Earth Influx: Capricorn Moon & Earth Grand Trine


With the Moon's transit through Capricorn the next two days, the earth element is dominant. The Sun enters Virgo Aug. 22, and Mars is stationing in Capricorn, too. Practicality and a steady stride win out over emotionality or blazing bravado. After the recent eclipse/retrograde saga, we can ground down and get more engaged in anything requiring tangible results. If you're watching the sky, note the waxing gibbous Moon near Saturn against the star swarms of the milky way. 

Through tonight (Aug. 20) and tomorrow (Aug. 21) comfort is harder to come by. But for extended focus/concentration or a catalytic push, the Moon through Capricorn is helpful. It's not uncommon to feel emotionally detached or challenged under these Capricorn vibes. Mars' station can constellate passion, desire, or enthusiasm, which can be easily confused with stagnation. 

Use this time to get specific. Mars' station will be active for at least two weeks, but the momentum is returning. Locate the bottom line, and work consistently toward distillation and clarification. Once the Sun enters Virgo Aug. 22, it comes into an earth grand trine with Saturn & Uranus. For ironing out a technique or organizing all aspects of life, Virgo season is perfect. 

The earth grand trine at the end of this week is incredibly integrative, connecting disparate elements, both time-tested and innovative. And building up to the Full Moon (Aug. 26), there's likely a lot to get done and accomplished. For business enterprises, maximizing fitness goals, or overall decluttering, the next few days offers a nudge toward various pragmatic ventures.



Mercury Direct & Jupiter Trine Neptune

Mercury direct.jpg

Alongside the first quarter Moon in tropical Scorpio, Mercury stations direct. While this is the end of Mercury's retrograde cycle, obstacles, setbacks, detours, miscommunications, and irritations gradually fade out and get resolved. Still, residual glitches and frustrations are likely the next several days. 

With Mars retrograde until Aug. 27, we don't get a clear and unhindered push until about mid-Sept. Of course, do what you usually do, but if you're considering a full-on barrage into some new terrain,  next month is far more ideal. But now that Mercury is direct in this waxing gibbous phase, we can regain our strength and willpower, and put the pieces back together. So stay focused, but still, take your time. 

Jupiter trine Neptune encourages a faithful adherence to our vision or spiritual practice. And this waxing Moon increases our engagement with any current process. Leaps of faith, however, require extra caution/consideration now. The Moon through Sagittarius over the weekend kicks up idealism and spontaneity. These Jupiter/Neptune vibes can arouse compassion and sensitivity, but can also tempt us into avoidance of duty. 

Jupiter's trine to Neptune is the final of three aspects since last Dec., but its correlations are prominent until Jupiter enters Sagittarius in early Nov. Under Jupiter/Neptune, there's a tendency to ignore the nitty-gritty reality of things and favor the bigger picture or how things could be. Idealism is helpful for creative innovation, but problematic when we apply it to situations requiring a sober assessment. 

Still, Jupiter/Neptune gives us increased access to a belief in ourselves or what we're currently doing. For empowering those who have lost their faith, this has been helpful. This weekend's peak energy allows for opening ourselves up or cultivating a holistic perspective of life in general. If you can remain skeptical and discerning, this Jupiter/Neptune trine can feel enjoyable and affirmative of a larger purpose. 



Trust Your Bliss: Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo 2018

By Zeynel Cebeci [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Zeynel Cebeci [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 18 Leo 42' 

August 11, 2018

2:58 AM Los Angeles

5:58 AM New York

10:58 AM London

5:58 PM Beijing

7:58 PM Sydney

This month's New Moon is a partial solar eclipse in the tropical sign of Leo. It occurs against the backdrop of both Mercury and Mars retrograde. If you've felt like you've had to maneuver around extra obstacles, setbacks, or delays lately, you're not alone. Technical, mechanical, and communicative glitches are ubiquitous during the backtrack of the tiny and flighty planet Mercury. 

And within this potentized field of eclipses and Mars' retrograde cycle too, life can feel more unpredictable and less willing to agree with our expectations. Random annoyances are part of the deal. However, this is also a prime season for profound life shifts and changes of perception. And this Leo New Moon/eclipse can help us see a new path forward that we didn't know existed. 

Leo has a reputation for drama and excessive audacity. Leo's ruler is the Sun, the King/Queen of the solar system after all. Leo's emphasis is on the expression of creativity and affirmation of one's existence. Leo wants to be acknowledged, but not always the center of attention. Indeed in its negative face, Leo can become overly self-absorbed or addicted to applause/validation. If there were an archetype for pathological narcissism, Leo's bad side comes somewhat close. 

This New Moon/eclipse in the vibrant sign of Leo encourages visibility and self-expression. Occurring near the lunar North Node, it represents a profound shift in confidence and creative potential. This eclipse is profoundly bound up with a desire for more acknowledgment, respect, recognition, and of course, fun. With Mercury retrograde closely conjunct the New Moon/eclipse, it helps us make critical revisions and adjustments while breathing new life into ongoing creative projects. 

Jupiter's square to Mercury and the eclipse represents an optimistic thrust forward, but be mindful of arrogance or over-confident, leaps of faith. It is still the dark of the Moon, so tread carefully. Fact check, read the fine print and discuss things before jumping in. Don't indulge in more than you can process. Consider seeing yourself and your creations through a new lens or perception. Experiment with fresh approaches for communicating yourself to the world at large. 

When it comes to pushing forward with current projects or situations, remember to take your time and go with the flow. Both Mercury retrograde and eclipse season require patience and flexibility. Often, the greatest ideas come to us when we aren't actively looking for them. Consider the mantra of legendary, Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso, "I do not seek. I find."

Open yourself up to the joy of discovery with this eclipse, which requires less attachment to results and more engagement with the process. Yes, Mercury retrograde induces some second-guessing, and this eclipse can undoubtedly feel overwhelming, but it invites us to bring some new element into our lives and reconsider how we playfully participate in the creative, evolutionary flow of the cosmos. 

How are you feeling the eclipse? Feel free to comment below. 

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Close Encounters: Earth, Sun, Moon, and Mars

Photo by Georg Slickers via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Georg Slickers via Wikimedia Commons

Mars is nearing an intimate flyby with our home planet soon. Intimacy in astronomical terms is about 35 million miles, but if you've been paying attention to Mars lately, via the night sky, you've seen that's quite a statement. On July 26/27 (depending on your time zone), Mars will make its exact perihelic opposition to the Sun. 

If you looked down from above the solar system, you would see a straight line formed between the Sun, Earth, and Mars. If you could somehow perceive the orbital paths of these objects, you'd notice that both Earth and Mars run along an ellipse and that both planets were at their closest points relative to one another. 

This opposition of Mars and Sun is one of three rare and significant events at the close of this month, and all of them involve the infamous, red planet. Following the Sun and Mars' exact opposition, a total lunar eclipse occurs July 27/28, entirely or partially visible for much of the globe except North America and Greenland. 

This eclipse occurs in conjunction with Mars, as the red planet emits its orangish-red beams just beneath the eclipsed Moon. This eclipse will also be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting about an hour and 42 minutes for those on the direct path, such as Eastern Africa and the Middle East. 

And finally, on July 31/Aug 1, Mars will make its closest approach to the Earth, crossing that roughly 35 million mile mark. Mars hasn't been this close to Earth since 2003, and before that, nearly 60,000 years. We are speaking of a few million miles difference for some other Sun/Mars perihelic oppositions, but when it comes to astronomy, numbers seem to count. 

In astrology, Mars is a challenging planet to integrate. It's not a "bad" planet, that is, it doesn't always portend tragedy or crisis, but its emergence into both the personal and collective field is often uncomfortable. I believe that's because Mars is a catalyst, and whether we're responding to pain, anger, or fear, something is prodding us into action. 

Mars' perihelic opposition to the Sun always occurs during Mars' retrograde cycle, every two years. When Mars is retrograde, it's a chance to make adjustments to our aggressive, sexual, and passionate nature. But this cycle, Mars is a little bigger and brighter than usual, and perhaps that physical closeness relates symbolically to a heightened sense of passion, lustiness, aggression, or a willingness to fight. 

As an astrologer, I think that the archetype of Mars exists within us all, but that everyone's response to it is different. Mars has a "primal" vibe, in that it relates to thoughts, feelings, or compulsions which are seemingly beyond rational control. As Mars makes its opposition to the Sun, that primal wave will take over the ego momentarily, and we are given a window into that unfiltered, and untamable void. 

It's what we do with our passion, rage, or fear that matters most. Some things are beyond our control. People may trigger us, a health issue can arise, or an accident. Perhaps nothing so serious shows up for you, but you're feeling fed up with the way things presently are. Catalysts can arrive both inwardly and externally, but what we do with them, how we let our experiences define us, is indeed the most critical work. 

