Alternate Paths: New Moon in Aquarius 2021

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; Photo by Chad Woodward, August 2020

New Moon @ 23 degrees Aquarius 13'

February 11, 2021

11:07 AM Pacific Standard Time

2:07 PM Eastern Standard Time

As this month's New Moon arrives, we are given greater space to move more freely. With Venus, the last inner planet to clear the Saturn/Pluto conjunction zone, a significant layer of personal and collective weight has been lifted. Symbolically, this New Moon brings with it fresh currents to filter and clear any stagnant air in the form of new ideas, conversations, and perspectives.

Occurring in tropical air sign Aquarius, there is an emphasis with this New Moon on distinct Aquarian themes: individuation, collaboration, alienation, and innovative maneuvers. And with six objects currently occupying this sign, the Aquarian archetype dominates the moment.

One critical piece of this lies in Uranus and Mars' square to the Aquarian cluster zone. The inherent Aquarian polarity of individuation/alienation becomes significantly louder here, adding friction necessary to draw new distinctions between oneself and the tribe.

Yet, also at this moment, the individual and its agency, subjective experiences, and unique points of view can easily get drowned out and lost. Thinking for ourselves can be challenging when inundated with endless objective data points to reflect on. Groupthink or a herd mentality are pitfalls of Aquarius, in addition to apathy or antisocial tendencies.

As with every New Moon, there is something beginning to take hold, tangibly as much as psychically. Perhaps that represents a step forward in the direction of greater individuation, embracing new ways to think and act in accordance with authenticity. Mars' square compels action and initiation through the prodding of personal and collective agency.

Facing fears related to embodying individuality, such as the fear of rejection or cultural/social exclusion, can also emerge with this New Moon. Taking a unique path connected to that, perhaps stepping forward in a more confident way, or maybe backing and limiting some interaction altogether.

Mercury's retrograde cycle here in Aquarius urges a rethinking and retooling of how we are to represent ourselves and our collective endeavors, as well as our thoughts, perceptions, or opinions related to anything outside the bounds of normalcy. The modern Aquarian carries an edge, one that challenges the consensus as much as it seeks to distinctly define itself admist the herd.

And while there is some conflict contained in this fresh, new emergence (via a square to Mars), there is also a greater sense of expansion and a willingness to embrace alternative ideas, tactics and approaches. It's usually a good idea to trust the more unusual path when it comes to anything Aquarian, despite the inevitable detours and unforeseen end results.

Emerging Light: Full Moon in Leo 2021

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

WillMatt4, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 09 degrees Leo 05'
January 28, 2021
11:16 AM Pacific Standard Time
2:16 PM Eastern Standard Time

With the first month of 2021 nearly over, we are greeted by a tension-filled and dynamic Full Moon in tropical Leo. While this lunation's thrust is initially uncomfortable, it brings about synchronistic wild cards sure to bring some surprising breakthroughs and turning points.

The sign of Leo emphasizes several archetypal dimensions. There is an emphasis on playfulness and the cultivation of joy, as well as the pursuit of visibility--putting oneself "out there" through various means of self-expression. And as Full Moons so often correlate with budding and erupting, there is likely to be the debut of some interesting performative displays.

The tension and inevitable uncomfortable factor of this lunation likely acts as a catalyst to push something or someone more into view. For anything that's been hiding out, this lunation can help bring it forward into expressiveness. Jupiter's opposition and solar conjunction add optimism, confidence, and opportunities to expand an audience.

However, with the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn opposing the Full Moon from Aquarius, there is equally an invitation to consider the balance between self-expression and collaboration, as well as the interplay between subjective and objective points of view. The tendency to get stuck in self-focused pursuits can lead to missing a more realistic perspective.

Mars and Uranus' square can also lead to arrogant overconfidence or hypervigilant overactions. Oversee aggressiveness and impulse with this Full Moon since things can quickly move above and beyond what is necessary. Yet, Uranus and Mars also relate to a sudden challenge to pursue a unique approach, style, or tactic.

Whatever shows up for you with this Full Moon, it's likely a culmination of something in which you can be recognized, acknowledged, or appreciated. Leo's innate message is that we all have a place to shine in the universe, and doing so (within reason) is a fundamental right to being alive. In times like these, we could all use a little light and a boost of confidence to nudge us further along.

Pushing Through the Shadows: New Moon in Capricorn 2021

Scott Wylie from UK, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Scott Wylie from UK, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon @ 23 degrees tropical Capricorn 13’

January 12, 2021

9:00 PM PDT

January 13, 2021

12:00 AM EDT

2021's first lunation is a New Moon in tropical Capricorn. With the New Moon in conjunction to Pluto and the Moon in detriment, this can feel like a heavy and stoic few days. Additionally, Mars' building conjunction with Uranus and square to Saturn and Jupiter add further tension and instability to this New Moon moment.

However, despite all that's emerging externally on the world stage, utilize this New Moon for self-reflective insight acquisition, solitude, or honing in on specific tasks or projects. As with every New Moon, this is a fresh start, but one that can help narrow and prioritize both dreams and responsibilities.

While the Capricorn archetype's streak of conservatism is likely to play some role during this New Moon, Saturn's conjunction with Jupiter and square to Uranus adds a unique dimension. It challenges us to break the mold, liberate our routines and daily structures, and incorporate radical new ideas or approaches.

Pluto's central role with this New Moon also speaks to the necessity of utilizing our agency to willingly confront the ways in which we've allowed limiting beliefs about reality to stifle progress. Saturn and Jupiter's transits through Aquarius tilt the emphasis away from solidifying structures toward their innovation.

And always with Pluto, there may be a test to see how far we've pushed and plunged our inner darkness. With this New Moon, there may be subtle reminders of the power we've attained from facing blindspots, as well as reminders of those we've yet to confront. The intensity of this New Moon lies in the synchronistic emergence of an inward call. If we heed it over the next few weeks and remain honest with ourselves and others, we can break through to new vistas and possibilities.

Deeper Wisdom: Full Moon in Cancer 2020

Uoaei1, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Uoaei1, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon @ 08 degrees Cancer 53'

December 29, 2020

7:29 PM PST

10:29 PM EST

What is arguably the most challenging year in modern history ends with a Full Moon in tropical Cancer. Perhaps it's appropriate that the final lunation of 2020 is not necessarily an easy one. Forming a t-square with the centaur object Chiron, there is an element of tension that pushes this Full Moon to a heavier vibe. However, there is a catalyzing thrust to this lunation, bringing both climax and resolution that can generate motivation and proactivity.

Chiron's "wounded healer" mythology tends to play a role whenever it's prominent in astrological events. Chiron's square to this Full Moon is not comfortable. It stimulates greater awareness of pain, defects, and flaws--physical, emotional, or spiritual. The emotional terrain can feel especially active under any Cancerian Full Moon, but especially one triggered by Chiron where there can be an excessive focus on what hurts us rather than what's going right.

A Full Moon in Cancer magnifies issues in our intimate lives, drawing us inward despite the Full Moon's extroverted emphasis. Mercury's opposition invites contemplation of strategy and pragmatics, while the Moon in Cancer pulls us more toward matters of the heart. A conflict arises between how we feel versus how we think about a problem or issue at hand. However, this Full is fleeting as much as it is dynamic, generating a few days of movement that can free unexpressed or unacknowledged emotional and psychic content.

Often with Chiron, there's a need to look beyond the symptoms to the deeper attitudinal or perceptual problems. Sometimes it's in seeing things differently that we can finally make the appropriate shifts, and healing can begin. If or when you've exhausted all of the standard, topical methods for dealing with a problem, open your heart and mind to new possibilities. A trine to Neptune and sextile to Uranus suggests opportunities abound for freeing ourselves from perceptual traps that limit our ability to fully heal ourselves.

