The Dark Moon & Mars Conjunct Neptune


Shortly after the New Moon, the planet Mars conjoins Neptune in Pisces. The Neptunian energy has been active all week via its square to the New Moon and exacting a square to the Sun just one day before. With hard Neptune aspects this week, things can get unusually hazy.

Yes, hazy thinking is one possibility, but another is the need to question various narratives, truths presented, or all presentations in general. It's easy to deceive on several fronts, but consider the karmic consequences before exploiting that insight. Instead, try to see past the various facades of the moment.

The Mars/Neptune conjunction (exact Dec. 7) has been building since the last week of Nov. and will be in notable orb until Dec. 17. It can be a challenging aspect for any decisive actions. The willful energy of Mars can quite literally evaporate, leaving us uncertain or dumbfounded about what to do or how to correctly handle a situation.

Over the next few days especially, be mindful of the risk of completely missing an intended target, or worse, going on the attack against the innocent. Further, Mars and Neptune meet up shortly after the New Moon and Mercury's direct station. A feeling of newness and possibilities opening up can tempt premature moves.

Mercury still needs to pick up some speed, and within a week, we'll be free of the retrograde shadow. This isn't a moment to completely freeze or indulge in rampant paranoia, but rather to take a moment to breathe and patiently plant the seeds you intend to nurture. The risk for apathy is exceptionally high, and for some, the enticement to give up could be a source of rumination.

Neptune to Mars can gift us with insight which comes when we choose to surrender to what we don't yet know. So, if in doubt, trust that and wait for the haze to clear. Question your desires the remainder of the week, and focus your courage on actively shifting your consciousness, perception, or current crusade. Mindfulness, meditation, and patience could be vital assets.

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Deflation or Inspiration: New Moon in Sagittarius 2018

Photo by Josh Lewis [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5

Photo by Josh Lewis [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5

New Moon @ 15 Sagittarius 07’

December 6, 2018

11:20 PM Los Angeles

December 7, 2018

3:20 AM New York

7:20 AM London

3:20 PM Beijing

6:20 PM Sydney

Every so often, the cosmic landscape synchronizes itself in quite astonishing ways. This month's New Moon is one of those moments, occurring alongside Mercury's direct station and Mars' conjunction with Neptune. Mercury direct is the end of the retrograde period; however, the glitchy, techno-disruptions and communicative failures often cluster around Mercury's stations.

We can anticipate that trend to continue at least a week or so beyond this lunation. But fortunately, solutions and forward progress will be more easily accessible soon enough. And vital new steps can now happen, but caution is still needed. The dark of the Moon is a natural rest and recharge moment, imbued with hesitation and uncertainty. With Mercury's station and Mars conjoining Neptune, there isn't a lot of momentum contained in this New Moon.

For some of us, it can feel like a drain of willfulness, force, or enthusiasm. Low energy, discouragement, and frustrations can emerge in this dark Moon. On the collective level, events which have been building and generating power can seem to have suddenly fallen into obscurity. Mars and Neptune conjoin several hours after this New Moon, adding an element of obfuscation with regards to necessary actions and decisions.

The energy of Sagittarius wants to leap into the unknown, begin planning for an adventure, or assert its vision and ideals onto the world. Neptune's active involvement in this New Moon, plus Mercury's station, can slow the flow of zeal or fury. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. One of the vital lessons that Neptune offers us is that of patience, but also revealing the limitations of the ego's needs and desires.

The darkest face of this New Moon can tempt us to leap into exciting yet fruitless endeavors. Falling victim to schemes, delusions, and lies are easy. So what can you trust under this lunation? Look beyond yourself, listen to your intuitive hunches, and feel out whether emerging situations align with your highest principles and integrity. Challenge yourself to let go and flow with signs, insights, and omens. Miraculous ideas and opportunities can emerge from the darkness.

The Mars/Neptune square can feel deflating, for sure. Second guess impulses, desires, and assumptions. This new start is likely beyond your control but has the power to enlarge a worldview or perspective, to open the heart to a higher reality beyond the self. Take it easy under these New Moon vibes. Inner frustrations will dissipate as quickly as they emerged, energy and passion will return. This is a fertile lunation for further reflection. Allow the moment to pass and dispense its wisdom and take action in a few days.


Innovation Flow: Venus/Uranus Opposition

Lone cloud at Grand Canyon South Rim; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Lone cloud at Grand Canyon South Rim; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Venus and Uranus are nearing their final opposition of the year, both squaring the lunar nodes which recently ingressed into the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Whenever Uranus is active in the collective psyche, there's a surge of erratic instability, unexpected change, or a wild-card possibility.

With Uranus opposing Venus in Libra, such changes can be quite constructive, and they are likely to surface in the arena of relationships. Perhaps, toward the end of this week, there's merely a change in the social sphere or reality, a new connection for communication, or an electrifying new interest. Venus/Uranus can shake us out of a relational rut, which can be exciting or anxiety producing.