The synchronicity of a historical lunar eclipse and Mars' closest terrestrial encounter is both beautiful and intimidating. Always, on the global stage of political/cultural changes, we see the most cartooned version of astrology, such as a building aggression surging out of control. But with Mars retrograde, something different might show up, a critical adjustment or shift in the tide of war. 

With Mars on the lunar South Node, we know that some karma has ripened, some past, unresolved or unexpressed frustration seeks closure and release. With the Sun now in Leo, nearing the lunar North Node, we can only do our best to take the higher road, to stand confidently and courageously in our power while acknowledging the heart. 

Leo's positive face is that of generosity but also humor. Taking things too seriously could blow up in our faces. The higher road might also suggest the lighter path, where laughter is good medicine and reminds us of our humanity. Beware of the pitfalls of extreme alienation or "higher than thou" attitudes. Remember that a unique feature of humanity is the necessity of community. 

The negative face of Aquarius, the tropical zodiac sign both Mars and the lunar eclipse will reside, is anti-social-like apathy or the rebel without a cause. A Mars-like field as potent as this reminds me of Carl Jung's hypothetical enantiodromia, which warns us that when we polarize against an evil other, we risk eventual assimilation of that which we fight.

In looking at the astrological clock, it's evident that we could all use a catalyst, so let us be thankful for the reminder that life is worth living and that there are things worth fighting. Mars is the warrior after all, but a warrior defends what is sacred and vulnerable. There are harshness and injustices in the world, but Mars inspires us to protect what matters. 

In our fighting, let's not lose sight of compassion, or fall into the trap of making our enemy a literal embodiment of evil. There are profound lessons in a moment of terror, and immense strength acquired through every battle, no matter how small. And when you look out into the world, realize that everyone is in the midst of a personal crusade, even if you can't see it. Use that insight to connect yourself to the greater whole, and perhaps not feel so alone. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Free Yourself: Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 2018

By Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (Lunar Eclipse, Star Dune, and Elk) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (Lunar Eclipse, Star Dune, and Elk) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse @ 4 degrees Aquarius 45'

July 27, 2018

1:20 PM Los Angeles

4:20 PM New York

9:20 PM London

July 28, 2018

12:20 AM Dubai

4:20 AM Beijing

6:20 AM Sydney

8:20 AM Auckland

At the end of July, a total lunar eclipse will be entirely visible from the Middle East, Central and East Africa, Central Asia, and Antartica, while West Africa, Europe, Austrailia, New Zealand, South America, and the Eastern Caribbean will see a partial lunar eclipse (Iceland and West South America will catch some of the penumbral phase). Pretty much everyone except those residing in North America and Greenland will witness some or most of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Totality will last an hour and 42 minutes for those first regions listed.

But even more uniquely, this long-lasting lunar eclipse will conjoin the planet Mars while at its brightest since 2003. Those lucky enough to see it will witness a diminishing of the Moon's reflective light and the piercing, red glow of Mars beneath it. In fact, during a lunar eclipse, the Moon turns a reddish orange hue. So, both the Moon and Mars will be distinctly red beacons in the night sky. 

If you're unable to see this historic event, you can still witness the extra brilliance of Mars as it makes its peak opposition to the Sun on July 26/27 and then closest approach (and brightest shine) to Earth on July 31. Mars is currently retrograde, which happens when the red planet reaches its perihelic opposition to the Sun every two years. Read more about that in my article here. 

Okay, now for the astrology. Cue the shrieks of terror! Mars is not a friendly planet. It's the God/Goddess of war. War is not pleasant; it's divisive and hostile. But divisiveness is an essential part of life. In fact, tension, frustration, destruction, even combativeness can be healthy and appropriate at times. Have you ever been in a relationship with a sociopath, malignant narcissist, or otherwise abusive person? Have you had a tick attached to you, gleefully enjoying your blood? The best solution to those problems is a fundamental Mars function. Cut your ties! There are situations in life when peace and love are not useful options.

By Farhan Perdana (Blek) from Jakarta, Indonesia (Lunar Eclipse: Umbra) [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Farhan Perdana (Blek) from Jakarta, Indonesia (Lunar Eclipse: Umbra) [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

In astrology, a lunar eclipse is an extra-potent Full Moon, and when total, it's even more powerful. So a lunar eclipse is a dramatic peak, culmination, crisis, or ending. Something has reached its furthest state of growth and achievement. As mentioned, Mars is also reaching its peak of brightness just as the Full Moon/eclipse culminates. Coincidence? I'd like to say it's a byproduct of synchronicity and an intelligent universe. We have two peak experiences reaching their peak at about the same time. 

As always with astrology, significant events like this are not massively substantial for everyone. If you have planets or critical placements around four degrees of tropical Aquarius, you should pay more attention. And for those residing in the regions where the eclipse is most visible, we may see some significant events develop around these themes in those places in the following weeks or months. 

With the lunar eclipse/Full Moon in Aquarius conjunct Mars retrograde, and in square aspect with Uranus, these are some seriously volatile and rebellious vibes. Confrontations as a result of diminished freedom, autonomy, or individualistic expression are all highly possible manifestations of this eclipse. "Enough is enough" is a potent phrase for this eclipse, especially with both Mars and the eclipse conjunct the lunar South Node. For those that have been oppressed, dominated, or kept silent, this lunar eclipse provides an empowering surge of retaliation and rage. 

If this eclipse speaks to you, and it will speak to us all in some way, it encourages a fight for individual rights. It stimulates the bravery needed to demand freedom and to liberate oneself from stagnant situations. As an air sign, Aquarius expresses itself through thoughts, ideas, and information. Perhaps this eclipse empowers us through knowledge or an enlightening, objective perspective on reality. However, with Mars retrograde, and the Moon at its peak, this is not necessarily an ideal start for a revolution. Those seeds were planted in the distant past.

Chart for the Total Lunar Eclipse July 27/28, 2018. 

Chart for the Total Lunar Eclipse July 27/28, 2018. 

Here, at the Full Moon phase, we are reaching the peak tension, and the consequences of our actions will come upon us soon. As the Full Moon/eclipse culminates, it would be wise to be extra cautious with overly risky endeavors, or intentionally putting yourself in situations where danger is a high possibility. Pushing yourself or others past reasonable limitations might not go too well. Using the mind's power of reason, and cool rationality, take a good look at your feelings, impulses, and reactions and assess whether or not you should indulge them. 

Consider long-standing situations which have caused you to amass frustration, anger, or resentment. Consider in what ways you've been held back or not allowed the freedom to be who you are or to follow your unique path in life. Notice how those situations are reaching critical points of crisis or culmination, and how you can handle the situation the best way possible. Perhaps, you'll need to cut ties, or maybe you'll need to set firm boundaries and divisions. Either way, Mars is assertive, and this Full Moon is not your usual lunar culmination. 

Conversely, as mentioned, this is a South Nodal eclipse, which brings up the past in a dynamic way. And given that Mars is retrograde, unresolved, past conflicts, or the eruption of unexpressed frustration could be a major theme of this eclipse. The karma has ripened, as the saying goes. With the lunar North Node in Leo, conjunct the Sun raging and roaring in its home sign, the eclipse opens a pathway forward which requires increased visibility, self-expressiveness, and passion for following through. 

And sometimes, an excessive focus on rebelling or being different can be alienating. The North Node in Leo conjunct the Sun suggests coming into the light and moving out of isolation, which takes courage. The Sun in Leo says that it's time to speak up and be heard. This eclipse requires more than embracing individuality or jumping onto the next revolutionary bandwagon. It's an invitation to create a bridge into the real world to allow yourself to be an effective truth speaker or freedom advocate. After the war is over, life must go on. Free yourself. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Going Deep: New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2018

Demänová cave of freedom, "Emerald Lake"; photo by Juloml

Demänová cave of freedom, "Emerald Lake"; photo by Juloml

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 20 degrees Cancer 41'

July 12, 2018

7:48 PM Los Angeles

10:48 PM New York

July 13, 2018

3:48 AM London

6:48 AM Dubai

10:49 AM Beijing

12:48 PM Sydney

2:48 PM Auckland

On July 12/13, the Moon will slightly graze the solar disk. In tropical Cancer, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in the extreme southern hemisphere. While this isn't an especially potent eclipse by itself, its near exact (and contra-parallel) opposition to Pluto gives it an extra edge. Marking the beginning of the final eclipse season of 2018, this New Moon culminates as a highly dynamic total lunar eclipse in just two weeks. 