If you find yourself stuck alongside this Full Moon, try actively surrendering to something larger than yourself--your body's wisdom, the natural world, or a higher power (whatever that looks like for you). A tendency to overthink or dwell on a problem can actually prevent resolution, but sitting back and disengaging a bit might provide insights worth pursuing and integrating. While this Full Moon's initial thrust might not feel good at first, consider it necessary to redirect our focus and engage more with the wisdom inside and all around us.

Something Greater: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2020

Stephan Sprinz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Stephan Sprinz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse @

23 degrees tropical Sagittarius 08'

December 14, 2020

8:17 AM PST

11:17 AM EST

As 2020 nears its end, we're greeted by a total solar eclipse in tropical Sagittarius. As the last New Moon of the year, this eclipse is a potent new beginning preceding Saturn and Jupiter's epic Dec. 21st conjunction (on the winter solstice). While the Saturn/Pluto/Eris tension will not fully wane until the end of next year (the apocalyptic slog we've been treading through all year), we are about to pass through much lighter (and substantially different) astrological terrain.

Firstly, the eclipse will be visible for southern portions of South America and somewhat for western parts of Southern Africa. The path of totality will pass through Chile and Argentina. The rest of the world will not see the eclipse, but we will all feel its symbolic correlations. Sagittarius is an expansive sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter--god/goddess of optimism, good fortune, and unceasing horizons. Feel that sense of expansion rising in the collective. It is wholly antithetical and out of place in the beleaguering field of 2020's heavy astrology.

Yet, it is happening, and it adds to the archetypal field of the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction, set to temporarily fuse into one archetypal being at the Sun's passage over the winter solstice. The symbolism here is stunning. The winter solstice is the darkest moment in the Sun's seasonal journey in the northern hemisphere, yet it also a moment of hope, the return of the light, and the Sun's inevitable rise toward spring. Yes, while things have been heavy, brooding, and terrifying, the clouds are slightly parting and revealing new opportunities.

Faith, belief, hope, and the enduring quest for the bigger picture are some of Sagittarius' archetypal motivations. Perhaps those are taking precedence for each of us somehow, especially a sense of finally seeing a way out, forward, onward, or upward. Mercury's conjunction with the eclipse signifies the powerful emergence of information, data, conversation, insight, or perspective, especially pertaining to past, unresolved situations or dynmaics. At the south node of the Moon, this eclipse also impulses us to release and surrender to make space for the future.

A trine from Mars in Aries adds more to the fire element contained in this eclipse. While Mars' hard aspects to Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, and Eris this year made us confront Mars' more difficult side, this trine is a refreshing boost of Mars' willpower, motivation, and confidence. Charging ahead onto new paths, planning for a new beginning, and pondering new challenges and arenas for expansion are all favored by this eclipse.

However, there are some cautions to be mindful of. Mars' trine and the Jupiter/Sagittarian tendency toward busts of impulse can lead to inflated confidence and poorly planned leaps of faith. Neptune's square can also cloud judgment, obscure critical details, inundate with disinformation, or blindsight us with insubstantial, glamorous facades. And we may see some examples of extreme fanaticism, dogmatism, and overly audacious zeal.

The rapid pace of internal and external changes can make decisiveness a challenge. Reflect on and take time to digest all that's coming to you now. Neptune's square to this eclipse suggests utilizing this rising passion and enthusiasm toward attaining a new vision of what's possible, but be cautious in carrying it out hastily. Challenge yourself to see above the surface of events, and beyond the façade lies extraordinary possibilities and renewed hope for something greater.

Pace of Mind: Lunar Eclipse in Gemini 2020

Photo by Ilka Franz via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Ilka Franz via Wikimedia Commons

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse @ 09 degrees Gemini 38’

November 30, 2020

1:30 AM PST

4:30 AM EST

November ends with a Full Moon/lunar Eclipse in tropical Gemini. Eclipses often correlate with increased intensity and pace of events (as if we need more of that right now). However, these eclipses at the end of 2020 also promise to rapidly clear the air and bring about new themes and developments.

Additionally, Jupiter and Saturn will shift into Aquarius within days of one another and conjoin on the winter solstice. The Saturn/Jupiter conjunction is another signature transit of 2020, but far lighter and constructive than the Saturn/Jupiter/Pluto line-up that dominated most of the year. While Saturn and Pluto will still be in orb of conjunction until the end of 2021, Saturn/Jupiter in Aquarius brings fresh ambiance and new possibilities just when we need them.

This Full Moon/lunar eclipse will be visible from North America, Greenland, South America, Australia, and most of Asia. As a penumbral eclipse, only the Earth's outer shadow (the penumbra) will move over the Moon's face. There is likely to be intensified culminations or turning points clustering around this lunation, especially involving the Gemini themes of informational and communicative exchange. Look for perspective-altering news, data, gossip, and rapidly changing facts.

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is also highlighted. Gemini is tangential and often distractable, while Sagittarius is often motivated by a singular vision, belief, or philosophy. The tension between these two pursuits shows up with this Full Moon as a struggle between holding on to faith in light of conflicting information, or conversely, feeling more validated in a belief due to corroborating evidence.

Neptune's wide square to the Full Moon axis prompts a creative or visionary response to the moment. However, it also potentially generates a sense of obfuscation, uncertainty, or longingness to escape. Neptune's square can also challenge perceptions, instilling doubt or newfound faith, but a change in how we conceive "reality" is likely a critical correlation with this eclipse.

Reality is an ever-changing cultural and empirical construct. A part of us doesn't like that since it suggests we don't have a full grasp of what's going on. And yet, as paradoxical beings in a paradoxical universe, there is also a sense of liberation in such insight. Reality can be both reliable and, in some ways, malleable. With this eclipse, I think we can feel both hesitation and anticipation about what's possible and an openess to changing our minds about all of it.

Undercover: New Moon in Scorpio 2020

Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Wildpark -- 2018 -- 1417-21” / CC BY-SA 4.0

Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Wildpark -- 2018 -- 1417-21” / CC BY-SA 4.0

November 14, 2020

9:08 PM PST

November 15, 2020

12:08 AM EST

November's New Moon in tropical Scorpio is the symbolic onramp to the final eclipse season of 2020. There will be two eclipses following this New Moon: a penumbral lunar eclipse on Nov. 30 (visible from North and South America, Asia, and Australia) and a total solar eclipse on Dec. 14 (visible from southern regions of South America and South Africa). Often, accelerated collective and personal shifts tend to cluster around eclipses, so use this New Moon as a resourceful recharge and restart moment.

Mars, the New Moon ruler, stations direct on the same day. Mars has been retrograde since early September but has been moving through Aries since the end of June. Mars won't leave Aries until Jan. 6. Nevertheless, its direct station alongside this lunation is a potent symbol indicating a gradual (but not sudden) return of lost, redirected, or frustrated momentum over the next several weeks.

For many who have been directly impacted by Mars retrograde and the Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter transits, the latter half of this year has likely been challenging, requiring some serious patience, focus, and humility. Mars moving direct (and Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius next month) correlate with incoming resolutions to chronic, ongoing problems and a much-anticipated change of scenery and pace.

Mars' station alongside this New Moon makes a critical statement about standing firm, emphasizing boundaries, asserting willpower, and taking the initiative. Yet, Scorpio's emphasis on the inner psyche and life's hidden dimensions suggests a willing confrontation with anything that's evaded conscious recognition.

A Scorpio New Moon is often the start of confronting some truth or perception that's been hidden or taking steps to embrace authenticity. Jupiter and Pluto's sextile and Neptune's trine aspects offer ease of access to "other realms" related to either tangible, unconscious, or supernatural realities. While it won't take much effort to glimpse deeper, you'll at least need an intention if you want a more nuanced view of something.

Consider using this New Moon to slip further into intimacy, honesty, or self-awareness. And at least for a few days, we'll be less interested in surface appearances and more attuned to the mechanisms beneath it all. If you're willing, there may be some spontaneous realizations that can help piece together a mystery or point to the root of a long-standing pattern or impulse.

