Reignite Your Passion: New Moon in Leo 2019

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2019.

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2019.

New Moon @ 08 Leo 37’

July 31, 2019

8:12 PM Los Angeles

11:12 PM New York

4:12 AM London

August 1, 2019

11:12 AM Beijing

1:12 PM Sydney

With eclipse season passed us, and Mercury stationing direct, things gradually fall back into a regular flow and routine. However, Mercury's station alongside this New Moon can still present delays, glitches, and sluggish momentum. One upside to this is that New Moons are conducive to taking it slow, moments of more inward focus, rest, and relaxation. Also, with Venus' close conjunction, there's a restorative and slightly social vibe to this lunation which serves as a nice contrast from the intensity of the last two eclipses.

The Saturn/Pluto conjunction still dominates the background energy, but this New Moon in Leo offers up a welcome break from the dystopian muck. With the Sun exalted in its ruling sign, the firey, gravitas of Leo gets an extra kick. The Leo principle emphasizes performance but also moments of joy. This lunation can correlate with the start of creative, self-expressive, or recreational endeavors. With Venus close to both the Sun and Moon, there's an extra emphasis on the pleasure principle, too.

Uranus' square to this lunation adds an erratic and unanticipated element, especially as it pressures both Venus and the New Moon. Leo's fondness for excitement or the pursuit of a good time can lead to a prevalence of distractions (or mishaps if you're not careful). As always with Uranus, there's a chance to change something up, only the square feels like enforced rather than voluntary change. Suddenly the wildcard emerges when you least expect it.

When looked at another way, this New Moon can spontaneously ignite creative, sexual, or relational passion. With Saturn and Pluto inconjunct from the shadowy edges of Capricorn, we can't completely ignore the challenges of the current era or the responsibilities that loom in the background. But this New Moon offers lightness and boldness, allowing us to claim the confidence needed to take any hardship head-on, and possibly, enjoy ourselves for the moment.

Another Perspective: Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019

Photo by Mary Hollinger, NODC biologist, NOAA.

Photo by Mary Hollinger, NODC biologist, NOAA.

Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 24 Capricorn 04’

July 16, 2019

2:39 PM Los Angeles

5:39 PM New York

July 17, 2019

10:39 AM London

5:39 PM Beijing

7:39 PM Sydney

This month's Full Moon is a partial lunar eclipse in tropical Capricorn. It is not the culmination of last month's total solar eclipse but rather the New Moon/eclipse in early January. Important themes or issues from the start of 2019 could resurface, meeting a crisis, completion, or resolution. The lunar eclipse will be visible from Australia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and an eastern portion of South America.

In general, lunar eclipses are more significant Full Moons. They bring about more dramatic breakthroughs and blossomings. In the sign of Capricorn and conjunct Pluto, this is not a comfortable or relaxed lunation. It brings the building Saturn/Pluto conjunction into intense focus, an aspect that peaks in January 2020. This eclipse has a dystopian aura and the need to face the consequences of past actions. On the collective level, we might feel more intensely the retracting, overly conservative side of Saturn/Pluto.

Disturbing revelations can surface on the extreme end. It can correlate with the exposure of abuses of power or corruption, and generally feeling the weight of responsibilities and limitations more heavily. If you're caught up in the negative side of this eclipse or find that it amplifies a current existential crisis, move through the feelings and insights no matter how uncomfortable. If you're looking out at the current political and cultural scene and feeling especially hopeless, you're probably more attuned to reality than those clinging to optimism.

This Capricorn eclipse can bring us closer to facing reality; however, if you're naturally more on the stoic side, its insights won't be as shocking. The North Node in Cancer conjunct Venus offers some helpful advice. The "right side" of the current, unfolding drama is in the path of inclusivity, compassion, and love. The North Node suggests releasing fear by letting go of the need to maintain control of the status quo, but ultimately, Venus in Cancer suggests seeking out the support of others and banding together.

Venus on the North Node correlates to more amplified desires for authentic bridge building. With Venus approaching opposition to Saturn in the following days, relational insecurities, challenges, and tense negotiations are likely to surface. Venus' higher message is to listen and practice empathy. Seeking common ground is never easy, but there are ways of making it harder by refusing to see another point of view.

Reimagining Possibilities: Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2019

Alchemist-hp (talk) ( [FAL]

Alchemist-hp (talk) ( [FAL]

Total Solar Eclipse @ 10 Cancer 38’

July 2, 2019

12:16 PM Los Angeles

3:16 PM New York

8:16 PM London

July 3, 2019

3:16 AM Beijing

5:16 AM Sydney

July's New Moon is a total solar eclipse in the tropical sign of Cancer. The eclipse will be visible predominately oversea and for most regions of South America. Eclipses are more meaningful for the specific regions where the eclipse path falls, but also, eclipses can be experienced as more pronounced lunations for everyone else.

This month's total solar eclipse is a potentiated New Moon that will correlate with the initiation of significant changes and developments over the next six months. New Moons are new beginnings, and total solar eclipses symbolize the first steps in a vital transformative process. Eclipses, by their very nature, are inherently about change. Ancient people viewed them with fear and trepidation, as negative omens, sometimes indicating the death or dethronement of those in power.

Indeed, inherent to the symbolism of the total eclipse itself is that the Moon, a symbol of hidden, obscure, and irrational natural forces momentarily overpower the Sun, a symbol of stability, authority, and rationality. Eclipses bring about an accelerated pace of change, typically beginning from within oneself and radiating outward. Especially in the days surrounding the eclipse, the urge to change things up can more profound than usual.

Cancer points to changes more so on the inner realms, the domestic life, the heart and hearth. This eclipse can stimulate intense sensitivity, domestic dramas, and a pronounced urge to protect, defend, and nurture. The Moon, in Cancer, is especially strong in its ruling sign--accentuating the intuitive, psychic, and sentimental. In opposition, however, is Saturn, equally strong in its ruling sign, Capricorn. In looking at the eclipse chart, one can't help but notice the significance of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction near the lunar South Node.

By itself, Saturn demands growth and maturity, which requires letting go of what's become too comfortable. There is an inherent element of discomfort in this eclipse, and bringing Pluto into the picture, we might feel a "now or never" kind of vibe to this collective change-making process. This eclipse will culminate in early January of next year, at the epicenter of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, likely to be a precarious moment on the geopolitical stage, especially in the United States (if it isn't already).

What's brewing now both personally and collectively will endure a critical reality testing early next year, so keep that in mind. If you choose to "follow your heart," you'll need to defend that choice in the face of challenges. Of course, that's central to do what you feel is right because it isn't necessarily the easier path, but the one that's likely the most rewarding. In the moment of this eclipse, it's also easier to keep busy to avoid facing your feelings about a particular matter.

The South Node in Capricorn tempts us to make things harder for ourselves, too, through exhausting ourselves so that we don't have to face our soul's calling. Perhaps, the astrology has some profound wisdom to espouse about what's happening "out there" as well. The eclipse accelerates the intention of the Cancer North Node, which invites us to heal before we rebuild because we risk restoring over a faulty and unstable foundation.

Healing isn't simply imaging "love and light.”. Healing takes time and courageousness to talk things out, feel things out, and face some painful truths. Sometimes, that's a messy process, and with Chiron square the eclipse too, it pierces deep into some vulnerable places. No, this eclipse isn't likely comfortable, but that's a part of this season for change. Mercury turns retrograde soon too, and we're already in the shadow. We'll have all of July to rethink and ruminate over what's coming up for us now so prepare for some deep, internal revisions, introspection, and setbacks. Reimagine any delays, disappointments, or detours as opportunities to acquire a new perception and vision.

Expanding Gracefully: Full Moon in Sagittarius 2019

Sunset from Jumbo Rocks campground, Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, March 2019.

Sunset from Jumbo Rocks campground, Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, March 2019.

Full Moon @ 25 Sagittarius 53’

July 17, 2019

1:31 AM Los Angeles

4:31 AM New York

9:32 AM London

4:32 PM Beijing

6:32 PM Sydney

June's Full Moon occurs in tropical Sagittarius several days before the solstice transition. In the mutable, fire sign Sagittarius, this Full Moon invites us to stretch possibilities, envision higher potentials, and indulge our enthusiasm. With Jupiter in conjunction with and ruler of the Full Moon, and in its home sign, a dominant keyword for this lunation is expansion. This lunation can stimulate our reach into new domains of experience or thought.

With a robust Jupiter archetype empowered by this lunation, there's a streak of optimism and positivity. As always, there's a risk of taking on too much of a good thing or feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of opportunities. Since Full Moons are culminations, this lunation is likely to correlate with successful completion, a grand finale, or a dramatic, larger than life breakthrough/realization.

Keep watch of hubris, excess pride, and dogmatism. The Sun opposition in Gemini suggests finding a balance between the need for certainty and the need to continue the quest of figuring things out. Neptune's square to Jupiter and the Full Moon axis can bring about an element of disillusionment, weirdness, or excessively foggy conditions. Second (or triple) guess your certainty under these signs because things aren't as clear as you'd like them to be.

However, if you can reframe this Full Moon as necessary testing of your faith and beliefs, you'll better manage your ability to confront the truth. Lastly, the most challenging element of this lunation is the desire to face the reality of a situation yet unable to comprehend it in its entirety. Neptune's square is a point of obfuscation, but perhaps a reminder to respect and embrace mystery. If you have important plans around this Full Moon, anticipate positive vibes, or for the situation to significantly exceed your expectations.