In the midst of Mars currently in retrograde and an approaching Mercury retrograde cycle (beginning July 25), the astrology of the next month is exceptionally vibrant. In Cancer, this New Moon/partial eclipse highlights our sensitivities, vulnerabilities, and deeply concealed feelings. Ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer symbolizes the human need for security, safety, and trusted human bonds. 

Attuned to the inner life and imagination, the Cancer archetype prefers to lay low or at least stick with more intimate and meaningful interactions. As mentioned, sitting in direct opposition to this New Moon/eclipse is Pluto, confronting us with both a magnified emotional response and the surfacing of highly unconscious or repressed psychic content. 

Given the context of the background astrology, most notably Mars retrograde, this isn't a good time to force things to completion or reach definitive conclusions, especially if we find ourselves reacting solely on emotion. This New Moon encourages reflection and observation. For some, this lunation could be somewhat uncomfortable with the sudden emergence of feelings or unanticipated reactions. 

On a collective level, this New Moon can ignite a conversation about ignored social injustices, corruption of power, atrocities, and all things discarded. On the personal level, this lunation is a starting point for expanding awareness of realities which have gone long neglected. But deep healing is always possible as we choose to face what scares us about ourselves or our environment. 

Combined with Mars retrograde nearing the lunar South Node, this Plutonian New Moon/eclipse adds further fuel to a process of dealing with or moving through unresolved anger, rage, frustration, or fear. It's an ideal moment to deal with these residual feelings and find safe, healthy outlets for their release or expression. 

Pluto ultimately beckons us beyond our concerns to take part in something more extensive, meaningful, and fulfilling. What often prevents us from connecting to the greater community are our own personal hangups, wounds, or insecurities. The more we shed light on such things, the more empowered we become to extend our reach beyond ourselves so we can take part in healing the planet. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Defying Boundaries: Mars Retrograde 2018

Base jumpers; photo by Xof711

Base jumpers; photo by Xof711

This year, Mars turns stationary retrograde on June 26/27 (check time zones below). On this day, the red planet will stop moving, reverse direction, and appear to move backward for about two months. It'll pause again around Aug. 27/28, returning to its usual west-east path and ending its retrograde cycle. 

Mars retrograde happens every two years as it reaches its perihelic opposition to the Sun. When this happens, Mars is closer to the Earth and appears brighter in the night sky. In fact, when Mars is retrograde, it's visible throughout the entire night due to the Sun's opposition. 

This July and August, Mars will outshine Jupiter, making it the second brightest planet in the sky (except for the Sun and Moon, of course, which are considered planets in astrology). For skywatchers, this is an optimal year for viewing Mars, whether with naked eye or telescope. 

Mars will reach its closest approach to Earth on July 31, a few days after reaching maximum brightness at the exact opposition to the Sun on July 26/27. This year is the nearest approach Mars has made to Earth since 2003. Mars will be roughly 35 million miles away from us, compared to its average distance of 140 million miles (though still incomprehensibly far).

And before 2003, Mars hadn't been this close in nearly 60 thousand years. Will Mars' closeness to the Earth this year give us some extra juicy Mars drama? Perhaps. In looking at 2003, there were some interesting Mars-like events like record-breaking heat waves in Europe (causing 35,000 deaths that summer), historic wildfires in California and Germany, and the initial stages of the "War on Terror" via the Invasion of Iraq (which reached its 15 year anniversary earlier this year). 

Did I mention that Mars has a 15-year cycle? Mars will be retrograde in both Aquarius and Capricorn this year and turning stationary retrograde near the lunar South Node. The last time Mars turned retrograde in Aquarius was in 1971. Just days before its retrograde station that year, then U.S. President Richard Nixon certified the 26th Amendment, lowering the voting age to 18. 

Also, the Apollo 15 mission, the fourth manned mission to the Moon, literally goes to the Moon and back within this retrograde period. The 1971 Mars retrograde cycle was the first time the lunar rover drove on the Moon's surface. I want to point out that sending some guys in a rocket ship to the Moon to drive around in their new all-terrain vehicle is hugely Mars-like. Interestingly, the first manned-lunar mission occurred just 13 days after Mars stationed direct in 1969 (that time, at the first degree of adventure-seeking Sagittarius). 

Dave Scott on the rim of Hadley Rille at Station 10 during the Apollo 15 mission; photo by NASA.

Dave Scott on the rim of Hadley Rille at Station 10 during the Apollo 15 mission; photo by NASA.

How Will Mars Retrograde Effect You? 

I don't believe that Mars' closeness to the Earth has any physical effect, which is to say that just because Mars is closer to us, doesn't mean that it's causing anything to happen. I view astrology as having a correlative or symbolic significance. So how will Mars retrograde correlate with changes in your life?

Unlike Mercury retrograde (which occurs quite frequently but isn't always significant for everyone, every time), Mars retrograde is rare, but its most notable impact likely happens when it stations retrograde or direct on prominent places in our horoscopes. 

You might read that Mars retrograde isn't a good time for starting a business, a new job, sexual relationship or otherwise living your life as you would typically do. We could probably find evidence to corroborate some of that, but honestly, I wouldn't stick to that view dogmatically. 

When Mars is retrograde, you can still have great sex and launch into new directions, but you need to be extra mindful of acting solely on impulse. When Mars is closer to the Earth during its perihelic opposition and retrograde cycle, the Mars archetype gets louder. If we imagine that Mars is the archetypal warrior and trailblazer, then those impulses within each of us get a bit magnified. 

Perhaps, you'll find yourself or others feeling extra lascivious. You might notice the rise of inner assertiveness or less tolerance for those who infringe on your boundaries. You might see some usually timid people feeling audacious, more willing to make bold moves. Controlling a temper could be a problem. 

And with Mars stationing near the lunar South Node around June 26, you might find yourself needing to release some unresolved anger, anxiety, aggression, or face some unresolved conflict or fear you couldn't deal with before. Mars dares us to live and defend our right to do so. 

Living doesn't stop just because Mars is retrograde, though because it appears to be moving backward, we might find ourselves reviewing or reconsidering how we're utilizing our inner Mars. During this time, we're collectively building up momentum and giving our actions, desires, and impulses extra thought and attention. 

Also, since Mars is opposing the Sun during its retrograde cycle, it's making a somewhat rebellious statement. Since the Sun is the ruler of the solar system, and Mars is in opposition and retrograde, Mars is less restrained by the Sun's rule and control. Thus, during Mars retrograde, we might find ourselves or others more likely to break the rules. This rebellious theme is especially pertinent this cycle because Mars will backtrack into a square aspect to Uranus.

Sometimes those rules were self-imposed or enforced on us by family, society, community, culture, or authority figures. When Mars is retrograde, we are tempted to break free of restraints or restrictions to forge new paths for ourselves with either positive or negative consequences. When Mars is retrograde, we're more prone to crossing new boundaries and thresholds which once contained us. 

If Mars stations or is retrograde near critical placements in your chart, especially if making difficult aspects, you might need to be extra cautious about pushing yourself too hard, trying to force something to action prematurely, or seriously watch your temper or immediate, automatic reactions (violence represents the negative extreme of Mars energy). 

While this Mars retrograde cycle might not be a good time to start an actual war, rebellion, or revolution (those instigating the fight aren't likely to succeed), its a good time to check in with how we've allowed others to control our actions. And observe how we have silenced ourselves or kept our inner warrior from getting what it wants and deserves. 
Mars retrograde, especially at the stations (June 26 and August 27), can limit or even slow down our momentum. While sometimes frustrating (or amplifying repressed or unacknowledged frustration), it gives us a chance to reconsider our current trajectory or gain more clarity about our ultimate target. If you find yourself losing steam or unable to act with confidence, utilize this retrograde period to regain your strength, courage, willpower, and passion so that you'll be ready to launch when the time is right for you. 


True color image of Mars taken by the OSIRIS instrument on the ESA Rosetta spacecraft during its February 2007 flyby of the planet; photo by European Space Agency & Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research for OSIRIS Team ESA/MPS/UPD/LAM/I…

True color image of Mars taken by the OSIRIS instrument on the ESA Rosetta spacecraft during its February 2007 flyby of the planet; photo by European Space Agency & Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research for OSIRIS Team ESA/MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/RSSD/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA

Mars Square Uranus, Mercury Retro, and Eclipse Season

Due to its retrograde cycle, Mars will square Uranus three times this year. It made its first square on May 16, one day after Uranus entered Taurus. The second, retrograde square occurs on Aug. 1, and the final square happens on Sept. 18. The most problematic square is likely to be in early Aug., with both Mars and Mercury in retrograde. 

Taking significant risks at that point without full consideration of the consequences, or lacking a very carefully laid out strategy could lead to problems. If you find yourself unable to move forward at this point with specific plans, intentions, or ambitions, step back and reassess. 