Venus in Libra seeks to build stable bridges and create rapport, dialogue, and support. Uranus, however, adds an element of the quirky and unusual. This can be a compelling moment of reaching toward a fresh and progressive perspective or opening another to a unique point of view. However it shows up for you, both planets invite a renovation in outlook or creative self-expression.

And as mentioned, both Venus/Uranus squaring the nodes adds a karmic layer, a sense of having to resolve or complete something unfinished. Yes, it can feel like a crossroads in an ongoing dialogue or relational issue, or perhaps the wild-card has emerged, seeking to liberate the standard relationship/dating narrative. If creatively inclined, flow into an innovative approach on through the weekend. Experiment and see what happens. No commitments are needed just yet.

Mercury, Sun & Jupiter

Kwhisky [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Kwhisky [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Within the next 24 hours, Mercury exacts two conjunctions, first with the Sun and then Jupiter while in square aspect to Mars. The Sun's conjunction with Jupiter over the weekend could have inflamed confidence, enthusiasm, or optimism. With Neptune's station, and Sun/Jupiter still in orb, be cautious about going overboard with dominance assertion, willfulness, or dogmatism.

Mars is still in orb of squaring all three planets in early Sagittarius. There's a need to think carefully before executing a strategy, or reacting to external agitations without some reflection. Mercury retrograde until Dec. 6 suggests taking your time in resolving glitches the next week. The negative face of Sagittarian energy can devolve into fanaticism or an unquestioned faith in a belief, cause, or purpose.

While the astrology this week can serve to inspire or motivate, it can also lead to foolish actions. So yes, be hypervigilant in thoroughly assessing developing matters--fact-checking, getting second opinions, or seeking alternative perspectives. Be mindful of debating for the sake of it, or creating a problem where there isn't one.

The evolutionary strategy lies in strengthening a viewpoint or belief. Throwing around an opinion or perspective is likely to receive some pushback, but through the tension, solutions can emerge. Mercury's conjunction with the Sun early this week represents the peak of the retrograde cycle--a dynamic point of reflection and review of the past.

Mercury's subsequent conjunction with Jupiter can bring on solution-based ideas, positive/constructive criticism, or the motivation needed to communicate a message more effectively. With Mercury combust the Sun, new insights, news, and information are forthcoming. Think big and work to more effectively communicate your truth. The current archetypal field is fertile ground for inspiration and new ideas.

The Mutable Surge: Full Moon in Gemini 2018

Lavínya Silva [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Lavínya Silva [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 0 Gemini 52’

November 22, 2018

9:39 PM Los Angeles

November 23, 2018

12:39 AM New York

5:39 AM London

1:39 PM Beijing

4:39 PM Sydney

This month's lunar culmination occurs in the tropical sign of Gemini, just as the Sun enters the adventurous and broad-minded sign of Sagittarius. With Mars in Pisces, Mercury retrograde, and Jupiter in Sagittarius too, the mutable energy is particularly strong, emphasizing transition, change, and fluctuation. In typical Gemini style, this Full Moon can bring about an influx of information, stimulation, and heightened activity which has the capacity to help change a viewpoint or perspective.

Jupiter's opposition and conjunction with the Sun can inflame the Gemini qualities of curiosity, restlessness, and adaptability. Yes, narrowly focusing on a specific task or activity will be difficult with this lunation. And Gemini dominance can pull us in multiple directions. But after the more focused intensity of Scorpio season (Venus retro in Scorpio, too), this Full Moon can feel liberating and optimistic.

To effectively work with this Full Moon, you'll need to remain flexible. With Full Moon ruler, Mercury, now retrograde and in fall, unexpected variables and accommodations are likely to surface. Detours, delays, and glitches are always common under Mercury retrograde, so finalizing a decision under this Full Moon may not be ideal or even possible. The next two weeks of Mercury retrograde can help you make critical revisions to a viewpoint, belief, or ideology.

If confronted with an opportunity under this Full Moon, take your time in considering its full ramifications. Consider that there's likely more than one way to approach or deal with any situation which arises now. The possibilities can seem endless under this Gemini lunation. Mars' square from Pisces can stimulate intuitive action, but also thoughtless reactions which can lead to conflicts, recklessness, or accidents.

It may be wise to go with flow under this Full Moon, but be mindful of impulsive tendencies or getting caught in heated, ideological debates with no resolution. The dominant Full Moon archetypes can empower fanaticism and dogmatism, as much as the potential of expanding one's mind. The positive end of Gemini accepts what it doesn't know and seeks to understand it. The negative end defends its fragmented version of the truth.

Yet, Jupiter's involvement in this lunation stimulates the desire for expansion and growth. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius pushes us to think outside the restrictive parameters of our preconditioned ways of seeing the world. To avoid the problems associated with this Full Moon, think before taking a leap. Jupiter in Sagittarius can lead to overconfidence or taking on too much too fast. Pace yourself with this lunation, and choose to listen and learn something new.

Mars in Pisces & Jupiter

Jessie Eastland [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Jessie Eastland [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Warrior planet Mars has moved on from Aquarius (where it spent the last six months). Now in Pisces, Mars enters into a square aspect with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Playing a dominant role in the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini (Nov. 22), the Mars/Jupiter square can inflame enthusiasm, but also recklessness.