The idealism inherent to this Full Moon is both a benefit and a risk. Overestimation can lead to foolish leaps of faith. Too much caution or reserve can prevent the accumulation of greater experiences. How to find the balance? That's the essential challenge of the Full Moon generally. With this Full Moon, it's a careful dance between faith and skepticism and embracing opportunities while being mindful of healthy boundaries or limitations. Idealism is needed for motivation, but too much can lead to ruin. Expand gracefully and mindfully.

A New Worldview: Gemini New Moon 2019

View from Smuggler’s Road on Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park, May 2019; photo by Chad Woodward.

View from Smuggler’s Road on Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park, May 2019; photo by Chad Woodward.

New Moon @ 12 Gemini 34’

June 3, 2019

3:03 AM Los Angeles

6:03 AM New York

11:03 AM London

6:03 PM Beijing

8:03 PM Sydney

Every New Moon is a natural downtime within the lunar cycle, a time for rest, recovery, or temporary hibernation. However, Gemini New Moons are typically an exception, especially this month's lunation with the New Moon ruler Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter's wide opposition. The Gemini archetype incites curiosity and Jupiter in Sagittarius amplifies the restless wanderlust inherent to both the mutable Gemini and Sagittarius archetypes.

This New Moon is a perfect time for planting the seeds of a new adventure, research/writing project, or learning endeavor. The pitfall of this New Moon is succumbing to the false belief that you have all the answers and have somehow reached the apex of the universe's knowledge. For most of us, that probably sounds ridiculous, yet I'm sure you can think of a few people who roughly fit that category. No, don't fall for the Gemini blindspot, especially with Neptune's square from Pisces.

An element of factual obfuscation and humility will work to deconstruct grotesque hubris over the next two weeks. Both this month's New Moon, and the following Full Moon in Sagittarius, make squares to Neptune, challenging carefully guarded worldviews, perceptions, theories, and beliefs. Start with opening your mind with this lunar junction and willingly challenge your point of view. Neptune's dissolution of certainty can be upsetting and confusing, but it can also be liberating and refreshing.

Jupiter's retrograde opposition can help to inspire creative brainstorming and imaginal tangents. Gemini's path is not straight nor linear, so expect to vacillate and meander a bit. If you want clear answers, you'll probably find this lunation discouraging, but for the formulation of questions, this New Moon is more than helpful. Even if you can't grasp it yet, a new perspective will emerge over the next two weeks and with it the capacity to enlighten and inspire.

Unexpected Breakthroughs: Full Moon in Scorpio 2019

Spring Equinox Full Moon, Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, March 2019.

Spring Equinox Full Moon, Joshua Tree National Park, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, March 2019.

Full Moon @ 27 Scorpio 39’

May 18, 2019

2:11 PM Los Angeles

5:11 PM New York

10:11 PM London

May 19, 2019

5:11 AM Beijing

7:11 AM Sydney

May's Full Moon in tropical Scorpio is a "Blue Moon." More precisely, this Full Moon is a seasonal Blue Moon which differs from a monthly Blue Moon that most people are familiar with. A monthly Blue Moon is when two Full Moons occur in one calendar month and from an astrological perspective, they're meaningless. However, the idea behind the seasonal Blue Moon predates the monthly version and is where the concept originated.

So what is it? Without getting too technical, a seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon of four within a single season, that is between an equinox and solstice or vice versa. Commonly, only three Full Moons occur per season, but because the universe is imperfect, there are always natural anomalies and variations within every cycle, and the Moon is no exception. The fourth Full Moon occurs on June 17 several days before the solstice. What's the significance behind a seasonal Blue Moon?

Considering that it's an anomaly, this Full Moon contains an element of the unexpected, of moving beyond normal boundaries and designations. But it looked at more broadly, Full Moon's are a natural culmination, and with four this spring season (or autumnal season if you're below the equator) means that there's a lot of culminations happening this particular season. From now until the solstice, we're tasked with bringing more projects or situations to completion and breakthroughs are possible.

The Moon won't look any different than it usually does, but it's interesting and unique for the reasons mentioned above. You might find that from now until the solstice, there's a bit more than usual to pack into your schedule. Sticking with the culmination theme, a Scorpio Full Moon can reveal unconscious layers into greater focus. Scorpio seeks to expose the shadow, to point consciousness to our cultural taboos and find the essential absurdity behind them.

Often, the things we're most ashamed of have nothing to do with personal failings or shortcomings but rather our inability to match up with cultural or societal expectations. Mercury's opposition to the Full Moon, approaching a conjunction with the Sun, brings insights, revelations, information, or intense, intimate, and meaningful communicative interactions. Deeply hidden revelations can emerge alongside this lunation, and we're tasked within bringing into question our assumptions, worldviews, and blind spots.

The shadow of Scorpio, as a fixed sign, is its attachment to making things more complicated then they need to be. Attachment to dogma is one way of avoiding the inherent uncertainty of the world. Finding a balance between the Taurus and Scorpio archetypes requires admitting the ambivalence inherent to the human experience and making space for both complexity and simplicity without either one dominating the other.

Moving With Ease: New Moon in Taurus 2019

Evelyn Simak / Russian comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum)

Evelyn Simak / Russian comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum)

New Moon @ 14 Taurus 11'
May 4, 2019
3:45 PM Los Angeles
6:45 PM New York
11:45 PM London
May 5, 2019
6:45 AM Beijing
8:45 AM Sydney

Ease your way into the New Moon in tropical Taurus. New Moons are natural rest and reset moments, a potent time for planting new seeds and initiating fresh intentions. The sign of Taurus emphasizes the body, the natural world, and the implementation of a slower pace. With Saturn's trine to the New Moon, you might find it easier to manage tasks, responsibilities, and challenges. The flow of productivity runs high with this New Moon, but Saturn's call to duty can feel more like an invitation than a demand. 

Taurus, while a fixed, earth sign, isn't inherently ambitious. The lack of hard aspects to this New Moon means that you'll have to take the extra initiative if you want to get anything done this weekend. A Taurus New Moon such as this is a perfect time to check in with your body, connect with nature, or otherwise give yourself some space to relax and recharge. Those of us with a list of tasks piling up might find this call to "take it easy" a bit at odds with what needs to get done. 

Indeed, Venus in Aries, the ruler of this New Moon, is applying to square both Saturn and Pluto. Heavy demands loom on the horizon, and relational conflicts, adjustments, or comprises can arise in the following few days. The best way to deal with such challenges, according to Taurus, is to ground and nourish yourself. Taurus' highest teaching is that self-care allows us to make space for others. When we neglect ourselves, when we deny ourselves nourishment, we don't have enough energy to share.

If anything, utilize this New Moon to assess where you're at in your self-love endeavors. Notice places you've neglected, or areas that could use improvement. Stick to simple changes and adjustments. A hike, nature walk, or a healthy meal might be all that's required. Neptune in Pisces also makes a sextile to this New Moon. This can help to stimulate creativity, offer inspiration, or catalyze meditative moments. Even if you find yourself consumed in productive tasks or commitments, remember to breathe, stretch, and feed your body. A little self-love can go a long way. 

The Other Side: Full Moon in Libra 2019

Martin Mark [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

Martin Mark [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

Full Moon @ 29 Libra 07’

April 19, 2019

4:12 AM Los Angeles

7:12 AM New York

12:12 PM London

7:12 PM Beijing

9:12 PM Sydney

This month's Full Moon culminates in the tropical sign of Libra, and thus correlates with culminations, breakthroughs, or crises within the context of relationships. Libra also has symbolic connections to human creativity and artistic ability, as well as the capacity for empathy and compassion. Empathy requires the ability to see from another's perspective. While it's not possible to fully understand the experience of another person, since we are each bound by subjectivity, we cannot authentically connect with another human unless we choose to listen and understand their foreign point of view.

This Full Moon highlights the instinct for connection, acceptance, and a curiosity for how other's think. The planet Uranus sits in opposition to the Full Moon in Taurus. Exacting on April 22, the Sun's applying conjunction with Uranus adds an element of sudden, unexpected turnarounds in relational situations, as well as infusing a rebellious vibe within the lunar peak. Uranus/Prometheus, as the archetype of revolution and liberation, can bring about a breakthrough in the process of individuation.

The building Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, currently conjunct the lunar south node, also widely squares the Full Moon axis. Saturn and Pluto add the sense of seemingly insurmountable pressures or obstacles. However, Saturn/Pluto can also mobilize an unbending will, determination, and ambition to accomplish great things. While this Full Moon could correlate with feeling the weight of a situation more so than usual or feeling less than optimistic about current limitations, don't get stuck mulling in negativity.

This Full Moon, while potentially difficult, invites us to take the initiative and pull our way through, no matter what appears to be a barrier to our success. Often, it's in those awkward or uncomfortable spaces that we truly grow and change the most. And it's in the realm of human relationships, the challenge of understanding, or in desiring to understand another person, that we discover the most transformative moments that can permanently alter our perception.

New Moves: New Moon in Aries 2019

Brocken Inaglory [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Brocken Inaglory [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

New Moon @ 15 Aries 17’

April 5, 2019

1:50 AM Los Angeles

4:50 AM New York

9:50 AM London

4:50 PM Beijing

7:50 PM Sydney

This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Aries, just as we transition out of Mercury's retrograde cycle. New Moons are natural starting points within the lunar cycle, a renewal of energy and flow within various life narratives. As the first sign of the zodiac and a cardinal fire sign, Aries carries with it the archetype of a dynamic new phase, the rush of excitement and assertion. With Mercury now direct, new seeds can be successfully planted with fewer obstacles and unpredictable variables.