If you intend to move forward with some important matter in the first weeks of August, be prepared for unexpected changes, detours, delays, setbacks, or breakdowns and plan accordingly. The combination of Mars and Uranus is highly volatile and unpredictable.

On another level, however, this combination of planets in late July/early August gives us an opportunity to define and defend who we are on a deeper soul level. While you can expect considerable resistance from others, the tension inherent to this aspect can be helpful for strengthening a commitment to a unique path or destiny. 

Working at a higher level with Mars/Uranus will likely require upsetting other people for the sake of being true to ourselves, but ignoring our authenticity can be equally painful. With the Mars/Uranus square occurring alongside Mercury retrograde, don't resist the flow if you feel obstructed. Sometimes, the best thing to do is wait things out, at least until after Aug. 18/19. 

Also, consider that from July 12-Aug. 11 we'll be in a triple eclipse season, so this will be a profoundly transformational period for many of us. Both prominent retrogrades and eclipses often lead to significant changes of direction, focus, and perception. Consider that your current plans or intentions are likely to change in the coming months quite suddenly, so remain flexible.  

Johannes Kepler's depiction of the geocentric motions of Mars, from Astronomia Nova (1609).

Johannes Kepler's depiction of the geocentric motions of Mars, from Astronomia Nova (1609).

Mars stationary retrograde @ 09 degrees Aquarius

June 26, 2018

2:05 PM Los Angeles

5:05 PM New York

10:05 PM London

June 27, 2018

1:05 AM Dubai

5:05 AM Beijing

7:05 AM Sydney

9:05 AM Auckland

Mars stationary direct @ 29 degrees Capricorn 

August 27, 2018

7:05 AM Los Angeles

10:05 AM New York

3:05 PM London

6:05 PM Dubai

10:05 PM Beijing

August 28, 2018

12:05 AM Sydney

2:05 AM Auckland

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Inner Spirals: Full Moon in Capricorn 2018

Ortler Alps in Italy; photo by Friedrich Haag

Ortler Alps in Italy; photo by Friedrich Haag

Full Moon @ 6 degrees Capricorn 28'

June 27

9:53 PM Los Angeles

June 28

12:53 AM New York

5:53 AM London

8:53 AM Dubai

12:53 PM Beijing

3:53 PM Sydney

5:53 PM Auckland

As the Sun sails through the sensitive and perceptive sign of tropical Cancer, the Moon reaches its cyclic opposition in the cool, hard edges of Capricorn. For the Moon, Capricorn is not a comfortable place. As this Full Moon culminates in conjunction with Saturn, we might find ourselves meeting some vast limitations through which we can more clearly define and prioritize goals and objectives. 

The crises end of this lunation might look like an awkward confrontation with a world that doesn't readily cater to our deepest needs. Collectively and personally, we might significantly feel the enormity of things a bit more than usual. Saturn doesn't give anything away. It suggests to us that even in following our heart, we must sacrifice and discipline ourselves if we want to find success. 

For some of us, depression,  pessimism, and self-doubt are some possible manifestations of this Full Moon energy. No matter how you respond, a significant level of pressure arrives with this lunation like the inevitability of reaching a critical deadline. And Mars' retrograde station alongside this heavy, lunar culmination gives each of us a lot to contemplate. For some of us, this Full Moon could quickly put the brakes on things or act as a symbolic obstruction. 

If you find yourself holding on to anger, agitation, hopelessness, or fear at this lunation, trust that you can move through these feelings and find a way forward as the Moon begins to wane. As the Full Moon culminates, it invites us to take a moment to look inwardly and acknowledge some deep places constructed from our pain. This lunation offers us the harsh implication that hardship is an inevitable part of the human experience. 

Saturn reminds us that discomfort is a natural part of maturation which is the engine of life. One of the most difficult of truths is that death feeds life. We are intricately entwined in this sacred dance: as one life ends it spirals into yet another. This month's Full Moon stands at the gateway of some challenging but profoundly transformative astrology in the following weeks. 

The Sun is applying to a wide trine with Jupiter which offers hope and some building confidence. A water grand trine formed between the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune in the first week of July will help to shatter the heaviness and constriction of these Full Moon vibes, opening new doors, expansive frontiers, and rekindling the imagination. 

Trust that as you move forward, you'll soon discover new paths and perceptions. Embrace the reality we all have a mission and some significant work to do in this world, but that it just takes time to chisel your way through. Take some time with this Full Moon to fully contemplate your choices and sit with any surfacing discomfort. Growth is hard, but not growing is even harder. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Reaching for Clarity: New Moon/Supermoon in Gemini 2018

Photo by Jessie Eastland

Photo by Jessie Eastland

New Moon @ 22 Gemini 45'

June 13, 2018

12:44 PM Los Angeles

3:44 PM New York

8:44 PM London 

11:44 PM Dubai

June 14

3:44 AM Beijing

5:44 AM Sydney

7:44 AM Auckland

June's New Moon/Supermoon in tropical Gemini creates a fresh start for new ideas, perceptions, theories, and dialogues. Gemini, a mutable air sign, provokes a desire for intellectual and experiential diversity and stimulation. While every New Moon has a lower energy vibe, as it is a natural period of rest and recovery, the extroversion of Gemini seeks out new experiences and understandings. The close proximity of this New Moon to earth amplifies the voice of the unconscious and inner self. 

Combined with some other background astrology, this Supermoon/New Moon works to clarify as well as pronounce individual needs and willpower. The Sun is separating from its square aspect to Neptune, and thus this lunation can represent a period of emergence from disillusionment or an idealized/romanticized perception of reality. While the fog is beginning to clear, we are taking those first steps toward a more explicit understanding of things backed by facts, evidence, and environmental feedback. 

Mercury, the New Moon ruler, has recently entered Cancer, a water sign more attuned to psychic and imaginal dimensions. Mercury's square to the centaur object Chiron can accentuate certain flaws or defects in our ability to articulate feelings and emotional content. Chiron's square to Mercury represents the challenge of vulnerability, either the dangers of too much or too little. Chiron invites us to make the effort to heal blockages preventing us from authentic communication and the expression of our true feelings.

Mercury's applying opposition to Saturn, exact June 15/16 may correlate with a period of increased sobriety and realism. Saturn's opposition to Mercury represents a greater confrontation with perceptual limitations which can be useful for focusing concentration but difficult if we fail to grow our communicative tactics. Saturn's opposition to Mercury in the days following this New Moon can heighten negative or pessimistic thinking, but can equally help us gain a more realistic perspective of certain situations. 

Venus enters Leo shortly after this New Moon, engaging in a square aspect to Uranus (exact June 14). Combined with Venus' opposition to Mars (exact on June 21), we are entering into a potentially volatile or disruptive period for relationships until the latter end of June. As the New Moon begins to build, consider that dynamic changes need to be created in present commitments, allowing more space for freedom and the expression of desires.  

As this New Moon sets in, keep close to the facts, practice truthfulness and authenticity. Glossing over certain details could lead to some very real problems, but this lunation is a dynamic stepping stone into the more challenging astrology towards the end of this month which will be easier to navigate if we prepare ourselves. Reframe your expectations now with this New Moon, and try your best to look at things from a more honest vantage point. Reach for clarity in whatever way you can. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Surrendering Certainty: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2018

Photo by Lakshmi Sawitri via Wikimedia Commons 

Photo by Lakshmi Sawitri via Wikimedia Commons 

Full Moon @ 08 degrees Sagittarius 

May 29, 2018

7:19 AM Los Angeles

10:19 AM New York

3:19 PM London

6:19 PM Dubai 

10:19 PM Beijing

May 30, 2018

12:19 AM Sydney

2:19 AM Auckland

May's Full Moon occurs in tropical Sagittarius just before cerebral Mercury enters its home sign Gemini. A Full Moon in Sagittarius can feel expansive and its sextile to Mars punctuates the audacious nature of this mutable, fire sign. The rising enthusiasm that may accompany this Full Moon can feel impulsive and courageous. 

And with Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, receiving a sweet trine from Venus, there isn't too much tension inherent to this Full Moon except for a wide, applying square from the Sun and Moon to Neptune. First off, a water grand trine involving Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune is currently forming in the sky, and this influx of the water element enhances emotional and psychic sensitivity. 

The water grand trine brings in a wave of imagination inducing idealism that will peak in intensity at the initial start of June. And as the lunar cycle begins to wane shortly after the climax of this lunar cycle, we'll be inundated with a spiritual longing for transcendence or connectivity. The negative face of Sagittarius expresses itself through dogmatism or an oversimplification of reality. 