Shifting Ground: Full Moon in Taurus 2020

NOAA Photo Library, NOAA Central Library; OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)

NOAA Photo Library, NOAA Central Library; OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)

Full Moon @ 08 degrees Taurus 38'

October 31, 2020

7:49 AM PDT

10:49 AM EDT

As the second Full Moon of October (Blue Moon), occurring on Halloween/Samhain and in close conjunction with Uranus, there's likely to be some hype surrounding it and some dire predictions. As with any Full Moon, its dynamics will be felt for a few days (before and after), and it will correlate with symbolic crescendos of varying kinds. Beyond that, how this Full Moon shows up for you will depend on how it touches your chart or how you respond to the Uranian archetype.

Starting with Uranus, the revolutionary change-maker and great awakener, there is undoubtedly a stronger than usual push to break the mold, try something new, or otherwise resist restraint, conformity, or stasis. An unexpected, sudden, or potentially shocking element can also coincide with this Full Moon, but Uranian energy isn't indefinitely unpleasant, especially when change is desperately wanted.

The conflict in this Full Moon lies in an archetypal incongruency between Taurus, Uranus, and Scorpio. The Taurus/Scorpio axis is fixed--archetypally attuned to creating and maintaining stability, consistency, and presence. There's an "in the now" feel to Taurus and Scorpio, yet their terrain is slightly different. Taurus emphasizes slow, gradual, and serene, while Scorpio resonates with the deep, penetrating, and intense.

Uranus' conjunction with this Full Moon can correlate with a sudden shift in situations, circumstances, or interactions that we may have thought were permanent, immovable fixtures. However, Uranian energy resonates with the lighting-fast kind of change that rapidly topples structures. Such sudden change can be welcome or terrifying and will be a more predominant theme of Uranus' transit in Taurus through 2026.

Uranus is also individuating and freedom-seeking, qualities that resonate with Taurus' emphasis on self-sustainment and resourcefulness. There can be breakthroughs or critical culminations in embracing a unique identity or an attempt at self-sufficiency. Also, consider how embracing simplicity can be radically defiant, especially in a world that grows increasingly complex.

Yet, despite Uranus' notable presence, a Taurus Full Moon still invites us to make peace, call a truce, or "sit with" whatever we're trying to deal with. A radical departure from our routines or typical tactics might be required to come more readily into the moment. And if you've been attempting to make a desperately wanted change (or not), you might find the ground seriously shifting with this Full Moon.

At the Threshold: New Moon in Libra 2020

Brocken Inaglory, retouched by User:Flamurai / CC BY-SA (

Brocken Inaglory, retouched by User:Flamurai / CC BY-SA (

New Moon @ 23 Libra 53'

October 16, 2020

12:32 PM PDT

3:32 PM EDT

October's New Moon in tropical Libra represents a personal and collective restart in relational dynamics. Romantic, professional, and platonic relationships are highlighted, but so are activities, situations, or issues that require balance, negotiation, or compromise. Libra represents "the other"--a perspective, opinion, or experience that differs from our own. There can be a need or emphasis on broadening the horizon with this lunation and balancing between self-interest and empathic awareness.

While the Libran desire for equanimity, peace, and a sense of calm can dominate the next few days, there are several challenges inherent to this New Moon that can make that difficult. However, also consider the possibility that those challenges must be overcome or dealt with to attain those loftier Libran ideals and objectives.

This New Moon finds itself at the epicenter of the challenging astrology of October and 2020 overall. While squaring the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction, this lunation additionally finds itself in opposition to Mars retrograde in Aries. And at the moment, Mars in Aries (burning brighter than usual in the present sky due to its opposition to the Sun), represents much the antithesis of Libra's "meeting in the middle" strategy.

In Aries, Mars is fierce warrior energy--setting boundaries, severing unwanted connections, claiming territory, and challenging opposing perspectives or desires. And perhaps while desiring to lay low, rest, or take it easy with this lunation, we may have to reconcile dilemmas involving that classic push-pull between personal needs and relational demands.

The t-square with Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter adds an element of seriousness, gravity, and pressure that can hinder rapid progress or catalyze movement where there's been stagnation. To add more complexity, Mercury turns retrograde shortly before this New Moon, highlighting information, news, or a perspective that can lead to a reevaluation and revision.

In pushing forward with current projects or situations, carefully consider these complex dynamics, the need for patience, and the possibility of delays. This doesn't suggest inaction, but it may indicate taking more time to evaluate a strategy or carefully reviewing the fine print before reaching an agreement. Additionally, consider the confluence of inner planetary retrogrades, suggesting the possibility of going back to address chronic, ongoing problems or dilemmas from the past. A change in direction, focus, or tactic here is also a high possibility.

This lunation's core tension: Mars in Aries wants to quickly and rapidly solve a problem in its own way. Yet the Libra New Moon and Mercury retrograde might suggest seeking out another point of view and gathering additional information. Finding a solution somewhere between the two ends of that spectrum will be the most ideal. And with Saturn and Pluto at the apex of the t-square, ignoring or pushing problems aside is not wise.

This lunation may represent a critical point where certain problems have to be addressed, looked at, and evaluated. While the solution (or the process of finding the solution) may not feel so comfortable, the changes it ensues could lead to future improvements. While we shouldn't expect quick and immediate results with intentions, projects, or solutions set forth with this New Moon, those that have solid backing will have a profound and dynamic impact in due time.

Stepping into Power: Full Moon in Aries 2020

Photo by Flicka / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons.

Photo by Flicka / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons.

Full Moon @ 9 degrees Aries 8’

October 1, 2020

2:06 PM PDT

5:06 PM EDT

This month's Full Moon occurs at the start of October in the tropical sign of Aries. It is the first of three lunations within October's challenging astrological landscape. The Sun's ingress into Libra will gradually create a t-square dynamic between Mars retrograde, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. This is a critical month where tension is building to channel into dynamic shifts and changes. And Libra's emphasis requires some degree of compromise, receptiveness, and diplomacy.

As with any Full Moon, culminations, breakthroughs, resolutions, or crises are erupting, however significant or subtle. The sign of Aries is under immense developmental tension the latter half of this year due to Mars' retrograde cycle. This area of our chart will light up with this Full Moon, highlighting themes of self-assertion, risk-taking, and trailblazing in some specific arena. And as this Moon culminates, there is a collective surge of boldness, audacity, and potential conflict.

Chiron's conjunction with this Full Moon also highlights areas of woundedness, vulnerability, or blockages that seemingly prevent a healthy balance between self-interest and relational demands. However, where Chiron presents us with defects and pain, it also reveals how those places can be sources of power. While sensitive areas can become inflamed alongside this Full Moon, there is also the potential to resolve and heal on several levels through a powerful shift in perspective.

The Full Moon ruler, Mars, is currently retrograde and squaring a recently directed Saturn. While the thrust of Aries seeks proactive mobilization, there can be a feeling of just slogging along or feeling restrained by too many responsibilities or limitations. Action and progress may appear to be slow going not only in the moment but also likely over the remainder of October. Mercury's retrograde cycle also enters a square with Saturn (Oct. 13-Nov. 03), giving us time to step back and refocus.

Consider this month a time to build strength, momentum, and consider new tactics and approaches. Reframe delays, setbacks, and obstacles as potential opportunities to sharpen your focus and clarify your position. While you may feel rushed, there may be more time than you think to make revisions and consider second opinions over the next few weeks.

While Chiron's conjunction to this Full Moon may not feel comfortable, it can help clarify what stands in the way of greater freedom, directness, courage, and personal power. Sometimes, it is a fear of that power or a fear of the vulnerability that comes with claiming our space and taking a stand that keeps us hiding or in submission. And on the flip side, unchecked confidence and boldness might require active listening and adjusting from feedback—check-in with where you stand on that spectrum.

Liminal Vibes: New Moon in Virgo 2020

Photo by Fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons.

Photo by Fir0002 via Wikimedia Commons.