If you've found yourself held back from taking a specific action or asserting an agenda, this New Moon can help bring in new life, vitality, and passion. With Mars as Aries' ruling planet, this lunation empowers warriors, trailblazers, and those seeking to take the initiative. While yes, Mercury is still in the shadow of its retrograde until roughly April 15th, recent problems, obstacles, and glitches can be proactively resolved and sorted through over the next two weeks.

A wide trine from Jupiter in Sagittarius adds an expansive, optimistic, and auspicious edge to this New Moon. Jupiter can amplify the risk or challenge seeking side of the Aries archetype as it opens up or generates awareness of new opportunities. With this lunation, be mindful of how much you take on and what you can realistically handle. Saturn's square from Capricorn adds some barriers and limitations, enforcing a sobering and realistic assessment of emerging paths, potentials, and possibilities.

But, if you take a step back and utilize foresight and proper planning, this New Moon can help you with achieving concrete and pragmatic goals. Whatever you find yourself faced with around this lunation, take stock, carefully review potential blind spots, and consider the discipline required to follow through on your ambitions. Enthusiasm won't be enough; an adequately crafted strategy and the keen utilization of resources will take you much further. Remember, Aries can get us up the mountain, but not back down. It takes more than an initial catalyst for any adventure to be successful.

Pushing Through Barriers: Full Moon in Libra 2019

Dave Robinson / Sunrise over the fields by Post Office Lane

Dave Robinson / Sunrise over the fields by Post Office Lane

Full Moon @ 0 Libra 09’

March 20, 2019

6:43 PM Los Angeles

10:43 PM New York

March 21, 2019

1:43 AM London

9:43 AM Beijing

12:43 PM Sydney

This month's Full Moon coincides with the equinox. For northern hemispheric dwellers, spring has begun, while autumn begins in the southern hemisphere. Of course, these transition points are mostly arbitrary. The signs of spring or autumn have already emerged, though equinox points roughly coincide with the phenomena of greater equality between night and day.

In the western astrological tradition, the Sun's ingress into tropical Aries is a symbolic fresh start. Indeed, at least for the northern hemisphere, this feeling is reinforced by the natural world. Around this time, there is often an innate sense of emerging from hibernation. Aries season is a time to take bold, proactive steps, and rush head first into new beginnings. The firey, cardinal archetype of Aries reinforces and sustains existant momentum.

Mercury is retrograde, and a Full Moon is an archetypal culmination, breakthrough, crisis, or resolution. You will feel more empowered to dive deeper into processes that already have some traction. However, critical launches, initiations, or executions may encounter some setbacks or snags, so stay flexible or give yourself more time. Occurring in Libra, this Full Moon can highlight culminations within the context of relational interactions.

While Chiron's opposition to the Full Moon (and conjunction with the Sun) can aggravate, inflame, or magnify sensitive areas within our closest bonds, Chiron can also to transform our perceptions of others. The Full Moon ruler, Venus makes a sextile to Jupiter and square to Mars in Taurus. Mars' square can be a point of conflict or tension, emotionally or sexually, but Jupiter's sextile offers a helpful path for resolution, optimism, and outreach.

Mercury's retrograde conjunction with Neptune, exact on March 24, suggests careful handling of facts, information, or communications the next several days. The risk of obfuscating an understanding or message is particularly substantial. But also, take notice of the synchronistic webs surrounding your interactions and experiences, helping to break down barriers to inspiration, insight, or creativity.

Into the Flow: New Moon in Pisces 2019

newsal14 at Turkish Wikipedia

newsal14 at Turkish Wikipedia

New Moon @ 15 Pisces 47’

March 6, 2019

8:04 AM Los Angeles

11:04 AM New York

4:04 PM London

March 7, 2019

12:04 AM Beijing

3:04 AM Sydney

As we move into the New Moon in tropical Pisces this month, there is the usual emphasis of tending more to the inner life. New Moon's are natural periods requiring increased rest, recovery, and careful contemplation of emerging potentials. Following Mercury's retrograde station, we're beginning a collective process of reflection, revision, and reconsideration. With the New Moon's conjunction with Neptune in the sign of Pisces, this lunation blatantly suggests taking your time before executing critical projects or launches.

Neptune so often obscures the facts or limits access to clarity. Also, feeling the need to disengage or indulge distraction can be exceptionally high. It is tempting to lose focus or drift off somewhere beyond the mundane. Indeed, this New Moon may be challenging to navigate if you're trying to stay on task or remain engaged in something pragmatic. However, Saturn's sextile from Capricorn offers some assistance or helpful reminders of the practical dimensions we need to tend to.

Of course, if you don't need to remain focused on things concrete, this lunation permits one to withdraw and disconnect. It is a poignant reminder that mystery engulfs us and that no matter how much we think we know, there's more we don't know, and possibly more we don't know that we don't know. A healthy response to this strong Neptune/Pisces influx is to embrace humility and an attitude of surrender. Combined with Mercury's retrograde cycle in the next three weeks, you have more time than you think to make appropriate revisions.

While yes, New Moon's plant a seed or correlate with the birth of a new process, consider that you'll need to take more time to gather the data and straighten out glitches. One of the classic correlative manifestations of this combination of symbols is a mysterious problem or glitch (technical or otherwise) that currently has no obvious solution or means to fix it. Excessive delays, setbacks, and obfuscations are possible, so give yourself the time and space to maneuver around obstacles.

This lunation isn't a moment where things are likely to run smoothly, so best prepare yourself to gain awareness of the blind spots. If possible, take some pressure off of yourself with this lunation, and open your heart and mind to a new way of looking at a problem or situation. Neptune's most positive face brings us an unusual awareness, experience, or vision that expands consciousness. Move with the current instead of fighting to assert your direction, and you'll be blessed with vivid insights.

Improvements Flow: Supermoon/Full Moon in Virgo 2019

Red Clover in bloom (Trifolium pratense); photo by 池田正樹 masaki ikeda [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Red Clover in bloom (Trifolium pratense); photo by 池田正樹 masaki ikeda [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Full Moon @ 0 Virgo 42’

February 19, 2019

7:54 AM Los Angeles

10:54 AM New York

3:54 PM London

11:54 PM Beijing

February 20, 2019

2:54 AM Sydney

February's Full Moon highlights the Virgo/Pisces polarity, the conflicting desires between concrete application and self-transcendence. Both ends can find harmony. We can discover transcendence through meaningful work or service, or the application of useful or helpful skills and experiencing a connection or oneness with others.

With the Full Moon/Supermoon in tropical Virgo, a powerful culmination, breakthrough, or crisis emerges in regards to individual purpose, usefulness, or constructive value. We know the Virgoan cliches of hyper-vigilant, organizational genius or germophobia catalyzing ubiquitous sterility; yet one of Virgo's lesser known powers is that of self-improvement. Simply said but not so easily followed.

Self-improvement invites critique and honest self-assessment--a willingness to acknowledge where one could do better. As the Full Moon reaches its peak this month, a critical process reaches a crescendo, or there is perhaps a greater sense of engagement in a project, task, or duty. Or the glaring realization that one needs a higher purpose or something to engage with meaningfully.

Whatever shows up for you, a Virgo Full Moon provides high energy for completion of tasks, responsibilities, or organizational endeavors. If you've prepared and done your homework, this Full Moon can feel fulfilling, providing a helpful boost to any constructive streak. If you've been slacking off, wavering, or wandering, it can present a challenge to find integration and balance.

There are two simultaneous conjunctions alongside this Full Moon. The Full Moon ruler, Mercury, conjunct Neptune adds an extra element of rational dissipation, desire for escapism, or creative/imaginal musing. Regaining focus can be hard; however, Mercury/Neptune can offer a momentary glimpse into another way of seeing yourself and situation, a gentle reprieve from overly mundane concerns and endeavors.

And Venus conjunct Saturn presents resolutions to relational challenges, deepening bonds, and commitments, or a sobering look into a valuable contact or connection. A trine from the dissipating Mars/Uranus conjunction brings an unexpected surge of tasks, critique, or duties, but also a vital enthusiasm for bringing yourself fully into what needs to get done. Chiron's quincunx is indeed an awkward reminder of blemishes and imperfections, but also, an inevitable healing breakthrough manifests.

Fresh Start Ahead: New Moon in Aquarius 2019

Gorupka from Slovenia [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Gorupka from Slovenia [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 15 Aquarius 45’

February 4. 2019

1:04 PM Los Angeles

4:04 PM New York

9:04 PM London

February 5, 2019

5:04 AM Beijing

8:04 AM Sydney

Every year, the Aquarian New Moon coincides with the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. And this year's Aquarian New Moon also closely coincides with Imbolc, the pagan holiday celebrating the first signs of spring and longer days. Since every New Moon is a natural beginning point in the monthly lunar cycle, we get the sense of pronounced fresh start with this lunation, a reset point for various narratives.

Aquarius is the archetype of the "outsider," the placement of the Sun's detriment or place of exile in the traditional rulership scheme. In modern astrology, Aquarius' association with Uranus gives it a progressive, radical, or revolutionary edge. However you look at it, Aquarius has a flair for genius and original thought. Outsiders, while suffering from rejection and social isolation, have the advantage of seeing what the herd doesn't see, or cannot imagine.

