Uranus in Taurus

Flow with Change: New Moon in Taurus 2020

Aerial photo of San Andreas Fault looking northwest onto the Carrizo Plain with Soda Lake visible at the upper left. Photo by John Wiley User: Jw4nvc - Santa Barbara, California / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)

Aerial photo of San Andreas Fault looking northwest onto the Carrizo Plain with Soda Lake visible at the upper left. Photo by John Wiley User: Jw4nvc - Santa Barbara, California / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)

New Moon @ 03 degrees tropical Taurus 24’

April 22, 2020

7:27 PM Pacific Standard Time

10:27 PM Eastern Standard Time

With a Taurus New Moon, we seek stability, consistency, and groundedness. Taurus guides us to indulge and enjoy simple pleasures, the natural world, and the physical body. Yet, Uranus in Taurus and its conjunction with this New Moon is a source of instability, particularly relating to things we once believed were permanent fixtures we could always rely upon.

Uranian energy correlates with accelerated change, and if we don't willingly bring it about, it arrives shockingly and chaotically to push us out of stale and predictable structures. There is conflict in this New Moon. You might have had enough of that, but while we should heed the typical dark moon advice and allow ourselves to reset and recharge, we should also embrace the need to shake something up.

This New Moon, however, can be a starting point where a novel direction opens up, especially one that relates to creating or sustaining material stability on some level. That can refer to finances, tangible resources, or our physical bodies. As always, the archetypes flow both ways. Resistance meets a breaking point. And long, arduous periods of restraint ease up, but not without some compromise.

Saturn in Aquarius squares this New Moon, foreshadowing the ongoing squares between Saturn and Uranus clear through 2021. Real revolutions will not win out or likely gain their desired momentum. Saturn and Pluto, the apocalyptic aura of the now, tightens and restrains us on many dimensions. However, this is a moment to pressure authority and push the conversation toward more progressive considerations.

Meeting in the middle with those in authority and power is the dominating theme until the end of next year. That suggests a push and pull between radical change and sustained focused effort. Yet, if you're consistent with the process, you'll arrive at a more innovative and more mature approach to collaboration and the ability to express yourself authentically.

For many of us, this New Moon is a powerful push toward attaining a solid sense of individuality. Also, consider the next two weeks are optimal for figuring out fresh ways to become more self-sufficient and simplify your life. If things have become too complicated, suffocating, or overtly routine, trust this New Moon to free you of those traps. It's better always to anticipate and flow with change instead of being taken by surprise.

Samhain & Venus/Uranus Opposition

By Jonathan Thorne [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], from Wikimedia Commons

By Jonathan Thorne [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], from Wikimedia Commons

As always, October ends with Samhain (aka Halloween), but unlike usual, Venus is retrograde, in Scorpio, and in opposition to Uranus. This is an aspect that suggests breaking with normalcy, routine, or tradition and embracing newness. With Uranus opposing Venus, this is more likely to show up in the context of relationships. But also, it can represent a sudden, unexpected shift of values, attraction, or creative vision.

Venus retrograde brings up the topic of the past, such as perhaps a sudden re-emergence of a "past life" connection, memory, or passion. Considering that the barriers between realities become malleable on Samhain, we can more easily gain access to esoteric perceptions. Under this Venus/Uranus opposition, anticipate something unusual to show up and change the current narrative.

In romantic, platonic, or marriage type arrangements, Venus/Uranus can shake us out of a predictable mode of relating or engaging with life. Whatever shows up for you, however notable or subtle, embrace the wildcard possibilities and try something different. This is the second of three Venus/Uranus oppositions this year, the last occurring on Nov. 30. This opposition during Venus retrograde can represent the most radical, emotional shift.

Venus is currently closer to the Earth, the heart is louder than usual, and connecting with Uranus can emancipate repressed desires or creativity. For the next few days, reach beyond your comfort zone, seek an adventure, or meet up with new (or some familiar) souls. Relationships of all kinds will likely be the conduit of change. And just past Venus' inferior conjunction, something fresh is emerging from the heart, so take some time to listen.


