Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury/Jupiter Conjunctions


Mercury and Jupiter are conjoining in the sky, the first of three conjunctions from late Oct. through Dec. due to Mercury's retrograde cycle beginning next month. This week's conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter occurs in Scorpio, emphasizing investigative prowess and perceptual attunement to the shadows.

The combination of Mercury and Jupiter correlates with an improvement in outlook, especially in regards to hard to digest truths. Honesty, realism, and bluntness have a more significant impact, emphasis, and efficaciousness right now. But considering that Mercury is now entering the shadow of its retrograde cycle, look to your overall future vision and how that might change over the coming weeks.

Mercury/Jupiter can stimulate excitement about a dream, mission, or ideal, which is likely to undergo some refinement, adjustment, and reconsideration from Nov. 16 through Dec. 6. Jupiter enters Sagittarius early next month, bolstering Jupiter's auspicious and expansive nature beyond the usual. Yes, this is a fortunate and enthusiastic Jupiter, promising new horizons, doorways, and hope.

But also, we can overdo it when Jupiter is in its ultimate power. And also, the next weeks cautions about overlooking critical details or getting caught up in too-good-to-be-true promises of limitless health, wealth, and glory. However, some new possibility is emerging and within reach, and we'll be given a chance to reimagine for ourselves just what that might look like. Think big, but stay grounded.


Rapid Fluctuations: Mercury, Mars, & Neptune

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

Mercury in Scorpio is reaching two aspects at the end of this week (Oct. 19). First, a trine to Neptune in Pisces followed by a square to Mars in Aquarius. Unless in the process of a retrograde station, flighty Mercury is quick, zooming through a zodiacal sign in 20 days or less. Mercury relates to our shifting and ever-changing reality, as much as it refers to the mind and its logical/rational aptness.

Mercury's exacting trine with Neptune is daydreamy, magnifying the mystical qualities of Mercury (as the messenger of the Gods and Goddesses). Yes, you might feel that sense that new things are possible, and given Mercury's presence in Scorpio, that your perceptual abilities are hyperfocused and nearly transcendental. It might be hard to fully articulate what you perceive under a Mercury/Neptune moment, and sometimes it’s best to convey insights and information through less literal communication.

Mercury/Neptune's auspicious trine aspect creates a free flow of exchange between the tangible and numinous, but Mercury's square to Mars is a source of conflict and tension. Currently transiting Mars' home sign, Mercury in Scorpio more easily succumbs to the primal, raw edges of instinct, desire, and reactive emotions. There can be a challenge in the moment of managing a compromise between the impulsive/visceral and prudent/sensible.

But overall, Mercury is a messenger, and as we near the end of the week, we are likely to receive profound insight, information, news, or advice related to our deepest desires, lusts, dreams, and visions. We can't forget Venus too, moving retrograde and so lighting up the sensitivity of the heart and its need to feel loved, wanted, heard, and understood. This is a dynamic receptivity moment, so yes, open your mind, but don't forget to listen to the heart and trust its wisdom.


Mercury, Venus, & Scorpio

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Mercury in Scorpio makes a conjunction with Venus retrograde at the start of the week. Mercury/Venus makes for unusually smooth verbal and financial transactions. Venus' retrograde cycle is increasingly amplifying desires, attractions, and all heart-related themes clear up to its inferior conjunction Oct. 26.

So yes, the heart is getting louder, and Mercury can help us speak up about what we're profoundly feeling, especially anything that's been hard to say. Mercury is fleeting, and so this heart/mind connection won't last long. The first few days of this week can be extra synchronistic/serendipitous, potentially magical in various ways.

Conversations/dialogues can feel especially infused with intensity and brute honesty. For clearing the air of pent-up and repressed emotional content, Mercury/Venus can work beautifully to smooth things out and accentuate receptivity. And those potentially challenging, distressing, or otherwise objectionable topics can fit more easily into discourse and examinations.

Also, elements of the past can come powerfully forward this week. Unresolved discussions, past-life muses, unfinished creative works, and insightful facts/information can be dominating points of focus. Pay close attention to any brief yet poignant interactions and still, look beyond what's said. The mind isn't always this lucid or intuitive, so note the deeper complexity beneath the words.


Tipping the Scales: Venus Square Mars & Mercury Opposition Uranus

Arches National Park; photo by John Sullivan

Arches National Park; photo by John Sullivan

Mercury's ingress into Scorpio this week triggers its opposition to erratic and electrifying Uranus. While a brief and fleeting event, it just might send waves until the remainder of the week. Of course, far more is going on. Mercury is now in Scorpio, discussed here. Venus is retrograde and is now reaching its square to Mars and the Sun squares Pluto.

Mercury's opposition to Uranus can correlate with a breakthrough in dialogue or perception. Occurring in fixed signs, Mercury/Uranus seeks to radically alter a static view of reality or impulse an innovative train of thought. On the material level, techno/mechanical aberrations are likely (but can resolve as quickly as they manifest).

Sudden flashes of insight accompany a potentially agitated or restless atmosphere, so yes, expect the unexpected and seek to liberate your mind and voice. Venus' square to Mars adds some poignant intensity to various relational interactions. Consider that healthy conflict and tension can deepen trust and understanding. With Venus retrograde, we are adding new layers of complexity to our perception of those we interact with most.

Latent relational tensions may give rise and find a voice. But also, Venus square Mars is a highly sexual stimulus, and quick flings will likely provide more than initially expected. For unleashing raw and uncensored urges, the remainder of the week can feel unusually visceral. Venus/Mars has optimal creative applications, too. Take note of emerging passion which can reinvigorate pending projects.

The Sun's square to Pluto exacts Oct. 11 and carries some energies of the New Moon in Libra. Combined with Venus/Mars, Sun/Pluto can correlate with power struggles in our relationships this week. The need to assert a unique view of things could meet resistance. But all of this tension can strengthen values and integrity, despite a potential lack of a clean resolution.

Reflect on how idealism is currently being challenged. Pluto in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio especially offer a more honest view of reality. The Sun in Libra still leans on the side of diplomacy, yet the strong Scorpionic undercurrent and Pluto's dynamic square present the challenge of balancing niceness with realness.

The Dark Moon & Mercury in Scorpio

Early October sunset; photo by Chad Woodward

Early October sunset; photo by Chad Woodward

We are in the darkness of the Libra New Moon. Yes, this is a natural rest and reset moment which can relate to a ubiquitous zap of energy (that some people feel more strongly). But the New Moon is also a fresh beginning point. The next two weeks of the upward turning lunar cycle are conducive to the initiation of new paths.

This New Moon is particularly dark with the New Moon ruler, Venus, retrograde in Scorpio. There is more going on right now than you can presently see, especially in the context of relationships. Scorpio works on subterranean levels as does its modern ruler Pluto. The next few days are pivotal starting points for several Venus retrograde themes.

One side effect of this New Moon could be a gradual unveiling of concealed desires or hidden aspects of another. The Scorpio realms add more dimension and insight to what we consciously know about our reality. Mercury enters Scorpio Oct. 9 which gives the mind investigative prowess evident until the end of the month.

For mentally and perceptually dissecting just about anything, Mercury in Scorpio is optimal energy. Authenticity wins out over all things superficial. The subtext is more clearly discernable and false fronts rapidly dissolve, revealing the underlying vulnerability. Do what you will with such insight, but in this karmically charged landscape, you might do best to stick to what eases your conscience.