The outsider has a unique vantage point and thus a gift to offer the world. With this New Moon's close conjunction with Mercury, look around for the seeds of fresh and original thoughts, ideas, information, and perceptions. With the New Moon closely following Mercury's superior conjunction with the Sun and combined with the Aquarian archetype, this is a forward thinking lunation, a moment to pause and contemplate a new path ahead.

While the dark of the New Moon strongly correlates with a lower energy vibe, a time to rest and recharge, Mars and Jupiter's sextiles to the New Moon create a conduit of stimulation, optimism, and assertiveness, helping to facilitate mindful and directed actions. Mars' approaching conjunction with Uranus (exact Feb. 12) also brings a building tendency toward impulsive actions or unanticipated outbursts or triggers.

But with all planets currently direct, this New Moon is a supportive start and firm foundation. Consider the momentum you've been building the past two weeks. This lunation can help you keep up the pace. This isn't a particularly introspective or deep New Moon, but sometimes, tending more to the surface is necessary and vital. Consider also a chance to renew your intentions, goals, or strategies. This is an energizing push further up the road ahead.

Beyond the Hype: Supermoon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo 2019

Robert Jay GaBany [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Robert Jay GaBany [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Supermoon/Lunar Eclipse @ 0 Leo 52’

January 20, 2019

9:16 PM Los Angeles

January 21, 2019

12:16 AM New York

5:16 AM London

1:16 PM Beijing

4:16 PM Sydney

This month, the lunar cycle culminates in a Supermoon/total lunar eclipse in tropical Leo. A Supermoon is a Full Moon that occurs at perigee, the Moon's closest approach to Earth. Supermoons are notably larger and brighter than an average Full Moon. During a Supermoon, moonlight can shine up to 30% brighter, and the Moon can appear 14% larger than usual. However, don't believe the hype surrounding this Supermoon/eclipse.

The size difference is notable, but not as spectacular as some fake news articles might lead you to believe. A total lunar eclipse is when the Moon moves entirely into the Earth's shadow or umbra, taking on an ominous red-orange color. If you live in North or South America, Europe, or North or West Africa, you're in for a rare event. Supermoon/total lunar eclipses are unique, and something you should get out and see if you reside in these regions. Click here for eclipse times in your area.

A total lunar eclipse is an extra-potent Full Moon, which can correlate with significant culminations, breakthroughs, or endings. A total lunar eclipse can bring about a final resolution to a continuing conflict or negotiation. It can also correlate with the emergence of a crisis or breaking point. Occurring in tropical Leo and square Uranus in Aries, this is a highly dramatic, and unpredictable eclipse.

And occurring close to the Cancer north node, the Moon's power is greatly enhanced. Erratic emotionality, rapid mood fluctuations, and quick decision making can accompany this lunation. The Uranian energies triggering this eclipse can generate rebellious tendencies and less tolerance for oppressive restraints. Leo's positive qualities stimulate the desire for self-expression, applause, and visibility.

This Leo lunar eclipse invites us to be seen and recognized for our uniqueness and abilities. Spontaneous creativity and playfulness can flow from this lunation, adding excitement and wildness into the collective vibes. The Sun's ingress into Aquarius and opposition to the lunar eclipse adds another unique spin. With the Sun now free of Capricorn, where Saturn and Pluto are currently transiting, this eclipse can help to break up some of the heavy and challenging energies of the past few weeks.

Look out for enhanced confidence and the need for independence. Used positively, this eclipse can bring about a breakthrough in stepping up and receiving acknowledgment or recognition. Expressed negatively, this eclipse can hyperinflate arrogance, excessive dramatization, or childish egocentricity. As this lunar cycle climaxes, Venus is approaching a conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius.

The fusion of these two benefic planets in Jupiter's home sign has a positive, optimistic, and uplifting feel. New relational opportunities can manifest in the days surrounding this lunation, as well as the desire to go overboard on seduction and self-gratification. Jupiter and Venus' trine to Mars in Aries equally adds a sexual and vigorous quality to this eclipse, stimulating assertiveness to get what you want. Sudden, lucky breaks can manifest alongside this potent lunar eclipse too, so be mindful of good opportunities as well as the pitfalls of falling for the hype.

Feeling Heavy: Sun/Pluto & Mercury/Saturn

Image by Volker Gringmuth via Wikimedia Commons.

Image by Volker Gringmuth via Wikimedia Commons.

If things are feeling unusually heavy lately, you're probably not alone. The Sun in Capricorn is aligning with the underworld ruler, Pluto, while Mercury conjoins taskmaster Saturn this weekend. In the backdrop of it all, is the building Saturn/Pluto conjunction, whose energies we notably felt around the New Moon/solar eclipse last weekend.

As mentioned in the New Moon reading, Saturn and Pluto will reach their exact conjunction in 2020, though they designate a period from late 2017-2021ish. Global conservative empowerment, looming crises, the rise of power hungry dictators, it can feel like we've stepped into a dystopian novel and can't quite find a way out. If you want to know more, read my article here (classic dystopian novels are written under Saturn/Pluto periods, by the way).

But for the next few days, the dreariness of the Saturn/Pluto vibes can feel especially intense. Sun/Pluto conjunctions can force us to look at things with more glaring honesty. The dark side and underbelly make themselves known. For focusing or contemplating imperfections, the next several days offers up an incredible opportunity. But no, it won't feel great, and you'll likely notice that candy coating doesn't stick for a bit.

Mercury's conjunction with Saturn this weekend is a classic aspect of mental and communicative blocks, restrictions, and pauses. Feeling depressed or experiencing a general, gloomy outlook is likely, however, don't forget the incredible productivity available right now. As challenging as this weekend can feel emotionally, there's a positive side if we can embrace our responsibilities, or even hunker down on some task in solitude.

It just might be that you need a break from external distractions or meaningless activity, and to sink into some work or task, you love. If you're unsure, think about what that could be for you, or begin planning a path toward discovery. Remember, we're between eclipses, so this is an uncomfortable, yet fertile moment for personal transformation. Trust the changes you're being called to make, and then step boldly forth and do your great work.


2020: In the Shadow of Saturn and Pluto

By Jamie Kern, via Wikimedia Commons

By Jamie Kern, via Wikimedia Commons

Astrology's primary theoretical suggestion is that life reflects the cosmos, as above so below. Anything born at a specific moment develops, culminates, decays, and dies in synch with the persistent motion of the planets. Not just human life, but the life of humanity's creations--its ideas, innovations, and civilizations, all endure and expire beside the churning of the sky. The most primordial and easily observed of these cycles is that of the Moon, which begins and ends its cycle within roughly one month.

The New Moon begins the cycle at the conjunction of Sun and Moon, culminates at the opposition (the Full Moon), ending and starting again at the following conjunction/New Moon. And between these new and full phases, exist symbolic points of tension, struggle, and crisis--the waxing square (between new and full) and the waning square (between full and new). These four primary aspects are known technically as quadrature axial alignments, and they occur between all planets and objects in the sky.

In our theory of astrology, the dynamic aspects of planets correlate with specific archetypal themes which emerge in both personal and cultural shifts. These four quadrature axial alignments became the focus of astrologer and historian Richard Tarnas' monumental work, Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View. Before the accessibility of personal astrological software, Tarnus painstakingly studied the cycles of the outer planets and their correlation with history.

Cosmos and Psyche-Saturn and Pluto conjunction 2020

In Cosmos and Psyche, Tarnas observed that peaks within cycles involving Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto correlated with poignant sociopolitical shifts and changes. He noted, for example, how the counter-cultural revolution and the American/Russian space race of the late 1960s (culminating in the Moon landing in 1969), correlated with the rare conjunction of Uranus and Pluto, occurring once every 100 some years. That same Uranus/Pluto cycle, Tarnas noted, correlated with the birth of the scientific revolution through the publication of mathematician/astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus' De Revolutionibus under a Uranus/Pluto opposition in 1543.

Another dynamic cycle featured in Tarnas' book was that of Saturn and Pluto, two planets set to conjoin in tropical Capricorn in early 2020. It's been over 500 years since Saturn and Pluto last conjoined in Capricorn, but their conjunctions occur every 31 to 37 years in different zodiac signs. Much like the New Moon in the lunar cycle, Saturn and Pluto will begin a new development in 2020, bringing an end to the previous cycle which opened at the conjunction in the early 1980s.

In Cosmos and Psyche, Tarnas stresses that astrology is archetypally but not concretely predictive. In other words, astrology cannot explicitly predict the future, but it can predict the future's archetypal resonance. I won't be making those kinds of concrete predictions that you might imagine when you think of astrology. We're going to explore the current moment from an archetypal vantage point drawing on some notable historical correlations.

Astrology is not very good for telling you exactly what will happen in definitive, concrete terms. Archetypes, as Tarnas also beautifully demonstrated in his book, have an inherent multivalency. Archetypes can manifest within a varied range of possibilities. So while it's possible to look at past cycles and find similarities to the present, it's impossible to know which of those previous manifestations will occur for certain.

I highly suggest reading Tarnas' Cosmos and Psyche if you're interested in this topic. I can only cover in a general manner what is an incredibly complex subject. I'm going to explore how this aspect might show up, especially in the United States which is approaching its 2022 Pluto return alongside the exact Saturn/Pluto conjunction in early 2020. And we'll also consider the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in late 2020.

Tarnas suggests using an orb of 15 degrees on either side of an aspect when looking at historical correlations. In using this wider orb, the approaching Saturn/Pluto conjunction encompasses the time between January 2018 through December 2021.

The aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, Photo credit: 9/11 photos on Visual Hunt, via Wikimedia Commons.

The aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, Photo credit: 9/11 photos on Visual Hunt, via Wikimedia Commons.

As mentioned, the conjunction phase is one point within the various quadrature axial alignments of Saturn and Pluto. Dynamic Saturn/Pluto periods also occur at the square and opposition phases. While the last conjunction occurred in the early 1980s, the most recent Saturn/Pluto periods occurred at the opposition (June 2000-April 2004) and the waning square (Nov. 2008-August 2011). Several notable events occurred within these time bands. Under the opposition period from 2000-2004 were the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, as well as the subsequent US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Under the next square, the global financial crisis erupted in the years 2007-2008 at the brink of the Saturn/Pluto square (2008-2011). In Cosmos and Psyche, Tarnas describes quadrature axial alignments of Saturn and Pluto as "cycles of crisis and contraction." Throughout history, we see evidence of the Saturn/Pluto cycle correlating with periods of economic austerity, conservative empowerment (on a global scale), disease pandemics, the start of wars, and sometimes the rise of fascist/totalitarian powers and ideologies.

Saturn and Pluto also correlate with these same themes emerging in culturally significant art and literature, such as several famous works of dystopian fiction. It was at the tail end of the previous Saturn/Pluto conjunction, in the spring of 1984, when author Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid's Tale while residing in West Berlin, seven years before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Saturn and Pluto conjunction 2020-5

Atwood's novel takes place in a near-future New England when environmental ruin and a pandemic of infertility spawns a conservative revolution which effectively suspends the US constitution. The empowerment of a brutal totalitarian regime, resembling a theonomy (a hypothetical Christian government, ruled by divine law), forces the sparingly fertile women to serve as handmaids for the elite, bearing children in service for humanities' preservation. Women are forbidden from reading and writing, and stripped of their rights to hold property and handle money.

Gay men, dissidents, and those refusing conversion to the state religion are executed, their bodies hung along public walls. Those considered “non-persons” such as sterile, unmarried women, feminists, and lesbians are sent to the "colonies" to clean up radioactive waste until their death. Atwood's dire vision depicted a post-American, totalitarian government to osmose both Christian and puritanical overtones, true to the dominating ideologies which helped shape the construction of the American empire.

Interestingly, the Handmaid's Tale has reached its first Saturn return since its publication in 1985, regaining popularity over thirty years later as a Hulu original series with two seasons and a third currently in production. In the midst of the Trump administration, Atwood’s novel feels chillingly pertinent to our current times, a compelling warning of how in moments of crisis or collective frustration, extremely conservative ideologies can rapidly gain dominance.

George Orwell's dystopian, sci-fi classic, 1984 (the year Atwood wrote The Handmaid's Tale), was written under the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in 1948, the same cycle that correlated with the initiation of the Cold War. Aldous Huxley wrote A Brave New World from May to August 1931 under a Saturn/Pluto opposition. Based in a futuristic "negative utopia," as Huxley described it, A Brave New World also presented a frightening vision of the future, written as a parody of H.G. Wells' more optimistic, utopian novels of the early 1900s.

The original Guy Fawkes mask used in the film adaptation of V for Vendetta; photo by Enrique Dans from Madrid, Spain

The original Guy Fawkes mask used in the film adaptation of V for Vendetta; photo by Enrique Dans from Madrid, Spain

V for Vendetta, a British graphic novel written by Alan Moore, was originally published as a multi-part series starting in 1982, under the last Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The iconic "Guy Fawkes mask," worn by the novel's protagonist, V, has become a global symbol of revolt against tyranny, mostly through its ubiquitous use within the hacktivist community, Annonymous. The story depicts a dystopian, near-future United Kingdom set in the 1990s, where a fascist, police state takes control proceeding a nuclear war. It gained global popularity after the release of its film adaptation in 2006.

Saturn, Pluto, and Capricorn Archetypes

Untitled, known as Saturn Devouring His Son, Devoration or Saturn Eats His Child by Francisco Goya

Untitled, known as Saturn Devouring His Son, Devoration or Saturn Eats His Child by Francisco Goya

In astrology, an essential archetypal quality of Saturn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of extreme hardship or austerity. Pluto, the God of the underworld, invokes the darkest depths of the planets it contacts, revealing the underbelly and repressed, unconscious motivations. Pluto appears to empower the planets it touches, morphing their expression into sometimes inflated caricatures beyond normal bounds.

Pluto also relates to the principle of entropy and regeneration. Pluto brings about transformation, sometimes through a descent into the unconscious, or through the volcanic eruption of repressed psychic contents. When Pluto is active in collective or personal events, an old order dies and falls away, and a new way of life emerges from the debris. In this sense, Pluto's archetype is destructive, but sometimes, destruction is necessary for the seeding of new life.

Saturn represents the archetype of time which derives from its earlier Greek title, Kronos (or Cronus/Cronos), the God who devoured his children to prevent his dethronement. For both the Greeks and Romans, the Saturn/Kronos association with time reflected the observation that time eventually devours all things, and thus Saturn's archaic associations with the passing of seasons and agriculture. Saturn invokes the qualities of restraint, maturity, and death, just as the flow of time leads to the inevitable transitions of each stage of life.

Saturn, Internet Archive Book Images, via Wikimedia Commons

Saturn, Internet Archive Book Images, via Wikimedia Commons

Saturn presents limitations, challenges, and necessities; it seeks to preserve authority, traditions, structures, and conventions. Saturn can actively work against progress; it is the impulse for control of instinct and chaos, seeking to provide strict or harsh securities, boundaries, and divisions. It can present us with seemingly insurmountable barriers, yet also the opportunity to fortify strength, willpower, persistence, and autonomy.

As Pluto conjoins Saturn in the coming few years, we will experience a dramatic amplification of the above-mentioned Saturnian archetypes within the collective psyche, as well as a glance into their darkest or most terrifying manifestations. This current period is thus a moment of a leviathan-like Saturn, a time when we will witness an extreme boost of conservative dominance and the collective need to strengthen and solidify boundaries physically, culturally, and politically.

As an added layer, Saturn and Pluto will conjoin in Capricorn, where the Sun initiates the winter solstice each year in the northern hemisphere. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn resonate with the archetypal dark, cold, and precarious winter. In the traditional, western astrological system, Saturn is the ruler (or lord) of Capricorn, and its placement here technically empowers Saturn's power and expression.

15th century depiction of Capricorn, from Medieval book of astrology, via Wikimedia Commons.

15th century depiction of Capricorn, from Medieval book of astrology, via Wikimedia Commons.

Capricorn, much like Saturn, is the archetype of authority and elderhood, and in its darkest face, what astrologer Steven Forrest calls the "crushing patriarch." Both Capricorn and Saturn symbolize systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost, just as Kronos ate his children to avoid being deposed. The shadow of Capricorn is the oppressive autocrat or controller who exploits crisis and breakdown to acquire leadership.

Indeed, throughout history, it is in times of crisis, hardship, and uncertainty, that autocrats have gained control by enticing the desperate and fearful populace with the promise of restoring convention and offering protection from the unknown. And the contracting aspect of Saturn/Pluto alignments so often manifest as a collective yearning for regression, to restore society to an idealized, past era of simplicity, stability, and control.

Such was the case in 1930's Germany with the rapid ascendency of Nazism and the start of Hitler's dictatorship under the Saturn/Pluto opposition of 1930-1933. Or in Italy, under the fascist dictatorship of Mussolini during the Saturn/Pluto square 1921-1923. That same cycle correlated with Stalin's seizure of the Communist party in Russia, and Hitler's momentary prison time in which he began writing Mein Kampf, the ideological vision which would, at the following Saturn/Pluto alignment, enrapture the nation of Germany.

Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction 2020

Jupiter and Saturn conjunction 2020

While there's a unique archetypal quality to the peaks within the Saturn/Pluto cycle, it does not occur in a vacuum. The ever-changing sky correlates with the uniqueness of every moment. However, many cycles overlap which can create similarities within specific historical periods.

A unique feature of the previous conjunction of Saturn/Pluto in the 1980s was its correlation with Jupiter's conjunction with Saturn in air sign Libra. In 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin in Aquarius, another air sign, drawing a parallel to the early 1980s. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is a complex topic unto itself; however, it's important to mention because of its historical correlations with economic and social upheaval.

The Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions occur in the same element for roughly two centuries. From 1802-2020, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction occurred in earth signs. The 1980s saw the first shift of Jupiter/Saturn into air sign Libra. But the following conjunction went back to earth, with Jupiter/Saturn conjoining in Taurus in May 2000. The transition of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction from one element to another is called a Grand Mutation which has been underway from late 1980-late 2020.

Many astrologers point to the development of the internet and accompanying technologies within this period as meaningful correlations with the Jupiter/Saturn Grand Mutation into air signs. Indeed the air archetype relates symbolically to the mind, communication, and connection. The internet explosion of the 1990s led the way to a rapid acceleration of communicative technologies that connected the world in ways hardly imaginable at the brink of the 1980s.

We are likely to see the genesis of another major socioeconomic shift under Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter in 2020. Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions represent a fusion of tradition and innovation, the melding of antagonistic desires--to maintain the status quo and yet to seek freedom from it simultaneously. These are periods where traditional systems, methods, and approaches are forced into reformation.

Similar even to the backdrop of WWII, during the Saturn/Pluto opposition and Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in earth sign Virgo, the 2020s is likely to be a highly precarious and uncertain period which paves the way for a new social and economic order. With Jupiter and Saturn conjoining in Saturn's domicile sign of Aquarius, we still get a powerful Saturn dominating over Jupiter. Symbolically, the expansiveness of Jupiter must contend with Saturn's limiting nature.