Meandering through Pisces, Mars is prone to wanderlust. This week can be especially tricky in harnessing your passion or excitement towards a specific cause or target. The Full Moon in Gemini this Thursday will only exacerbate this tendency. But this surge of mutability can be helpful for shifting our focus to contemplate possibilities in the blindspots.

Also, consider the need this week to take more than one course of action. But utilize some Mercury retrograde wisdom, which suggests doing extra research and asking critical questions before leaping. If you desperately want a specific outcome or realization at the moment, you'll find this week incredibly frustrating.

However, consider this the season to discover your options, and the choices you didn't know you had. Be sensitive to your environment and cautious with utilizing willfulness and force. Jupiter's upper square to Mars can give some us the illusion of limitless strength or good luck. In reality, there are definite limitations, so don't push your luck too far.

Mars in Pisces & Mercury/Venus Stations

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Point Lobos, Carmel, Ca; photo by Chad Woodward, November 2018.

Mars is moving into Pisces this week (Nov. 15) after transiting Capricorn/Aquarius since May of this year. Combined with both Mercury and Venus stations, this week can feel extra packed with activity and new potential. The only caveat: retrograde stations like that of both inner planets Mercury and Venus can create a crossfire of uncertainty and restlessness.

Venus in its home sign Libra dominates this week, and with a Mars/Uranus sextile (before Mars changes signs), all things seductive and alluring are more likely to capture our focus. Mars sextile Uranus, while fleeting, is enough to set off a sudden/spontaneous influx of Eros. Venus' retrograde station seems to overshadow Mercury's retrograde effect, though not entirely.

Yes, the usual techno/mechanical/communicative breakdowns and glitches are likely, and the data influx is incoming. Prepare to alter a plan or perception as you uncover new bits of data or encounter enlightening conversations, but Venus' station in Libra is most auspicious. Venus can shift any pending financial, creative, or relational issue. If you've been stuck on a heart-related matter, some resolution is possible this week.

The standard Mercury retro advice holds, but the benefics Venus and Jupiter in their home signs, seem to mitigate the need to hold back on the action. The reality is that while you may lack clarity about what a result will be or the final destination, vital first steps are possible this week. Mercury's retrograde backtrack through Sagittarius includes a conjunction with expansive Jupiter.

There is a newfound surge of excitement, and the next three weeks can help to reassess or discover some new potential within a pending opportunity. The six weeks of Mars in Pisces involves the paradox of active surrender to the cosmic flow. And at least the next three weeks, rid yourself of urgency and let the next mission reveal itself. Step back, meditate, and bend with life, and the logistics will show up in time.


Waxing Moon & Venus Trine Mars

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

Venus retrograde is making a trine to Mars in Aquarius. Venus has been retrograde since early October. Venus retro is a fertile period for significant creative, financial, and relational shifts and changes. With Venus back in its home sign Libra, it carries a more harmonious, friendly, artistic, and auspicious flare.

Venus trine Mars is a notable sexual stimulus. Combined with Jupiter's recent ingress into Sagittarius, there's a powerful surge of adventurousness and excitement currently filling the air. The next few days can intensify desires. Yes, both creative and sexual powers gain leverage and leading into Venus' direct station next week (Nov. 16), there will be a gradual amplification of the heart center once again.

As we move beyond the deeply intense New Moon in Scorpio, the astrology this week opens us to new possibilities. It can feel like a switch has been flipped, a burden rapidly lifted, or a new potential is gaining more traction. Venusian, heart-centered vibes in trine aspect to Mars can provoke a longing to bond, connect, or indulge in carnal pursuits.

Consider that getting what you want may come more accessible, but as always, be mindful of its relevance. With both benefic planets in their home signs, the mood might suddenly feel lighter and hopeful the remainder of this month. And at least until Mars shifts into Pisces Nov. 15, our self-assertion and willpower flow with an unusual sense of ease. Social harmony and charismatic persuasiveness make for a valuable building of rapport and resolution of conflict.


Lifting the World: Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018-2019

A raven soars overhead at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Utah, September 2018; photo by Chad Woodward.

A raven soars overhead at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Utah, September 2018; photo by Chad Woodward.

"The positive Sagittarian has....the inner conviction that he has it in him to give much. If others are less fortunate than he, it is his privilege to give to them out of his abundance. He gives not so much material things as the gifts of the spirit--leadership, moral courage, self-respect, sparks for flagging faith and waning energies, a lift to the whole world that comes from contact however fleeting with the warmth, and the verve, and the dash, and the directness, of the Sagittarian."-- Grant Lewi, Your Greatest Strength

Jupiter will transit its home sign, Sagittarius, from Nov. 2018 through Dec. 2019. Jupiter changes signs every year but reaches Sagittarius once every twelve years. Classically, Jupiter is the greater benefic with optimal dignity in the mutable, fire sign Sagittarius. We know Jupiter as the God/Goddess of abundance, growth/expansion, luck, success, optimism, hope, and altruism. Jupiter opens doors, inspires confidence, and paves the way to opportunities.