Remain diligently mindful of a tendency to reduce complexity or jump to conclusions prematurely simply to justify a belief. The Sun in Gemini and Mercury's ingress into this sign hold the opposing end of this Full Moon narrative. Both Sun and Mercury remind us about the importance of carefully considering the facts and double checking sources. 

Neptune's square to the Full Moon axis can generate a considerable level of obfuscation in regards to emerging news and information, a theme that will be persistent throughout the first half of June. But Neptune ultimately invites us to question and expand upon our carefully guarded truths and assumptions. The dissolving nature of Neptune offers humility as well as humiliation. Leaps of faith can be both liberating and devastating. 

This Sagittarian Full Moon brings us to the culminating endpoint of a quest or reveals the limitations of beliefs and ideologies. And now that the journey has culminated, we may be in awe of how much more there is to discover or how little we actually know. With this Full Moon, it might be best to surrender your attachment to certainty and allow the universe to reveal yet another layer of possibility. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


New Revolutions: New Moon in Taurus 2018

Photo by Ira O. Villanueva via Wikimedia Commons. 

Photo by Ira O. Villanueva via Wikimedia Commons. 

New Moon @ 24 Taurus 36'

May 15, 2018

4:48 AM Los Angeles 

7:48 AM New York

12:48 PM London

3:48 PM Dubai

7:48 PM Beijing

9:48 PM Sydney

11:48 PM Auckland 

This month’s New Moon occurs in tropical Taurus just hours before the planet Uranus enters Taurus, later followed by Mars entering Aquarius. With two planetary sign changes occurring alongside this lunation, this New Moon can symbolize a subtle, yet highly potent transitional beginning point. And with both Mars and Uranus making a square aspect to one another shortly after their ingress into new signs, we can anticipate an influx of impulsiveness, rebelliousness, and freedom seeking desires as we seek to liberate ourselves from the monotony of outdated routines.

Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus is the most immovable and resistant to change. As a fixed, earth sign, Taurean energies prefer to conserve and maintain a predictable or dependable stability. However, with Uranus entering Taurus (where it will transit for the next seven years after solidly entering Taurus in early 2019), radical changes are on the horizon for many things we thought were permanent or solid fixtures in our lives or within the world. For those of us with planetary placements or critical angles in Taurus, sudden, unexpected, and revolutionary changes are likely.

Despite the intensity of Mars square Uranus and both planets changing signs simultaneously, this New Moon still stands as a solid grounding point. The New Moon’s wide opposition to Jupiter also gives this lunation an auspicious and optimistic edge but combined with Taurus’ impulse toward pleasure and self-gratification, we’ll need to be mindful of going over the top or taking on too much of a good thing. Combined with Mars/Uranus and Jupiter opposing the New Moon, this lunation can symbolize the first steps in a process of stretching some aspect of our lives beyond its normal parameters or expanding our expectations of what we’ve thought possible.

But the New Moon in Taurus reminds us that no matter what may be going on in our lives, we’ll need to keep calm and find our center before taking action. Mars’ square to Uranus is the first of three squares this year due to Mars’ retrograde cycle from June 26 through Aug. 27. This first square indicates that whatever actions we feel we need to take now could later be revised, or a new course of action could suddenly emerge later down the road. Keep that in mind because the combination of Mars/Uranus can ignite impulsive or rash decision making.

Still, the New Moon in Taurus invites us to chill out and trust the process that’s just now beginning for us. Change is an inevitable part of life, and every change is a necessary function of evolution. At this moment, you might notice some subtle (or not so subtle) signals that something you’ve long thought to be stubbornly resistant to change is in fact not as solid as you have come to believe. Reflect on the house that Taurus correlates with, and you’ll probably find some powerful indicators of what area of your life is about to undergo a reformation. In fact, no matter how placid things might look on the surface, the revolution has just begun.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Unleash the Wildness: Full Moon in Scorpio 2018

Geysers of Tatio, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; photo by Diego Delso via Wikimedia Commons.

Geysers of Tatio, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; photo by Diego Delso via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 9 Scorpio 39’

April 29, 2018

5:58 PM Los Angeles

8:58 PM New York

April 30, 2018

1:58 AM London

4:58 PM Dubai

8:58 AM Beijing

10:58 AM Sydney

12:58 PM Auckland

This month’s Full Moon occurs in tropical Scorpio, proceeding a conjunction of Mars and Pluto. Honesty, directness, and intensity are hallmarks of this lunation. A Scorpio Full Moon empowers us to seek and articulate truth. Quincunx aspects from both Mercury and Venus extend the reach of this Full Moon to our relationships and communicative exchanges, but with the Full Moon at the apex, critical adjustments are required in our interactions to create space for more authentic encounters, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

With Mars, the ruler of the Full Moon separating from a conjunction with Pluto, primal instincts, impulses, and drives can be magnified to an extreme degree. Mars represents our ability to assert, defend ourselves, and claim our right to exist. Mars compels us to take action for the things that we want or desire. And from an evolutionary perspective, desires emanating from Mars originate from deeper motivations contained within the soul. As this Full Moon culminates, it can ignite awareness of how we may have held ourselves back from getting what we want, or it might confront us with limitations because we’ve overused our assertiveness, crossing too many lines.

The collective agreement we call “civilization” requires that we repress or subjugate the wild, untamed aspects within ourselves for the sake of maintaining order and control. For several thousands of years, human-created ideologies, religions, and philosophies have attempted to convince us that humanity is somehow elevated compared to the rest of the natural world. But as modern science progresses, we realize that there’s not much difference between ourselves and the rest of nature. We’re primal beings with primal needs, and no matter how “civilized” we’ve become, we cannot deny where we came from, and where we will return.

At the heart of Scorpio is a lucid awareness of the full spectrum of life and death and that we need humility to honor all of life. True humility comes from realizing our place in a larger, interconnected whole. While facing the truth of ourselves and what we are can be frightening and uncomfortable, living a lie is far more difficult to contend with. With this Full Moon’s wide conjunction with Jupiter, it invites us to dive in deep and explore what scares us. While we should be mindful of opening ourselves too much, revealing too much, or going too far too fast, this lunar culmination opens up emotional and psychic landscapes which need to be seen and felt.

In the watery depths of Scorpio, this is an emotionally sensitive Full Moon--instigating passion and releasing anxieties, desires, and hidden motivations. Or you might find it easier to glimpse dimensions of yourself and life typically concealed or forbidden. However you experience this Full Moon, either impactfully or subtly, look beyond appearances more deeply and push yourself a little further to see what you’ve been unable (or unwilling) to see. As intense as this Full Moon could be, the Sun in Taurus trine Saturn offers a grounding and solid foundation, helping us to patiently and consistently work toward personal and collective transformation.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Do Your Thing: New Moon in Aries 2018

Green field on Saint Martin Island, Bangladesh; photo by Tahmid Munaz

Green field on Saint Martin Island, Bangladesh; photo by Tahmid Munaz

New Moon @ 26 Aries 02'

April 15, 2018

6:57 PM Los Angeles

9:57 PM New York

April 16, 2018

2:57 AM London

5:57 AM Dubai

9:57 AM Beijing

11:57 AM Sydney

1:57 PM Auckland

April’s New Moon occurs in the courageous and fiery, tropical sign of Aries, closely aligned with radical and novel Uranus (as well as the newly discovered dwarf planet, Eris). With Mercury turning direct several hours before the conjunction of Sun and Moon, this New Moon has a notably transitional edge and edginess. And with Uranus entering Taurus next month, you’re likely to feel as if you’re definitely standing on the fringe of a cardinal shift. Since Aries is, in fact, a cardinal sign, this lunation is highly catalytic--provoking action, motion, and momentum.

With Mercury retrograde in Aries the last three weeks, it came into a square aspect to both Saturn and Mars. Mercury’s challenging square aspect to two challenging planets could have slowed some of your plans, causing serious delays, or instigated internal frustration. However, it’s also possible that you were able to slow down your thoughts and zero in on your priorities these last few weeks. Naturally, Mercury retrograde gives us an opportunity to gain more awareness or learn a lot of new things in a very short period of time. 

As we approach this New Moon, we’re all probably feeling more than ready for a change. Uranus, the first planet discovered beyond Saturn in the 18th century, is well known for its change making effects since it was solely responsible for throwing out the old model of the solar system. If there are two archetypes that seriously epitomize the wild, untamed primal spirit within each of us, it would be the combination of Aries and Uranus. And Eris, discovered shortly after the millennial shift, equally threw the solar system into disarray, demoting Pluto and redefining the astronomical definition of what it means to be a planet.