However, Aquarius is symbolic of the "outsider's perspective" and the desire to achieve independence and autonomy. This conjunction is likely to correlate with economic and political policies emerging from previously alienated voices and minds, as well as the desire for liberation from the constraints of the past. It may be the outsider's perspective as well as the collective yearning for independence, that drastically changes the social and economic landscape over the next 20 years. So, what might crumble in the wake of this socioeconomic revolution?

The last two centuries of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in earth signs correlated with the industrial revolution and its ramifications. The shift from earth to air has dramatically shifted the collective focus from the shaping of material empires to those of the mind--an elevation of systems and structures from the land to sky.

Saturn and Pluto conjunction 2020-2

The internet revolution unleashed several social and economic structures from the limitations of physical space. Consider the storage of mass amounts of data and information onto "cloud networks," or how much of our daily life revolves around smartphones and wifi signals. Jupiter and Saturn's conjunction in Aquarius begins the next two centuries of conjunctions solely in the air element and in a sign associated with innovation, ingenuity, and independence, this is likely to begin a revolutionary social and economic shift.

The Aquarian archetype represents the other face of Saturn since it is Saturn's second ruling sign. While Saturn in Capricorn is the conservative face, Aquarius is more progressive and freedom-seeking. It is indeed a critical requirement of growing up that we claim independence and freedom from the structures, beliefs, and dependencies of the past. One cannot become an adult without a necessary phase of individuation, often through defiance or rejection of the formative life.

In true Saturnian fashion, that process of differentiating ourselves from the past is often painful and scary. It suggests willingly abandoning familiarity for the acquiescence of autonomy. Usually, there is a need to dissociate or even alienate oneself from family, society, and culture to find one's unique way in the world. The developments spawned under the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius are likely to carry this theme of strengthening independence and throwing out old beliefs, ideologies, and theories that no longer work.

On the economic level, we could witness the crumbling of the individual's dependency on physical institutions and constraints. While the 2020 period of Saturn/Pluto's conjunction will likely be constraining, Jupiter and Saturn's conjunction beyond it will help to offer up new solutions which can lead to fresh approaches to managing the economic, social, and political challenges. In that sense, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction provides a bit of hope in a moment of darkness.

If we look back at the early 80s, we note the rise of a little-known, economic and ideological development that came to dominate the world, Neoliberalism or economic liberalism. We also see a similar wave of conservatism and greater appeal for populist, political leaders. As mentioned, the simultaneous occurrence of Saturn/Pluto and Jupiter/Saturn in the 80s creates an interesting parallel to the approaching time-period, and thus we are likely to see some similar themes and trends emerge.

Neoliberalism & Corporate Dominance

Ronald Reagan at the Arrival Ceremony for State Visit of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom, by Jack Kightlinger (Official White House photographer), via Wikimedia Commons.

Ronald Reagan at the Arrival Ceremony for State Visit of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom, by Jack Kightlinger (Official White House photographer), via Wikimedia Commons.

As Saturn and Pluto were approaching notable orb of conjunction in 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. As is often the case with Saturn/Pluto alignments, Reagan rode a wave of rising conservatism within the nation. The same was true in the United Kingdom, with Margaret Thatcher, leader of the UK Conservative Party, winning the United Kingdom general election in May 1979.

Both Reagan and Thatcher heavily glorified the free market, and equally promoted the idea that businesses, instead of the government, could better serve the needs of the people. The 1980s saw the rise of the corporate world and its dominance over many facets of society. The injection of advertising and product placement in editorials became standard practice. It was a decade when corporate interests would begin their tacit manipulation of the free press. Today, we can connect the enmeshment of corporate lobbyists and elected representatives directly to the policy changes of the 80s era.

It was Reagan and Thatcher, along with libertarian economist, Milton Freidman, who significantly popularized Neoliberalism, which has since become the predominant economic and political ideology across the world. During this time, with the help of corporate advertising, market research, and rampant polling, US and UK culture were suddenly bewitched to prioritize the satiation of public desire above anything else. Proponents of Neoliberalism suggested that excessive government involvement promoted enormous waste, stagnation, and inefficiency, and thus welfare was shunned in favor of empowering privatized corporate dominance.

By Alejandro Alvarez, via Wikimedia Commons

By Alejandro Alvarez, via Wikimedia Commons

The 1980s saw a building rejection of government regulations and high taxation, resulting in deep tax cuts for the rich and corporations, under the belief that the wealth would "trickle down" and thereby boost the economy. This lead to a massive wealth transfer from the poor to the rich that surged wealth inequality not just in the United States, but across the globe. By the mid-1990s, the wealthiest 1% of the American population held 40% of the nation's wealth, double the share from twenty years prior. Today, as we approach the next Saturn/Pluto conjunction, the top 1% own more wealth than the bottom 90%. And working wages haven't increased since.

The 1980's Saturn/Pluto conjunction was, economically speaking, a great time for big businesses and the wealthy (the Saturnian structures themselves), but not so much for the working class. Do we see any parallels today? In the United States, the new GOP tax plan has continued the same Neoliberal ideology that was given a boost under Reagan and Thatcher, resulting in the most significant corporate tax cut in US history.

But Neoliberalism isn't solely a right-wing ideology. It first took root under US president Jimmy Carter and UK Prime Minister John Callahan and has since become the dominant policy on both sides of the political spectrum. US president Bill Clinton effectively destroyed America's cash assistance programs through his welfare reform bill, The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. Clinton's Neoliberal "welfare to work" rhetoric has been appropriated and rebranded today by the Republican party. In early 2018, Trump announced his plan to, “lift our citizens from welfare to work," echoing the Clinton era position against the welfare dependent.

Al Gore and Newt Gingrich applaud to US President Clinton during the State of the Union address in 1997, from White House Official Site, via Wikimedia Commons

Al Gore and Newt Gingrich applaud to US President Clinton during the State of the Union address in 1997, from White House Official Site, via Wikimedia Commons

Under the Neoliberal ideology, the economic plight of the homeless lies solely in their laziness or inability to take the initiative and better themselves. Negligent banking practices, privatization of social services, the complexities of human development, or institutionalized racism and violence are never to blame.

The Saturn/Pluto square of 2008-2011, under the US Obama administration, correlated with the shameful bailouts of the big banks and Wall Street, the very institutions responsible for creating the collapse through their reckless affair with stock derivatives and subprime mortgages. Working Americans were left with the burden of cleaning up the mess, costing taxpayers $21 billion in bailouts.

The US Financial Inquiry Commission, in its Jan. 2011 report, concluded that, "the crisis was avoidable and was caused by: Widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve's failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages; Dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance including too many financial firms acting recklessly and taking on too much risk; An explosive mix of excessive borrowing and risk by households and Wall Street that put the financial system on a collision course with crisis; Key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels."

Occupy Bank of America March 15, 2012, Occupy Wall Street targets BofA with a rally and march, by Mike Fleshman, via Wikimedia Commons

Occupy Bank of America March 15, 2012, Occupy Wall Street targets BofA with a rally and march, by Mike Fleshman, via Wikimedia Commons

A recent report from the environmental non-profit group, the CDP, in collaboration with the Climate Accountability Institute, found that just 100 companies are responsible for 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Chevron, BP, Exxon Mobile, and Shell were implicated as the highest emitting companies since 1988. In the current crisis of global climate change, the blame unsurprisingly falls in the hands of corporate entities empowered by the tax cuts and subsidies from the nascent Neoliberal period.

At a moderated discussion at Rice University in Houston, former president Barack Obama boasted that his presidency was responsible for making America the largest oil producer in the world, stating that, "And you know that whole suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer.…that was me, people."

Unregulated corporate power lies at the root of Neoliberalism, which has fueled globalization and the current environmental crisis. It's an ideology that has infected both sides of the political aisle, promoting the strangely skewed belief that the right of a company to make a profit is a higher priority than the needs of the people.

The 2008 global recession resulted in 1.2 million American households lost due to foreclosures and millions left unemployed. And yet, not a single Wall Street executive was prosecuted for their witting sale of toxic mortgages. It was the same unregulated corporate power that initiated the Great Depression in 1929, a result of laissez-faire economics, much the predecessor to Neoliberalism, just as Saturn and Pluto reached orb of opposition the following year.

Photo by Chopper Dave, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Chopper Dave, via Wikimedia Commons

While Ronald Reagan was considered rather moderate when it came to his conservative politics, preserving Medicaid and Social Security as two examples, it was under his administration when homelessness would rapidly increase across the US. The closing of mental institutions throughout the country forced the mentally ill onto the streets. Today, with ever-increasing wealth inequality, the gentrification of major cities is spawning preternaturally, pristine corporate landscapes which push and displace the lower classes further to the margins of society.

With an ideology that promotes maximizing economic freedom no matter the cost, many find themselves beleaguered by a cold, harsh world where profits are placed over human compassion and welfare. Such is the nature of Saturn/Kronos when brought to its darkest and most frightening expression in the shadow of underworld ruler, Pluto. Under the approaching Saturn/Pluto and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, we can anticipate another significant chapter change in the evolution of Neoliberalism.