In its negative face, Jupiter can tempt us with glitzy yet empty promises of fame, happiness, and fortune. It can provoke laziness while opportunities glide past due to a misguided sense of satiation. And trickster Jupiter can inflame arrogance, dogmatism, and ego-aggrandizement. While Jupiter transits Sagittarius the next year, there will be a magnification of both its positive and negative qualities because Jupiter's home sign bolsters its power.

Sagittarius stimulates Jupiter's extroverted side. This is the most adventurous, audacious, and enthusiastic of all Jupiter cycles. But it might also be the most fanatical. Consider that Sagittarius correlates with the zealous pursuit of faith in oneself, an ideology, or a mission. We can imagine empowerment of radicalized followers of various faiths in synch with the restoration of hope or optimism about one's purpose.

Look to the house ruled by Sagittarius in your chart. You'll likely experience increased growth and newfound success in that area over the next year. However, as with anything in astrology, Jupiter needs your involvement to bring out its most auspicious blessings. Success almost always comes from consistent effort and hard work, and opportunities need to be acted upon. Discernment will be the key to optimally managing Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius.

Too much of a good thing can lead to ruin, and overextension can result in missing the target. Overconfidence in one's abilities or potential can inspire foolish leaps and downfalls. Jupiter in Sagittarius is a momentary cycle which can help us all increase faith, confidence, and expand into new areas of experience. But we'll need to be careful and remain realistic about how much we can handle and what we're capable of. When opportunities arrive, they won't last long. Staying where you are is sometimes a safe choice, but one you may later regret with Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Breaking With Routines

Routines can feel extra suffocating under Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a cycle which inspires us to break free of predictability and expand our horizons more than ever. Reflect on the area in your chart affected by Jupiter's current transit. If you've been treading safely there, you'll begin to notice gradual dissatisfaction with the topics of the concerned house, and a growing sense that you need to take some risks and actively look for escape routes.

Jupiter in Sagittarius Archetypes

As archetypes, Jupiter in Sagittarius is the emigrant, vagabond, crusader, preacher, prophet, or philosopher taken to the extreme. We’ll likely see these archetypes as significant figures in major media events. And if we have strong placements in Sagittarius, or if Jupiter aspects planets in our chart from this sign, we can take on these archetypal qualities ourselves, or they may show up as significant people in our lives.

Whether we experience these archetypes within ourselves or as outside influencers, the Jupiter in Sagittarius energies motivates us to move beyond our usual boundaries, escape the trappings of safety and predictability, inspire us to take bold leaps of faith, boost our belief in a higher purpose, seek new adventures, and actively engage with opportunities to further success or understanding. With Jupiter in fire sign Sagittarius, it asks whether we have the courage to reach for greatness and if we're willing to take some chances to get there.

Jupiter Square Neptune

While Jupiter transits Sagittarius, it will make a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces. We can view this aspect as active throughout the entire cycle, though the peaks will be experienced Jan. 13, June 16, and Sept. 21, 2019. On the collective level, Jupiter's square relationship to Neptune can serve to puncture illusions, hope, faith, and beliefs. In other words, this is likely to be a cycle of severe disillusionment, especially for those who have fallen for false promises of greatness or abundance.

In considering this aspect, it's important to remain skeptical about anything hyped or overpromoted while Jupiter transits Sagittarius. Jumping into “get rich quick schemes” or alluring ideologies could lead to disappointment. Jupiter square Neptune certainly adds to the element of fanaticism and religious fervor, and during the peak squares, we're likely to witness the decline of a prescribed dogma or creed. Failed prophets, messiahs, and gurus are expected to make some headlines.

However, both personally and collectively, the square of Jupiter/Neptune is a severe test of our ideals and faith. If we can endure resistance to our convictions, and if our dreams can undergo significant reality testing, then we'll come out of this cycle with a greater sense of confidence in what we believe. Jupiter's square to Neptune suggests that the karma has ripened for a vision or dream, and whether or not it survives depends mostly on how much basis it has in reality. Many will fail, but some will learn to fly and lift the world.

The Great Mystery: New Moon in Scorpio 2018

By Juliancolton [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

By Juliancolton [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 15 Scorpio

November 7. 2018

8:02 AM Los Angeles

11:02 AM New York

4:02 PM London

November 8, 2018

12:02 AM Beijing

3:02 AM Sydney

We are sinking into the New Moon in tropical Scorpio, just before Jupiter enters Sagittarius Nov. 8. Occurring in a yin, water sign, this Scorpio New Moon draws us deep into the shadows to recharge, rest, and assimilate. With a trine aspect to Neptune and sextile to Pluto, this is a soulful and penetrating lunation, emphasizing inwardnes and reflection.

Jupiter has been transiting Scorpio since early October 2017. Since then, Jupiter has permeated barriers which have hidden and concealed vital truths, insights, and perspectives. Unveiling blind spots, secrets and repressions, Jupiter in Scorpio has helped to expand our awareness of dangers as well as hidden passions, desires, and potentials.