We might anticipate some of that paradigm shattering archetypal energy to give rise alongside this lunation, and with Mercury’s station happening at the same time, prepare for some extra glitches in the established order of things. Wide, whole sign squares from Mars, Saturn, and Pluto definitely generate some tension for the New Moon. As you set out to begin new paths, or break free from past commitments, be mindful of your limitations and be respectful of certain boundaries. In its wholly negative manifestation, this New Moon can impulse some into overly disruptive or destructive actions resulting in unnecessary violence or other intrusions.

But this New Moon invites us to embrace chaos as a natural function within the universe. Too often, we repress who or what we are for the sake of maintaining the social order and status quo. Well, with this New Moon, it’s going to be exceptionally difficult to restrain much of anything. The wildness will emerge in some shape or form, and anything begun under this New Moon is destined for a highly unstable and unpredictable path. With the Sun’s parallel conjunction with Uranus April 18/19, don’t plan on holding yourself or anyone back this next week. Consider what needs to break free and how you might give yourself some extra space to simply do your thing, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Working it Out: Full Moon in Libra 2018

Lighting in Dallas, TX; from NOAA Photo Library via Wikimedia Commons.

Lighting in Dallas, TX; from NOAA Photo Library via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 10 Libra 45'

March 31, 2018

5:38 AM Los Angeles

8:39 AM New York

1:38 PM London

4:38 PM Dubai

8:38 PM Beijing

11:38 PM Sydney

April 1, 2018

1:38 AM Auckland

This month’s Full Moon culminates in the tropical sign of Libra, bringing to a head relationship issues, matters about agreements between ourselves and others. The sign of Libra seeks peace, compromise, and agreement. But a hard square aspect of the building Mars and Saturn conjunction (exact April 2/3 in Capricorn) to the Full Moon axis, presents some challenges and conflicts. And Mercury retrograde, which opposes the Full Moon from Aries and conjunct the Sun, brings our attention dynamically to the unresolved past. `

This Full Moon is a difficult integration, but it can be utilized to work through building tensions, frustrations, or disagreements in our relationships. Every Full Moon correlates with conclusion, breakthrough, or crisis. In its positive potential, this lunation can bring several issues out into the open, allowing us to articulate ourselves to others and speak up about things unaddressed. Mercury, still retrograde for another two weeks, suggests that we give ourselves extra time to process material presented by this Full Moon, and work to make adjustments and alterations which can be more decisively implemented after the New Moon April 15/16. 

The major challenge of this Full Moon lies in Libra’s tendency to avoid confrontation and conflict. As the Moon reaches its climax in this sign, it amplifies the collective need to make peace, forgive, and forget. However, Mars and Saturn suggest that no matter how well you might want to “just get along,” differences between people still require resolution and acknowledgment. Saturn’s need for growth, maturity, and consistent effort places some uncomfortable tension on relationships which require a realistic assessment. And Mars conjunct Saturn can accentuate striking disparities between people. 

A lack of harmonious aspects to this Full Moon suggests that no matter how uncomfortable, relational problems will need addressing. Sometimes, fixing the problem isn’t really the objective, but rather discussing and negotiating boundaries can be more efficient, allowing each party to accept and understand the limitations inherent in the relationship itself. For some, this Full Moon can correlate with a breaking point, where enough is enough and it’s time to change how they relate to specific people or make changes in their agreements. For others, this may be a critical point at which they push through limitations and obstacles preventing a more harmonious flow of giving and take. 

And as applicable to other life issues, this Full Moon can help us find more balance in our life, but only through an acceptance of responsibility and the hard work needed to make peace a possibility. Mercury’s retrograde opposition to the Full Moon gives us an opportunity to see our relating patterns from a new perspective and gives us time to actively make revisions or reconsider the places occupied by some people in our lives. But no matter what arises with this Full Moon, Libra’s emphasis on empathy and ability to accept paradox gives each of us the power to understand another’s perspective, no matter how hard that might be. This lunation is a powerful reminder that all relationships require work, and both sides need to make an effort to make things flow the best they can. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


On the Edge: New Moon in Pisces 2018

An Alpine Ibex standing on a rock in Gorndergrat; photo by Simo Räsänen via Wikimedia Commons. 

An Alpine Ibex standing on a rock in Gorndergrat; photo by Simo Räsänen via Wikimedia Commons. 

New Moon @ 26 degrees Pisces 53'

March 17, 2018

6:12 AM Los Angeles

9:12 AM New York

1:12 AM London

5:12 PM Dubai

9:12 PM Beijing

March 18, 2018

12:12 AM Sydney

2:12 AM Auckland

As we begin this new lunar cycle, the Sun, and Moon align in the latter degrees of tropical Pisces. As a mutable, water sign, a Pisces New Moon often correlates with nebulous and mysterious transitions. And just days before Mercury turns retrograde (March 22/23) we might feel ourselves on the edge of a prominent shift, but perhaps uncertain of the form it will ultimately take. Mars’ ingress into Capricorn alongside this New Moon further punctuates these permutable vibes. Pisces is amorphous, mystical, and gentle, but this lunation is anything but easy-going or light.

At the final degree of Sagittarius, Mars makes a hard square aspect to the New Moon, while the centaur object Chiron sits in close conjunction. Some may experience the surfacing of trauma, frustration, or even conflict. With Pisces, the possibilities are seemingly endless, because Pisces contains the memories of all prior zodiac signs, invoking an awareness that the universe is ultimately fractalized and interconnected. For those deeply sensitive, you might feel connected to the rising of collective fear, anger, and rage. You might sense the truth that pain is an inevitable part of living.

And reflected in that pain, is your own piece of it. In its negative face, this New Moon can be emotionally overwhelming and acting out or projecting frustration could easily hit the wrong targets. This New Moon invites us inward, to reflect on the source of our pain, but it offers a way to take the steps needed toward transforming it into gifts for the benefit of others. For this New Moon to manifest positively, we may need to really look beyond ourselves and consider things from a more holistic vantage point. Chiron’s presence at this New Moon juncture suggests a shift of attitude and perception about your faults, wounds, and defects. And Mars’ square, while challenging and aggravating, can just as easily catalyze action toward the manifestation of new healing potentials.

Jupiter makes an auspicious trine aspect to the New Moon as well, which gives access to hope, optimism, and the awareness of new doors opening. While Jupiter can, of course, dramatize or amplify the negative aspects of this New Moon, it stands as a beacon of new possibility and support. Situations which arise under this lunation are not as dire or hopeless as they may at first appear. In fact, this New Moon works to alter our perception of dysfunctional or “broken” elements in our lives so we can see their positive impact, and how they fit into a larger, cosmic scheme. If you could reframe just one thing in your life that stands a source of deep pain, what would it be?

Mars entering Capricorn soon after this New Moon changes the landscape quite a bit. We move from inward contemplation to a highly ambitious and challenging cycle which stimulates productivity, determination, and drive. Mercury’s retrograde cycle occurs in square relationship to both Saturn and Mars, which suggests that the following few weeks may require a patient and careful reworking of strategies, goals, plans, objectives, and projects. Use this New Moon as a dynamic starting point for learning to surrender and connect with your most critical priorities. As we enter this Mars/Saturn/Capricorn season clear through May, procrastination is no longer an option, and neither is carelessness in handling responsibilities. Take your time but remain diligent.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Step Up and Be Helpful: Full Moon in Virgo 2018

Hypholoma fasciculare, Yellow Sulphur Tuft mushrooms; photo by Stu's Images [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Hypholoma fasciculare, Yellow Sulphur Tuft mushrooms; photo by Stu's Images [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 11 Virgo 23' 

March 1, 2018

4:52 PM Los Angeles 

7:52 PM New York

March 2, 2018

1:52 AM London

4:52 AM Dubai

6:52 AM Beijing

9:52 AM Sydney

12:52 PM Auckland

As the Full Moon culminates in tropical Virgo, we’re challenged to integrate the Virgo/Pisces polarity. Over the past week, four planets, including the Centaur object, Chiron, have been transiting Pisces. Neptune and Chiron have been here for some time, but the Sun, Mercury, and Venus' recent Piscean ingress further punctuate the collective dissolution of boundaries, awakening the need to unify as a response to a lucid awareness of chaotic forces within the universe. Under this heavy Piscean influx, we’re inundated with waves of compassion, empathy, and potential confusion. As we meet face to face with the abysmal void of mystery and unknowing, we may feel powerless and overwhelmed.

Pisces seeks self-transcendence, and in that process, can impulse the need to move beyond personal concerns for the sake of a larger cause, movement, or purpose. For some, the Piscean depths can lead to a sense of floundering as we struggle to cope with the true enormity of the universe and its myriad shapes, forms, and experiences. While an expansion of consciousness can augment one's personal awareness and perceptions, it can sometimes ignite a crisis as one gains a true perspective of their existence relative to everything else. And in its most extreme, Pisces invokes a realization of the fluidity of all matter, time, and space--that what we see, touch, and feel are nothing more than a dream, passing by like diaphanous clouds.