This moment in history represents the closing of the previous cycle, and yet the beginning of a new step. In contemplating the current situation, the next few years looks to be an extremely challenging period, especially for the poor, working class, and the economy. Saturn/Pluto alignments have shown to embolden corporations, the elite, and authoritarian leadership. The Trump administration is continuing the same Neoliberal ideology just as all administrations have since the late 1970s, and in that sense, it's business as usual.

We are likely to see, not just in the US, but across the world, political powers which seek to minimize government regulation and embolden private interests. It's now clear, after 30 plus years of Neoliberal dominance, that its effects are not working out for those at the lower rung of the economic ladder. Therefore, this period is likely to result in increasing civil unrest and frustration, as we've recently seen in France and spreading elsewhere, and the rise of populist leaders who attempt to empathize with the struggles of the 99 percent of non-elites.

By Umar Shahid, via Wikimedia Commons

By Umar Shahid, via Wikimedia Commons

The backlash from the struggling lower classes is bound to result in a tightening of oppression, control, and retaliation from governmental and corporate powers. As we look beyond the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and consider Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter, a new order will emerge from the outsiders--many geniuses, rebels, and the marginalized are likely to gain power and help shape new structures, and incredible technological innovations will help to catalyze that.

However, the dark side of this cycle, as I've discussed, is that so often, leaders exploit the suffering of the struggling to embolden their nationalistic and sometimes fascist movements. This appears to be a significant risk here in the United States especially, with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction touching the US Pluto alongside its Pluto return. The underworld is now emerging, forcing us to acknowledge the most unsettling and frightening aspects of American culture and its political/economic structures. Neoliberalism is likely to play a major role, reaching a demise or further elaboration. Astrology doesn't tell us which.

But the rising tide of nationalism and conservatism at this current juncture is something we should be wary of as the US approaches its presidential elections in 2020. Saturn/Pluto cycles are often periods of widespread, global backlash against progressive, social changes. Under US president, Ronald Reagan, there was a strong racially driven opposition against the effects of the civil rights movements of the late 60s. Many believed that blacks entering the workforce were jeopardizing job prospects for the white, working class.

Today, under the Trump presidency, similar rhetoric is heard, as many white, right-wing voters blame their economic hardships on immigrants and welfare programs, seemingly ignorant of the effects of Neoliberalism over the past three decades. Donald Trump's blatantly racist and misogynistic comments, his obsession with the construction of a border wall between the US and Mexico, appears to echo many of the trends which built momentum in the early 80s, though far more dangerous and extreme.

Crisis and Contraction

Reagan addressing the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals ("Evil Empire" speech), Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

Reagan addressing the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals ("Evil Empire" speech), Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

Another risk with this current Saturn/Pluto cycle is the synchronistic emergence of crisis. The 1980s saw the height of the Cold War, a time when Reagan declared the Soviet Union "the evil empire," similar to George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speech (under the Saturn/Pluto opposition of 2001-2004). Fortunately, the Cold War came to an end after the 80s era Saturn/Pluto conjunction and did not result in nuclear war.

As mentioned, the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred during the previous Saturn/Pluto opposition (2000-2004). It's clear that the events on 9/11 forever changed the political and economic landscape of the US, as well as the entire world, symbolic of the Saturn/Pluto archetypes, a transformation of the world order. In the midst of the 9/11 crisis, airport security checks hugely expanded, and many freedoms and liberties were restricted.

The implementation of the Patriot Act after 9/11 led to the construction of the behemoth surveillance state which has since collected mass amounts of private phone and internet data. The National Security Agency (NSA) spying campaign took on enormous and complex proportions, gathering not just the private data of Americans, but that of citizens abroad. The extent of the NSA spying program was leaked in June 2013 by Edward Snowden, under the Uranus/Pluto square, which as briefly discussed earlier, is much the antithesis of the Saturn/Pluto archetype.

Photo by Amada44, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Amada44, via Wikimedia Commons

But as was the case with the Cold War, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction can bring both beginnings and endings. As the current cycle has correlated with the vast spread of Neoliberalism across the world, we're likely to witness its failure and decline. However, as was the case with modern terrorism, said to have begun in 1946 under another conjunction of Saturn/Pluto, that crisis has worsened, inflamed and supported by corrupt, US foreign policies. The global AIDS crisis, which began under the last Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the 1980s, reached pandemic proportions in Africa under the Saturn/Pluto opposition in 2000-2004.

Promising new HIV treatments and preventions have recently become accessible, and so perhaps, we could see a decisive turning point in the AIDS narrative soon. However, a new disease pandemic is another possibility under the next wave of Saturn/Pluto, as was equally the case with the bubonic plague under the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 1348-1351. But let us remember, astrology is archetypally but not concretely predictive.

We cannot, in looking at the conjunction alone, predict precisely what kind of crisis will erupt. Astrologer Robert Hand, writing in 2001 about the approaching Saturn/Pluto opposition, admitted that, "I would like to be able to give a definitive judgment about the likelihood or unlikelihood of war, but I cannot. I don’t think that astrology is capable of that." Based on the historical data alone, we can only speculate on the possibilities, such as Hand did in early 2001.

I would suggest, however, that given the past conjunction's correlation with the rise of Neoliberalism and the corporate world, there will be a dramatic change in our corporate and economic structures. And a crisis involving those structures is a high probability. Pluto igniting the US Pluto return in Capricorn in 2022, adds another layer of symbolic significance about an encroaching breakdown and transformation of US economic structures. How exactly this will play out, or what specific factors will lead to it, we cannot say. But the signs are already looming, and the shadow is erupting on the world stage.

Hope in Hard Times

Photo by MateeKhan, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by MateeKhan, via Wikimedia Commons

Is there a positive side to the Saturn/Pluto cycle? First, we can look at challenges and even suffering as forces which sculpt formidable strength within individuals. Such experiences catalyze growth, action, and change. There is no life without pain. Indeed, pain is a requirement of being alive. We can reframe our view of the Saturn/Pluto cycle from a victim's perspective to a courageous acceptance of difficulty to add dimension to our experiences, or to provide the incentive for action and thus change.

From an evolutionary astrological view, life isn't all the product of chaos or chance. There is an intelligence guiding the flow of life, a fate to which we are in some way meandering our way through. With that said, are there not periods when we need to step back, conserve, even question previous advances? Is contraction always a bad thing? Can excessive liberalism at times become a problem, or can things progress too soon and too fast? While yes, the world stage appears to depict a hyper-inflated, cartoon version of astrological archetypes, often disconnected from the more profound wisdom or teachings of the planets, there is still perhaps a greater purpose to any difficult moment of life, even a purpose to a collective backlash against progress.

It is to that greater purpose I would encourage us to seek to embrace or understand, if only just to hold that intention with a sense of humility, of surrender to what we don't yet know or understand. In our personal lives, as it is in the collective, we can, through the acquisition of expanded consciousness, align ourselves with the mysterious, cosmic agenda, whatever that is. While we cannot control what happens on the political or cultural stage, we can be inspired by it, motivated to action in our uniquely personal way.

With Saturn empowered in Capricorn by Pluto, and set to align Jupiter in air sign Aquarius, a new structural order is on the verge of its birth. Revolutionary, technological innovations, ideas, and realities will come forth at this time. What can you do to help shape it? How can you implement a new order in your own life? What will you construct from this foundation of solidity? Saturn's more positive face is construed by the virtues of tenacity, relentless commitment, accountability, and self-discipline. And perhaps, if we each embraced responsibility for not just our physical selves, but our darkness, the collective could resist the tempting hypnosis of authoritarian sway.

The peaks of the Saturn/Pluto cycle are indeed difficult times, but they can also reveal the deeper, unconscious underpinnings of our cultural, economic, and political structures. It seems a compelling phenomena that these periods bring to the surface quite literal manifestations of these archetypes, in the form of political leaders and external crises. But we can hold on to the hope that this cycle will pass, and new themes will emerge in the near future.

Let us hope that we've learned from history, that humanity has the wisdom to step back from the edge of the abyss when the signs emerge. Let us hope that we can transcend the dangerous pitfalls of fear, prejudice, the rapid breakdown of critical thought, and the external projection of self-hatred. With that said, Pluto empowering Saturn can correlate, on the individual level, with the empowerment of individual purpose or destiny, a time when we can rise to some daunting challenge and consistently forge our way to victory. Always, as above so below, and so within so without. The planets, an indeed life itself, always have something to say. May we be so blessed to receive the message.

Toughening Up: New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 2019

Near the Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska; Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia

Near the Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska; Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse @ 15 Capricorn 25’

January 5, 2019

5:26 PM Los Angeles

8:26 PM New York

January 6, 2019

1:26 AM London

9:26 AM Beijing

12:26 PM Sydney

As we enter the new year, we're greeted by the first eclipse season of 2019. In general, eclipse season is a period of accelerated internal, external, and perceptual changes. The sequence of events can appear to move more quickly during eclipse season, with a higher level of awareness and clarity surrounding present matters. This first eclipse of 2019 is a partial solar eclipse in tropical Capricorn, visible from northeastern China, Mongolia, Japan, eastern Russia, northern Micronesia, and western Alaska.

Occurring in Capricorn and conjunct the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, this eclipse brings with it a dense and conservative vibe. And with both Saturn and Pluto within orb of conjoining the eclipse itself, the ominous, even dystopian feel of this eclipse gets dramatically magnified. Saturn and Pluto are set to conjoin in early 2020, the effects of which we've been feeling since early 2018. Historically, the Saturn and Pluto cycle correlates with notable changes in the world order often through various crises.