New Moon @ 25 Virgo 01’

September 17, 2020

4:00 AM PDT

7:00 AM EDT

New Moons are recharge and reset moments within the monthly lunar cycle, and yet that desire to lay low might be impeded by a productivity flow that can correlate with a deluge of things to do, fix, or attend to. A powerful trine from the New Moon to Saturn and Pluto can relate to the fact that for those for which this New Moon is significant (hitting planets or angles in your chart), there is likely no shortage of items on the to-do-list.

Neptune's opposition doesn't help if we have to make our way down that list, adding a powerful desire to retreat, escape, or check out from the world. While the dynamic earth sign energy wants tangible and pragmatic results, Neptune offers ambiguity and formless possibilities. The combination can be frustrating, especially when the warrior planet Mars is retrograde.

The solution, quite possibly, is to surrender, at least for the moment. That doesn't mean giving up or falling off the wagon while mindlessly indulging your every vice. It suggests a sort of enlightened acceptance of what is, which also requires being accountable for whatever is showing up right now. The Virgo energy might not be satisfied with anything less than perfect, but you can find some middle ground by showing up and simply doing your best.

Remember your humanness, don't lose sight of the process, and if you're hitting a wall, step back, meditate, or do whatever you know to do to clear your mind. There is the potential for both accomplishment and visionary/creative acquisition with this new lunar cycle. Over the next month, you might find more opportunities to improve yourself personally, professionally, or circumstantially, but only if you take the initiative and admit to what needs to change in the structure of your routines.

The transitional energy is intense with this New Moon. A mutable grand cross with the Sun/Moon, Neptune, and the lunar nodes (not to mention the encroaching equinox) can feel like moving from one dimension to the next. It's natural to feel awkward and edgy during transitions, so keep that in mind. We're all stepping into a better (not perfect) version of ourselves if we embrace some humility and a willingness to let go and trust the process.

Lastly, Neptune's opposition suggests some caution. Obfuscation in various circumstances over the next few days is high on the list, but equally poignant is an opportunity to reawaken yourself to the mystery. Collectively, we've all come to a micro-sized spiritual/existential crisis of some kind, and the question is whether we admit to what's going on or choose to ignore it. If you go with the first option, look carefully at the details in your daily routines for synchronistic signs pointing you to resolution.

A Higher View: Full Moon in Pisces 2020

ISS Expedition 34 CrewImage Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space CenterDerivative work including grading, lens profile correction and noise removal: Julian Herzog / Public domain

ISS Expedition 34 CrewImage Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space CenterDerivative work including grading, lens profile correction and noise removal: Julian Herzog / Public domain

Full Moon @ 10 degrees Pisces 12'

September 1, 2020

10:23 PM PDT

September 2, 2020

1:23 AM EDT

Despite the limitations inherent to the moment (the Saturn/Pluto conjunction most notably), this is an expansive Full Moon in tropical Pisces. This lunation might represent a cliche "calm before the storm," because yes, Mars is stationing retrograde and heading back into some tense aspects with Saturn and Pluto in September. Yet, it could potentially bring about some much-needed high-minded vision.

Mars' retrograde station cautions us with acting purely on impulse, fear, anger, or rage at the moment. However, Saturn's square helps to mitigate things from blazing entirely out of control. This Full Moon is in wide conjunction with Neptune suggesting that idealism, creativity, and delusion will be powerful themes in the next few days.

Question your response to situations more than usual with this lunation because we're all prone to missing the mark by not seeing things as clear as possible. However, Mars' retrograde cycle will correlate with an extended period of clarifying all endpoints, targets, strategies, and root causes. It will also help us put an end to things where we've had just enough.

So, aside from the usual Neptune caution (be mindful of escapist tendencies, avoidance, or passive aggression), Neptune's creative, spiritual, and visionary side is also in full force with this Full Moon. There is a culmination, breakthrough, or completion involving these themes--a moment of realization or a sudden glimpse beyond the veil.

A strong sextile to the Full Moon from Uranus suggests opportunities for sudden breaks with routine or unanticipated innovations. Uranus' sextile most likely adds to a restless desire for something beyond the mundane or radical defiance of prosaic worldviews. Pisces' focus is all-encompassing, and yes, that can feel overwhelming. But it can also feel momentarily liberating, giving us a quick break from reality's grip and an opportunity to grasp a grander view.

Check out my Full Moon in Pisces 2020 video

Illuminating Potentials: New Moon in Leo 2020

Photo by Paolo Polidori / CC BY (

Photo by Paolo Polidori / CC BY (

New Moon @ 26 degrees Leo 35'

August 18, 2020

7:42 PM PDT

10:42 PM EDT

This month's New Moon occurs in tropical Leo alongside Uranus' retrograde station. As always, New Moon's are natural starting points where new things inevitably begin and the desire to initiate and plant fresh seeds sets in. The fire sign Leo, the place of the Sun's exaltation, adds enthusiasm and drama to this New Moon.

Lying low and getting extra rest with this lunation is not entirely supported, but as with any New Moon, take your time in generating this rising, collective momentum. Regardless of some of the challenging aspects to this lunation, the Leo energy contained here is a refreshing change of ambiance and a powerful motivating force.

The Leo archetype highlights self-expressiveness, playfulness, and creativity. This New Moon is a great starting point for increasing or gaining visibility, attention, or applause, despite some limitations inherent to the moment. However, while you might want to plunge into some unstructured playtime with this New Moon, reality may be an obstacle.

Responsibilities or restrictions weigh-in here, possibly aggravatingly so, but they can direct us to what's important and help us keep on task for the weeks to come when the Earth sign energy comes in full force (via the Sun and Mercury's entrance into Virgo).

Mercury's conjunction with the New Moon directs us to the future, but it also helps us acquire a greater perspective on the implications of our current actions. While communications can come flooding in here (emails, phone calls, texts, or conversations), don't let yourself get distracted. Get specific in directing your focus and attention.

For putting your voice or a particular message out there and heard, this New Moon is undoubtedly supportive. And while other commitments or workloads can get in the way, don't let them dim your light. This New Moon is a reminder that we all deserve to illuminate the world with our own unique voice and style. Yes, bigger egos need to check themselves, but I think that most of us will benefit from this catalyzing confidence boost.

Watch my video on the New Moon in Leo here

Reach Out: Full Moon in Aquarius 2020

Photo by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos / GFDL 1.2

Photo by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos / GFDL 1.2

Full Moon @ 11 degrees Aquarius 49’

August 3, 2020

8:59 AM PDT

11:59 AM EDT

August's Full Moon occurs in tropical Aquarius, bringing about a rapid flood of breakthroughs and culminations. The Full Moon phase of the lunar cycle can correlate with a greater sense of completion or closure, or with a climax of a developing situation or issue. In contrast to the difficult astrology of 2020, this Full Moon gives us a slight break from the oppressive and restrictive energies of the last several weeks and months.

While a square from Uranus is still a challenging dynamic to this Full Moon, the Sun's placement in Leo provides an additional boost of confidence, wilfulness, and playfulness. And while Saturn, the Full Moon ruler, is a key player in the most challenging aspect of the year, its placement in Capricorn gives this Full Moon a constructive thrust that is far more manageable.

The Aquarian archetype highlights the process of individuation--breaking out and away from formative structures to forge a unique identity and life. With Uranus in square aspect to this Full Moon, the empowerment of independence, and the desire for freedom dominate the moment. Additionally, Aquarius equally highlights collaborative and communal activities--the merging and blending of various individuated perspectives.

Thus, this Full Moon may strongly correlate with a climax or resolution surrounding a process of acquiring greater independence and freedom. Or it might correlate with a sudden breakthrough or change in a communal or collaborative endeavor. In whatever way this Full Moon shows up, we can increase our agency through willingly embracing change or even initiating it ourselves. Stagnant situations or negotiations are likely to rapidly move forward alongside this lunation, whether we want them to (or not).

Uranus' square to this Full Moon can emerge as a wildcard element--the sudden emergence of unexpected change or upheaval. The Leo/Aquarius axis highlights the struggle between personal versus collective needs or desires. Uranus' square can break into ongoing processes or developments to catalyze agreement, compromise, or severing from the past.