But as the Full Moon reaches its peak, it brings with it a grounding, pragmatic, and directed vibe into the collective sphere. Virgo, a mutable, earth sign, seeks reason, intelligibility, and precision. If you’ve felt like you’ve been carried away by a tidal wave lately, uncertain or clueless of the direction of flow, this Full Moon in Virgo acts as a helpful, focusing lens of integration. A Full Moon in Virgo can bring your persistent efforts to a culmination, helping to zero in on a practical application for your innate need or desire to be of service to others. And while doubt and criticism are aspects of the Virgoan shadow, Neptune’s opposition (alongside the pile-up of planets in Pisces) serve to remind us that ultimate perfection is not the goal.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


We're here for the experience, and in actuality, the ultimate shape or form of those experiences doesn’t really matter. From an esoteric perspective, our karma may be nothing more than an emotional memory or awareness that moves throughout the universe in the form of an amorphous energy. The ego’s attachment to perfection reflects its inability to accept its impermanence and pointlessness. As a vehicle for the soul’s expression in each lifetime, the ego is a temporary cloak that will eventually be discarded. Thus, the shape of your life and your purpose in this lifetime is essentially the same thing, a vehicle for the acquisition of experience.

As the Moon blossoms in Virgo, consider what great service you have to offer the world. Consider that you deserve to feel useful and needed by the communities that you’re a part of--that you deserve to feel connected to something greater than your personal needs and desires. Look out into the world and consider who you might help and how you might overcome the ego’s petty need to “get it right” so that you can just show up and serve. How desperately does the world need those willing to band together and give their gifts, competence, and tools for the sake of being useful? Neptune’s opposition and conjunction with the Sun is a powerful reminder that there's truly no division between you and them, that we’re all in this together. Whatever you ultimately choose as the vehicle for your service, Virgo’s ideal aim of perfection can help you hone your craft and improve it.

During this Full Moon, you may find yourself reaching a new stage of competency and skillfulness, or find that your efforts at self-improvement are bearing some fruit. Mars’ wide square to the Full Moon axis and Mercury/Venus in Pisces can be a source of aggravation, frustration, or conflict leading to the crisis aspect of the Full Moon. For some, this lunation may aggressively bring forth the realization of some aspect of their lives that desperately needs to be worked on. But Mars can also manifest as a catalyst for the mobilization of willpower and relentless determination to better oneself. And Saturn’s trine to the Full Moon is a helpful aspect for narrowing in on a singular objective, offering an ease of access to persistence and self-discipline.  As the Moon reaches this next climax, consider releasing your need to get it perfect and just step up and be helpful. 





Cerebral Shifts: Solar Eclipse in Aquarius 2018

Photo by Wing-Chi Poon (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Wing-Chi Poon (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 27 degrees Aquarius 08'

February 15

1:05 PM Los Angeles

4:05 PM New York

10:05 PM London

February 16

1:05 AM Dubai

3:05 AM Beijing

6:05 AM Sydney

9:05 AM Auckland

Following a dynamic total Lunar Eclipse in tropical Leo two weeks ago, this Aquarian Solar Eclipse takes us to the other end of the spectrum. Unlike the fiery and passionate heat of Leo, Aquarius is cool, calm, collected, and sometimes eccentric. As an air sign, the Aquarian archetype highlights thought and social dimensions. Further compounding the mental nature of this eclipse (as opposed to the emotional impact of the Leo Lunar Eclipse), the planet Mercury closely conjoins the eclipsed Sun within some striking distance of the lunar south node. 

This first pair of eclipses in 2018 takes us back to the changes that occurred during the eclipses of August 2017. Hitting the same Leo/Aquarius axis, these eclipses open a portal to the past to accelerate us toward the future. A Solar Eclipse is a magnified New Moon. It represents a powerful new beginning. As a south nodal eclipse, there's an element of release, surrender, and letting go. 

With the involvement of Mercury, this eclipse invites us to take notice of thinking patterns and perceptions that have outlived their usefulness in our lives. The south node emphasizes the shadow dimensions of Aquarius, which can recede into a cold, distant, and dispassionate approach to life. An overemphasis on objectifying everything, such as our actions, the flow of events, or even nature itself, can turn reality into a mechanical and meaningless morass of purposeless activity. 

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path


Saturn's traditional rulership of Aquarius tends to infuse life with drudgery and banality when not kept in check. Jupiter's upper square to this eclipse brings about an inundation of optimism, hope, and positivity. Blessing the eclipse and Mercury, Jupiter symbolizes an affirmative shift in how we view our lives and what's possible for our future. And yet, still, the challenge of passing through any eclipse is the death of something to make space for new life. 

In it's most challenging face, this eclipse could symbolize the painful demise of an antiquated idea about how reality works. Jupiter's square from Scorpio offers a more authentically oriented framework from which to perceive things from here on out. But it can also incite overly optimistic leaps leading to poorly thought out plans of action. Mercury and Aquarius should maintain a more rational grip, but make sure that you're making a realistic assessment of your choices around this eclipse. 

Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, forms a sextile to this eclipse as well--offering an exciting path to liberation and alternative perspectives. The mind has a terrible habit of limiting the scope of the soul's ability to shape its destiny. The lunar north node in Leo suggests an embrace of creative spontaneity. In the days following this eclipse, Mercury is fully engulfed by the Sun via its superior conjunction on Feb. 17/18, symbolizing further transformation of thoughts, perceptions, and theories and the emergence of significant news, data, and information. 

If you've lost touch with the magical and creative face of the universe, trust this eclipse to reawaken it. If you've allowed your mind to take control, overloading your nervous system with doubt, confusion, worry, and stress--let this eclipse and Mercury/Sun conjunction dissolve it and infuse your awareness again with mystery and wonder. A clustering of planets in Pisces the next few weeks promises a playful dance with the numinous. 





Trust That You Deserve it: Supermoon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse September 28, 2015; photo by Radoslaw Ziomber via Wikimedia Commons.

Total Lunar Eclipse September 28, 2015; photo by Radoslaw Ziomber via Wikimedia Commons.

Supermoon/lunar eclipse @ 11 Leo 37'

January 31, 2018

5:27 AM Los Angeles

8:27 AM New York

2:27 PM London

5:27 PM Dubai 

7:27 PM Beijing

10:27 PM Sydney

February 1, 2018

1:27 AM Auckland 

This month’s Full Moon is a Supermoon and total Lunar Eclipse in tropical Leo. As you may also have heard, it’s a “Blue Moon,” the second of two Full Moons in one calendar month. Astrologically, a Blue Moon is insignificant (and in some parts of New Zealand this Full Moon occurs on Feb. 1), but a Supermoon/Lunar Eclipse is interesting enough on its own. As always with astrology, the impact of this event may or may not correlate with important events for you. Those with placements in Leo (Sun, Moon, or Asc) should take note, and to a lesser degree all other fixed signs of the zodiac (Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus). 

By itself, a Full Moon in Leo correlates with a theatrical or dramatic culmination of events, situations, and projects. During a Lunar Eclipse, these culminations take on a more vigorous and accelerated quality; and during a Supermoon, the subjective impact is notably more intense. Because the Moon is closer to the Earth during a Supermoon, the Moon does appear slightly larger (and brighter) but not much different from other Full Moons. However, the Supermoons closer proximity to Earth changes the ocean’s tides and may correlate with anomalous weather patterns/earth changes. 

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth’s shadow crosses the lunar surface. While not enough to entirely block the moonlight, this projection of the Earth gives the Moon a reddish-brown color (it definitely won’t be blue); this is why Lunar Eclipses are also called Blood Moons. Both solar and Lunar Eclipses occur in pairs each year, and Supermoon Lunar Eclipses aren’t that rare. The media and various astronomy websites have gone a little bit overboard with the hype surrounding this eclipse, but it does get the public more engaged with the sky. That’s always a good thing. 

But the attention this particular eclipse is gathering is apt for the sign of Leo known for its ostentatiousness, flamboyance, and gravitas. Leo's ruling planet, the Sun, is the center of everything in the solar system after all. Occurring much closer to the lunar north node than other Lunar Eclipses have in the past two years, this Leo eclipse represents a sensational and accelerated pull towards the future. If you’ve felt stagnant lately, this is a helpful, collective push forward, the most notable since the eclipses of August 2017. 