Both world wars, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and the Global Recession in 2007-2008 (as just a few examples), all occurred within various stages of the Saturn/Pluto cycle. The whole of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction encompasses roughly 2017-2021, so we are nearing its peak. This eclipse appears to trigger its energy into the collective psyche. However, eclipses are surreptitious. Correlated events often take time to manifest. Saturn will trigger the eclipse in early Feb., again in early Aug., and will make a final pass in early Nov.

Thus, many of the themes and situations tied into this eclipse will linger for some time, climaxing and culminating at the Capricorn lunar eclipse July 16. The heaviness of this eclipse can be experienced as a dramatic confrontation with limitation, hardship, or obstacles. Yes, a crisis is a manifestation of the synthesis of Saturn/Pluto, but so is the sense of having reached the "end of the rope" where hope and possibilities are seemingly less abundant. For most of us, we'll pass through this eclipse feeling the weight of things more than usual.

There are always places within our lives or ourselves that we've avoided dealing with fully. No one is perfect. Saturn/Pluto energies can pressure or force us to examine those places that we've neglected to be fully responsible for, those places that seriously need us to step up and take accountability and action. One's perceptual outlook can dramatically change under this eclipse, correlating with a period of awakening to some uncomfortable reality or realization.

Imagine stripping away the tinsel, candy coating, and gilding, and looking deeply into the cold, harsh truth. Yes, this eclipse can certainly feel like that. But also, a solar eclipse is a New Moon, and thus a new start. It can symbolize an extra potent starting point for things which require tremendous effort, determination, willpower, and sacrifice. Sometimes a difficulty, limitation, or even crisis is precisely what's needed to catalyze movement and change.

Combined with Mars now in Aries, we experience a powerful surge of cardinal energy, which emphasizes the taking of initiative and making things happen. Utilize the strengths of this eclipse to get better organized, strengthen and solidify a plan of action or procedure. Look around your life at the systems and structures which need reinforcement so you'll be ready to withstand the obstacles life can so quickly throw our way at such times.

Collectively, as we approach the peak trajectory of Saturn/Pluto, things are going to get tough as many systems and structures collapse around us. However, we can always find the strength within ourselves or stoically prepare for the worst case scenarios. For now, under this eclipse, heed the call to take the initiative and bolster your base. Utilize this moment for intense introspection, reflection, and scrutiny. Allow yourself to feel the call to turn inward and get more honest, real, and upfront. And if you feel like giving up, consider taking a rest, and then picking up the pace again. Great achievements are only possible through sustained determination.


Mars in Aries & Sun/Saturn Conjunction

K Danko [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

K Danko [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

As we say farewell to 2018, the warrior planet Mars enters its home sign, Aries, just as the Sun conjoins Saturn in Capricorn. While the Gregorian calendar is somewhat arbitrary and disconnected from the natural world, the Gregorian New Year is a thing we westerners all celebrate (even if it begins in the dead cold of winter for the northern hemisphere). So, Happy New Year!

As 2019 begins, Mars in Aries seems like a good start. And combined with the Sun's conjunction with Saturn, we get an influx of high motivation and ambition. 2019 begins in the waning Moon phase heading into an eclipse. So hold off on your significant initiations, launches, and promotions until the second week of January (at least). The waning Moon, especially in the eclipse zone, favors release, not acquisition.

But, while the Sun/Saturn connection could make for more oppressive than usual New Years hangovers, it is a prime aspect for prioritization. Saturn is currently not visible in the sky. It's conjunction with the Sun, actually, diminishes its strength and power. But, the Sun's cyclic alignment with Saturn is an opportunity to renew your long-term goals, strategies, and desired achievements. That fits well with New Year resolution making.

Negative consequences won't hit so hard under the Sun/Saturn conjunction, but Saturn's rule of karma promises they WILL hit eventually, like three to six months from now. So stick to your good behavior. Mars will be in Aries until Feb. 14. Mars in Aries is extra bold, passionate, and assertive, but also more volatile and potentially bombastic. Be wary of triggering anyone or anything on the edge of an outburst, or else you'll likely meet fury.

However, on the positive side, Mars in Aries is full of firey, cardinal energy, which combined with Jupiter in Sagittarius, can provide extraneous enthusiasm for setting off on an adventure. If you plan your journey post-eclipse (after Jan. 5), you'll be on less shaky ground. This month, featuring Mars in Aries and two eclipses, is incredibly conducive to rapid-fire changes and transitions, especially changes we catalyze ourselves. Mars in Aries can empower willfulness and help us all tackle our New Years' objectives.

For the next month and a half, anticipate extra courageousness, bravery, and sexual robustness. Mars in Aries dares us to seek new challenges, healthy stressors, and to face fears head-on. In the midst of eclipse season, our initiations have more impact and profundity. But consider if you'll be able to maintain this momentum for the long-haul. Mars can quickly get us up the mountain, but not always back down. This acceleration of change helps us to confidently head into the New Year while leaving 2018 in the stardust.

Engaging the Heart: Full Moon in Cancer 2018

By Richard Hurd from Madison, USA - Wingra moonrise {NAME}Uploaded by ComputerHotline, CC BY 2.0,

By Richard Hurd from Madison, USA - Wingra moonrise {NAME}Uploaded by ComputerHotline, CC BY 2.0,

Full Moon @ 0 degrees Cancer 49’

December 22, 2018

9:49 AM Los Angeles

12:49 PM New York

5:49 PM London

December 23, 2018

1:49 AM Beijing

4:49 AM Sydney

As it is with every Full Moon, this is a moment of completion, resolution, and endings. Occurring at the cusp of the new year, and in the cardinal, water sign of tropical Cancer, we rise into this Full Moon with the desire to release and let go of the past, perhaps through the necessity of surrendering accumulated emotional burdens. With the Moon in its domicile (ruling) sign of Cancer, this is indeed a powerful lunation that can deepen our access to feelings, healing, and emotional honesty.

The lunar nodes have recently moved into the Cancer/Capricorn axis, and thus the next series of eclipses will occur in these signs throughout 2019 and into mid-2020. The lunar north node in Cancer calls us collectively toward the opening of the heart as a spiritual necessity, to offset the burden of external challenges and responsibilities. With the Sun now in Capricorn, it shares space with Saturn and Pluto, two planets set to conjoin in early 2020.

The building Saturn/Pluto conjunction will occur within the field of eclipses, marking this encroaching period as a time of significant changes to social, political, economic, and domestic structures. The dominant Capricorn archetype opposing this sensitive and intuitive Full Moon presents us with the challenge of striking a balance between the relentless pursuit of goals or ambitions with the requirement of self-love, care, and nourishment.

The predominant (and yet failing) cultural ideology of the western, corporate-dominated world continually pressures us to ignore the inner life to prioritize productivity. Yes, tending to our material needs is essential for survival, but its overemphasis can leave many with an internal void and physical and emotional depletion. The Sun in Capricorn moving toward Saturn and Pluto represents a foreshadowing of the global challenges which lie ahead.

Thus, it is imperative that we learn to listen to the body, the inner self, our dreams, and feelings. And yes, this Full Moon can help create a safe space for us to acknowledge or identify what it is we need to both nurture and nourish. Mars and Chiron's vast square to the Full Moon axis add to the prodding nature of this cardinal lunation on the Aries point. For some of us, self-neglect or subjugation of the inner life can erupt as a crisis, where pain is used as a catalyst for change and action.

The t-square tension within this lunation makes it difficult to ignore those things which need our compassion, sensitivity, and kindness. And it would seem, that in the current moment, kindness can be a form of activism, a tool which can be used to fight against a cultural surge of apathy and cruelty. The negative face of this Full Moon can tempt us into complete withdrawal, avoidance, defensiveness, or obsessive worry.

Uranus' out of sign sextile to the Full Moon creates a desire to break free of the past, to shake something up, or embrace a new path. Under this Full Moon, anticipate less tolerance for stagnation in your inner life, and the sudden stimulation deep feelings, memories, and emotions. The Cancer archetype highlights a culmination or breakthrough in the psychic or domestic life, areas which will undergo profound changes and transformations in the coming year. Remain sensitive and engage your heart.


Sun Trine Uranus & Mercury/Jupiter

Pavel.shyshkouski [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Pavel.shyshkouski [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

After a relatively quiet cosmos the last two weeks, the Sun's trine to Uranus kicks off an eventful solstice weekend. Yes, the Full Moon is soon to climax in tropical Cancer. And before the Sun enters Capricorn, it makes a trine to Uranus in Aries. Combined with Mercury's conjunction with Jupiter (exact Dec. 21), the freedom-seeking vibes are acutely strong.

Sun trine Uranus can help us make a break with the daily narrative, or add some excitement. With Sun/Uranus stimulating the fire sign conduit, the flow of passion and enthusiasm leaps forth before the start of the Capricorn season. Sun/Uranus invite us to try something different, experiment, or innovate routines.

In the waxing lunar cycle, anticipate not only a quickening of events but the sudden emergence of unexpected variables. Uranus can throw us off our usual tangents, which can be a welcome distraction before the more sobering cycle of Sun through Capricorn. Still, look to your current projects, commitments, or developing situations, and see what changes can be infused without a total overhaul.

Mercury's third conjunction with Jupiter this year exacts on the solstice, so bold ideas, communicative openings, and ease of commerce/exchange will flow the next several days. Also, Mercury/Jupiter in Sagittarius is an expansive boost of optimism and augmentation of perception. Still, there's a risk of ditching vital details for the bigger picture. Try your best to stay on task without letting extreme idealism lead you astray.