And while it will not be possible for absolute freedom or complete compliance with this lunation, there is a chance to find potentially a middle ground, one that's arrived at through an unexpected change of circumstances or in embracing a radical approach or perspective. Venus' applying conjunction to the lunar North Node also echos a positive sign for reaching an agreement, rapport, or compromise. And when you feel stuck or limited, it may be a stubbornness to consider a broader perspective, so step up and reach out for advice.

Check out my video summary of the Full Moon in Aquarius

Rise Above: New Moon in Cancer 2020

Pdekyvere / CC BY-SA (

Pdekyvere / CC BY-SA (

New Moon @ 28 degrees tropical Cancer 27’

July 20, 2020

10:34 AM PDT

1:34 PM EDT

July's New Moon in tropical Cancer is the first lunation beyond the recent triple eclipse pathway--a series of three eclipses that occurred alongside Venus and Mercury's retrograde cycles beginning in early June. As such, this New Moon brings about some stability and normalcy, as much as that's possible within the context of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.

The combination of eclipses and retrograde cycles may have correlated with significant alterations in our plans, goals, and expectations. The astrology of the past few weeks has also likely related to the emergence of new issues that need our attention, or it may have redirected us to matters left unresolved.

With the New Moon in close opposition to Saturn, this lunation contains some challenges, but with both the Moon and Saturn in their ruling signs, this moment can be constructive and even clarifying. With Mars in Aries (where it will transit until early Jan 2021), this dynamic energy helps us to pinpoint and specify, clearing the air of assumptions or speculations.

Consider that at the heart of Saturn energy is often the opportunity to step up to new challenges supportive of growth. And within presented limitations lies the potential to clarify and prioritize. While this lunation can feel potentially restrictive, it holds the possibility to narrow down priorities, so we know where we need to take action.

The launch of objectives, plans, or goals that require discipline, focus, and persistence can do well under this New Moon. Since we're now clear of two inner planetary retrograde cycles and the eclipses, this lunation opens space for movement where we may have faced delays, stagnation, or uncertainty before.

The sign of Cancer and Neptune's wide trine to this lunation suggests also stepping out of overly rational ways of figuring things out or solving problems. Tapping into intuitive or emotional signals can provide significant insight with this lunation that we might miss if we rely only on the mind.

The sign of Cancer emphasizes healing, nourishment, and the active pursuit of safety. With this lunation, lies an opportunity to utilize received insight to plan, coordinate, and strategize ways to achieve those above-mentioned qualities. And while you might find a lot that needs to get done right now, use this New Moon as a moment for rest and recovery whenever possible.

Sink into this lunation as you would a womb-like safe place, despite any current fears, anxieties, or obstacles. Connect inward with a place of safety within you, and experience what that feels like. Trusting the flow can be difficult for many of us at the moment, but this lunation reminds us how important and valuable it is to trust the flow and what shows up despite the challenging astrology of this year (and a bit beyond). When I think about my own life and the larger, global struggles, I'm reminded of past struggles and how, at the time, I never thought I'd get through them.

Yet, somehow, I did. While Saturn's opposition can be a daunting presence with this lunation, it also contains the wisdom we carry from past obstacles we've overcome and the reminder of the strength we cultivated to push our way through them. While Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn can be perceivably formidable energies this year, trust in your strength and the strength you're currently building. Look to the future and see yourself radiant and triumphant. Believe in your power and rise above. And fortunately, the Sun's ingress into Leo on July 22 will bring more radiance and a confidence surge, too. All things we desperately need.

Breaking Off: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 2020

Photo by Jonathan Bean jonathanbean / CC0

Photo by Jonathan Bean jonathanbean / CC0

Full Moon/Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 13 degrees Capricorn 38'

July 4, 2020

9:45 PM PDT

July 5, 2020

12:45 AM EDT

July's Full Moon in tropical Capricorn is the last eclipse of the current eclipse season. As a partial penumbral lunar eclipse, it won't be too visually striking or astrologically significant, but as a lunar eclipse, it represents a more powerful than usual Full Moon. You can anticipate some significant breakthroughs, culminations, or crises as the Full Moon reaches its peak this weekend. The eclipse will be visible directly over South America but also partially visible over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

As we near the end of the triple eclipse pathway, you may have encountered an acceleration of changes in various parts of your life. Eclipses correlate with deep, often inward, transformative processes that quicken ongoing, chronic, or developing issues. This can help push a situation closer to a much-needed resolution, and combined with Venus and Mercury retrograde cycles, it may have unveiled things that have long been concealed from view.

This Full Moon/eclipse in Capricorn highlights a zodiac sign that has been the backdrop for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, currently augmented by Jupiter's passing conjunction. Saturn has moved back into Capricorn after a brief dip in Aquarius, and is closing in again on Pluto. The heavy, sobering, and challenging themes of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction will be at the forefront until December. Yet, as I've written about, we aren't completely clear of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction until the end of 2021.

This full moon/eclipse can magnify the weight and enormity of responsibilities and hardships, dredging up deep-seated fear and uncertainty. Jupiter's conjunction with Pluto can also be related to some level of exaggeration, so don't give in fully to the hype of the moment, even if there is some truth to present concerns. With the transits currently impacting this sign, and the obvious correlations to a pandemic, economic uncertainty, and civil unrest, this Full Moon/eclipse can set off many of the fears and anxieties that dominated the earlier half of this year.

Capricorn symbolizes a level of conservatism--the control of impulse or the time, energy, and sacrifice required to accomplish great things. As this Full Moon/eclipse beams down on us, we might feel the pressure to confront limitations or consequences. Yet, it might also stand to reinforce what we've already mastered and remind us of how far we've actually come. With the Full Moon in opposition to Mercury retrograde, there is a strong pull toward reflection and contemplation of past achievements.

Additionally, Mercury's retrograde cycle is likely drawing us to revisit and revise some things. Combined with this Full Moon, it may symbolize tending to challenging realities we have to confront now. There is a feeling of inevitability within the dynamic transits in Capricorn and within the sign itself. There are things we can't avoid as this Full Moon culminates, yet facing and resolving them could have lasting benefit and value.

Mars' wide square to the Full Moon is another vector of conflict, a theme we've seen in the last two eclipses/lunations. Mars in Aries suggests that anger, rage, and intentional action are no longer thwarted. Mars' square to the Full Moon is hyper-catalytic, breaking up stagnation and pushing us along toward achieving our desired goals. Be wary of how far you assert yourself or how much force you end up using. With Mars in Aries until early January, it marks a period where the warrior's power is more readily accessible, but be cautious and mindful of how you direct it.

Chiron's square to the Full Moon/eclipse axis and conjunction to Mars is also an invitation to reach out and heal wounds related to conflict trauma or action avoidance. There are some painful realities embedded in this Full Moon culmination for many of us. However, Chiron's presence can symbolize asking or reaching for help that can change or alter your perception of such pain, using it as a catalyst to take action.

Lastly, Uranus' close trine to the Full Moon is a call to freedom and represents the sudden emergence of liberation. Uranus allows for a steak of rebellion, innovation, and breaking away from usual routines. The predominance of the Earth element between Uranus in Taurus and the Full Moon/eclipse in Capricorn, suggests that we're weaving together physical and material circumstances, finding new ways to manage mundane situations.

A Solstice Eclipse: New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2020

Photo by Callan Carpenter / CC BY-SA

Photo by Callan Carpenter / CC BY-SA

New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse @ 00 degrees Cancer 21'

June 20, 2020

11:42 PM PDT

June 21, 2020

2:42 AM EDT

June's New Moon is an annular solar eclipse in tropical Cancer. It also occurs alongside the solstice (summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern). The eclipse will be visible from most of Africa, parts of Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Russia, Indonesia, and Melanesia. This New Moon/solar eclipse represents the epicenter of the current eclipse season, a brief period of rapid inner and outer changes occurring in both personal and collective fields. Eclipses can correlate with increasing intensity in relation to developing events, but they also have their own specific correlations that can take time to gestate and manifest.

