New Moon

New Moon in Cancer 2017: What Speaks to Your Heart?

White Yarrow by Peter Pearsall/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, via Wikimedia Commons.

White Yarrow by Peter Pearsall/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, via Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 2 degrees Cancer 47'

June 23, 2017

7:31 PM Pacific

10:31 PM Eastern

This month, the lunar cycle renews itself with a New Moon in the tropical sign of Cancer. After the peak of energy at the Full Moon (June 9), you may find yourself needing a moment to recharge and relax. That’s kind of always the deal with New Moons in general, but particularly in Cancer, consciousness is more attuned to intimacy and inner needs. However, the Sun just made a conjunction with Mercury which lies within three degrees of the New Moon. There’s likely to be some residual buzziness in the atmosphere, urging you to seek stimulation and conversation. 
In Cancer, that’s likely to be directed to the imaginal life. With Cancer being one of the most fertile signs of the tropical zodiac and the Moon as ruler of this sign, this is a potent time for planting seeds of intention. Use this New Moon to get attuned to subconscious messages that may be arising. There’s probably been a lot of good ideas floating around, but focus your attention on those that really resonate with you on a gut level. That’s what this New Moon is all about, getting in touch with those impressions we receive about things that defy logic and common sense. 
The unconscious, imaginal life has considerable power with this lunation. This is also a potent moment for magic, mystery, and deep intimacy. Just past the summer solstice (winter solstice in the southern hemisphere), we’ve crossed a critical threshold in the Sun’s annual cycle. The summer solstice is a time to revel in our creativity and to enjoy the abundance that surrounds us. There is so much life and vitality at this time of the year, and with Mercury’s close proximity to this lunation, it can feel like there’s so much to do but you don’t quite know where to start. 
The New Moon in Cancer says, “start with what truly speaks to your heart.” To hear what the heart is saying, you need to avoid distraction and overwhelming yourself with too much activity. Make it a point with this lunation to lay low and recharge your energy. When you do that, you’ll find it easier to make contact with your inner guidance. With that said, a New Moon in Cancer highlights a need for security, safety, and domestic concerns. When planning for the future, you’re likely to take these themes into deep consideration. The Sun recently opposed Saturn, which is at its brightest this time of the year. 
This Saturnian opposition has many of us focusing on long term goals, strategies, collaborations, as well as a realization of life’s limitations. A New Moon in Cancer can also amplify emotional insecurities, fears, and vulnerabilities in the face of harsh realities and obstacles. However, the New Moon in Cancer invites each of us to trust the process at work. This dark of the Moon does not bring resolutions, but rather the willingness to take those first steps into the dark to make our dreams a reality. Look around for the support that you do have, and take time to show gratitude and love. The New Moon says, “you’ll find your way; just listen to your heart.” 

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

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Be Gentle With Yourself: New Moon in Taurus 2017

Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Murrieta, CA; photo by Chad Woodward, April 2017.

Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve, Murrieta, CA; photo by Chad Woodward, April 2017.

New Moon @ 6 degrees Taurus 27'

April 26, 2017

5:16 AM Pacific

8:16 AM Eastern

April’s New Moon takes place in the tropical sign of Taurus. With Mercury still retrograde, this New Moon helps us keep things simple, direct, and gentle. Mercury retrograde conjoins Uranus in Aries alongside this lunar rebirth, adding a certain edge to this otherwise easy going and calming lunation. Mercury and Uranus invite us to deeply question our assumptions and perceptions about reality. In the days leading up this New Moon, you may have noticed something new about your environment, or had some potentially shocking realizations. 

How attached you are to a certain perception of life will determine how shocking or awakening these insights will be. Mercury and Uranus also help to give us glimpses of new possibilities or ways of solving problems in our lives. Innovative solutions are likely to be more readily available now, inviting us to re-strategize and find ways of moving around current obstacles. Questioning your beliefs, theories, and ideologies is likely in light of groundbreaking information. Needless to say, keep your ears open and receptive to what’s floating around in the wind. 

Mercury turns direct on May 3, one week from the New Moon. Use this time to dig deeply into this Taurus energy. As with all New Moons, new possibilities are emerging that aren’t quite clearly defined. A New Moon always points to something mysterious that you know exists, but you can’t quite pin it down exactly. The signs are all around you now, and they invite you not to think too much about them. In fact, with this Taurus New Moon, it’s a good time to get in touch with more subtle or even somatic dimensions of experience. 

