over the next several days--techno/mechanical glitches, profound rediscoveries, or seemingly random inconveniences that lead to new perspectives.