What makes this encroaching eclipse unique is that it falls on the first degree of Cancer, activating the cardinal axis of the tropical zodiac. The last eclipse to occur at this exact degree was a total solar eclipse on June 21, 2001. And before this, the last eclipse to activate the cardinal axis occurred on December 22, 1889, at the first degree of Capricorn.

While I won't go into the details of these past eclipses and their (delayed) correlation with significant historical events, I will say that considering the challenging astrology of 2020, this eclipse is likely to be significantly involved in much the same way. Yet, at the moment, let's first look at this eclipse as a potent new beginning, a collective and personal reset moment that can seed potentially powerful potentials and possibilities.

New Moons are always a fresh start, but when they're also a solar eclipse (especially nearly total), that symbolism becomes exceptionally pronounced. Occurring on the cardinal axis and very close to the lunar north node, this New Moon/solar eclipse has a powerful outward and mobilizing thrust. Such is the nature of cardinal energy--dynamic and catalytic.

Solstice means "sun stands still." During the summer solstice, the Sun stops ascending and begins descending toward the autumnal equinox. During the winter solstice, the Sun stops descending and begins ascending toward the spring equinox. Both solstice points symbolize the attainment of a point of limitation in either a peak (summer) or a trough (winter). They indicate moments of reflection and achievement of perspective from a position of pause or rest.

The sign of Cancer has the notorious correlations with the inward dimensions of life experience, commonly emphasizing domestic concerns--safety, security, and protection. Cancerian energy can also relate to the stimulation of nationalism or relate specifically to national security and stability issues. This New Moon/solar eclipse likely marks a decisive turning point in several domestically related concerns or questions.

Yet, Cancer is also symbolic of the healer and nourisher, carrying significant symbolism relating to the womb, a place that gives and sustains life. If we also consider the archetype of the home, we must go beyond the standard vision of the nuclear family to the heart of humanity's earliest tribal bonds. Cancer symbolizes a connection to our past as well as our need for loving intimacy and trusting relationship.

Cancer encapsulates a sense of longing for belonging and the understanding that the world is sometimes a dangerous place. Having a place of refuge and safety can provide protection and reassurance, but also, over-attachment to safety can lead us to endure a dull and passive existence. Yet, at heart, Cancer is not passive. It is cardinal energy after all, and it symbolizes taking the initiative to secure oneself and others from external threats.

Current events strongly speak to these themes. We are amid much civil unrest here in the United States, relating to abuses of power negatively harming the health and safety of the people. Specifically, black Americans are disproportionally the victims of violence inflicted by police. Calls for defunding, reforming, or abolishing police departments nationwide are currently getting louder alongside the peak of this eclipse and season.

Yet, while magnifying current events, this eclipse also seeds new events and developments that will likely unfold when the eclipse degree is re-activated. Mars activates this solar eclipse by conjunction on April 24, 2021 and then again Jan 21, 2022 by an opposition. Globally significant events around those dates are likely. Mars may play a significant role in this eclipses' future manifestations, considering its square aspect to the eclipse from Pisces.

And alongside Mars, Neptune widely squares this eclipse, stimulating the imaginal potential of Cancer. As with the lunar eclipse two weeks ago, there are still some elements of obfuscation related to this New Moon/eclipse, but there is a creative and visionary catalyst as well. Mars can relate to a heightened level of aggression, outrage, and defensiveness, but also the arrival of motivation needed to begin creating or dreaming a new foundation.

The challenge of this eclipse lies in its push to reach out and be proactive. Cardinal energy requires action, and so this is an essential point for pushing in new directions. However, consider also Mercury's retrograde cycle reinforcing the inward dimension of Cancer and the New Moon generally. Typical advice includes caution with pushing too fast or too hard.

Use this eclipse to step back and gain perspective and gently and mindfully plants the seeds of change. With the occurrence of this Cancer solar eclipse, and both Venus and Mercury retrograde, this moment also brings us powerfully to the past to revisit, resolve, release, or re-create. At least as I imagine it, we are merely consciousness moving along a spiral of change and expansion. Naturally, we will come back to places we've been before or feel drawn toward nostalgic experiences and encounters. This moment is imbued with such revisiting.

Trust is a potent keyword for this New Moon/solar eclipse. Saturn's quincunx aspect from Aquarius speaks to the challenge of being vulnerable and susceptible to limitations wrought by authority. There are restrictions placed on this New Moon, delaying or withholding a complete heart-opening and connection. Harsh realities that must be accepted.

However, limitations aren't necessarily a bad thing. My mantra for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction era (a period lasting until roughly the end of 2021) is "creativity thrives in uncertainty." In uncertain moments, we're forced to be adaptable, flexible, and willing to accept an undetermined future. Uncertainty can free us from the trap of redundancy and push us to take new risks. Of course, be cautious and take your time, but trust what's emerging and coming forward with this New Moon/solar eclipse.

And while the past can be enticing, consider this eclipse's close conjunction to the lunar North Node. Embracing the future doesn't mean ignoring, subjugating, or erasing the past altogether, but using the wisdom from the past to build a more sustainable and fully informed future. With more challenges that lie ahead of us amid the historic conjunctions of this year, we could use a moment to pause, step back, and carefully plan the next big move.

For personal readings with Chad Woodward, click here.

What's up With the Zodiac? Why Signs and Constellations Are Not the Same

Photo by Alejandro Sanchez de Miguel / CC BY-SA

Photo by Alejandro Sanchez de Miguel / CC BY-SA

By Chad Woodward

Astrology is well-known as the "study of the stars," yet most people have no idea that stars don’t typically play a central role in modern astrology, except for one. The Sun is the most well-known star in astrology, most notably because even people who dismiss astrology or know very little about it still know their Sun sign. Some modern astrologers utilize "fixed stars" when reading charts, especially bright ones such as Regulus, Sirius, or Spica. However, the vast majority of astrologers prioritize planets (and many non-planetary objects such as asteroids or even non-physical objects like the lunar nodes) when reading charts. 

Astrology plays a significant role in popular culture due to the ubiquity of Sun sign horoscopes in major newspapers, magazines, and now throughout the internet and social media. While the popularity of Sun signs has helped boost astrology’s visibility, it’s also led to some misconceptions. Many people think that the zodiac signs are the literal zodiacal constellations made of stars, but that's not technically true. When most people refer to their sign (sometimes referred to as a “star sign”) they're referring to the placement of the Sun in the tropical zodiac on the day of their birth. In actuality, there is more than one zodiac, and the vast majority of astrologers are not talking about constellations when they refer to planets in specific signs. While the tropical zodiac predominates in modern western astrology and popular culture, two other zodiacs exist and they played a significant role in the development of both western and eastern astrology.

All three zodiacs, including the tropical zodiac, align with the ecliptic (the path the Sun appears to move along throughout the year). However, the tropical zodiac signs do not line up exactly with the constellations they were named after. In other words, the tropical sign of Aries does not match up with the constellation of Aries. Tropical signs and constellations are two separate things. If your Sun sign is Aries, the Sun was not in the constellation of Aries at your birth. It was technically in the constellation of Pisces. Does that mean that every Aries is really a Pisces? No. 

Despite what some scientists and astronomers occasionally claim in the media or written publications, your Sun sign in the modern western astrological tradition has no relationship to the constellations. And astrologers are well aware of this. Also, there is no 13th Sun sign, only a 13th constellation (Ophiuchus), but as you now know, that has no relation to the zodiac used by most western astrologers. Your Sun sign is based on the tropical zodiac, not the constellations.

There are twelve tropical zodiac signs used by the majority of western astrologers, and each tropical sign is comprised of exactly thirty degrees. However, the constellations vary in size. Virgo, the largest constellation along the ecliptic, covers forty-seven degrees of the sky, while the constellation of Cancer covers only fifteen (Lash, 50, 1999). In the tropical zodiac, there is no such size variation between the signs. 