Revolutionary Rumbles: Sun Opposition Uranus

Photo by Chad Woodward

Photo by Chad Woodward

As we get closer to the Full Moon culmination (Oct. 24), the rumblings of revolution get louder, starting with the Sun's opposition to Uranus. Entering Scorpio, the Sun faces off with the God/Goddess of mutation, innovation, and genius. This week is likely to be filled with rapid, or unanticipated shifts in both internal and external environments.

Uranus triggers the desire to seek freedom from the past as well as the freedom to make a unique stamp on the world. As the Full Moon blossoms this week, it sends out powerful Uranian surges which can make conformity a challenge and stability hard to maintain. The approaching Full Moon can synchronize with much-needed change-waves, so surrender to something fresh and flow with your heart's desire to add something new to the daily narrative.

The Sun's transit through Scorpio also deepens the Venus retrograde cycle currently underway. On Oct. 26, Venus reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun. Breakthroughs and new beginnings both infuse this week. And with Uranus, Sun, and Venus square the nodes, the current climate feels karmically "charged," that is, supported by events/actions which can be meaningful turning points in the soul's overall plan.

Yes, it can feel like a poignant crossroads is upon us in some way, so pay close attention to the current direction of flow. Venus retrograde beckons the conscious mind to get more rooted into the heart to reflect on what the soul wants. While things can feel incredibly accelerated this week, there are subtle dimensions which need tending. Many of the changes on the table are likely to manifest in the realm of interpersonal relationships, finances, and values.

The heart is getting louder, and with it, a magnetic pull to what you want and need. The Uranian emphasis adds a unique and individuating spin to all of this, so it's not the season to hold yourself back or sell yourself out to gain approval. Reflect on what it is that excites you and feeds both heart and soul, and let the mind figure out the logistics.


Revolution Reboot: Mars Square Uranus

By Thennicke, via Wikimedia Commons

By Thennicke, via Wikimedia Commons

Mars is making its final square with Uranus this week (Sept. 18). We are likely to feel the full force of Mars/Uranus clear to the Full Moon in Aries (Sept. 24). This week can inspire sudden, impulsive moves. Mars/Uranus is erratic, individualistic, and freedom-loving. Mars in Aquarius has a flair for genius and eccentricity, too. And these Mars/Uranus themes have been ongoing since Mid-May. Notice the progress you have made.

Dissatisfaction with stale or stifling routines is a likely possibility, but be careful how you carry out liberations this week. Mars on the lunar South Node significantly cools Mars' aggressive hostility, which can help lessen explosiveness. Still, be mindful that Mars near the South Node emphasizes a letting go of violent or destructive behaviors. Uranus can help liberate frustrated energies and channel them to more constructive means.

So yes, this week is infused with restlessness or potential agitation. Don't push yourself too hard, but don't repress your need to change or innovate something either. With Mercury nearing its superior conjunction Sept. 20, the mind is getting sharper and more attuned to the future. Virgo Mercury alongside Aquarian Mars can generate fresh perspectives and transcend the past.

So do indulge in creative change/innovation this week. Seek a healthy expression of pent-up unrest. However, considering that we are nearing the equinox this weekend and a dicey Full Moon square Saturn, do not throw all caution to the wind or recklessly pursue your own needs and desires. Maintain mindfulness of consequences, because the Full Moon energies are not supportive of an unrestrained Mars. Compassion and common sense are a must.


Is the Jupiter/Uranus Opposition Still Relevant?

Somewhere in central California; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018. 

Somewhere in central California; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018. 

The short answer is yes. An opposition is 180 degrees and while Jupiter and Uranus' current relationship may not be exact, precisely, they both occupy opposing signs. Whole sign aspects were widely used by ancient astrologers, and they're still relevant today. With Uranus retrograding back to Aries, and Jupiter heading for Sagittarius soon, this oppositional relationship will only last until Nov. 7. 

Uranus in Taurus is still something we're all adjusting. Its entry into a new area of your chart and life will be making waves for the next seven years. With Jupiter's current involvement, the genius/innovative, radical revolutionary takes on a more bombastic quality, and changes come about more easily. Exploring the house Taurus rules in your chart could provide insight into the themes currently undergoing a revolution/liberation in your life. 