The Scorpio archetype represents the distant echoes of our primordial past and nature, those compulsions, reflexes, and desires which get conditioned out of us by the intrusion of modern culture. When we strip away the cultural accouterments, such as intense moments of terror or ecstasy, we're left with the experience of the authentic and uncensored inner animal.

Jupiter in Scorpio may have brought about such intense experiences, revealing the truth of what we are or what we want. For some, that may have been painful, or for others, a period of liberation from censorship or conformity. This New Moon is exceptionally fertile, and it invites us to step into our realness and plant the seeds for a fresh, authentic path.

Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius the next year will bolster confidence, optimism, hope, and faith. For those that need it, this transit will be helpful, but Jupiter in Sagittarius can inflame all believers, even the radicalized and deluded. The following year of Jupiter's next journey can help us transition into a more outwardly expansive and hopeful path.

Utilize this New Moon to gather strength and emotional stamina. Moodiness or a neurotic avoidance of the truth exemplify the negative face of this lunation. Neptune's trine to the New Moon can heighten sensitivity, creating ease of emotional osmosis. Be mindful of your boundaries in the days surrounding this New Moon, as it may be easy to confuse your internal state with those around you. However, Neptune’s trine can inspire and connect us with the numinous.

Overall, this New Moon in Scorpio can generate increased reverence for the great mystery. The Scorpio, Neptune, and Pluto archetypes impulse us to probe deeply into hidden and occult dimensions, as there is far less interest in cursory matters. Consider what you need to get to the heart of with this lunation, and where you need to dive deep and surrender to your passions. Take your time, sit in peace, and open yourself to the new possibilities currently unfolding.


Samhain & Venus/Uranus Opposition

By Jonathan Thorne [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

By Jonathan Thorne [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

As always, October ends with Samhain (aka Halloween), but unlike usual, Venus is retrograde, in Scorpio, and in opposition to Uranus. This is an aspect that suggests breaking with normalcy, routine, or tradition and embracing newness. With Uranus opposing Venus, this is more likely to show up in the context of relationships. But also, it can represent a sudden, unexpected shift of values, attraction, or creative vision.

Venus retrograde brings up the topic of the past, such as perhaps a sudden re-emergence of a "past life" connection, memory, or passion. Considering that the barriers between realities become malleable on Samhain, we can more easily gain access to esoteric perceptions. Under this Venus/Uranus opposition, anticipate something unusual to show up and change the current narrative.

In romantic, platonic, or marriage type arrangements, Venus/Uranus can shake us out of a predictable mode of relating or engaging with life. Whatever shows up for you, however notable or subtle, embrace the wildcard possibilities and try something different. This is the second of three Venus/Uranus oppositions this year, the last occurring on Nov. 30. This opposition during Venus retrograde can represent the most radical, emotional shift.

Venus is currently closer to the Earth, the heart is louder than usual, and connecting with Uranus can emancipate repressed desires or creativity. For the next few days, reach beyond your comfort zone, seek an adventure, or meet up with new (or some familiar) souls. Relationships of all kinds will likely be the conduit of change. And just past Venus' inferior conjunction, something fresh is emerging from the heart, so take some time to listen.


Mercury/Jupiter Conjunctions


Mercury and Jupiter are conjoining in the sky, the first of three conjunctions from late Oct. through Dec. due to Mercury's retrograde cycle beginning next month. This week's conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter occurs in Scorpio, emphasizing investigative prowess and perceptual attunement to the shadows.

The combination of Mercury and Jupiter correlates with an improvement in outlook, especially in regards to hard to digest truths. Honesty, realism, and bluntness have a more significant impact, emphasis, and efficaciousness right now. But considering that Mercury is now entering the shadow of its retrograde cycle, look to your overall future vision and how that might change over the coming weeks.

Mercury/Jupiter can stimulate excitement about a dream, mission, or ideal, which is likely to undergo some refinement, adjustment, and reconsideration from Nov. 16 through Dec. 6. Jupiter enters Sagittarius early next month, bolstering Jupiter's auspicious and expansive nature beyond the usual. Yes, this is a fortunate and enthusiastic Jupiter, promising new horizons, doorways, and hope.

But also, we can overdo it when Jupiter is in its ultimate power. And also, the next weeks cautions about overlooking critical details or getting caught up in too-good-to-be-true promises of limitless health, wealth, and glory. However, some new possibility is emerging and within reach, and we'll be given a chance to reimagine for ourselves just what that might look like. Think big, but stay grounded.


Burning Love: New Venus in Scorpio 2018

Autumn in the elfin forest; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018.

Autumn in the elfin forest; photo by Chad Woodward, 2018.

Both the Sun and Venus are conjoining in tropical Scorpio, also known as Venus' inferior conjunction (aka New Venus). It is a pivotal or momentous opening, magnified by the Sun and Venus square the lunar nodes. In Scorpio, there's an edginess, intensity, and precariousness charging the atmosphere, as well as the sense of a relational, creative, or financial narrative reaching a crossroads.