So how did this happen? At one point, early astrologers used the constellations. Yet, the astrology utilized by the first western astrologers differed significantly from the way it was conceived later on. The use of astrology as a topological view of human personality is mostly a modern conception influenced by psychology and Western individualism. The earliest western astrologers weren't using astrology to understand character traits, or even an individual's fate or destiny. The names and images from the constellational zodiac were not developed to describe human nature.

Western astrology began roughly 4,000 years ago in the area of modern Iraq. In the ancient world, this region was known as Mesopotamia, which lay inside the fertile crescent (an area not as fertile today due to several millennia of agriculture and climate change). Mesopotamian astrologers used astrology to record omens on small clay tablets. They were primarily interested in the correlation of celestial and mundane events, such as the occurrence of an eclipse and the death of a king (Rochberg-Halton, 1988, 94). 

Early Mesopotamian astrology was mostly concerned with events impacting large populations and regions (Brennan,2017, 2). So, aside from the king, individuals were not the initial focus. And without the ability to accurately predict celestial events, this omen-based astrology centered around the documentation of events during or after their occurrence (Holden, 1996, 3). Mesopotamian astrologers exclusively used the constellations along the ecliptic until the fifth century BCE when twelve equal signs of thirty-degree increments came into use (Rochberg, 2004, 130). Also, around this same time, evidence of horoscopes created for individuals began to show up (Rochberg, 2004, 3). 

The Mesopotamian zodiac with twelve equal signs is known as the sidereal zodiac and is still in use today, mainly in eastern traditions (or by western astrologers utilizing it). The sidereal zodiac roughly aligns with the constellations but does not precisely correspond to the constellations because the sidereal signs are equal in size while the constellations are not. The tropical zodiac widely used by western astrologers today (which is the basis for an individual's tropical Sun sign), was developed during the Hellenistic period in ancient Egypt and Greece around the latter part of the second century and early first century BCE.

In this diagram, note the size difference of Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio in the constellational zodiac (outer wheel) compared to the sidereal and tropical zodiac signs (middle and inner wheels respectively). The constellation boundaries are significa…

In this diagram, note the size difference of Virgo, Cancer, and Scorpio in the constellational zodiac (outer wheel) compared to the sidereal and tropical zodiac signs (middle and inner wheels respectively). The constellation boundaries are significantly variable and uneven when compared to the standardized zodiacs that developed later on. Also note how the tropical zodiac is constructed by the equinoxes and solstices while the sidereal zodiac roughly aligns with the constellations but has notable overlap.

The tropical zodiac is constructed from the locations of the equinox and solstice points. For example, in the tropical zodiac, the sign of Aries begins at the vernal equinox which initiates spring in the northern hemisphere. Each sign is then constructed by thirty-degree increments starting from the vernal/spring equinox. The other three cardinal signs align with the solstices and equinoxes. The tropical sign of Cancer begins at the summer solstice, the tropical sign of Libra begins at the autumnal equinox, and the tropical sign of Capricorn begins at the winter solstice. 

The equinox and solstice points gradually shift backward through the constellational zodiac due to a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. Put simply, this precession results from the Earth's wobble along its axis as it orbits the Sun. Thus, in the tropical system, the first degree of Aries shifts backward through the constellations so that today it falls in the constellation of Pisces instead of Aries. This backward shift occurs at a rate of one degree roughly every 72 years. The symbolism of the tropical zodiac draws heavily upon the seasonal rhythm rather than the ecliptic constellations despite assimilating their names and images.

During the Hellenistic era, however, the tropical and sidereal zodiacs roughly corresponded with one another, and their symbolism influenced the meaning of the signs in each system (Brennan, 2017, 217). The discovery of precession did not occur until around the second century BCE. It even then was not widely recognized by astrologers for several centuries after that (Jones, 1989, 29). It took time for the tropical zodiac to gain more widespread use among astrologers, but once it did, it solved a problem that precession eventually brought about: the gradual movement of the constellations and sidereal signs relative to the equinoxes and solstices.

There is still debate in both academic and astrological communities over the historical development and usage of these systems in the ancient world. The Hellenistic tradition of astrology that developed in Greece and later in the Roman Empire evolved more complexity to which modern western astrology is heavily based. The correspondence, or rulership, of certain planets and tropical zodiac signs, developed out of the Hellenistic astrological tradition and it works strictly within the framework of the tropical zodiac.

The seasonal symbolism inherent to the tropical zodiac is obvious. The initiatory and catalyzing qualities of cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn emerge from their initiation of a new season. The stabilizing qualities of fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius result from their static position between seasons. And the association of versatility and instability with the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are related to their transitional position from one season to the next.

The origin of the tropical zodiac and its deviation from the constellations is pretty clear. The zodiac of modern western astrology is, for the most part, starless, with the exception of the Sun and the fixed stars that are occasionally used. Of course, the tropical signs are transposed over the stars and constellations along the ecliptic, and thus everyone's tropical Sun sign is placed among them. However, the meaning of your tropical Sun sign stems from the meaning derived from the tropical zodiac and its complex interaction with seasonal symbolism, the sidereal zodiac, and the names derived from the constellations. 

Which Zodiac is Correct?

The confusion over the three zodiacs and their association with astrology often spark debate in the general public, scientific and academic communities, and among astrologers themselves. It's important to realize that the premise of astrology, that celestial events correlate with Earth-based events is agreed upon no matter what branch of astrology a person comes. It doesn't matter which zodiac system one uses, the planets or other placements are typically the same. One exception to this is when using a heliocentric (Sun-centered) as opposed to the geocentric (Earth-centered) model. There are valid reasons for using the geocentric model in astrology (since astrology uses perspective as a metaphor), but that is a discussion beyond the scope of this article.

From a geocentric perspective, when a planet appears to turn retrograde, an eclipse occurs, or several planets conjoin in the sky, they do so in either zodiac system in the same place in the sky. The difference is in the naming or designation of that portion of the sky. The Sun signs that most people refer to in western society draw their symbolism from the tropical zodiac. The meaning given to those signs represents the intersection of seasonal symbolism from the northern latitudes as well as the system of rulerships born out the Hellenistic tradition of astrology. 

For example, in the western, tropical system, the planet Saturn has rulership of Capricorn and Aquarius, and that planet is said to be empowered in being in those signs. Saturn's relationship to other planets or its interaction with the horizon in a chart is the same in either a sidereal or tropical zodiac. The method of assessing the strength and weakness of certain planets based on the placement of planets or objects in a particular zodiac sign differs between the tropical and sidereal. 

Some astrologers subscribe to the fundamentalist view that one zodiac is more correct or superior to another. There are proponents of the sidereal zodiac who feel that because the sidereal zodiac aligns more closely with the constellations, it's more aligned with astrology's original foundations. Yet, while the sidereal signs do roughly correspond to the constellations, they don't precisely because sidereal signs are still divided by precise thirty-degree increments while the constellations are not. In the sidereal zodiac, half of Libra falls in the constellation of Virgo, and portions of other signs overlap with more than one constellation. 

As a western astrologer, I use the tropical zodiac, and I find that it works within the context of that system. I don't believe the tropical zodiac to be superior or more correct than sidereal, or even the constellational zodiac. The zodiac is simply a way of placing celestial objects in specific positions and tracking their relationships and movements through time. Each zodiac, like the different house systems, reflects different ways of looking at essentially the same thing. For me, the differences between various branches of astrology reflect different perspectives and neither one is more superior or more valid than another.

Even within the context of the tropical zodiac, there is wide variation in the application of that information. A birth chart can be used to assess topical life events, personality characteristics, psychological disposition, or even the purpose or destiny a person is meant to carry out. There are also significant differences between a chart cast for a person, event, or object. Astrology is all about perspective, and I think that diversity within and between cultures should be embraced. 