Jupiter & Uranus were in exact opposition from Dec. 2016 through Sept. 2017 in the Aries/Libra axis. Their cyclic conjunctions, squares, and oppositions lead to electric revolutionary impulses in the political, scientific, and creative landscapes. The combination of Jupiter/Uranus is inherently innovative and original, inspiring many to seek freedom in new frontiers or to release themselves from the status quo, with notable success.

So from now until early Nov., this broad Jupiter/Uranus oppositional relationship gives you added motivation to revolutionize some part of your life. Think in what way you could go above and beyond your limitations to bring something fresh and exciting into the foreground. The Moon's transit through Taurus Aug. 31-Sept. 2 pulls this theme into conscious view and has the advantage of helping generate palpable results. 

With the Sun in Virgo also stimulating an earth grand trine with Uranus & Saturn, we're experiencing a unique fusion of elements. Both the practical and novel weave together quite beautifully right now, assisting in the implementation of a different look and feel to things. Experimenting with unusual approaches can lead to new forms and designs. Pushing known boundaries might result in shifts to areas which have been stagnant for far too long. And the current earth energies help maintain reasonable, concrete focus for the avoidance of going too far. 



New Revolutions: New Moon in Taurus 2018

Photo by Ira O. Villanueva via Wikimedia Commons. 

Photo by Ira O. Villanueva via Wikimedia Commons. 

New Moon @ 24 Taurus 36'

May 15, 2018

4:48 AM Los Angeles 

7:48 AM New York

12:48 PM London

3:48 PM Dubai

7:48 PM Beijing

9:48 PM Sydney

11:48 PM Auckland 

This month’s New Moon occurs in tropical Taurus just hours before the planet Uranus enters Taurus, later followed by Mars entering Aquarius. With two planetary sign changes occurring alongside this lunation, this New Moon can symbolize a subtle, yet highly potent transitional beginning point. And with both Mars and Uranus making a square aspect to one another shortly after their ingress into new signs, we can anticipate an influx of impulsiveness, rebelliousness, and freedom seeking desires as we seek to liberate ourselves from the monotony of outdated routines.

Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus is the most immovable and resistant to change. As a fixed, earth sign, Taurean energies prefer to conserve and maintain a predictable or dependable stability. However, with Uranus entering Taurus (where it will transit for the next seven years after solidly entering Taurus in early 2019), radical changes are on the horizon for many things we thought were permanent or solid fixtures in our lives or within the world. For those of us with planetary placements or critical angles in Taurus, sudden, unexpected, and revolutionary changes are likely.

Despite the intensity of Mars square Uranus and both planets changing signs simultaneously, this New Moon still stands as a solid grounding point. The New Moon’s wide opposition to Jupiter also gives this lunation an auspicious and optimistic edge but combined with Taurus’ impulse toward pleasure and self-gratification, we’ll need to be mindful of going over the top or taking on too much of a good thing. Combined with Mars/Uranus and Jupiter opposing the New Moon, this lunation can symbolize the first steps in a process of stretching some aspect of our lives beyond its normal parameters or expanding our expectations of what we’ve thought possible.

But the New Moon in Taurus reminds us that no matter what may be going on in our lives, we’ll need to keep calm and find our center before taking action. Mars’ square to Uranus is the first of three squares this year due to Mars’ retrograde cycle from June 26 through Aug. 27. This first square indicates that whatever actions we feel we need to take now could later be revised, or a new course of action could suddenly emerge later down the road. Keep that in mind because the combination of Mars/Uranus can ignite impulsive or rash decision making.

Still, the New Moon in Taurus invites us to chill out and trust the process that’s just now beginning for us. Change is an inevitable part of life, and every change is a necessary function of evolution. At this moment, you might notice some subtle (or not so subtle) signals that something you’ve long thought to be stubbornly resistant to change is in fact not as solid as you have come to believe. Reflect on the house that Taurus correlates with, and you’ll probably find some powerful indicators of what area of your life is about to undergo a reformation. In fact, no matter how placid things might look on the surface, the revolution has just begun.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path