Venus has hit the bottom, so to speak, the depths of the underworld. And Venus' retrograde conjunction with the Sun brings her closer to the Earth than usual, magnifying the heart's longing and desire for connection, purpose, and inclusion. At the moment, following the heart might require stepping outside of your comfort zone, or having to adjust to a dramatically changed environment.

Venus in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus can bring on sudden breaks with stuck or stagnant routines, or any structures which limit creative freedom or the heart's ability to speak. Relational or contractual upheavals are possible, and as always with Uranus, unforeseen variables permeate the landscape, offering wild yet innovative possibilities.

But from here on out, Venus will gradually return to its visibility in the sky, re-entering Libra at the end of the month. New values, attractions, perspectives, and purpose can emerge from the conjoining of Venus and Sun. Pay close attention to the shift deep inside of you and within the context of key relationships. There may be an incredible sense of uncertainty, hesitation, or fear. But this New Venus invites us on a pathway toward greater freedom, even if that hasn't fully materialized yet, or we can't yet envision it.

And death is always entwined within every birth. The remnants of decay fertilize for new life. Venus in Scorpio beckons us into the depths to find the beauty within the discarded, ignored, or subjugated. Increased lucidity can verge on paranoia, but also offers a more authentic glimpse of the world in which we live. No matter how frightening any emerging perspective might be, open your heart to it. It can change you. Love is seething, burning, and forever transforming.


Revolutionary Rumbles: Sun Opposition Uranus

Photo by Chad Woodward

Photo by Chad Woodward

As we get closer to the Full Moon culmination (Oct. 24), the rumblings of revolution get louder, starting with the Sun's opposition to Uranus. Entering Scorpio, the Sun faces off with the God/Goddess of mutation, innovation, and genius. This week is likely to be filled with rapid, or unanticipated shifts in both internal and external environments.

Uranus triggers the desire to seek freedom from the past as well as the freedom to make a unique stamp on the world. As the Full Moon blossoms this week, it sends out powerful Uranian surges which can make conformity a challenge and stability hard to maintain. The approaching Full Moon can synchronize with much-needed change-waves, so surrender to something fresh and flow with your heart's desire to add something new to the daily narrative.

The Sun's transit through Scorpio also deepens the Venus retrograde cycle currently underway. On Oct. 26, Venus reaches its inferior conjunction with the Sun. Breakthroughs and new beginnings both infuse this week. And with Uranus, Sun, and Venus square the nodes, the current climate feels karmically "charged," that is, supported by events/actions which can be meaningful turning points in the soul's overall plan.

Yes, it can feel like a poignant crossroads is upon us in some way, so pay close attention to the current direction of flow. Venus retrograde beckons the conscious mind to get more rooted into the heart to reflect on what the soul wants. While things can feel incredibly accelerated this week, there are subtle dimensions which need tending. Many of the changes on the table are likely to manifest in the realm of interpersonal relationships, finances, and values.

The heart is getting louder, and with it, a magnetic pull to what you want and need. The Uranian emphasis adds a unique and individuating spin to all of this, so it's not the season to hold yourself back or sell yourself out to gain approval. Reflect on what it is that excites you and feeds both heart and soul, and let the mind figure out the logistics.


Free the Heart: Full Moon in Taurus 2018

By Juskteez Vu [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Juskteez Vu [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 1 Taurus 13’

October 24, 2018

9:45 AM Los Angeles

12:45 PM New York

5:45 PM London

Oct. 25, 2018

12:45 AM Beijing

3:45 AM Sydney

October's Full Moon occurs in the deep of Venus' retrograde cycle, just two days before Venus' inferior conjunction with the Sun, the midpoint or symbolic halfway marker of the retrograde. Therefore, we can view this lunation as a dynamic culmination, breakthrough, or resolution in this collective and personal descent into the shadows.

With Venus gaining closeness to the Sun, it opposes the Full Moon and Uranus. So, yes, in addition to Venus' opposition to this Full Moon, Uranus makes a conjunction. In tropical Taurus, this Full Moon would otherwise stand as a solid grounding point in the collective field, a concretizing and stabilizing ending or conclusion of various matters.

However, Uranus is not a stable archetype. As the God/Goddess of chaos, disruption, and revolution, Uranus brings forth the wildcard--the sudden, unexpected, novel, and radical. There will be no clean nor predictable outcomes with this Full Moon, no sense of certainty or reliability from comforting routines. And while the Full Moon axis squares the North and South Node (aka the bendings), we are hanging in stasis between both the past and future.

Uranus' conjunction also works to quicken and accelerate the completion or culmination of pending matters, so this Full Moon is likely to rush in and out if we don't give it much thought. Looking deeper, two primary areas brought up by the Full Moon are relationships and finances, dominant Venusian themes. With Venus as ruler of the Full Moon (and retrograde), we are dealing more heavily with the past--unresolved issues which entangle the heart's desires, attractions, and values.

Sudden changes of heart are likely under this Full Moon, unexpected twists in relational narratives, impromptu financial breakthroughs or windfalls, or perhaps a liberation of creative/aesthetic powers. Uranus through Taurus over the next seven years seeks to redeem us from the static and stagnant and to liberate the libidinous and primal. In synthesizing the elements of this Full Moon, it carries a highly pagan and even sensuous vibe.