The idea that a system of knowledge should be homogenized and static suggests that there is only one way to understand reality. If astrology can teach us anything, it's that the truth can be understood from multiple points of view and there are many ways to arrive at it. An individual's horoscope is not a proclamation of a static and unchanging fate and destiny, and even if such a thing exists, I don't believe astrology can give a definitive picture of it. 

As a tool of divination, astrology operates as an oracle that works on the basis of acausal or synchronistic principles. No matter which zodiac or paradigm an astrologer (or anyone) uses to interpret a chart, there will be wide variation in the encoded information. And there will be variation in how that information is decoded by the person receiving the information. In my perspective, astrology's goal is not to espouse some strict view of who a person is or might become, but to inspire in them the ability to engage in their lives co-creatively and to realize that their lives are a part of a much vaster and interconnected whole. 


Brennan, Chris. Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune. Denver: Amor Fati Publications, 2017. 

Holden, James Herschel. A History of Horoscopic Astrology: From the Babylonian Period to the Modern Age. Tempe: American Federation of Astrologers, 1996. 

Jones, Prudence. “Celestial and Terrestrial Orientation: The Origins of House Division in Ancient Cosmology.” In: History and Astrology: Clio and Urania Confer, ed. Annabella Kitson. London: Unwin, 1989. 

Lash, John. Quest for the Zodiac: The Cosmic Code Beyond Astrology. Loughborough: Thoth Publications, 1999. 

Rochberg-Halton, Francesca. Aspects of Babylonian Celestial Divination: The Lunar Eclipse Tablets of Enuma Anu Enlil. Horn: Berger, 1988.

Rochberg, Francesca. The Heavenly Writing: Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 

Listen to the Rage: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2020

kallerna / CC BY-SA (

kallerna / CC BY-SA (

Penumbral lunar eclipse @ 15 degrees Sagittarius 34’

June 5, 2020

12:13 PM PST

3:13 PM EST

This month's Full Moon is the first lunar eclipse of the 2020 eclipse season (and the first of three eclipses). As I wrote about last week, this triple eclipse season is an extended period of accelerated change. As often is the case during eclipses, events unfold more rapidly, and inner changes happen more readily. Eclipses also correlate with the amplification of developing events, taking things to a deeper and intensified dimension. 

This lunar eclipse symbolizes a more dramatic culmination, breakthrough, crisis, or resolution involving ongoing, developing themes. In tropical Sagittarius, there is an atmosphere of expansion, despite Jupiter (the eclipse ruler) in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto. Yet, we cannot deny the imprint of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on this lunation, a challenging period of structural disintegration and rebirth.

Jupiter's closeness to Pluto inflames cultural blindspots and toxic baggage relating to issues of power. In many ways, Jupiter transiting between Saturn and Pluto symbolizes collective hope and faith perceivably beleaguered. Despite the inherent optimistic thrust of Sagittarius, there can be a sense of futility moving through the archetypal field. Optimism can also give way to the Sagittarian underbelly--fanaticism and reckless audacity. 

With the eclipse in opposition to Venus retrograde in Gemini, we are back to a place we've been before (though altered along the spiral). The Venusian fate weaver dredges up karmic residue in several relational dynamics, but it also opens our hearts to realities unfamiliar. Sagittarius, in its positive face, seeks foreign perspectives and holistic integration. Therefore, a new understanding can collect and solidify alongside this lunation, allowing comprehension of a differing point of view. 

Perhaps that is the point of opening our hearts. Without diversity, our species would die. Yet, a heart-opening conversation or a desire to seek understanding can be either catalyzed or severed by volatile, emotional forces. Mars and Neptune in Pisces square the eclipse, creating a potentially violent break in the surface of events. Mars' approaching conjunction with Neptune, however, can obfuscate, dissipate, or misdirect the target. But it can also symbolize the emergence of a unified tsunami of anger, frustration, and fear, all struggling for communicative expression. 

At heart, as astrologer Jason Holley (2019) suggests, the square "defeats the part of you that wants to be isolated and asks you to become relational." That wisdom feels deeply pertinent for the moment of this eclipse. While tensions can be inflamed, and rage can seep through the unconscious abyss, there is ultimately the desire to break through barriers that have kept us divided. With this eclipse, we can find the relational path-- authentic, soulful dialogue, and a strong assertion of boundaries. 

Mars' approach to Neptune (exact June 13/14), can symbolize the warrior's energy motivated by strong ideals and unity. Perhaps it speaks to the uncomfortable truth that unity must sometimes be fought for. However, in Pisces' vast sea, the enormity and complexity of the enemy can seem overwhelming and evasive. Be mindful of your inner Mars, that is to say, your inner warrior. Listen to, open your heart to, but don't get lost in the sea of rage. 


Holley, Jason. 2019. Psychologizing the Ancient Doctrine of Sect. Astrology University. 

The Triple Eclipse Pathway

Kevin Baird / CC BY-SA (

Kevin Baird / CC BY-SA (

With the next three lunations occurring close to the lunar nodes, we are swiftly moving into the first eclipse season of 2020. Eclipses happen every year. There are typically two pairs of eclipses annually, but this encroaching eclipse season consists of three (something that occurs variably every few years). As always, how much we "feel" an eclipse depends mainly on how it connects to our chart and how close we are to the eclipse path (whether or not we can see it).

Eclipses are subtle, and the events that coincide with them take time to emerge. One useful way of looking at eclipses is that they operate like extra significant New or Full Moons that open a sensitized area of the zodiac that can be active for several months. Solar eclipses can symbolize a significant beginning or starting point, while lunar eclipses can signify a more substantial culmination or completion. And the eclipse season itself can subjectively feel like an accelerated period of personal growth and awareness expansion.

Inner and outer constructs can rapidly reshuffle themselves, leaving us mysteriously changed and impacted. Acceleration is one consistent theme that eclipses bring about as if change happens more readily and is more accessible than otherwise. The need to remain open to that dimension is helpful to anticipate. Occurring alongside both Venus and Mercury changing direction, this eclipse season unfolds to create a confluence of shifting events. And the triple eclipses extend the eclipse season portal, giving us a longer brewing time for dynamic changes to occur.

This eclipse season consists of two penumbral lunar eclipses (where the earth's outer shadow, or penumbra, partially crosses the lunar surface) and an annular solar eclipse in between (basically a total solar eclipse but with a ring of sunlight around the Moon's shadow). The first penumbral lunar eclipse occurs on June 5/6 in Sagittarius, visible from Africa, Australia, the Middle East, and most of Europe and Asia. The annular solar eclipse occurs on June 21 in Cancer, visible from southern Europe, the Middle East, and most of Africa and Asia. The last penumbral lunar eclipse occurs on July 4/5 in Capricorn, visible from North and South America (excluding Alaska and northwest Canada), Africa, and western Europe.

With the addition of Venus and Mercury's stations, anticipate the month of June to be a period of rapidly changing directions, narratives, and inner processes. Trusting your insight and heightened perception is a significant key to pushing through this triple eclipse portal. Amid the pandemic and all that it's brought to the surface, consider this an extra detour (or scenic route). The combination of eclipses and inner planetary retrogrades relates to the amplification of perceptual changes and extensive revisioning to several dimensions of our lives.

Mercury and Venus both station (appear to cease movement) within one week of each other in June. Mercury stations retrograde June 17/18 and Venus stations direct June 24/25. This apparent retrograde shift can correlate with a transition from heart to mind. While Venus' retrograde increases the volume on our heart perception, Mercury increases the data flow via a higher volume of information and communication.

Yet, with Venus in Gemini, and Mercury in Cancer, there is an ongoing theme relating the heart to our perceptions--making emotionally charged adjustments to our worldview (including beliefs, ideas, and opinions about how reality works). As with eclipses and Mercury retrograde cycles, practice humility--keep both heart and mind receptive and flexible to incoming data streams. We are each making significant changes to how we see and understand our lives. The next month might appear as a rapid change in navigation, so consider taking your time in re-routing and adjusting.