Eclipses are catalyzing and fast-paced, especially in fire sign Leo. On the days surrounding this eclipse, you might feel compelled to step out a little more, allowing exposure for yourself or your work. Much like this Supermoon/eclipse itself, be mindful of overhyped exaggerations. With Venus in opposition to the Moon, look beyond appearances. The tendency to be fooled by glamorous facades can be one theme and pitfall of this lunar eclipse. But if you believe in whatever you’re putting out there, trust this lunation’s call to confidently step up and gain applause, attention, and recognition from others. 

Venus’ opposition in Aquarius invites us to reach out and embrace increased visibility. Given the polarity of Sun/Moon during a Full Moon, the tension between Leo and Aquarius becomes an underlying theme. The south node in Aquarius speaks of alienation, rejection, and profuse objectification. The Aquarian shadow takes the need for freedom and independence to the extreme edges of social isolation. With Venus’ involvement in the triple conjunction with Sun and south node, the negative face of Venus is also a dominant theme. In the Venusian shadow, there’s an excess focus on compliance and the need for approval to the point of obliviating one’s voice, uniqueness, or viewpoints. The negative face of Venus refuses to stand up for itself, allowing others (or the cultural expectations) to direct one's life, dampening free will. 

If this eclipse speaks more directly to you, it can represent a breakthrough in embracing the confidence to step out and shine. And with both Venus and Jupiter’s connection to this lunation, it supplies auspicious peak energy for parties and celebratory events, especially acknowledging the completion or culmination of something significant. But we also can’t ignore the fact that too much of a good thing can turn sour or ugly. Watch out for over the top displays of egotism. Undeserved pride can lead to humiliating downfalls. Be careful of overestimating what you’re capable of, or even taking a good time too far into mindless overindulgence.

Jupiter’s square is a caution about overspending or overcommitting yourself to things outside of your capability. Quincunxes from Pluto and Saturn via Capricorn suggest pragmatic adjustments. Neptune's quincunx from Pisces is ego deflating. And the Sun, the lunar north node ruler, in Aquarius (plus the dynamic tension of this Full Moon), is an invitation to find balance, compromise, and integration between following your path and the will of the collective. If you’re mindful of those negatives, this Supermoon/Lunar Eclipse is an exciting culmination of creative and playful energy, touched by two benefic planets. It has the power to restore optimism, playfulness, joy, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities. Whether this eclipse is meaningful for you or not, find some way to let yourself be seen or heard. And trust that you deserve it. 






Unified Willpower: New Moon in Capricorn 2018

Giant Sequoias in Sequoia National Park, 2013; photo by Tuxyso via Wikimedia Commons.

Giant Sequoias in Sequoia National Park, 2013; photo by Tuxyso via Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 26 Capricorn 54'

Jan. 16

6:17 PM Los Angeles

9:17 PM New York

Jan. 17

3:17 AM London

6:17 AM Dubai

8:17 AM Beijing

11:17 AM Sydney

2:17 Auckland

This first New Moon of 2018 marks the opening to eclipse season, culminating in a Supermoon/lunar eclipse on Jan. 31/Feb. 1. Occurring in tropical Capricorn, and with four other planets currently in this sign (including Pluto and Saturn), this lunation generates a focused, sobering vibe. On one level, a New Moon in Capricorn is a critical starting point for the execution of projects, tasks, or plans which require enormous amounts of hard work, commitment, and dedication. With such emphasis currently in Capricorn, this New Moon supports sustained effort and discipline channeled toward the accomplishment of long-range goals and objectives.

While a New Moon and the sign of Capricorn naturally stimulate the desire to retreat or withdraw, the planet Venus’ conjunction to this lunation adds a social dimension. Relationships of all kinds get highlighted in addition to artistic outlets. Relational and creative transmutations have been a major theme of the last few weeks with the Sun/Venus superior conjunction accompanied by Pluto. The clustering of these planets has worked to deepen established relationships, revealing unconscious desires, secrets, and emotions.

Alongside the Jupiter/Mars conjunction, the intensity of the past lunar cycle has been a critical step in deepening our awareness of embedded psychic and emotional constructs. But Capricorn is a highly pragmatic sign; themes that emerge around this New Moon direct us to the implementation of concrete strategies and ambitions. Venus’ presence points to collaboration and bridge building, suggesting that wherever you’re trying to go right now might work better if you ask for help, or that you might gain more fulfillment by offering a helping hand.

Collectively, this lunation carries a powerful message that social change is more effective when everyone is working toward similar objectives creating a unifying effect. A dynamic square from Uranus adds an element of unexpected change, breakthrough, or rebellious impulses, pressuring the implementation of adjustment or variation within our social contracts. Until Uranus fully ingresses into Taurus next year, the Uranus/Pluto square is still engendering massive collective upheaval and revolution. While Uranus is ultimately chaotic and unpredictable, its effect on this New Moon helps to catalyze new creative and cooperative directions.

For current relationships, Uranus’ square strongly suggests changing things up and adding something different to the usual routines. For some, this New Moon may mark a major chapter change in the overall structure of a relationship. For new relationships ignited under the auspices of Venus, there’s likely to be elements of spontaneity, impulsiveness, uniqueness, and unpredictability. A sextile from both Mars and Jupiter adds passion, lustiness, and enthusiasm to the moment. Ultimately, the major challenge of this New Moon is finding a healthy way to amicably integrate commitment and follow-through while inclusive of life’s inevitable need for diversification. 




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Feel into it: Supermoon in Cancer 2018

A Supermoon over Queen Valley at Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by NPS/Brad Sutton

A Supermoon over Queen Valley at Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by NPS/Brad Sutton

Full Moon @ 11 Cancer 38'

Jan. 1

6:24 PM Los Angeles

9:24 PM New York

Jan. 2

3:24 AM London

6:24 AM Dubai

8:24 AM Beijing

11:24 AM Sydney

2:24 AM Auckland

We kick off 2018 with a dynamic Full Moon/Supermoon in tropical Cancer. The Gregorian New Year doesn't' have a connection to nature and thus no real astrological significance, but this Full Moon at the gateway of 2018 is a compelling metaphoric statement about the year ahead. Occurring at the Moon's perigee, this Full Moon is also a Supermoon. The Moon will appear slightly larger (especially near the horizon) and will accentuate the emotional/psychic impact and may correlate with anomalous weather patterns/earth changes.

Cancer, the Moon’s domicile (home sign), does give this Full Moon an auspicious edge. And an opposition from Venus and applying trine to Jupiter further compounds the positive nature of this lunation. A Full Moon is a culmination, breaking point, or completion phase. We might anticipate some positive pinnacles or consummations relating to family and domestic life. A Full Moon in Cancer and opposed by both the Sun and Venus might refer to a collective amplification of empathy, nostalgia, sentimentality, compassion, as well as the need to bond, connect, and belong. 

Nurturing and supportive, the zodiacal sign of Cancer perceives life through the heart lens--extending a healing and nourishing vibe. Some might need extra support or "mothering" with this lunation. Others might feel excessively sensitive or emotional. Whatever your experience with this Full Moon, look to your closest relationships and those that have been developing for some time. You might notice some subtle yet profound shifts happening there, a deepening awareness of your tribal nexus. 

Creating a water grand trine with Neptune and the building conjunction of Mars/Jupiter plus an opposition to the encroaching Venus/Sun inferior conjunction, a lot is developing alongside this Full Moon. The water grand trine places emphasis on the emotional and psychic dimensions, and Neptune and Jupiter’s closed-circuit opens the doorway to spontaneous insight or an awakening of sensitivity. Some of the negative or stressful themes may correlate with finding the right balance between healthy “mothering” vs. smothering. 

The tension inherent to this Full Moon reveals the challenge of offering support but knowing when to set boundaries or when to “let the chicks fly on their own.” If this lunation speaks to you directly, the “auspicious” aspect of the Full Moon suggests that if you reach out and allow yourself to be vulnerable, then you’re likely to find the support and help that you need. Remember that Saturn’s recent Capricorn ingress (in whole sign opposition) demands the acceptance of responsibility, accountability, and a grown-up attitude when tackling any problem. 

And roughly one week from now, in the Moon’s waning shadow, we’ll be slogging around in some intense and profoundly emotional terrain. Jupiter and Mars’ conjunction Jan. 6/7 and the Venus/Sun/Pluto conjunction Jan. 8/9 will dredge up buried secrets and repressed or concealed desires and urges. Given Venus’ Full Moon opposition, many relationships (and creative/artistic projects) are undergoing a powerful renewal and purification process. What you reveal or realize now at this Full Moon will significantly alter your interactions and creations over the coming week. Be wise with your words and insights.

Life feels overwhelming when faced with things outside of your control. Understanding yourself is key to finding your power and place in the world. While you can't control fate or the chaos of life, your destiny belongs to you, something you can always strive for to gain command of your life path

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