In the days surrounding this lunation, you may witness abrupt shatterings of conformity, the urge to take a risk and follow the heart, a break with stale and stifling commitments, ingenious/revolutionary creative sparks, or a rapid unleashing of animalistic desires and compulsions. Yes, this Full Moon will be hard to tame, because it dares us to descend deeper into those ignored chasms within the psyche to emancipate the heart from unnecessary limitations.

Saturn's trine to the Full Moon, however, is constructive, accentuating of the earth energy inherent to it. Saturn helps to constrain massive emotional or erratic energies adding realism, productivity, and focus. Under Saturn's auspicious trine, anticipate that consistent efforts provoke quantum leaps, and that hard work has paved the way for an innovative augmentation. But under these Full Moon vibes, be careful of hasty investments, or falling too profoundly into fleeting infatuations.

The heart's greater amplitude via Venus retrograde can side step pragmatism despite Saturn's helpful hand. As we near Venus' inferior conjunction (Oct. 26), this Full Moon brings about a critical and revolutionary release and dissipation of expired dependencies. Landscapes are changing and with that, a feeling of uncertainty. But Uranus reminds us that freedom can only exist when we transcend our attachment to the past. Changes are forthcoming, so better to go with the flow than impede the surge and swelling of life.


Rapid Fluctuations: Mercury, Mars, & Neptune

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

By LCGS Russ via from Wikimedia Commons

Mercury in Scorpio is reaching two aspects at the end of this week (Oct. 19). First, a trine to Neptune in Pisces followed by a square to Mars in Aquarius. Unless in the process of a retrograde station, flighty Mercury is quick, zooming through a zodiacal sign in 20 days or less. Mercury relates to our shifting and ever-changing reality, as much as it refers to the mind and its logical/rational aptness.

Mercury's exacting trine with Neptune is daydreamy, magnifying the mystical qualities of Mercury (as the messenger of the Gods and Goddesses). Yes, you might feel that sense that new things are possible, and given Mercury's presence in Scorpio, that your perceptual abilities are hyperfocused and nearly transcendental. It might be hard to fully articulate what you perceive under a Mercury/Neptune moment, and sometimes it’s best to convey insights and information through less literal communication.

Mercury/Neptune's auspicious trine aspect creates a free flow of exchange between the tangible and numinous, but Mercury's square to Mars is a source of conflict and tension. Currently transiting Mars' home sign, Mercury in Scorpio more easily succumbs to the primal, raw edges of instinct, desire, and reactive emotions. There can be a challenge in the moment of managing a compromise between the impulsive/visceral and prudent/sensible.

But overall, Mercury is a messenger, and as we near the end of the week, we are likely to receive profound insight, information, news, or advice related to our deepest desires, lusts, dreams, and visions. We can't forget Venus too, moving retrograde and so lighting up the sensitivity of the heart and its need to feel loved, wanted, heard, and understood. This is a dynamic receptivity moment, so yes, open your mind, but don't forget to listen to the heart and trust its wisdom.


Mercury, Venus, & Scorpio

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, 2018

Mercury in Scorpio makes a conjunction with Venus retrograde at the start of the week. Mercury/Venus makes for unusually smooth verbal and financial transactions. Venus' retrograde cycle is increasingly amplifying desires, attractions, and all heart-related themes clear up to its inferior conjunction Oct. 26.

So yes, the heart is getting louder, and Mercury can help us speak up about what we're profoundly feeling, especially anything that's been hard to say. Mercury is fleeting, and so this heart/mind connection won't last long. The first few days of this week can be extra synchronistic/serendipitous, potentially magical in various ways.

Conversations/dialogues can feel especially infused with intensity and brute honesty. For clearing the air of pent-up and repressed emotional content, Mercury/Venus can work beautifully to smooth things out and accentuate receptivity. And those potentially challenging, distressing, or otherwise objectionable topics can fit more easily into discourse and examinations.

Also, elements of the past can come powerfully forward this week. Unresolved discussions, past-life muses, unfinished creative works, and insightful facts/information can be dominating points of focus. Pay close attention to any brief yet poignant interactions and still, look beyond what's said. The mind isn't always this lucid or intuitive, so note the deeper complexity beneath the words.


Tipping the Scales: Venus Square Mars & Mercury Opposition Uranus

Arches National Park; photo by John Sullivan

Arches National Park; photo by John Sullivan

Mercury's ingress into Scorpio this week triggers its opposition to erratic and electrifying Uranus. While a brief and fleeting event, it just might send waves until the remainder of the week. Of course, far more is going on. Mercury is now in Scorpio, discussed here. Venus is retrograde and is now reaching its square to Mars and the Sun squares Pluto.

Mercury's opposition to Uranus can correlate with a breakthrough in dialogue or perception. Occurring in fixed signs, Mercury/Uranus seeks to radically alter a static view of reality or impulse an innovative train of thought. On the material level, techno/mechanical aberrations are likely (but can resolve as quickly as they manifest).

