new moon sagittarius 2024

Coming Together: New Moon in Sagittarius 2024

New Moon @ 9 degrees Sagittarius 33' 
November 30, 2024
10:21 PM PST
November 31, 2024
1:21 AM EST

November closes with a New Moon in tropical Sagittarius alongside the confluence of Mercury and Mars retrograde cycles. While Mars' official retrograde station occurs December 6th, it is slowing alongside the start of Mercury's retrograde cycle (that began November 25). Thus, the waxing phase of this lunar cycle (til the Full Moon December 15th) is more supportive of allowing ourselves to step back, revise, and refocus. 

The mutual reception of both retrograde Mercury and Jupiter (transiting each other's ruling sign) highlights a theme of altering perception, changing opinions, and integrating conflicting or paradoxical points of view. Certainty and clarity will not be easy to grasp under this lunation, so this is a good time to dig deeper for more information and open ourselves to alternative perspectives. 

Taking a more receptive and humble approach to what you know (or think you know) and intentionally challenging yourself to expand your perception will take you much further over the following weeks. Anticipate also some major changes and revisions to plans and perspectives, so approach this lunar cycle with more flexibility, humility, and a willingness to learn something new. 

Mars' trine to the New Moon and the lunar North Node indicate that this is a favorable portal through which we can ultimately strengthen and bolster a worldview, ideological orientation, or conception of the truth. Yet, instead of rushing thoughtlessly (or dogmatically) with conviction, take more time to critically and intuitively reflect on the pieces before you, and the picture will eventually become clearer.