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is still picking up its speed as it goes direct, after roughly 40 days of retrograde motion. It is currently at the end of Pisces conjunct Chiron. That could shed some light on deep insecurities about our self-worth and relationships. Venus and Chiron may accentuate certain heart wounds and blockages in connection with our ability to bond and relate. Now that Venus is stationing direct, you may have had some deep realizations about yourself, your sense of value, and your true feelings. A change of heart is possible, and this New Moon can symbolize a new path to embark upon with our creative passion and loved ones.

Use this New Moon to slow down the pace of your life and take some time to listen carefully to your body, your heart, and the natural world. Whatever problems you’re currently trying to solve will be more easily digested by taking some time to unplug from the hectic external environment. Take some time for yourself. Eat well, listen to beautiful, soothing music, go for a hike or gentle walk in the natural world--anything to help relieve your nervous system. With Mercury still retrograde, there’s no need to rush. Your focus will become more clear in a few weeks, especially if you take this time to be gentle with yourself. 

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Inner Gaze: New Moon in Capricorn 2016

Illustration of a Siberian shaman by Dutch explorer Nicolaes Witsen via Wikimedia Commons.

Illustration of a Siberian shaman by Dutch explorer Nicolaes Witsen via Wikimedia Commons.

Dec 28, 2016

10:53 PM Pacific

Dec 29, 2016

1:53 AM Eastern

Modern society attempts to create the illusion that everything is under control. While that illusion certainly helps things run smoothly and ensures that everyone plays their role, it comes with a price. The price is immense repression of our primal nature and the subjugation of any reality or viewpoint which threatens the status quo. We’re all conditioned to see the world a certain way and to fear anything that puts into question our standard narratives. This New Moon in tropical Capricorn helps us to see the structures and routines in our lives through different eyes, which will help us to gain clarity about how we fit into the larger whole.
December’s Capricorn New Moon is the last lunation of 2016. Occurring just three days before the New Year, this is a moment to step back, reflect, and take your time in considering your present options and decisions. Every New Moon is a collective moment of lower energy conducive for healing, rest, and meditation. At this stage of the lunar cycle, the Moon invites us inward to recharge and consolidate. Mercury’s alignment with this New Moon further reinforces the need to slow down. That’s because Mercury is currently retrograde.
This three-week process can sometimes feel frustrating. Life doesn’t readily yield to our plans and expectations. Things sometimes break down. Communication can be difficult. We may be more accident prone, sloppy, or clumsy. Before hastily moving forward with important matters, use this time to carefully review the details. Open your mind to new perspectives, realities, and alternate viewpoints. Occurring in the sign of Capricorn, this New Moon favors conscious solitude. With the busyness of the Holidays, this can be hard to attain. But even a brief moment of alone time will help you focus and clear your head.
While Capricorn can incite ambition, hold off on impulsive or drastic actions. You have more time than you think. Capricorn prefers sustained effort and thoughtful strategy. With Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces sextile Mercury and the New Moon, you will uncover the energy you need only if you pause and take notice of your inner needs first. Consider the importance and value of inner journeying and self-reflection. And consider how much insight you already have within you. Before we enter the New Year, this lunation is a great way to gain perspective about the past year so that you can more effectively plan for your future.

Uranus is also stationing direct conjunct Eris just after its first opposition to Jupiter on Dec. 26. With Uranus stationing at the peak of this opposition, there is a powerful need to break free from current restraints and a longing for the freedom to uncover new heights of potential and experience. This dark of the Moon time also carries a dynamic creative and visionary potential as well as an opportunity to see beyond the old ways of doing things. As the new year approaches, it might also be wise to hold off on implementing resolutions; there’s a lot to reconsider and think about with this New Moon. Sit back, relax, and turn away from outer distractions. Allow this New Moon to gift you with the focus needed to reconsider your goals, strategies, and direction.

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

Follow me on Instagram for weekly astrological updates.

Narrowing the Infinite: New Moon in Sagittarius 2016

New Moon @ 07 degrees Sagittarius 47'

November 29, 2016

5:18 AM Pacific

8:15 AM Eastern

November comes to an end alongside a New Moon in tropical Sagittarius. Saturn is currently moving through Sagittarius and widely conjoins this lunation. The sign of Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter which currently squares Pluto in Capricorn. The New Moon also makes a square with Neptune and the south node of the Moon. What is surfacing now may largely deal with your beliefs and the facts (or lack thereof) you have to support them. The asteroid Juno, also conjunct the New Moon, emphasizes the commitment required to sustain faith in a worldview.
The high-end of Sagittarius is not a rigid attachment to a belief, but rather an openness to contextual ways of thinking about or perceiving the world. Naturally, spiritual faith or religion fits into the Sagittarian archetype. Evolution demands that life changes in accordance with a changing environment. It also demands that organisms try new possibilities when old pathways no longer ensure success or survival. Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius serves to actually limit possibilities for the sake of finding more authentic pathways. It also asks that we question those beliefs that we’ve outgrown and that no longer serve us.