Sudden flashes of insight accompany a potentially agitated or restless atmosphere, so yes, expect the unexpected and seek to liberate your mind and voice. Venus' square to Mars adds some poignant intensity to various relational interactions. Consider that healthy conflict and tension can deepen trust and understanding. With Venus retrograde, we are adding new layers of complexity to our perception of those we interact with most.

Latent relational tensions may give rise and find a voice. But also, Venus square Mars is a highly sexual stimulus, and quick flings will likely provide more than initially expected. For unleashing raw and uncensored urges, the remainder of the week can feel unusually visceral. Venus/Mars has optimal creative applications, too. Take note of emerging passion which can reinvigorate pending projects.

The Sun's square to Pluto exacts Oct. 11 and carries some energies of the New Moon in Libra. Combined with Venus/Mars, Sun/Pluto can correlate with power struggles in our relationships this week. The need to assert a unique view of things could meet resistance. But all of this tension can strengthen values and integrity, despite a potential lack of a clean resolution.

Reflect on how idealism is currently being challenged. Pluto in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio especially offer a more honest view of reality. The Sun in Libra still leans on the side of diplomacy, yet the strong Scorpionic undercurrent and Pluto's dynamic square present the challenge of balancing niceness with realness.

The Dark Moon & Mercury in Scorpio

Early October sunset; photo by Chad Woodward

Early October sunset; photo by Chad Woodward

We are in the darkness of the Libra New Moon. Yes, this is a natural rest and reset moment which can relate to a ubiquitous zap of energy (that some people feel more strongly). But the New Moon is also a fresh beginning point. The next two weeks of the upward turning lunar cycle are conducive to the initiation of new paths.

This New Moon is particularly dark with the New Moon ruler, Venus, retrograde in Scorpio. There is more going on right now than you can presently see, especially in the context of relationships. Scorpio works on subterranean levels as does its modern ruler Pluto. The next few days are pivotal starting points for several Venus retrograde themes.

One side effect of this New Moon could be a gradual unveiling of concealed desires or hidden aspects of another. The Scorpio realms add more dimension and insight to what we consciously know about our reality. Mercury enters Scorpio Oct. 9 which gives the mind investigative prowess evident until the end of the month.

For mentally and perceptually dissecting just about anything, Mercury in Scorpio is optimal energy. Authenticity wins out over all things superficial. The subtext is more clearly discernable and false fronts rapidly dissolve, revealing the underlying vulnerability. Do what you will with such insight, but in this karmically charged landscape, you might do best to stick to what eases your conscience.


Peace, Love & Darkness: New Moon in Libra 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

Photo by Chad Woodward, October 2018

New Moon @ 15 Libra 48’

October 8, 2018

8:47 PM Los Angeles

11:47 PM New York

October 9, 2018

4:47 AM London

11:47 AM Beijing

1:47 PM Sydney

Every New Moon is a dark Moon, the moment within the lunar cycle when the Moon cannot be seen. This New Moon is especially dark, given its square aspect to Pluto and with Venus now moving retrograde in Scorpio. Occurring in tropical Libra, this New Moon highlights relationships, desires, and attractions and their ability to reflect concealed and unconscious aspects within ourselves.

This lunation is about plunging deep to uncover what lies hidden beneath our social veneers which prevent authentic interaction. Libra's negative face exemplifies the abuse of charm, charisma, and glamor when used as vehicles for manipulation and self-gratification. A successful descent into this New Moon requires a commitment to honesty as well as integrity.

Over the next three weeks especially, with Venus now retrograde through Scorpio, we are undergoing a powerful personal and relational renewal which occurs every year and a half. Venus, as ruler of this New Moon, initiates us on our quest into the darkness, to confront the obscure and discarded to find peace, love, and acceptance for what is.

Pluto's square to the New Moon and Mars' applying square to Venus are two points of tension which can challenge us with the limitations of power or serve as catalysts to step up and create real and lasting change. As we pass through this lunation, consider the time, patience, and commitment required to develop love and passion for anyone and anything.

This New Moon can stand as the gateway to the deepening of both love and passion for those commitments and relationships we've established close bonds to. Venus' retrograde station can amplify our desire to love and be loved, sensitizing any woundedness or heartbreak.

A most significant step in life, as it is with this New Moon, is learning to trust our wounds, pain, fears, and anxieties as teachers. There is great wisdom in the darkness, despite the western world's obsessive subjugation of it. There is freedom and liberation in encountering the taboo and those things despised. We are not separate from the things we fear or do not understand. We have merely lost our connection to the totality of our truth.

With this lunation, step back, sink in, and listen. Move beyond the comfortable prison of your personal and subjective perspective. Over the next lunar cycle, there is a challenge in trusting the call to seek a potentially ambiguous viewpoint. As Venus' archetype gets louder, we will descend deeper into the irrational, wild, and untamable. We may have to move into some uncomfortable places to grow, but we will learn to value and appreciate a new reality (both within and without) that we never really noticed before.