As the Sun and Moon conjoin in Sagittarius, it invites you to begin a process of exploring the possibilities that are available to you after a realistic assessment of their validity. This doesn’t mean throwing away all caution and taking a leap of faith, which you may be impulsed to do now. While Sagittarius naturally desires movement toward the infinite, instead focus on more sustainable beliefs and perceptions that have withstood scrutiny and challenge. Neptune’s station on the south node this month has generated a lot of collective hype and confusion. Beneath it, there is an opportunity to receive inspiration and authentic, numinous guidance.
The challenge with this New Moon is to distance yourself enough from the collective fog to see clearly into the epicenter of the what’s going on. What are you really devoted to now, when you cut away the superfluous? The challenge ignited by this New Moon is getting clear about that, and uncovering the passion, drive, and motivation to make your beliefs somehow work in the real world--to serve some concrete, valuable purpose for the benefit of others. At the moment, it’s not about being right; it’s about being relevant and useful. There may be a lot of directions to go, but this New Moon asks that you find that single guiding light in the mist, and to direct your enthusiasm toward it. Authentically doing that will likely elevate your personal purpose to a higher cause.

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.

Holding It Together: New Moon in Leo 2016

Dusty 'Sunrise' at core of galaxy; image by NASA/JPL-Caltech

Dusty 'Sunrise' at core of galaxy; image by NASA/JPL-Caltech

New Moon @ 10 Leo 58'

Aug 2, 2016

1:44 PM Pacific

4:44 PM Eastern

August’s New Moon in tropical Leo might feel like a welcome relief from the tension and seriousness of recent, past lunations. Leo correlates with a strong desire to play and cultivate joy. The subjective nature of Leo relates to the shaping of a consciousness attuned to the demands of the immediate experience. But like any New Moon, this is a moment of inner attunement in light of the conscious anticipation of new potential. In other words, the collective energy is low and directed toward conservation but ready to expend energy in new expressions.
Leo’s extroverted nature extends this New Moon’s manifestation outwardly and its fiery element helps to vitalize and nourish willpower to renew any lost enthusiasm. Carrying the rulership of the Sun, Leo’s signature at the start of August can help you to revitalize and begin a process of recovering purpose, strength, presence, and gravitas. The Sun, the central star of our solar system, has a gravitational force that is rather demanding, to say the least. With the power of a star, this Leo New Moon carries tremendous force which you can use to build up confidence and sanity.
The past two lunations, involving contacts with Pluto (an object symbolic of archetypes antithetical to the Sun), can have the effect of dampening personal significance. Plutonian events can mitigate willpower as they dredge up an awareness of harsh realities beyond one’s control. That may have been a subtle or significant experience over the past month for you. In the awareness of the shadow, the ego can often feel frightened or overwhelmed in the face of such powerful inner truths. If you’ve felt that way recently, focus your attention on this lunation as a source of motivation and self-definition.
Saturn’s trine to the New Moon from Sagittarius promises that effort and hard work (begun now or from past efforts) will accelerate progress toward certain goals and objectives. Saturn invites us to channel this building enthusiasm in directions that have practical applicability and that can help us grow in new directions. This fits well with Saturn turning stationary direct on Aug 13, which will bring to an end a period of consolidation and adjustment of priorities. Uranus in Aries, though far from a close trine, aids the building energy through the formation of a loose grand trine.
This is enough to help you to get excited about something, to breathe new life and energy into things that have been neglected or stagnant. Fire energy creates the impetus and motivation to continue moving forward, to keep thriving in the face of adversity. Two quincunx aspects to the New Moon from both Neptune and Pluto also amplify a sense of purpose and direction. To get to where you want to go now may require some seemingly awkward adjustments, and it may not come easily, but there is some magic with this New Moon that can help you find the stamina or determination that you need.

New life is being put into motion at this lunar beginning. Never underestimate the life force--the will to live. It moves through us biologically as well as spiritually. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, it moves far beyond your body, shaping the experiences throughout your daily life. If you desire something, know that the life force will see to it that you have the opportunity to attain it. With this Leo New Moon, perhaps you simply need a reminder of the joy and playfulness that is an essential part of our human experience. And also, if you make the effort, you can find stability and purposeful direction in your life. Let loose and allow yourself a moment to shine in some way; trust that the Sun, the central star in the solar system, will hold things together (at least for a while).

You did not come to Earth without a guide. Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery and an exceptionally helpful guide in times of uncertainty, crisis or stagnation. Click here for reading options and pricing.